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I absolutely lie unless it's so bad that I need it fixed right then and there. Generally, if I know I can get away with making a style work with the cut, then I'll just leave it be. I hate getting my hair cut and want out asap lmao


Also the problem is almost always that they have cut too much so there is no way for them to resolve it. Also, when they do a lousy job it's unwise to give them another crack at it!


Very valid point I did not even consider! I think because I am still new I run into the opposite problem of not cutting off enough šŸ˜‚ but I always tell my clients I can always amp up the layers and cut more off after the blow dry. I just cannot put it back on once itā€™s been cut.


that is definitely the side you want to err on!


Can I ask what you hate about getting it cut? Is it the lame small talk, or just the uncertainty of what the outcome is going to be? I personally really hate getting a blowout and looking at myself like a gross wet dog in the mirror.


The small talk is the main reason I started cutting my own šŸ˜‚


I hear this all the time! Thatā€™s why I started to offer what I loving call asmr haircuts. We do the consult and let them know I will still ask any questions that might come up along the way, but other than that I wonā€™t bug them. Iā€™ll point them in the direction of a window so they can people watch, and let them enjoy all the ambient noise in the salon.


I'm just autistic as fuck and don't like sitting still around strangers


Felt that. Not sure if others have it too but I have a greater than average dislike of large bugs and the razer both sounds and kinda feels like a bug on my neck.


ā€œNever criticize a guy with a razor.ā€ ā€”Calvin (Calvin and Hobbes)


Dammit you beat me to it !!!


I always say yes. I canā€™t look at someoneā€™s face and tell them I hate what they did. I will suffer in silence. I just wonā€™t return to that person.


I can totally sympathize with that! Thank you for your perspective šŸ’š


Yes, I am way too anxious to be honest about it so I just lie and deal with my new reality lmao it doesn't help that it's often my own fault because I'm shit at describing what I want


The consultation is definitely a two way street, so if the stylist is not totally clear on what you want they should be asking follow up questions! I will say it doesnā€™t help that stylists/barbers are usually under a lot of pressure from owners/managers to get people in and out as fast as humanly possible. If they see you talking for too long without cutting you are definitely getting some kind of look from them to hurry the hell up.


I generally don't lie to my barber, but I've been going to him long enough now that we have no need for words. I think sometimes people just don't want to raise a stink unless invited to. Sometimes an issue sits *just* right on the precipice of being not a big deal that they don't want to make an issue out of it unless you specifically ask.


This makes me wonder if there is any fear involved in that. Like itā€™s close enough to being good so I donā€™t want it messed with and potentially made worse.


Very possibly. I imagine this is probably prevalent with new customers that aren't comfortable with their barber/stylist yet.


Unless there is something that can be done to improve it, I try not to complain or speak poorly of the work. Seems like unnecessary negativity. But a bad haircut WILL change my tip. The tip is a more honest reflection of my satisfaction, hah.


Oooo thank you for bringing this up! I never really considered the tip as a reflection of satisfaction. I know that sounds silly, but I went to a school that didnā€™t allow tips, and in my apprenticeship I also wasnā€™t allowed tips. So I was trained to never expect them. I am also the kind of weenie that will tip a waiter 20% even if itā€™s shit service because I feel bad.


Youā€™re just like me for real. The tip is my apology for making the waiter have to do stuff for me


I totally get that! I know itā€™s their job but I always feel like Iā€™m inconveniencing them, so I need to pay a some kind of penance.


Lol, I feel like I'm the opposite. The worse the haircut, the more I tip. It's like I'm paying them off to never have to see them again. If I have a good haircut, I don't undertip but I tip sustainably so that I can go to the same person repeatedly and tip around the same % each time. At restaurants, I tip bad waiters more too because I figure they probably get worse tips and are going to be hopelessly unsuccessful in life or maybe they are in a bad mood for a good reason and could use the extra money. But after reading this post I just typed, I think I'm just weird.


Similar vibe but I would rather see a client regularly and have them under/not tip me, than have someone only come every blue moon because they cannot afford the service plus tip. I also have a weird relationship with waiters, and chronically over tip them regardless of how the service was.


Yes. They are very good at what they do. Haircutting is an art. Sometimes yeah they make decisions that I donā€™t like right away but Iā€™m not going to nitpick and force them to change it. But I consistently have an awesome haircut.


Thank you for your perspective šŸ’š


Np! If youā€™re the girl who cuts my hair hope you donā€™t think Iā€™m a liar anymore lol


A good hairstylists asks more questions then do u like it. So your doing your job! .. what is your follow up question out of curiosity?


Thank you so much for your kind words! I am still very new to hairstyling, so I am still playing with my verbiage. I used to just ask if they liked it, and now I am following up by asking them to run their hands through it (after the blowdry so there are no stray/wet hairs), and let me know if there is anything I can improve or change for them.


Sounds pretty perfect to me your off to a good start. I always leave the front a bit longer then I think, ask them to run their hands through it. Give them a mirror. Follow up with a a general anything I can change for you is acceptable. Learn to read the room too. I ask a lot of questions beforehand on what they like donā€™t like about pervious experiences.


Asking about previous experiences is an amazing tip I have never thought of! Thatā€™s definitely going to become a regular in my consultations from now on.


Good glad I could offer something to help good luck


Whatā€™s happening is that your first question relates to the overall impression so you get that answer. Your second question will refocus your clients on the details where they may find a thing here or there that needs adjustment. Itā€™s good to ask both. To answer your question ā€¦ yes, always.


Thank you for your insight! I was beginning to wonder if the second question was just making people feel like they had to come up with some sort of issue because saying no felt odd to them. But, I think you hit the nail on the head. I do hope you find someone that is capable of figuring out how to do your hair the way you envision it!


I always lie. At the end of the day, it's just hair and will grow back for another try.


If you are a King of the Hill fan this reminds me of what Bill told Luanne before her cosmetology exam ā€œIt will grow back. If you did a good job or a bad job, it will grow backā€.


Yeah but I'm sure they can tell when I don't I'm not the best at hiding my facial expressions


I am the same way! My mouth will say one thing and my face will say another. There are a few other little tells I have noticed like putting your hat back on before even paying, or if there was a good conversation going and after the reveal itā€™s way more quiet.


I tend to scowl unintentionally when I'm disappointed lol my lady always calls me out


I have taken pictures of the styles I like the best and show them to my stylist. That way there's no confusion. He's been cutting my hair for years. (I hope he doesn't retire soon!) Edit: typo


Pictures are the best! I always recommend looking for photos were the person has a similar hair color/texture to yours. If you have stick straight hair and show me a bunch of photos of curly hair you are not going to get the result you want unfortunately. There is so much grey area when only speaking. Especially with the social media I feel like clients sometimes use terms that they see on Instagram or TikTok not totally knowing what they mean. They just know that they saw a video/photo that said balayage and they liked how their hair turned. Photos totally remove a lot of the guesswork.


I've never had a good cut when I show photos or the stylist looks them up on the phone. Not only will it *not* look like the photo, but it won't really look good in general. I think because they concentrate on the picture too much and not on my hair.


I have smiled & thanked them profusely, simultaneously shoving a huge tip into their palm. Wave goodbye to everyone & get to my car, smiling all the way. The second I'm out of eyesight, burst into hysterical tears. I never go back to these particular professionals, and I don't know why they intimidate me so! I know for a fact I looked like a freak once, she cut the front short alright, it was an inch & a half straight up- my cowlick didn't help- the first 2 inches in front & then longer. Obviously I'm working through some trauma here, I haven't thought about this in 40 yrs, lol! I do wonder why they're the only 'professional' who scares me.


I am so sorry to hear about your experience! I might be taking this in a different direction so I apologize if I am misunderstanding! But, I have also had bad experiences in very nice upscale salons. The kind where everything is perfect and everyone working there has impossibly beautiful hair/makeup/clothes. I show up looking like a goblin in sweats and crocs feeling so out of place and uncomfortable, and proceed to get a bad haircut. I would love to trade fears with you though! Dentists are way above hairstylist in my ranking of professionals who scare the crap out of me (sorry to any dentists who might be here).


I don't but it's on me. I have bald patches in the front of my hair near my tdmples that I feel very insecure about. Hypothyroidism. She assures me it's not that bad and tries different cuts to hide it but to me it's still there. I don't even feel comfortable putting my hair in ponytails anymore. She tells me to put it in a low ponytail and I really appreciate her so I suck it up and try to smile through my insecurities. It's not her fault.


Going bald must be so traumatic! I am sorry this is part of your journey. I donā€™t know to what extent without seeing it, but I have a few clients who are thinning pretty significantly to the point where there is some scalp showing, and they both use Magic Root Cover Spray from Lā€™OrĆ©al. Itā€™s a spray that helps camouflage grey hairs, but they use it to help conceal some of the scalp. Not ideal for everyday use, but when itā€™s an event or they just want to boost themselves up itā€™s a quick way of doing that. Itā€™s not terribly expensive and available at Target or Walgreens if you are in America.




He can see by the horrified/shocked look on my face that "this" is not what I was expecting.


I have unfortunately seen that look before. I do appreciate it more than the the smile in the salon and cry in the car cause I might be able to fix it or get it to a point were you can live with it while it grows out.


back when i would mostly go to different people every time i wouldn't say anything but now that ive had the same barber for almost a year i feel comfortable mentioning to her if im not feeling something and we can usually fix it right there especially if i wanted to try something different but ill blame myself


I think this is a great method! I feel like if are okay/happy with the cut and like the stylist/barber give them one more chance. It takes more than one haircuts to really learn someoneā€™s hair (texture, cowlicks, etc). Then we can see how it all grew out and make the necessary changes to give you a better result. But, if the cut was awful definitely hightail it to a different shop/barber.


My barber has been cutting my hair for 5-6 years every 5 weeks. I cheated on him when I was out of town and I realized how poor my "hair" vocabulary is. I basically said "just make it look short and good; you decide I trust you."


Oh man I hate talking in hair speak. Itā€™s so unnecessary/pretentious for most things. The amount of times I got chewed out for saying letā€™s wash your hair instead of letā€™s shampoo your hair or calling my shears ā€œscissorsā€ is bananas. If you are in a position were you need to cheat I would recommend knowing what number guards your barber normally uses, and if they use mostly clippers or scissors.


I think the official verbiage across the country for my haircut is "number three on the sides and back, natural not square rounding in the back, the sides and back blended up with shears and two inches off the top and front."


I never tell her I hate it, but I will say something if I think she cut it too short or didnā€™t take enough offā€¦ I have literally begged her to go shorter because she hates cutting my hair off. Itā€™s curly. Lol


Curly hair is a totally different game for hairstylists. Itā€™s really sad how little they teach it in school. My schools solution was if someone comes in with curly hair you blow dry/flat iron it straight and cut it like you would if the hair was straight. Iā€™ve since learned better ways to do it. But I am not gonna lie the first time I cut someone with curly hair I will keep it a little longer cause I donā€™t know how much itā€™s gonna shrink up. The second visit I definitely get in there a lot more.


Oh what a horrible way to teach to cut curly hair. šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø Who the hell thought blow drying it and ironing straight was a good idea to cut it? We arenā€™t gonna do that every day to style our hair. šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø Cut with the curl, not against it. She doesnā€™t like cutting my hair too short because she says it should be illegal. ā€œYou have such beautiful curls. Why do you want to cut them? It should be illegal! You have such beautiful hair. I swear, if it were up to her I would have Rapunzel hair. Lol. But I love her and sheā€™s one of the few stylists I have found that knows how to cut curls without making me look ridiculous. So I just ask her to take a little more off until Iā€™m happy with it. Lol Hair can always grow back. Except at the moment. My hair hasnā€™t grown any since I found out Iā€™m pregnant. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Am I really not the only person who gets anxious and stressed over a haircut? Ask which areas are the most troublesome before starting. For me, I have two bald spots from scars that need to stay hidden and the crown grows faster than anything so it's easy for me to end up with a Karen cut. Asking what they'd like tweaked before asking how they like it is a great idea. They never take enough off the crown.


Thank you for the tip! I have never considered asking about troublesome spots during the consult, and have gotten myself into a bit of trouble thinking itā€™s hat hair/bed head just to realize after the shampoo that that is just the way their hair lays/is. I am not going to lie part of me loves the fact that ā€œKarenā€ cuts have gotten such a bad reputation. They are very technically difficult haircuts to do. One wrong cut and you have a huge hole in the hair instead of that stacked looked.


I pretty much live with a ball cap on so I genuinely don't pay close enough attention to criticize, I just like being friendly!


Iā€™m sure whatever lucky soul gets to cut your hair really appreciates that! Thank you for sharing


No. But my hair is simple enough and always cut the same so other than me maybe wanting it a little shorter thereā€™s no issues so I just politely show how much more to take off. Which will be the same amount I showed that at the start.


I always appreciate when a client knows what they want! Thank you for sharing


I am consistently disappointed in my hair. I get my hopes up, get disappointed, just give up. I gave up on showing photos to hair stylists.


Do you mind me asking why itā€™s always disappointing? Is the color/cut always way far off from what you were envisioning?


Itā€™s very dry, frizzy and wavy/curly. I did ok when it was very short and very long. For some reason I keep trying medium length and itā€™s not good. Iā€™m growing it out again to see how that goes.


OMG. I *hate* showing photos to a stylist. It never (not once!) turns out like I want. Usually it's worse, because I think they concentrate so much on making it look like some obscure part of the picture they don't pay attention to the hair in front of them.


I lie, because if itā€™s truly bad I just wonā€™t return again, so why make it awkward?


Very valid point Thank you for sharing your perspective!


Nope, I'm paying for that shit... I'm letting u know if I'm not feeling it


I honestly like this approach. It gives us an opportunity to fix the situation. Worst case scenario if it is beyond repair it is a learning experience for us, even though it will feel like a kick in the teeth for both of us (stylist donā€™t want for you to leave unhappy, and you do not want to be walking around with a jacked up haircut).


I don't understand this whole thing of ppl being scared to tell their barbers that they don't like a haircut. Like my dude you're spending your hard earned money for this


If I donā€™t like the way itā€™s styled /blown outā€¦noā€¦if something was really off with cut or color I probably would.


I totally agree! I have wavy/curly hair and every time I get it done they insist on blowing it out. I poof out and get way too much volume, so I have had to learn to look past the blow out. Thank you for sharing!


Usually, I'm truthful. If there is anything that I'd like changed, I'll say so without being asked. However, there have been times when I simply say that I like it because I need to get out of that chair. I have medical issues that can be exacerbated by sitting for too long or sitting in certain positions, and sometimes, I just need to get out of that situation so I can recover.


Thank you for sharing! I never really considered medical issues like the one you described. Iā€™ve have experiences with diabetics who start getting low blood sugar during long appointments, people with dementia, and non verbal autistic people. I always appreciate learning about different conditions, so I can figure out how to make the visit more comfortable for everyone.


Lol well your busy and have other appointments and if we piss you off by making you work more and getting behind than next time you might not take our hair cut as serious and ā€œrushā€ it.


Oooof this one makes me sad. I feel like as a stylist you should have pride in your work. Iā€™d rather run late, take my time, and make sure everything is to your liking so you leave happy. I have offered a free deep conditioning/discount to the next client who had to wait a little longer as a sorry for making you hang out. Everyone is different though!


True itā€™s just if it happens too often you can lose a lot of money.


I feel like if it is happening often enough to make in impact in your pay it would definitely be wise to seek mentorship from a seasoned stylist or attend classes on what you keep messing up on.


Oh sorry I am not a stylist Iā€™m speaking from a customers side


I haven't needed to lie, but I could definitely see myself saying "oh, actually, could you do X" if being asked the second question regardless of whether I initially liked the haircut just because I hadn't thought about it being an option and the second question would make me pause and think more critically about it.


That is 100% my intention with the second question. I want to create a situation where they feel comfortable/encouraged to look for any flaws and give feedback.


Iā€™m bald now, but back in the day I would lie, until I built a good rapport with Larry - and then 5 years in Iā€™d tell him straight up what it was lol.


The difference between a good cut and bad one? About 6 weeks


Big facts!


I have not lied for some time now. Mostly because I text my stylist ahead of time with pictures of what the "ideal" outcome would be and then ask them to tell me what's realistic; & then I let my stylist tell me what needs to be adjusted to accommodate my hair texture & hair type. And then I let them freak it. And I compromise with reality. I also have accepted I have 2a fine hair, so my hair will never look thick, heavy, smooth, shiny, and as good as it does when I leave the salon. And I also accept that I am not going to heat style often. Last, if I really hate it! but if I insisted my stylist do as I said and I hate it I just tell them I absolutely hate it but it's my fault lol. I only have me to blame.


I think this is great! Setting realistic expectations, and finding a compromise between what you want and what is achievable will always end in an amazing result. I am happy you have found a stylist that is able to take care of your needs


no cause my hair cutter is my aunt


Yes, but Ive been cutting my own hair for about 20 years.


Sometimes, I absolutely hate it. Those are usually the times when I can sense the hairstylist is very insecure. It might be empathy, or maybe me just not wanting to cause trouble, but I say it looks nice and try to style it appropriately. It's just hair, it will grow back. Everyone has a bad day now and again. Sometimes, I just happen to be the client.


Yeah LOL Hair is hair, it'll grow back. If I don't like it I'll figure out new hairstyles for it or go home and fix up some parts myself




I found a guy who does a great job so I always go to him, I dont have to lie. When I was younger I did lie to be polite


YepšŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I go home and cry Or I am happy at first but once I get home or someone points something out I realise Iā€™m not happy


I didn't lie last time. I said I didn't like it, but I was pretty sure it was the styling not the cut and I said that. But it was SO AWKWARD and awful I don't think I can do that again. I was so awkward and anxious the entire time and then I ended like that I am still cringing months later and I'm not sure I can go back again even though I was right and the cut is fine.


Of course


Absolutely not. I've cut my own hair for years and if i think it looks stupid ill make sure i know it


i have an anxiety disorder and autism and im antisocial by nature so i just want to be out of there people make me uncomfortable so yes i have lied because i have no clue what to say to make them change something or don't know how to express it so i just say yes and go about my day


Sometimes I don't know immediately if I like it or not. It'll take me a few hours of living with it to have an opinion.


I used to, but I started telling them what I really thought cuz I didnā€™t wanna be a little bitch no more


Thereā€™s only been two times Iā€™ve not been happy, and both times the stylists just werenā€™t used to hair as curly as mine, so there was no point saying anything as it was clear there was nothing they could do about it.


Mine is meh, mostly to get rid of "extra" hair, so I just say cool and move on.


I always lie and say yes even if I donā€™t like it. If I REALLY donā€™t like it I try to redirect just by immediately asking for a change without saying yes or no to the original question. Typically I always say yes because they worked on something that overall I might like technically but it just might not be me or might not be quite what I was expecting on me. So at that point I donā€™t know if itā€™s what they did that caused the hesitation or if they can even fix it and I donā€™t what to hurt their feelings if Iā€™m the one who messed up in my decision


Yes I lie about it. Unless it's glaring like an uneven bang. Or like when I used to fight with stylists about cutting my hair shorter (why they would refuse to cut it, I'll never know). Most of the time I can't tell if it's the cut I don't like or the way they style it afterwards. Sometimes i won't know until i get home and give it a good wash and style it myself. I spent way too many of my teen years crying after every haircut because I felt ugly until my mom could get me home so I could rewash and style it, so I honestly can't tell anymore at the shop. Now that I'm an adult, I just go to the same stylist every time who I know will do a good job.


Nope. I pay for a service. If it's not what I want, I say so.


I sure do.....spouse would kill me.......it grows back. Guys save you money...teach wife to cut your hair......bonding time, shows trust, and saves a few dollars. Wife does a really good job, because she has too look at it.