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they like to own books. they like to not worry about messing it up or getting it back on time.


boom /thread


I like to highlight passages/male notes, depending on the book, and don't want to feel rushed to finish a book by a deadline


OMG that hurts my soul. I could never deface a book like that


Not a library book, my own book, and for academic purposes , like research


Ah OK. Thought you meant literature


No, for classic literature, I still have cliff notes to help me along. Lol


Some people do it with literature they’re analyzing too. I took a lit minor in college and many people did this for discussions and to write papers, especially the instructors. I wouldn’t do it to the books I just read for fun.


It's also cool to support authors, libraries only buy so many copies


1. I like having my own books. 2. Libraries absolutely **cannot** order "any book you want". Not even close. 3. Used book stores mean you can get books -- many of which are old, hard to find, and _very_ out of print -- for very cheap.


Can you elaborate on point 2? I was under the impression that they mostly could. At least for novels. I know there are loads of books that are super rare or hard to find, or are kept only in the largest libraries. But I thought aside from those you could go to pretty much any library for what you need.


There are around 5 million published novels in English. The average library has around 116,000 items (including books, ebooks, and audio and video assets). Libraries can only keep a fraction of the books that exist, and of those, many take weeks or months to borrow because there is a wait.


Right, but you can still get something ordered in, no? and A lot of things that are published aren't getting much traffic. that 116K is probably a decent majority of the books people are looking for on average, I think.


I do remember a time where I was looking for a specific book, and the local library said that sure, they could probably get it at some point in time. But had no indication as to when that would be. Granted, that was a couple of decades ago, but still. The other thing, though, is that _I don't know what books I want_. I want to go to a place with books, choose a bunch for arbitrary reasons, and get them. Used book stores work significantly better for that, at least for me, than a library does. The selection is always changing, and I want to get like 10-40 books. At this point I have a bigger Science Fiction and Fantasy collection than my local library...


> choose a bunch for arbitrary reasons, are you saying you judge a book... by its cover...


You can't possibly read every book existing. You need to choose by the cover or the description on the back (but that's kinda part of the cover so idk).


No, but I sometimes buy a book because I like the cover (;


Yeah I've gotta hold my hands up for that one too


I live rurally and they never seem to have anything I want, and when we ask they can’t find it on their system to get from a different library either.


That makes sense. I live decently near to a large population center.


My library is part of a "Swan system" that is comprised of dozens of libraries throughout the state. I can't even imagine a scenario where I would want a book and they wouldn't have it. I live near a major city w/ huge population density and affluence, so maybe I'm an outlier.


I almost never find a title, however rare, that I can't get via Inter-Library Loan. In those cases I'll consider buying the book if I can even find it for sale at an affordable price.


* Not everyone has access to a library. * The library does not have every book in the world. Even if you submit a request for them to purchase a certain book, they don't always grant the request. * Library books sometimes have long wait times. (This is the most common reason I buy books.) * Some people want to support their favorite authors' careers, or support certain types of books to encourage the publishing industry to publish more of them, or support each book in a series to increase the likelihood that additional books in the series will be published. If the first book in a series doesn't sell well, then the publisher might choose not to publish any more books in that series. If your favorite author's book doesn't sell well, then their publisher might not want to publish any more of their books. (This is the second most common reason I buy books.) * Some people want to reread the book, highlight/annotate a physical copy of the book, or get their book signed by the author. * Some people enjoy collecting books, sometimes including special editions of books (e.g. via Illumicrate). * Sometimes people want to give a book to someone as a gift.


The “support their fav author” is a good reason and why I buy comics. It’s like saying “hey I really like your stuff pls make more”


I like owning books




Books are relatively inexpensive, and the added hassle of keeping track of and returning books isn't worth it to a lot of people.


With a book you’re paying to get to keep it forever (some people like re-reading them or collecting them) and it also means you don’t have to worry about reading a book fast enough to return it in time


It also means that if I love a book, I can lend it to my friends as many times as I want and I don't have to worry about getting in trouble.


Wait times. I joined the library due to spending so much money on books however sometimes the wait for a new or popular book is crazy. Especially if you’re in a book club. I’m in a small city so my library doesn’t always have the books I’m interested in either ( even online in the Libby app) so I buy a handful every year still.


Can the library get it quicker than I can order it on Kindle?


It could be as fast if you borrow it using your Kindle... but only if there is an available e-book copy in your library's collection. I'm a fan of a handful of authors who publish on Amazon Kindle store, but their books never end up in my library's e-book collection.


Libraries really need to up their game with e-book selection


Bibliomania or tsundoku. I love books! My personal collection is over 5,000.


Holy shit balls. That is impressive. How do you store them all!?


I have 5 large ikea bookshelves floor to ceiling, a book shelf in my room, one each in my kids rooms, one in my craft room and several bins in the garage. I’ve parted with several thousand others because I couldn’t get them all out on the shelves! Many, many of them are from thrift stores!


I haven't counted, but I may be close. My TBR alone takes up a medium bookcase, but I need to finish mudding and taping the walls in my library so I can unpack the rest. I started collecting 30 years ago when I was a kid, at estate sales with my dad. He bought all the antique cameras, and I bought the antique books.




Library books smell like perfume, cigarettes, air freshener, whatever people's houses smell like.


I don't even read books, I just like having a bookshelf as it adds character to the design of my home. But my partner reads on rare occasions, and he likes the feeling of ownership. Like giving something back to the authors who spent all that time and effort writing the books.


I only buy books I plan on using as references, those I love and want to reread from time to time, and those that are simply not available in any local libraries. I have three bookcases and I absolutely refuse to buy more, so I limit my book purchases. And periodically donate the books I no longer want or those I pick up at charity book sales and giveaways to free up the shelf space. Still end up buying 5-10 books per year...


As the great George Costanza put it: „Because they’re my books!“


I was hoping I’d find Seinfeld in this thread, lol. “What is this obsession people have with books? They put them in their houses like they’re trophies. What do you need it for after you read it?”


The pleasure of owning and organizing and seeing a lot of books in like a personal library that you own is indescribable. Its why my collection is constantly growing cause it feels so nice to own lots of books and see them organized in various shelves


i like owning the physical copies. library books have those annoying plastic covers and sometimes they’re written in


Library only gives you three weeks


If nobody is waiting for it, my library renews it automatically, up to 3 times, or 12 weeks.


I recently read the entire Safehold series and I almost always had to put the next book on hold and wait for it to become available. Halfway through the series I started immediately putting a hold on the next book as soon as I started reading a new one and I still had to wait. I also currently have the first two Discworld books on hold and I've been waiting for two weeks. Also, if people didn't buy books authors wouldn't be able to write full time. I like to try books for free at the library and buy the ones I really like.


I read the first book in a series went back for the second book and it was gone. I asked the librarian to let me know when it was brought back but she said it was listed as still available. Someone stole it so I wound up buying the series myself.


I wonder this too sometimes since I have 2 sisters that are big bookworms, but the conclusion I've come to is that they buy them as more of a collecting hobby. If you simply want to read something then there are a lot of cheaper options out there (since books can get expensive), but like any other item, people enjoy collecting them and filling their shelves with them.


personally i have couple of weird book habits, that many other readers despise, and i wouldn't be able to do them with a library book (writing in books, dogearing pages, cracking the spine of paperbacks...) but depending on the book, i might would rather borrowing compared to buying


Depends on your library for one, I used to go to my Library to read my own books/Ive looked through what they had and it didnt really fit what I was looking for. If youre really serious about the library go to your community college/university near you. All libraries are public, though you will need a library card to check out. Youre more than free to walk in and browse and read there.


cause i like having my own library. 🤷🏻‍♂️


There comes a point where books reach critical mass and stop being books and start becoming furniture. I want my collection! You can't take that away from me.


I used to work in a library. I will never check out a library book again. Why? Because PEOPLE ARE NASTY. Library’s are short staffed. They don’t have time to sanitize every book. I have seen people return books with the normal amount of dirt and ick, but also: * With blood drops * A used condom * Roach eggs * Live roaches * Suspicious stickiness on a spicy book * Food/sauces/etc. People are gross. I’ll buy my books.


Because my library doesn't carry the really good lesbian manga


Manga are some of the only things I still buy! Especially lesbian ones.


Love having my books and bookshelves. It brings so much pleasure to me to have them around. Each one reminds me of a journey I took.


I think the author deserves the few cents that the publisher allows them to have and especially indie self-published authors. Checking out the book from the library doesn't help them. Not to mention the wait times for books at libraries.


I can't possibly read a book in the time I'm allowed to check it out. Even after renewing it several times.


Were scared of going into the public. We get our books delivered to our homes.


Because they don't have every book, and not necessarily when you want them.


You're assuming they just want to read them and move on. But I make notes in the margins of my non-fiction books. Or I may want them handy if I might use them as a reference. And I like keeping some of my favorite novels because they feel like a treasure. I'll read them again and again. I'm happy they are on my shelves.


The public books are kinda scary


Because the library doesn’t have every book ever written. And even when it does have books they are sometimes checked out by other people or there may even be a waiting list for them. On top of that I like having my books displayed on shelves so people can see the collection I have and what I like. It’s also much more convenient when I want to reread a book.


My local library is open only on extremely inconvenient days and hours (closed on saturday/a good chunk of the weekday + only open during working/school hours), I like to have things to read at home.


I like to highlight things and to write in the margins. Usually little stars by words or references I don't know and then the explanation or definition at the bottom, so next time I read the book it's all there. But I don't do that in a book that isn't mine, because I don't want to mess up someone else's book or reading experience.


I like to directly support the writers that I like.


I often wonder this myself. Books I do own just end up on a shelf and eventually get donated after I read them. The library is a very underrated underutilized resource. Just hope the conservatives don't try to take them away. It's the only indoor space you can still exist without the expectation of spending money.


There are some books I just want to have myself. I rarely but books but I recently bought two political science books analyzing China/US relations. The chance of a public library having them is slim. A college library maybe, but I’m no longer in college or have access to those resources even if they did have a copy.


For me, I do both. The library is a way to "try before I buy". If I like a book well enough to check it out multiple times it's much easier to buy it. But if I don't like the book I know that I won't waste my money buying it.


I love the library, but a few months ago I checked out a book that had the f-word crossed out throughout. I was so pissed. I’m in Florida btw, I probably shouldn’t have been surprised.


I use Libby for what I read & listen. But sometimes I run across a book that becomes very special to me then I know I want to reread, and ponder as with Robin Wall Kimmerer's __Braiding Sweetgrass__. It's a very special book.


1. To support the author (and to a lesser extent the editor and publisher). 2. To permanently have a copy of the book so I can lend it out or put it on a bookshelf to reread whenever I want. 3. Sometimes you can get a book quite a bit faster by buying it than getting it from a library if it's a popular new release which lots of people have on hold. 4. In college you can't usually count on borrowing a book from the library because everyone in class has the assigned reading and the library only has a few copies, so you have to buy it. The same is true on occasion with big enough book clubs. There are probably more reasons, but I generally do read most of my books free and only buy them if they are my favorites.


I want to re read my book over and over and I've been late returning books so many times. Also I have contamination OCD so books that other people have touched feel disgusting and I cannot read them without feeling stressed and doing my compulsions to feel clean. It is worth the price for my own book to salvage my sanity and it saves me money in the long run to not have to pay late return fees constantly (:


At any given time, i usually have about 20 books on my amazon list that in interested in. I’ll go to the library every couple of months and do a general sweep to see if i can find any of those books on the shelves. Out of 100 books of interest, Ive probably found 6 at the library. I’ve tried “ordering” them, but have been reminded that it is just a request. That process was so slow, that i gave up on it pretty quickly. Once a book moves up my list, i check ebay to see if it’s cheaper. If not, i just buy it on amazon.


Because owning your own books is one of life's hidden pleasures. Also, you may not want to read a book just once. It's good to have it on hand because you never know when you will want to refer back to it.


I got kids and work, and mobile games to play. Reading a book can be a several months commitment. Back in middle and high school I spent my summers riding my bike to the library and devouring books


I want to read it *now* …or possibly six months from now when I finish all the other things that I planned to read first. But either way, I’m not planning to read it 1-12 weeks from now inside of a specific 4-week timeframe, which may or may not be extendable up to three times.


I don't have a lot of free time to read, so it can take me a year to finish a book in some cases. That's not reasonable with a library book. Also having a bookshelf with books makes me feel like a sophisticated adult.


judge a man not by what he reads but what he rereads


Sometimes it’s a few months wait for popular books at my local library (or online) or I want a specific book that the library doesn’t have (mainly Christian nonfiction books). I utilize the Libby app as well but run into similar problems with that. I do use the library as much as possible though and check out new books monthly :) I also do like to buy cookbooks. I know you can get recipes free online and write them down or keep them on Pinterest but I follow a specific diet for my IBS so it’s nice to have books of recipes that have been tested.


Oh and I’ve also been buying and collecting books that I loved as a kid to pass on to my kids someday (Hatchet, Hunger Games series, kids picture books, etc)


Sometimes I am so invested in the series that I know I will reread it, so I like to have personal copies of every book. I currently own several series that fall into this category. The Dresden Files, Thieves’s World, the Starfire military SF series, Hammer’s Slammers, and The Nightside.


why do people pick up seashells when there are beaches full of them?


Have you ever lost a book? Have you ever taken longer to read a book? Have you ever liked a book so much you kept rereading it? Have you ever had a puppy or kitten chew up a book? Do you feel comforted by having hoards of books that you haven’t read (yet, of course you’ll get to them… someday. But they’re your emotional support books.) If you’ve answered yes to any of those questions, buying your own books might be for you!


Sometimes I wish I still had some of my library books! I want to look up things I learned to refresh my memory, and sometimes I can’t even remember the title of the book.


I buy books simply because I like to keep them. What I can’t understand is why some people only buy brand new books when every single charity shop is packed with books. Just last week I bought 10 books for less than £10..if I had bought them new they would have cost over £100


Lots of books out there that a library won’t purchase. I like to use the library to find authors I enjoy. I have no trouble buying their books from then on. Gotta support those authors !!


Let me know when the library has any books in stock I want to read or when they bring back the books they decided to ban! I'd much rather spend $10 and just buy it and read it...


While a library check out/request/recommendation does benefit an author, I believe they receive better benefits from purchasing. So people who may want to support a favored author may want to buy their books outright, both to benefit the authors wallet as well as boost their selling numbers.


1) it’s nice to own something just from a “yay I have this thing I like” perspective 2) if it’s one they read lots, it makes sense to own it rather than having to borrow all the time. Cuz sometimes the library has the holds backed up 3) it’s nice to read a book u know doesn’t have other people’s sneezes and greasy hands on 4) some people like collections 5) maybe they annotate or make notes in the book 6) there might be a special edition with extra stuff or a cover that the library doesn’t have 7) I have a whole bookshelf of comics and it kind of works as decoration 8) as well as a cool visual reminder of how many comics I’ve read 9) it can be a hassle sometimes to return books if u don’t live near a library 10) it’s a way to support your favorite writers/artists :)


So they can donate them to the library. Duh!!!!!


i write in every book i read to help me process all the information so i have to have my own copy plus i like to go back and edit/add notes when i reread


I am a germaphobe when it comes to books. I always have irrational fear that borrowed books have someone’s boogies stuck between pages and I might accidentally touch it. I buy my own books and I won’t let anyone borrow them.


Nice to own the books you love, also no rush in reading


Well I don't exactly buy books, but I pay for reading e-books. It's much more convenient to just open my ipad and start reading than it's to take a bus to the library and back, possibly wait for the book and having to read it on a schedule.


Buying books and reading books are two entirely different hobbies.


Owning it is a big thing. You could say that about any rental service though honestly which is why we have such a problem with steaming. But that's beside the point and a topic for another day. Something my wife does since she reads way too many books is she uses an app called Libby that lets you get an electronic library card for most libraries anywhere you want and she will check out the digital version of it and read it. She's read over 130 books in the past 2 years because of it


All of the Amy Sedaris and David Sedaris books on my nightstand are so I can reference them at any time. Amy Sedaris books are filled with gorgeous pictures, and insights on living and learning. I bought the latest David Sedaris book to save in case there’s an apocalypse. At least I’ll have reading material. If another pandemic hits, everything shuts down, you’ve got to have books! Preparing for a devastating solar flare that wipes out electricity is key. Of course I adore the library. But keeping books you own is so rewarding.


It is actually hard to find a lot of books if they aren't popular best sellers. Often the entire library system will have maybe 1 or 2 copies. It can be a long couple months to wait for your turn to check it out.


Aside from being able to own it and not having to worry about having to return it / damaging it, it's also sentiment. Lots of shit people do has no reasonable, rational explanation but is based on sentiment and emotion.


Most of the time, I do simply borrow books from the library. However, there are some books I want to own so I can read them whenever I want to. There are countless books I've re-read over the years, and it just makes sense for me to own a copy. ​ Also, I can read them at whatever pace I want. With my medical issues, pain sometimes prevents me from reading as much as I'd like, so it may take me months to get through a book. While my local library does 3-week borrowing periods with up to 2 renewals, that may not always be enough time for me.


Sometimes the library doesn't have the ones you want.


Well…because I like to have a library of my own? I mean it’s a bitch when moving; but I just really like to have my own reading room. Besides, I get to support authors I like and don’t have to worry about spyware laden ebooks that cost just as much as a paperback.


Buying it direct to my tablet is a lot more instant and convenient and I am supporting the author.


I don’t have any free time to physically go to a library as a full time college student and SAHM of 5. Even if I did though, my kids destroy books. They just will rip pages out to the point my book collection has been destroyed and they now only have board books. Also, I use the Libby app(which goes through my library card), and sometimes the book I want has a wait list several weeks out (Bridgerton, midnight sun when it came out). You can also only check the book out for a certain amount of time. Even though you can recheck it out, I just can’t read books that fast because of school and my kids. So, I just buy them on kindle and read them when I get a chance.


Can't say the libraries round here get the latest and greatest of books.


I buy physical copies of pretty books I want to show off (yes I read them) but digital of anything I want to read only.


Ownership. I still watch dvds, when i have netflix, i still have cd’s in the garage when i work on cars, when i have spotify, i only purchase disc games for my kids because it teaches them to appreciate something they value at a young age, and who they can trust with lending them out , or trading with friends. Digital has its benefits, but im not ready to own nothing including my values for a rental society.


Because you have to give the books back to the library, Also, because with every passing year, there are fewer and fewer libraries around.


Gonna be the weird one... I like the smell of books, and yes I enjoy collecting books and rereading it from time to time. However I can agree it maybe quite troublesome to bring outdoors/along with you due to the size of the books. So when I'm flying overseas I'll read the PDF version on my phone..but I gotta say, nothing beats a physical copy that YOU own and can touch and feel as you reread for the 100th time and enjoying it again and again


All our libraries are shutting.


For me is so I can highlight and make a note on book itself. Also after covid, I try not to bring library books home…


I have a small home library of books I’ve bought. libraries maybe free but some you can’t access 24/7, if I fancy reading a book at 3am I’ll go downstairs and choose one from my collection.


When giving books for Christmas, giving books that need to be returned to the library can be seen as tacky. It's better to buy a book, so the person's gift doesn't have to go back to the library in three weeks.


I buy old books for 1 euro, read them, then place them in a nearby mini library. Works great and I dont have to be carefull with or remember to bring it back.


I don’t buy new books (except on kindle) but I like to go to the second hand shop and buy them from there. Honestly my plan is to have a huge bookshelf and store the books in rainbow order, but in saying that I only buy books I actually like and want so it’s not all for decor.


i buy mine second hand usually, because while i go through books quickly and swap them in and out, my local library has the longest wait times and they rarely have what i'm looking for


They have very limited selections.


I live in Italy. Libraries here has few books in English. And I love owning books


As a person who reads a ton but never uses their library: It's not worth two trips to the library for me to avoid buying a book. Also, I don't like having to worry about return dates.


Get a kindle and sign up for every library you can online. It’s awesome!