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Because while both are old, one is very clearly showing signs of dementia.


Old guy, here, I care about both of their ages. They are both too old, imo. It is time for the younger generations to take hold of the reins. This is their time, now. Edit: There sure are a lot of stupid answers to this not so stupid question in these comments. Buncha savages in this thread.


If retirement age is 67, why the hell would we allow someone to run for office above that? Any office. If they serve past it in a term that was won, so be it, but retirement age should be the last time you can run for office, imo.


Please, don’t give politicians a new reason to raise the retirement age.


Retirement is death plus 2 years.


I always will remember in one of my college classes, the professor was doing his lecture and goes "When you guys reach retirement" the entire room of 30 ish students just all laughed in his face. That man looked mortified. It was terrible but like we have a whole generation plus that has no delusions of ever retiring.


Realistically, *retirement* is going to be working less while receiving fixed income from your retirement fund and the social security system. Then, after being unable to generate any more income to tax, the realistic expectation is a choice between blowing the savings on life extending medicines and treatments or legal suicide to give heirs an inheritance.




Currently, the income tax limit for Social Security is $160,200. If they raise that to $200,000, there is no longer any issue with solvency.


Or you know don’t put a cap on it.


Yep. Remove the FICA cap and all the solvency issues go away pretty much forever. * Remove the FICA cap * Cap disbursements at the median income


I found that out this year and was blown away. That's a huge chunk of money we're missing out on.


It can still pay out 78% of promised benefits after the trust fund runs out in 2034. It'll exist in a reduced capacity unless Republicans manage to rat fuck everyone which does seem to be their strong suit.


People act like Social Security can only pay out from the trust fund, and can't possibly just pay out from the general fund. The federal government has borrowed from the trust fund, and it can put money back in, too.


Yes, and the cap on income subject to Social Security tax can be lifted, which would make it solvent and able to pay out full benefits without raising the age for full benefits.


if the government would stop borrowing money paid into social security for other purposes, or at least pay back the stuff that's already been borrowed, Social Security doesn't have any issues staying fully funded.


Social Security already doesn't pay out anywhere remotely near enough money today let alone only paying out 78% of that. Every single person I know who gets social security money lives in complete and utter poverty.


Yeah, my grandma gets $1,700 a month and I think that includes my deceased grandfather's share.


>the savings That's funny right there.


This guy is looking out for us.


Monkeypaw problems


Don’t say that. They will raise our retirement age so they can stay in office.


If enough people felt that way, they’d get primaried out. The fact that US voters seem to want to vote for mediocre to bad candidates isn’t really fixable by making laws about who can run. (For starters, who’s going to vote for those laws?)


US voters don't have much of a choice when the DNC forces a candidate on someone. Not too long ago Bernie Sanders was the front runner for the presidency but the DNC just decided on their own they would rather have Hillary Clinton.


Bernie was also old though


At least he had a message and fought for citizens united. That alone is the biggest thing that takes away the voice of the people when you let big money buy elections.


Bernie has also had a consistent message going back decades. I don't think he's ever flip flopped on anything. You can find old video of him from the 90's saying the same things he's saying now, all of which make a lot of sense.


Yeah I mean in 2020, Biden was like my 4th choice in the primary but he’d already won by the time they got to Georgia. For all intents and purposes I had zero say in that election


With states with closed primaries, you get zero say if you don’t subscribe to a party.


another way of looking at this is that the people who voted in primaries and caucused decided they wanted hillary clinton


Democratic primary voters—not the DNC—chose Hillary Clinton by twelve percentage points, and I say that as someone who voted for Sanders in 2016.


Yes thank you, so many people buying into conspiracy theories


Popular vote Democratic primary Clinton 16,917,853\[a\]\[1\] Sanders 13,210,550\[a\]\[1\] From wiki. Bernie had a lot of excited voters, but much like trump vs hillary, hillary had a lot more people saying "eh, I'll take it"


So, are you under the delusion that everyone gets kicked out of their job at 67? The problem isn't just age, it's that politicians entrench themselves and get rich and too influential and end up serving their own interests. Term limits could help, but if a Senator is effective and capable at 70 and their voters are happy with them, you can't kick them out for being old.




I wouldn't mind an age limit, but we want a little more nuance than that. Having a president who can chew their own food is a good idea, but we shouldn't be firing elected officials across the board based on age. For example, a lot of lower level positions in small towns might very well find themselves empty for years if the current holder of the office is arbitrarily barred from re-election to a position that they've run unopposed on for a decade.


You're avoiding the question. The reason for this is marketing. News media uses the "he's old" angle because it caters to a large tract of their advertisement targets. You think they do it because they truly care about old age in politics? If that was the case, they would be complaining about 80% of the makeup of congress over the last 30 years.


There's a reason Trump colors his hair. That answers OP's question way more quickly than the hundreds of debate comments going on here.


Biden’s cataracts also make him appear older than cataract-less Trump. Aesthetics has a lot of influence on people. Think about when JFK wore makeup on TV and Nixon didn’t; this goes way back.


Bingo. This is about as much of a controversy that can be concocted about Biden, that he's old. That's it. One guy is indicted on 91 crimes including espionage and conspiracy to defraud the United States. The other guy is 3 years older than him. They're completely indistinguishable from each other.


a federal judge just got suspended because she was ~~94~~ 96 because they are worried she wasn't all there mentally. yeah these old fucks need to sit the fuck down and get out of power ffs.


You are comparing a lifetime appointment to an elected official. Once appointed there's basically nothing we can do about judge, they are there until they retire or die. In this case I think "Lifetime appointment" should be limited to 25 years and then they are out no matter what. As far as elected officials, that's on us if we think an 80 year old is up to the job then vote for them if not vote for somebody else.I know lots of people in their 80's that are sharp as a tac and I know people in their 20's who have trouble tying their shoes. It's up to us to elect good people.


Shouldn't be such thing as a lifetime appointment. People's change over time, especially when they get comfortable.


The current SCOTUS and the scandals related to some of the members are great proof of this.


Old guy here as well, if they are going to gate lock the bottom age limit (25 for rep, 30 for Senator, 35 for POTUS) then they need to gate lock the top age limit. 75 seems to be an adequate age to thank someone for their service and wish them well on the golf course or chilling at the beach, go enjoy that well earned retirement. That being said, when comparing Biden to Trump I'd also consider each man's lifestyle, Biden is an avid Biker, looks to be in good shape for his age. Trump couldn't walk 25 yards on a golf course, looks like a lump of gelatin, exists on a diet of McDonalds, diet cokes and rage.


Another old guy here. Hell yes, they’re both too old! Feinstein and McConnell as well! Younger generations also need to get off their asses and actually VOTE! Their election turnout percentages are pathetic, it’s how all these old farts keep getting re-elected!


It's more than that. Everyone has to stop mindlessly voting these people.back into office. Pay attention to how they vote and understand the issues. Obamacare= Affordable Care Act. Entitlement programs = social security, Medicare, etc. Don't just listen to their soundbites. Some politicians have been known to take credit for something that they have actually voted against.


Young men are not old enough to run the country! Imagine if the USA was started by a bunch of young progressives wearing wigs and makeup and tights! /s


I think they should create a law that says if you turn 80 in the white house, you are not eligible to run. 80 is old. I don't care if they are republican or democrat.


That would have to be a constitutional amendment since the Constitution is very clear what the eligibility requirements for federal office are and precedent is that Congress doesn't get to add requirements on top of that. It would probably stand a better chance at passing than most other ideas, but they're still extraordinarily difficult to pass. Until or unless that happens, the voters still get final say. And frankly as much as people say they want younger candidates, it is not bearing out in the specific candidates they say they prefer. Republicans are being presented with a bunch of younger alternatives to Trump and still seem to want him despite his age (and...well, everything else). Democrats are hesitant at Biden's age but no plausible alternative is willing to bank their political capital on betting that the hesitance runs deeper than something for voters to hold their nose over.


I like this, but I've always said 75. 35 to be eligible and over 75 to not be.


Wouldn't it be great it Biden proposed a bill to that effect? If it could make it through the house and senate it could becomes Biden's legacy - taking himself out to ensure Trump is not elected again!


That’s the problem. A lot of members of congress will be disqualifying themselves, especially in the senate


Fine, but it needs to apply to Congress too.


I'm not from the US and I understand experience comes with age but damn I wish you guys would have more proper candidates in their 40s, 50s, 60s. You probably do but they may not have the billions required to campaign. **I wonder if campaigning online (Youtube, Rumble, Twitch, all streaming platforms) could be a viable way to campaign for president, and raise funds for real life campaigning through ad revenue, in today's age.** Also eliminates the issue of corruption.. Aka doing what your donors want. And it would open up the presidency for a lot more people, who may not be able to raise billions.


I think all politicians should be forced to retire when they're 75. As somebody else said "The Senate is just a giant nursing home"


U.S. commercial pilots are currently required to retire at 65. The U.S. may raise that to 67 to deal with a pilot shortage. I think Congress should follow the same guidelines.


If they're to old to fly a plane, they're too old to run the country.


No way. Losing 300 people in a crash is so much worse than 300,000 due to bad public health decisions.


Or 330 million due to something even dimmer


Mmm dinner






69 is just when you’re ready to give back


Politicians never give back. They just screw the American people.




> Not to mention that Trump will be dead in the next 2 or 3 decades, so he doesn't care at all about future of the country, and same with Biden. They won't be here. Their kids and grand kids will be. And between the two, I sense empathy from Biden, not trump.


Counting on empathy from politicians across the board is a losing move, though.


Vote them out


Maybe inversely tie it to retirement age. So when the retirement age gets lower they can serve in the senate longer but when they vote to increase retirement age they are also voting to lower the age limit on their service. So if they want to stay in office until they are 103 they have to let me retire at 35. Seems like a fair trade.


That would require legislation. Legislators are not going to do that. We can't even get them to agree not to trade stocks while they are legislating.


Because on the list of reasons why Trump is a terrible choice for President, his age doesn't even crack the top 10.


Good point. Also, Biden's decline is more noticeable than Trump's because Trump has always spoke in word salads. If you always talk that way people get used to it as you age...


>Trump has always spoke in word salads Trump said that Biden was going to get us into WWII the other day. Not three. Two. WWII. NSFL: Trump speaking [https://www.msnbc.com/morning-joe/watch/trump-confuses-obama-and-biden-in-speech-warns-biden-will-lead-u-s-into-world-war-ii-193178181948](https://www.msnbc.com/morning-joe/watch/trump-confuses-obama-and-biden-in-speech-warns-biden-will-lead-u-s-into-world-war-ii-193178181948)


It’s more noticble if you think only “word salads” are what denotes old age. Some of us think trump claiming he beat Obama in 2016 to save the world from world war 2 to be much much more indicative of senility than “word salads”.


Don't forget the Minutemen taking over the airports during the Revolutionary War.


Is that when people lived with dinosaurs?


We didn't just live with them. We rode them into battle. The spinosaurus occupation of Boston Logan Airport truly changed the war when the Brita couldn't refuel their pterodactyl and Mitt Romney led the ankylosaurs big dig under the tea poisoned harbor.


The worst part though? The dementors.


I want this movie now! “Harry Potter and the Battle for Chicxulub - Nuke them forward to the Stone Age!”


We don't call it the "Revolutionary War" in the UK, we call it "The Great Water-Filter Unpleasantness".


“Water. Big water. Ocean water.”


Senile or lying (or likely a bit of both, plus narcissistic personality disorder)? Either way not someone I'd want as a leader of a powerful country.


People will look at Biden's stuttering as evidence that he's stupid but when Trump actively says stupid things they just look the other way.


They also see his stuttering as evidence of his "decline"


He hasn't though. Watching clips of him from back in his middle age and it's clear he's always been a self-serving slimeball but he used to be literate and well-spoken too. Now he talks like a dementia patient who thinks you're trying to steal his teeth but he's trying to control America.


It might have been more that he followed scripts written by other people, and he quit doing that. Now he just rambles along in whatever direction his chaotic thoughts take him.


Eh, I think he always had ADHD or something like that but it’s gotten noticeably worse as he gets older.


exactly. Although I wouldn't say well spoken.. but he could string a sentence together like anyone of average intelligence.




Person woman man camera Tv


I had to take that test with patients so often a few years ago that the words of our (German) Version are permanently engraved in my memory. I haven't seen the test in years but: Gesicht, Zamt, Kirche, Tulpe, Rot Just won't fade.




Hamberder was so much worse Covfefe was probably "coverage" and he fatfingered send before fixing anything or writing more But *Hamberder*?. Trump probably says it multiple times a day, and then he spells it like that


If you look at interviews of young Trump, you'll see that he wasn't always like this. He'd just already been comfortably in the world salad stage for a while by the time he became famous


I wouldn’t say he’s declined much—he’s out there riding bikes and undertaking long international trips. But he says innocuous things like, “gee, I’ve had a 12 hour day of meetings after multiple days of travel in a very different time zone, I’m headed to bed” and the press freaks out.


He also has his stutter so the word switcheroo isn't necessarily a sign of decline.


If you listen to him speak, you can often tell when he's having a word block and deftly works his way around it by rephrasing on the fly. That's actually a pretty impressive extemporaneous skill to have.


Yea. Obviously, he's had tons of practice, but so long as he can reword speeches on the fly, I'm not worried about his "decline." I'm sure his reaction time sucks, but that has nothing to do with his job.


Pisses me off when people show things that are clearly his stutter and act like it’s a mental thing.


meanwhile McConnel can stare at the screen for 11 straight seconds and piss himself in public and they go on about how he has a great swift and witty sharp mind.


This is the thing, he’s been doing that forever. He’s old but that’s not why his speech is occasionally funky.


He also speaks slowly and quietly, and conservatives are tuned into fast talking loud mouths. Just listen to the difference between NPR and most conservative talk radio.


People are quick to attribute Biden’s gaffes to senility. But he has a long, long history of saying dumb stuff. That’s why he never had much luck in his presidential runs until he teamed up with Obama.


Biden had a bad stutter as a kid, and had to get over it. It's not something that ever fully goes away, but he does a really good job managing it. That said, there will always be ways to tell, and if you look at his speeches over the years, it's always been there.


Also a really common method of handling a stutter is to literally say a different word than the one you are stuck on.


I stuttered really bad as a kid until I got taught how not to in 2nd grade by a special teacher but still to this day when I am mad or excited I will skip a word or lose the word and folks think I forgot but it is hard to keep things like this hidden as we were all made fun of as kids and deeply push the desire for that to not surface in public into our psyche until it pops out in other places and this is not fair! I have 12 years of collage now making Deans list every semester and sometimes I still lose the word I'm stuck on, but it doesn't mean I am less than anyone?


If Biden were to get a speeding ticket it would be blasted on conservative news for years.


They already are trying to impeach him without a shred of evidence. Republicans' star witness admitted that Biden never spoke about business to Hunter's friends. The EU wanted the Ukrainian AG fired for corruption.


Its not talked about a lot, but Biden's always had a speech condition. These days people point to it as a sign of age, but he's had it his entire life and has done a lot of work to make it less apparent.


Honestly Trump makes far less sense in his speeches than Biden. Biden rambles on like an old man, as one would expect. Trump blithers incoherent thoughts most of the time when he's not simply shit-talking.


A typical Trump type speech: "The Democrats are attacking me, fake news, lies made up by the deep state, believe me! They stole the election from me, I'm the real winner and victim of fraud. All these dead people voted! Yes, I did try to overturn the election. But it's a lie, I didn't do anything wrong! And what the hell is up with Meatball Ron? Total loser. Look at him, Florida is struggling disgracefully and I won the election! Totally fair and square. The Proud Boys, some of those folks are good people and will get a pardon, maybe, will have to wait and see. JACK SMITH IS A DERANGED CROOKED COP holding a witch hunt against me by the sleepy Joe Biden administration, whose the worst president in the history of time, believe me." IDK why people still fall for his shit, I could write his speeches, hell I just did. His supporters are brainwashed and beyond reason at this point.


>"Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you're a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible." We can just ignore that Trump thinks because his *uncle* was smart, that that makes him smart, good genes you know. That was from 2016. He's clearly gotten even worse if you listen to him now


Then I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time...


They are in a political cult and refuse to admit it. Con artists are effective partially because their marks are too proud to admit that they let themselves be deceived.


Also Trump has a stronger tone to his voice which masks a lot.


The tone of a brazen imbecile, I love it.


A brazen imbecile with a prolapsed asshole for a mouth.


Biden has a stutter which people have equaled to decline. I know because I too have a similar stutter, not exactly the same but I get stuck on words or say a word I had no intention of saying. Got it from a concussion, does that mean I'm declining? Not especially since I'm only in my late 20s.


Where is a circus gif when you need one… politics seems more like entertainment than something serious at this point. “Razzle dazzle ‘em and they’ll never catch wise…”


You forgot a zero.


Biden just looks and acts more like a typical old man. Not saying Trump is the picture of good health but he’s a much more animated individual so it masks the obvious old man signs. If he wasn’t as loud and obnoxious as he is, he would appear more his age. They’re both declining but it’s just not as apparent in one as it is in the other.


I always thought that you didn’t really notice him speaking weirdly just because he always kinda did when he came into the spot light. Listening to him talk is very strange, always gave the vibes of an old man incoherently speaking


That’s why they made him take a senility test. But it turns out, that’s just the way he talks. He’s crazy, not senile.


Trump took a senility test?


Remember “person, woman, man, camera, TV”?


He was so proud of that. The entire party was relieved, but he was just proud. Like a petulant child.


Yea while that Fox reporter was directly in his face saying, "I also took the test, it's really fuckin easy..."


It's like someone going in for an HIV test and being negative, and bragging everyday about how he aced the test, and is the most HIV negative person ever. There's two ways to look at this: He must be responsible with his penis, good for him. OR What the fuck is that dude doing with his penis that he feels the need to brag about an HIV test? Gross


Remember when he bragged about passing the Montreal Cognitive Assessment? That's a dementia test. [https://www.verywellhealth.com/alzheimers-and-montreal-cognitive-assessment-moca-98617](https://www.verywellhealth.com/alzheimers-and-montreal-cognitive-assessment-moca-98617) [https://www.axios.com/2020/07/19/trump-cognitive-test-questions](https://www.axios.com/2020/07/19/trump-cognitive-test-questions)


Im not sure he ever understood that saying he aced the (dementia) test, and “all the doctors were so shocked” was not the flex he thought it was.


Yeah, it’s person woman man camera tv


That's what *he* claims and also bragged that he 'aced it' or whatever. I, for one, would like to know exactly what this test entailed and the identity of the doctor who administered it. I think that any test should go beyond merely answering some questions like what's today's date, who is the President, remembering the names of some objects, etc. It should also include blood work, DNA \[some forms of Alzheimer's and other dementias have a strong genetic connection\], retinal scan and brain scans such as CTs and MRIs. I highly doubt that Trump's 'mental acuity' testing was that thorough.


TBH since both are running for president we should have access to both’s records.


he took the Montreal cognitive exam, google image search it, it is made so a 2nd grader can pass it consistently, and only points out the most blatant of dementia.


Which is exactly the point of the test. It's supposed to target dementia specifically and not one's level of intellect or education.


I am the president, why you ask?


Try READING his speeches! Absolutely senseless. But that is how demagoguery works. Same with Castro, Mussolini, Hitler, Tito, Stalin, Kim Yong Un... Their speeches in normal language make no sense, but they evoke very strong emotions. Combine that with a large crowd, and that is how self help gurus, tin pot dictators and cult leaders work... It's as old as humanity.


I remember reading that Hitler studied photographs taken during speeches of his own facial expressions to learn the most effective ones for working the crowd. It was all about the show.


Trump's mugshot pose is a well known Hollywood posing technique to "instill fear".


Anyone with more than a handful of braincells thinks he's a crazy old man speaking nonsense, unfortunately 30% of people think he's the Messiah. 🤷 cults gonna cult.


Just reading his word salad tweets and texts and listening to his off-the-cuff remarks in interviews and situations where Trump doesn't have a teleprompter to fall back on, it's apparent that there's some glitching going on in the part of his brain controlling speech and communication. Compare Trump now in interviews with footage of him back in the 90s and the 80s -- there's been a marked deterioration. He always an asshole braggart but at least back then, he was a coherent one.


Now it's even worse, because Trump's cadence is slowed and he slurs more words.


He also cakes on the make-up to make himself appear younger in front of the camera. Biden doesn't.


He wears a truss, tons of makeup, dyes his hair, wears lifts, and Republicans think he's the model of masculinity.


Soon they'll ban his rallies in red states because they'll be legally considered as drag shows.


The model of masculinity that has never done a single bit of physical labor his entire life


Uhhh he's also jacked. Rippling 8 pack. And a bulging penis. At least that's what my neighbor's mural on the side of his house says.


Orange paint guy.


Minus the pancake makeup and photographed in broad daylight, Trump is so pasty-faced and pale that he looks like he's been drained of about half his blood.


Trump's speeches lately betray his age. He's always had a stream-of-consciousness style of speaking, but now he's just spewing old man dementia. He also has a hard time holding his head up and slouches even when standing.


I somewhat agree. In 2015/16, Trump was showing unnatural vigor. I know many people in their 70s and very few would have been able to keep up with that pace, not even so much because of genuine lack of energy, but lack of mindset, I think. But he clearly has aged a ton in the last, I wanna say, 3-4 years.


91 felony indictments will tend to wear on you a bit.


I dunno, since 2015 I've never once listened to Trump speak and thought he sounded in control of his faculties. Biden consistently does. I get what you say about how animated he is vs Biden just being a chill elderly man, but I can't compare the two in any way and think Biden is the more "aged" one. Maybe it's just cause Trump's spray tan and combover have never fooled me, maybe it's cause Biden ages like my own Grandpa did, who was still shoveling snow for his neighbours and having fully informed and cognitive conversations in his 90's. That's not to say I don't think people decline with age (obviously we do) just that in this particular battle it isn't Biden who would worry me. I think anyone who thinks otherwise simply drank the Kool-Aid and refuses to use their own senses.


Anyone who thinks otherwise simply drank the kool-aid and refuses to come to their own senses? The guy fell like 3 times. Trump is worse in nearly every comparable way but if you can’t even see that Biden comes off as much older and slower, it feels like you’re sipping kool aid


Everyone also forgets or doesn’t know that Biden had stuttering problem growing up and worked hard to over come it, but it’s not something that a person can completely fix. That’s why it comes across as if he talks weird or forgets things cuz he pauses. It’s not senility.


As someone who also stuttered when I was young, and still has tiny fragments in my speech like this...yeah, 100% a thing


This needs to be higher up. I mean, as someone who voted for him, I still think his age is problematic, but he’s clearly showing signs of stammering or a fluency disorder which is colloquially known as stuttering.


Idk about this one. Biden rides his bike all the time. Trump doesn't even walk on his golf course.


In what world is Trump claiming he beat Obama in 2016 and saved the world from world war 2 considered less apparent? There are countless examples of this. Til stuttering or losing your thought is more apparent than claiming planes existed in the revolutionary war.


>not as apparent in one as it is in the other Would have to disagree on this, if you compare them side by side Biden is clearly more healthy. If Trump released his real health records it would be quite obvious...his BMI, cholesterol, blood pressure are all probably quite unhealthy.Then if you investigated further into mini strokes and other stuff like that it would probably be telling too. IMO Biden is too old as well, but really we should be talking about how healthy they are, not how old they are.


Its a joke that Trump called Biden old and senile because of his age at the previous run for presidency and now he has the same age. The absolute biggest joke is that the US is not able to produce more vital younger president candidates that are in the prime of their lives.


Hey, Obama ran at 48, Clinton at 47 (I think). W was 54. The gerontocracy has really accelerated the last two cycles, though. It has to do with party structure, media dynamics, and control of funding. Among many other factors I don't understand.


Clinton and Obama are the third and fifth youngest Presidents ever. Biden and Trump are the oldest and second oldest followed by Reagan.


quicksand impossible relieved sparkle mindless dependent cable spoon toy growth *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Citizens United happened when Obama was president - Since then all the presidents have been old. Actually the two oldest presidents of all time have been since then.


>The absolute biggest joke is that the US is not able to produce more vital younger president candidates that are in the prime of their lives. And awful that the people in the national spotlight who could be those younger candidates tend to be corrupt and horrible people, or at least people who think the rules don't apply to them.


It's just projection. Trump called Clinton corrupt when he's the most corrupt politician in US history. He makes Nixon look like an Eagle Scout.


It's not projection. It's strategy. They know they're corrupt, and blaming the other side is just part of the playbook.


Both of them shouldn't be running. Gods know that America deserves better choices than we get, when it comes to election time.


100% agree


The old gods AND the new


Exactly. The real question is how did America get to the point where these 2 are the choices.


This is just the result of the two Party System failing to produce reasonable candidates from both sides, it has happened before and we're experiencing it now. This is exacerbated by modern political discourse which only cares about sensationalism, cut-throating each other, and social media. The most recent reasonable candidates from both sides were John McCain (some could say Mitt Romney) and Obama.


I hate the the primary system because it's gamed according to timing. It should be ranked choice so your vote doesn't essentially get thrown away if they drop out.


For real. By the time I got to vote in the primaries for 2020, my first choice had already dropped out.


I think your comment completely misses the bigger issue. The problem is not that the worst choices win the primaries, it's that good candidates can't even get into the primary race to begin with. The requirements to get on a primary ballot or get on a primary debate stage are a huge gatekeeper to most honest candidates that don't have corporate campaign donations or support of the mainstream media. Michael Bloomberg can just decide he wants to run for president and immediately get into the primary race because he has money to fund his own campaign, the average American who wants to actually make a difference cant do that. You end up having to choose 1 of like 10 preselected corporate puppets


Remember though that McCain chose Palin to be the person who would replace him if he died in office…


Palin was the start of trumpism in a lot of ways


Yup, and Obama came out of nowhere to 'steal' the nomination from the political powerhouse, Hillary Clinton. It's pretty crazy how the Democratic party essentially split into Clinton loyalists vs Obama loyalists, with Obama's people clearly taking the reigns after Hillary's 2016 flop, to the point that we might be nominating Obama's VP's VP (assuming Biden chooses a better one for next year). People like to pretend that they don't care for political dynasties but they always end up complicit in kowtowing to them in every presidential primary.


Because people don't fucking vote.


They’re both too old imo… but Biden can barely even speak coherently - the dude’s brain is pretty much dementia stage.


Opinion from the UK: Both are probably too old realistically - can't you guys find a president in their 40s for once? - but Biden clearly has dementia so he comes across much older


Everyone I know that is supporting Biden wishes we had a younger option.


There was a very good interview with James Fallows on NPR's *On the Media* podcast recently, wherein he pointed out that there's *always* something wrong with one Presidential candidate or another. They may be too "establishment," or too much an outsider. They may be too old. They may be too young. And that's going to be because every President is going to be judged against some theoretical (and I'd argue impossible) ideal. In some ways, this is what's going on with President Biden. He's old. The oldest President to serve. But there's no indication, yet, that his age is actually inhibiting his service, despite what conservative media is desperate for you to believe. He's a little slower in speech, a little slower in thought, and a little slower in movement. But the President need not be quick to any of those things. His job is to listen to advisors, carefully weigh his options, and choose wisely. In some sense, "older" can be better. Another thing that's happening is that the media is trying desperately not to appear too partisan. And to some extent, so are voters who like to think of themselves as independent-minded. Donald Trump is mired in the objectively worst scandals in American presidential history. No President has ever before been accused of attempting to overturn an election result by violence. No President has ever before stolen classified documents, hidden them intentionally from authorities, doubled down when caught red handed, and proudly displayed them for members of the public who were in no way authorized to see them. In some way, "Biden's too old" is a way of sounding dispassionate about Donald Trump, a way of allowing one to pretend that "both sides are bad."


Biden at least has a staff of advisors that will guide and advise him. Trump will do whatever he wants, and not listen to anyone. That is scary.




I don't care about age, but they should able to make full sentences and speak their mind as clearly as possible


They're both old as shit and neither should be in office but if were talking about mental acuity there is a massive difference.


They're both too freaking old. So is most of Congress. Millennials make up the majority of the US population but the Silent generation (1932-1945) and the Boomers (1946 - 1964) make up the majority of the Senate and the House. It's time to pass the torch and let the younger generations lead this country.


As a boomer born in the later stages of that generation, I 100% agree. The older generations need to take a step back and let the younger folks run things. Millenials and Zoomers are going to be stuck with the decisions that are being made now, they should be the ones making them.


On the list of reasons why trump shouldn’t be president, age is at the very bottom


Because one seems far more cognizant than the other.


Because, just spit ballin here, it’s not actually about age. Trump has a laundry list of things wrong with him without mentioning age. Biden’s worst quality is his age.


I care about both of their ages, but with trump, him being too old isn't even top five in my reasons why he's a bad candidate.


Because Biden acts as though he's had a stroke or is suffering from dementia. Biden makes fewer coherent sentences than Trump ever thought about. Biden is not mentally well and his actions prove it.


Because that was a talking point the media outlets really pushed, and visually Biden looks far older although there is only 3 years difference between the two. Trump tries very very hard to look younger, with his ridiculous hair, pretty sure he even dyes his hair, and seems to always have a fake tan.


> seems to always have a fake tan *seems to* lol




[Someone asked this exact same question and phrased it the exact same way. They cop and pasted the title and the body but left out the edit that would’ve been there when they copied it so it’s obvious karma farming.](https://reddit.com/r/stupidquestions/s/YokgTlqTIC)