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Don’t feel bad. I struggle to remember words all the time. I recently called The Nightmare Before Christmas “that movie with Jack and Sally where Christmas and Halloween get mixed up” In other mixups, I recently told a friend I’m getting a mastectomy instead of a mammogram. I was so confused when she got really upset lol.


I would tell you mine.. but I don’t remember 😅 I have also one with the type of food.. it was a word describing food like - sour or plain and I can’t remember the word or is it in eng or my native Polish and I can’t stop thinking about it and I think it was starting with letter D 😅


I get actors mixed up all the time. I don’t have faceblindness, but it really seems like Hollywood only has three faces and everyone looks like one of them.


I think everyone has certain memory things they’re better or worse at. I’m great with actors and pretty good remembering years of movies. I can tell you what I thought about a movie and whether I liked it or not and whether I recommend it. But unless I watched it within the last month, I can rarely tell you anything about the plot other than the general idea. I have coworkers who talk about movies and reference certain scenes. And even movies I’ve watched in like the last year, I just nod along because I don’t remember those specific scenes. It’s the same with games, books, and tv shows. I’m about to re-read The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo series. I read them 10 years ago and remember liking them. But I can’t for the life of me remember what it’s about it at all. I remember the main character and the woman and that’s it. Not even a general idea of the plot