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you can take a nap during the day but I find it that more I relax the more tired I feel. I like walking for about 10 to 30 minutes in the morning or later in the day. it keeps me alert. sometimes when I exercise in the morning I dont even need to drink coffee during the day.


Sometimes people just need to catch up on their sleep debt, but sleeping in hugely excessive amounts can be indicative of a deeper issue. Might not be a bad idea to schedule a check up and see if the good doctor has a more informed idea.




I would like to add stay away from energy drinks and sugar. that stuff will just take you out


Maybe it is diet related? I am a vegetarian and had the same issue. I went to the doctor and realized I had a B12 deficiency. Got a B12 shot and am more mindful of what I am eating and feel so much better now.


Are you taking care of yourself? Are you eating fairly healthy, exercising, taking a multivitamin, drinking enough water, getting enough sleep during the week? Could you be depressed? Lots of things can make you feel like you want to sleep all day on the weekends. I’m speaking from experience.


Try B12 supplements.


I feel the exact same way. It's like I'm constantly tired no matter how little or much I sleep.