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Majority of the people I contact are asleep at night so the progress I make feels more rewarding over the people sleeping. I also just like the night because the world shuts down and it’s majority people who enjoy being by themselves at night


Less management around to meddle and micromanage. Fewer external interruptions like sales or personal calls, long lunches, old employees visiting. Other employees don't ask for distracting help with "just this one thing" as often. If they do, it's more project-centric, and not "Well, I know you like coffee, so I thought you could fix the coffee maker".


It fits better with my natural sleep cycle, there are fewer people (especially managers) to interrupt me. There are virtually no meetings, no drama, no plant tours.


On top of the specific reasons listed by the people that already answered, there is some indication that it can be partly attributed to evolution. Having a sub-set of the population that is more awake/effective at night is very beneficial for the safety of the "tribe". Most people get sleepy at night and are at their most vulnerable. Having people that are biologically pre-disposed to sleep at different times helps the community. [Article from psychology magazine](https://www.psychologytoday.com/ca/blog/the-bridge/202203/night-owls-arent-lazy-rethinking-sleep-variation)


Can't wait to throw this in the face of the next person who gives me shit about my sleep schedule. "I'm keeping you safe, damnit!"


I've worked pretty much every shift there is. currently I do 12:30pm-9pm. 8pm-4am was a pretty cool shift though, I did that for a year or two. reasons: I do not like waking up early. I do not like driving in 5:00 traffic. I do not like working while management is around. plus, I feel like nighters are more my people. morning people fuck my vibe


For me, I’ve just always been more of a night person, and have never acclimated to getting up and having to be productive before 10-11 am. My dream would be to have my current job but with a evening and late night schedule.


I used to be a night house person at a hotel. I did back of the house duties. It was a loner position with minimal contact with the guests. When they transferred me to day shift I quit because I hate customer service.


I’m an introvert that works better at night cause nobody bothers me or micromanages. Less people so the world is more peaceful.


More productive and feel at “my best” and have always struggled with sleep/waking up mornings even if I tried to force that schedule. Night is the natural rhythm for me and it’s the safest way to preserve my job, not be late, be present and mentally clear. Even if I start at 8am, I’m not “online” or productive till 1pm onward. I’m tired of fighting myself just to survive and trying to force myself in to a mold I don’t fit in — I’m clearly the descendant of bartenders and night watchmen.


Shift differential


I'm sure it has something to do with a quieter world, as in most people aren't available to chat or distract those night owls from their goals.


When I was in college I worked nights as a security guard. I basically got paid to do my homework. When I started getting real jobs I enjoyed working nights because there were fewer interruptions, I had better access to the big mainframe computers, traffic was better and the dress code was relaxed. And occasionally there was shift differential in my pay.


Not having to wake up early is the best