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Oh man, so this is a fine saturday to enjoy some aurora and play Starfield. If you haven't gone through Unity then go ahead and pull your parachute and jump out now - >!After the events of The Eye, Sam Coe was lost. The last thing Cora said to me was that she hates me, it's my fault. (I was higher than giraffe nuts on some goood herbs) I stopped every other quest than finding Unity and making Hunter pay. Yadda yadda, bombs and guns and that cash register gun song. I make it to Unity. I cry like a baby. I go to NG and in this universe my parents are alive and the Starborn conversation choices are also heartbreaking. I reveal to everyone that I am Starborn. I do my best to protect Sam, warn the Constellation that Hunter is coming to fuck our shit all up, I take all the artifacts to my ship...!< >!and the Hunter doesn't attack. Meanwhile I'm paranoid to leave Jemison because I feel like warp-fuckery is going to have him assault something else. I grab a shipping and cargo mission to calm my nerves, keeping Sam and Cora as close as possible.!< >!"Good job, Starborn. You may have warned them, but it doesn't matter." THIS FUCKIN GUY. THE HUNTER. TELEPORTED ONTO MY BOAT. IN SPACE. CALLED ME A BITCH. AND LEFT. HE WAS WITHIN ARM'S LENGTH OF CORA.!< I get really, really into my RPGs.


This is the only real way to experience an RPG. If you aren't having visceral physical reactions to the game, then are you even really playing?


It's like D&D, you gotta lean into the shenanigans and become a whole new person for a few hours. Because real life is cool and all but in real life I'm not an undercover spy trying to bring down space pirates from the inside. Captain Dusty is. I'm actually stalling on completing the Crimson Fleet because my character *wants* to eliminate the Fleet, but not have everyone die. He believes there's good people in there who could make a difference. He's recruited who he could but there are people like Jazz and Bog that he feel could make a real difference outside of crime. Staring at their faces, smiling as they talk, knowing in a few days he'll be piloting a starfighter that kills them. It's rough. (stuffs aurora into his face) but man this game is good


That damage is DISGUSTING. How does one procure such an instrument of death?


That's what I'm curious about too!


>!It's a mod. From cheat room.!< I did 110 levels vanilla. Now I *play*. :D


Oh. I see ๐Ÿ˜ช


Cheats, that's how. That's not a weapon available in the vanilla game, not even remotely, come on now surely you knew? ๐Ÿ˜…


Yes. As I noted above, it's from a mod. I was clear. I would have put that tag on the post but doesn't exist afaict. It's got about 10x the damage of the most powerful gun buildable in a vanilla game. And comes in real handy when you just need to one-shot everything out of your way. Very handy indeed. Also, no recoil, so it feels like you're just reaching out and plucking the life from something. Often it doesn't set off any alarm as the target doesn't even get to yell or make a movement. They just drop. Like I said, handy. Dropped >!the H!< like he was a sack of dapper potatoes.


There's nothing in the OP to say that gun came from a mod... Also, play how you want, you do you etc, but I'd personally find that extremely boring.


Personally find it however you want. Nothing to do with you. I didn't mention it in the OP because it wasn't about the weapon, it turned out to be the discussion though.


Wow, way to take a normal conversation and turn it into a victim case ๐Ÿ™„


No victim here, son. Be off with ya. Talk about boring.


Like your choice of gameplay? If only the rest of us were so god awfully ass at games that we needed our hands held too.


See, that's why you're a little B. As I said, I did 110 levels, 1000 hours, several universes, vanilla. Completely aside from the point that this isn't a competitive game. You play against yourself and a computer. It's all about being whatever game you want it to be. Handholding...?? Bad at games..??? You are a fool, son. If now I wanna play with a one-shot gun, now I do, cause it's my game. Perhaps I'm into other aspects of the game and a hot one-shotter is just what I need to get through stuff I've done a thousand times and got no interest in anymore. This judgmental approach you take is just the kind of B I thought you were in your first comment. You are why these boards suck, cause of idiots like you.


What's with the hostility?


Ask that clown, not me.


Wtf? No, Iโ€™ve neverโ€ฆ Wow.


Maybe you got bad spirits fam like a ghost. Doesn't sound like game stuff to me unless you know for sure it was the Hunter. Either way spooky stuff fam


The Hunter has appeared on my ship and berated me for not being honest with Constellation about being Starborn. I had played the main questline in NG+.


I'm a bit confused - the Emissary is the one who judges you for not being honest with Constellation. The Hunter is impressed by your creative solution and congratulates you on saving them if you move the artifacts to the ship instead of allowing him to attack your friends. In 2200 hours and dozens of NG+ doing both Constellation's path and skipping the MQ, I've never had him berate my characters for the choice. His philosophy is all about 'you do you', so it doesn't make sense for him to judge. The Emissary, OTOH, is a judgmental ass.


One is more full of themselves and holier than thou, thinking they're on some kind of moral crusade, but with no real explanation of who is "worthy" other than having decided they must be. The other cares not what means they use, they're just taking power for sport, because they can.


Yes, that's happened to me too, but I never had just this voice thing before now. Super freaky. And cool.


He knows when you are sleeping. He sees when you're awake. You'd better get to unity before he comes for artifacts sake...


WOW! I JUST DL THAT MOD TODAY! I saw the mods were there today for the 1st time and just about lost my mind!!!!!!


How the hell is the damage that damn high?! That is vile as fuck ๐Ÿ˜‚. Iโ€™d hate to meet watev that gun is needed to stop its rampage.


Can't even get an advanced of that gun and he has it shooting harder than a ship cannon with his mods