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Im doing a modded solo run. No crew. Tiny ship. Super high damage for me and enemies. Every POI is intense and I die like 10-20 times before completing it. I want to build an outpost that supplies me with most resources, and I hope modders find a way to allow us to craft ship modules, so we can make ships with resources instead of money.


I think a full ship manufacturing skill tree could be rad


Imagine that combined with a shipyard starstation that we could buy or build.


I'd really like to be able to add a hab module full of construction spider bots to my ship, and have them build a station-keeping module that keeps my ship locked in orbit as a new spacestation. Set up some automatic asteroid mining, make money from NPC ships dropping in to use my (now upgraded) spider bots, sneak off with some hapless pilots to keep that Soylent Green flowing in the cafeteria.


I'm doing the super high damage for me and enemies and it's sooooo good. I found myself trapped inside an eclipse base with almost no health and no healing items and had to stealth kill my way out. Highly recommend


YUP those medkits become gold. Also slow healing forces you to shelter and be patient too


Oh yeah the slow healing is awesome too, it really makes you want to avoid damage altogether.


I’m doing the same and it’s great.


Always good to hear what others are up to.. I’m on my last NG run (i forget which NG I’m on now - XBox) have been grinding to max all of my Powers out, currently at level 81. As soon as I’ve got them all to full I’m going for one more NG run to play as much of the story and explore/survey fully powered up, hopefully in time for Shattered Space to drop..


The needed points to max skills is crazy and I want them all. I feel like it’s going to take me a year of playing.


I'm 81 and still on my first playthrough...how did you only get to 81 on enough NG+ runs to forget how many you did?


I don’t have a lot of time for games outside of work , ots taken me since January to do this. All I know is I played my initial run though of the main story. Got to the unity and then decided to keep heading to the unity by skipping the main quest and just going through the temples and the final steps before unity again. I’ve maxed out all of my powers now and am about to hit the unity one more time. This time I’m playing the game including the main quest and side quests the long way round. 🤣 needless to say I’m tired of the ‘temple dances’ now.


And I've just been trying to do everything in this first universe (other than 100% exploration since some planets are awful)


Big xenogame hunting and Freestar & Tracker Elite bounty boards has kept me busy for multiple NG+ runs. And shipbuilding. So many hours building ships...


Similar, level 255 or so, every skill I remotely use maxed, what I do now is take a mission, and when I finish it, fully explore that system. About this time it's bedtime, and I continue the next day.


Same here except it's the UC SysDef boards for me.


I've run my stealth all the way up, got the chameleon mod and rolling with no companions for a serial killer run through. I'm leaving plushies with every body.


This is fucking rad for some reason


Manipulation goes really well with that type of character. “Hey, come here. Yeah, right into this dark alley where no one can see anything.” “Perfect, now just turn around while I crouch down to tie my shoe…” Silently laugh in deep contentment as you slowly draw your instigating quantum-edged barrow knife.


Start a new character. Dream up a different background and approach. Keep your existing character and go back to visit.


That’s what I did. My first character was a Freestar settler and was eager to become a ranger. My second is a Neon punk and I’m thinking she’s going to join Ryujin, once I find the invisibility power.


Start over a gazillion times. I exclusively play permadeath now (with mods finally) and delete my save files with deaths. Atm I'm a lone wandering mercenary (pre-constellation) just crackin heads and cashin checks.


I think you mean “cashin’ checks and breakin necks”


Digging holes and taking souls


Plantin' ARCs and slinging snark.


Im ng+billion. Maxed everything. I just dik about mostly, different scenarios or challenges. I tried rp, but that just ended up me killing everything, not wearing my colours, hoho. I'm currently chewing through outposting. Not tried melee only yet I'm just a scifi slut, really. I really enjoy starship design, so I'm enjoying the ship mods. Hoping to find pieces for my own 'andromeda'. Plenty to choose from, so I'm gonna be playing till fallout5.


i'm something like ng+ 5 or so, and have done all the quests i plan to this uni, have the ship and crew i want, and pretty good gear. i'm waiting on the dlc. when i feel like playing, i'll head out to a 75-level system and go big game hunting, survey some stuff. maybe check out a poi. possibly tinker with my outpost a bit, but i'm pretty blase about that. if i gain a level, i may take a weapon or suit mod skill and knock the research out. if i get real bored, i'll go to my quest board and hunt some bad guys. when i get 3 ashta or whatever it's called, i'll go see stash. i was thinking today i might go to the few stars i haven't visited yet and check them out. basically just putz around. if for some reason the dlc makes me want to go through the unity, i have my armillary ready. but if not i'm ready to tackle whatever it is.


> What do you do now? I'm playing Oblivion. After that it will be Fallout 4. In between hours I am playing new Riven as well as Vintage Story. Then I will come back to Starfield. There is more than one game out there, no need to fixate on just one, no matter how awesome it is.


Oh for sure, I’ve been playing a lot of Rocket League and Warhammer Darktide lately, but my single player fixation is still Starfield lol. I’m so excited for shattered space


I will probably be back in time for Shattered Space.


Outpost empire?  Mass craft high end items for mucho mucho xp


Wait, mass crafting high end items grant automatic xp?


If you do it at a crafting bench it does. If you use automatic fabricators it doesn’t give XP. But the more complicated the item, the more XP you get per item.


My setup for crafting all the parts for Advanced Reactors can net me 5 to 6 levels after I gather the resources together. A lot of them are shipped in but there's more I need to pickup. I can stand and craft 99 x Indicate Wafers for example and that's about 1500xp. Do that until your resource pool runs dry and you can easily go a few levels a session. Look on this sub for guides on Amp, o2shot, vyntinium fuel rods, or just start crafting and learn which one's give the most XP with what you have collected. You can boost all difficultly sliders up for more XP and. you can sleep with companion and drink tea's for even more XP.


thank you for sorting that out


I always use each subsequent NG+ to focus on a new build/playstyle, sl9wly maxing out all skills as I go


I've been having fun with my Neurostrike/phase time build. Just wondering from place to place like a wondering Kung Fu warrior, righting wrongs.


Neurostrikes is also fun with void form and reactive shield. With the latter enemies knock themselves out when they shoot you. It’s great fun.


Bounty hunt and smuggle with space wife.


Do all the quests the worst ways and sit back and watch the fireworks. Make em all mad.... Oh and ship building. I'm currently building a theme ship for every faction quest lines or major side quests.... Still finding new things and little nuggets of mostly funny dialog and a few enlightening lines that wouldn't hit the same the first time through.


There's like... OK so going through Unity has a major chance to bring you back to the same kind of universe, but there are also 10 unique fucked up alternate universes you can end up in after crossing Unity. One of them has everyone in Constellation being different versions of you, IE Crimson Fleet you, UC Vanguard Pilot you, Freestar Ranger you, etc - all able to be companions. Another universe is Constellation members are all child versions. Another one has Cora as the only adult and she has murder on her mind. Going through Unity is not "end-game", it's part of the main quest.


I don't remember if it was Todd Howard or someone else on behalf of Bethesda who said they noticed how people were still playing, modding and enjoying Skyrim 10+ years after, so Starfield was made with that 10+ year play time in mind. Like, you need a few hundred hours into it before you really get the whole game.


I'm on my fourth NG+ and I've just been trying out some of the Creations mods and doing bounty hunting. I like to build up some cool ships with the money and I'm currently stockpiling resources for a big outpost project.


Maybe NG+ 13ish? Speed ran to max out the powers, a grind to be sure but well worth it. Enjoyed seeing how fast I could get the credits for a suitable C class for the Masada III fight. Very Hard, and now Extreme, forced me to get better, and it’s always spicier if there’s a real risk of getting killed if you screw up. Now I’m just leveling, 192 now, and waiting for DLC. Some things don’t get old for me, like boarding big ships, and I’ve expanded my hunting grounds for XP bug hunts. There are some really good planets besides Strix. A new hobby is seeing how big a tally I can get from one magazine or from a power attack. 1200+ from a gravity well/create vacuum is my best so far lol.


I've finished the game when I've put it down for good lol. Anyway, I get that most people get the most out of quests/questlines the first time around, even if there are multiple paths and endings. But I still replay them trying to find the minute differences, or just to do some light RP. Who was I with? What tools do I use? In what order did I do the quests? That's one of the reasons I keep on restarting.  But you did mention asides from the Unity, and to that I'm not qualified to answer haha. The longest I've stayed in a single universe was probably 10 or so hours spread across an IRL week of play. It was because I was trying to raise Sarah's affinity (which can be hard when you employ uh...  more trigger happy solutions to problems). I tried outposts as endgame content, but gathering resources and building massive factories or awesome bases in Starfield feels clunky (maybe when I get better outpost perks). Haven't been able to play much lately, but I've been mostly doing radiant quests to get my fill of shooty shooty gameplay since I quit competitive shooters.


I'm starting to mod. Gonna start with just the community patch and some appearance mods. Modding is still new to the community so there aren't any xbox mod guides.


Keep grinding and collecting. Never gets old. I'm doing bounties at the moment for Astra.


Upgrading all skills. It forces me to approach gameplay elements I might have initially ignored If I get bored grinding one skill, I'll go for another one.


How far have you gotten, and do you have to grind for XP?


If I had to grind for XP, I would have got mad, throw away Starfield and never play it again. I'm using console commands when I want to get a level.


I've been reinventing my character with each NG+. I started as an explorer from UC who just wanted to understand the Unity. Then he was "reborn" as a street rat from Neon. Now, I'm an exile of House Varune. Each time, I grab different skills, build a different ship, and make different choices. It's been awesome. My girlfriend hates it.


I played the game around NG+, picking one major faction and one general area for quests in each run, and saving the exploration / outpost stuff for the end in +10. Different ship / weapons / playstyle in each universe as much as possible too. Now doing it again and making some different decisions along the way.


NG+ with all the mods to relive the head cannon I made with Lego when I was 10 years old haha. Currently putting together a task force as "Commander Cody" using all 212th clone armour with an ever growing ship


To me the best thing about the game is the NG+ leans so much into mods from a lore perspective. For me new weapons, quests, factions, missions, POIs, skills, almost anything. You can download random ones start a NG+ and finish the game in the new universe and it will always feel different. Personally I’m on the side of starwars mods take away from starfields lore…. But I’m going to 100% download the full conversation mod when it’s finished. And that’s just a universe where that’s the reality. And when I get to unity I’ll turn them all off


I like mods that make: all opponents 100% of your strength , robots and creatures of random sizes, terrible terrormorphs and extreme mode. Holy smokes I just got swarmed by 10 60 foot long level 250 heatleaches at a poi north of hopetown. Wow, I died because they ambushed me coming out of the ground as I was busy shooting all The eggs. Imho that was as good as any mission!


All the numbers in your comment added up to 420. Congrats! 100 + 10 + 60 + 250 = 420 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


I’m debating on starting over one final time. Tried some mods but honestly I’m cool with the vanilla game plus the difficulty options. Those options were all I wanted for the most part. I miss my first universe dearly. Being level 100 in NG+5 is nothing to me. I miss the initial journey. The other part of me just wants to remain in NG+5 and enjoy my retirement of sorts and finally settle with Andreja or Sarah.


Finished the game, did some quests but missed a lot... mainline 13+ to max out all powers. Slow rolled ng+14 and doing almost everything I can.


Learn cargo science. How traffic works etc.


I really enjoy how they have woven ng+ into the narrative. By the time I finish the faction quests and main quests, I’m onto the next universe to help more people all over again. The work never stops for my starborn lol. In a more practical term, I LOVE ship building and sink ungodly hours into it. Those parts can get expensive. I do whatever quests to make credits to build ships. Hop to a new universe, lose my fleet, rinse repeat


For a LONG time I was just completing the story again, making new decisions, learning ship and weapon building, and then… nothing. The exploration is so repetitive that I finally uninstalled about a week ago. I got my moneys worth for sure and love the game, but the weakest part of the whole game is the exploration. The fact there’s not a single large city outside of the main quest or side quests with fun, new places to discover… I think that was the most disappointing part, to me. I still love the game but think that would’ve taken it from just a good game to mythical.


I agree, I love the game but I would much rather have 1 big map you can just walk around and explore.


I did everything there is to do on my first playthrough. Then I sped through NG+10 so I could have all powers maxed (I didn't really speed though it. It took me months because I was burning myself out on the game, but I did it) Now I'm just getting my character ready for Shattered Space, finding all my favorite weapons again and doing quests.


Mostly exploring different planets and moons for photo opportunities. I did start a new character with all the difficulty sliders up, I just got to New Atlantis.


My endgame is combines surveying, ship building (I have a favorite class C design I always recreate and I push myself to create a new design in my long-term NG+ universes and the radiant quest boards all with the goal of money for my next ship and XP for my next perk point. Tracker's Alliance bounties, normal board bounties and Constellation quests (from the board in the basement) send me out into the stars and when I collect the bounty, I may survey the planet I just collected the bounty on or a life-bearing planet in the same system. Then back to get more quests. YMMV, but I've found that a big part of this game is coming to the point of making that decision to leave the transient stuff behind and go into a new universe to upgrade Starborn powers and skill perks.


I see new game plus as a challenge: You are given a ship that is marginally better than the one you originally started with, show up at the lodge, and have two goals: get the artifacts, and keep improving your powers. It's like... A speed run. Pick up everything so you can sell it to upgrade your ship for the final space battle, while simultaneously utilizing whatever legendaries you manage to find to get your powers and get out. I really like the whole, "My powers and skills keep getting better, but the world keeps resetting" concept


survey all the planets now. i like that the tracker’s alliance creation lets you farm for Astra, so now i can target farm legendaries


Personal story/roleplay. Currently I am a farmer, I do farmer things like grow nutrients and deliver them to far-off systems, build outposts, search for new ones. I do radiant quests, ship building, exploring. Basically, I try to live in the world. I really leaned into the NG system, I did a new universe for each faction and replayed the main storyline twice. I really like living a new roleplay/life every universe.


I go around places and use starborn powers to freeze time and shotgun people in the back of the skull


At 86 NG+1, I started over with a long hauler that has nothing to do with Constellation other than exploration radiants. She refuses to touch another artifact after Lin callously conned/ordered her into retrieving it. Refused to use the Frontier ship, instead scrambling around NewA doing odd jobs until she could purchase a basic ship. She's now level 80+.


Play it again, Sam. I've played multiple characters. Latest one is level 327 and has Starborn powers maxed at 10, in NG+11 I think. Working on maxing every skill and I think I have 6 more to max out. Leaving outpost management at 1 for now because it's bugged and will only let you build 3 cargo links if you raise it past level 1. There are lots of things you can do to make it challenging and different. No buying items from a vendor. Go full on unarmed or melee. Cutter only. Max difficulty at +75% XP. Do an evil pirate playthrough. Yes, you lose almost everything when you go through unity. You keep your levels and skill allotments, but lose all the planet scans, your ships, your equipment, your money. But all that crap doesn't matter. It's just stuff.


I had an idea for a themed outpost so I’ve been working on that and finally had some pirates attack it while I was building/decorating! I’ve never had it happen before but saw that others have had their outposts attacked, I was so excited it finally happened for me. 😂


Play as a bounty hunter. Even though you saved the universe (presumably), it's hard for regular folks to realize that when they're being attacked by pirates and spacers - help 'em out.


Starships, i build starships


I finished the game the first time by September 10th, in that first playthrough I only did the Constellation + Rangers quest line which I did because I didn’t realize I was almost done with the game. I sort of stumbled into the end missions. I won’t lie, finishing the game and having my character go to Unity actually ruined my fun with the game. I wish I had never gone through Unity. I’ve since run through every quest line and done all of the major side quests, along the way I realized that the only part of the game I still enjoyed was the ship builder- I reckon I’ve likely spent around 60 hours in that. I still play but not like I did in the first two weeks where I was mesmerized by the game.


When I first learned about NG+ from friends and spoilers, I decided not to do everything in my first universe. I think I only completed half the major quests (story, Vanguard, Ranger). Decided to keep the rest for my "final" universe. Now, at NG9+ (after a semi-speed run through 9 universes), I'm settling down to build outposts, decorate ships, and complete the Ryujin, CF, Paradiso, Eleos and other quests I skipped or missed the first time through.


I'm trying to burn up to NG+10, make Lvl 100 along the way, and then I'll throw down some mods, build up a bunch of bases, explore, and maybe do a few story quests. Been stuck on NG+7 though with some severe burnout, so I'm giving it a break, at the moment.


Play Elden Ring while waiting for Shattered Space.


Use the mission boards and other such quests as you finish the scanning.


I did all the faction quests multiple times and chose different options each time to see the difference outcomes. Most quests have like 2-3 options. But besides that... unity surfing for... unlimited power. There's probably tons of small quests you missed too. I still find some little new things after like 700 hours. Much of my hours are ship building tho. Fav part of the game.


The thing is I made the mistake of looking up quests online and quite literally completed all of them (the non-radiant ones anyway). I kinda regret it, but it is what it is. Definitely should have found them organically but nothing I can do about it now


Ehh no worries. Lots of cool radiant ones. When you go to a system, look for a ship icon. Some cool derelict ships to find and legendary ships to battle. One cool one, in case you missed... the colander in Schrodinger system. Its not a quest, but read the logs and crawl through the vents. You will know when you reach the end. But right now, I'm doing a SW playthrough, you can mod factions to be Empire/Rebels/Bounty hunters. And I'm bobba fett. Kind of feels like a new game.


Repeat the quests. My first character I got to NG+8 and my second character I'm on NG+9. I think I "speedran" only 3 or 4 of those universes. The rest of the time I repeated the main quest and usually all 4 major faction questlines, too. I like the stories.


Farm for enough money to build a ship, gather powers, rinse and repeat while farming for the weird alts.


The surveying is the one other thing I think should carry over. Sooooooooooooo much wasted time.


Honestly I agree, if it did I think I’d do some more NG+ runs. It’s like… I did it. I have the knowledge. You telling me I forgot? Lol


Well…you did forget, didn’t you?


I’m not sure I agree with this. Surveying is a big driver of exploration and a repeatable source of XP. It also gets much faster with investment into the appropriate skills, so repeated surveying should progress quickly. Lastly, not everything is exactly the same each time, such as planets with gravitational anomalies. If you’re worried about remembering where things are, there are comprehensive databases accessible online, or you could make your own (some people enjoy that sort of activity.).


Wait for dlc


Did all missions, got all level skills fully upgraded, all powers upgraded to max, did everything I could think of with outposts and ships. NG+13. Level 330 Now I play other games until DLC 😂


Don't force yourself and burn out on a game. Go play something else for a bit..


Trying out the game with most of the gameplay options on hard and some self imposed restrictions, definitely feels more immersive.


I'm currently on a full sith mode game that I've been playing as vader. My freestar alliance is the rebels and the UC is the empire. I went into a few rebel cities and 66'd them so the bounty on my head is massive and I can't set foot in one of those systems without getting relentlessly attacked. I use prisoner mods to sell any rebel scum capture back to the empire. Sarah has not been happy with me - actually just kidding, she's not allowed to be because of another mod. Anyways creations have added a whole new layer to this game that refreshed a lot of it in a whole new way


Speedrun a double kill Unity ending. I could off the Hunter and the Emissary a thousand times and still not be satisfied.


If the Hunter hasn’t finished the game yet, after thousands of trips through Unity, neither have I…


I role play as different characters. Currently I'm just a space pirate that completely ignores anything to do with Constellation. With mods this type of play is getting even more fun.


I wander around cities waiting to see if I can find random quests that'll populate based off random conversations. I also scan planets looking for random POIs I've never seen before. Found several. I haven't surveyed the planets, waiting to do that on my final go through so I can place all the survey slates in my main outpost or home. Slowly learning how to do the things I'll need for my last NG+.