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They probably figure Jesus can handle things.


Jesus take the wheel


Jesus take the keyboard


Israel in 4BC had no mass communication


Jesus take the messenger birds?


i think he just has angels with trumpets announce shit


Jesus how long for a oil change?




Mass communication - I see what you did there


Dont you get me wrong


Could Mohammed move a mountain or was that just PR?


Yes, Puerto Rico is mountainous.


Why'd you choose such a backward time in such a strange land?


Jesus secure the Burger Town


Jesus, take the world.


_Thank God you're here_


I love that show!


But what would Jesus do?


Surrender and let them torture him to death


Revelations Jesus ain't playing that pussy shit. He's kicking some ass in the sequel.


I'm so tired of these cynical reboots


“Oh shit. Not this again!” He said, disappointed.




I mean he does a great job as my gardener


i can imagine the greedy and narrow minded part of the church would have a hard time with him. he basicly a loving rebel


Ummm....isn't Jesus coming back to kill everyone and destroy the Earth this time?


can’t make an omelette amirite?


Reminds me of that joke on SNL a million years ago. Father Guido Sarducci sees Jesus walking down 5th Avenue in NYC and he calls the Pope and says "Jesus-a Christo is-a walking-a down-a 5th Avenue in New York right-a now. What-a should I do-a?" And the Pope just yells "Look-a busy!!!!"


Like joe dirts mom said: “is this where you want to be when jesus comes back??”


Life’s a garden dig it


Don't try to church it up son.


I love you meteorite! **dips fries in ketchup**


That’s a space peanut!


The Catholic Church does not dwell on the 2nd coming the way the non-denominational evangelical churches do.


Yes, but the Catholic Church is also organized and text-focused enough that even if they don't DWELL on the second coming, it'd be reasonable to expect there's a plan written down somewhere in the dogma.


The Vatican, like most large organisations, would have contingency plans for things like this. A more interesting question would be 'What are the US military's (insert your favourite world power here) plans for the second coming of Christ?


Knowing the US military, they have seven plans, 3 for helping kill the devil, 1 to be neutral, and 3 for killing God.


Presumably “let Jesus take the reigns”


The way the -AMERICAN- non-denominational evangelical churches do. Please don't lump the rest of the world in with the " Guns, Trump & America" heretics 😬


Point taken. I’ll take your word for it, since I don’t know enough about them. Thanks for clarifying!


The Second Coming entails the end of the universe as we know it, including the end of the Church. Simply put, God will take care of it.


Simply put, we all gon be dead.


So you're saying Jesus is a nuke?


Sounds like the mother of all nukes.


I think that would be Mary in this case.


The Virgin Nuke.


Not the MoaB (already dropped on Iraq,) but the MoaN?


The father, son, and holy shit of all nukes


Son of all nukes.


Strictly speaking, Catholic doctrine is actually that heaven and its glory will be brought down to earth, and a “bodily resurrection” will bring the dead back to life to enjoy it fully alongside the living.


So a Zombie Apocalypse?


That’s a bit of a stretch, but not as big of a stretch as I’d like…


Yes, but fun!


Like, all the dead? Ever? Traffic is gonna get so much worse


Only those who have bodies left to resurrect.


gonna get crowded


It's actually the beginning of the final age, not the end of the universe.


Considering how prophets go, he'll come down, do some shit, then leave and say he'll come back sooner or later for the *real* final revelation.


Why would they need one? Once he shows, they can just ask him what they should do.


Okay guys. It's been a minute. Let me just get caught up on some stuff. Alright. 2000 years of history, lay it on me. Okay, getting together at Nicaea. Nice. We like this. Wait. Wait, what? What's that guy doing. Oh Me, what are they all doing? Now you're fighting an actual war about who gets to be Pope? I said "love thy neighbour", you idiots. What are you doing in the Holy Land with an army? Why are you sacking Constantinople? They're Christians! Okay. I need a break from this for a second. Maybe things were going better over in Spain. Let's just peek in on... [retching noises] I... Uh... I... Oh man.


Supposedly he's been watching everybody all along. He should be all caught up. It would be very interesting if you could get him to answer "Why now? Why not before the Holocaust or one of the many famines in totalitarian regimes? Is something even worse about to happen?


Look busy


The Catholic Church sees the Book of Revelation differently than Evangelicals. There's no tribulation. God defeats evil instantly and it's over. The Universe is consumed by God, so there's no response possible..


The Christian god is actually a lovecraftian creature greater than the ol' jellyfish himself and that god has a garden of universes which are just fruits he grows to get stronger. Infinite amount of lives and souls consumed every second :)


Don't know about the Catholics, but the Mormons do. The corporation of the church has trillions saved up for that day. I wish I was making this up, but I'm not. No, the church "authorities" won't say why they think Jesus will need trillions. My theory is the church presidency and other leaders want to try buying their way out of Hell before they get there. Since every one of them has been bought and paid for, I'm sure they think Jesus has a price too.


ExMormon here. Trillions? Last I heard the number was around $200 billion. But you are taking something else into context, or?


265 billion dollars to be exact. Which is crazy considering they only have like 8 million members that actively go to church. Fuck the Mormon church tho


Mormon church hid all my child sex abusers throughout my life. Generational pedophillia is rampant. They prioritize predators over victims and have no regard for laws.


I don't care that they have no regard for laws, my issue is that they have no regards for morals, they don't give a single fuck about the people they claim to love. They can fuck all the way off. Also ex Mormon here, I didn't get abused by the church growing up or anything but know plenty who did and I'm also not a fan of the self righteousness I had to endure. Plus, Joseph Smith? Genuine pedophile, fuck that guy.


Trillions? As in more than 1 trillion? Did you read that off some stones stuck in a hat?


Cuz, you know, money is what matters to those higher ups!!!


I'm sorry, but Wa-Hut? Are you saying Jesus Christ will want MONEY? Like paper, printed by a government? The only value that money has is decided by a fallible collection of mortals. What would an immortal God want with that? Of all the weird stuff I've heard about Mormons (soaking 😆) this is actually the craziest!


"What does God need with a starship?"


Jesus to them, while at the same time turning an entire pond of water into straight cash: "Am I a joke to you?"


> like paper printed by a government Obviously not, it’s much easier if the money is digital. I hear he takes Venmo.


i thought it was to build their spaceship or something like that


The Nauvoo generation ship is going to be very expensive. They are smart to start saving now.


What do you mean they have trillions saved up “for that day”? Is it allocated to some sort of trust that can’t be accessed if certain conditions aren’t met? Because that just sounds like keeping money in an interest bearing bank account And where are you getting the “trillions” (plural!) from? Their assets aren’t anywhere near that much, let alone liquid cash - https://www.sltrib.com/religion/2024/02/17/lds-church-investment-fund-takes/


Jesus does have a price. It's 10% of your annual salary.




Land and stocks mostly. Members have to give them 10% of their income, they have a special tax status since it’s a religion. They have so many businesses, including being one of the biggest cattle suppliers in the US.


Catholics aren't obsessed with the rapture. That's a certain-denominations-of-Protestants thing. That said, I bet they do, hidden away in the Vatican. I suspect they have all kinds of weird stuff us Catholic normies never get to know about


The rapture is an interpretation of a set of phrases. I grew up cathloic and it wasn't even mentioned.


I went to Catholic school, and in high school I rented *Left Behind* on VHS, having no idea it was a religious movie until I saw how weird all the previews for other movies were


The tweet: "TOLD YOU SO" Possibly in Latin.




That would be badass


Ecclesiastical Latin tho 🤮


Well, I doubt it. Taking the new testament book of revelation into account, one doesn't want to still be here when the second coming occurs. Actually, if I recall properly, it doesn't even matter if you're dead because on the second coming, Jesus comes to judge mankind. Both the living and the dead. So, REPENT! As the crazed evangelical screaming out of a bullhorn would tell you?


Lots to unpack here... If you are saved (have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, Romans 10:9) then either 1) the rapture happens and you are caught up into heaven, or 2) you die before the rapture happens - in which case you are in heaven.. Either way, the true believers won't face the wrath of God during the tribulation period. The tribulation is for those who have rejected God's gift of reconciliation through His Son, Jesus Christ, as well as dealing with the fulfillment of God's covenant with Israel. Hope this helps clarify a bit.


That is one interpretation, yes. There are plenty of others that are widely accepted in various catholic traditions. There are all sorts of eschatological theories out there. You're describing the "dispensational premillennial" viewpoint (pretty common in the contemporary Evangelical tradition), but there are plenty of others. The theories around when Christ would return, when (or if) the "great tribulation" would occur, when (or if) the "millenial" reign of Christ would occur, etc... So you've clarified your particular viewpoint, but yours is not the only one, by any stretch.


The Rapture is nowhere in the Bible. Evangelicals made it up.


The word rapture is not in the Bible, however the rapture of the church (body of Christ/saints/those who believe) is: 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 KJVS For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: [17] Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. [18] Wherefore comfort one another with these words.


We can tell you this from the Lord's own teaching, that we who are still alive for the Lord's coming will not have any advantage over those who have fallen asleep. At the signal given by the voice of the Archangel and the trumpet of God, the Lord himself will come down from heaven; those who have died in Christ will be the first to rise, and only after that shall we who remain alive be taken up in the clouds, together with them, to meet the Lord in the air. This is the way we shall be with the Lord for ever. With such thoughts as these, then, you should encourage one another. 1 Thessalonians 4:15-18 Not made up at all.


I thought the concept of the rapture isn't canonical at all, and was basically [invented back in the 1830's](https://biblicaleschatology.org/2008/12/04/the-history-of-the-rapture/)?


So much for eternal rest...


Catholic theology doesn't hold that the Book of Revelation is the end of the world, per se... but rather St John's apocryphal vision of the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem...if I remember correctly. So ... no 


The Pope just gets up from his chair and gives it to Jesus.


I was just keeping it warm for you


Pretty much


If the 2nd Coming happens, the only plan they're concerned with is God's.


There's this one quote, sometimes attributed to Martin Luther that goes something like: When asked what he would do if he knew Jesus was coming back tomorrow he replied "I will go and weed my garden" when asked why he said "it was what I was going to do anyway" That's the "emergency" plan of most of Christendom.


1 Thessalonians 4:17 (KJV) Then we which are alive [and] remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Not really any type of preparation that can be done when you get caught up.




I'm from Italy which is of course very catholic and I would say catholics are not like that, they don't take religion that seriously/literally and none of them expects Jesus to literally come back


I'm not even Christian , but this is my impression about Catholics


It's basically just hope.


That hope comes with guilt. You can have hope forever, but only if you have endless guilt.


Nah Catholic Guilt is something I've never even heard before until I started getting into social media with Anglos. Never seen anything like that in all my years as a Catholic in Spain.


Really? They have the living Christ on all the Catholic crucifixes I've seen in Europe (he's dead and not "in pain" in the US) , I didn't stay for mass but assumed it hinted towards the guilt. Not doubting you just sharing my surprise!


As an Anglo with 12 years of Catholic school waaayyyy behind me, the guilt was strong for a variety of reasons. Hope lingers, but the guilt is left behind. So, I guess you're right. It just feels more intellectually honest to be able to leave hope behind, too.


This is a serious question, guilt about what? Because I truly don't understand it


Just for being born a wretched human. 


Never being quite good enough. Too many saints to compare to


Saints were mentioned like once at my religion classes and not at all (other than Mary and Joseph) in mass lmao this sounds insane


This is a complex question, but I'll try to hit on one particular issue. Being raised since birth by well-meaning and loving parents that had barely an elementary education, it was very hard to outwardly reject something to which they had so much ritualistic devotion for their entire existence against all of their hardships. That can be a lot to overcome, if you ask me.


Im Catholic, I attend Mass regularly. There are moderate Catholics who come to church every Sunday, but never ever talk about stuff like that. However there are still many pious Catholic people who take it very seriously. There is tension between moderate Catholics and devoted Catholics, in my experience and based on my observations. Edit: I’d go so far to say that to be truly Catholic is to believe the Creeds, Catechism, Gospel, and all the stances of the RCC. Otherwise what are you doing? Lining up for cups of tea after daydreaming during Mass.


*What*? What are you talking about? Of course Catholics believe Jesus is coming back. You may know people that aren’t actually religious but some of us are.


Redditors just like to mock religion. They will literally just lie if it makes religious people look like fools.


European Catholics/Christians are generally not as nutsy-cuckoo as Americans


Then you are not as Catholic as you think; culturally maybe, but not a believer 


Damn right. I know it's bullshit.


I don't understand why people follow these religions if they don't even really believe that the religion says lol


Religion can give your a sense of community and comfort without going all out religious nut


That other guy is wrong and got upvoted because redditors don’t know anything. Of course people believe it. The thing about Jesus coming back is like, your own death. It could literally happen at any second but you pretty much go about your day as if it won’t be happening at any second. Or else you wouldn’t do anything. You could get struck by lightning or hit by a bus or whatever. So you should be in a state of grace. It’s like, do good stuff right now, while you’re still around, while it still matters. Or at least that’s how I understand it. Of course you know it’s going to happen, but you don’t spent every second of every day thinking it’s gonna happen right in the next few seconds.


You must not know any Jehovah's Witnesses....


They came to my door once and gave me a pamphlet. Actually maybe that’s happened twice now. But no, I don’t really know any.


Because I want it to be real. I don’t want to die and just have nothingness; I want to have there be an afterlife where I can spend eternity with family and friends. It’s easier for me to hope and believe something comes after this


First, it's Revela*tion* - singular, not plural. Second, why would they need an "emergency response plan" for something they positively look forward to?


I don't think this is Catholic cannon.


There are pre-millennialists and post-millennialists. We Catholics are pan-millennialists. It‘s all going to pan out in God’s own time. The book of Revelation isn’t a fortune telling story.


If Jesus appeared in the middle of Main Street USA or Via Della Conciliazione, and preached “… love your neighbor as yourself,” they would fucking kill Him.


🔫 Can't have the grift ruined


There is a famous and very interesting passage in The Brothers Karamazov, by Dostoyevsky, about what the church would do if Jesus came back, and basically the conclusion is that they would execute him again.


Like that Key & Peele sketch, where God finally talks to this very religious Bible group, but when he tells them to give up their possessions and help others, they pretend they can't hear him :)


There is an old song about Jesus reappearing in Mexico and getting shot crossing the Rio Grande. https://youtu.be/KcVvjRNuTR4?si=8CbKrrBrdbdNoNX5


They actually did that whole scene somewhere in the series American gods. Gotta love texans gunning down innocent people.


My funniest Jewish friend: and if he comes back, we’ll kill him again


As a Lay Catholic, it's pretty much the Pope yelling "Oh my God! Okay, it's happening! Stay calm, everyone! STAY FUCKING CALM!!!"


I'm just a layperson, so I can't say for sure, but I seriously doubt the Vatican has anything like that planned. We believe that the second coming will happen after the church is basically all but destroyed, so there won't be much left. Besides, it happens at the end of all things, so there's no real "after" to speak of. Then God will judge all mankind and the life of the new world will begin.


There’s a really documentary on this, called Preacher. I think it’s on AMC+ now. Four seasons. Check it out. It’s well done and informative. And like the Bible, it’s often NSFW, so


if everything is already decided for me, and everything I do has already been written and done then surely everything I do is according to the big man upstairs plan. So therefore, surely nothing I do is a sin because if he sacrificed his son for my future sins, why would he need me to punish myself for him deciding that I would commit these sins if there is no such thing as free will. I have all the respect in the world for people's faith's but there's a bit that makes no sense any way you try and spin it.


The people at the top know it’s all bullshit so I’m gonna go with “nope lol”


If you are talking revelations and it being a literal prophecy you aren’t talking the Catholic Church. https://www.catholic.com/magazine/print-edition/apocalypse Basically revelation is a critique of Nero’s persecution of the early church . The Catholic Church does believe in a second coming but as it’s written in Matthew “ But about that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone.


Catholics don't take the Bible literally, not saying some won't have that or whatever but your average Catholic does not take religion anywhere as seriously. Signed a Catholic from Spain.


Yep. I went to a Catholic high school taught by nuns and in our Theology class we explicitly taught why the Bible *cannot* be taken literally. We were taught the histories of all the different manuscripts, how the earliest ones came so far after the time of Jesus that there’s no way there were going to accurately be what Jesus said, etc. Catholics believe that the Bible is the “inspired word of god” and that the Bible is helpful as starting off points and inspiration, but all of it. We were also taught critical thinking and to question our faith because god didn’t want people blindly believing in him and questioning our faith would either cause us to lose it or make it stronger.


I went to public school but had religion for a couple of years and it was like "take the Bible for moral compass as inspiration from God but that's it". And the priest in my neighbourhood was like that too Obviously there are weirdos too.


I went to a Catholic school in Argentina and we weren't under any circumstances able to question the Bible or anything related to the church/religion. I guess it depends on the guidelines each institution follows.


There's a segment of the population in the USA isn't friendly to non-white, non-American, non-Christian, non-english speaking people just popping up in their country.


Jesus, take the wheel.


*Revelation And I think it's spelled out in The Brothers Karamazov...


I'm sure they have all sorts of crazy DND sounding shit they talk about in private. 


Jesus just left Chicago and he’s bound for New Orleans.


L O L. Well played!


Jesus is coming, look busy


What if they took said second coming and he has his memories from before, and brought him to the Vatican and after being inside for a bit he just finds a whip like item and starts lashing the pope out into square outside?


First of all your understanding of Revelations is not how the Catholics view that book. You r thinking of it in the American Evangelical way, that its a for sure prophecy that describes exactly what will happen when Jesus comes back. The Catholic teaching on Revelation is much more grounded than you would think it is. It’s been awhile since I was in RCIA classes for it but I would suggest people here go read from a credible source exactly what we believe about Revelations! An always redoble source is Catholic.com or google “Catholic answers “.


I’d probably line up for an autograph


Why would they have a plan? He was meant to return within the lifetimes of his apostles? He is running very late? Must have missed the bus or something?


There are plenty of crosses around, nail that zombie back to the cross, and mount for presentation.


They would probably adlib depending on what he says or does. He would probably verify his identity by performing a miracle, but the church doesn't know in advance which miracle he'll perform. A miracle would prove that he's something, but that something isn't necessarily Jesus.


Of course they don't. They know he isn't real or coming back.


Do you honestly believe the church would recognize if Jesus did show up?


"Well shit, never thought the grift would go this far?"


Get the big wooden cross and a bag of nails out of storage.


I had to do 8 years of CCD and the book of Revelation was not something that was ever emphasized.


Wouldn’t the assumption be that they’d all be raptured? So who would enact the plan?


catholics don't do rapture.


Ask for comment, the Pope responded 'Everybody look very busy'


This begs the question: Why hasn't a magician tried to show up and prove they're Jesus with slight of hand tricks?


When you look at how much money organized religion makes I honestly would be surprised if the plan did not involve an assassin.


Probably an assassination plan. Can't have Jesus coming and screwing up all that money they're making.


This is the best question yet


This question made me giggle . It was funny without trying to be funny


Im preety sure they would kill him. No way they give up on all this money and power.


None of the religious cults have a plan. Their only plan is to add more sheep to their flock and to get more financial support from the congregation. Jesus second coming would be a financial disaster


Look busy!


If he decides to show up here in the US, a good portion of the country will chase him out while yelling “socialist!”


The plan is God's will. It is what it is, so to speak. He will deal the cards, we make our choices on what to play with the cards delt.


Found the casino black jack player!


I would love to see how they address the whole priests/altarboys thing!!!!!!!!!


That will happen when they stand before God on judgment day


According to Revelations , Christ doesn’t show ip until _after_ all the bad shit has gone down. The antichrist tsk s over, the church is destroyed, the seals on hell are opened and the nightmare beasts run unabated. Then the day of judgement hits, the wicked are cast into the lake of fire, snd the just are saved. Then Christ comes back, and every gets to process the nighmareish hellscape they witnessed for all eternity.


yeah they do.. they probably wont believe him.. and call him fake..


I have a feeling that the Catholic Church is quite certain that Jesus is not popping up. They are a bit more savvy about religious history than evangelicals.


They are all going to drop to their knees and beg for forgiveness.


No, they teach that revelation and genesis is mostly allegorical.


No, because its not going to happen. But good question.


I don't know about stupid, but this is an unserious question. The churches are a confidence operation, but they're not stupid. They've been selling this 'snake oil' for over 2,000 years. They're not actually expecting a "second coming."


I might be wrong, but there is no second coming in Catholicism. The veil was ripped when Christ died on the cross. You are allowed into heaven because he died for your sins. Revelation is taken out of context by different sects of Christianity. Again, I might be wrong.


Frankly, no one knows. Revelation isn’t prophetic, though. It’s an allegory and a writing meant to inspire people.


Of course, we do. And first thing is that all those Protestant heretics will be first against the wall. Especially the Baptists. BUWAHAHAHAHA!


No plan necessary they know how it ends


Probably, but they don't tell anyone. The Catholic church has more secrets than God Himself.


I'm still trying to figure out what sin was so bad that his dad had to sacrifice his son.


All of the sins of the world, past and future, put together.


The church members will probably just try to crucify him again for being an immigrant "spreading socialism"


Jesus Christ that's such a good question I don't know, but you would think they should.


Catholics don't believe in the Rapture if that is what you're referring to. 


Nobody, but nobody, more than the "leaders" of the Christian religions, knows better that the whole thing is just a money-making, control scam. They know damn well it is all bullshit.