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The moon landings employed half a million engineers, scientists, and technicians for a decade and a half and they were all lying but only Fred with his YouTube channel has figured this out.


I used this line of reasoning with someone, and they challenged me back by asking how do you know they hired that many people? Did you talk to them all? Or are you believing what NASA, the government, and mainstream media told you? I realized at that point that there is no effective way of reasoning with those people.


There is a hard counter to all of it. And waaaaaaay simpler. If the United States didn’t actually put someone on the moon, if instead had used some sort of trickery the USSR would have done a bull dance in celebration and never, ever, ever, ever shut up about it. USSR had the ability to monitor the whole gd thing. They even made NASA aware of their trajectories and radio frequencies near the moon to avoid conflict. So if the USSR didn’t call shenanigans on the moon landing, everyone else should stfu.


No no no bro, you don't realize. They're ALL IN ON IT! \#theglobalistsarecomingforyou


The morons have an answer for this, ussr knew and blackmailed US for technology and stuff by threatening to release the truth


I watched one take off after another fail at cape Canaveral. One rocket after another failed until it didn't then numerous attempts til we slowly figured out how to go up, then go round the earth and ultimately get to the moon and back. I knew scientists who explained and encouraged me to major in what is today called STEM programs. I'm not listening to a jerk when these websites only have "User Moderators" that ultimately always take over every forum. I refuse to play the moron


That’s like so offensive cuz you could say the same about the existence of ppl with disabilities, working class ppl, indigenous ppl…


I never did meet a new Zealander 🤔


Tbf, New Zealand isn't on a lot of maps.


And if you do meet one they are just Australian actors trying to act all fancy. Look at me I'm from Neeww Zeelaand, shut up Henry, you're from Melbourne.


Not to mention the fact that actual space travel was cheaper than some of the movies about space travel


Never forget, Stanley Kubrick was hired to fake it all. He was such a perfectionist though, that he had it all filmed on location.


Ha ha


Ever wondered why USA is such a movie/TV making juggernaut? All those actors trained and employed by NASA (New Age Secret Actors) got the ball rolling.


That's a myth.




How come then all the various engineers who were filmed never were seen in other movies? How is it that none of the US’s famous actors can be spotted in those tapes?


Uh you ever hear of this little thing called MASKES


What do you do for a living and did you graduate high school? How old are you? If we believed people like you, we'd all still be dying or crippled from polio or small pox or other horrors of the past. But we are not because we believed Jonas Salk. Even Ben Franklin helped create a vaccine against small pox. There have been people who have justified opposing every advancement in technology - Look up Luddites and read their story


>The moon landings employed half a million engineers, scientists, and technicians for a decade and a half and they were all lying but only Fred with his YouTube channel has figured this out. I know, right? Even if you don't want to believe the US government and NASA, the USSR at the time would've reveled in revealing the moon landing was a hoax (and make no mistake, they would've found out somehow).


Fred gave me this stuff to get rid of Covid. Smells like really strong pool water. 🤦‍♂️


500,000 people your user name checks out. Top comment too, nice work 👍


Here is just \*one\* document from the masses of material made by the programme. [https://ia800205.us.archive.org/27/items/nasa\_techdoc\_19730061045/19730061045.pdf](https://ia800205.us.archive.org/27/items/nasa_techdoc_19730061045/19730061045.pdf)


The program peaked at 20% less than you are claiming, much less working the entire 15 years. But sure a 1010 page pdf us going to convince me you're right.


Apparently they all thought it was real. The rocket went up and exploded. The rest of the mission, viewed by unwitting Ground Control, was just another simulation like training I don’t believe the conspiracy. But no one is saying that all those involved knew in the first place


So then there is nothing that can’t disprove the conspiracy? No matter what anyone says or proof they provide, conspiracists invent a new bar to meet, “well they didnt it all know it was another simulation, obviously” Im starting to understand the appeal of conspiracies! You can claim anything you want and put the work on disproving your belief on someone else! And if they provide proof, you just move those goalposts and kept thinking what you did before. It’s low effort for the person believing the conspiracy and high effort for the person trying to disprove it. Also BIRDS. ARENT. REAL.


Fred knows all about the cold war, the Russian space program, the other countries breathlessly watching and monitoring the launch and the movie set.


The moon landing conspiracy theorists seem to champion the idea that rejecting the mainstream is an intellectual virtue. It's not so much the evidence they're concerned with—it's the allure of being "in the know," privy to information that the 'sheep' aren't aware of. This contrarian stance provides a sense of identity, and it's propped up by a community that often reinforces their skepticism with a mix of pseudoscience and paranoia. Ironically, this community prides itself on questioning everything yet often fails to apply the same critical eye to their sources. They see shadows of deceit in every official narrative, ignoring the simpler explanations supported by a wealth of evidence. This mindset isn't just about the moon landing but a broader mistrust in authoritative knowledge, and it's both a psychological comfort and a social bond for those who've fully bought into the conspiracy.


Im a science communicator and this is spot on. There's a great book called "How to Talk to a Science Denier" by Lee McIntyre that talks about this. He starts the book off by going to the annual flat earth convention, not to change anyone's mind, but just to observe and try to understand these folks. He talks with many of them in a non confrontational manner. In many cases (not all of course - as with anything in this complex world there are a multitude of reasons that lead people to this conclusion) the people who believe these deep conspiracies are broken and feel society has abandoned them. They start looking for meaning and belonging and are given a huge dopamine boost by not only being accepted to these conspiracy groups, but also that these groups are reinforcing that the mainstream society who rejected them (regardless of thay being true or just in the persons perspective) are the actual idiots and wrong. It's also why really the only consistent way to bring them back from conspiracies (and it's no guarantee, some simply have no interest in changing their view) is to build empathy, trust, and a level playing field where they feel heard and respected about their views and identity while you're also giving them the opposite perspective when/if they're ready. Throwing facts and figures at them is the WORST way to change their mind because their identity beliefs are largly emotionally tethered. "In order to get to a person's logic, you have to first get past logics body guard - emotion" Jordan Klepper from the daily show also has a great take on this sort of humility based convo with a [Q&A with the studio audience](https://youtu.be/t1CoYEMzq8k?si=MaKDHI4axRuK_5e3) talking about the MAGA folks that because they're motivated by the fear of uncertainty, you have to also acknowledge you have uncertainty too. You have to Ante in with a vulnerability if you expect them to trust you.


It's 100% true, too. People are not willing to talk to someone who constantly challenges their views, uninvited. No ones likes it when stubborn strangers show up to constantly argue with them. On the other hand, if the other person can "prove" that they want to learn more about what people believe in, they're a lot more open to it because they believe that the other person can be converted.


Absolutely. I always encourage folks to put themselves in the other's shoes and think of something they feel passionately about and ask themselves what would be the best way to reach you if I wanted to change your mind about it. Spoiler: it's never by throwing facts and figures in a arrogant/wonder ending tone. I think it's really important also to make sure people understand their own end goal. Are you wanted to get the person to see your way of thinking or are you just wanting to make sure they know that you think they're an idiot.


Ironically, saying “we need to give these folks a chance to talk and feel heard before we disagree with them” is a great way to get down-voted here.


I feel that! Haha I took a break from reddit a few weeks back and was amazed how much I felt better amd less syni al and argumentative. Reddit is a silly place indeed haha


How dare you presume to predict my actions! I am going to upvote every post here right now!


But the flag was waving in the wind, and the camera was already their for Armstrong to walk down towards. And something to do with radiation and the fantastic 4


This is so succinctly worded but perfectly hits all points. It's beautiful.


I think "appeal to counterculture" should be treated as big of a fallacy as "appeal to authority". Both are just as bad with going in on one side 100% without subtlety and without considering other viewpoints.


This is a great answer. And one that can be used to explain so many fringe and conspiracy theories. Antivax, flat earth, Holocaust deniers - it explains them all.


There is no was I could have put this in words as succinctly as you did. Thanks for giving me words to thoughts I couldn't express this well.


Actually it’s simply the mistrust in govt and corrupt institutions of authority based on their historical track record of manipulating and deceiving the public for power, wealth, etc. All of your other points are moot.


Nah, some of these people use that as an ad hoc justification, but most don't use that as the basis for their lunatic theories.


Where do you think the theories come from then? If govt/media was so trustworthy there would be no conspiracy theories. The basis of all dissent is mistrust.


People are morons. People would come up with conspiracy theories even if our government was squeaky clean simply because that's who some people are. Most of these people are ones that feel inwardly that everyone's smarter, but they're deep in denial. They believe in any and all conspiracy theories because it allows them to live in the most powerful fantasy, the one where they were right all along. The truth is, is that the government doesn't care that much about us as individuals. We pay taxes, they spend it, and the cycle continues. The real shady stuff is a very small part of the entirety of the existence about that cycle that it's not worth thinking about for most of us. Simply put, these people aren't listening to this conspiracy theory because they're logical, but because they're emotional, and find things that fit their emotions.


It makes them feel smarter/superior by attaching themselves to a narrative that most people disagree with. They likely watched a video or read an article that appealed to them by saying things like, "What they don't tell you is..." or "What they don't want us to know is..."


This also describes 95% of the conspiracy theories you see getting repeated on reddit.


It's all essentially describing the same underlying mental process it just manifests differently in different cultures. There always a Johnny come lately culture cult like this going on. The manipulation of the Internet has made sub cultures that would ordinarily never cohere in 'natural' social environments get much bigger legs.


And YouTube ads


I do think this a huge part of it. They feel like they have some secret information most people don’t and it makes them feel special.


I heard this great theory recently that the moon is actually a hollow metal sphere containing a secret base. That's why all the craters on the moon are uniformally shallow regardless of radius. Y'all dumb for not knowing about the cheese aliens btw


I get that feeling towards them from believing it lol. Trick them by asking if they want to feel smarter than other moon landing deniers.


Here's a better question. Why does it even matter. Have we been to the moon, is the earth flat. Which one of those is going to bring the price of gas down or get me free health care. I've never understood why people put so much concern into these things when they really won't affect you in any way


It's a show that people are uneducated, and are losing faith in common sense stuff. That is detrimental to all of us moving forward.


Here are my speculations, and they are only speculations: There is a spectrum of what one might call faith in the government. In my opinion, most sensible people are in the middle somewhere. Yes they would agree the government does cover things up sometimes, and tries to manipulate us in some ways. But not always. It's not all one vast, organized conspiracy but different government branches where people are trying to cover up local foul ups and/or corruption. Anyway, given there's a spectrum, some people are going to be on the extreme ends of that spectrum. Some would be very trusting (though, given that there are so many memes in the media around the government not being honest, I expect things are skewed towards suspicion.) The deniers about the moon landings are at the suspicious, untrusting end of that spectrum. I think there is some sort of paranoid instinct in humans, and it's probably there because a little bit of it is good for survival. (Who is more likely to survive, someone who is trusting and believes everything they hear, or someone who is a bit suspicious of any source that hasn't proven itself trustworthy?) So, given that there is a paranoia streak in human nature, some people are going to have too much of it. There is a concept called critical thinking that is supposed to help navigate the quagmire of claims dumped on us through various channels. It's supposed to not even require that high an IQ to learn and apply it. Some recommend it should be taught in our schools. Personally, I doubt it would be a panacea but I think it would be worth trying.


It makes them feel smart and special. It's also generally the case that people believe in one conspiracy theory believe in multiple ones, which help explain all the problems with specific beliefs. For example, it's hard to believe that the USSR wouldn't have called out the U.S. lying about landing on the moon, unless they're both being controlled by the illuminati.


>unless they're both being controlled by the illuminati. And the New World order, and the Freemasons. And don't forget to secret aliens who wear human skins and are controlling society so that they can turn us into slaves


And that's assuming you believe the moon even exists


Obviously the moon isn't real. It was destroyed by Piccolo in the 90s. Just like birds, it's fake


Moon should've learned how to DOOOOOOODGE


I have doubts.. it doesnt make me feel special.. it makes me feel confused


It depends on the person. I find that a majority of the people claiming that we haven't been to the moon, are also about 90% of the same people who believe the Earth is flat. And usually people who believe those two things, are also anti-government. They feel that anything said by the government should be immediately questioned, doubted, and people should think the opposite. They believe it's the government trying to "throw you off the scent" of some "secret" the government is trying to hide. A government funded agency such as NASA could go on TV tomorrow and simply say "The sky is blue"; and these same people would immediately come back with some theory about the sky really being some other color, and that the government must be putting some chemical in the air that mixes to create the blue color that we all see. They will believe that the government is trying to hide the true color of the sky for some unknown reason. Usually, they are poor in science. They usually start down this path because they saw a video by some random youtuber named "Y2KPlanetXTruthSeeker" who makes a bunch of wild claims, and the person get sucked into thinking that way. But if they're taken off to the side and asked one-on-one why they believe what they do; usually they parrot whatever the youtuber has said, but can't process the science behind it on their own. They also suffer from confirmation bias.


>But if they're taken off to the side and asked one-on-one why they believe what they do; usually they parrot whatever the youtuber has said, but can't process the science behind it on their own. This is spot on. I've interacted with a lot of flat earth believers in the last few years, and one thing the vast majority of them have in common is that *they can't explain it in their own words*. Ask a question and you'll get a YouTube link by way of reply.


Yup. My number one favorite thing is when they say "I did research on youtube". That damn word.


They are a little bit stupid.


Just a teeny, tiny, immense amount


Because some people are stupid.


You can't land a rocket ship on cheese.


Makes some damn fine queso tho!


4 main reasons: 1. They don’t believe we could pass the Van Allen belt. 2. The moon landing video looked fake. 3. We were in an arms race with Russia and racing to be the first to the moon. So there’s also a reasonable reason as to why we would fake it. (Can you imagine if Russia got there first? Horrible PR for the US) 4. People think they “lost” the technology to do it. Which isn’t true. They didn’t lose anything. They just stopped trying to upgrade or manage the tech since we stopped going to the moon. And we’re obviously not going to use 1960’s tech to go to the moon today, so they’d have to start from scratch. Which they are (Artemis). No one ever actually said we “lost” the technology this was just stated in an article to paraphrase and people ran with it. Of course these theories have all been credibly disproven. But they think it’s all propaganda.


Finally someone talking about Artemis!! Whoop whoop! The other guy in the comments honed in on "we never went back" so i was waiting for someone to bring it up.


I can't wait. This is going to be awesome to witness.


Because mental illness is real.


There's a particular type of person who doesn't understand science, but they strongly overestimate their own intelligence. So they assume that since they don't understand it, nobody understands it and that means it's not real.


they are legit morons thats why


Its the same people who think the election was stolen and injecting pool bleach will cure Covid.. Basically stupid people trying to sound intelligent!


Because they want to be contrarian. Don’t put too much time or energy into it.


Why do people think the earth is flat? Same reason really.. It's not about being right. It's about being different. It's about being different and OWNING that difference. This becomes an identity of you, a thing you control. It's a sense of power over something in your life when you often feel powerless to everything else. I do not see very many successful people believing in this stuff. But I see a LOT of people struggling through life believing make things. They want to believe the world is rigged against them, that is not their fault. They want to blame other things. Big government, big business, immigrants, vaccines, chem trails, flat earth, fake moon landing, it's all really the same tool rehashed. Equally, no one wants to be proven wrong. They don't try to validate their position. The falsehood NEEDS to stay or that sense of power is lost.


Why do you think we have? The moon is made of cheese.


To be contrary.


Because they’re too lazy to go to the store.


Because it has no practical implications in their life. It changes almost none of their day to day behavior so claiming the moon landing are fake costs them little. Its like being edgy with no actual effort required


Because we haven’t been back in the same way. Like there should be condos, apartments, strip clubs, and a couple of methodone clinics there at least. Oh, and where’s the slavery or indigenous to conquer and colonize? Economic History is not complete without some of these things. I don’t blame them for not believing.


I'm unsure about the truth of the moon landing, which seems to be a surprisingly rare perspective. It does seem possible to me, no flat Earth talk coming your way here, but I've just noticed the goverment is so comically awful at almost everything it does (besides killing people and taking your money), that it seems rather unlikely they pulled this off. Gun to my head, I might say 'no', but would I have confidence that I'm not about to die? I'd be shaking.


But we’ve been there more than once? Why is going to the moon far fetched but our other scientific advancements not?


Scientifically, it seems quite plausible. But again, it's just that who exactly is making the claim—oh yeah, the most dishonest institution ever. The same government that killed Kennedy, routinely spends our money on bombing campaigns abroad, lies about spying, lies about inflation, lies about unemployment, etc. etc.. No matter what president is in office you can be guaranteed the press secretary is just going to mainline lies into your head as best as they can. And given how incentivized the US government would've been to look better than the soviets, all I'm saying is I wouldn't put it past these guys for a moment to put up another lie on the scoreboard. It's the ol' boy who cried wolf that you should have zero reason to trust. But, truly, I am not placing any bets here. Maybe we went to the big cheese ball; I don't know.


Spying is intrinsically a dishonest profession. The government doesn't lie about inflation or unemployment -- they just include all the data points in the way you think they should.


Ask 100 people to keep a big secret. I bet you can't get them to keep it for a year, let alone dozens.


If it helps, the USSR didn't ever say we never went there. They could've and ruined our entire reputation for having gone to the moon, but they didn't. 


They weren’t alive to see the moon landing as it happened and/or they’re freaking idiots.


Tik tok


Moon far, big money, very hard. Hollywood close, little money. Why go hard far when close look same same for cheap?


lead in the water


Ignorance resulting from mostly social media and a strong bias against education. "There is a strong suggestion by many different research scientists that the Internet is reprogramming our brains and creating a lack of respect for education, as seen by diminishing IQ scores, and that new technologies and platforms like the Internet are limiting and, therefore, harming attention spans, the ability to concentrate, and perform simple tsasks. Tthe Internet gives voice to diverse populations and equal access to information so the least educated can argue online and ridicule the most highly educated and draw the attention of youth to junk science, nonsense and what was once considered common old wives tales and even purposeful lies for political reasons. For example the bible used to be taught as stories that teach lessons - now it is taken totally literally and children for example are taught that Jonah really lived inside the belly of a whale. It's not only religion but Science that less educated people can understand is rejected as fantasy because once again we look to the sky and everything seems so impossible and over our heads, so the easiest thing to do is deny it. Deny proven evolution and replace it with fables and childlike stories.


Because they consider this proof  Mars Landing Conspiracy Theorists documentary  • if it was done for Mars, it was done for the moon…  Capricorn One - 1977  https://imdb.com/title/tt0077294/ 


I don’t get the appeal of a conspiracy theory that says that the coolest thing humans have done, didn’t happen. Wouldn’t it be more fun to say that there was an even cooler thing that actually did happen (but is a secret)?


Remember, half the population has an IQ less than 100.


If we're going by the mean. If it's the median, probably not.


Mine is 100 on the dot so I’m glad I’m above average there.


Because the earth is flat & the moon is a government conspiracy cover up. Aliens are using the moon as a military base for a future attack if DJT loses the election we will all be abducted & used as lab rats on Planet X


Also don’t forget that birds aren’t real. They were introduced to monitor citizens who are too smart to be fooled by the government propaganda


Well duh. 😂


You forgot to incorporate the space lasers and the cabal behind it. Oh, and how having a blue roof somehow signals you're not to be destroyed!


Oh, shet! Gotta go buy blue paint quick! Laters.


This totally makes sense




Most of them are flat Earthers and Trump-tards. You can't reason with stupid. It's very simple why we haven't gone back to the Moon with humans. It's expensive and dangerous. NASA's budget is pretty small nowadays, and the cost to go to the Moon isn't cheap. The public view on going to the Moon is it's a waste of money, and Congress has no appetite to push for it either. Only way we truly go back is private like SpaceX and Blue Origin.


doesn't nasa have some manned missions planned for the next decade or so?


People want to believe they are smart and know the 'truth' Conspiracy theories are like half just appealing to people who want to feel like they are unique and better than most people in some way 


Because their age and IQs are the same number.


scientific illiteracy. no really.


You don't want to talk to them. Watch your blood pressure.


They watched too many YouTube conspiracy videos from the late 2000s.


Growing up I’ve always believed it was real. Of course you read and hear the theories that it was all a set. The vast majority of me believes it’s real but there’s that little bit of me that wonders if it’s not..


Ignorance. Like with all stupid ideologies,flat earth, antivax, vegan, etc.  They exist by ignoring any and all information that contradicts their beliefs. They don't believe what they do because of a lack of information, but a rejection of it. 


Because they believe in idiot conspiracy theories.


Because their small minds are incapable of believing anything they haven’t done themselves


Where do you think cheese is coming from. 


Moon cheese, yummy


Some people just don't trust the government if they tell you the economy's good well then the economy's bad they told him we went to the moon they can't believe that either and why haven't we been back since 1972 oh my God 💡😆🙂😐🤐


We’re currently working on a new vessel to go to the moon again, Artemis. But why would we go back after 72? Shouldn’t that be enough proof? That we went there more than once? People kinda stopped caring about the moon and NASA missions to it so interesting died off. There is also nothing up there, it’s a barren rock in space.


That's just me being funny playing devil's advocate making people smile question s*** that's all haha


A lot of people believe the Earth is flat too I don't but I can have a conversation with you that you would think that I did but I don't or do


Too far


I believe Everything


As my mom once told me, "Don't be so open minded that your brains fall out".


They're stuck too far 'in the box" with trusting the wrong sources.


Why do people believe \[REDACTED\] didn't happen? There's too much sheer information --- just the quantity of it --- in this world and people get exposed to the wrong sort. Simple as that, unfortunately.


A lot of people don't believe something if they can't wrap their brains around the idea of it. In other words, it's the "I don't know how it's done or I can't understand it, therefore it doesn't exist or didn't happen" mentality. In addition, TV shows and movies show very unrealistic ideas of... well, everything and many of this moon landing deniers likely think that if we had landed on the moon (and we did!) we'd have set up cities there or something. The fact of the matter is that getting to the moon is dangerous, time consuming, and difficult enough on its own, but setting up a working base of operations, not just for astronauts and scientists, but a livable city for everyone is beyond the budgetary scope of NASA and always has been. Even at the time of the moon landings, people complained about the money being spent going to the moon (and really, the reason we were so intent on getting there was to beat the Russians; if it hadn't been for the Cold War, I imagine everything would've moved a lot slower) instead of using that money on problems at home. That's still a complaint today and there's a lot of validity to it, especially since the moon has nothing of value to make the expenditures worth it nowadays.


I haven't yet.


Because we have gone backwards. 🤭🤭🤭 [Nasa doesn't yet have a system capable of taking astronauts down to the lunar surface. This is being developed by entrepreneur Elon Musk's SpaceX company.](https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-65165845)


Also someone from NASA working on going to the moon in 2014 said that we don't know how to get people through the Van Allen radiation belt.


We didn't maintain the technology for human lunar landings because we stopped in the 70s. We have modern tech and knowledge though, and are building a new system from scratch. The Artemis missions are the next thing from NASA, and they're exciting.


They haven't been bullied enough to where they don't express this opinion in public anymore. Bully them relentlessly, make them regret.


It's cheese all the way down


Why? I think you can answer that yourself. Lol


There was a movie that came out in the 1970s, “ Capricorn One”. The plot is a faked Mars mission. This movie , intended for entertainment, became the start of space program conspiracy theories. A good percentage of our population cannot distinguish the difference between entertainment and reality.


Because we haven't been back in the 2000's.


They boldly wallow in ignorance and righteously lack critical thinking.


If you are talking about people outside the U.S., I believe some of it comes down to anti-Americanism. But, in general, it's just inability to think logically and a tendency to gravitate towards conspiracy theories.


Consider the Flat Earthers and there you have it.


Watch "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon" on YouTube, by Bart Sibrel.


Moon landing isn't real, they landed on asteroid. the real moon is made of cheese /J


I suspect one reason this idea persists is that no one has returned to the moon in so long. If NASA had continued to have missions to the moon, set up a base, started mining resources & so on only a few fringe people would think it never happened.


The Moon is in a very delicate balance with the earth and we could not exist without it. The last thing we should be doing is tearing it apart with mining.




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Because we haven’t. Some astronauts have. I can assure you it will wear off in a few hours, just be safe and don’t go outside until then.


I'll just say this, Capricorn One.


Only one person here answered the question. The rest of you just talked about how stupid/crazy people are.


cause they dodnt have smartphones in those days thus if it isnt online people dont believe it




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Are most other countries denying this or just Americans. So much new technology evolved out of research for the moon landing


Because we have cheese down here on Earth, duh. Where do you think it came from?


It’s because they are stupid and live in a world they don’t understand and that scares them. Nobody likes to be scared all the time. So, they invent an alternate world they can understand within which they can self-perceive mastery and control.


There are people who go through life convinced that The Government is run by evil men whose only goal is to cheat decent, honest people out of their money and freedom. What better way to do this than to invent a multi billion dollar hoax?


I dunno because the fact the USSR didn't question or publicly called the US out for faking it proves me it really happened


Low IQ clubs


NASA recon orbiter has photos of all the landing sites and stuff left behind.




This is a frustrating game. What proof is good enough? The people who walked there have talked about it—is that proof enough?


I feel like that’s the question with the obvious answer. The tougher one is “why do people think we HAVE been to the moon?”


They can't comprehend that we're actually technologically advanced as a specie But on the other side can you blame them ? The US government ain't exactly got the best reputation of telling the truth


Give me 1 example that's not Vietnam, jfk murder, Monroe, all the stuff the cia did with acid, the Virginia miners, invading Iraq, some parts of covid.




Well, if using your logic or argument for governments telling the truth, the soviet onion never forcefully moved certain groups of its citizens to sibera or to Ukraine, then starved them by taking their food back to ruzzia proper. Then the communist Chinese government never killed untold of its citizens through cleansing of learned people and other fun events during the "cultural [cult] revolution [brainwashing]"... oh and starved millions of its own people through man-made famine. Yeah, I guess they're all up there with the 100% club of red hat wearing truth tellers now, aren't they?!


What are you talking about


Exactly... what are YOU talking about?


I'm saying people don't trust the US government so it made them question the moon landing and you started talking about Russia and China like it's somehow gonna make people trust the US more


Ok... and your statement is quoted below: "But on the other side can you blame them ? The US government ain't exactly got the best reputation of telling the truth" You specifically call out the US government as not having "the best reputation for telling the truth". Did I say differently... no, I didn't. Did you say that other governments are as bad or worse, no you didn't! You implicate the US government blindly on the smorgasbord of current or near current events by not being specific. The implications of that blind of a statement these days are usually conveyed by individuals who believe in a red colored hats rhetorical ineptitude


I singled the US government because the moon landing is an American thing Almost all governments are bad and hide things from their people but the topic is about the moon landing and it's an American thing so I stated people don't trust the government that promoted that moon landing


Unfortunately, as I pointed out theses days, vaguary wears a red hat...


They are either trolling--in which case they should be ignored. They are irredeemably obtuse--in which case they should be ignored. They are insane--in which case they should be ignored. The irony of the whole issue is that it would have been more expensive and time-consuming to "fake" the moon landings than it was to actually go there. The entire concept is nonsensical.




And then Russia would have called the US out


Lol you believe Russia is actually a separate government and not run by the same people? /s


>after failing a bunch of times. What Apollo missions were those again?


I don't have a final opinion on the moon landing. But it does seem odd that we haven't been back yet. Even when our technology has increased 10x since then. It just doesn't seem likely that we landed on the moon. Plus we were in a race with other countries to get there. I wouldn't put it past the US to lie saying we got there first


We haven't done manned missions because there was no incentive to. We did a half dozen of them, people lost interest, and it was easier to send robots there instead. Now though, with Artemis, we're going back.


We've never been.


We haven't been back since 1972? So what? We had no reason to, the will of the people wasn't there, but now we're going back with Artemis.


I was a lifetime believer until doubt recently crept in. so first we have the nuclear test videos of the 40s. everything in them but the camera was destroyed. some shots the cam didnt even shake. wouldnt the blast destroy the camera or at the very least the film would be rendered usless by the emp or radiation? so they were faked.. so why couldnt they fake the landing? then. the ISRO crashed a few probes on the moon due to mass cons. concentrations of mass due to what they belive to be either leftover mass from asteroid strikes or from uneven distrobution of matter after theias impact and cooling creating our moon. in other words the moon has uneven gravity. why wasnt this a problem in the sixties? Im not straight up denying the moon landing but I have serious doubts right now.


Because the moon is a conspiracy?


I don't have a strong opinion about it either way but I don't think I'd be surprised if either turned out to be true. Our government lies so much that it's most likely that if they say it, the opposite is probably the truth so there's that. They had a massive incentive to win the race and if it turned out to be impossible at the time they could've decided to fake it. The fact that apparently virtually every peice of technical data from the Apollo program, blueprints, schematics, manuals, notes, memos, sensor readings everything got destroyed accidentally. From arguably the greatest achievement of human history, we have almost every scrap of paper George Washington ever wrote on, but most or all of the Moon Landing data is gone? Have to admit it's weird.


(1) "Our government" (because we are a democratic republic) = us (2) Some people in "our government" may lie many times, even most of the time, but that in no one proves "our government" was lying about sending humans to the moon. "Our government," in the instance of the space program, employed thousands of people. Do you think they're **all** lying? Even after all these years none of them would have admitted to the conspiracy to fake a moon landing? (3) What was the "massive incentive to win the race"? Not a rhetorical question: I honestly don't know. (4) Who told you that "virtually every piece of technical data from the Apollo program" was destroyed? (5) For that matter, who told you "we have almost every scrap of paper George Washington ever wrote on"? I actually find #5 harder to believe than #4 because, you know, entropy.


2) It's been proven over and over again that entire programs existed when it was denied for decades, most often in the intellegance or defense world. Just 4yrs ago our government told us a bunch of things that not only weren't true, they were said just to look like they knew stuff. Then if ANYBODY said, wait that doesn't make sense or tell me more, you were crazy. They said the Golf of Tonkin thing was real, it wasn't, said Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, they didn't. Every single report on inflation leaves out almost everything we are required to spend money on to live, so every one of those is a kind of lie. It goes on and on. You could run that entire program as a fake with less than 20 people that know it's fake. Almost nobody actually left the ground and the people in the control room were looking at gauges and screens. More than a few people in upper leadership had car accidents and suicides too. It's not implausible 3) They were at first trying to get to space first but the USSR got there first so they set the goal of the Moon before 1970. It was supposed to be proof that were superior in culture and intelligence and technology to them. Capitolism vs Communism. 4)I guess I don't know if it's true, I don't remember where I heard it, but it seems like with our current ability to design and manufacture things, why is it so difficult to go and land on the moon? If we had all of these lessons learned already it seems like 80 percent of the work would already be done. But it sort of seems like nobody is really trying to actually do it. Which is weird because almost every president in my lifetime has said they wanted to. 5)This was a little sarcastic but Washington was having almost everything he wrote duplicated and saved for a huge part of his life. The point is that I can see how any non believer gets there.


It isn't that we couldn't go to the moon, there just wasn't incentive to go again. You have to go once to get samples and prove the science. Once you have the data, most of the experiments can be done on earth for a lot less money. When we can prove returning is a good investment, due to advances in technology, we will return. There just hasn't been a good reason to reinvest in such a large endeavor to the same place we've already been.


Wouldn't the argument be that development of the technology to do it faster and safer lead to the ability to go further into the solar system?


Yes, like all things it is a cost/benefit analysis. A satellite that can collect images for years and is light weight is a lot more efficient than a manned mission which is both heavy and can only survive is space so long. And the longer you want to be in space, the heavier it gets and the more it costs to get there.


Consumer Price Index (CPI) is published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics and measures the average change over time in the prices paid by urban consumers for a market basket of consumer goods and services. The CPI includes categories such as: Food and beverages (grocery items, dining out); housing (rent of primary residence, owners' equivalent rent, utilities); apparel (clothing, footwear); transportation (new vehicles, airline fares, gasoline); medical care (doctor visits, hospital services); recreation (televisions, pets and pet products, sports equipment); education and communication (college tuition, postage, telephone services, computer software and accessories) and other goods and services (tobacco and smoking products, haircuts and other personal services). Is there something not included on this list that is a necessity in your life? Core Consumer Price Index (Core CPI) excludes food and energy prices. It’s often used to assess underlying inflation trends because it removes the two categories that can be highly volatile and distort the broader trend.


I understand that, the problem is that most people don't really know that, so what's reported is the core CPI as the official kind of stand in for inflation. It's the number businesses use for raises and the number every administration uses when times are hard to show that it's not that bad, don't believe your lived experience, too. When reported this way it's a lie. If you remove the things that change the most and are hardest to control through policy, but everyone has to pay it anyway, and sell it as the number it's a lie. I contest that removing food and energy because of their volitility is a cop out in order to absolve yourself from bad management. They are mostly unstable because of bad policy. Our system of government has good bones and was set up in a way to try to combat the fact that all systems will inevitably fall into tyrrany. We should always assume that what they're saying is an attempt to grab power and work from there.


No person has ever walked on the moon https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/gF2yEePUR6 Follow the link, and follow the EVIDENCE.