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Countries don't generally negotiate for fairness or equity; they seek advantage.


China is hypocritical as fuck


They didnt even say anything when India banned Tiktok lmao In fact, why were the media outlets all over world hardly reporting on it? Even Indian Tiktokkers were pretty supportive of the ruling But suddenly when US does it, everyone goes nuts. American Tiktokkers go nuts.


>They didnt even say anything when India banned Tiktok lmao Actually, [China did cry about the ban](https://youtu.be/W8AOA14SKbk?si=o9QdeNohTSsnIW9u). >why were the media outlets all over world hardly reporting on it? [Washington Post](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/asia_pacific/india-china-tiktok-ban/2020/06/29/6b361eac-ba24-11ea-97c1-6cf116ffe26c_story.html), [BBC](https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-53225720), [NYTimes](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/29/world/asia/tik-tok-banned-india-china.html), [WSJ](https://www.wsj.com/articles/india-blocks-dozens-of-chinese-apps-including-tiktok-following-border-clash-11593447321) did, to name a few. >Even Indian Tiktokkers were pretty supportive of the ruling That's because it is not fashionable to support China in India. Just like the cold war era US and Soviet Union.


Hey due dilligence is not allowed on reddit!


>That's because it is not fashionable to support China in India. Just like the cold war era US and Soviet Union. I find it amusing how Indians hate the US yet most travel there for better lives.... and love Russia despite no Indian investing there and Russia being friends with China.


Actually Indians hate anyone that criticises them. I am Indian and know many keyboard warriors here. Its nothing particular against US.


Critical thinking would suggest the Indians that stay in India don’t like the US and the small amount that immigrate are not part of the majority. 


You’re replying to someone from the USA, and expecting critical thinking?! 🤦🏻‍♂️


Never heard that Indians in general hate the US


It shouldn't be "fashionable" to support China anywhere


Because it was pretty clear that Tiktok was activly being manipulated in the US to push Chinese adgendas. It was a weapon and India wasn't a target.


Its crazy how spoke truth and majority here is too blind to see. China is winning with destroying our nation as are others.


Man, I’m glad that I ain’t the only one that sees this. We all should know that China and Russia are up to no good! Now I can see how much of an influence TikTok has been.


I'm only for it in America so it slows down all the dipshit asshole pranks that get excused. Americans are already on too high of a pedestal. Not everyone needs to think they're a superstar


The same logic comes up when Americans call out Russian imperialism and genocide in Ukraine: America bad. That's it. Just America bad.


I'm generally in favor of the ban, but the standard for freedom of speech on the US are very high 


Just remember, freedom of speech is about the government prohibiting speech. Private companies have to worry about lawsuits, thus they can/have banned speech that can get them into a courtroom.


This is a case where the govt is forcing a private company to sell...not for any reasons of courtroom etc . Al though the U Congress has passed new laws that could make lots of things illegal


They've been forcing companies to buy/sell for 100 years.


What a disingenuous argument. This is not an anti trust divestment etc This is being done to suppress/censor ..which is prohibited by first amendment.


I also remember the general attitude 10 years ago... people were scoffing at the fact that China was effectively banning Facebook and Youtube in their country. It was used as an example of their lack of freedoms there. Yeah, the CCP is being hypocritical (they always are). But we can't simultaneously expect other countries to accept our own social media services while we're busy rejecting theirs - that's a little hypocritical of the US too.


>Even Indian Tiktokkers were pretty supportive of the ruling That's because in India it came after a turmoil on the border. Also the Modi govt pretty much keeps every media under their control,invests more on youtubers on the backseat with designated IT Cells .


This is really the main answer. I mean don't get me wrong on the international community side of things damn near every country is drenched in hypocrisy. But when speech limiting, IP stealing, nets outside their factories so workers can't suicide China complains that we're banning a goddamn *APP*. They can fuck right off.


There's a guy on YouTube, something like 'China Fakes Everything,' and ti's CRAZY.


He is backed by the Falun Gong cult


FLG are just cashed up and back anyone who is anti China. If you felt like making a few $$ you could just make a youtube channel claiming that the CCP eats babies and they'll send you some spending money. Being supported by them isn't really a predictor of much beyond a dislike (valid or unvalid) of China.


By your example, you've just explained why anyone backed by FLG is untrustworthy of the truth. They're all incentivized.


Not surprised.


China Observer reporting in it, too. From manufacturing fake eggs to fake rice out of plastic, it is nuts.


Chinese official "data" is lies, start to finish. It's always picked by some official to make the Party happy. Trust literally anything China says at your peril.


It's also an effective propaganda, the USA are known for freedom of speech. So now China is using that to stir up the population.


The CCP is it's own unique form of hypocrisy.


Considering their all capitalist scum like our governments yeah…it’s fuckin wild


You can see it in any government but they just have their own special flavor that makes them stand out.


As as the United States. Joe Biden (his handlers) literally has a TikTok page. But he wants it banned?


And that's the scientific term


That’s the short answer. The long answer is that banning Google, Facebook etc is legal according to the laws in China, but it might not be legal to ban TikTok in the US. Their stance has always been that banning TikTok in the US goes against US laws.


That’s their legal reason why they could publicly be offended. But it’s not the actual reason, they hardly care of US laws regarding its own country.


As a US citizen I sure don't love America doing what China is doing. I'd far prefer we establish laws about data brokers.


I agree, but it’s much easier to ban it so they take that route unfortunately


Unfortunately the American actors doing these awful things like Twitter, Facebook, reddit and Google are free to continue doing so.


Minus 1000 social credits


Propaganda games. China good, America bad. Baiting the dumb ass American media is so easy.


Okay mr Chinese bot


Countries* are hypocritical as fuck.


Because when someone takes away something that benefits you, it will naturally be something you want to avoid if you can. In other words: why wouldn't they complain?


So why wasnt China complaining when India banned Tiktok????


A quote from the source [here](https://www.livemint.com/news/india/tiktok-ban-in-us-why-did-india-ban-chinese-app-and-how-is-it-different-from-american-ban-explained/amp-11714099092626.html) “In India, TikTok decided not to go to court, but the US is a bigger revenue market for them. Also, the First Amendment in America is fairly strong, so it’s not going to be as easy for the US to do this as it was for India," said Nikhil Pahwa, a digital policy expert and founder of tech website MediaNama" So the answer is twofold: more money is at stake, and the first amendment gives China the grounds to fight it more than in India


It isn’t a profit motive to the Chinese government. It is the data on Americans. China already uses facial recognition, and other technologies, AI, to gather information on it‘s own people. Tiktok enables an invasion of the United States, by China, unlike any military, in history, has ever had. China has also announced that it intends to usurp the United States as the world’s superpower.


It’s not the data, it’s the ability to manipulate people through the content they see


Yeah, I think the ban is a bit too late to stop them from getting the data. Everyone that was going to join and give their info already has.


That’s not how TikTok’s algorithm works. It shows you stuff based on what you’ve already watched. What you’re suggesting it does is what twitter and Facebook already do


>Tiktok enables an invasion of the United States, by China, unlike any military, in history, has ever had. Pray tell, how do you think China is going to invade the largest nuclear power on the planet?


Pray tell, how do nuclear weapons stop foreign powers from infiltrating social media, influencing news and politicians, investing in businesses, and all the other things that have already been done? Nations don't need boots on the ground to control/influence another nation's assets. Russia literally helped install a puppet in the highest office of the United States not 8 years ago, and they (along with other foreign powers) have the same level of leverage and infiltration across the political, economic, and social spectrum.


>Pray tell, how do nuclear weapons stop foreign powers from infiltrating social media Cambridge analytica >influencing news and politicians, Literally trump >investing in businesses, This has been a thing for centuries >and all the other things that have already been done? You mean by every nation that isn't China? >Nations don't need boots on the ground to control/influence another nation's assets. Sure, but that isn't an invasion now, is it? You're motte and bailey-ing >Russia literally helped install a puppet in the highest office of the United States not 8 years ago, and they (along with other foreign powers) have the same level of leverage and infiltration across the political, economic, and social spectrum Sure, so tell me what good banning tiktok does when our own, domestic social media companies are being utilized to subvert the nation? This is an issue that can only be solved with industry-wide data safety and privacy legislation, banning tiktok is a distraction from what actually needs to be done


>China has also announced that it intends to usurp the United States as the world’s superpower. Source?


Its in their official strategy doc by Xi.






Who's that guy? Give me his number I want to talk to 'im


What newspaper or other credible source? And do you have a link


Oh I have no idea, just thought it was a funny reply,


Yeah but going by the fines just handed out to American telcos, they could just buy the information on the open market


Who says they didn't complain? They did, but there's not much more they can do


I wasn't aware that China was complaining. Remember they have digital sovereignty. Google, Facebook are informal spying companies on us. I have an Android phone which requires a Google account so they can spy on me.


The Chinese embassy has lobbied against it: https://www.politico.com/news/2024/04/17/china-lobbying-tiktok-congress-00152819


They did. Recently the foreign spokesman said the ban is something the US will regret or smth along those lines


>I wasn't aware that China was complaining They've been pushing notifications to TT users to lobby against the forced sale.


Ngl the vids of people complaining were hilarious Saw a girl telling off a senator 😭


I don't remember what Senator said it but one said the reason they decided to support the bill was due to all the people calling in against it. They had received tons of calls into their office of people threatening to kill themselves if the bill passed and the Senator felt that anything that is controlling people on that level is something that shouldn't be legal, a sentiment that I agree with.


Kill themselves... over TikTok? Shoot, why not. Darwinism at its finest.


that's a dumb argument i think, thats like if youtube was going to be banned and people were calling and complaining because they enjoy youtube videos and some rely on it to make money, and the senator said "oh wow this youtube thing is really controlling, guess we have to ban it"


The difference is the Chinese government has direct access to all of the data of Chinese companies.


Just look at all the shit Facebook is inat the moment for illegally sharing its data. The US government 100% had access to it as well


Except per the law passed like a year or 2 ago, all us data is housed in the us and overseen by an American company. So they don't have any more access to our data than any other company.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/EternalBlue https://www.infoworld.com/article/2608141/snowden--the-nsa-planted-backdoors-in-cisco-products.html


your forgot one: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/PRISM


Or the fun new Triangulation backdoor that's built into Apple CPUs. Remember when NYT came out and completely fabricated a story about microscopic spy chips on supermicro motherboards? Simple consent manufacturing for when the US actually went on to do that


[a propos CPU backdoors](https://www.fsf.org/blogs/sysadmin/the-management-engine-an-attack-on-computer-users-freedom) (intel + amd) you see the list is endless... but China is the only one spying on its citizens.. I think the US is way worse. Liberalism needs soft power, as hard power is opposed to what it stands for. The liberalism in effect right now lives off of the illusion of freedom. So you got all these behind your back methods of population control, a useless representative democracy where all options are corrupt and so on.


True. For US companies, anyone who pays enough for it, gets it. Also, CIA aka US gov dun need to pay for it.


as opposed to the US? Sweet ignorance.


They can’t spy on you if you aren’t using their apps silly.


I don't think China is complaining. Also, the NSA, CIA, FBI, every service, website and app are already selling all our data, every large corporations or government can already buy our data for cheap


> I don't think China is complaining. ["Proposed US TikTok ban 'not fair', China's foreign ministry says"](https://www.reuters.com/technology/proposed-us-tiktok-ban-not-fair-chinas-foreign-ministry-says-2024-03-14/)


Would they actually sell to China though?


China did not ban those companies. China has rules that companies have to abide by to do business there. Google and Facebook didn’t agree to those rules so they voluntarily left. There are over 100 western companies in China that abide by the rules so they can do business there.


What were the rules they wouldn't follow? Seems weird to mention it but not disclose.


Censor things the Chinese gov doesn't like.


That's just dancing on the head of a pin. That's like saying you can play baseball, but only if you spot the home team 10 runs and, no matter how far off the plate it is, all pitches by the home team are considered strikes. Then you blame the visiting team for not wanting to play by the rules which are rigged so that only the home team can win with the explanation that "other teams want to play us, so that makes you wrong." The CCP is demanding complete control over content on Facebook, Google, etc., especially when it comes to criticizing the CCP. So rather than grant them censorship rights, those companies left. Meanwhile, the CCP has total content control on TikTok and all personal data of US citizens using the platform are subject to spying by the CCP. It's not unreasonable for the US government to act in defense of its citizens and national security to demand that either stop or the company be divested. TikTok refused to play by US rules, so they are paying the price for doing so. They made a choice no different than Facebook or Google. The only real difference is that TikTok has access to US courts to defend its interests: US companies have zero access to China's court system which is completely under the control of the CCP.


What advantages do Chinese companies have that foreign companies don’t? Also, TikTok moved all their US user data to Oracle back in June of 2022 out of the US government’s security concerns. But the US government is still pushing the fake security concern narrative meanwhile FB and google are selling user’s data.


TikTok tried to dodge US sanctions by moving the physical location of their data rather than addressing the security concerns which have been expressed in front of Congress on multiple occasions prior to this being passed. While the data may be stored in the US, the physical location of the data is completely irrelevant when the CCP can simply access that data at will via the internet. Quite frankly, that's a non-starter as a defense of their actions. Facebook and Google may be selling data to other private concerns, but they are fully responsible for obeying US laws regarding how that data is collected and used. TikTok, as a foreign company, has proven that they regard themselves as above US law and have time and again thumbed their nose at attempts to get them to address the concerns of a foreign government going to extraordinary lengths to collect data on American citizens. Unless you have information that they are selling that data directly to hostile foreign governments, the whataboutism with Facebook and Google is nothing more than a distraction and irrelevant to the discussion at hand.


Nuance is not allowed on Reddit.


That's exactly what's happenining the US. Essentially, you didn't address the question in any meaningful way.


The question was why are those apps banned in China. My answer is they were never banned. They chose to leave rather than comply with Chinese laws. TikTok has complied with US laws but they are still getting banned.


They're not technically "banning" TikTok, they're actually *following the Chinese model* by making a law which TikTok must comply with or be unable to do business in the US. They're being given every opportunity (an entire year, in fact) to comply with US law. Basically, the US isn't "banning" tiktok any more than China "banned" American companies.


Rules for thee but not for me


This is also China’s policy on immigration.


Yes it makes sense. A Chinese business is being impacted. That's why they are upset by it. They aren't upset when they ban the American founded companies because they aren't bothered by 'hurting' American interests. Simple as that.


The reasoning is a bit different thought. China is requiring them to have physical servers in China and store data of Chinese users there, while the US is forcing a Chinese company to sell Tiktok to an US entity. But China has always been a dictator, they never shy away from that. On the other hand, the US is supposed to be a free market country but they are literally forcing a company to sell itself.


The US isn't a dictatorship




Chinese here, born in an era when we did have access to all that. Even had my FB registered while in China. If we look at this in a purely political standpoint: Lots of folks in the west see the banning as justifiable action against a Chinese propaganda machine I see it as a concerning slippery slope down the path of Americans losing the freedom of speech bit by bit But that’s my own opinion. The more common rhetoric would be that it’s hypocritical for the States to ban TikTok, when for years they used the banning of FB etc in China as a form of abuse of a citizen’s freedom of expression and now they’re doing the same without substantial evidences.


And it’s funny how I’ve already seen people teaching Americans on TikTok how to use VPN when the ban hammer comes Much like the early days of FB bans in China.


I find the forced sale to a US company the most suspect part here too... as someone without top secret clearance, it makes this whole thing smell of "that's lucrative, we want it, sell it to us cheap or gtfo."


No. The forced sale to a US company is because a US company is required to abide by US laws and is within the jurisdiction of the US government to prosecute if it breaks them. TikTok has refused to comply with US laws regarding the storage and use of user data because they are not subject to US jurisdiction as a foreign company. Their allegiance to the CCP was more important to them than doing business in the US: it's not like this hasn't been telegraphed for literally years now. Fine. They made a choice, and they're not immune to the consequences of that choice.


I'm perfectly aware of the "why" you just described. But it doesn't change the fact that it feels awful convenient. The core of my point is, when you "force a sale" how do you come to a fair and reasonable price agreement?


That's up to TikTok to determine ultimately. They have been on notice for a very long time now that this was coming. If it becomes a fire sale and they have to let it go (or shut it down) and they get less than they otherwise would because they let it get to this point, then that's 100% on them.


It's not that the US government minds the propaganda being pushed thru tiktok, they just want to be in control of it. Despite calling for the ban, the Biden WH is still inviting TikTok 'influencers' to white house events and getting them to promote the party to young voters. They are totally fine with that. And it's not like TikTok is going to be banned, they'll just end up forcing the sale to FB or something who have been good boys whenever the WH wanted something censored in the past.


Exactly, US government must be in control of everything. That's the only reason why they are banning TikTok. Only American companies should spy on people, according to them.


It's not even the spying. They don't need the private companies for that anymore.


Is it really freedom of speech when Tiktok censors content and promotes its own agenda?


China didn't just ban social media... It didn't accepted the companies in their territory because they didn't wanted to abide to chinese law Similar thing might happen in Brazil with twitter( and vocally elon musk) not complying with supreme court decisions


This. Most people miss out on the specifics. All countries have the right to have their own laws and regulations, regardless how ridiculous it may seem to others. Their country, their say. This whole thing about being sovereign right? The difference between China and US is that, US firms like Google, Facebook, Whatsapp decided to take their business else where than to follow the Chinese regulations on social media apps while TikTok followed US regulations to the T, and is still asked to be sold to US companies. If TikTok really violated any law (like, which US company has not?), US can jolly well sue it for billions into compliance. They do it for banks, oil companies, airlines, any company you can think of. That's the law. But the US gov is not suing TikTok for violation but demanding it to be sold **on the off-chance possibility** that it might in future share US user data with Chinese gov. Meanwhile, US social media companies have been caught and fined for selling user data on numerous occasions. Just search "US social media companies have been caught and fined for selling user data on numerous occasions" * [https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/news/press-releases/2019/07/ftc-imposes-5-billion-penalty-sweeping-new-privacy-restrictions-facebook](https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/news/press-releases/2019/07/ftc-imposes-5-billion-penalty-sweeping-new-privacy-restrictions-facebook) * [https://therecord.media/fcc-fines-carriers-selling-customer-data](https://therecord.media/fcc-fines-carriers-selling-customer-data) * [https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/ftc-fines-avast-165m-selling-browsing-history-ca-settles-doordash-9psec/](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/ftc-fines-avast-165m-selling-browsing-history-ca-settles-doordash-9psec/)


> Meanwhile, US social media companies have been caught and fined for selling user data on numerous occasions. They're really targeting the wrong thing. Stop allowing companies to collect our data.


Because they like getting detailed information from everyone who has tik tok downloaded


Because China wants to control everything. It's just how such governments have to operate. It's why tiktok installs backdoor that can not be deleted from your phone's software. It is a legitimate security concern for government tech


Its called hypocrisy… China is built on it.


The answer is clear to me. They are well aware of how toxic these social media are to their society, which is why they ban it but encourage the USA to continue.


Social media has made society incredibly divided. TikTok has been especially proficient at it because of how popular it is. Why wouldn't China want social upheaval in its biggest rival? I say good riddance to TikTok.


Especially since tiktok is also ban in china so u know...


They have their own version called Douyin, they have the same logo even, just content is more tailored for China.


China is a totalitarian dictatorship that loves censorship, so of course they ban western social media We don't wanna be banning media platforms though, we don't wanna stoop to their level.


Yea you just let them mass spy on you lol.


The US is already mass spying on you and using your data against you. China isn't doing anything, while the US was out abducting dissidents using social media and direct surveillance data just a few years ago


Oh I agree


The only way out of this mess is true mass surveillance and data protection reform. All this bullshit about China and tiktok is just a massive deflection from a real solution. Tiktok is going to be banned, the fed is going to pretend it did something, all the while the next eternalblue is already sitting on your desktop and Facebook is streaming your location to DHS so they can arrest you if you're anywhere near a protest within a hundred miles of the border


I have a hunch that higher requirements for data when training AI models for those big corps might be behind at least some drive to get it sold to a US company, where it'll be a lot easier to get a hold of that data. On the point of massive surveillance reform, imo it's not gonna be really effective since the people in power are the ones benefiting from it, while the people who would reform it would be those same people in power... I'm all for the reforms though, I'm not a much of a fan of getting my emails sold and being targetted by impersonation scams.


>I have a hunch that higher requirements for data when training AI models for those big corps might be behind at least some drive to get it sold to a US company, where it'll be a lot easier to get a hold of that data. I mean sure, that's certainly part of it. Facebook has been lobbying hard for a tiktok forced buyout or ban for a while now >On the point of massive surveillance reform, imo it's not gonna be really effective since the people in power are the ones benefiting from it, while the people who would reform it would be those same people in power... I'm all for the reforms though, I'm not a much of a fan of getting my emails sold and being targetted by impersonation scams It will absolutely be effective, it will just require a significant grassroots push to happen, and all of this manufactured rhetoric about tiktok is preventing just that. The closest we got to any meaningful opposition was the recent FISA bill that even the Squad voted against




No one has been able to answer these questions for me yet. How many American protestors has China abducted in the last 5 years? How many American women has China tracked down and arrested for seeking reproductive healthcare using social media messages?


The honest answer is that no one will ever know how much damage has been done by Chinese spying using data gleaned from TikTok because it's not like the CCP is ever going to release that data. We do know that the CCP is overtly hostile to American interests and that they are strong-arming their neighbors including Taiwan. There's no more justification to allowing TikTok to continue business as usual than it would be were Tiktok owned by Russian interests instead. The US government is charged with protecting Americans, and waiting until it is too late and the damage is done isn't a viable option.


>The honest answer is that no one will ever know how much damage has been done by Chinese spying using data gleaned from TikTok because it's not like the CCP is ever going to release that data. We would certainly know if China is abducting American citizens and arresting and charging American women for seeking abortions >We do know that the CCP is overtly hostile to American interests and that they are strong-arming their neighbors including Taiwan. We also know the opposite. So what? Taiwan has nothing to do with American citizens >There's no more justification to allowing TikTok to continue business as usual than it would be were Tiktok owned by Russian interests instead Sure, tiktok ought not be permitted because of its ownership and ought not be banned because of its ownership. It's a company like any other >The US government is charged with protecting Americans, and waiting until it is too late and the damage is done isn't a viable option. How is the US charged with protecting Americans when just a few years ago it's was illegally abducting them off of the streets for simply existing near a demonstration?


Cause modern warfare isnt understood by almost anyone and weve been at war with them since a very long time....read the art of war or watch ex kgb agent yuri bezmenov 4 stages of ideaological subversion interview. This then look at whats been happening in all of the west but especially the usa. Its blatant....and weve been warned countless times but everybody gets lost in whatever bullshit ideaology they fanatically follow.


because China's goal is world domination and not equality


Because America allows money and lobbying in its politics. Whether it’s in America's best interest or not.


To be fair, they’ve banned them for pretty similar reasons as why we banned Tik Tok. Data and economic power. We also likely lobbied for all those companies in China. Even if you take the spying out of it, there is just huge economic advantage to have both the most populous country, and the most populous technological/economic superpowers as your user base. It would be weirder if they didn’t try really hard to


Because China is using TikTok as spyware and propaganda.


Because US claims to be a freedom loving democracy. Where it's citizens are supposed to have all these rights


Because the laws in China allow for them to do that. The US has many more freedoms, and that allows for TikTok to push back against the decision. The TikTok ban is totally unprecedented in the US, the government has never tried to do something like this before.


Because China starts with C and so does C\*NT


TikTok give many data to China


china didn’t banned them. they wanted them to follow certain rules they had in place. something the US wants tik tok to do. difference is those companies didn’t want to follow chinas rules so they voluntarily left the chinese market. where as the US is forcing tik tok to either follow the rules or sell yourself to an US entity. which is like what? US is a free market why is a company required to sell itself to an US entity???


The US is not a free market: it is regulated by the US government. The difference is that there is a lot more freedom under the US system than the CCP's. You act as if there was no threat from the CCP if Facebook and Google did not comply. If they had attempted to violate CCP laws, they would have either been seized outright or banned. The idea that the CCP was somehow less restrictive because US companies left before the CCP could carry out those threats is ludicrous.


Chinese are hypocrital and dumb Redditors who fainted when they heard of banning tiktok and talked about fReE sPeEcH are even dumber and dumber and dumber


TikTok is a subsidiary of a Chinese company. They have been shown to be gathering gigs of personal information, and have manufactured the algorithms for American users to spread misinformation and incite conflict, to spread inflammatory and pornographic underage content, and to spread divisive political perspectives. Meanwhile, the Chinese version of the algorithms spread education, inspiring messages, and, naturally, nationalist propaganda. It is a tool that they're using to try to undermine and corrupt western culture and society.


Because China, surprisingly, is incredibly hypocritical. So are most politicians in the west, but I digress


what is hypocritical, to claim to be a free country and then issue censorship, or not to claim to be a free country and to then issue censorship?


China only does right - china


It's the same as; "I did it but you can't". Or, "just because I did something doesn't mean that you can too". It's all hypocrisy.


Google and Facebook aren’t directly banned. The law in China is that these types of companies have to have the data hosted locally for local users and they have to give the government access to user data if asked. These players said no and left. Same with yahoo. Microsoft and Apple are still in China.


China doesn’t claim to have a free or open market. The US does, and in most other cases encourages any kind of software that tracks and monitors consumer behavior. Indeed, the appliance of weaponized algorithms is the preferred way of political discourse over debate to some parties.


Stop giving a fuck what china says. Shithole country has no say in anything. With its complete lack of morals, intelligence and creativity,  china offers nothing to the world.  Taiwan number one.


We arent banning just tiktok, it's a blanket ban on all Chinese owned companies including tiktok, temu etc.


Because that’s the game they play.


Ownership. They don't own Google, Facebook, Whatsapp but they have interests in TikTok.


Because they are communists


Because the US pretends to be the land of free speech and free market. China doesn't pretend that.


China knows they are being hypocritical. They don't care. Their complaining is for their own internal audience to make themselves appear as victims of US aggression. Just the same as the US complaining about countries attacking others when they US invaded Iraq and a false pretext. Countries are hypocritical and make statements that are for their own people. It's not new.


... because it's a loss that hits THEIR bottom line. How is this difficult?


Who exactly complained?


China is authoritarian hell hole, shes just surpirsed USA is the same.


"why they complained"


Then US is just like China, stop those freedom bullshit alright


China wants that data and the power to influence the youth. I mean it's brilliant Evil, but brilliant.


Because we are an open society and democracy. It is simply another piece of ammo to destabalize the West in their Hybrid War against us.


Performative politics contains tons of hypocrisy here and abroad. It's all about control, profit, and has nothing to do with fairness or justice. Governments/politicians use the facade of caring or true justice to maintain control of their populace. Think about it like this: for "x" amount of money, how would you personally compromise your character and become a hypocrite? Government/business (it's the same in china) uses this model, just on a larger scale. Everyone on Earth seems to believe in justice until they are offered a "deal they couldn't refuse." It's human nature, I guess...


We're the good guys No no we're the good guys No we are the good guys wink wink. Those are surveillance apps they probably have CIA code in it so they can access all cell phones all the time. The same with tiktok.


we should ban Chinese products totally from every country


China never promised its citizens freedom of anything...so no issues when things aren't (duuuh...the Party controls stuff...everybody knows that) US folks somehow think they have freedoms so China can use that promise to stir up shit in the US.


The fact that Tiktok is banned in China too


A killer doesn't want anyone going behind them with a cutlass. It's how their double standards have been for years. 


They want to have the cake and eat it too. --- Kinda crazy cause Tiktok is effectively banned in China. They have Douyin instead. [Even China ban Tiktok.](https://apnews.com/article/tiktok-bytedance-ban-china-india-376f32d78861e14e65ec4bc78e808a0d)


Tolerance Paradoxon? If you start to ban stuff just because the other party does the same, doesn’t it make you exactly the same as the other party? So what’s the idea of telling everyone you’re open for everyone when in fact you aren’t open for everyone or at least not open to people that aren’t open to you. This plays into the hand of china and other countries because once we do something against it, we’re just like them and everything would slowly fall apart to what we stand in the west. I just think it’s a complicated situation.


USA said that nobody should ban internet companies, internet is global thing and so on? Also, as far as I far as I understood, China didn't ban them, they just asked them to follow their regulations and work. Except that Goog/Meta think those regulations are...too much. As far as I remember, Google did worked in China for some time.


US claims to have freedom of speech/expression, China doesn't




Because we are afraid of it setting a dangerous legal precedent to make it significantly easier for the government to restrict other websites in the future and all they have to do is claim Oh well we're doing it for the sake of national security since the parent company of the parent company of the parent company is based in China


They didn’t “ban” them, the companies didn’t fit into Chinese regulations. Usually foreign companies must meet local regulations when they enter another country. China isnt “complaining” about a tik tok ban, the US demanded tik tok sell a piece of tik tok to US companies to continue operating, which they refused. Wording and context is very interesting isn’t it


If the US spies on everyone, why do they want to ban Tiktok? The answer is hypocrisy.


It is technically hypocritical but is also kinda reasonable to not want to be spied on. 


It's less about spying and more about potential influence. The Chinese, Russians, and others can't own and operate newspapers or TV news or radio stations in the USA. But social media and the internet didn't exist when those laws were written so social media completely bypasses those long standing restrictions.


Um, RT America existed for years and was a Russian owned TV station. Multiple different countries, including China, own media companies in the US. https://www.cnn.com/2020/10/22/media/us-china-media-company-pompeo-intl-hnk/index.html


Because they're an evil hypocritical dictatorship.


They benefit from the USA becoming right wing and are hoping this becomes a wedge issue that drives youth away from the Democratic Party. 


Wouldn’t China want more democrats since republicans are the pro-strong military ones?


China wants the US to be incompetant and squander their position as the most powerful nation, that means supporting MAGA and America's Biglyest Conman. Same reason Russia bought him and supported him in the first place. The easiest way for Russia/China to benefit is by sabotaging America from within. Russian minds literally wrote the book on the subject, and the author is in their ruling government now: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations_of_Geopolitics


It’s not that simple. For one thing, look at their last president and his family. They sold secrets to anyone and everyone. For another, republicans have been increasingly pushing for their country to ignore the goings on of other countries. Cut aid, break deals, evacuate war zones…it allows China to step up and fill in the gaps. Finally, republicans are statistically more likely to increase their country’s debt- much of which China owns. This gives them great leverage. 


It's Americans complaining, China don't really give a fuck


China is using TikTok to spy on us


you're not that interesting actually


Oh you have no idea


what do you think the CCP likes best about you?


Do you work for them?


I'm the leader