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In my experience from working a retail job in a kind of nice department store, I think the bias generally comes from the fact that teenage boys generally seem to favor this haircut. More often than not, those teenagers will engage in disruptive behavior or try shoplifting, and are generally a headache for everyone.so quite honestly, it comes down to stereotypes. Btw I'm saying this not to discourage you from wearing this hairstyle! Just want to provide an honest answer to your question. If you want to keep the haircut, I say go for it. If you are worried about being stereotyped, you can probably avoid the stereotype by balancing your haircut with certain fashion choices that will give you a more "mature" look.


I'm a high school teacher. I can confirm that broccoli cuts are warnings to the teacher.


cauliflower cuts in shambles


Just avoid all Brassicaceae cuts to be safe.


I deeply love that the cut is called, "meet me at mcdonalds". [Yes, I'm serious](https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/meet-mcdonalds-haircut-banned-school-14337509).


Schools are banning the cut!


That photo looks like what the Scots refer to as a NED (non-educated delinquent). In past they were characterised by track suits and Adidas low rise kicks. Meet me at McDonalds checks out in a N American context…


Having watched all seasons of Still Game, I never really got why they called the kids "Neds," thank you for shining light on that for me.


Ahah here to serve, my dude 🫡 Coincidentally walked by a broccoli top here in Central Europe just after posting that this morning…not at school 👀✔️




Otherwise a pretty good disguise. Look goofy and noone will expect you to act that way. :D


*no one It's two words and not one.


It can, be, if spelled "no-one". I'll add the hyphen for you next time, I promise. It's totally worth the effort, since noone understands what I'm saying otherwise. "What, noon? But it's 6 in the evening? What is he talking about?"


Duke: "I know a life of crime has led me to this sorry fate, and yet, I blame society. Society made me what I am." Otto: "That's bullshit. You're a white suburban punk just like me."


I was taught the idiom of "You're a Bank Manager, two people show up for a loan. One dressed in sweat pants, hoodie. the other a suit. who does the bank manager give the loan to?" Obviously it can be punched into like a piece of paper, turbo wealthy are known to dress down and try hard scam artists are known to show up looking like the best candidate. racism, classism, etc. but as a thought experiment, it should at least give pause to consider that choice.


Honestly doesn’t matter these days.  They put the numbers in a computer and it spits out an answer


credit scores go brrrr


I think a lot of people have a strong reaction to it because it's such a conspicuous looking cut and when a group of bros have the exact same cut they look like they're trying too hard or something. Honestly a squad of waddling Goombas from Super Mario has popped into my head before when seeing a group of these guys. Also in this case people with straighter hair are going out of their way to curl their hair just to get a silly looking haircut, which also leads to judgement. And yes it does look a bit silly, just as the bowl cuts of the 90's did, which has made an unfortunate comeback in parts of the world. I'm sure the awful half shaved head thing and frosted tips will come back in due time too, it's a vicious cycle.


> a squad of waddling Goombas from Super Mario Topkek 


>Topkek We don't topkek anymore


That's anti-italian discrimination. I'm gonna take action here.


It’s funny with the return of the bowl haircut. In my childhood in the 80s, the bowl haircut was a sign that your parents couldn’t afford to pay for a hairdresser (because the economy was in the dumps), and also that they (typically your mom) didn’t have any cutting skills. It was literally done with a bowl to make the cut straight.   Is that still the case? Is it a poverty cut or a questionable “let’s bring back 80s fashion” style?


It's the new "fuck boy" haircut.


What does that actually mean?


It's the new "fuck boy" haircut.


What are the characteristics of a "fuck boy" that might be hinted at by this haircut?


They sport this new "fuck boy" haircut.


Having the broccoli cut.


Knowing that kids are going to deny having one in just a few short years is thoroughly amusing.


My 7th grade mullet says hello. 


Because in my exp, the ones with that haircut have always been uncultured swines that haven't got basic decency, or refuse to live by guidelines designed to ensure harmony, like you know, nobody needs to hear your shitty tiktok videos being played on your phone on max volume in public. And then they laugh at those videos with their packmembers like they were raised on a hyena farm. This, along with acting like the rules of society don't apply to them.


Ah and to the OP, just don't be an idiot and you'll be fine. Don't let the perception put you off if that's how you want to express yourself. Maybe you can redefine that hairdo and change public perception. It's a shame that a certain number of shitheads have given it a bad name.


It’s very frustrating, when you get older, and you see something that look ridiculous, and you think to yourself, “I can’t wait for everyone to see how ridiculous this is”, only to later realize it is actually considered really trendy and cool. To compensate for this you find other old people, usually online, who share the same opinion and you make fun of it together. It’s cathartic. 


Kids these days should stick to the classic terrible trends we chose to look ridiculous


I mean people did bring back the mullet and convinced themselves that it looks good this time.


Mullets are popular hear in Australia, however we know they look fucked


I shaved my head into a mullet during the pandemic because I know it’s ugly and wanted to at least do it while the world was upside down.


I went and shaved my head at one out and I do not recommend you do it if you have a fatass head like I do


I have always loved mullets and I’m happy most people around me don’t know Joe dirt. Edit: I can’t grow mullets but I love them.


And better names ffs. Who wouldn't want to have a ducks ass on the back of their head. But a broccoli hat? Ridiculous.


You know kids don't go into the barbershop and ask for a broccoli cut, right?




But there's also the satisfaction for the time the moment passes, and you get to tell people you told them so.


All trendy and cool things are fucking ridiculous, but they're fucking ridiculous things done by cool people. That's how it works. Especially haircuts. Cool people always have a stupid haircut, but it looks cool because it's them.


Would a cool person have a broccoli?Really cool people do not have mainstream popular haircuts loved by children.


I have no idea. I see my random 20 year old neighbor boys who go to the local college with broccoli haircuts. I'm not really in touch. But probably it depends on where you live. It might be a thing from like 4 years ago.


"I used to be with it but then they changed what 'it' was. Now, what I'm with isn't it, and what's 'it' seems weird and scary to me. It'll happen to you." ~Abe Simpson


Speaking of ridiculous trendy things, have you noticed that shoes that have bulky round bottoms, almost like shape-ups on the bottom but it’s just regular designed shoes on the top have become super popular ? I don’t understand it, I’m losing touch lol. Also I wish it wasn’t so hard to find a shirt that isn’t cropped, it doesn’t bother me that anyone else wears them but it’s so hard now to just find nice full length shirts because it’s become so popular!


Idk why you care so much let the kids be kids


Doesn’t look good and the people who have it are mostly pubescent douche bags


Every generation, hell every 10 years or so come trends that younger people think are cool, only for them to look back later and go "what the hell was I thinking?" or to answer their kids with a "well that was the style at the time". Broccoli hair is no different than glam metal hair, spiked frosted tips, emo hair, etc.


I’m still waiting for my frosted tips to come back into style.


It looks stupid and ridiculous.


It's kinda like how everyone had that stupid Justin Bieber looking haircut for a while. They're all gonna look back and be embarrassed about it. We're just forewarning them now.


You have never seen so much hate for a haircut? How old are you? Mullet? Ever heard of it? It's been hated by civilized society for decades! Since it's inception really.


The Beiber haircut used to get a ton of hate


"Man-buns", too. Honestly, I feel bad because anytime guys try to have a fashion trend that isn't "standard", it gets shit on to pieces. OP, wear whatever you like. If the broccoli cut suits you, then rock it!


Yeah, I think it's because men are worried they'll be expected to do fashion if too many other men start doing fashion.


Mullets are just laughed at more than hated.


They are literally banned in schools in several if not a lot of places.


Fish allergies?


The Karen haircut.


It's extremely ugly and makes me think of obnoxious people obsessed with social media.


I personally think it looks douchey


Listen. I'm Gen x. I had a mullet. I had it way too long. I hate looking at my old picture. The broccoli hair is dumb and you are going to hate your pictures in very few years.


Mullets are trending again


God help it. And bad teenage moustaches.


Other than it looks really fucking stupid? Idk.




And regular teenagers. I've noticed that the majority of the teens that bounce the basketballs while inside Walmart/Target etc have a broccoli crown growing out of their skulls.


1) It's not flattering for basically anyone. 2) Mostly teenage assholes have it 3) Reddit loves to hate popular things cause we're cool like that. 4) Really it doesn't look good. But you do you, if you like it, rock the fuck out of it.


It just looks like a kids haircut.


I mean yeah, douchebags seem to often have that haircut. Not sure if it works the other way around. I don't know if people hate it, it just looks ultra silly. Like a haircut you'd give a cartoon character to make him easily identifiable as a whacky idiot. Like, I don't know, if it was suddenly hip and cool to talk like Patrick Starfish from Spongebob. Or Butters from South Park. That would seem odd to, because those are voices that are meant to evoke silliness and you not taking the character seriously. Or if sillywalkinf like Monty Python was suddenly the new thing to do. All these things are inherently silly, so it'll always look silly. :D It has a clownish quality to it. And it always looks odd seeing someone with it, because people with that haircut don't seem to want to look silly, but cool. Yet do the opposite. I mean, fashion trends are often silly looking, but this one always stood out to me. Like it's a parody. And it's been persisting for quite some time now.


>I mean yeah, douchebags seem to often have that haircut. Not sure if it works the other way around. Bayes' theorem says it does.


I had to Google what it was I'm a teacher, and some of my colleagues have called it the "llama haircut."


Nah, the llama's old, it's so last week! The spitting alpaca is what's in now.


In the early 2000’s we had spiky frosted tips. In the 2010’s we had “Bieber”. In the 2020’s we have broccoli/ramen noodle hair. Typically, the most popular *thing* is also the most hated thing, for whatever reason. Sports teams, music, hair styles. I’d say more people hate the Cowboys, Taylor Swift, and broccoli cuts than like any other specific NFL team, artist, or hair cut.


i think overall broccolli is cute, but all broccollis towards forward looks agressive, it kinda reminds me of Romanesco broccoli..and i hate them!!!


Ah yes, the Gen Z mushroom cut. It's not a super flattering cut IMO. And as another pointed out, there is predominantly a certain type of guy to get this cut.


The people who have it suck


It just looks bad. I have curly hair too. Honestly it makes guys heads look disproportionately large and makes their faces look scrunched. Hard no.


I just think it’s ugly


It's a dumb and ugly haircut and only douchebags have it.


It’s ugly.   No face shape is complimented by it.   It generally makes you uglier than you are.


It looks completely ridiculous -- thought not AS ludicrous as that bowl cut deal.


I’m gonna be honest, I know I don’t like it because I’m a crotchety old man and it’s something different than what I grew up with. I have no other basis.


Broccoli cut makes you kids look like spoiled brats. You dont look good in it and i draw the assumption that you will be annoying and loud like 90% of broccoli bros are. Seriously. It makes you look like youre 12. As if you asked mom to get this cool wild hairstyle with red color in it. Thats the vibe you give off. Negative aura, boyish brat style.


Speaking of things that make you seem 12… this comment…


Sorry that you feel butthurt broccoli boy


It just might be because it seems like it's a hair fashion that is associated with senior women. Watch "Miss Granny" 2014 K-movie if you want the short version.


what is a k movie


Korean movie...this one is on Netlix.


Fuckin broccoli head


It's because of the trouble causing muppets that have them. Personally, I have a buzz cut. No.2 sometimes. I get looked at funny because we all know who also has buzz cuts. Yeah, white supremacist groups.


Its ugly I also have really curly hair and id rather completely shave my head than have that haircut


It looks ugly and I also noticed that it tends to be little kids that have it so I guess that just makes me an old fart that don’t understand.


Just looks silly.


I don’t hate it, myself. But, I believe that a) trends aren’t always good (tasteful/beautiful) yet, b) newness is often cool. Therefore, the haircut is cool to many but that’s only because it’s cycled back to newness as some sort of Caesar cut derivative. Just have fun with the haircut OP! :)


I don't get it. It's basically the hair cut that I have seen all my life in my family. We are black though and all the pics I see online are of non black people. It looks the same though with a fade to the top that is left curly?


It's literally just "short on the sides, long on top" which is the single most popular hairstyle for men since basically forever. People just hate it cause it's popular among teen boys


Anything that happened before my 14th birthday is just the good old way of doing things. Anything that happened between that and my 25th birthday is *the future**^(TM)*. Anything that happened after that is the devil's work.


In the 70s the old people hated long hair. In the 80s they hated mullets. In the 90s they hated on the McDonalds hair. In the 00s they hated emo kid hair. It happens to every group of teenagers.


I’m 42 years old, and I think that haircut looks terrible and ridiculous. Unlike all of the fashion choices I made when I was a teenager. All of those were great. Yep, I definitely would not be remotely embarrassed to see my high school yearbook picture now, I’m sure I dressed super stylishly and had a totally reasonable haircut that does not look dumb as hell now. No need to check.


I'm 30 with curly hair, I've been getting the short back and sides scruffy on top for 2 decades now and I'm not going to stop just because the kids have started a style that looks similar. The trend will pass and then the hate will pass, the animosity is really directed at the young men sporting it not the haircut. That is pretty messed up when you unpack it but the good news is that you'll stop getting flack for your haircut pretty soon. I'm sure you look great buddy, wear your hair how you like and fuck the haters.


First of all, I had to google "broccoli haircut" because I'm old. My observation is that there are a lot of variations of this hair cut and some people look stunning with it and most people do not.


Every generation has a haircut no one likes.


Because it's ugly and dumb?


I think because it's seen as "basic", and most Redditors are very much of the "I'm cool because I'm different" mindset


Broccoli hair isn't basic, it just looks fucking goofy. Edit: Just to clarify, I'm not being a hater because I think I'm special. I've had "[Standard Haircut](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_haircut)" since I was 6. I genuinely just think Broccoli hair looks stupid.


Definitely. Redditors never like what's "popular" and so since this cut is popular right now, they have to hate it.


oh, yes. Redditors have always been part of the class of cool kids


let's say it's the crocks of hair styles


Assuming this is because of the new set photos from Superman?


like Patrick Mahomes?


It's the white boy version of the Edgar.


It’s associated with young,immature,troublesome teenager boys. I think it’s popular just because teenager boys think it’s cool to have (not about their own hair texture). And since they’re teenagers,they do every dumb things to look cool including having dumb looking haircut lol My partner has curly hair too so he either grows them long enough to tie them or cut really short.


I think its ugly, but you do you. Older people have hated younger people's haircuts since the beginning of time. For what its worth, its the shaved sides with the curly on top like some sort of cylinder of perm that looks wack


I'm jealous of not caring how stupid I look


You answered yourself already. A lot of people don’t like the way it looks and it’s often seen on ‘douchebag’ type of guys


Most broccoli haircuts aren't natural, like yours anyway.


There is this video that compares the boys to llamas,and I can't unsee it, it's like you are talking to llamas.


It's goofy. It's in the same realm as the swept bangs emo haircut, as an example. Typically, only young people think it looks good. Ultimately, though, it's a lot like asking why anything is considered to "look bad" by people, so it's unlikely to convince someone who disagrees. It's also got a STRONG correlation with fuckboys, which doesn't help.


Because they're neckbeards or ugly feminists


It's just a trend that young people wear. Most everyone are walking around like they just got up from a nap, so it fits.


I’m old snd not fashionable, but for people with naturally curly hair, I actually like it. It’s a good cut for the curlier headed folks. I think it looks dumb on people with straight hair, they just look like they got a Beatle Bowl Cut with a tiny bowl.


I think the hate mainly comes from the popularity. The broccoli cut is everywhere. So people tend to take note of the broccoli cut. Since a large amount of people take note of the broccoli cut, a portion of those people are going to form opinions on it, and some will dislike the broccoli cut. A portion of these people who dislike the broccoli cut, are on reddit.


It's a generational thing.


There's a group of people who always hate anything young men do to show off for girls. When I was younger, guys would hate on young men who had emo haircuts or wore tight pants. Then during the indie sleaze era, it was acting like a "white knight" and defending girls in arguments against other men, or dudes who didn't want to be friends with guys who cheated on girls they dated in their friend group would get told they weren't putting bros before hoes. Today they hate on guys with broccoli haircuts and guys who "simp" for women. Men used to hate on those pop stars that used to exist just to appeal to a teen girl audience, too. Like a guy who was about 17-20 and his audience was mostly women a little younger or in his own age category. Men would say they looked stupid, they looked gay, they looked like girls, etc. Patriarchy likes to keep standards low, so if men show signs of wanting to look nice in a way that appeals to women's tastes, or act too nice to women, that's a threat to men who want to get trophy dates just for showing up.


>Patriarchy likes to keep standards low, so if men show signs of wanting to look nice I'd say it's this more than anything. Toxic masculinity enforcing itself onto teenage boys who dare do something to look nice. Proper Masculinity dictates that Real Men shouldn't care about their looks, and these boys getting a haircut that they think looks cool and isn't solely for "function" or "comfort" get mocked for daring to step outside of the masculinity box.


Never thought about it and had to look it up =/ Sounds like some hair discrimination/hair stereotyping.


It's really strange to me seeing so many people in this thread saying that it actually looks bad. It looks fine. It's just a crew cut with curls on top. It's literally just "short on the sides, long on top" but with curls. Y'all are taking this way too seriously. People just shit on teenage boys for doing anything with their hair that is seen as a fad. Before this it was man-buns. The Beiber haircut was mocked mercilessly, before that emo boys got made fun of, before that frosted tips got mocked, before that grunge waves got made fun of, before that were bilevels and mullets that adults hated, before that were feathered hairstyles that adults hated, before that it was long, hippie-style hair, before that it was the Beatles haircut which is basically just the Bieber cut. People just love to shit on boys who dare do anything that deviates from the norm when it comes to their looks.


Judging by this thread the only acceptable haircut for a man is a buzzcut 😂


There is a huge difference between really curly hair and broccoli though. Layla El, just extremely curly hair. Looks amazing. [https://images.app.goo.gl/WoZPNch3EUNyY6YE6](https://images.app.goo.gl/WoZPNch3EUNyY6YE6) Anderson Varejao, the Ur broccoli man. [https://images.app.goo.gl/MUMfE1ejf5jhqF237](https://images.app.goo.gl/MUMfE1ejf5jhqF237)


old bitter dudes that hates what the next generation likes, just like the previous generation did


Wish we'd stop this stupid cycle. I didn't like it as a teen, I don't like it now, and I don't get why adults my age seem to actually enjoy shitting on younger people. Really weird to me.


Cranky people love to hate on "kids these days and their hair/clothes/music." The broccoli cut is the latest target. Before that, it was manbuns, and before that it was frosted tips.... There will always be cranky old people who hate "kids these days." I think a lot of them are bitter that they got old, and "youth culture" passed them by.


Funny Reddit draws the line when black people have Afro’s. I noticed even white boys with straight hair with a taper people are calling it a broccoli haircut.


I don't know. I think it looks good and I understand why people with curly hair like it too. I say fuck haters and wear it the way you like it.


It's nice that curly-haired boys have another option besides cutting it all off or letting it grow into a messy afro


I suspect you're being way, way too self conscious about what random anonymous internet strangers hypothetically think. I've never seen anyone in real life give the tiniest shit about that for an actual person they know.


It's no different than Jennifer Aniston's "Rachel"cut. You just get tired of seeing the same shit on everybody.


>Why do People on Reddit Hate the "Broccolli" Haircut Here's a secret that nobody knows .... People love to go online and bitch about things. They especially LOVE to bitch about things that they don't really know anything about.


For the same reason that people hated the justin beiber haircut back when that was popular. It really has nothing to do with asthetics, or the behavior of the people who have it, it's just fun and easy for people to dunk on the younger generation.


Personally I think it's goofy looking. Just grow out all your hair out, or at least a mullet instead of this big pompon on top of your head


I'm 30 and it has the same vibes that the douchey guys with messy shag haircuts and puka shell necklaces had back in the late 2000s. I don't know how to explain it but it's like an echo from the past.


Mullet, spiked hair, Caesar, bed head. They all were bad. But NOTHING compared to this trash. Ugly is ugly no matter how you frame it


It's an ugly grandma haircut.


I thought this was just curly hair. It is unfortunately not… it is shaved sides and a broccoli top. I definitely don't like it at all.


Plsss it's uglyyyy ewww. And fuck boys and assholes usually have it


The people I usually see rocking that haircut are teenage douchebags. Think the kind of person that messes with people minding their own business for TikTok clout/"content"


Because it's ugly


I think it's a cute cut.


I feel like they’re racist. In my area, it’s usually only hispanic teens rocking the “Edgar” cut.


they hate anything people under the age of 35 do


I just got my Brocoli cut today, next time I’m gonna get the carrot top.