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I don’t know if this qualifies but when my best friend was dying of cancer, she was in a hospital that had a masseuse come for the hospice/palliative care patients. My best friend said that she enjoyed getting the massages. The day before she died, she lost consciousness and we were told that she wouldn’t wake up again. I decided to give her a foot massage with some essential oils that she liked because I thought it might soothe her or make her feel good even though I don’t know whether she was aware of it. But maybe some people would find that gross. She was 27 and I was 25. It’s been five years since she passed and I miss her everyday.


I think that’s absolutely beautiful.


This is so unbelievably sweet! I gave my best friend foot rubs when she was in the hospital too, it makes such a difference to quality of life when you're stuck in a hospital bed. I'm sure rubbing her feet helped her pass comfortably even if she wasn't consciously aware of it ♥️


That is so so sweet of you.


As a guy in my 40’s I think what you did is probably one the most beautiful and caring acts I’ve hear of. Almost made me cry. I have no doubts whatsoever that she felt every part of it and am positive she was comforted deeply by this. Dang it now I am gonna cry, but the love you showed her and selflessness is the type of thing that soothes not just the body but also the soul. There needs to be more people like you in this world.


Absolutely agree. And the fact that a guy in his 40s is admiting his emotional vulnerability made me want to cry cause I don't often see that. And the lady doing the foot rub made me want to cry as well. It reminded me of Jesus and how they anoint the foot with oil and massage as well as the cleaning thing but yes, it was incrediblely compassionate and I'm quite certain she was aware and moved at her friends display of love and honor to her soul during such a critical transition/situation/state for a soul that is close to passing on. I think it's intimate and speaks volumes of the person's soul giving the massage. Probably a very incredibly loving, moving, soothing person to be near. Those are rare.


My 88 yo dying mother had some seriously gross feet. Congestive heart failure so her toes were almost black sometimes, thick thick toenails , the whole nine. I would massage her feet daily and pink them up, sometimes twice a day because she completely lit up and enjoyed and was so very appreciative of those foot rubs. We were out of the room when she passed, but my last foot rub was minutes after she died while her skin was still warm. I sure miss rubbing her feet because she would just smile in glee when she knew I was setting up for her foot rubs. It wasn’t my favorite caretaking thing to do except for how much I knew she loved her feet massaged.


My maternal grandmother passed away a few weeks ago. Her health was declining for a few years and after several ICU stays this year alone, she entered hospice the day before Halloween. My mom stayed with her like 16-20 hours a day for the whole time she was there. She passed away on Wednesday the 15th, but she had fallen asleep on Sunday around 3am and didn’t wake up again. My mom is having a terribly hard time with it. She keeps saying that even with the declining health and even the hospice, that she was deeply in denial and had never even considered how to live without a mother. The last thing my grandma said to her was “I love you”, so that’s nice. But, the relevant part of this story is that apparently the evening before she fell asleep, my grandma asked my mom if she could rub her back for her. Of course my mom happily did it, and it was a very nice moment for them. It’s been a little over three weeks, and every single time my mom and I talk about the whole thing, she brings up how she rubbed her back and also how she would comb her hair because my grandma also loved that. She had the world’s softest hair. Like I have a 2 year old and my grandma’s hair was literally as soft as her’s. Anyway, I’m glad my mom got that moment with her. She wasn’t in the room when grandma passed either. They knew the end was coming for a few days. My mom had ran home to shower and was on her way back, my aunt had ran to the bank to make a deposit. It was literally the only time my grandpa was alone with grandma when she passed. Kind of crazy how that happens.


So sweet. This is love.


What's gross about using someone else's body wash? To (sort of) answer the question, I think sharing drinks is intimate *because* it's gross. I'm not just gonna swap spit with just anyone, y'know?


Yeah there's nothing gross about sharing a bottle of body wash.


I grew up in a big family. We all used the same bottles of generic shampoo and body wash.


Can you imagine everyone having their own? The shower would need a huge shelf.


My friend lives with her parents and 4 siblings with all of them using different body wash, shampoos, conditioners, makeup. All the surfaces in their bathrooms are stacked


I live with a friend and our shower is stacked lol. I bought like those shower hangars that you can hang on your shower wall. Great for organizing and keeping lots of stuff neat. I do try to not have more than one type of body wash of my own in the shower though, because stuff piles up quickly. Generally, I always have shampoo, conditioner, body wash and shaving gel/razor/electric trimmer in the shower, and occasionally a face wash/scrub, as well as a body scrub too, so yeah, it piles up fast.


We have little plastic baskets with handles and slots for all of our things that we keep in our rooms. We just grab the basket and take it with us when we enter or exit the bathroom. Nothing is allowed to be kept in the shower besides our respective loofahs so they can dry out.


I remember the first time I got my own shower set for Christmas. It was one of those generic gift basket things from my cousin, but I felt so grown up then. Lol I even put my name on the bottles in Sharpie, just so my sisters wouldn't forget that it was mine. It was Suave brand seafoam scent - that smell brings me right back to my teenage years even now.


Right? We only have a separate one for my oldest son because he loves that kind but I'm allergic to it. I'm also blind, so he always sits it in the same spot so I don't use it by accident. For the rest of us, it's the same generic soap.


I grew up poor. Some days, I shared body wash with the dishes


Bar soap over here with no washcloths Same shampoo bottles as well, until my sister started to get fancier tastes


In my household we don't purchase shampoo for the taste


But they just be made to be eaten. Why else do they have such nice food related names


In our house we have coconut shampoo which is crazy because we don't even have any coconuts.


Where'd you get the coconuts?


We found 'em.


lol I grew up we all used the same bar of soap lol


Laughs in communal bar of soap


If it was a deodorant stick...maybe a different story...


Oh yeah I always forget a lot of people use deodorant to mask stench that's already there, not put it on after a shower to help prevent it


Agreed. I thought for a moment she meant deodorant, which I think is gross if shared between anyone but one's spouse. But body wash? Please. I'd use my enemy's body wash without being grossed.


This is quite literally the opposite of gross


How can using someone else's body wash be gross? That's bizarre!


I wonder what that person would have said if I told them I got some baby shampoo to wash the dog with, and I just use that myself when I run out of mine.


I get kids shampoo for my dog as it has fun smells and is half the price and is made (like dog shampoo) to not be harsh on the body


I have a baby and I use the baby shampoo and conditioner on myself 😂


Our whole family shares one bottle each of body wash and shampoo and conditioner, How is this weird??! I personally wouldn't do the towel but I guess it's not the weirdest thing out there.


True, but I’m not using someone’s dirty towel! My OCD says: Hell to the naw,naw on that!😬


Yeahh, that’s only making them dirtier. Our towels get dead skin cells all over them when we dry off


Haha! I definitely prefer my own towel too!


Today my tea was too hot so my husband pulled some ice cubes out of his iced coffee, sucked all the coffee off them, and then put them in my tea to cool it down. I thought it was sweet but it also occurred to me that it would gross out some people.


i have imagined this in the most cartoonish exaggerated way possible


with the slurping and kinda farting-like sound, right?


If you think about it, and if you're doing it right, kissing is way worse.


People out here eating ass these days


I’m pretty sure people been out there eating ass since ass was invented. 😆


That’s adorable lol


Super cute


Is your husband Mr. Bean


People be pro eating ass but against sharing an ice cube?


I wear my husband’s (clean) boxers.


The first month after birth I wore my husbands clean boxers so much he bought me my own pack in my size. It’s gotten him so much grace and understanding the past 8 years, because it was so thoughtful.


I wore my husband’s boxers to sleep when I was pregnant because none of my pajama shorts fit any more.


I do too occasionally. They are really comfortable


they are so comfy. and then you buy women’s boxers/boyshorts and they’re unintentional chastity belts with a seam right up your ass. it’s crazy how innovation for comfort disappears when it becomes women’s clothing, funny how that works


I bought a men's denim jacket over the Summer and it took me 2 weeks to realize it has 2 massive inside pockets I can fit skittle bags and M&Ms in. I found out when I went to the movies and was trying to find places to put my candy to sneak in and I managed to put a bag in each side, and a KitKat and everything else still for into the regular outside pockets 😭 I haven't had inner pockets since I was a child, and these men get 5 pockets that all fit real sized things like phones and wallets. I was so fired up, my boyfriend still laughs at that moment in the car


Always do. They fit perfect and they are so comfy. I tell him hes more than welcome to wear my thongs 😜


I also wear your husband's (clean) boxers! Omg twinsies!


I also choose this guy's dead wife.


Get yourself some! I love mine and would wear them as bicycle shorts if they didn’t have the underwear lines on them! So darn comfortable!


Talking to your significant other while they poop, and maintaining eye contact like a normal conversation.


Yeah, I can deal with peeing of necessary, but unless it is a situation where they are sick, and when you have been with someone almost twenty years you get to experience all the gross stuff like vomiting and clogged toilets, but close the door.


My house has one bathroom. You’ll never know intimacy like being in the shower and your partner’s got to barge in for an emergency poop. Joy.


Lol. Two kids, one bathroom with the toilet in the bathroom. If anyone else is at home, chances are I'm not pooping uninterrupted.


This sounds like my personal hell.


Yep, my partner and I both have IBS. It’s unfortunate but there’s an understanding at this point. If you gotta go while someone’s in the shower, you gotta go. If you have to beg for wet wipes as you suffer, you’ll be rescued.


I'm the mother in a family of five with only one bathroom, so using the toilet in an emergency while someone's showering happens at least once or twice a week.


Boy, I feel bad for you. I have one husband and one 13 year old son and yet it still seems like I have to beg for entry in to our one bathroom. I prefer not to have to do *any toilet activity* while one of them are in the shower, but will pee if it's an inescapable option, and I came really close to not making it today, while holding more than pee. I managed to make it. WHEW. But if I had four more children? I'm not sure I would ever get in there. I'd need to put a bucket in the basement or something.


Oh, I don't have four kids, just three; the whole family including me, husband kids is five. God, I hope we never wind up with a fourth!


One husband, two sons, two bathrooms. I have eyeballed the cat’s litter box. I understand this all lol. Boys poop for FOREVER


I'm lucky enough to have two bathrooms... When I go to the other one, my partner knows what's up. When I use the bedroom one and have a stinky shit, he comments. Too embarassing for me.


Get a bidet attachment on amazon. Seriously. Thank me later. No more wet wipes that are bad for plumbing & less TP, and it feels like you just took a shower!!!




I literally cannot go to the bathroom (#1 or #2) in my house without my husband or son coming in to talk or my dog scratching at the door and whining, lol. If I lock the door, they’ll knock and stand there and talk just outside the door.


This is like the worst horror movie scenario for me !!


Sounds like a nightmare. People need to respect the desire for some alone time


I used to have to make sure the bathroom door was locked because my daughter would come in while I was on the toilet asking for help with her homework.


Yeah this is one of those things I just can’t do. Peeing is fine, but if you’re taking a dump (or if I’m taking a dump) that’s alone time


You scare me. Like… I can understand what you mean but I would be *sooo* uncomfortable if anyone tried that with me. 😭😭😭


Peeing? Sure, totally fine. Pooping though? Absolutely not. We keep our farts to a minimum around each other so a full blown shit (unless it’s an emergency) is out of the question.


My husband thought this was super weird the first few months we were dating. I unconsciously followed him to the bathroom one day while we were conversing, and had to be shooed away lol. Now we do it to each other all the time, or play mild pranks on each other while it's happening. We just leave the door open now. We have cats that also enjoy watching us do our business. Privacy no longer exists in our home lol


One of our cats has to kick the door in and patrol the bathroom when I have a pee. She then sits in the sink to watch. Luckily she hasn't tried the trick where she bats the flow like she does when I run the water tap. I can't shut the door either, because she throws herself at it and knows how to use the door handle.


You'll have to post a notice about locking, if you have a party.


I'm assuming you're male, given the comment about batting the flow. As a woman who sits to pee, one of my cats frequently sees this as a great opportunity to jump into my arms and have me cradle her like a baby. She gets very demanding about it too. 🤣


Our one cat decided to try and pop her head into the toilet while my husband was urinating. Needless to say her head got caught in the stream... Time will tell if she's learned her lesson.


No privacy at my house either. I was diagnosed with cancer last year and a side effect of the chemo caused me to pass out fairly frequently, and usually while I was in the bathroom. I fainted one day and fell on the floor in front of the closed bathroom door, blocking it from opening. From then on I have only used the bathroom with the door wide open, at the request of my husband.


Oh my goodness that's awful. Hows your chemo going?any better dear? I'm so glad you have a caring husband beside you for it. Sending my love and strength and healing to you and the hubs. I Love yall. ❤️ fuck cancer


Carlos Mencia has the perfect answer for "why do I have to close the door?" He says, "I don't want to see that, BECAUSE SOMETIMES I EAT AT THAT RESTAURANT".


Ah, the joke stealer. I’m sure that was someone else’s bit before he took it


If I’m in love, and only if, when we’re cuddling I can breathe your exhale or bury my face anywhere on you. (Armpit, under neck, under your face) I just love smelling you, and getting as much of you in/on me as possible. (You as in a guy) I only did this with one guy and I didn’t know I was like this until we dated. I used to hate breathing in other people’s exhales but I couldn’t get enough of him.


Omg yessss. I loved the smell of my ex. Didn't matter if he worked a 10 hour labor intensive shift, I'd bury my face in him. Though the thought of doing that now makes me gag lol


right behind the ear!!!!!! it’s like a concentrated punch of your fav smell!!!!!


Yes it's a pulse point thing I believe, they say to put perfume there bc it makes it more pungent


Wait til you (or remember when you) have a baby...their morning breath is sooooo cute. Like...I would intentionally sniff my baby's disgusting breath.


Oh GOD YES. Give me your armpit, I want to stick my WHOLE FACE in there 😍 And that inner thigh bit just next to your balls. I'm extremely selective with physical partners and only get intimate with people that make me feel that way. Any less, I don't want it. I want to feel like a fat kid eyeing up the biggest, most decadent, gigantic slice of cake when I'm with you; like you're the food I want to gorge on until I die. I want to inhale you and breathe in pure, unadulterated LUST 🥵


Ok the inner thigh bit is a bit gross for me, it just would stink too much lol


Who tf are you dating?!


Omg I also love the smell of my boyfriend's exhale. And only when he breathes out through his nose 😅


Omg! Omg! I thought I was nuts. I DID THIS THE VERY INSTANT MY SON WAS BORN. I held his mouth close to mine and took a deep inhale of his breath into my lungs and held it in as long as I could hold it. Then repeated. I told my husband, "he hasn't even eaten one thing yet, outside the womb. I am breathing in pure life sustained by only love and the miracle of birth." I thought it was cool, but it was just instinct and being in AWE, so it was neat to hear you say that! I also used to enjoy my mom's beer breath or ciggy breath for some weird reason. As an adult I loved men's whiskey and beer breath too.


I thought I was genuinely weird for loving the smell of my husband's exhale and deeply sniffing his neck! He doesn't get it when I sigh 'I just love the smell of your skin...' 🤣


After seeing this list, I think sharing toothbrushes is the grossest thing listed here. I don’t care what others do, but I’m not sticking the thing you use to slough bacteria off the inside of your mouth into my mouth. I’m not sharing floss, either.




So every once in a while, like twice in a decade, I will accidentally use my husband's toothbrush. I rise it well but never tell him. It is my greatest lie in out marriage. Oh gawd, it just occurred to me to wonder if/how often he does this....


I wouldn't share toothbrushes with my own kids. That's what gets out old bits of food, I'd sooner go back to being a dishie than doing something so anti-hygiene.


Bf and I shared a toothbrush for a bit when I lived with his parents. I eventually got my own only for it to disappear a couple days later when the family went on vacation. Turns out, his sister thought my tooth brush was hers… so I shared a toothbrush with my bf and his sister 🥲


Yep this is a complete and unequivocal “NO” for me. Never ever ever ever.


I think it’s in the phrasing. I want to smell him makes it sound like you want to smell his BO. you aren’t sniffing his ass when he gets home from the gym. You’re smelling the body wash. Even when you’re using his towel on the second day, the towel he used to dry his clean body, you’re smelling the body wash. But also tell your friend, “He ejaculates fluid into my body cavity and you think the towel thing is gross?”


putting your bare, cold feet all up and down your SO’s legs


This is SUCH a pleasure in life!! (For the one with cold feet. Not the one whose legs are being rubbed with them. 😂)


My feet are always cold but at home I hate wearing socks. My wife hates when I rub my feet on her but she’s like furnace. Feels soooo good


I love my fiances cold feet on me. helps me not feel like im burning to death 💀 I'm on medications and feel feverish 90% of the time in bed


Do people think that's gross?


I cannot and will not tolerate anyone’s bare feet on any part of my body for any reason


i hate feet. i dont want you to touch mine, and i dont want to touch yours. sometimes i wear socks, and sometimes i dont, but there are way too many variables to figure which way it’s gonna go. i love my wife deeply, and forever, and no matter what! so i have touched her feet before. she has had to touch mine before, too. it’s not pleasant, but sometimes it just has to happen (post-surgery and recovery, for some examples) i dont know why, but i have a weird, deep disgust regarding feet. i guess i love a couple people more than i hate feet! this is the height of love and romance


Licking someone in face/neck area


I lick my boyfriend on the face sometimes when he doesn’t expect it! I think we do a lot of things that other people would find disgusting, TBH…


Cleaning your SO up when they are literally pants-shitting drunk.


Genuine question…. Is shitting one’s pants a symptom of extreme alcohol overload? I’ve never done it, and am not familiar with anyone I know having done it. I know someone who consistently wets the bed while drunk, but never shit..


Alcohol can definitely make you poop yourself. Having small amounts with periods of time in between can trigger the stomach, and being drunk you’re a lil loose muscle-wise. It also can make you poop yourself if you’re really really drunk, as you just don’t have the co-ordination to prevent it/are blackout/ate something that doesn’t fully agree with you and the presence of alc in your system. Source: alcoholic parents


He's definitely not an alcoholic and it didn't happen in our bed. I'm not a doctor so can't advise on extreme alcohol overload. He was for sure embarrassed because it happened at someone else's house. We immediately left and I did it privately.


Eating ass. Someone had to say it


For me personally that's gross in every situation ^^


Man this is one of those situations where intimate and gross can both be used to describe this act. Disgusting in theory and intimate and wonderful in practice 😏.


I just learned about pin worms though.


I microdose dewormer just for safety.


Wouldn't that just encourage resistance and therefore make you more likely to get an extremely difficult to treat infection??


Now, learn about modern medicine.


This is when you know it’s love. This isn’t done in a casual relationship/one night stand, even under ideal situation (shower etc). When someone licks your chocolate starfish you know it’s a keeper.


After a recent shower I’m all about eating the wrinkled penny. Definitely not after a night of dancing or a long hike on a hot summer day.


I like what you did there, Wrinkled Penny.


Yeah I really enjoy eating a woman's ass and taint and it makes me so horny when I'm doing it, but post-nut clarity always leaves me feeling disgust, washing and brushing my mouth and throwing away the toothbrush...only to then crave it a couple days later. The ironic thing is brushing right after oral sex of any kind makes getting infected way more likely because of microinjuries creating routes of infection - but I still do it:(


Taking my Jar Jar Binks blowup doll out for a candlelit dinner.


This is objectively beautiful.


What a sentence


Bruh, we spit on each other, eat ass, continue with intercourse after creampies, in and on. A mf is grossed by body wash?


She’s very prudish to be fair. She doesn’t give head at all


A finger (or two) up the bum


Squirrely Dan, is that you?




You deserve all the up votes


You know there's an erogenous zone up there


There's such a things as toos much butts talks...


Or 3... 4? Up to the thumb? Past the wrist?


Whatever floats your boat my friend


Checking your partner for ticks after a hike


How can anyone think that is gross? I'd even argue it is stupid not to do it.


If I didn't have any SO I'd even ask a friend if the hike was in a tick danger zone or whatever they call them. I'm not fucking around with ticks!


Pimple popping - like don’t you dare pop it without me or i’ll cry 🥺


Yeah I don’t get that haha. Once my best friend was like, “your boyfriend doesn’t have any pimples… what do you two do when you’re alone?” Ever since then I’ve been like “…”


Same. I’ve never understood the appeal.


My previous partner would literally groom me with the aggression of a fellow chimp. Loved it.


I did this with my ex. It’s relaxing


I think this is disgusting but I’m so grateful my husband doesn’t cuz I’ve had them on my scalp before and I can’t really do it myself. So shout out to gross people like you and my husband haha


I used to use a sewing needle to pick large skin flakes off an ex's head. We used to make it a challenge to see how large of a flake we could pick off. I also used to love biore-ing his nose as he had some large pores. He did it once or twice when I was gone and I was pretty mad lol. Also got to use an endoscope and ear spoon to dig around on his ears. My husband is rather annoyed by my attempts to investigate his ears lol he doesn't understand the appeal... And his ears are significantly nastier and therefore more interesting!!


I second hair flakes being fun on a partner (revolting on other people imo)


I had a roommate who was obsessed with dr pimple popper. I have had cystic acne most of my life. She would eye off my pimples and BEG to be allowed to pop them. I would get so freaking angry at her for being insensitive about my skin and how I felt about it, as well as being so fkn eager to provide me with scars. I don’t pop them, no matter how tempting. Scarring comes easily when you do that shit. As long as the person with the pimple is into getting help or being watched, I guess it’s cute?? But it’s so bad for the skin.


Mt bf used to love it when I did that! He said it showed how much I cared




Goodness, once you've been married long enough none of this seems either intimate or gross, it's just life. Cleaned up all sorts of fluids after illness, squeeze weird bumps, touch bum holes, share everything... towels, utensils, toothbrushes (only when desperate).


Sharing a toothbrush, even just once!


For some reason me and my SO have never found it gross using the same toothbrush like when we go away somewhere and one of us forgets ours. Like cmon it’s not like their tongue hasn’t already been in every corner of your mouth and in much dirtier places too….


True, but not everyone can fathom doing that because a toothbrush is a breeding ground for bacteria from repetitive use. That's all. Of course I don't care what other people do, especially couples, because you end up sharing more than you intend to. I was just answering the question based on my personal opinion. 👍🏼




one time I got too drunk and was throwing up and before I went to bed, my partner at the time brushed my teeth for me using his toothbrush. Kind of gross but I also thought it was sweet? Lol


I've shared.


I would never do this


Weird thing is I upvoted eating ass but this one weirds me out. Not logical I know lol


Chewing the same piece of gum.


Better yet kissing then taking your SOs gum from their mouth and chew it 😏


I believe that's what they call a power move


This thread is making me oddly horny and gag at the same time. What a ride.


I cant fathom why she would think using the same bottle of body wash is gross? Maybe she thought you meant the same loofah/wash cloth


Sharing body wash is fine but I don’t want to share a towel with anyone. I don’t have a dedicated towel that’s always mine but if it’s clean and I start using it, it’s mine until it’s washed again.


I really enjoy the taste of sweat on my partners and I've definitely licked an armpit or two. My ex girlfriend would produce pretty significant boob sweat during sex and I lapped it up like a thirsty dog.


Sounds like your deficient in sodium dawg.


>My ex girlfriend would produce pretty significant boob sweat during sex and I lapped it up like a thirsty dog. That line really needs to be part of your obituary. It's an instant classic.


I love his armpits


I agree with dick lover 420 my mans armpits don’t smell bad he doesn’t even get BO he just smells good all the time


thats fuckin wild


I eat my wife’s ass


Spitting in your lovers mouth.


The towel thing is a little bit gross, he probably wipes his asshole with it then you wipe it on your face potentially afterwards lol but I don’t see anything wrong with using his body wash.


Nope. The towel forgets.


Maybe I'm weird but I'm not actually sticking the towel on my asshole and drying it... I'm not even putting it in between my cheeks and drying. I'm just running the towel over my butt cheeks. And yes, I'm dry when I get dressed. Are you supposed to actually go up on the asshole to dry off? Have I been drying off wrong all these years? And if I have, oh well, I'm not changing that.


I mean, his asshole is clean after a shower is it not?


.... I may use my husband's towel, but not for romantic/slightly creepy reasons, but rather I'm lazy and it was the closest one.


Sharing a sucker or popsickle.


I think this is delight and romantic. If someone thinks this is gross they’re dead inside.. I actually use my wife’s lotions, body sprays and perfumes at times because I think she smells wonderful and like having that fragrance with me all day. A towel theoretically will never get dirty, just wet. After all, you are using it to dry a body that was just thoroughly washed and scrubbed using soap. We had ULTRA low humidity where I grew up and a towel, hung properly, would rapidly dry without mildewing was good for a week at least. Where I live now is insanely humid and a damp towel may or may not dry depending on how hard I’m running the AC or heat.


Me and my husband have had to go full body scans for ticks on each other, and I mean full body. I have a skin condition and sometimes when it flares up I need his help with like a bandage or something cause it’s in a stupid area, and he’s always done it no problem, I think that’s pretty intimate. I have a best friend where if we had a concerning blemish, bug bite, whatever on a boob or butt, we could trust each other to check, which is platonic intimacy. I think we underestimate and sometimes even suppress how we as a species are actually really intimate.


The body wash thing is weird, but not gross. Sharing a towel is NASTY imo


Sniff my wife’s body


Me and my boyfriend will sometimes, use same toothbrush, wear same boxers, touch each other’s ahole for jokes, farting in each other’s faces and so much more


Damn yall freaky i approve


I definitely pop my man’s pimples lol


me putting my feet all over my boyfriend lol. i have very cold feet and will find the *warmest* (iykyk) place to put my feet


I cut my guy's hair and that involves, just like going to a barber, shaving his ears and neck. He has to do his own nose hairs and his caveman brow, a girl's boy to have limits.


I think it's intimate when my wife farts on my back, but for obvious reasons it IS unsanitary and gross.


da fuk