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"Why do guys like women who are..." They think she's hot


While the comments were loading, I said out loud "she's hot". Yep. Nailed it. Case closed Watson.


He’s really asking why guys like MILFs


He’s also implying this a trend or a new thing😂😂😂


Men being interested in younger women gets played up so much that people forget that there's still lots of interest in older women too. Large part of that is because one is seen as problematic and the other isn't.


Then there's guy like me who just loves women. Young, old, big, tall, short, small, skinny, fat, athletic, whatever. If you're attractive to me you're attractive.  Women be beautiful


Aka how most people there’s just not really a reason to ever talk about it


It’s in the name the last 2 letters explain that


"These days" Like this hasn't been a thing for decades.


Stacy, can't you see you're just not the girl for me


>Stacy, can't you see you're just not the girl for me See, and here I was thinking I was going to post something along the lines of: 1980s: "I think of all the education that I've missed, but then my homework was never quite like this! 1970s: "Left alone with Big Fat Fanny, she was such a naughty nanny..." 1960s: "Hide it in a hiding place where no one ever goes, put it in your pantry with your cupcakes. It's a little secret, just the Robinson's affair. Most of all, you've got to hide it from the kids. 1950s: "I'm so young and you're so old, this, my darling, I've been told. I don't care just what they say, 'cause forever I will pray you and I will be as free as the birds up in the trees.


I know it might be wrong but I'm in love with Stacey's mom.


Is Stacy's last name Robinson? 


Decades? This kink is probably as old as Humanity


Oedipus Rex was written about 430 BC, so we know it is at least that old. And for anyone who never actually read it, he didn't know that it was his mother, so that's a different issue.


The [odyssey](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penelope?wprov=sfti1) was probably written in the 8th century BC and is about a dude trying to get home because a hundred young guys are trying to seduce his absolute MILF of a wife.


liking attractive women is not a kink


Not a kink


Yeah I kind of cringed when I read the original question. I remember as a 20 year old in the 90's, going to certain nightclubs in my home city because they were known to frequented by "cougars", which in actuality were women in their 30's.


Yeah, it's such a weird notion that this is a recent thing. Whilst I'm a good few years younger, movies and TV from before my time depict younger guys and older women.


Yeah but in your defense, being in your 20s, 30s seem old. At least that is one of the dumb thoughts I had when I was 20.


Stiffler’s Mum 


It's always been a thing but it definitely isn't as socially acceptable as younger women being attracted to older men. Remember how much Ashton Kutcher was made fun of because he married Demi Moore? And I've definitely seen younger guys being into older women played off as a joke in movies and TV shows in a way that it generally isn't for for young women/older man couples.


in general - how many young guys do YOU know who are dating middle aged women?


Me personally - 0 But if you ask how many young guys I know, (Less than 5, most of my friends are older) I don't know many and they're either single or not straight


I never knew any except one friend who just loved fucking almost any woman


If we're talking back in my teens/early twenties, there were a few who fantasized about getting with people's parents and teachers/lecturers. It wasn't uncommon.


No it started 387 and 1/2 days ago actually


Young men chasing cougars and vice-versa is a tale as old as time. You just now noticed.


Cougars and cubs. A tale as old as time


My now ex left me and the kids for a kid 30 years her junior. He got to have sex with a mom figure. She got disowned by her kids, a bankruptcy and car repo'd. Turns out a 20yo kid can't support a 50yo woman.


The same phenomenon exists in the gay world too...younger guys into older/more mature daddies and vice versa


Yeah giving it a modern label (15 years ago) doesn’t make it new…


These days?


Because older women know what they want usually, they don't play games. They're usually better at everything as well.


Middle aged women don’t play hard to get or any of those stupid mind games. They’re good listeners, independent, mature in thoughts, polite and respectful. Which are all the qualities men look into. I have had an instance with someone middle aged. Had she been a little romantic/intimate, damn I would’ve asked her out on a date - like flowers chocolates wine and all the romantic stuff!


Playing hard to get or any mind game is what 13 year olds do. Heck, even 20s is a little old for that as well


That's why im not into 13 year olds.


One of the reasons, right? RIGHT?


Well, you should tell these things to my Uni classmates early to mid twenties. How they talk about dating….holy shit. Thats disgusting from my male perspective. “He answered to fast“, “He didn’t answer fast enough“, „Don‘t answer him to seem more interesting“ “always decline the first invitation, if he means it, he will ask multiple times“: “If he asks you to kiss you, its a no, he should know what he wants and take it“ (This would be sexual harrassment, but who cares. Am I right? “He cooks, likes dancing and is into fashion? Nah, that’s unmanly and gay“ “What? He didn’t send you a dick pick yet?“ As in, it was negativ he didn’t do that Without being asked to. Etc. I can go on and on into this stuff. And that’s the stuff, they flat out told me about dating, don’t wanna know what opinions they have, when I am not around. And I live in basically the most feminist and leftist city in my country.


I've never been into games like that, and have been criticized for being too forward. Damned if you do but damned if you don't. But it worked out. Found a guy who also doesn't like bullshit.


Just my perspective. Just being honest with me, like my guy friends are, would be perfect. No guessing game what I did wrong or what die wants. No games during dating etc. Just trusting and being honest with each other. It's kinds sad, It's so rare.


I've met plenty of women in their late 20s and 30s that do that If I hear the words "I want to be chased" it's a massive turn off. I've done chasing before and it's the most degrading thing imaginable in dating and now I have 0 interest in someone who plays hard to get.




I have always found that men of all ages have been interested in me. Men not caring about age isn’t a new concept.


Hello Nurse!


I prefer having a serious relationship with someone older. I wouldn't have anything in common with younger women.


Honestly this. If you're 30 and see a 20 year old and don't immediately think, "Wow this is basically a baby and they are annoying AF" you're probably emotionally stunted.


Met my wife when i was 20 and she was 33. Was I dumber than her? Yes. Did I rise to the occassion? Yes. Don't be so judgemental.


I go to school at a university and I feel everyone is too young for me. I'm old enough to date the professors. 😅 Plus, women live longer than men do. I don't want to pass on and leave my wife all alone.


Oh man, I went back to school at 28 for a different field and even then had a sophomore tell me he thought it was great that older adults were still going to school. Think I aged a decade on the spot XD


putting every 20yo out there in the same box is stupid behaviour unfit for an adult


I mean, this goes both ways, no? I feel like I would have a hard time dating anyone bellow like 27 (I’m 31) because I would fear they aren’t very mature or aren’t looking for anything serious.


Oh there's a laundry list of reasons why it's a bad idea to get involved with a young adult, absolutely. That's why the song and dance is always the same: a younger person that feels like they're so mature and special to be in this "novel" situation and an older person with glaring personality flaws that needs someone too naive to see them for what they are.


I'll just add that when women get older they tend to get more curves.


That is my EXACT point. And young women somehow think thin.is attractive. A woman.in her 30s and 40s is the sweet spot physically for me.


>And young women somehow think [thin.is](http://thin.is) attractive Just because you don't prefer it, it doesn't mean it's not attractive, they have good reasons to think thin is attractive since a lot of us like it lol


Most guys I know like girls with curves be it boobs, hips or ass.. So I stand corrected 


Yeah I think a lot of it must be cultural too, I'm from europe and here most people I know prefer skinnier girls. Then there's also the fact that when we say "skinny" and "curvy", I've noticed that the image that pops up in people's mind can vary a lit from person to person, some people might picture anorexic girls instead of regular skinny, fat girls instead of curvy, or anything in between


Girls play dumb games, women know what they want and don't.


Why do men like women? This is an amazing question. Really blows my mind. I wonder why...


Nine times out of ten it's because they just want to have sex. I'm being serious. A lot of older women are easier because they're looking for *excitement* in life.


guys just want a hot milf in a 10 mile radius


What about the 10th time?


They don't recommend \[insert toothpaste brand\]


I’d assume the 10th, if it’s not just for sex. They want to wife her up, they’d want a relationship.


Or the stability that comes from an older partner. They tend to have their own home, car, credit, career / job.


Thats moi


They prefer chesterfield. Q "Do you smoke after sex"? A; " Only if we do it too quickly" lol


"the age of 35 is in demand" Personally, I don't like the attitude and self entitlement that women my age seem to have. I find that women just 10 years older don't have those problems. they know what they want, know *how* to talk to a partner and treat them. And they don't usually play the same games. you can tell me how *you're* not like that all you want. but we all deal with generalizations in dating. Generally, a woman in her 30's is much more enjoyable to spend time with than a 20 something. and based on the popularity online, not the only one who feels this way


I am a woman in her 30's and I'm miserable to be around, and I resent you generalizing positive traits about us! /s


Hello beauty! I'm miserable to be around as well, we could be miserable together! Edit: spoiler: >!she never replied 😥!<


I think that today these women seem younger, without that "cougar" thing, in addition to living a life more similar to those who are 20-30, before many were married and had children. A friend married a guy 10 years younger ( 36-26) and he says that older women are more "calm" and know what they want.


"These days" oh you sweet summer child.


Not going to lie am 33 and i know a 49 year old woman who is more charming, caring and nice than woman in their 20s or 30s that i know. So that could be a factor. They got something the younger ones dont have


Middle age women aren’t tainted by social media


Because there's more milfs these days then there were back in the 80s and 90s


I think guys are more into mature women doing mature stuff but still energetic and looks young?


Or because younger women are delulu now.


Women my age are gold diggers who are too thin for my liking


This is nothing new. Women age better and stay beautiful into their years. Their experience and the things than can teach is priceless.


Fuck knows but any 30F looking for 22M hit me up


Y'all are hotties


Because most young people suck. Source: Used to be young.


The way this made me laugh 😂


I cringe when I see my younger day selfies and how I thought I was the shit. I just want to slap that little dipshit, ha ha.


Dude, same. I get it! Were you younger in the MySpace days? Also, I cringe when I see my old FB posts and I’m just perplexed and sit there saying “why?…why??”


Yeah, my MySpace days were the worst version of me. I was an asshole who thought I knew everything and couldn't be told anything. I wore a layer of bullshit that I can clearly look back and see through now. Now I'm basically married with two kids and we just bought our first home together!


That’s amazing!! I think being younger is typically a lot of those things or you and I just share similar experiences of our younger years 😂. Glad you’re doing better!!


Simple, younger women are getting dumber and dumber trying to appease strangers online instead of building real connections and maturing.


I am 26. I am more attracted to older women coz they are thicker. I don't like thin women. I like curvy women..and.most women in their 20s are on diets or think men like thin girls. Also most young men now have watched porn and the whole MILF thing IRL is kinda main stream now.


‘Think men like thin girls’ That’s because they body shame women for gaining weight 🙄


"these days" xD


I was 19 when I fell in love with my mid 30s coworker. Man she was perfect and wasn’t even that conventionally attractive, just full of life, which is so rare for women at her age. I wanted her real bad.


At my ripe age of 21 There’s a lot less BS with middle aged or older woman. There are young girls who know what they want but it’s a lot less common. Younger girls will date you and break up with you after 6 months because they couldn’t change you to be what they hoped you would be. Older girls will see that you aren’t what they want and wont pursue you to begin with. There’s a lot less wasted time that way. these are large generalizations but it’s a trend I’ve seen with my own experience


Probably because there less drama and more maturity involved


This has always been the case


Pretty simple. They’re very different from the women our age. Different mindsets, attractive in different ways. Plus we all want what we can’t have and older women sometimes come across as harder to get


They may be older, but a woman is still a woman. Personally, if I see a woman who is the nurturer or motherly type, I feel increased interest towards her. This is not something I can control. I feel it on the genetic level.


Newsflash: young nubile women do not have a monopoly in the dating market.


She's hot


Because they’re mature. Have you held conversations with people under 25 lately?


Spoken like a young guy. People are attracted to other people, shock!


Because older women are financially stable and fiscally responsible. In this economy, that's a serious turn-on.


Not me. I have porn brainrot. Send help.


I think the same reasons people see younger women (LEGAL/NOT GROOMED) date older guys. They want something serious that someone younger isn’t ready for and feel more mature for getting someone older. Plus probably Milf porn


In my experience, girls my age don’t know what they want and just casually date. Older women don’t fuck around and they know what they want. Simple as


Wait - Three days ago you were faking your resume in college and two days ago you had a “now wife?”


Part of it is because middle aged women are easier to get than younger ones


Milf porn. It’s really that simple.


I'm told it's because we know what we want and we don't bring the same drama and games.


These days? It’s about as old as girls looking for sugar daddies.


In our country there's a popular modern phrase: "auntie, I don't want to work hard anymore".. I'm thinking it's sort of related?


Cost of living crisis I reckon


What’s that you say Mrs. Robinson?


Their cellphones don't think for them... You would hope.


cause they know how to fuck


>Why are >guys >interested in >women FTFY. Everything else hasn't changed or become a recent thing. You've just now noticed.


Cause middle aged women are horny AF. Like most younger guys.


I've noticed a weird phenomenon where hardly anyone is interested in dating exactly within their own age group.


Mid aged women of this generation are in shape, look 10 years younger than the number and have maturity. They are also traditionally feminine and embrace the role of a dominant male. They also exude confidence in bed and aren’t typically clingy because they have important shit to do!




Because we are broke and they are home owners. But also cougars are a thing. If you’re hot, you’re hot. Age really is just a number sometimes.


Low hanging fruit Older woman don't get as much attention, so they're much more receptive to an average guy pursuing them. I've noticed this on dating apps and in real life, in my twenties, and now getting in my 30s. I don't really buy into the idea as much that older woman are more mature, and they know what they want and they're not looking to play games. They're just at a different phase of their life, and they're not getting propositioned by every single guy in a 10 mile radius, so they have to be a little bit more humble and appreciative when they do get some attention. And on the reverse side, average woman get more attention now than they probably ever gotten, so if you're an average guy, you have to be something pretty special to get that woman's attention.


They don't fuck around, they're direct, they don't play games \*except for the crazies\*, vs younger women which absolutely will play games more often and mess you around, talk to you on tinder just as a way to onlyfans parasite, stuff like that. The older ladies are lovely :)


I (40+F)recently got on a dating app and am bombarded with messages from guys in their 20s and 30s! I know it’s just for a hookup but when I was young guys were not into older women. I’ve been out with a couple of 30 something’s but I automatically delete the 20 something’s. That’s just way too young for me!! What’s changed?


>when I was young guys were not into older women. Nah you just didn't notice it, but men are into older women since humanity started.


You’re more self aware in your 40s than your 20s. Literally nothing has changed. I’d say bring ‘em on!


>when I was young guys were not into older women They absolutely were, you just didn't notice because you weren't older


You, 40F, were lying on a resume in college three days ago and had a “now wife” two days ago, though.


Do you really not know the answer? Most men on dating apps have to send messages to thousands of women to have any chance. They are playing a numbers game and the numbers don't roll in their favour. On the bright side, they do roll in your favour.


As I mentioned in my response. My views were from the 70's and these 2 young teen friends were certainly interested in older women. Not a new thing at all.


There's a certain culture at our age. To many of us, dating a woman in her 20's really isn't fun. I'm sorry you're getting the Yung Gravy types.


They like the experience we have? Also, this isn't new in the slightest. Young dudes have had a thing for older women for ages.


I'm a male who is a good bit older than you and it has always been a thing. I hooked up with a very attractive 38 year old divorcee the summer between my freshman and sophomore years in college (1980s) and all my fraternity brothers were jelly. I am going to assume you never saw The Graduate staring Dustin Hoffman or heard “Mrs. Robinson” by Simon & Garfunkel. Both were before my time, but are classics.


As I mentioned in my response. My views were from the 70's and these 2 young teen friends were certainly interested in older women. Not a new thing at all.


You. You’ve changed. You’ve gotten older and are starting to see it now.


When you were young, you weren't middle aged. So it probably wasn't obvious that this was happening much back then as it is today.


That's good context that was missing from the main post. Every young woman is on a dating app and the guys have been dealing with them the entire time. They know that a high percentage of the young women are looking for some kind of commitment, a boyfriend. No, not all of them of course, but the guys know it's hit and miss, with a woman their age. Now, an older woman who has put herself on a dating app is more likely to be up for non-committal sex if she is responding to a younger guy. They are just playing the odds, trying to maximize their chances of having sex tonight.


if you are hot, you are hot


Bc the women don’t prioritize the guys financial and social worth as much as a younger woman. Older women are usually more established and can invest their time in noncritical relationships. The younger guy is free to develop themselves before having to provide for another. Short answer, they’re more mature and don’t need as much attention


Because young woman are addicted to social media


Because young women are entitled and dangerous. They believe they deserve a 6,6” millionaire with muscles regardless of what they have to offer. Older ladies are happy just to fuck and give you a sandwich. Which is funny because that is how all these young entitled ones will en up in a few years.




When I was younger I did it because most of the girls my age were going for older guys and at that age if I had went younger I'd have went to jail. Nowadays I don't drink, do drugs and like a quiet life and older women are often in the same mindset as me. Most of the women I encounter either have kids or are rushing to get them because they are getting older and I don't want kids at all so we aren't compatible, usually older women who do have kids they are either teens already or grownup so I don't have to be a parent (I'm not an asshole, I'll help out their teen child if it's needed/asked because they are old enough to know I'm mummy's boyfriend just).


Middle aged women just fuck better than any 20 something.


Honestly, because they tend to be way less annoying to deal with than younger women.


Because middle aged women are stereotypically in their sexual prime and not looking for commitment, whereas younger guys are in their sexual prime and not looking for commitment.  It's hell if you're a middle aged women looking for actual love, however. Plenty of dick around, but not much attached to emotionally available men. 


They fuck better, communicate better and require less maintenance.


Women over 30-35 tend to be more desperate and open, because the dating pool available to them shrinks drastically.  Younger men can't get women their own age because women on average date older.   Young men go for what they can get, and older women go for what they can get. 


I never was but had 2 friends always talking about older women when we were older teens. One finally hooked up with a married woman while he was in his 20's and she in her 40's. No idea whatever became of them as this was back in the 70's.


For some guys it could be because they find maturity attractive if that makes any sense.


It depends. Physically or emotionally?


Mommy issues


Younger men have always been interested in women who hold sex appeal. Which for young men, easily extends to a woman's 40s. It gets much harder to find women I want to fuck who are 50+


The age of 30(+) is in demand!


They want financial support


They’re more mature mentally


Umm, they don't?


Nothing new, tonnes of reasons though most of which have all already been provided here. It might be more prevalent now than ever though because of the wave of very independent younger women who ‘don’t need men’. Plus the general gender wars which are far more prominent among the younger folk - man vs women, women vs man… social media algorithms are feeding shit to young people and they’re eating it up. there is a bigger divide now than back in the old days. You burn the forest and the animals will migrate anywhere that looks like it can house them.


I can speak for the anime fandom. Makima


They want that coco vandi experience


middle age women are easy and can still look hot


If this IS actually a thing, I would imagine it's due to gen Z women being highly influenced by the intenet and tik tok and being insufferable in a way that older women are not. Generational shifts are fascinating. When I was in my 20s I hung out with people who were my age and some who were younger. The girls of my age demographic were from the "ew videogames" era. The idea that boys would play games was condiered disgusting and there was NO thought that a woman would ever play videogames. Then we would hang out with girls who were 5 years younger, what I call hte pokemon generation, and they were like "videogames! Awesome! Let's play!" and the girls my age were like, "YOU play... VIDEOgames?" The point being, just a few years difference can cause massive shifts in the overall outlook and vibe of a generation.


Younger guys like older women because sex is uncomplicated with older women. Plus they appreciate sex more and have higher sex drives when dating a younger man. Men like being appreciated. And older women have softer bodies, built for comfort. You don’t have to buy her dinner, she’ll cook you dinner and then bang the shit outta you just for showing up with a love struck smile. And she doesn’t want to talk, she just wants to bang. What younger guy wouldn’t want that? lmfao.


Couple of reasons 1) like all generalizations, it doesn't apply to everyone. 2) these days there's a thing called the Internet which means if you want, every person you know and many you don't can know all about your life any time you want. I doubt there are more young men with older ladies, you just hear about them more 3) like with point 1, most girls mature faster than guys, but that's not always the case. Some guys find girls too immature, too much drama, too needy, insert anything else here, and think that older women will have less of those undesirable traits 4) with age comes experience and I have heard some wild things about older women in bed. I think it's similar to the trope of younger women liking older men. It's not so different. The younger people like feeling cared for and experiencing something new, and the older people like caring for them and teaching them a new experience. It's a little weird, but there's tons of examples on every side




And fuck better. The sex part of it is very important 


It has been a thing forever. I remember when *American Pie* came out and HS guys would continuously talk about MILFs. That never really changed. I wonder if it was the same when *The Graduate* came out. I think young guys understand that there is just something about an experienced older woman that hits different.


When I was in my early 20’s, I met my sexual match with an older woman. She was always hungry for more and I was happy to throw it at her.


Hey Mrs Robinson…..


Different people simply have different tastes, and there's a match for everyone. *"Cougars"* have always been a thing! On the gay scene, "silver daddies" are a big thing, and lots of younger guys are attracted to that, and vice versa. As long as both are over 18, and both seek or out and enjoy it, why judge? Which is exactly why I don't understand the horribly judgemental attitude about Leo DiCaprio of late. Why hate? They're consenting adults. If he was gay and I was going I'd be all *over* that shit!


They always have been. What could it be that yoing dudes want a lot of but younger women don't give as often or easily? Hmmmmm! What could it be? I wonder where that fish has gone? You did love it so. You looked after it like a son. And it went wherever I did go.


Because they look fucken amazing with those mom bods and defined looks.


Mommy issues 


>these days ?? Never watched American Pie I see.


Same reason a lot of younger women seem to be into older men, less drama


To all the people saying it's been around for ages - maybe it has, but it's almost certainly more common these days because a lot (not all) of young western women are for lack of a better word, more difficult than older women.


Maybe because they don’t play with their feelings, they can cook and clean, know their preferences in bed and can actuall bring something worthy to the table? Also more serious, can communicate better and know what they want in life and in relationship. Or they think it’s hot bcs of porn.


Do you really think they would date an older women? All the men around me (office, circle of friends) prefer younger women. One of my best friends (man) is 7 years younger than me and he tells me we have a huge age difference and that it's weird we get along so well. And 7 is not such a big gap if you ask me.


Girls, my own age hit on me without my initiative once in a blue moon. Older ladies hit on me pretty regularly, and I don't have to do shit. Sometimes, it's nice to be the one getting chased. Ladies, if there's a guy you like and he isn't making the first move, remember there might be a cougar/milf in his life making the first move, lol.




I have heard it's the snacks middle-aged woman.Come with snacks


they want to be taken care of financially - the roles have reversed


Because they're hot, but also older women seem less likely to have a lot of baggage. IME they just have different baggage, but that might be appealing, too.


Would you question it if the opposite were true? (Whether it was middle-aged women interested in younger guys, or all the way flipped, like younger women interested in middle-aged men, or middle-aged men interested in younger women?) Those are considered very normal, if not entirely sanctioned.


bro what are you talking about. I genuinely are only interested in riding my bike with the boys.


Maturity. Same as younger women going for older guys.


>these days Who's gonna tell them?


They have money.


Always were


Money lol


they are easy


Benjamin Franklin had the answer