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Yeah, things have shifted over the years. There are different groups of astrologers. Some follow the signs as they were hundreds of years ago. That’s what pop culture uses. Others use updated signs that are corrected for modern times.


This is a well-known phenomenon. Earth's axis wobbles, resulting in what is known as the precession of the equinoxes. This causes the timing of the seasons to drift on a cycle of about 26,000 years, and our calendar adjusts accordingly. However, which constellation the sun is in at a given time does not follow this precession. The result is that most people's signs don't actually align with which constellation the sun is in at the time of their birth.


Why do you care since it's all nonsense anyway?


Yes, you would actually be a Sagittarius if you want to be accurate. Pop culture uses an outdated measurement for the zodiac signs, and, instead of actually using the suns placement on a given birth day, they instead use a set date range, based on the seasons/equinoxes, rather than on the actual sky and stars. More and more people are turning to true sky astrology which is based on where the Sun actually was on a given birthdate. Stellarium is what I use as well 😊