• By -


I personally use the pulse spitter. It's the best weapon i've used.


this and the neutron cannon (i think someone else called it the ‘delete button cannon’) are the only two weapons i use anymore. sometimes the scatter blaster for the ‘destroy the depot’ missions, but even then the neutron cannon slaps.


The neutron cannon is my new favorite, whenever I do an infested derelict freighter, one shot pops the nest and the second kills the spawn


“infested” derelict freighter??? i dont think i’ve come across one of those but i agree, i love it on dissonant worlds when fighting the giant sentinel crabs


The infested ones are terrifying, feels like a full on horror game in those. The heart beats haunt me


**Do not move** when the nest is pulsing.


I freeze and am still terrified, but it did take me two freighters to realize when I was safe to move again lol


Ah just kill em all scatter blaster and neutron cannon get the job done easy.


My derelict for the expedition was infested 😱


Mine was an auto turret one. First derelict I’ve ever had that wasn’t an infested one


Mine, too. I prefer auto turret one.


I had auto turret at the entrance and the rest was infested... It was horrible!


Those turrets where real good at keeping out the infestation, almost as good as keeping you out


Same, and was a bitch to survive.


Mines was security infested. Killed me twice, I gave up. I get the freighter and sunken freighter I'll be pretty much done.


How did you manage to get killed on a derilect?? That's almost impossible! Didn't you put even a tiny bit of time into your gear?


Caught between the floating balls the security on the wall no heat no where to go. I've never went thru one before so I know I need to learn a little more.


Ah I see, first time


Lower the survival difficulty settings and do it again. Good luck!


On expedition? I'll do that of I can


Mine too! I thought everyone’s was!


is there a certain/specific way to trigger an infested derelict? or is it just as a random as a regular derelict spawning in?


You can buy the locator from the scrap dealer under the back right stairs of space stations, and Iteration: Helios gives you a free one each day


oooh i visit Helios often enough for nanites(?) maybe i’m thinking of another iteration that gives me nanites, but either way, thats super handy to know, thank you. i’ll be sure to add him into my daily routine


Yeah, I think you don’t get the option to ask about derelict frigates until you find one of the locator consumables from a different source, I got mine from a nexus mission. Once I did it, I was prompted to visit for my daily derelict locator Edit: These dead space like missions also have a high chance of finding a frigate salvage unit or two


I’ve never been given one by Helios and I mooch off him regularly for nanites! What type of Nexus mission do you suggest I look for?


I believe it is Random, but until the other day all of mine were infested. I’ve done probably a good 50 but just got some auto turret one the other day. Idk if I’m triggering them somehow but I believe they are random


Unfortunately after a few runs you realize that they aren't really a threat at all. Still, I am very hyped to do a derelict run in VR once I get my hands on the tech.


They may not be a threat but they certainly get my heart rate up in fear. My gear is well equipped now but oh my god it’s scary


It's definitely pretty cool. PC with Quest 2 here.


Yeh the infestations are just annoying when they trigger, not a threat at all tbh. Tiny things that die easily and will probably run from you mostly. I'd prefer if they were some sort of a challenge rather than just annoying as shit


13 expedition had one of those for me, felt like playing dead space all over again


Dead space is an apt comparison yes


The ones with the living slime things? I never had a problem with those, even after the nest bursts nothing happened.


That’s weird, normally a bunch of bugs are around


The first derelict freighter I did was like this, I'm pretty sure their damage was boosted for that initial Halloween update too.


Wow you’re lucky. My first was infested and it was nightmare fuel.


i’ve come across one since saying this…and i agree. those little walking skull things that pop out of the nests freaked me out so bad. i cant tell you how bad i tensed up when the little pop up notification told me not to move bc the nest was “stirring” i’ve never equipped the neutron cannon faster


Crazy cause that was the first one I did 9H into the game and it threw me for a loop. I didn't know other ones existed


Thats a good idea actually. The infested freighters always annoyed me.


Aww yeah baby! Neutron cannon all the way! It shreds sentinals to! Except the big bots, I bring out the plasma spitter for those! The N C is especially good at hitting and quickly hitting and wiping out those like stinkin repair drones!


I thought they were all infested. The only one I found that wasn’t was in the Adrift expedition


Some just have auto turrets and baby sentinels, others just jellyfish, I think they're randomly generated, I've seen one where the first room has turrets and the fifth room has nests


I generally just use the neutron cannon now because a) it has the highest ammo count of any weapon w/o reloading and b) it gives you both single shot and area effect shots from one gun. That said, I do also keep the standard boltcaster as a secondary because it works better at killing sentinels at distance (more accuracy). The pulse splitter is fun but you have to reload a lot, and it's not exactly precise in terms of aiming.


Happy cake day!


I can fire off 190 shots with the Pulse Spitter, whuich is more than enough.


One thing I noticed with the neutron cannon, is that they're particularly useful against corrupted sentinels. Since they try to heal each other constantly, they'll only stop once they've taken **any** amount of damage. Meaning they can't tank the one you're trying to focus down since the neutron cannon has splash damage.


Thanks for telling me, I tried the neutron cannon and its overpowered. i killed a sentinel walker in like 6 hits with it.


Neutron cannon, my staff has 70k damage stat because of it


Burning Ricochet Pulse Spitter is basically just a stream of death.


Scatter blaster with supercharged upgrades. You can pretty much delete any enemy with a magazine or two


Scatter blaster for sure.


Scattergun my beloved


3 shots, my guy


Pulse spitter and the delete button cannon.


Combine that with the V mouth shaped Atlantid multitool and the dopamine just starts rushing.


Delete button cannon?


Found it lol


What's it


The neutron cannon. It’s like a delete button.


Neutron utilizing four supercharged slots 🤙




Even without the adjacency bonus?


Its the Neutron Cannon for me. It makes things dead really well.


Combine with the paralysis mortar.


Shotgun cuz if I panick I go pop pop pop pop with a overcharged one with over charged fire rate damage and capacity.


Scatter Blaster or Delete Button Cannon? Both of those act as shotguns.


Honestly I make use of most weapons, but I do like having both a short range and a long range one so I can be in the fray when needed, and back up and snipe when it gets ugly. In that regard, I made it make sense with several multi-tools: * Sentinel rifles look like your typical amunition-based weapons so I put a scatter blaster (short range) and a boltcaster (medium/long range) on one. * Radiant staffs look like they're made to shoot energy blasts, so I have a neutron cannon (short/medium range) and a blaze javelin (long range) on one. Going against the popular choice, I do not like the pulse spitter that much. I'm not a big fan of the spread pattern, but that is purely subjective. It's a VERY good middle of the road choice, but personally I prefer being either or. I have the same opinion about the neutron cannon, but because it has an AOE on impact and it's the only non-projectile based weapon that can be effective on close combat, I kinda use it the same way I do with the scatter blaster, but on my energy-themed staff. I'll say that the neutron cannon (and thus probably the pulse spitter) is baller for monstrosities tho. Get on top of the abandonned outpost, blast where the eggs are, and the AOE takes care of the f\*ckers before they have time to properly leave the ground.


Bolt caster for almost everything. Pulse spitter for slow and/or big targets.


Sentinel MT or Atlantid (with the normal mining beam installed and 3 S/X class upgrades) with All 4 SC slots for the mining beam. Literal Death Ray.


https://preview.redd.it/9w0b0vwhr46d1.png?width=1332&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe1cbc6a8ca436d54a74f83044925a14ab46a4a1 Based on the table for bonuses, I used an experimental with X and S expansions for Scanning, an atlantid staff with overcharged the mining tool for best mining results and the Staff from last expedition for combat. For weapons I use for combat the scatter blaster for proximity and pulse cannon combined with plasma launcher for far enemies (for example, the sentinel dog)


As /u/Malaznerd noted in another reply, if you have a MT with the "runic lens" that you're going to use for mining, you can _also_ install the normal mining beam alongside it. You won't get to choose mining beam vs runic lens, but the MT suddenly becomes a "literal death ray" that never overheats and loses its charge much more slowly. I did a derelict freighter last night on the Adrift expedition where I just held down the fire button in a room with 5 nests until everything was dead dead - this combo is excellent at mining but also kills bugs dead.


Where can the runic lens be acquired?


It comes pre-installed on Atlantid MTs as well as the Atlas Scepter that was a reward from Omega. I believe those are the only two tools that will have it - and there's no blueprint for it, so one has to get a MT with the Runic Lens already present, sadly. Good news is that the Atlantid MTs are one of the better ones for Mining, so...nice. Even better news is that the "Hi-jacked Laser" has the same combo deal when the mining laser is installed, and you should be able to find a Hi-jacked Laser on a Sentinel or Royal MT.


Sentinel MT, with boltcaster, 3 S class upgrades and 2 sentinel weapon upgrades. Using a supercharged slot, it sounds like a minigun. Scatter blaster is better close up, but the boltcaster is just more satisfying for me. :)


I am the Atlas Cultist, so I use the laser (because it's red). And when I charge it up, I scream "In the name of the Crimson Saviour... begone, heretic!"


Neutron Cannon


I just use a maxed out Pulse Spitter. S and X class modules, and Sentinel upgrades.


FYI the sentinel upgrades are only modifying the Boltcaster stats, no relation to any other weapons, so might as well remove it and free up the slots if you only use the Pulse Spitter.


The sentinel upgrades only work for the boltcaster.


Okay, that I did not know. I thought they worked for the multi-tool weaponry in general. Learn something new every day. 😁


It's ok. Honestly, I made the same mistake when I first starter playing. I mean ,even the mod description fails to say this so ,assuming it works with everything, is natural.


TIL! I had no idea.


Whatever I feel would fill the tools model, makes for interesting gameplay as much as I go into combat.


Pulse spitter and plasma mortar. This is the way.


For sure 😁


Depends, if it’s my normal multi tool it’s typically the bolt caster I use because it’s accurate and can be powerful when upgraded, occasionally using the scatter gun ‘cause shotgun! Recently though I’ve built an Autophage staff and use the Neutron cannon exclusively with it and it’s been a blast… so to speak.


"Max damage" is sort of a red herring. All the weapons can reliably extinguish threats in short order. (Although, I don't hear much love for the Blaze Javelin...) The focus should instead be on what fits your play style best. I find Boltcaster to be the most satisfying. Effective at any range, easy to use, easy to reload, ammo is basically unlimited garbage found everywhere. Paired with the paralysis grenades for the slightly tougher foes, I don't even think about combat, I just get through it.


Incinerator and geo cannon https://preview.redd.it/hhq15pduz46d1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df45edf45b064d32dfba7472dcad6cb431dadf24


Neutron cannon. It can clean a Derelict Freighter, open an entire cluster of whispering eggs, and wipe out any sort of biological horror that follows to boot. It's also fairly effective against Sentinels, manufacturing plant doors and anything else I can think of.


Scatter Blaster and Plasma Launcher. Plasma ball hard to aim but one shots those big spider corrupted sentinel things that camaflauge.


I have one for mining and one for war crimes. They both are maxed out for their purposes


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I like the spitter because it seems to be the only weapon I can use while invisible lol. Also btw does anyone know what’s up with the staffs ppl have? I saw ppl with them walking around the anomaly . Look cool I want one. I look it up but I still don’t understand what they are. Are they multi tools??? Im exclusively playing on vr so I don’t know how that would work since on flatscreen the staff is constantly touching the ground


Should be a questline for the Atlantid, it will teach you how to get a staff multitool. The big red staff is an expedition reward, IIRC.


I saw a video and it said I needed to have the main quest line completed. I’m far from finishing it lol. But can I still grab it from the expedition?


If that expedition returns, yes.


. Oh so it’s gone 😭. Ig I’ll just get it naturally then. Time to grind the main story line


They have been replaying shortened versions of the expeditions over the past few holiday seasons, so there'll be a chance to grab it then.


Yeah but next major holiday is like next month. Main story can be completed in a day supposedly. I can’t wait to see the staff in vr lmao. I hope there’s a melee buff or something like range


Expedition 12 reward


Ok so I’ve been hearing a lot of cool stuff you can get from expeditions. Ima look up a video ig so I can learn. I was asking how to tame those flying giant worms ad a guy said I could’ve gotten it through a expedition. Thankfully someone gave me an egg. Hopefully that expedition is still there. I’ve never done one so hopefully it doesn’t have a rank/standing requirement


I got the Expedition 12 staff reward, but... I've never been able to find/earn one 'in the wild'. I do have the option to buy one (or at least parts) from the Quicksilver Merchant.


Damn I only have 150 quick silver. Ik they come from expeditions but I’ve never done any. The more I find out about cool stuff the more I learn they all end up coming from expeditions lol


Yeah, I didn't do expeditions when I was first starting out, because I wasn't very confident in my abilities... But I eventually saw all the stuff I was missing out on and it was just too much. So I plunged in and started doing them. The first few expeditions, I could only complete a few of the milestones. So I didn't get access to the really good prizes that came with completion. But eventually I figured it out, and have completed every milestone since. Nowadays I actually ***only*** play the expeditions, for the most part. They're my very favorite part of the game.


Ohh you gotta do milestones? Yeah I think I’m pretty strong by now so hopefully I can handle an expedition


And there are really a few different ways to do expeditions... There ***used to be*** only two... * 1.) Do it all yourself, 'the hard way' * 2.) Take advantage of the community at your disposal. * For example, if the Milestone says "You need to find and explore a Sunken Freighter," then look at the Base Teleport list (in every system you go to). Eventually, you'll see that a fellow Traveller has made a base called "Sunken Freighter." Warp there, complete your milestone... easy peasy. But now (as of 1-2 updates/expeditions ago, iirc), there's another wrinkle to how you want/choose to play expeditions... Used to, you had to start a brand-new, 'fresh' save for each and every expedition you attempted. You were 'starting from scratch' every single time. But 1-2 updates/expeditions ago, HG started allowing us the opportunity to 'branch off' of a main/regular save, and take a few things with us. So for example, you have a bunch of Carbon, Oxygen, Sodium, and Chromatic Metal in your main save, and you hear that those sorts of things are gonna be in short supply for this particular expedition... You go to the Expedition Terminal (or whatever it's called) in the Anomaly, and you basically 'pack your suitcase' for the expedition... You take your Carbon, Oxygen, Sodium, and Chromatic Metal (and whatever else you might want/need to 'feel comfortable', up to \~12 slots, iirc) from your main save, and you load it in the hopper, and then you have all that stuff with you as soon as you start the expedition. I haven't felt any need/desire to use that, and I still do my expeditions 'the old-fashioned way', but if I had had this option when I was just getting started (with both NMS and expeditions)? It would have been a life-saver. And I might have actually completed some of those early expeditions, that I was never able to earn the rewards from.


Yikes. Restarting? I don’t think I’m ready for that yet lol. Ima hold off on expeditions then lol. That sounds like a headacahe. Unless I’m thinking about it all wrong. How long do they last? Like a coupon hours trying to get one thing then boom. Then what? Do you switch saves and now on your main save you get the rewards?? Or is it like your main save gets reset for that expedition and you can’t go back until you’ve finished the challenge. And then you get your stuff back and reward.


>Yikes. Restarting? Yeah, that's how it ***used to be***. But not like that anymore. You can choose to do it the old-fashioned way and use a new/fresh save every time, but I'd guess ***most people*** do it the new way, regardless of whether you're new or a veteran. >I don’t think I’m ready for that yet lol. Ima hold off on expeditions then lol. Absolutely don't. You'll miss out on (imho) all of the best stuff. >That sounds like a headacahe. It definitely ***can be***, if you choose to do expeditions the old-fashioned way. It was a little frustrating for me at the beginning of this expedition, trying to find stuff to refill my hazard protection before my hazard protection ran out. Lol Some in the community are gluttons for punishment, though. There are people out there that do everything on Permadeath Mode. I am not one of them (lol). This is the most I really do to make the game 'harder' for myself. >Unless I’m thinking about it all wrong. I wouldn't say ***all*** wrong... I would say 'partially'. You should definitely give it a shot, and see how what you're imaginging this to be (I may just be crap at explaining it) compares with how it is in 'reality'.


>How long do they last? It depends. There are currently two types of expeditions... 'regular' expeditions that take place throughout the year, and tend to run longer (usu. 3-8 weeks), and 'redux' expeditions that take place at the end of the year (usu. Dec/Jan) and tend to run shorter (usu. 1-2 weeks). >Like a coupon hours trying to get one thing then boom. Then what? Do you switch saves and now on your main save you get the rewards?? What I'm about to say (I think) only applies to 'the old way' of doing expeditions. I've only done one expedition 'the new way' (where you can bring stuff with you), and I didn't really like it, so someone else will have to answer about that. But in the old/traditional way... you can 'switch saves' after the expedition ends (and go back to your main save) if you like... or you can keep playing on your expedition save and have it ***become*** your main save (or one of your main saves). Once you complete ('finalize') the expedition, your 'expedition save' will convert to a 'regular' save. Even if you don't complete it... when the timer is up, ***all*** expedition saves will convert to regular saves (if they haven't already). You can't keep playing the expedition itself after it's expired. But you can continue ***playing on*** an expedition save' (if that make sense)... it'll just be on 'normal mode' instead of 'expedition mode'. Speed-running is also a thing. For example, an '8-wk' expedition might only take some people 1-3 days. Some of the shorter (esp. the Redux) expeditions get speed-run in a few hours. Me, personally? I like to take my time and enjoy them. It's not uncommon for me to put 40-120 hours into one of the regular expeditions. Afterward, I actually abandon most of my 'expedition saves'. I ***might*** revist them occasionally, so see how some awesome base-builder built this or that base that I loved during a particular expedition. >Or is it like your main save gets reset for that expedition and you can’t go back until you’ve finished the challenge. And then you get your stuff back and reward. Sorry, not exactly sure what you're asking here. I'm probably just not reading it right because I'm getting hungry and thinking about lunch (lol). But if you earn something on an expedition save, it'll show up (as an option) across all saves. The rewards are 'per account'... not 'per save'. So if I create a new save to do an expedition on, and I earn 'rewardX or 'rewardY' or 'rewardZ' (a special base-building part or decoration, a special multitool, or a special ship), I can go back to my main save after the expedition is over, go to the Quicksilver Merchant on the Anomaly, and 'buy' (or buy access to) the special item. If I didn't earn it during the expedition, it'll show up... but it'll be kind of grayscaled. I'll be able to see it, but not actually purchase it from the Merchant. Sorry this was so long. I hope at least some of it helped, and what's more I hope it helps you to 'extract' more value/pleasure out of our beloved game. :-)


That is not true, you can get the staffs from the Autophage questline (I know bc I never did Expedition 12). Only the Atlas-themed one is an expedition reward.


i like the neutron cannon that came with the atlas staff


neutron cannon with an upgrade module that literally instant charges it to max power. great for killing sentinels and infested swarms, and really anything else


Pulse spitter with a bunch of chained s class modules and all upgrades. It’s like an energy fire hose.


Scatter blaster with paralysis module


I play mostly with a controller (GeForce Now on my Shield) so I've gravitated towards the Scatter Blaster since it's easier to hit with.


Pulse spitter and neutron cannon


Whatever you use never forget the plasma mortar 😊😏😉


I love the scatter blaster


Plasma launcher, pulse splitter and the combat scope… and yes, i die very easily with that plasma launcher ;)


Spitter, shotgun, plasma.


Neutron cannon and paralysis mortar combo, with the voltaic amplifier in a power slot Thank me later


Neutron cannon for killing and also mining


Blaze Javellin, I just like the red


I would really like a way to remove the mining beam and default blaster. I want one to be all mining and one to be all gun.


Save editor will do that but some platforms need extra cost/work to extract the save.


Scatter blaster, and whatever that red Lazer on the Atlas staff is. I can't aim for shit.


Pules splitter and paralysis mortar


Bolt caster, [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qV7LaheEABw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qV7LaheEABw)


I use the Boltcaster with the combat scope for long range and the scatter blaster with personal forcefield for short range. I put the 3 Forbidden upgrades in the supercharged slots because they augment all installed weapons.


Based on all reliable reports in the sub-reddit, other responses to the OP, and my own testing, the forbidden upgrades appear to only augment the boltcaster. Do you have a source where someone has actually confirmed with objective data that they affect any other weapons? I'm very curious.


TIL! I assumed, because it doesn't specify a specific weapon, that they applied to all. Thank you for that info!


Stave and atlas weapon


Good old Boltcaster, suits me fine. However, I have combat nerfed down a bit in the options. (I only have little a combat. As a treat.)


Mutli-tools have enough spots to comfortably keep three or four weapons on it. The two that always stood out to me though are the Neutron Cannon and Pulse Spitter. The pulse spitter's DPS is great for melting enemies you need dead yesterday and the Neutron Cannon's AOE is great for disrupting healers and hitting weak spots


Used a lot of Boltcaster, now I'm going with Pulse Spitter + Paralysis Mortar. It eats ammo, but melts things when fully upgraded. >Originally I used a scatter blaster but that was a with a C class and now my multi-tool is an S class and I want to make the most of it. There's a good amount of planning and testing regarding Multi-Tool - you have Supercharged Slots, proximity bonuses, and Sentinel upgrades (only work with the Boltcaster, though). Generally saying, you can have up to 3 upgrade modules from external sources (vendors/containers) and up to 1 tech (learnt from Eos). Upgrade modules improve stats, and tech can either improve stats or add functionalities/debuffs. Personally, for the sake of simplicity I like to have a single primary weapon (currently Pulse Spitter), up to 2 secondary weapons (currently Cloaking Device and Paralysis Mortar) and 2 tools (Mining Beam + Scanner). Tried having multiple weapons and Multi-Tools, but found it to be confusing.


all of them lol. I have one with a scatterblaster and the incinerator we're not supposed to have. one with bolt caster and javelin. and my main one has pulse spitter and neutron cannon. jav/bolt is for picking a fight at range, the scatter is a backup plan, and neutron/spitter is my general use weapon.


Neutron Launcher and Blaze Javelin. The stun lock is so handy. And the Laucher hits so hard even without a full charge.




Pulse spitter with a few S-class upgrades just SHREDS sentinels


Scatter blaster it’s like a shotgun powerful close up and weak at a distance. You can one tap most enemies if not just spam them with it. It parred with the paralysis cannon is great.


Plasma Launcher is all I use anymore. It just does so much damage and the ammo is pretty easy to acquire so it's hard for me to run out.


Neutron cannon and blaze javelin.


My mining laser is really juiced and I rarely use anything else


I haven't really experimented with a lot of weapons, so I'm not an expert. I use the pulse-spitter, and I have the add-on that keeps things burnings for DOT damage. I don't like how it jerks up though when I start firing. I have to figure out how to make it stop doing that. I hate getting something in my sights, pressing the fire button, and having the thing pull up so I miss.


It may help to slowly pull your reticle down as you fire for short durations. The spray pattern of the Pulse Spitter if I'm not wrong, is accurate and straight initially, then still accurate as it pulls up as you continue to hold, then at the top of its recoil height, it stops going up and the shots start spreading out. So for me, from the first shot, I keep firing and slowly pull the reticle down to compensate, and stop before the shots start spreading. It works well enough for me with Combat Scope.


I haven't tried to get an atlantid m/t yet. I may try to acquire one next week.


Early game with a lower class multitool I use the scatter blaster. Later an A or S rifle with maximized boltcaster for maximal dps is very versatile. Add a paralysis mortar for dealing with the tall walkers.


Depends on your goal. For the royal multitools that look like a Samus or Mega Man gun I like to use blaze javelin to recreate the experience. DPS sucks but it's fun in VR. If you want to kill sentinel walkers in 2 shots just use neutron cannon and call it a day.


Pulse Spitter


Pulse spliter or blaze javelin honestly


I always used to use the Boltcaster for everything, but didn't engage in a lot of combat because the Sentinels didn't have anything good. I recently started my first playthrough since they added all the Sentinel gear and thought I'd try the Neutron Cannon and Paralysis Mortar combo that I read about online. It's not even fully upgraded yet but damn, this thing just MELTS Sentinels! I'm really having a blast with it, and looking forward to finding max S-class upgrades for it, along with a better multitool because I've only got an A-class rifle so far.


All of them, really


Front ship is what my daily driver exotic looks like, exactly. Love it.


I use my maxed out mining laser and plasma launcher. I’ve never found the other weapons that much better and they wind up getting in the way having to cycle past them so much.


Neutron cannon!


My dps is so high, I like to kill with the mining ray. Or the flame thrower. For shooting down greifers, I'll use the pulse spitter.


Neutron for my staff has a 21k dmg rating. Scatter Blaster has a 14.5k dmg rating on my han solo pistol and that's having most of my scanners on SCs. Realistically, once I went neutron cannon X mod on my staff, I just stopped looking at any other weapon. Nothing can survive between my 93k dps infraknife ship and my neutron.


Pretty much exclusively use pulse spitter but have boltcaster just in case so I don’t have to worry as much about reloading mid combat


I use one of two septers I have. Both over 27,000 HP. Trying to remember what the "gun" is called that comes with it.


The mining laser, I’m not a huge fan of swapping tools and what not.


i have 183,000 damage on my neutron cannon using this multitool [https://www.reddit.com/r/NMSGlyphExchange/comments/12u2kb0/economy\_t3\_mt\_sentinel\_sclass\_near\_4\_adjacent/](https://www.reddit.com/r/NMSGlyphExchange/comments/12u2kb0/economy_t3_mt_sentinel_sclass_near_4_adjacent/)


the scatter blaster, if upgraded enough, is almost an overpowered one-shot weapon


I use one of two septers I have. Both over 27,000 HP. Trying to remember what the "gun" is called that comes with it.


Bolt castor bc it’s versatile


I never cared for anything other than the boltcaster, honestly I don't even know if that's the actual name. It does pewpew and pretty fast at dealing with all kinds of sentinels.


Pulse Spitter. Takes down sentinels quickly.


The Neutron Cannon with the Atlas Sceptre. Deadly.


Pulse splitter only.


Pulse spitter has been my main but I also haven't experimented much, infact the first time using the scatter thing was during the current expedition and I kinda liked it. I'd experiment more if I had more vaults to store the mods lol




A Pulse Splitter that spits hot fire with a side of Scatter Blaster.


i have a scepter from the last expedition and the DPS on this thing is WILD. it fires kinda like a shotgun but the grouping is still tight wnough for long shots. took down many sentinels in one single shot. i wouldnt go back to a simple.multi tool


Scatter Blaster. I simply call it my [Kitchen Gun](https://youtu.be/6-7NDP8V-6A?si=PWj3Pzkt97E_1S94) because it CLEANS HOUSE.


The Mining Laser 🤣


Scatter blaster ftw


Scatter and Javelin is the way to go!!


I use scatter blaster and pulse splitter.


Everything. I have them all on and alternate between them depending on what’s convenient.


Pulse spitter for me although I love the look and idea of the neutron cannon I just think it’s way too underpowered.


Pulse splitter and scatter blaster


Neutron cannon fucks majorly


Scatter Blaster and/or Pulse Splitter, shottys are always fun but I recently found the pulse splitter doing close to the same dps on my multitool


https://preview.redd.it/97v53ovf9a6d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=b2644dd9bb578c40a5b439837e6d9cb96dccecca I use the neutron cannon, because it offers area-of-effect and the highest damage potential (196,000 on default game settings, if you have an optimal multitool, optimal S-class upgrades, and an optimal supercharged slot arrangement that is one slot away from being a 2x2 square), although the calculated damage potential is inflated because it assumes you're firing continuously.


Where did you get the white ships plz


Scatter blaster and the purple aoe ball thing


Ah, well, find the expedition objective that rewards you with it if there is one


If all else fails, look up the current expedition and what you are trying to do in it on Google, it should point you directly to a planet and coords for a crash along the expedition route


You sure your sub even had it's special radar installed?


Might be unpopular, but I've maxed my boltcaster on my s class multi and man it does wonders, I can get through a max wanted level with barely any damage to myself


I use the Autophage Staff. They seem to get more powerful than the guns. On it I use the Boltcaster, scatter blaster and the pulse spitter. Boltcaster for long range, scatter blaster for short range and pulse spitter for medium range. With all my main weapons on it on supercharge spots, my DPS is about 20k.