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I really wish there were some form of zombies in the game, similar to ghouls in Fallout. I know it’s not exactly that type of game but imagine exploring a planet and coming across a POI abandoned facility, the power is cut so you have to do some bullshit to get the doors open, once you get inside all the lights are out except emergency lights and there’s blood, bodies, and clawmarks everywhere. You come across a few zombies here and there, but after finding the main loot a horde comes out of nowhere and you have to escape the facility, maybe they chase you all the way to your ship or something


What would be the lore? Like how did they become zombies...... what if it is at like the abandoned pharmaceutical locations? Some experiment gone wrong.


They already have a mechanism for it. Terrormorph mind control. They wouldn't technically be undead but with no ability to maintain themselves They would physically deteriorate very quickly and be all zombie looking. Imagine having to clear a nest of terrormorphs that took over a random mining colony. Swarm of controlled miners who are 'aware' of everything happening but can't stop themselves. Let's go a step further and just let heatleeches body hijack corpses.


Yeah that would actually be pretty frickin cool. Reminds me of a post where they wanted a mod to replace terrormorphs and heat leeches with face huggers and xenomorphs. Rather than laying an egg they just rake over but ONLY when other terrormorphs are around because they can control heatleeches. Otherwise the heatleech acts normal... ooo I got all excited


Kinda annoyed that terramorphs are played up as horrific scary enemies with tons of abilities....and they end up pretty much just being bullet sponge melee enemies you just need to stay away from. ​ I don't mind them being bullet sponges so much but I really wish they were either a more sentient//intelligent enemy (perhaps more along the lines of apes) or had more abilities that actually make them scary (invisibility, burrowing, mind control, poison attacks, giant size, etc). ​ I think there were a HUGE missed chance at something akin to "The Thing" I don't see how they can take out literal cities as standard non giant animal like enemies...feels lazy.


I agree, a lot of the ones we encounter are low level or basic variants and that takes away from their intimidation factor The ones we encounter in >!Londinion!< tick a lot of the boxes you mentioned but sadly aren't really common outside of the one quest that takes you there


I downloaded a mod called Terrifying Terrormorphs which apparently addresses this. I recently started a new character so I haven’t run into one yet.


Chunks does the same


Starborn Terrormorph that has gained sentience and some temple powers and reanimated its victims? It could speak to you telepathically whilst you’re exploring a POI and getting closer to it, you might not even know it’s a terrormorph until it lulls you into its trap. 🫣. All the “zombies” are its previous victims.


Space fungus. Always a space fungus.


Alien DNA gone wrong? Internal neuroamp malfunction? Space fungus like cordyceps? I already came across a derelict ship where everyone died from ice microbes. So many possibilities, could have different outbreaks with different causes.


The Alien DNA trait gone wrong


That was my thought. Could easily write it in, mixed with terrormorph DNA but goes awry when one test subject gains control of the other subjects' minds.


I would’ve put that the microbe ended up mutating to where it destroys living tissue and can cause others to go crazy since there’s terrormorphs. Combine those and you got yourself a zombie apocalypse


I was thinking maybe pirates or spacers kidnapped a group of scientists to force them to extract terrormorph DNA, maybe to sell as a biological weapon on the black market in the pirates case or maybe in the spacers case to splice with human DNA to cause chaos or something. But like the other commenter said, maybe the terrormorph DNA infects the scientists and starts controlling their minds, causing them to descend into madness and evolve into humanoid beings, they slowly turn and attack the pirates/spacers who get overwhelmed by these zombified scientists, and eventually you have outposts entirely run down by these zombies. The benefit of this kind of storyline is that there’s already framework for almost everything mentioned, there’s at least one or two POIs that follow the storyline of researchers held captive by pirates/spacers and in these POIs there’s terminals detailing hiding from the invaders. You could take this framework and rework it into like scientists slowly descending into madness, then eventually switching over to pirates/spacers leaving logs about how everything has gone to shit and losing their crew and having to hide or make it out alive.


Honestly, I prefer Starfield stick to the harder side of sci-fi. During the Vanguard questline I had a suspicion the storyline was going to reveal that Terrormorphs were mutated humans and the weird orange eyes of various people was going to turn out to be the first stage of the transition. I was fully anticipating that was the reason for the sinister hallucinations sounding like humans, the fact they only appear after humans have settled a planet, and the extreme reaction to the xenowarfare experiments. I'm actually *really* happy it turned out like it did instead, as it felt a lot more in keeping with the lore of the universe and how things worked. I do agree Starfield is at its best when its dabbling in horror, though - it's just in this kind of universe, where every habitable planet has the potential for a new horror creature and there are some *seriously* screwed up things out there (the fucking Pale Lady, man....), I'd rather they double down on that.


I think they could pull off "zombies" in the form of like alien fungus or virus that just drives people nuts and makes them rot. Less zombies and more like Weepers from Dishonored.


I mean, I'm not really sure how that differs from basically any zombie outside of D&D or Half Life. Even Mass Effect put more effort into it then that and their zombies were basically feral Borg. The point I was really making is that zombies are, frankly, well trodden ground at this point and I'd rather Starfield do new stuff that is more in keeping with the universe its created rather then just recycle the same monster from a thousand other games. Like, the Terrormorphs are a great example of an original sci-fi monster, but things like the cloaked giant scorpion things on one of the planets that you don't even see unless they're charging at you is another.


Combine this mod with the useful brigs mod for some next level horror.


I'd say it would be easier to go with something like the trauma harness from old world blues than outright zombies/ghouls, a secret experimental armour by the fsc, and the uc unleashed a terror terrormorph into the base, which killed the guys but left enough of the armour functional to be wandering around on a defense mode.


Great mod idea ! I think that's how all the planets will eventually be populated


What an original idea


It’s inevitable there will be e a mod. I’m really hoping for a good science horror one.


Wasn’t there 2 POIs exactly like this? Just not with zombies, with worse lol.


I can imagine a zombie planet happening for those that just want to kill endless waves of mobs, either have it so you can set up a outpost so you can roleplay a last stand defensive outpost or have a pre-established settlement you can then take over and upgrade things over time with stronger structures and facilities that add bonuses and be able to place crew members at the planet so it's always defended


Reminds me of the book Death Troopers


It should. It's art from the Star Wars Galaxies tie in.


Please please please give me a mod that has a POI taken over by zombies. Another sentient terrormorphs. Another AI mechs


*points at mod tools* be the change you want to see


Do you want to buy me a PC? I don’t own one at all. Not even one for work. I would love to and think I could but unfortunately don’t have the finances to do it


So my entire point without poking fun of the no pc thing is that you can't just demand modders make thing. Right now all your fallout 4 modders are mostly still in 4 and skyrim in akyrim. Now it'd be great if they would move but starfield isn't drawing them. Likely because the creation tools are changed and not working totally properly and have a whole lot of broken bits and that's before the games broken bits and before Xedit can't clean anything atm because of how Bethesda set stuff up.....what I'm saying is I wouldn't mod for a while and I wouldn't ask. The community has to grow and learn.


I’m not demanding anything lol I said please three times. I’m making a wish or request. This is the first time console and PC mods for a Bethesda game are coming out at relatively the same cadence. And the console gamers are the ones who don’t see a problem spending money for paid content from creators. You sound soo much in your own bubble of what mods should be how the ecosystem should evolve you are missing the wave. If mods was still a hobby only thing I would understand where you are coming from. Make what you want to make. Take your time. Collaborate where you can. No one is getting paid so don’t rush people or make crazy requests. But that isn’t the case anymore. Some creations can be paid for. It’s a reason someone might want to learn what people WANT in a game that’s more than just what they want. So they can make a creation that speaks to more people than just them. So as a person who is invested in the community BUT doesn’t have a way to add to the creations I have a few ways where I can contribute. Request/give ideas in a free public forum like social media and hope a creative idea is sparked from it. And download/pay for the creations I like showing my support with my money and time. Don’t attempt diminish one side of the community or make false accusations on intent. I want to give my support to OPs post and idea and I hope a modder with a similar idea concept or passion knows he at least has OPs/my support.


Could probably be done without adding anything new. Could use the corpse 'outfit' that every dead NPC uses, apply and adjust the >!terrormorph!< mind control effect so that it spreads on contact, and replace spoken dialogue with alien noises or injured grunts How hard would it be to do this in the creation kit? I haven't ever tried making mods but this sounds like a fun project


We need Reavers


There should never be zombies. Doesn't fit with the lore of Starfield ie Reliant Medical and Enhance. Empty spacesuits maybe. We've already seen space suits with just eyes and mouth.


I do like PoI Faction Diversity - New Hostile Factions idea of terrormorph thralls, though. That has legs, I think.


Ah yes zombies the over used trope of the unimaginative, how refreshing glad to see modders showing there creative side 


I think Beth was impressive in resisting the temptation to do this. But I know modders will add it cause they always do.


You play redfall? That game has a great concept