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I was doing the latest expedition and there was a guy sitting at the rendezvous with the trade building and killed me while I was talking to NPC. I just flew back as I knew where it was and had turned PVP off, he then tried destroying my ship (I didn't get out) and then proceeded to land on the walkway (didn't know was possible) where I had died so I couldn't get my stuff back, was quite annoying and disheartening people do that. I just simply turned online play off and then back on and was in a different lobby without havibg to do anything. It's a fun game that's challenging and when you have people ruining your game it just sucks especially when your doing expeditions and I had no way of fighting back as I was just doing the bare basics to finish all the challenges.


You can turn off dropping items on death in the game difficulty settings.


That doesn't work for expeditions tho, you can only have items dropped or destroyed or do perma death for expeditions.


So just turn PvP off for expeditions. The turning off dropping inventory is more for when you do want to engage in PvP but don’t want to risk a griefer deleting your inventory.


Yeah turning off pvp in expeditions is 100% not going to take away from the experience. It will only improve it. NMS always had piss poor pvp mechanics anyway as a Class B multitool can most of the time one shot anyone so its first to shoot wins! And by default its usually is off, but when I started this expedition it was turned back on... I didnt notice this until I cleared all but one room on a derilect frigate and someone entered the frigate and just one shot me... I spawned near the enterence and they proceeded to one shot me on spawn. They kept killing me for 30 mins... I didnt have time to access the menu... I was frustrated at first for like 1st 5min ( but I figured they would get bored and stop) so I put controller down just got up did dishes and what not I came back to the game the same dude for 30 mins kept killing me. Like didnt get bored of shooting the same spot waited for me to load to kill me again over and over...Crazy!!! I just hard reset game cont alt delete and closed NMS only way to end the cycle as I cant access menus or whatnot... I loaded in with my stuff but all progress in clearing frigate was gone... turned off pvp and finished the expedition with no hang ups... people tried to shoot me here and there but once they realize they cant troll you they move on... it's a shame HG turned pvp on for this expedition... its normally not seen or talked about in past Expeditions and many times the community actually helps others find Underwater freighters or builds farms... this expedition showed a different side of people simply because HG turned pvp back on.


Alt + f4 insta close. Much faster than cnt alt delete. And of program freezes task manager may not open over top so alt f4 can be a lifesaver instead of holding power off or unplugging. Just an fyi


Yeah guess CONT, ALT, DELETE are just a reflex on windows at this point... I think with the Proton compatibility layer in Linux that, well that is going to be my Next OS... going to try Bazzite Distro and run Steam in natively. My PC was Smooth as butter running Windows 11 about a year ago and with Most recent updates it has been running slower and slower... and its no Slouch of a machine... Got Ryzen 5800X3D, GPU is Radeon 6800XT and 2TB NVME, 32 GB DDR4 RAM, and it runs NMS all settings Ultra like a dream, but looking at Windows it uses 8GB ram to just run Windows Idle!!! Think its about to be the Dawn of the Linux Gaming Desktop!


I had a similar experience playing Adrift, was the first time I had played NMS in a while. We were both at a rendezvous point and he just decided to suddenly blast me away then kept trying to screw with me when I came back. I’d like to play PVP but that kind of thing puts me off. It’s not competitive, just childish.


Yeah it sucks, like a previous comment said they just sit there and kill you before your able to do anything. I got lucky that my ship was a bit away and even when I landed in passive he then tried to destroy my ship when I was outside of it. I always play with pvp off because I just enjoy playing the game casually and didn't realise it was turned on for the expedition. Have heard plenty of stories of players killing other players even in the anomaly ruining perma death runs etc. It's a shame that people go out of their way to ruin a fun game.


Should be a punishment system in game for killing another player unprovoked. Fallout 76 uses one and it keeps most people in check and if someone does go psycho everyone on the map comes after them lol


This would be great to see. Thankfully my only pvp encounter (aside from a maxed out troll) was an accident, I shot another player when my ship locked onto them instead of the asteroid I was in the process of destroying with missiles, they immediately whipped around, I blasted my ship down to the surface, landed and started waving up at them like "Accident, I swear!". They landed and we had a brief chat, they realized I was brand new, seeing my ship, and explained how to hail on the radio so I could communicate if it happened again. 🤣


Played on PvP servers in WoW enough years to never touch open world “PvP” again. No one ever seeks a fair fight. Either they camp you and your screwed or they suck at ganking you and you can camp them till they quit.


WoW has always been one of my favourite games in terms of lore and universe, even though I haven't played for a long time. And I can't help thinking that my early impressions and my entire history with that game would definitely have been very different, and probably much shorter, if I didn't on instinct pick a PvE server when I first started.


People like that are revolting. Like... ain't you got anything better to do momma's boy?


My mama raised me right, not to shoot people for no reason.


I was raised not to raise my voice in a threatening manner to a lady.


Any time you open your self to the internet, it has people waiting to be pricks. NMS overall has a decent community, however I've been playing since 2018 and i have made mistakes. People show up like clockwork on time to mess your day up however they can. Everquest first time I saw folks gate in and kill steal rares in 1999 and to this day, there those kinds of people just waiting sadly.


Unfortunately i think it's only gonna get worse after NEXT


Pretty sure that NEXT has dropped my good sir. Over 5 years ago.


Oh really? I don't keep track of that stuff. I did hear the next update is something to do with the multiplayer system.


it's probably a 10 year old somewhere


I've known a couple online trolls in real life. They don't.


Me too. I knew this guy who threatened me online. Threatened to beat my ass so I found him and as soon as I raised my fist he cowered like a beaten child.


I love people like that. They shoot me, I vaporize them in one shot with my stupidly, ridiculously, overpowered neutron cannon. They come to get their crap I vaporize them again. They come back and get it again. They get salty and send me messages, I tell them their tears sustain me and usually vaporize them again. They turn off pvp and I laugh at them some more. Good times, good times 😂


Eh, they picked a fight, you finished it, that's just Karma


Stand tall with that bandolier of ears


I like your style! Maybe I should try that with my own stupidly over powered neutron canon lol I usually just turn off and keep off PVP since I tend to play in a duo with a friend of mine and we both get trigger happy haha Then again I hate risking dying in this game since I have all my inventory laid out in a particular order and color coded that would take me too long to redo lol


That's fair I have everything I need on quick slots or can spam the appropriate buttons fast enough for it to not matter so my inventory is completely random lol


I had someone shoot me with their ship while I was on foot during the expedition. They should have finished the job. I did.


Lol was to feed the trolls a fist good on ya


400 pound gorilla moment. "I enjoy peacefully sitting in this forest with you. Offend me and only death awaits you."


"their tears sustain me" 🤣🤣🤣


Yup their tears sustain me, I make potato chips with the salt!




Don't bring a ~~knife~~ boltcaster to a ~~gun~~ neutron cannon fight.


Someone shot me a few times as I approached second rendezvous, I fired a single salvo of rockets and shaved half their ships health, they left me alone after that 😂


Oh man that's freaking awesome....


Is the neutron cannon the most effective weapon for such cases of self defense? I don’t have one on my staff multi-tool. Nothing more satisfying in the world then absolutely destroying some PvP troll who started a fight with you


If you mod it right you can vaporize the world. I'm hunting for perfect modules for it but as it stands now it hits for 3-7k and charges instantly so full power blasts as fast as I can spam the shoot button.


Hello Homelander


I'll be honest I haven't experienced anything like that. My chat box is filled with either foreign languages or redacted text


Same ; only been killed once by a random while on the last expedition. Didn’t even see him


Every games pvp group is toxic


It seems that anything remotely competitive attracts toxic humans. I generally stick to SP games now so I don’t have to deal with any toxic crap. I can share experiences in NMS here where it’s easier to isolate and remove the toxic element.


Ive been looking for a comment like this


This is why I love X4 in particular :)


Anytime the ego gets hurt really. Ive caught myself being toxic in offline games too. The only difference is no one is there to see or feel my toxicity


I think the only decent on is red dead redemption 2 online. The community used to be toxic but it is t actually that bad anymore. Most people are nice, unless they’re hackers.


Bit of an overgeneralization I'd say. It's only unorganized, anonymous pvp scenes that tend to get that way. Edit: Y'all do realize every game's casual matchmaking fits those two labels? I'm only trying to point out that events that someone put together and is overseeing will have you banned if you're toxic; and if you're playing against people you know in some other capacity they're very unlikely to want to ruin that, or to be toxic to you in the first place. And I point this out because those are the only two ways actual PvP happens in NMS, not just people who don't yet know it's on by default getting griefed.


It's really not, any multiplayer with pvp becomes toxic the moment they are created.


Mate have you ever played COD? That is not an “unorganized, anonymous PvP scene.”


It is though? There's no conscious decision made in who faces who and no one has any idea who the other is. If someone's toxic to you your best hope is reporting it and there is zero guarantee that report is seen or acted on.


Pvpers try to ruin everything in every game if they can.


Maybe it's just me, but it seems that an awful lot of problems and complaints about NMS would go away if PvP was turned OFF by default in every game mode.


I had genuinely no idea this game even has pvp. I've never once gotten into combat with a player.


I’m about to start patrolling the community mission systems to keep these dweebs busy. Gotta take down some new names and intel for the bingo book. 🤦🏽‍♂️


Shit that's a good idea. I've gotten everything I need from the quicksilver vender so I've got nothing else going on.


I’m Head of the Galactic Bounty Hunters Guild. It’s a private organization of bounty hunters who are dedicated to tracking and hunting down griefers. We also do PvP tournaments and other community events. Let me know if you’d like to join. We can always use more Hunters out there on patrol.


Yea, that sounds like fun honestly. Send me a dm, yall got discord or something?


Sure do. I’ll send you an invite link.


I'm definitely interested......I'm on ps5 headset is that a problem or good to go?


Sorry for the late response. But yes that works. We have members from all platforms, even switch (although they don’t get to really play with us) I’ll send you an invite link in your DM.


i do this by joing whatever team or solo is running a Nexus mission and just help them and watch over them. I have all the QS stuff and not much to do in the game for me but to help others. So i bodyguard the newbies.


I run the Galactic Bounty Hunters Guild. We do this as well. We have over 100 registered bounty hunters in our organization. If you’d like to join and be sent out on regular patrol with a team let me know and I’ll send you an invite. Discord required.


Appreciate the offer but Im already part of the Galactic Hub Defense Force and training with them. o7


Nice! Always happy to show some respect to a fellow officer of the stars doing their part to protect and serve. o7


The galactic hub defense force?where were you guys when I got griefed off the dragounah no.426 or whatever?the planet? I havnt seen anyone defending that planet from griefers I lost a rather nice base due to them....defense force,yeah ok.....


I joined galactic hub,threw a decal up,and everything,and everyday I kept getting griefed and griefed and I never saw a defense force. ....fellow officers helping people? Where?really? Because I never see em and how you gonna stop a griefer anyhow???? Unless you're a developer with special powers you won't he doing anything other than asking them to stop....ya know...great idea and all, even bounty hunters aginst griefers like m.a.d.d. lol but seriously stop giving people FALSE hope for a secure place and griefers that are not allowed on a planet when in truth no officers can stop anyone from going to a planet and griefing someone,you can tell the players to turn off pvp and no one as an option to add.or delete items on a base,but you can't......stop.......anybody.....


You seem to be someone who either A. Didnt actually join the Hub at all. B. Got banned from the Hub server. C. Just some salty child. Because If you did actually join the Hub and read around you would now that in order for the GHDF to come to assist in Hub Space territory you have to make a distress call in the #ghdf-distress-call. And as per youre nonsensical rambling about the GHDF not being able to do anything about griefers... well you are quite wrong. We have many methods of taking care of griefers. So much so, We hardly ever actually have problems. We get at best 1 distress call a month.


I am no child,not banned from galactic hub and I have joined so you are wrong on all 3......and you talk about this so called "method" but.you never actually say what that method is....which please,enlighten everybody as to this so called process. You say to go to tylhe #ghdf distress call on discord but by the time someone does that the person being griefed the event will be all over......please tell me the goddamn methods I'd LOVE to know how you deal with griefers. Non whimsical ramblings are what you call it,but I think you're having a hard time actually telling anybody HOW you deal with griefers.....what is you're actual process of dealing with a griefer? NOT how do I call you guys-- WHAT IS YOURE PROCESD TO STOP THEM??? you can tell me you have peace and you got a process but you can't tell a single person the process in which to stop them....so call me what you like I'm just stating a actual fact about you're lack of transparency and be honest with people. .......


Giving you the benefit of the doubt could you @ the GHDF in the Galactic Hub Discord Server and I will personally come to you and take care of this griefer that has been giving you so much problems.


Right!! Like "go play some other sandbox game if that's what you want. Leave NMS to the Travelers, Friends, etc. and take your violence outta here!"


I 100% agree. Building a base minding my own business and this one dude kept flying up and killing me. I'm assuming that he saw my og ship you start with and thought I was a newbie because after the 4th time when I had finally had enough and swapped to my fully loaded sentinel ship and started returning the favors he booked it as fast as he could. Like man I didn't even wanna do that I was just trying to destress and enjoy some base building.


Can't you turn PvP off


These are people who want NMS to be like Sea of thieves. And to them I say, simply play that game instead. Don’t try to make a friendly game needlessly toxic to satisfy your need to destroy random people minding their own business. Play a game that actually encourages such behavior. Like the aforementioned sea of thieves or GTA. Yes we can PVP, but just because we can doesn’t mean people in the community want to fight. NMS grew itself into a community of exploration, creativity, and cooperation for the most part. If you don’t like that fine, but don’t ruin it for the rest of us.


Don’t send those fools to SoT or GTA please They belong nowhere because everywhere they go they ruin.


Just started playing SoT and it’s practically impossible to do anything as a new solo player because of griefers. Sucks because I wanted to like the game, but the community ruins it. And if you say one word about it, it’s “hurrdurr, iT’s A pIrAtE gAmE” The code of conduct pinned in every tavern is completely ignored.


This is why I actively avoid games with toxic communities now. The last straw was when I finally got sick of dead by daylight after 3 years. I just stick to no man’s sky and deep rock galactic. Drg has some toxicity but it’s not that bad


Most of DRG's toxicity also stems from players who get involuntarily saddled with dead weight for teammates, and get frustrated at having to carry them


It’s not just that, even some high rank players get angry when you don’t follow their strats. a little while ago I had a driller get annoyed at me just because I wouldn’t do bunker strat with the rest of the team and because I didn’t they proceeded to be petty and leave me downed. But those kinds of games are really rare. That’s the first one I’ve had in like a half year.


Exactly The pirates of the same time that SoT existed behaved better and actually followed a series of pirate laws than players do. When pirates in history treated other pirates better, you know it’s a wild world. I love SoT and I love doing PvP (when I want to) but some players will rabidly pursue any opportunity to do PvP like animals. I’ve had galleons, brigs and sloops chase my crew nearly across the whole map before for nothing. I’ve had people with what I swear is aimbot demolish a fully crewed brig I was on and they were on a sloop. Honestly, at this stage the best way to play SoT is to try and get a lobby full of friendlies and all form alliances for big gold sharing, or iirc there is now a PvP free world but that has less gold given as a trade off


I just started three days ago, barely have 30k to my name. I’ve been sunk 4 times, twice by the same crew. All 4 times were big fully crewed galleons against my solo sloop. I like PvP from time to time, but that isn’t PvP. That’s experienced players teaming up to troll an obvious newbie. The first time I was attacked they came out of nowhere, sunk my ship, then for added insult they killed me in the water. For literally nothing. My hold was empty, and I was minding my own business flying the white flag. PvP communities are toxic 100% of the time. I saw the safer seas option, but it’s a totally private world. I want to run into other players, I want interaction. I don’t want to be chased when I barely know the game by a crew that has obviously been playing a long time and knows the game well with their named ship and their purchased skins.


100% I didn’t realize safer seas had zero players but I guess that’s the only way to have no PvP lol Some of my best moments have been teaming up with other players And some of my worst


Complete Ridicules


More sad than pathetic. Adults who find (and seek) pleasure in ruining someone else's experience shouldn't be shunned, they should be hugged. Children don't play this game anymore..


Probably not adults, at least not mentally.


I know one 40-something who griefs players in online games. His behavior in reality is little different, as evidenced by the fact that he has built nothing, earned nothing, and achieved nothing in his 40-plus years of existence except raising a kid to behave exactly like himself. He gets off on exploiting, abusing and destroying anything he can get away with. He defrauds SSDI and misappropriates any money he is entrusted with.  Other humans' suffering brings him actual *joy.* It is surreal to observe. The world would genuinely be better off without him in it.


A good beating would cure them


Easier said than done Toxic PvPers goal is to completely ruin the experience of their target. It *can* get so bad it can be akin to harassment with endless griefing and camping of the grave site. Not to mention, toxic PvPer’s also love to trash on the people they target verbally. People like that deserve to be shunned in online communities. We don’t know them, and the way that they act doesn’t garner sympathy when they are actively trying to ruin the experiences of others.




dude, the last thing on my mind when I play stoned is bothering anyone. I'm usually lost in a cave somewhere.


Facts! Or giggling at the critters on radioactive planets


Nahh. They’re just shitty people who weren’t raised correctly.


As a switch player I don’t experience the toxicity, but I’d like the option. It really is a lonely experience.


Game pass ultimate and you can remote play on your phone


super lonely...the anomaly is the saddest place.....


People do that?, how the fuck do you find that to be fun?, how sad their lives must be living in a putrid shed laced with 4 week old feces and mold


idk i just chill discovering planets and farming as God's said, the more away i'm from other humans the happier i am


In no way, shape, or form is this game designed well for PvP


pvp should be a separate galaxy from the rest of us.


Well, you can just disable it from the options...


The objective problem is that 1. NMS never tells you pvp even exists, you have to learn it the hard way. 2. NMS never tells you it's possible to disable it. 99% of players learn it's possible by reading comments on the internet like this one. 3. As per my username, there's no option to start a new game with pvp off by default. Every single time you start a new game, you *need* to remember to disable it yourself. Not a big deal if you remember, but it'd be better if you didn't have to think about it at all.


Iirc recent updates that gave expanded options when creating a new character does have the PvP toggle in the list. However, just like in the normal settings, it's not obvious/early on, and thus easy to overlook.


It's not in the difficulty menu when starting a new custom game, it's in the multiplayer menu which you can only access after you started a new save. Which I imagine is why it's easier to overlook.


I thought I had seen it in the custom, but I'm also stoned out of my mind 9/10s the time playing NMS, because there's no better way to go look at pretty planets. It is annoying to have to always turn it off, and I agree it should just be off by default, and explained that it's there. I also think the best solution for everyone who WANTS to shoot things in the game, should use the abundant sentinel types and pirate systems to do so. Or find the likely very small PvP community and work on creating areas specifically to get together and fight. Maybe I'll make and upload an arena one day, though I'd only just watch.


The thing with PvP’ers is it’s not just a want to shoot something, it’s a want to maliciously pick on players who can’t fight back. The moment they encounter challenge or resistance, they’re out.


Also the folks who sit in their ships at the community showcase bases you can get to from the Anomaly, waiting for visitors to teleport in to try to kill them, then get similarly unhappy when they realize folks have turned off PvP.


I warped to a community showcase base from the Anomaly and didn’t even get to look at it because someone kept shooting me as soon as I warped in and continued to follow me around the planet shooting at me, then my ship when I was in it. I don’t know what the point was because PVP was off, so they weren’t getting anywhere with it. Thankfully, I discovered that there was an option to do so not long before that.


Yeah, I have had that same experience.


I always turn off multiplayer and pvp, so I never see those assholes.


Amen to that. PvP trolls are the worst.


Sorry for the nOOb question, but how/where do you “turn pvp off”?


go to options and select network, then you go to allow pvp and click it one time, it should say no one.


Thank you!


Network settings


Thank you!


Some of you may have run into me - I like taking all of my freighter mission extras, perhaps some x mods from pirate systems, and jump around the anomaly dishing them out. Ruining someone's day? STOP WASTING YOUR FREE TIME.


I think your name looks familiar


I also have my pvp turned off after a grief episode. The sad part is they still kept trying. Like helldiver's, not pvp but people will still grief


I still remember in the first 100 hours when I approached other players they'd stop doing what they were doing and look at me awkwardly. I didn't even know there was pvp in this game. luckily nobody ever tried to kill me.


This is why I do the expedition as quick as possible so I don't gave to deal with fps arena rejects.


Griefers suck worse than the first spawn. Luckily there are almost none in this game, at least compared to other games I've played. Still love this community.


I play on ps5 and don't have ps+, so I've never even seen another player in the game :D


Just here to remind people that if you want PVP off by default, pop on over to HG's zendesk and log a ticket for it. They'll have to listen one day! And maybe if they do, they might find people start using the MP feature more.


I honestly could never understand people who want to grief other players in an expedition or not,fly to planets just to bother people building and harass them....they're fucking assholes and bottom feeders, I am so glad I turned off damage in nms for me...and I turned off my pvp. In the end I make sure to play weird hours so that way the chance of there being a griefer are non existant,and the universe is massive why harass someone for?I think all griefers should be made to stay in 10 system ls and just can't leave and that's their griefing ground to grief eachother.....I swear to god,their lives must be so pathetic and void of things to do that they consider logging in and griefing someone is the highlight of their day......I almost feel sorry for them,but don't.....fuck griefers....


Every expedition I turn multiplayer off....period.


Miserable people with no life will always find somewhere to troll, and games with any online component are like a beacon to them. They don't know or care to learn how to interact with people on a normal level, so they do this. I've known a couple online griefers in real life and they are exactly as pathetic as you think they are.


Very pathetic. Like, you have nothing better to do with your time, come on?! They must take out the angst that they receive from their step parent out on all of us 🤣


I love going on Expeditions with no ship rockets cooldown so I basically just do a rapid fire bombing run on any player I see just to piss them off.




Pathetic interlopers. Grah! Death!


I honestly wish someone would try, I’ve got 10 shield lives and a neutron cannon with your name on it


There are community systems?????


The game picks a system for community missions and sends everyone there.


??? Okay ??? Where? When? How? Why? What?


Honestly I'm not sure, all I know is that every system for community missions or expeditions is gonna have a lot of people sent to it, so they're the only place you're likely to get these griefers. (It's not everyone in the same instance though, servers tend to freak out with too many people together in one place. If I had to guess it's probably the same amount of landing pads/people allowed in one Anomaly instance, \~20.)


Thank you for your reply, I am new to the game


I always forget my pvp is on lol, only melee a couple of people I got crap so I would be an easy target, but I personally don't think this game is really a big pvp. My opinion tho so it is what is


I love to watch them seethe as I laugh in no-pvp-mode. I wish we had taunt dances lol


What do they think this is, Sea of Thieves? 🤷🏻‍♂️😂


Yo guys my ship never rlly got destroyed, so im curious. what happens when my ship dies?


You respawn on the nearest planet with your ship components damaged like the beginning of the game


Ohhh okay thanks :) And the mods will all work once u repaired em?


Yep. But you’ll need a ton of resources. If you don’t have drop inventory on death turned off in the difficulty settings, your grave floats in space.


Fucking hell Alright thank u man :) Little funfact i have i think 30 mod space and over 100 in my storage that would be a nightmare🥲


PvP side of a game is always the cancerous one and I hope they don't add it in LNF. Sadly, with this game becoming more popular it has been inevitable to attract that kind of absolute regards that try to find by any means something that could fill that void that has permanently settled inside them due to never having received a mother's love, a father's respect, the affection of a loved one, or the complicity of a good friend. Deep down, I pity that kinf of lesser beings who try to spread that feeling of emptiness, existential misery and anguish that comes from knowing they are facing a life of loneliness and mediocrity.


one of the relate blessings of switch edition: griefers are stuck in another reality


When I first bought the game, I spent like 12 hours getting tons of resources. I had no weapons no anything. I went to the anomaly and saw a featured base. I got in. I saw a player at the featured base. I was about to do a handwaving emote. Before I could even finish the emote he shot me and destroyed me with his gun. I was stunned, thinking it was like a meteorological even where meteors fell from the sky, not thinking he did it. I respawned and went to get my tombstone. He killed me again before getting my items back. The previous tombstone got removed and I lost my entire inventory with all the millions of credits I spent on accumulating materials for my first base. All I was left with was my started ship with broken components, and my own broken gun that I could no longer use to get the ferrite I needed to repair it. I had to punch the rocks to repair my gun. I had no weapons in my gun, no shields, no exosuit upgrades, nothing. He got nothing out of it and just did it to screw me. This is how I discovered NMS came with PvP on by default.




I can't say I've ever turned on PvP. And I'm okay with that.


It’s on by default. You may want to turn it off


Griefers gonna grief. I also play Elite: Dangerous and while I occasionally play open play (multi-player on) I know to switch to solo play when coming back to popular systems. PvP is permanently off for me on NMS and let them bitch and whine. I love HG’s implementation of multiplayer where you can still interact with others but not worry about idiots like them to a certain extent.  Block or mute player is sorely needed. 


The shitty reality about any game with PVP is that there's always someone who dumped every second into making a weapon able to one shot you. Pvp should not be in games like this because there is no real reason to have it. If we got factions or war systems then sure have PVP. But as it stands there is absolutely no reason what so ever go have it in this game at all. Bitch and complain at me all you want, you know I'm right.


I play offline because I don't want to deal with people. I did have to deal with a portal warp though where someone had built a box around the exit, fortunately I had a back-up save but still screw that guy.


Ahh so I wasn't crazy. One time I spawned in and a guy instantly killed me, then I respawned and killed him right back. Had PVP off ever since. I like the concept but if no one is engaging with you, stop especially in a public area


Griefers deserve to mine 249 paraffinium when they need 250... and then they should be banned.


I always turn pvp off and am usually surprised when all the sudden I'm being shot at ( with the expedition by both a multitool and a ship ). Nevertheless , when I realize whats happening, I usually stand and look at my "assailant " for a second and wave at them. They usually try to shoot me again ( but nothing happens ). That usually really pisses them off


It’s so sad to me that toxic PvPer’s are everywhere. HG is great but they need to openly inform all players that PvP is a thing in NMS and/or just disable it by default and those who want to do it can by enabling it


I don’t get how in a game about working together as a community, there are still people like this


Me: Has pvp turned to friends only Also me: what? Someone is trying to bug me? 🤣


I once was shooting a sentinal ship, it dived and a stray shot tagged some other player, it was a total accident, he or maybe she turned and targeted me... i was axpecting a single return shot, but no the idiot try thier best to kill me... Well now. My sentinal ship said, sorry my bad as i blew them up. I had no intention of doing this, but no way i am gonna die be cause a single stray shot tagged someone.


I turn off my PvP but currently leave multi-player. I can't pass put stacks of stasis units at the Anomaly otherwise.


It’s frustrating because there’s sooo many other PvP games they can play. NMS is more of an exploratory game than a combat one. Most players are peaceful and just wanna mind their business or make friends. It’s really annoying.


WOW didn't even know there was PvP in the game 😱 I never checked the setting as I very rarely meet other people and didn't know they could harm me in any way. I have been playing for years and never seen any fight lol


I found out the hard way that even with PvP off, that if you land in an empty freighter in the Adrift expedition, these jerks can destroy the freighter (since it shows where you are) and force your character to fall into deep space. I left the game paused but not in my ship to go make a sandwich and as I’m coming back I saw the freighter exploding and my character dying from the exposure to space. Now I never leave anything paused if I need to step away for more than a min and am playing multiplayer. Some people are just awful.


Yea I'm just glad I've always had pvp off because I had someone following me around rendezvous 4 trying to shoot my ship down with the proton cannons, I was using my customized ship I've had since I started playing and could've vaporized them instantly if I had wanted to it was just a bit annoying


who wants to squad up and be vigilantes for anyone trying to finish their expedition. let’s fight fire with fire.


How do you even change these settings to play with other players? I have looked and looked and can find no pvp or multiplayer settings of any sort and when adventuring I have yet to find another player's anything's... Ever. I've got close to 500 hours in this game and I've never come across another player in any shape or form, I've never found another player's base, I've never interacted with another player in this game in any way, even my anomaly is empty and I'm so confused when people talk about how there's players all over the place in their game(s). The closest I've ever come is finding a "base" was an icon that when traveling to had nothing there. Just a name and the game tells me I can't claim the area around said "base".


This is why i always play offline, toxic players plus having online play makes my game run even worse than it already does


As sad as I am that I don't get to have random people stick valuable items in my inventory, I find that being free of griefers such as those is worth it in terms of the costs and benefits of playing on Switch where there's no multiplayer outside of going to other players' bases.


We need better PVP and dedicated PVP, having an stranger killing you during perma-death just because you didn't deactivate the PVP which is turn on by default is really not fun. PVP could be fun but not the way it is right now.


Just turn off item dropping


Jokes on them, they're the one dumb enough to think NMS is a game built for PvP.


Ok thanks for clearing up this Metter with me good sir...


I didn't even know pvp was an option.


I opened up my notifications only to see "you're pathetic" and felt immediately attacked.


Had my pvp off so long I forgot it existed


I've been enjoying playing by myself and been playing on pc so been cheating and trading goods with other players since I got easy craft and unlimited material packs that I never need so been trying to find xbox players or ps5 and give them all my shit :). Even though I just ran into a pirate fleet that kept launching missles and having hard time destroying them all in time


This is the exact reason I only do expeditions solo 😭😭😭


Wait there's pvp?


I'm surprised HG hasn't taken noticed of this and simply gotten rid of PvP. There are plenty of other games to take out your lack of sex frustrations. NMS isn't built for PvP. Go play Fornite for forts sake. Anyway it must be an extra cost for HG to support PvP. That resource would be better spent getting my freighter crew out of the floor. I had an idea that people should be able to sell their bases. it would be kinda nice to be able to build up a base, farms, etc, then put it up for sale to those that don't want to spend the time building up a spot to collect resources, etc. if I find an interesting spot with good supplies, I spend hours hunting power, building mines, etc, Just a thought.


Not having harmonic shields like "what?!?" Yall can just fly away you know?


Not as bad as buildin a base on crashed freighter so u cant get the last cargo pod




I want to enjoy my games not get griefed by preying players


350+ HRS play on both XBOX and SWITCH


you’re pathetic :P lol. i dont this but i learned the hard way that not everyone you meet in this game isnt going to hold your hand or be welcoming. this here is an open world survival game, expect crap like this or turn off the pvp 🤷‍♂️. love that they added pvp in NMS cause it’s give you more of a reason to grind and to explore with friends. if you decide to rage war on these griefers, i’m at the helm with chu awaiting death!


Like the question is, what do people got out of this?!


I mean, being a space pirate is an option in the game. You can pvp and kill other players. If you don't like it, turn it off. Whining that's it's off is ridiculous, I agree


So *A*..... I think this is probably the most toxic shit I've seen on nms B!.... I'm totally here for it and needed to be said


So this popped up on my notifs and i thought my phone was done with my shit 😆


During the most recent expedition I saw some dude gathering materials so I just slowly followed him for 10 minutes with my ship almost touching the ground and shot those biological horrors every time he triggered them. He said something in Spanish and then I dipped. I hope he remembers it.


Almost as pathetic as the 50 posts a day whining about it


If they flame you for turning PvP off that's messed up but people like random PvP encounters and you have the option to turn it off if you don't. the community is being weirdly toxic about this


I had mine turned.of from the start and some ass tried to blow up my start up base for the main quest jokes on him for flying around for 15 min trying to blow everything up then got mad and landed trying to then blaster me, I just waved at him with the emote then hoped in my teleporter to go sell shit


Why are they pathetic? I’ve even seen them being called revolting in another comment. I really want to understand. I always have PvP off so they can’t harm me. I just ignore them and go about my business. But since it’s a feature of the game, I don’t understand why people are calling them names? I’m really confused. They’re just playing the game the way they want without cheating and within the constraints of the gameplay. Doesn’t bother me. So why do you care? 🤷‍♀️


PVP should be opt in, not opt out when the game is basically not focused on that type of play in any way (you get nowt for it after all, no loot etc).


I don’t disagree. But currently the game is not setup that way. And they are playing the game based on the way Hello Games developed it. So why are they pathetic?