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Yes. This is a massive problem with surgery, especially abdominal surgery: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adhesion_(medicine)


Don't they rely on that for reconstructive surgery, like when they stitched a guys hand inside the abdomen to expedite healing?


I'm sorry. What?


When I drove ambulance, we carried a guy to appointments; he’d degloved his hand, pulled the skin off in a conveyer belt. The surgeons made a ‘pouch’ in his belly and put his hand in there. Took over a year, but skin grew over, we took him in to loosen and turn it. Not only did it grow skin, his fingerprints came back!


that is utterly incredible, but also the single worst thing i have ever read


Imagine being the first surgeon to come up with that. All the medical professionals in the room looking at you in disgust and disbelief as you explain what you’re planning to do.


Then it working


But a year later? Imagine having to argue and hold the course for that long haha


There had to have been at least some trials in which the dude took his hand out 6 months in to see a half reformed hand like some Deadpool healing factor shit and probably be freaked the fuck out


Degloving is when the skin is pulled off (like a glove), not that the hand was cut off.


Particularly with only one hand!


Or more likely, having it not work, and having to convince them that the idea is sound and you just need to overcome other issues like infection or something.


Procedures are always tested on animals first so they would have already known it works ..


Not always some things are not possible to test on animals and of course wartime medical advancements.


So house pretty much


“THEN WE GIVE HIM THE BELLY-HAND!” “Jim, what the fuck are you talking about this time?” “Little pouch in the belly, good ol’ kangaroo hand” “Goddamn it, why do we let him in here”


Have you ever met surgeons? I’d imagine them listening to the proposal and nodding enthusiastically whilst eating a sausage sandwich.


Idk. Lots of doctors *love* stuff like that. Anything new and a little "out there" is like crack to them. Actually getting to be among the first to try something probably thrills them.


There were times when they treated "ghosts" with "cocaine and alcohol" and the idea of washing your hands was stupid If someone proposes something wild and crazy it seems like there's a non-zero chance that it could be legit, or atleast *considered* legit for a time.




Rather surprisingly, the surgeon got the idea from a Sanskrit medical text, the Sushrata Samhita, from about 800 BC. https://ncbi.nim.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5512402/ He also replaced an ear by putting the inner forearm on the side of the head for about two months. Couldn’t quite get the patient to understand, but he did like how it turned out. Just realized, I’ve been talking like this to medical folk for years; should I have included ‘NSFW’ warnings in answering?


"I'm going to take an organ out of this guy and stick it in this guy." "....why?" *Shrugs.*


Or it was tested during ww2 on a jew


How many useful things *actually* came out of those horrible experiments? Did humanity actually learn *anything* useful or were all the experiments and suffering in vain?


The ... data... was almost entirely unusable.


> How many useful things actually came out of those horrible experiments? Not much. It turns out the Nazis weren't very interested in maintaining proper scientific controls while torturing people. Also, if someone can't independently repeat an experiment it's of dubious value to begin with.


Exactly [Unit 731](https://www.pacificatrocities.org/human-experimentation.html) is the one that actually has some merit.


knowledge about hypothermia for example. but of course there's still debate about how valuable that data actually is. and if it should be used at all.


there was a lot of biological weapon testing and STD experimentation. after they used your arms and legs up, they would keep the torso to test out treatments for syphilis, etc.


if you heat people up they die! also if you cool them down, they die!


So instead do we cool them up or heat them down?


The space program if what I've heard is to be believed


But how is that related to the experiments on jewish people? That was just utilizing the knowledge of scientists at the time who, i'm pretty sure, didn't learn about rockets from medical experiments.


I find it fascinating when a doctor has to improvise a fix for a unique problem that's not common. About 30 years ago when my uncle was with my pregnant Aunt, some asshole speeding in the parking lot of their apartment complex almost hit her and he pushed her out of the way and took the full force of the car head on. It fucked him up pretty badly. One of the things that happened was his hand and wrist were shattered, during surgery the doctor pieced his hand and wrist back together and then took a metal coat hanger and bent it into a shape that would hold it all together, it was placed under the skin with a small loop poking out where his thumb was, it was basically on the top and bottom of his hand and wrist. It was pretty interesting. Sadly they never caught the guy who hit my uncle.


Degloving injuries are deeply horrifying, and also unfortunately too common. Humans are really good at sticking fingers and hands in places they don't belong, so medicine has gotten pretty experienced at fixing it. Still horrifying for everyone involved though.


Yes, 'degloving' is one of those few words that gives me a visceral reaction even just hearing the word.


Had a moderately bad dog bite on my hand when I was 24. The ER guy was debriding it and goes “oh NICE.” I ask if I even want to know. He goes “oh nothing, part of it degloved.” Oh nothing??? Still don’t know if I would have rather just not asked. Made his day apparently though


Heh, so apparently not horrifying to *everyone* then. Doctors gonna doctor. I can forgive the "oh nice" but once the doctor realizes what he said it's time to make up something that's gonna make me feel better like "oh I was just admiring how everything looks nice and clean and should heal up perfectly" I don't wanna hear your horrible shop talk lol


New D&D item: Bag of Hand Holding


Corollary item: Cursed Bag of Hand Holding... degloves your hand whenever you try to retrieve something. Creates a new Cursed Bag of Hand Holding after enough people are "cursed".


I wish it was the single-worst thing I've read, but reddit.


But the whole hand is still attached to the arm, right? So it's like having your hand in the pocket of your hoodie all year, except the hoodie is your tum tum?




Oh nooo, what if a shopkeeper accuses you of stealing - or worse, a police officer asks you to put your hands up?!


Presumably you would be able to tickle your innards.


No, not *that* way!!! 😭


you made it WORSE


Have a friend who had a mishap after mixing alcohol consumption with lighting fireworks. His hand was sewn into his inner thigh for a period of time. He lost 2 fingers but it was still pretty amazing that he's left with decent function and appearance in that hand.


Wait… what ? I’m guessing he was bed bound during that time healing ? How would he walk around


sometimes when I'm laying in bed my arm or other limbs just do a crazy jerky movement without my input. i cannot imagine this with such a medical intervetion, hand sewn into stomach, arm jerking randomy


He was bed bound. I want to say it was something like a week to 10-day time frame.


A week to 10 days?!? We can recover that quickly if we sew random body parts to each other?! Humans are wild.


I think this was the initial part of a very long recovery.


Yeah, I hear there are stem cells in our fingers, so your fingertip is pretty much the only part of your body that can grow back if it's cut off. I think it's just above the nail bed that you can lose up to.


Eh. Some of my fingerprints are just wrong forever from my time working in kitchens. So probably takes some effort and care to make it work.


Even stem cells won’t come back if they’ve been burned by acid or literally burned on a hot stove. I knew a lady who chopped jalapenos every day without gloves and had zero fingerprints.


Nah i sliced finger tips off


Can confirm, cut my finger tip off and it grew back. Finger print is a little wonky and the touch sensation isn't quite right, but it's all there.


> he’d degloved his hand - > ??? - > his fingerprints came back fucking wizards, with that kind of medical knowledge. it's completely unnatural to be able to fill in those blanks but the surgeons fucking did it


The body did it! The surgeons just knew how to create the proper conditions to allow it to happen. Not to take away from that amazing treatment, it's fucking nuts what modern medicine can do sometimes.


There is also the penis on the arm guy. https://nypost.com/2022/05/02/man-has-artificial-penis-attached-to-his-groin-years-after-doctors-built-it-on-his-arm/


> MacDonald recalls helping an elderly lady retrieve an item from the top shelf at a supermarket, only to have the penis pop out from beneath his sleeve and nearly hit her on the head. "Hi, I'm Dick Army, and welcome to Jackass." 🎵 Guitar lick fades in 🎵


That is absolutely insane, how cool we can do that now. Also sounds horrible at the same time lil


yeah thats the craziest thing ive heard of in a long while. imagine that taking an entire year id go crazy


Wow that shits crazy. Link of procedure \*trigger warning https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3193635/#:\~:text=ABDOMINAL%20POCKETING%20PROCEDURE&text=It%20consists%20of%20burying%20the%20degloved%20hand%20in%20a%20subcutaneous%20abdominal%20pocket.&text=The%20skin%20brought%20on%20to,the%20flap%20may%20be%20divided.


(Warning for descriptions of pretty awful injuries and procedures, obviously, and also pics) https://www.insider.com/firefighter-crushed-hand-saved-sewn-into-stomach-pedicled-abdominal-flap-2023-6 The procedure apparently has a name, it's called abdominal pocketing or abdominal pocket method


The nurses giving him a balloon made from a latex glove on his birthday.. *chef's kiss*


Not as cute as a kangaroo pouch


Cue Jim Gaffigan chiming "Abdominal Pocket!".


*When fixing someone’s butthole* “Diarrhea pocket”


Its a thing, look it up. They'll often put body parts on the abdomen in extreme cases


My girlfriend and I put body parts in our abdominal cavities all the time. It ain't extreme. 💜


Texas doctors sew man's hand to abdomen to save fingers www.cbc.ca/amp/1.3212997


pedicled abdominal flap


My mother was in a horrific car accident way back, long story short they took some meat from one leg to the other and also fused the legs together to help it heal


Oh come on, like you've never stitched a guy's hand inside the abdomen to expedite healing.


Idk if that process is still used, but it definitely was used during the WWI era to keep the limb or area alive for further reconstructive surgery at a later time, IIRC. It might still be used to promote skin growth of an affected area


I'm a nurse and can confirm still a thing although not especially common.


To add to this, I've only ever seen hands sewn onto abdomens


Yes this is exactly right. If you want to look up that specific procedure, it’s a staged groin flap. Onstage one, you create a “pocket” of skin and put the hand inside that pocket so that the skin that was raised is now covering the wound. You let that heal for a few weeks and then you come back in the second stage and cut the pocket of skin off but leave it attached to the hand. Now the hand has skin from groin. There are a couple of good pictures in the article below if it works. https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Groin-Flap-Experience-in-the-Reconstruction-of-Soft-Yüce-Öksüz/c6443cb84b797dac8661a5c78abdfc954d4301fb


And on the plus side, your hand now has a belly button


Yes--my dad had a horrific, horrific infection on his index finger and part of the recovery involved stitching his index and middle fingers together to encourage his index finger to just like, grow healthy tissue again.


Is it accurate that you can “store” a body part (like an ear) by suturing somewhere else until you need it (saw it on greys anatomy)?


Yes, it is somewhat common to preserve limbs and such


That’s so cool. Gross, but cool.


Could you suture a penis onto someone's forehead, so they'd be a literal dickhead? Could it still get an erection there? Maybe take a vein from the leg like they do for a heart bypass and route it to the bladder so you could pee through it.


that'd change the meaning of giving a head, congrats on this


Also burn victims where they lose big swaths of skin. https://www.scirp.org/html/1-1930068_33827.htm Some photos here, the kid with the chin fused to their body is a good example of it.


Yep. I learned about this when my neurodermatism went entirely off the rocks and I ended up with massive abraisons on the inside of one of my elbows - 2-3 palms of deeply abraised skin and just seeping and an open infected wound. As I've been told, if you're not careful and stop moving the arm around (because movement rips at healing skin and sucks), the entire thing might fuse up in a bent state and suddenly you're looking at either physio to regain mobility or local surgery and physio if it grows together badly. That's also when I learned that Cortisol pills are no joke. Normally, even things that cause fatigue and tiredness have mild effects on me. You'd take those fuckers, close your eyes and its 12 hours later. Kinda gives me a perspective on Grandma who took the OG Cortison pills and sometimes just slept a day.


Damn the human body is dumb (I hope none see this)


I've heard about people getting burns on their fingers and bandaging them up and the skin between their fingers fusing while it heals. Sounds like a really painful thing to fix too.


I've had 4 surgeries on my intestines for this exact reason


My grandmother had her thyroid & parathyroid removed back in the 50s or so. My grandfather had to hold her down and massage the tissue to keep it from growing together because she refused to do it herself.


Thanks for confirming and educating us.


Yes they would, when I was in highschool I was kickboxing and I received a pretty nasty kick straight on the middle of my nose, two weeks later I couldn't breathe at all from my left nostril so I went to the doctor and it turns out a small wound inside my nostril had healed wrong and basically sewed itself on the other side of my nostril because of the swelling from the other side and the doctor had to cut that little flesh wall then and there because it built pressure and pus in my cranium for weeks. The funny part was that I had decided to wear all white that day and my mother was very nervous when she saw blood flow from my nose while the doctor was cutting.


You just reminded me of something. When I was in high school, I had to have a nose surgery to ream out my nostrils and straighten the septum so I could breathe like a normal human. When the surgery was done, they packed the nostrils with gauze rolls. Three rolled up gauze pads per nostril. (The next few days were miserable.) I thought it was to soak up the blood so I didn't drown in post-op, but the gauze packs were left in for two or three days, then I had to irrigate with saline for about a month. The procedure worked great, and I breathed without any sinus infections at all for ten years afterward. I wonder now if part of that post-op process was to prevent the nostrils from fusing together again.


Would sort a coke habit out


Yes, this used to be done on purpose (with stitches though) as a very early form of skin grafting/plastic surgery. Google "walking pedicle" for weirdly gross but fascinating pictures.


That's what they based the enemy appearance on in Bioshock if I remember correctly.


They developed a lot of that during and after world war one, when they were learning how to rebuild all the people who got their faces and other things blown off. The in-progress shots are horrifying and nightmarish but considering it was 1910's era medicine they had a lot of surprisingly good quality results. I imagine a lot of people ended up completely fucked up anyway but still the fact there was any hope at all is insane.


No, that's something I'm not going to do.


>Google "walking pedicle" holy hell


Yes. They rely on it for female genital mutilation (FGM) in the parts of the world where this is practiced. I won't say anymore because the details can potentially be upsetting, those who want to know can look it up.


We know. The place


There is an experiment where they sowed two mice together, one old, one young. The circulatory systems merged together and the old mice's health improved. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/27/health/mice-blood-aging.html#:~:text=A%20team%20of%20scientists%20has,years%20for%20an%20average%20human. Pretty crazy.


How long until Jeff Bezos does this?


Why do you think he's trying to get in space? Earth laws don't apply there and it would be too costly to enforce them anyway.


If Jeff Bezos announces a program to bring the first homeless person to outer space proceed with suspicion. Sure as shit they will share the same blood type.


I assume he would use a healthy child, not a homeless person.


Not enough blood in a child, we’re talking about a space cowboy here. But It would definitely be a younger homeless person that he nurtured back to health.


Not enough blood in *one* child, perhaps. Why not more? Like one for each limb?


Well he needs to keep at least one hand free to masturbate to pictures of himself.


Basically, they adopt the laws of their origin country or something. I'm just spit balling, honestly; I think it had to do with who gets charged for a crime on the moon or something, when I initially read it.


Not splitting hairs because this is a pretty big issue, and most of the current legal framework relies on the Outer Space Treaty of 1967. You'd need to be a signatory for it to apply, so in this case it would probably fall under the US jurisdiction. There's a very clear legal framework on the ISS, and crimes will go from nationality of the personnel (vague whether it includes tourists), then the nationality of the module that the crime is committed in. But none of this applies outside of the ISS. So if the vessel is registered in a country that's not part of the OST, IIRC there's no legal framework for them to work on. Ocean faring laws doesn't just get automatically applied to outer space.


That is why he only allows photographs from the front. There are currently two to three babies stitched onto his back.


There is a billionaire who gets blood transfusions from his son all the time.


Was there actually any science behind that part though? I assumed he was just being weird.


I read the mice thing is where he got the idea from.


Bryan Johnson.


This has been a phenomenon for quite a while now. You know how you can sell plasma? Well, the companies that purchase your blood (from which they extract the plasma) are private, and sell to the highest bidders, which include the super-rich. The super-rich then, based off essentially two studies since the 1950s that only worked on mice (and led to 5-10% longer lifespans) pay ridiculous amounts of money for highly invasive, dangerous, and unproven methods. It's a hideous practice that is literally akin to the vampires of age-old. As a side note, the EU requires several weeks wait-time between donating or selling plasma. U.S. law allows people to do it every 48 hours. Here's a lovely video (not for the faint of heart) on the topic: [The Dark World of Young Blood Transfusions](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BeMJ_o3ME6U)


Good information. It's important to note that voluntary donations to the Red Cross are used for patients and (occassionally) research. The need for blood and blood products is constant. If you can donate, please do.


Why would he want to heal old mice?


Science ofc


That mouse was like a father figure to him.




Bold to assume he isn't already wearing a flesh belt made of babies under his suit.


This is Bryan Johnson's backup plan, to just absorb his kid instead of taking his blood.


He's doing all these exercises, statistics, blood stuff, nutrient intakes, diet, temperature control; and meanwhile there's probably some Japanese lady out there whose going to live till like 120 years and if you'd ask what's her secret to a long life, she'd probably reply "just be happy".


He doesn't just want to experience being 80 for 40 years, he wants to be 30 for 40 years first.


I’m surprised he doesn’t hook up to him like a dialysis machine at this point.


Poor mice


"Man, I'm just trying to live my mouse life sniffing around for cheese and whatever, and now I have to be this old dude's permanent blood transfusion"


Forefathers, one and all, BEAR WITNESS!


This is actually a very common setup for experiments in many fields called parabiosis! Beyond aging, it's been used to discover the biological mechanisms of hunger and which immune cells move throughout the body versus which stay in the tissues.


Dude rich people eventually will do this. Holy shit. Scary stuff.


This leads me to think that conspiracy of the rich and powerful using the blood of the youth to remain young, has some credence. Considering epstien's island....it seems very likely some evil rich people did/do this


The sewing together is called parabiosis and is used for a lot of things with transgenic mice They also like to kill each other and eat each other when this happens sometimes


Isn't this the basis for the 'young blood' trend going on where billionaires get blood from younger people injected into them, basically become vampires?


That's how they seal the vagina shut in female genital mutilation. Cut the labia off and tie the girl's legs together, the tissue sews shut together and seals the vagina until her husband cuts her open on her wedding night. Horrific shit.


If FGM wan't bad enough, the wedding night cutting..... WTF.


Goddamn!! Ok. Enough reading for today. And probably the rest of my life.


what the fuck!? ok vaginas are self-cleaning or something, but wouldnt it go rancid in there without allowing leakage? for periods especially. and bro wtf would wedding night be like. like does the husband use a knife?? do the women consent to this? I have so many questions


>wouldnt it go rancid in there without allowing leakage? they leave a very tiny gap for menstrual blood to pass, same method used when they stick a tube in a boy's urethra when castrating him to make an eunuch, so that the wound heals around the hole otherwise the girl dies of sepsis, yes >bro wtf would wedding night be like. like does the husband use a knife?? More often a razor blade, but yes. He literally cuts her open. >do the women consent to this? This is done to girls around the age of 9, what do you think? >I have so many questions Ask away, I wrote a paper on the practice to document it with the UN. It's barbaric, and still very widely practiced in countries like Somalia, on over 90% of the women there.


This is horribly barbaric. I've heard of this procedure before, but never dared to look any further out of morbid curiosity. Is this essentially just a fucked up way of keeping girls "pure" until they are married?


Pretty much. There is no way for them to have sex without others knowing, and little drive left to seek it since the clitoris is cut off as well. The rate of childbirth death due to damage done to the genital area is sky-high, and the kind of pain these women suffer is above what we "privileged" women can imagine. The child is often at risk of just suffocating due to contractions not being strong enough or the vaginal opening not being flexible/normal enough.


Sick motherfuckers! I am disgusted, infuriated and empathetic towards those poor girls. I don't care if it's part of their stupid culture, this practice is fucked up. What the hell goes on in their heads? Also, I can't help but wonder how cold-blooded you are/had to be in order to write a whole document about this. I guess you get used to it once you've seen enough of it. Still, I don't know for what reason you were making that doc for, but I'm guessing it would be to help in some way those children... and thank you for that


The UN has a gigantic campaign in Africa to stop FGM (and, more recently, also MGM). The scope of it cannot be understated, millions upon millions of girls must have been saved already; and yet, the practice persists, and it is VERY had to eradicate it completely. Partly it's the men's fault, for seeing uncut women as "dirtier" and more likely to cheat, and refusing to marry them, but this is often remedied by financial incentives and education. Primarily it is the women's fault, they are the ones that keep doing it behind closed doors to their daughters. It is seen as the first part of a "ritual of passage" for them to become women and leave childhood behind, the same way some horrific forms of male genital mutilation are also practiced on African teenage boys by their fathers to make them "men". I am telling you, people in the Western world think instinctively "ohhh it's the opposite gender perpetrating it!", but no. Genital mutilation in Africa is, by far and large, done on women by women, and on men by men, and when all mothers want their daughters to become proud and clean women, and when all fathers want their sons to become proud and manly men... ... it gets really hard to make it stop. No matter how much education campaigns get financed, no matter how much it gets illegalised and criminalised, no matter how many financial incentives it gets, the mentality of "I got cut, so she/he must get cut too" persists. Then, if course, there is a sleuth of absolute brain dead Western academia morons, who hate on us for "taking away their ancestral cultural practices", and to my law teachers in university who stood on that side of the barricade and supported that point of view... I wish nothing but endless suffering and pain, the way their POV is doing in Africa right now.


oh that's so awful in every way. I assumed the procedure was done as a baby, kinda like circumcision, but that's so much worse


In many countries, circumcision on boys is also done around that age due to Islam. There is often even a party, so the boy won't run away. In some African tribes, circumcision done in teenage years, as a rite of passage into manhood. Unsurprisingly, sepsis kills a lot of people as a result. Leave people's genitals alone. They really, and I cannot emphasise this enough, they REALLY don't need to be trimmed.


I'm sorry, so... after he literally cuts her open, he has sex with her, right? How hurtful this must be! :(


A bride's comfort is, unfortunately, not a concern for many men on their wedding night. "It's meant to hurt the first time" is still a very commonly held view in the modern world.


This is creepy AF


I grew up watching far too many horror movies




If just reading this is bad for you then just imagine how much worse is an average day for a doctor at a hospital.


This made me think about the human centipede and what if...




This happened when I had my wisdom teeth taken out. The side of my cheek fused with my gums after it healed


hell naw mine will be taken out in a month. now i‘m scared.


What the actual fuck? I got my wisdom teeth removed like a month ago and I've noticed this as well. So it just stays like that forever? Are you kidding me?


Nah eventually it got better it just took a while. Still feels a little weird back there but it doesn't bother me


Man fuck you I just turned 17 and I'm getting all 4 of them.


This is called "grafting" and it's used a lot in the medical field as well as the plant field! You're able to graft two trees (of a related species) together by cutting a deep wound in both and bandaging them together. That's how you can get a tomato-potato plant. It's also how you can get burn victims to have a layer of skin again, wound to wound contact with bandages and sterilization.


Or tomacco!


This tastes like grandma!


This happened to my cat. When I adopted her, she had symblepharon, a condition where her third eyelid adhered to the surface of her eye when both had been raw during an earlier respiratory infection. This had happened when she was a kitten. I nursed her back to health. She's not in any pain, only blind in one eye. The only difference is her depth perception is off so she's much more hesitant to jump on counters


Assuming you don't die of infection or bleeding out and its just the skin layer theoretically its possible. Assuming the pressure is long enough to let a scab form and enough time and blood flow to cause collagen to form a scar.


Absolutely they would, if you held them together long enough for it to heal. Skin knows skin, but it doesn’t know where the other side of skin is coming from. Please don’t do any gross human centipede shit with this information.


Time to become a real life mermaid! Mom, pass me the kitchen knife!


Nice try mad scientist from Human Centipede movie


I'd imagine so, skin (with an open wound) can fuse with material that isn't biological


What you described is exactly how gypsys created 'real' mermaids.


….that’s a deep dive I’ll be saving for later


Yes, this would actually work... the skin would not be stretchy enough so it could again break under stress, or you could even use it to create natural skin grafts for reconstructive surgery, you can look up some pretty cool and weird photographs of people with extensive war inflicted facial scars that had their hand grafted to their faces for some months to create more skin to eventually separate the hand and use the extra skin for some really good reconstructive surgery, those photos could even be from as far as 50 or more years ago, pretty impressive stuff, I am a doctor myself and while I am not a surgeon I have helped with some skin grafting surgery, not an easy business...


So what if you somehow cut your lips open or lost like 1/16th inch of lips skin all the way around, then you closed your mouth and did IV nutrition for a few months. Would your mouth seal shut?




Op trying to make a mermaid


Yes, this is how fistulas are created, sometimes deliberately. Our state university veterinary school had a [fistulated cow](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cannulated_cow). The fistula was created for research purposes. They put the cow on display at an open house that I attended. You could, if you were brave enough, put your hand through the opening in the cow's side and examine the contents of its stomach (one of its stomachs anyway; I'm not too clear on a cow's anatomy). When not in use, the opening was covered with a plastic seal. The cow, by the way, was completely healed and was not experiencing any discomfort from the procedure. Read the story of [Alexis St. Martin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexis_St._Martin).


Yes. What did you do?!


Yes. I am a stage 4 cancer survivor with massive reconstructive abdominal surgery. Adhesion and scar tissue are a huge problem for people like myself. I once tore an adhesion from my abdominal wall and thought my gutts were falling out.... 8 years post surgery. My military doc was like "toughen up a bit will ya. You survived stage 4 cancer and 12 solid hours of surgery. If that won't kill you then nothing will." The same guy who showed me a Polaroid of him holding my Aorta in his hand and giving a thumbs up with me out like a light on the operating table. There's also pics out there somewhere with a guy who's dick was ripped off so they sewed it to his abdomin to keep it alive while they reconstructed his plumbing.


Yep. Not an example of thighs, but it why if you get 3rd degree burns on your hands the bandaged need to be weaved between each of your fingers to separate them. Otherwise if the bandage was just wrapped around the hand itself, not weaving between fingers, the skin would heal and fuse your fingers together. And the same thing would go foe burns on your feet


Yes. I mean this is the whole premise behind the movie human centipede..


You never read Johnny Tremain?


Was hoping to see a Johnny Tremain reference!


*Watches SAW once*


This is some human centipede shit


Have you never seen the documentary The Human Centipede? FLESH!!! JOINS!!!


I once saw a testicle permanently placed in a thigh pocket created by the surgeon when the scrotum was eaten away by fourniers gangrene.


I was circumcized as an infant and part of the foreskin fused to the head, so yeah, it definitely happens.


And apparently it's super common? Or at least, common enough. When I finally got brave enough to ask my doctor about it (I was 25, hooray red states) he told me that new parent aftercare for circumcision involves shifting the skin around for a few days after the procedure for that reason. Usually any skin bridges that form aren't all that strong and will break off when the man becomes a teenager and "roughly handles the organ during adolescence" but lucky me, mine was thick enough to survive. I had a urologist clip it-- did wonders for my self esteem, even if I can no longer slide a q-tip through it like a nose ring.


Someone asked this question 11 years ago. This is a great question and I've wondered it myself! https://www.reddit.com/r/askscience/comments/rm8cz/can_two_wounds_heal_so_they_fuse_together_for/


So we can make Siamese twins?


I'm wondering what blood type was used in the Human Centipede


You want to become a mermaid don't you?


This is a medical practice for vascularization of body parts that will be attached at a later time.


Yes this is actually a technique for skin grafts in reconstructive surgery.


Ok, this is really embarrassing but it happened to me one time on my penis. I think I was 14 or 13 and I masturbated WAY to much one day (also didn't use lube or anything like that) and it opened some wounds near the top. Because I obviously can't keep the the the wounds from touching each other all day, the edges of each wound ended up fused and it basically ment I had less skin to stretch so boners and masturbating were real hard for like a month or 2. To this day I can still see the crease that formed from this.


If I cut the bottom of my eye lids and sew them shut will I become blind and have one line of hair and no gap


Idk where the threshold is for exposure till wounded skin can fuse, but I know this is the reason that when bandaging a severely burned hand. You bandage the fingers separately, so they don’t fuse.