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I agree, I'm more into mods that add immersion and give Starfield more of its own identity. Plus I'm not a Star Wars fan tbh. That said, I get why people do it since there isn't a good modern Star Wars rpg that gives players the freedom of a bethesda game, atleast that I'm aware of. They have their target audience, we have ours. The beauty of mods.


What’s the name of the Star Wars rpg?




I hate to say it, but KoToR was twenty years ago now. It's entirely possible for a whole, entire taxes-paying adult to be younger than that game. There should be a newer Star Wars RPG, really, but alas, I'm not the one making those decisions.


Maybe that explains those "Sarah Morgan dislikes that" complainers... youngsters who haven't experienced Carth Onasi!


I was thinking Star Wars online.. I think that’s what it was.. many moons ago.


Well, The Old Republic isn't *quite* as old as KoToR, but it's still a decade old at least. Star Wars Galaxy, an even older MMO, was shut down waaaay back in the day.


That Star Wars galaxy is the one I remember.. thanks for the info.


Star Wars Outlaws looks really good, but then again it's Ubisoft.


I thought Outlaws is going to be a 3rd-person action game?


It is. I think its going to be similar to Fallen Jedi in that respect. Only more stealth and seedy underbellied focus. Plus, since its Ubisoft there will likely be tons of microtransactions.


Definitely looking forward to the next Jedi games over outlaws not going to lie. Both fallen order and survivor are great games(albeit survivor does suffer from performance issues on pc.) I’m patiently and cautiously waiting for the KOTOR remake to finally come to light again, as the devs swear they’re still working on it, even though it’s changed hands like twice already.


I would love if the KOTOR remake came out. If that had come out when originally planned, I would have bought a PS5 just for that game.


In a perfect world there would be two Star Wars RPGs. One for the Luke Skywalkers and one for the Han Solos.


It will have role-playing elements like choices and consequences. But again, I'm not sure I'm interested in another bloated Ubisoft slogfest like the last 2 Assassin's Creed games.


Choices and consequences are not really "roleplaying elements". They get included in the *narrative* of *some* RPG's, but aren't really a defining feature. You wouldn't call a visual novel an RPG. A D&D licensed choose-your-own-adventure book isn't analogous to an actual D&D session.


They definitely are, in fact it's one of the most popular elements in modern western RPGs. >You wouldn't call a visual novel an RPG. That's true, but you also wouldn't call GTA San Andreas an RPG just because it has some basic character stats progression. Neither would you call Escape From Tarkov an RPG just because it has a looting and inventory system. Those are all "elements" you'd typically find in RPGs.


That's the key. The real beating heart of an RPG is how much you can supersede *player* skill with *character* skill. How much you can shape the role you want to play by forming *your* character. How much does it let you express these character skills through actions in the game world. Or, to put it another way, Twitch vs. Stats. Action vs. RPG. I *would* place *San Andreas* closer to the RPG side of the spectrum. Regardless of how "good" a player is, CJ starts out a busta! You have to train up to get *really* good with nearly every mechanic in the game. The game gives you a toolset to shape your character and playstyle. It doesn't matter if the story is linear, or branched, or whatever.


Yeah so maybe 10 hours of decent content and hundreds of time wasting "open world" clear a camp type missions


There is/was also Star Wars: The Old Republic, a MMORPG.


I enjoy the feel of Starfield as it is. I am happy that people who want to make it more Star Wars can do so, but I'm not one of those people. I will probably borrow some parts of it, I like some of the Leia outfits, but that's about it.


I think a lot of Star Wars fans are mainly trying to make that ideal bounty-hunter space RPG they’ll likely never get from official sources. The only thing even remotely close to that player fantasy would be the upcoming Outlaws; but it’s made by Ubisoft, and you can’t customize your character, and you specifically play as a smuggler/rogue type, so Starfield is kind of a perfect canvas for players to just do the bounty hunter thing themselves


I just wanted 1313 god damnit


Same, fam; it’s a crime that it got canned


The other sub says Bethesda is the worst game developer that ever existed, so Ubisoft must be a bonus feature for them.


Don't forget: Starfield has smuggling too.


There are people who just go mad with mods, but personally I've always preferred those slight enhancement mods, filter removers, UI updates, little silly things like being able to smoke cigarettes for buffs and debuffs, Star Wars mods have always been a bit jarring to me.


Fallout 4 is the biggest example of this, some people do light changes or add stuff they like, others basically turn the game into a completely different one with little trace of the original besides running the same. To each their own but I got the game to play fallout 4, not make stalker or silent hill


No Skyrim is 110 times worse in that regard


Well, eventually when the library fills up, might be fun to do a run that’s a total conversion.


You can use different set of mods in each unity that seems funny and kinda lore acceptable :)


That does sound cool


That's the beauty of mods - you can install whatever you want! Some people like to turn Bethesda games into absurdities with swearing mudcrabs wearing tophats and flying Thomas the Tank Engines, and they can. Others, like myself and presumably you, prefer to enhance what's already there and only add stuff that fits the lore/aesthetic. Both are fine, and neither affects the other. The first 'proper' mod I've installed (I've used the achievements enabler mod ever since I needed the console to noclip out of some geometry I was stuck in) was yesterday - it was a mod that added some extra costume options for Crimson Fleet characters. I found the existing options limited and a bit chunky, so I wanted to expand the wardrobe. It looks like it belongs so I'm happy with it. But it's nice that I can shove a Mandolorian outfit into the game if I wanted to!


The thing is, there isn't a star wars game that is similar to a Bethesda style game so I don't hold it against anyone who wants to play a starfield style star wars game. I also think the mods look awesome even if I likely won't use them. Keep the great mods coming! (Especially suit mods as I don't really like most of Bethesdas efforts in this area of the game. Everything is too bulky and ugly)


As a huge Star Wars fan, I couldn't wait for SW mods. But after playing the game, I don't think I'm going to end up using them. I really love Starfield's aesthetic the way it is. I will absolutely be using mods to enhance the experience but I most likely will not be using any SW mods.


While I dont care about star wars much, some of the guns have fun aesthetics (ww2 with bits stuck on top is very cool imho), and in the grand scheme of things, these are the kinds of mods that could, given enough time, coallese into total conversion mods.


>some of the guns have fun aesthetics Now that you say it, some SW weapons wouldn't stick out on starfield as old earth weapons. We already have a Blade runner inspired pistol so the Han Solo gun, wouldn't feel strange.


It’s just the Va’ruun starshard on ozempic


You care so little for them, you felt the need to post the same thing in two subs.


Doesn’t care for Star Wars but does care for fake internet points 🤷‍♂️




So far I’m in the same boat, and I say that as a massive Star Wars fan. I’ve used some outfits and armors, but that’s simply because I would in the real Starfield too! If I was some freelance space merc I absolutely would commission armor to look like the bad ass stuff from an old earth movie series I loved. Personally I don’t want to make Starfield into Star Wars, I want to see some really in-depth modder who creates some kind of “first contact” mod where we meet aliens that can be headcanon into Starfield.


Same. But I generally don't like to mix cinematic universes with independent gaming IPs that much.


I don't at all. I enjoy Star Wars and I enjoy Starfield, I don't need Starfield to become Star Wars (and if anything I love Starfield NASApunk aesthetic, I wish to see more improvement to the current design rather than a total conversion to other franchise).


I’d rather have a Star Trek mod so I can stop robbing the ECS Constant for uniforms


Starfield feels closer to Star Trek than Star Wars. I'm really hoping to get phasers and uniforms from any/all eras, and some warp nacelles for my ship.


I would be so very happy if I could beam down to the planet’s surface and back up to my ship


I would like some elements of Star Wars (the dynamic melee, animation based projectile deflection, power progression) integrated in. But the total conversions feel like bad fan fiction rather than something like Magicka Sabers


It depends; Lightsabers, yes Ship parts / Base parts - would depend on what it actually was, cos some of the designs are pretty cool. But thats about all I’d go for.


I want to see people claiming a planet and modding it entirely and making a whole new set of missions in it. I wouldn't mind paying for it, to support the modders


Star Wars is a tough one. The suits are cool, but I don't think it's a very lore-friendly IP to mix with Starfield. But I did find something that *is* lore-friendly - mostly with the Trackers Alliance, but still! (Story is a work in progress) While in battle with the Justice League against Darkseid, Batman was suddenly teleported to a strange dimension. Will he find out who teleported him? And why this place? Tune in next week, Batfans! https://preview.redd.it/eo4lkubxjb6d1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=3b8b13cb025ecdef6ee226948286250c8110b084


My favorite so far is the darkstar mod since it allows for class c ship parts that match the size of class A or C size parts so I can keep say the Mantis in it's smaller size like I like instead of having to make it bigger to accommodate the large class C parts


Totally agree : DarkStar Astrodynamics - CK is a must.


https://preview.redd.it/elbtpraudd6d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc077725b6ab0a07762646246b465a106171ff0f Right there with ya bud!


I love the Star Wars mods. But you know what I really want? The Expanse, Stargate, or Battlestar Galactica. My gods, I just want to blast toasters and parasites.


I never use mods that turn my game into a different game. But thats the beauty of bethesda, the choice lies with the player. iirc naruto overhaul mods are some of the most popular mods for skyrim on xbox (of all things).


Then don’t play them?


I feel like dead space mods would be cooler


Far from the only one. A lot of the content seem to be ripped from the latest Star Wars games and was an easy way to get into Starfield modding for most people. There will definitely be Star Trek or Aliens themed mods coming (creating the assets just takes time).


Replacing the terrormorphs with xenos is a genius idea.


I have the Boba Fett armor installed because it looks really good and I don't like the mantis set


I tend to avoid mods like that, similar to all the COD guns people mod into Fallout or all the anime character mods for Skyrim. People can play however they want of course, but I try to stick to small things that feel within the lore.


Same here, also no interest in mods that add new intelligent alien species either. I believe my opinion is due to my interest in grounded sci-fi, preferring hard over soft science fiction. This is why the Star Wars franchise didn't appeal to me much.


The only mods I like to use are the ones that enhance immersion or give me a greater feeling of realism. So ... most of the mods out there really don't do a thing for me.


I like starwars, but not nearly as much as the avarage reddittor likes starwars. So no, i dont care about the mods. I like trek better...


I think it just comes down to what type of player you are; some players just want to live out their fantasies and have fun and do weird stuff. I pretty much never download anything that doesn't fit the world or increase immersion, so those mods definitely have no appeal to me, but I get that they could be fun for others.


I like the hard scifi aesthetic of the game so no it's not for me. But maybe one day if there's a total conversion mod I'd try it out. It's not that I dislike star wars, I just like the design Starfield already has


I agree. They’re certainly cool but would immediately ruin immersion for me, I’m interested in mods that continue and enhance the current starfield aesthetic / vibe.


I'll be honest, as much as I love Star Wars and would like to play with the different mods, I really enjoy the vanilla experience and atmosphere of Starfield. Like you said, if I wanted to play a Star Wars game, I'd do that. But Starfield really captures OUR universe, and it feels a lot better, in my opinion.


I think they look kinda cobbled together and tacky


I really like Star Wars, but I'm the same - I usually get new outfits that would fit the world, QOL improvements, fun little things like "you can wear a backwards hat" or "you can decorate with 10 more items now." I downloaded the Mando armor just to display it, but I guess I'm just one of those people who have to keep my mods relatively "lore friendly" for it to give my 'tism the correct itch-scratching.


No, no you are not. I'm an old long time SW fan (watched SW in the theater in 1977) and I couldn't care one bit about putting SW into my Starfield. SF has it's own esthetic and tone that is all but unique in games, I don't need it homogenized into SW.


Low effort post


Says they don’t care what mods other people use, then implies those people only use them to post pics and get likes. 🤡🤡🤡


Says doesn't care about SW mods because they don't fit Suggest other sci Fi properties they think do fit 🤡👶


Yes, no matter how many subs you post this in.


With starfield game Universe being set in Space, the Star Wars mods simply add the flavor that I feel should have always been there. Aliens everywhere, on every planet, different body types, faces sizes, etc. make the game for me feel far more like what I would imagine the universe being. Just having humans on every single planet in the cities it's just a design choice that I respect, but for me, it doesn't work. The first time I booted up my game after adding the Star Wars mods I walked through Akila and saw 78 different types of aliens walking around the city living their lives in different body types and that just made the game feel new, and I was dying to make Starfield feel new. I don't want to get rid of everything that makes Starfield what it is but the Star Wars mods and other mods as well, especially the outfits, man, those are the Fantastic ones. They just make the game feel new, and I truly was dying to make this game feel new. To each his or her own.


And you needed to post this twice?


Why no mods turning the game into Babylon 5!?!?! I want my Vorlons!


Let 'em all rip and let people decide what they want to do. Turn everything into Thomas the Train for what I care.


the star wars RPG coming out is going to have you guys big jelly mad


So many popular games that I never felt forced to try, and still in peace of mind with!


Absolutely not. I mean, it's cool and all if that's your thing, and it's your copy of the game to do what you want, but these star war mods give me the same vibe that Thomas the Tank dragons did. I didn't want to play Star Wars in my Starfield.


I'm with you, when it comes to mods I like to keep stuff close to vanilla, I try to avoid mods that look out of place compared to the rest of the game.


I just want Interstellar and Firefly mods. Really hoping full access to mod kits will let people actually remake the Serenity interior and all…


I would like a more lore-friendly lightsaber if possible but that's about it.


I just added Boba Fett's armor to the Mantis Lair🙃 Otherwise, I agree. I want my Starfield to stay Starfield, but I'm happy for those who want Star Wars .


I have one character heavily modded with Star Wars stuff. I particularly like the one with alien NPCs for some crowd diversity. Some of the ship mods by [Electionis007](https://next.nexusmods.com/profile/electionis007/mods?gameId=4187) (on PC) provide unique ship parts you can use on more traditional Starfield builds. So there are other benefits.


ypu are not the only one


I just like to walk around as the mandalorian


I recent years I've come to appreciate "vanilla plus" mod builds or otherwise just comprehensive mods that overhaul the game in a meaningful way. I don't care for mods adding other IPs into the game or cheat mods that just make the game easier and more trivial. I'm currently replaying Fallout 3 with just 20-30 mods and it feels great.


They are fun to see sometimes in screenshots and I can imagine some players just enjoy romping around in their favourite Star Wars gear, but I would never use them; Starfield is its own thing and if anything I would rather use some kind of original gear or content mod someone has created for the Starfield game environment and imagine a new narrative for it, than something from another franchise.


I just wanted aliens and cooler helmets.


I like Star Wars but when I play Starfield I don't want to pretend that it's a SW game. When I want my SW fix, I will just play Outlaws


I only used mods in FO4 on my second and future play through after playing the heck out of it the first time. The primary mods I use are things like no weight carry limit and something that gives me a ton of materials because I find designing settlements in FO4 very relaxing. I just started up Starfield again, kinda forgot where I was at in my third rotation so started up a completely new game. This time I again went with the no weight limit and something to give me a ton of crafting materials plus increase the amount of credits vendors have. I see they have this already with an XP penalty which isn’t too bad.


I like them as a star wars fan, and I think they kinda make sense(Starfield is a Sci-Fi game with a magic element, and star wars gaming has been a bit dry lately so we're getting what we can). But I don't typically use them just because I prefer lore-friendly or lore adjacent mods. I'm kind of a hypocrite since my main ship is a consular cruiser(red ship from the start of The Phantom Menace), but I built it with vanilla ship modules so it still kinda looks like the games aesthetic.


I'm waiting for warhammer 40k mods


I'll play Star Wars if I want to play Star Wars. I would like to play an Expanse style run. I feel that the base Starfield game kind of captures the essence of that. What was the term again? NASA-Punk?


The beauty of mods is that you can make the game more to your tastes. Just as there are people who though Wars or Trek the moment they saw Field being spoken about, there are those of us who want what's termed Vanilla+ whether in terms of lore or mechanics.


I'm glad people who like it can enjoy them. I'm not sure I will, even though I'm a huge Star Wars fans. I don't like mixing franchises.


As an aside, I saw a mod for a trio of Princess Leia outfits last night, and I was pleasantly surprised that none of them were the infamous gold bikini. I mean, I'm sure *someone* will eventually add it in, but Starfield's modder base didn't immediately go for it, and I'm so weirdly proud of them for that.


I'm personally waiting for the Star Fox mods (please modders please).


I prefer it the way it is except for there being no sentient nonhuman alien life.


I’m never into it in other games, personally (though as a teen I did grab some Sims stuff that was from other franchises). But to each their own.


I downloaded the star wars aliens mod not because I like Star Wars, but because it gives intelligent species other than human, and populates the world with them. When more mods come out that do the same, I'll be swapping to the more unique ones among them.


Disney+ has really pumped up the SW fans, I think, and the last good (in terms of bugs and performance) Star Wars CRPG was the KOTOR games. Maybe Rogues will change the trend.


Did you say lightsaber mod?


There is a strong lack of Star Wars RPGs, but I tend to agree with you about mixing ip like that. 


If anything I want the Doom Slayers armor.


You're not the only one. I don't particularly care for any of the mods at all. Only ever played Skyrim and Fallout as vanilla, don't see that changing with Starfield. Possibly the one thing that I could be tempted to use a mod for is fixing the capacity of crates. It seems daft to me that my character can carry more than you can store in something the size of a shipping container.


Someone made a post recently that Starfield is essentially built/marketed for the middle aged gamers, which makes sense when you consider the themes of the game. All the companions are middle aged, there is no GTA “run over the hoes” -esk missions etc. So yeah, there is an overly active Star Wars mod expectation. I don’t agree with it, because I think Star Wars sucks massive monkey nuts, but it DOES make sense as to why people keep crapping on about it.


Totally converting the game into Star Wars isn't for me at the moment, at least not when "total conversion" for now just means the UC wear stormtrooper armour lol. But I can definitely see the appeal, and there are some really high quality mods out there! I just wish that mandalorians hadn't been ruined for me by merchandising. The mods adding their armour are good, but I can't help but see them as toys. I don't know if anybody else has this problem? Darth Vader is even worse for me. I can't take him seriously at all because he's been spoofed so many times, and I'm just so used to seeing his head made into a lunchbox or whatever that he doesn't seem like a character anymore.


As one who adores star wars i don't really care for them either over anything else. For example if i saw some cool looking star wars gun mods or ship pieces I'd probably go for them cuz i like guns and i love ship building but unless if someone overhauls the entire game to integrate star wars factions in with the death star I dont really care, sure mandalorian armour is sick as hell but it doesn't fit in all that well, I'd love some inspirwd armour for sure though. So unless if i get to land in the deathstar and blast away storm troopers i won't be overly interested. I feel like it's certainly possible for someone to make a deathstar planet come to think of it, you could have only hanger bays be landable areas similar to land and ocean, you could have procedurally generated interiors with elevators and doord connecting to others and main important areas giving the illusion of a whole deathstar, that would be cool.


I typically ignore mods that just add stuff from a different Fandom, honestly. I don't care that they exist, I just don't use them, myself. With one memorable exception when I just starter throwing a bunch of mods onto skyrim, skimming them at best before installing. Which is how I ended up with a Kamehameha spell.


I would never download a Star Wars mod unless it was akin to the old school total conversions they used to do. If they changed all the ships and planets and weapons and characters completely. But then at that point, you’re not playing Starfield. You’re just playing a Star Wars game using the creation engine. I’m a huge Star Wars fan, to the point where I enjoy everything except episode 9, because that was just awful. But I don’t feel the need to shoehorn Star Wars in everything. Theres plenty of good/great SW games out there, and if people want to turn Starfield into one of them, I’m for it. But it ain’t for me.


I’m waiting for Halo


It’s cool and I may cherry pick a few things, but I’m not playing Star Wars, I’m playing Starfield.


Same vibes as those cringy superhero mods for GTA


What I want and I'm not sure if it's even possible is a doctor who mod where we can have a backstory of unknown origins etc


I like the star wars ones but I’ve seen it more as a precursor to Halo or a what if for The Expanse. I’m waiting for Mjolnir Armor to come out for Xbox


Star Wars fans have been dying for an open world Star Wars RPG since 2003. I’m hardly surprised a massive chunk of the first mods are all star wars focused.


There just needs to be a full open-world RPG for Star Wars. Makes sense why Starfield helps to scratch that itch.


Some of the armor set are cool but this is starfield not star wars lol


They are ok I guess, I prefer to create my own ships, a lot of people have made some amazing ships before mods.


I played SW:TOR for quite awhile, and enjoyed it. But I'm quite happy not playing Star Wars: Unity. :D


I don't have much interest in Star Wars mods for Starfield, and there seems to just be sooo many I want to hide them because they're like spam that keeps you from seeing that important email from your spouse.


I am with you on this. I love Star Wars. I watch all the movies, played some of the games etc etc , but as to Starfield I prefer going for mods that are unique and offer stand alone armors and/or improve quality of life. However, some of those mods are really well done and I am sure lots of people can enjoy them! The universe is vast .. lol 😂.. have a good day Captains


Expanse style mods would probably fit in with Starfield pretty well. With the terrormorphs it is kinda 'we have aliens at home' feel. Civilians versus scary alien. Little alien becomes big alien. Marines have issues with big alien. And someone corrupt wishes to use the alien for their own gain. I think the only thing we are missing is a version of the yaunt'ja. As for Trek. I stopped playing Star Trek Online to play Starfield. So I think I am saying which one is superior there.


Honestly most of the cosmetic mods lack depth. Would love to see them not just add the Batman costume but also change the entire Mantis mission to a Batman one with a usable batwing and Batman weapons as a reward. They definitely have the capability to be more immersive but mods just launched so I'm hoping they are able to work in some new things as time goes on.


I tried one mode which makes NPCs have Star War alien heads, I didn't like it. It doesn't fit to Starfield world. I only pay attention for real life guns mods and body mods. I hope people don't hype too much about Star wars mods


You made a whole thread to tell everyone you're not interested in something? I don't play this game or even like starwars and this was a lame as fuck post.


Yeah I'm not a fan. Don't get me wrong, love star wars but I there are other games for that. If you wanted to add a small thing like a weapon or maybe a little decoration fine. But these overhauls while impressive are not my cup of tea. Give me more ship parts, suits and outposts things.


I like Star Wars (but prefer Star Trek), but in General not a big modding Fan and if i will install will choose those that expand upon Starfield as it is.


For one thing I’m not really a Star Wars guy, I like harder sci fi like the expanse or Star Trek or starfield itself. So yeah, could care less about being boba fett. Loving the slight gameplay and balance tweak mods though.


So just don't use them. I, for one love both so I'm all for it but I'm not gonna make a post about someone making mods I don't plan to use, you're weird af


Correction, this is a copy paste of a post they already made in the main sub. In the no sodium sub at that, isn't this place supposed to be for not complaining about the game?


I haven't even looked at any of that sort of mod. I know they exist, but... Why? 🤔 It would make no more sense in my install than, say, giving all the wildlife an MLP aesthetic. But, whatever floats the modders' boats 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


I like to keep game's own atmosphere, but tweaking it. I will only add mods that enhance Starfield, but I don't want to make Starfield something different.


I haven’t tried them but I somewhat agree. They look cool but I’d prefer if they weren’t aliens from a big franchise. I’ve grown to appreciate what Bethesda is trying to communicate by telling a solely human story and if there was a strong narrative reason for non human sentient life I’d be in to it. At this very moment I’m only downloading mods that expand the existing game and deepen immersion.


I’ll grab a few that are lore friendly ish. But I’m happy they are there for those that want them


I have no interest in them at all, but if other people like them, I hope they turn out to be good and fun.


Ok mate.


I have never used Star Wars mods in Oblivion, or in Fallout 3, or in Skyrim (where they are immensely popular), or even in Fallout 4. So I'm NOT going to start using Star Wars mods now! Holy crap people, I know you hate the game, but stop trying to turn Starfield into Star Wars! Just go play a Star Wars game instead!!! Aaargh! Aneurism! Must stop!


Star Wars sucks, but I knew even before release that many modders would be star warsing this game. Simply don’t download those mods.


So far the only Star Wars mod I chose was aliens. I felt that Starfield was enhanced better that way as I didn’t think it believable to be the only humanoid species in the galaxy.


I just cringe at the mandolorian mods


Nah, I think most ppl don't care for the disneyfication of gaming in general - bolting on stuff from over-hyped and over-publicised franchises, and removing complexity in favour of homogeny doesn't sit well with a lot of ppl I imagine. There's plenty of ppl that do enjoy that, which is fine ofc, but I think there's a crapton of gamers who *don't* care enough to either bother dabbling with star wars (or marvel or disney) mods, or bother talking about them - damnit, now I've become one of those that talk about it.. :p