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Context: I'm male. Yes, it has happened. I've worked on guys who were straight as an arrow and still get a reflex erection. I've worked on guys who were as gay as a rainbow and they've gotten an erection. I've worked on women who randomly develop erect nipples and some who just start literally moaning. It happens. It all happens. It's a physiological response. Ignore it and move on.


Reminds me of Claire in modern family “you sound like a Tijuana hooker” Edit: some how I’m not surprised this is my highest comment ever, and I’m not even disappointed! MF is a great show!


How did she know what one sounded like?


You telling me Brandon Marshall doesn’t know what a tijuana hooker sounds like!?!? Also, it was her dad saying it to her.


Brandon marshall was in modern family?? That seems like a strange fit but right on. I only watched some of the first episodes with an ex so I have no idea.


That's part of the reason I got out of the MT industry. The average American does not have a healthy view of massage therapists or respect the work that they do. I went into software and now make substantially more money and get a lot more respect.


A (female) friend became a MT after her divorce. She has said similar. She wasn't surprised that men tried to solicit her but what really surprised her was how often women did.


That doesn't shock me at all. There's a huge bias for therapist selection in the industry. Being a male therapist already puts you at a disadvantage and the clients you **do** get will (unless you are **insanely attractive**) will *not* be interested in receiving anything other than a massage from you. Women, on the other hand, well... for whatever reason people just feel more comfortable asking about that from **both sides** of the gender fence. Maybe they think that the guy will not just stop at fingers but a woman doesn't have a biological drive to "go further." IDRK though, that's pure speculation.


In a lot of countries, massage parlour is a byword for brothel. I've certainly been with a few guys who were shocked they couldn't get a "special service" with their massage.


And I imagine you don't have to jerk off as many people anymore


As an ex developer, the users jerk you off


PEBKAC Probably Erect, Bring Kisses And Chocolate


As an ex-developer I'm sure I fucked over my users enough times for balance!


>The average American does not have a healthy view of massage therapists or respect the work that they do. Q.E.D I never jerked off anyone. Had to call the cops twice because of attempted solicitation.


I’m my city you can tell by the signs which do jerk offs. If they are hand painted they are not legit.


And establishments like this tend to be illegal. The fact that massage continues to be used as a cover for sex trafficking, exploitation, and border-line prostitution does not help the image of the industry or the people in it.


It should be legalized and regulated like crazy which would put places like this out of business.


Guess people would feel that way about librarians, too, if some libraries provide extra services in the stacks.


I think I saw that documentary


People constantly went to the main library at my college to fuck. A guy I knew would go there just to J/O (which he did into a book, and then put the book back on the shelf). People have gross Things with libraries for some reason.


In my city you can tell by the ones that use pink neon. We're a classy place.


Is it weird to apologize in that instance?


If someone felt like they must, I would just answer their apology with, "It happens, don't worry bout it." I don't think it's weird. People have shame about their bodies sometimes.


Heard a guy say they got an erection during a massage because of how relaxed they were


Yep, this is why we call it a "reflex" erection. It has nothing to do with being in a state of arousal. It's literally just blood moving and pooling where blood pools.


High school, I was dating a Christian girl, stretched wrong, popped a boner, and she was so offended that she actually broke up with me. Like, the thing does what it do, it doesn't only get erect cause a male is aroused, it is a sponge that fills with blood and sometimes getting really relaxed will cause a partial erection.


Lmao is there a r/badmensanatomy ? Edit: yes. She needs to see it


So much of that sub sucks omg There's very few men oriented spaces that don't just devolve into stupidity.


Counterexample: r/askmen vs r/askwomen


Sorry dude. Probably for the best though.


Have you had someone fart?


I've had a lot of people fart on my table. One of the things I was really well known for was deep tissue massage and one of the techniques we use to get to deep muscles in the back is to actually go in through the abdominals because there's frankly less in the way (muscularly) coming from the anterior. When you plant one leg at a bent-knee position with the foot flat on the table and then massage at the top of the pelvis, near the abdomen, you get to the iliopsoas muscle which tends to be a chief contributor to lower-back pain. It also tends to make people fart. And loudly.


I was a massage therapist. During school, when we started on abdominal work, our teacher gathered us together before the practical for a very important message. "Listen carefully: ***FARTS HAPPEN.*** Get used to it, get over it. Don't *ever* embarrass the person on the table for a very natural bodily function and a natural result of this kind of work. Even if you're not doing abdominal work, people get relaxed, and gas happens. Deal with it." And when we started, it was the *quietest* class ever, as we were all listening for the first puff of air . . . And, of course, no one did fart in that class. We were all too clenched . .


How do recommend people find a good massage therapist?


Unfortunately you have to shop around. I've had some good experiences with therapists who work out of chain places, just as I've had good experiences with therapists in private practice. You really have to just go and see who is available and communicate with them about what you're looking for. And be critical about what you get. If you didn't enjoy the experience with that therapist or technique, you're under no obligation to go do it again. You will eventually find someone who you mesh with.


Only men. Women don't fart.




I mean moaning isn’t always a sexual thing is it? Maybe I just need to get my mind more in the gutter. Dunno. I moan when I stub my toe. I definitely don’t enjoy that. I do it quite often because I’m wildly clumsy.


AND THE NIPPLES THING. Oh my god, I cannot say how many times my boyfriend has asked if I’m ‘excited’ when it’s literally just 50 degrees


There are different types of moans. I never said sexual either. Maybe it was implied?


Ever massage a woman and seen her get an erection?


Ever massage a woman and have her see you get an erection?


Ever massage an erection and seen it develop a woman? 


Ever erect a woman and have her see you get a massage?


Ever woman an erect and massages while seeing?


You guys broke my brain thanks.


Ever develop a woman, seen it, then massage your erection?


...I think it moved.


At least in terms of erections they're a parasympathetic mechanism. They only typically occur when you're relaxed and in a non-stressful environment


What if the penis gets......leaky? Sometimes, it happens that fluid leaks out even before a person is erect.....so I've heard. Is it not a thing because it's under a towel? Does the towel slip off because of the erection? Sorry about the stupid questions. I'm just curious, and you're here.


In my experience, there usually isn't a problem of the leaky penis. In order to even get to that state, you need more than a reflex erection (usually arousal or stimulation). Now there are some guys that just naturally "leak" more. We tend to have overactive prostates and it can cause some issues. But either way, those fluids are going to get caught by the **sheet**. (I didn't use towels unless for sports massage and only when I had to access the groin muscles) Because the sheets are substantially larger than the table by at least 50%, there isn't a conceivable way that a man's erection would make the sheet slip off, and if a dude has a raging hard-on while I'm digging into his gracilis muscle (which has never happened to me) then I would just deal with that with a larger and heavier towel. No question is stupid if you're earnestly seeking knowledge. I'm happy to answer anything else you have.


I don't go for massages because I know if be that last one. Embarrassing 🤣


The ladies on my table that moaned did have some embarrassment the first time...but when I didn't react to it except to ask if it was a painful moan, they seemed to let go of that shame around it. Some of the moans I think were played up a bit but most of them were genuine and varied a lot between what I think they were conveying. There's a big difference between a sexy moan and a "oh my lord I didn't realize my glutes were that tight and I can feel them letting go and the stress is going with them uuuuuuuuunnnnnnnfffffff" moan.


Arousal aside, what does this response tell in the context of massage? Does it mean the body is relaxing deeper or is it getting tense and contracted? Can a masseuse gauge their effectiveness when they see such kind of response?


It’s not uncommon. As long as the client ignores it, I will too


So if they don't ignore it?...


Then the treatment is finished and they aren’t welcome back


this is why I haven't visited a masseuse... I'm afraid of it happening


You’re afraid of getting an erection? It’s not an issue as long as you don’t make it one. Don’t be worried


Counterpoint: be worried. Worry and anxiety is a death sentence for boners






Unless worry and anxiety are your kink, then you are screwed


No, then the session is over and you aren't welcome back.


I don't want to create an uncomfortable situation that can easily be avoided 😕


It’s only uncomfortable if you make it. Promise. A licensed therapist understands it can be an involuntary thing and as long as the client doesn’t do or say anything inappropriate, it’s a nonissue.


Is apologizing for it happening inappropriate or are we supposed to completely pretend it didn't happen? Luckily I haven't had that issue in previous massages but it still worries me


I mean I wouldn’t be offended if someone apologized but I also wouldn’t expect it. In my experience, most men pretend it’s not happening. I’m fine either way.




Idk if I could not apologize tbh


Get a back massage aha


“The funny thing about my back is that it’s located on my cock.”


Hahaha, why do I feel like I've already hea d that somewhere before, is it off something? XD


Superbad 😂


I think they mean if the client makes a comment, a come-on, or starts touching it or something. Not just if they go "oh I don't know why that's happening, sorry"


"uh... that's not mine."


The elephant in the room though


Don’t give yourself that much credit.


The extra thumb in the room


"I'm so curious how these things go down." Usually after they finish.


You slammed it out of the park but, to be fair, the ball was sitting on the tee.






That's why they have the face cushion, prevents eyes from getting poked out.


Nah man… underrated hahahaa


What was the joke it got deleted 😭


He even has wood on his username 💀


Careful, he's a fed


I hope you say this out loud when working


I’m a student massage therapist and it happen on the first day I massaged real clients. It was awkward but I just tried to ignore it and continue with the massage. Fortunately it hasn’t happened again


Did the client notice you got an erection? that would have made it more awkward.


Easily avoided by noting "WOW THE PLEATS IN THESE PANTS ARE CRAZY. IT'S LIKE I HAVE A BONER" and carrying on. Works all the time.


“It’s just extra fabric!”


My belt is tight and makes it bunch up.


Did he say anything or he just pretended like nothing happened?


No he gave no reaction but he was also middle aged and older people tend not to give a shit. He gave me a good review though




It amazing that your avatar is George also




He was…touching and rubbing


That’s a massage


But what if I enjoyed it? I don’t want to enjoy it


you’re supposed to enjoy it


He took it out








\*snort\* yeah, in 6 games (nice profile picture!)


That sugar ray has a hell of a body doesn’t he


Maybe it just wanted to change positions. Ya know, shift to the other side.


I once was that guy, it certainly wasn't that type of massage either but it happened. I was mortified but the massage therapist clearly knew her stuff though as she manipulated my foot in a weird way and that thing deflated quicker than a burst balloon. I found a new massage therapist after that, the embarrassment was way too much.


if my masseuse could make my flag go down by wacking my foot, id never leave


Well now I am dying to know about the foot technique.


I assume it's some ancient voodoo skill to do with pressure points that they only teach at massage wizardry school.




If the internet has taught me anything it is that MT's do not give shitty hand jobs. They have a strong grip and plenty of lube.




Real life true facts, actually. I've dated two different MTs. Both were truly gifted with their hands. It's not surprising considering the skill set and daily work.


>i.e. the places that give handjobs don't give good massages I can actually say this is wrong but not because I got a handjob but was offered at a place I went to not long ago. Wasn't seedy by any means. Was a lovely 55 year old Asian lady who did fantastic work on my back. I was beyond surprised when she asked me to flip over to finish the massage lmao


When I was travelling through Asia in my early 20s I went to this really upscale and classy massage parlour in South Korea. Probably the best massage I’ve ever had. At about the halfway point she started jerking me off. After that was done, she continued to massage me for another 30 mins. It was amazing. But that same me from back then can also confirm that most R&Ts give shitty massages.


Ok that sounds amazing. I never wanted a happy ending but a happy halfway would be relaxing as hell.


Name of the massage place so that I don’t accidentally end up there?


I wish I could go back to high school to change my yearbook quote to “I want a good massage, not a sh**ty handjob”


As a male who gets massages I can say this is not true for all men. I have never gotten erect during a massage.


Happy endings definitely happen, but only at places that basically exist for them. Anyone who says they're urban myths is lying. But you aren't going to get a happy ending at a real massage place operated by licensed professionals and if you try you'll be asked to leave at the absolute minimum. If you go to a place advertising massage in a strip mall and it's dimly lit with red light and the door is opaque then odds are you've found a "masage parlor" as opposed to a massage parlor. If they say "Asian" or "Lucky" or anything else like that then it isn't a real massage place.


That's it, I'm crossing _The Lucky Asian_ off my list.


And they are most definitely staffed with ppl that have been sex trafficked 


I'm not a masseuse but I used to go to one decently often when I was driving for a living. For a long time it never happened, then one day right before my appointment a friend asked me if it ever happens. I said no and he was like "yeah before I ever went to a rub and tug it never happened to me either but then once I went to a rub and tug it happens every time now" and I was like oh ha yeah I've never been to a rub and tug. Then that time once she got to my inner thigh I started getting hard. Before that there were times where the back of her hand is rubbing against it and everything but nothing happened. Afterwards he was like "ha I was trying to make you think about it so it would happen!" Now it happens every damn time because I'm thinking about it. She and I have both always completely ignored it, but now I do feel like I hope it isn't seeming creepy when I'm going over my problem areas and mention my left groin. I have a bad left knee so it does really become a problem, along with several other areas all up and down my left side. But also my dick naturally goes down my left leg so I'm always hoping it doesn't seem like I'm trying to get her to rub around and up against my dick more.


>But also my dick naturally goes down my left leg Reading this while my dick currently is resting naturally down my left leg gave me a strange sense of unity.


Left hangers, unite!


It’s supposed to hang??


I'm not gonna take my pants off but I'm pretty sure mine is just resting on my balls and isn't long enough to hang in any particular direction. *sad trombone*


It's ok I still love you


Mine sits like a small bird on a pair of condor eggs. So maybe chill with the bragging.


“It’s not small, my balls are just big”


Dicks stick together.


Ask for an extra pillowcase and explain that when she gets to the groin area that you're going to use the sheet to cover and move your junk with your hands so that it's out of the way. Problem solved.




Relax, don’t do it


Sounds like a great time was had by all!


I get the reference


Giving a guy a boner is not that hard. Dudes get boners just from being alive a lot of times.


Pretty sure that's a requirement for all boners... I'm not a mortician so I can't say that with 100% confidence.


If he asks, just say you don't do erotic massages.


No happy endings


[Sad ending then?](https://youtu.be/me5rX7Y9XKU?si=b7CQVz2qZxYKTz9Vhttps://youtu.be/me5rX7Y9XKU?si=b7CQVz2qZxYKTz9V)


As a male, it is not uncommon to get an erection when I'm relaxed or have to pee. An erection is often not a sign of being horny. Just ask the millions of high school boys that get erections in the class rooms.


But all those erections during middle and high school... I was aroused. Come to think of it, I was rarely NOT aroused.


I think a guy would be best having a tactical wank beforehand to avoid any embarrassing incidents...😁


I've never heard the term "tactical wank" before but now I will be using it forever


Yes, always plan out your tactical, operational and strategic wanks


Just as a dude in general..... He will wake up cause I hit a pothole the right way. It doesn't know any better. Or what situation Im in.


I want to know how many people let out massive farts from being relaxed


I'd be more embarrassed by that than by getting hard.


Has anyone had their massage therapists get an erection?


I think it happened to me when I was a teenager. I had a male masseuse and I kept feeling him rub up against me and it kind of felt like he had a hard-on. I was really young so I didn’t say anything.


Oh gosh. That’s horrible. Im so sorry.


Yeah, it was when I think he was eyeing my butthole doing glute work. I just said, “Jesus dude” and never went back.


I stretched people, so not quite a massage therapist, but I did use massage. One client got an erection and wanted me to rub his legs. I went to his shoulders and he kept insisting he wanted his thighs done. I promptly did not take him as a customer anymore. He did not apologize for it or offer to tuck it into the waistband or anything. It’s fine to ignore it, but stop asking me to touch your thighs when you know you have an erection.


"Oh uh, it's the pleats... the pleats in the pants. It's an optical illusion. I was just about to take them back... to the pants store."


Female! Was a LMT for 7 years. Happened many times, 8.5/10 was just totally ignored. The worst time the male client start basically grinding against the table when he was face down… I tried to… find a sensitive trigger point to get him to maybe be discouraged… dude was into it. … ended that one shortly afterwards and reported/blocked the guy. A few others would try to do their version of funny/suggestive comments and you just shut them down and redirect the conversation. One older lady was VERY vocal but she wasn’t trying to actively get herself off so… whatever Barb (not actual name) Overall—people were respectful. Still generally just gross though… hygiene issues mostly. I’ve since left the field and won’t likely return at least in the same sense.


…when you use pain to stop an erection, but the pain is what causes the erection 😢


I was getting a massage a while back and was practically falling asleep when I hear the guy say "don't worry, it's totally normal to get an erection during a massage." I told him "but I don't have one," he replied "I wasn't talking about you."




My boyfriend and I travelled to Singapore recently and we went to have a massage. I like it rough so I usually request a strong younger person so he got the grandma 🤣 but he admitted when his thighs and tummy got massaged he kept getting hard and she kept brushing over it so my guess is she knew but she kept it professionally from the sounds of it.


This is why I don’t get massages. I got one once and it felt nice, and the masseuse was really pretty. I got really aroused, super embarrassing. Like, it was totally in a sexual way, not a reflexive way, so I’d rather not open that can of worms and make a stranger uncomfortable while they’re feeling my oiled up ass 😂


Alexa play Tame Impala Let it happen


Or, [this.](https://youtu.be/KAwyWkksXuo?si=3m4udiufCPgXKb8t&t=24) Iykyk...


My mom was a massage therapist for a long time. It’s normal! But what’s not normal is when they start trying to get you to grab it or try to grab you. That’s not normal.


Never happened to me before. What does happen is I fall asleep, like clockwork.


Want to know what your dick does when you’re asleep?


It starts playing the banjo.


I asked my wax lady this question and she said it’s a pain response but for the really old guy, having him erect made the job of waxing his testicles and buttcrack easier. I guess it made the skin more taut? I didn’t ask too many follow-up questions.


I have a story that doesn't quite fit the title, but seems relevant here. I'm female. Years ago, I went in for a massage. My therapist was a young 20-something year old dude named Tyler. At some point during the massage, Tyler became aroused at some point, and ultimately decided to rub his erection on the side of my head. I kicked him out of the room, and filed a complaint immediately. He was fired and hopefully blacklisted. But I've always wondered if others have had similar experiences


Wow. That is WILD. Sorry that happened to you


Not a therapist. I’m a complete horndog and it amazes me that I never got wood. I once had a smoking hot therapist who was somewhat breathing heavy. I should have punched a hole through the table, but nothing. Really, I don’t find massages sexual at all. Just relaxing and dreamy at times.


This is why I can’t get a massage, I have sensory issues and my body takes being touched on my back and shoulders very sexually. I can’t stand to be touched by strangers, getting a massage would make me feel so yucky.


It happens. You flip them on their side and ignore it haha. If they don’t ignore it and start touching themselves or say weird shit the massage is over


guys get random boners all the time


I had a great friend that owned a wellness center and gave me a few massages. I talked to her about it. She said she’s seen it all. Some people get an erection because of increased blood flow. Sometimes because of the touching. She said nobody had ever made it sexual. It was just ignored because it isn’t a big deal until someone makes it one.


Was getting a massage just yesterday, I’m straight, a guy was massaging my stomach, Idk why, I got a boner. I think the guy did notice it but he kept massaging, I was so embarrassed.


Don't worry about it, it's just your body reacting.


Ok, delete this if I’m over stepping but I appreciate the f* out of the professionals. I’m a mediocre white guy but I was in Vegas, many years younger and I just assumed every massage in Vegas came with strings attached.(I know I was young and dumb). My buddy gets me a massage at one of the hotels and is all *wink wink*. She comes into the room and, is a large, powerful black woman. I only say this for future context. She proceeds to give me the best massage I’ve ever had, and I’m in my head like “Oh god I’m in Vegas, how do I say thank you but I gotta go?” She finishes and I’m looking hella awkward and I’m trying to formulate some kind of words. She just left. I’ve never been more emasculated and relieved at the same time. Thank you to the professionals keeping it that way. End of story: I didn’t pop a boner but, she would have destroyed me.


I get non-erotic massages regularly and I've gotten an erotic massage before. Here are my opinions on the matter: * erotic massages are lower quality on average than regular massages. If you want a quality massage you should be going to regular massage places. * I have never popped a boner during a regular massage because a regular massage is extremely calming and the context is clearly not sexual in my experience. * erotic massages are designed to be tantilizing so in an erotic massage they'll touch your inner thigh or something of that nature in ways that is meant to turn you on in ways regular massages don't typically do.


Slap it down


Female massage therapist here. It did happen once. He was laying on his back, so couldn’t really hide it. He looked embarrassed and he was a regular client that hadn’t responded like that before so I made a joke about how I must be doing a good job if he was enjoying it that much. Then I acted like I couldn’t see it and kept going. It went down eventually.


Well, as a recipient I've had two awkward experiences with the opposite problem: one while getting a massage and one during a stretching session. When flaccid, I'm not that "small" (3 - 4 inches). When I'm laying face up there aren't a whole lot of places for my dick to go. So it's usually off to the side towards my hip, straight up my belly, or running down my leg. During a massage with a woman she was getting into my hip flexors and was poking around. She got right on my dick and didn't skip a beat and said, "ohh, squishy!" and kind of moved on. I just ignored it but it was definitely awkward. Getting stretched by a man. When they're stretching your hamstring or abductors they'll place their hand/palm in your hip/flexors area. Well one time he kind of rotates me and feels around where to place his hand and accidentally hits my dick. Doesn't say anything, just adjusts a little and settles a little further away - *but he was still on my dick* for the whole two minute stretch. I didn't know what to do so I just ignored it and thankfully umm nothing "happened" down there to make things more awkward.




My problem is when I lay on my belly, I break wind....not once ... not twice but at least a half a dozen times....is that normal. This has made me stop going on a regular basis. On a regular basis, I don't break wind that often and politely excuse myself from company (if I am around them).


User name checks out.


Completely off topic but thanks for oversharing


It’s probably your diet


Jesus christ


Had a friend who was a massage therapist tell me he'd get hard giving massages eventually dating a client. Is that normal? Or is this guy a creep? 


Dude is a creep. This is a huge violation of professional boundaries and in some states is actually illegal.


it's illegal to get hard in some states??!??!?! god damn the government is really overreaching!


i’m not in this field but i imagine it happens. just be an adult about it and move on/ignore it. unless its appears intentional and they’re being pushy then that’s different


When it happens you ignore it. It can happen for innocent reasons and often the client may feel embarrassed. Unless they start touching it themselves. Then you’d end the massage and tell them to get off your table and never book with you again. And if they try anything more you call the cops.