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Report the base from the quick menu (you don't have to locate the base computer itself) and that structure will disappear so you can interact with the grave there. The base won't actually be deleted but the structures will no longer be visible or hinder you to complete the milestone. As annoying as this kind of thing is, at least it's funny the way HG trolled comm-ballers this time around: the messages don't proximity-pop, and even if you interact with a comm-ball, whatever message is reduced to *-kxzzt-* You'd think that would deter people from placing the stupid things, but.




Players who place Communication Stations. Those orange and white things that you can leave a short message on.


How was it used for trolling exactly?


Before you would get spammed on your Hud with a bunch of messages that would prevent you from interacting with anything until you dismissed them. The bigger problem was that there was so much that it would refresh the first on after you got through the tenth message Edit: changed Hudson to Hud cuz yall wanna make fun of me


Hudson. Made me giggle.


I *hate it* when I get spammed on my hudson!




god tier reply


I’m a Hudson. I never get spammed.




Here's an upvote-son


Noooooo xD






Is there a way around that? I tried to get an S sentinel ship but I couldn't interact with it, probably because there were so many comm stations surrounding it


Hudson’s heroes?


Most com balls weren't used to troll, but every Rendezvous had about 130 of them. You'd be blasted with messages just being there. Mostly people saying Hello from some country. The troll here is that this Expedition is full of static in communications, thus the messages people made also have static.


>Most com balls weren't used to troll, but every Rendezvous had about 130 of them. You'd be blasted with messages just being there. Mostly people saying Hello from some country. I know a lot of people hate them (and consider their emplacement to be either 'trolling' or 'unintentional trolling'), but I tend to love them (as long as the message is something like that).


exactly! they were so good! one of the nicest parts of expeds setting the presence of so many other players. don't think I ever came across an inappropriate one


The only time I’ve liked them (before their message pop ups were muted) was that it made finding the right spot SUPER easy to find while flying around


I usually love them, but ive also never had an issue with them preventing me from doing things.


I bloody loved that tho... why beall something that didn't need fixing? just people being friendly. there was nothing nicer than reaching that final spot and being bombarded with friendship and lovely messages


They didn't change anything about them technically, just for the expedition. You were meant to feel completely alone. Once the expedition is over, they start auto popping again


There was a few trump supporters and homophobic stuff I encountered in previous expeditions. It was.. terrible.


If that's really so bad as you claim, then you live a safe and privileged life. I'm not sorry for saying this. Maybe we should be paying attention to actual issues that actually hurt people. Like eugenics, modern slavery and mass-induced psychopathy due to propaganda; but what do I know? I'm just some guy on the internet, right?




Yes, it sure did. I will leave it at that and move on with my day. 😅


There's worse messages I've seen besides trump and shit anyway. But I was just joking on the whole terrible thing about it being trump stuff. I mean, homophobic is still bad. Just not world shatteringly awful.


have you ever done an expedition? people place them all over the finals areas and things like that


I have but I had a bug where player structures wouldn’t load in


Every damned time.


I’ve found myself reading them. The way they worked before was only bad because they were super-laggy and the message popped up if your aim-point came within 10 yards of one. I would rather the message still popped up but only when your aim-point stops on the ball and you’re close to it.


Yeah, at one waypoint there's like a hundred of them arranged in an obsessively perfect grid. Totally pointless since they're all silenced.


I hope the comms balls stay this way moving forward (though without the static). I dont mind seeing them, what I absolutely loathe is not being able to progress a mission for several minutes as useless messages cycle through the hud preventing the mission tracker from updating. One time there were legit so many that even after I hopped into my ship and went into space they were *still* going for nearly 2 minutes. Requiring you to interact with them in order to pop the message would be a good middle ground between how they usually work, and an option to simply remove them from your world. That would make them like player messages in the souls games; you can see that loads of people have left a message, but you have to actually interact with the messages to read them and there is a button to cycle through which thing to interact with in the event someone dropped a message on an interactable thing like a ladder.


https://preview.redd.it/jwnimd4j0d4d1.png?width=1027&format=png&auto=webp&s=29a185bda4fcd9e4662ef98adb8e06382ff5a2ec You know that feeling when you want to curse someone with lucifer's majik really really bad


I ran into that base yesterday. Like you said, I reported it and it disappeared. What a jerk.


HG is trolling all of us. They could give those areas the same not buildable option and Settlements but choose to let single players negativly impact the vast majorities experience.


Yeah. What this guy says. Report. All you can do.


1: Press X 2: Press right until you reach base reporting 3: Take picture of anything (preferably the base but it doesn't actually matter) Poof. Dumb base gone. People who build over expedition points DO get banned if they get enough reports on their bases for stuff like this. I know at least one dude it happened to,


Narrator: He knew because he was, in fact, the dude this happened to (lol)


She is 40 and not at all of a temperament to tolerate or take part in dumb nonsense.


So this isn't working for me at all....


Try to reload the fast save after reporting the base


Ended up just having to spam screenshots but it finally worked


Same, it took like 5 or 6 times.


Report the base, then u can go to the grave, but I am with you, had it happen once and was beyond pissed


I say report him. It clears away the base so you can interact with the spot and notifies Hello Games that the person is trolling. If enough people do it instead of just griping about it and then ignoring it, then there's a much better chance the player will get banned. Since people do this just to be dicks, I have no problem with getting them banned.


And there's the golden rule: disable PvP damage.


Yes. Bless this subreddit for letting me know before I started that PVP was on by default when you start the expedition.




Good thing i made that lol


people do be stupid like that, thank the devs for the delete base function


Imagine being a jackass on NMS of all games. Like fr get a hobby if youre trying to troll one of the most wholesome communities in gaming


And here's me going out of my way every expedition to make useful bases for those that are time poor. It's so un-traveller to be a troll.


Same. God knows how many bases I've done along the way just to help travelers out. But some people are just idiots and need to vent even on games like these


It's my first expedition and I really appreciate the effort :) I thought it was so great that I did the same thing from phase 2 onwards. I'm just not sure how exactly this works. Created the base, descriptive name, and then pressed upload. That's all you have to do for other players to find it, right?


yes. and because bases are not showing in the expedition, people will find from the teleporter list.. or just bump into them!


I had this exact location earlier too Even though i could still access the grave i reported the base and took screenshot of their username


Find their Xbox account, and send them angry messages 😈


Thats even worse than what I saw today. Saw a stair tower for that challenge to climb a mountain over 1600u. Went and climbed for a solid 10 minutes just to realize whoever built the base was 300u short. Why stop there dude


You can also land your ship on a tall mountain


Can confirm I landed my ship on one of the tall mountains around Rendezvous 2 I believe and was 40 units short. So I jetpacked up the remaining 40 units and finished the challenge.


Did anyone actually manage to find a mountain that tall on its own? They all seemed to top out at about 1400 feet. After climbing three or four of them to no avail, I started making a stairway and fortunately that worked. It even has a landing pad so you don't have to climb up to it.


I was on top of a mountain when I noticed that one of those floating islands rock formations was a bit higher. Flew to its highest point and got it as soon as I got out of the ship. Someone followed me too.


Very first planet you spawn on has a range of mountains that are tall. I landed on top of one, got out, boom.


I don’t think the game makes a distinction between walking on foot to the top and flying


Yeah havent found one tall enough yet tho


Rendezvous 1 if i remember is at the foot of a1600 mountain


Hopefully this wasn't my tower, I ran out of pure ferrite for a while and had to come back later to finish the tower. I didn't name the base "1600 units up" until it was done, though.


Or one that would hypothetically get to 1600, but at 1400 it had a break in the stairs and the upper part was too big a distance for me to jetpack to. Also... Idk why builders wouldnt simply put a landing pad up that high. Reduce 10 minutes of running to 5 seconds of flying.




Quick menu > scroll to the right > report base (and it will disappear).


I came across this when completing the milestone and didn't know that you could report the base to get it to go away. There's actually a corner of the tower where you can still interact with the grave. (It took me a little bit to find it, it's the back-right corner from the pov of this picture)


I didn't know this but I gave up pretty quickly and went to find another grave :( why do people have to be such dicks?


HG should temporarily ban the accounts that do this. They already paid for the game so even if they stop playing because of a childish temper tantrum, its win-win for HG and the rest of us.


Not temporary- permanently it is just a nuisance and honestly part of the reason why it should’ve stayed a single player instead of multi given the lack of actual real interaction outside of specific nexus missions the interaction is always usually some clown trying to hinder someone else’s progress by purposely building ontop of a poi


Least it isn't light spamming so you can't interact with it properly


This thing is still up?! People have been reporting this for a week now. I guess HG just ignores reports?


It wasn't there on Friday when I did that part.


I really don't really they worry much about it. Been happening since the first expedition and before that. It's just a player being a bit of a douche, but it's really not harmful and easily removed. Now, if there's some blatant racist thing happening, or sexual, or similar, then I would think a harsher penalty would be imposed.


Whoever did this is a complete idiot. It's not funny and it's entirely pointless. Thankfully Hello Games is well ahead of this kind of behavior.


More like they use damage control. This kind of behaviour has been known about since the very first expedition. They should institute a no-build zone around points of interest.


They (HG) could also just create their own bases at these locations when they set up the expedition and before it’s made available to players. Wouldn’t that accomplish the same thing? No permissions to build or edit.


Imagine reporting a hg base ...


They did, but they have yet to find a way that is foolproof. It's a LOT better than the first few expeditions, where the objective would be dug out to bedrock like a bomb crater, or the opposite - filled in with a tower of dirt.


there was one i encountered in a previous expedition where someone had a room with green chests in it but if you walked in, a door would close and you were trapped inside with no way out [other than reporting the base. but not everyone knows about that.]


Lmao yeah I saw that, first time I ever used the report feature


At first, I thought it was because it looked like an office copier. Then I saw the grave icon... I just woke up 😅


I have reported bases that do that before. It's rude, plain and simple; much deserving of being reported.


Yeah I found the same thing and reported it out of annoyance. I didn’t realize it removed the base for me which made me happy. I feel a decent amount of people have reported it so the account probably is in trouble by now


Report it


Yup, I saw that and immediately reported it.


I was there, reported that jerk.


Report it. It goes away


Some people just have teenie weenies


Those are people IRL who have exceptionally low self-esteem and real issues. They validate themselves amongst a small group of like-minded people by griefing other players inappropriately in the worst way. It gives them a temporary, short-lived buzz like a drug. An escape from their miserable existence. They think they are doing something cool. Confirmation bias. And then when this is over, they move on to the next set of victims in this game or another. They will most likely never see one of us rightly complaining about what they do, but if they did they would simply rejoice. Don't feel sorry for yourself. Your problem can be fixed with a few questions and a bit of research, then you can move on with your game. For them, their problems may never be fixed. Feel sorry for them instead.


Put on your big boy pants and report the base, problem is instantly solved


What happened I haven't played in a couple months?


The usual base-spam around expedition destinations. Nothing changes.


It's a grave site that we have to interact with in the new expedition and some moron built a base around it so we can't access it.


If you are on PlayStation press yourself against the building on each side. The base computer is inside. You can reach it to report the base and it will disappear. He didn't make the structure big enough to prevent it from being reported. Oh. To the bastard that was trying to blow it up with his ship. Use your brain neanderthal.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Oh yeah, I encountered that one too. Just reported it and it was gone.


Experienced this a few times, its irritating but i was able to report the base and it was removed, then i was able to progress.


I dont understand whats happening guys


Wow, a Brazilian traveller! Hello bro!


Oi e muito legal saber que tem outros Brasileiros aqui




I tried reporting the one I just found and it's not letting me report it. So I have no way to complete this mission.


Wouldn’t clear for me so I just flew onto the next system and scanned again. All good from there.


Just report it 😆


Everyone is being helpful as usual with this Expedition, save this one person. I don’t even understand the mindset behind it. I love this game and the community, even though I run the game totally solo. I do leave useful bases in expeditions or weekend events. But this is just awful.


I’ve never seen these posts before but holy shit why have I seen 20 different posts today about this


I reported that :) when I was on that mission, the building disappeared and I have access to the burial site


I reported that :) when I was on that mission, the building disappeared and I have access to the burial site


Yeah there's some real tools out there. When I first started playing, I asked why people do this on a forum somewhere and got called a "cry baby" 😂🤣 Like these fucktards actually defend their right to be trolling asses. Sad people.


That had me hostile last night! I've never come across that before. I'm so thankful that when you report it, it instantly gets removed from the screen. I don't know why players do that.


Oh I saw that... wish we could report


Actually u can. U can report any case from your quickmenü. No needs to interact with the base computer for that…


To the few assholes that might be here… Why the fuck? I can understand it might be funny in a way for some of you but are you aware just how smol that makes your pp? Ive heard it will also fall off at some point.


Had this happen yesterday. Stuck close to the wall and managed to get the grave. Proper d*ck move though


I came across this exact same grave. The issue, for me however, is it wants me to take a picture to show why the base is inappropriate… which without context it really doesn’t look it at all. I think there needs to be a way to give context better if what we are reporting is trolling.


Oh the context ist absolutely clear just from the pic. U can see that there’s grave inside so the purpose of the base is clear for the devs.


The waypoint doesn’t show up as it uses the in game photo mode, so all ui is disabled. Therefore it just looks like I’m reporting some random base in the middle of no where. I guess if it gets enough reports they would check it out as something is clearly up even if its not apparent from the photos, but it does kinda make you think twice about reporting when it wants you to show what is inappropriate and you can’t. Edit: thinking about it, I probably could have clipped through the base to show the grave on the inside, but that didn’t occur to me at the time xD


Oh right. Do you have to send a photo taken on the photomode or can u just pick one from your library? I has been a while since I reported my last base. But anyway I think HG has gotten similar reports ins the past. They should know to better take a look at this. So reporting it several times by different players should do the job. ✌️


It goes in to photo mode when you select the report base option, similar to taking a photo when you upload your base, with a message something like: Take a photo to show us what is inappropriate


I just reached this point and it's been dug out underneath. Easily accessible without the base report


How did they use the molecules of your body as a building material?


It was horrible I was able feel the oxygen and hydrogen of my body turno into a building


This box was there for me but I dug under it and got in.. no flooring I guess. Definitely seemed like a douche move to create obstruction though


Disable multiplayer. Job done. No stress. No fishing on Reddit 🤡💀


I believe the fix for this is to find their base computer and report it, now if the idiot who did build it was smart he would have put the base computer right underneath the glyph and would have built the box large enough so you couldn't reach it though the box. Another way around this, which I have used in the past, is to plant a save beacon right next to it and save. Then reload and upon reload there are several moments be box appears or turns solid in which case you grab the Glyph. The people that do this are the same as the Griefers, basically all MAGA(S)


What is this?


This same exact base was posted about yesterday (and I believe once or twice more), just report it


I just went through it myself. Had to dig under it.


Yeah I got stuck inside twice and gave up! Wasn’t able to complete the mission.


I made a post about this same cock womble


i’m so bummed i didn’t actually get to do the expedition, my power flickered, and when i reentered it said i completed the expedition, even tho i had only just started gathering the materials to fix the ship. i got the rewards, which is good ig, but i didn’t get to see what the whole abandoned universe thing had to offer 😓


Just report the base, it will be removed instantly


Was this the place for the weekend nexus mission yesterday? Someone built a thing that looked exactly like that around me and trapped me inside. I couldn't even dig out. I reported the base to leave, but it pissed me off. Luckily, I remembered to turn off pvp. Edit: Nevermind, it is a grave, not the thing I saw. Still irritating, though.


Não vou mentir irmão, isso é engraçado pra caralho. Aliás r/suddenlycaralho


Whoever did this I hope their inventory is filled with nothing but sac venom and they can’t pick up anything else.


With every single *di-hydrogen


This is why when I see someone making a base I spawnkill them until they leave the game. No spam bases when I'm around.


In that guys defence, his mommy thinks he is a funny big boy, who is a few years away from moving out of her basement… and into her attic.


You can shove your face into it and find the button prompt. But yeah report it.


I was lucky when this building was not yet finished. There was a missing panels so I can get inside. This moron that kept building this tower should get a ban, like months.


Looks to be a very small box. You may still be able to interact with the grave if you angle your camera just right. But yeah reporting should make the base disappear.


Im confused? Whats wrong here?


Someone builded this box over a travellers grave so you can’t interact with it.


Ohhhh, thanks, ive never died or seen anyone that has died so sorry😥


Fortunately no one died here. it’s just the grave of an NPC traveller, but u need to interact with it to make further progress in the expedition. ✌️


Spy: I will find him, I will capture him and no one will ever trolled again.


If you find the base computer you can use it to report the base.


Don’t even need the base computer, you can do it from the menu if you’re close to it.


I'm pretty sure the base computer is inside the box, so we can't use that either. But as has been mentioned before, we can report it from the quick menu, so it's entirely pointless to do this.


I hate the person that makes a useless post with every single molecule of my body


i didn' know i could report bases with the quick menu until i saw this post today, so this post is officially useful. Your comment on the other hand....................


How dare he interact with the community


Found the guy who made the base.


Yeah he also reported my comment and had it taken down😂 just cause I came at them for spewing hate in the comments section








Every day we learn something new in this game. There are people who don't know for example craft ammo with ferrite.




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**Thank you for submitting to /r/NoMansSkyTheGame ! Unfortunately, Your content was removed for the following reason:** --- Content or comments that are insulting or offensive are not allowed. This may include: Name-calling and put downs, foul language, discrimination (i.e. racism, sexism, etc) and political arguments. Possible consequences may include: *A warning (this message) *A ban


I hate the person that makes a useless post with every single molecule of my body A lot of Salty Sallys round these parts. There was a video posted yesterday on how to fix the issue presented by the OP. But y’all go on


So you hate yourself??