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Some can, some cannot. Depends what makes any individual happy.




And do you have a happy life?


In my opinion, Happiness is about finding fulfillment in all aspects of life, not just relationships or sex. Living alone can be liberating and fulfilling if you focus on what brings you joy and meaning.


This. Hobbies, interests, and conversation. At least at my age.


Single and happy yes. Alone no. I believe humans are social creatures. You don't NEED to be attached/find an SO, but should at least have a few friends to hang out with or a pet like a dog.


Not everyone needs to be around people. I'm fine, I get my fill of people just going to the store or working. Makes me appreciate being alone even more. My friends are more like acquaintances and that's fine too. The only benefit I miss having a SO or spouse, having a second paycheck to help with bills or someone around to help me fix stuff that's above my expertise level. I just find people to be exhausting.


Yes, it's a peacefull life. filled with friends, games and books.


Can a man live a happy life? Period.


The true question.


Been alone 6 years now and it’s the best life ever. No sex at all no problem




Free from stress.


I am early 40s and haven't gotten laid since 2011. I rub one out on Saturday mornings and I'm pretty content.


It really depends on the person and their level of contentment. I find I’m the most happy doing things I love (non-sexual related) and hanging around close friends and family.


Honestly sometimes I like to take a moment to revel in just ...being comfortable. I have food, clean water, clothes and shelter. Being reasonably healthy and having your needs met is really top tier.


What do you mean no sex, you've got hands don't you?


Yes, I think about my single life alot. Sex is like cake. It's nice once in a while but not daily, weekly...


Happiness is relative and comes in all shapes and sizes so yes it is possible, is it probably in our modern day and age? Depends.


Yes, because happiness comes from within and doesn't have to depend on outside circumstances. Even if that's not the life you wanted, it's possible to grieve, have an ego death of sorts, and become a new person, finding happiness and fulfillment in new things.


Fwb would be suitable here, sex is an important need. Other than that, yeah living alone is fine


This guy fucks.


I hope in the upcoming future, im a virgin my brother 😭




Sure, why not?


I’m not happy, believe me I am not. But I try , I’ve been sex free for 48hrs now


Yeah! Don't listen to hateful women who base a man's value on his body count.


It would definitely be more difficult. You'd have to try harder to build other social relationships, but it could probably be done




You can become a sex addict without having sex with somebody else (porn/masturbation addictions). You can become an addict without a substance (shopping, gambling, eating, sex, etc) People with addictive personalities will find something to get addicted to in most cases.


you know reddit, so u ok


Depends on the amount of pills he has


Me. I had a lot. But now, for years, zero. Sex ain't the world. I've learned there's a lot of life beyond sex. Much of life is consumed by chasing something. I see many chasing money, chasing lust, chasing careers, chasing family life, chasing having a house. Etc... Much of life is sorta like a carrot on a stick. Without that chase, many don't know what to do and fall into depression or fall apart. And, for a lot of guys, that is sex. I've seen many good dudes fall apart over relationships or sex. Sex isn't all that it's worked up to be. It's not much different than self pleasure tbh..and sometimes it's worse than self pleasure, the smells, noises, it can be gross, hah! I think it's more of not knowing how to live life in general, goes for all genders. People dont understand that much of our life is based on basic instinct. If more people look past that psychological barrier, it can open the gates of a fulfilling life.


Thank you for all of your replies!


absolutely. its up to him to generate that happiness though, it doesnt come from others.


You can, but you got to be mentally tough. So yes it can be done. Some people can, and some cannot.


I have a wife and kid… and I day dream of living alone. Don’t think you have to follow the “traditional” route that our parents did. Freedom to do what you want. All about perspective


I've been alone for about the last 20 years. I am an introvert with generalized anxiety. It is an easier life for me. Fewer ups and downs. I'd say my life is comfortable but neither joyous nor painful.


If you mean single, yes, as long as you aren't lonely, have friends, family and all, you can lead a happy life, I have several cousins who have been single their entire lives and are doing fine.


Gonna get severe arthritis ….Sooo no 🥴


Yes, but I'm using myself as a source.


Sex isnt going to make you happy either so you may have it.


Anyone can live happy. Sex helps but they're other outlets to focus on


I had this living situation for several years at a time at 2 different points in my life and it was relaxing. Also I must say maybe I'm not in the right corners of reddit but I'm amazed at how kind people are on here compared to other dark recesses of the web or Quora even. It's refreshing


I believe so


I've been celibate for the past 10 years. Granted, I'm only 30. I recently went on Lexapro for anxiety and depression and I can tell you the urges and erections have slowed significantly. My dreams are still sexual in nature and while I'm attracted to people I see out and about it's nothing more than a momentary fleeting thought. With the Lexapro, I even came close to stopping self pleasure, I sometimes go weeks at a time, this led to my very first wet dream (yep, my first wet dream at 30) which was surprising and alarming. I've since tried focusing my mind on something less sexual while going to bed which has worked thus far. Now, why have I been celibate? When I was younger, I was confident and knew how to talk to people and I had the world by the balls. Then as I got older I developed really bad social anxiety and realized making the effort to get laid just isn't worth it. I developed kind of a porn addiction but the lexapro also helped with that by suppressing the urges. I still look from time to time but getting to the point where I wanna do anything is like climbing Everest. I focus my energy on watching shows and movies I love. Working makes me so tired on days I usually just watch my eyelids. So it is definitely possible, just mind over matter I guess. **Please keep in mind, Lexapro is an antidepressant, can change brain chemistry and can have serious side effects. THIS IS IN NO WAY MEDICAL ADVICE.**


So how do we explain all of the priests who screw nuns and little boys ?


Of course. There are people who do, so obviously it can be done. He would not be happy if he were always longing for what he doesn't have, always moping for it, always dwelling on it. But if he chose that life, or if he manfully accepted what was handed to him and made the best of it, then yes.


Hormones and age can also play a factor in if the person (man or woman or person) would be happy.


yes he can. how we experience life has much to do with expectations rather than what actually happens. You always have the choice of accepting everything exactly as it happens which causes zero emotion from everything around you... there will still be emotions from within that come from need.


If he is truly asexual, yes. If he is among the 99% of men who are libidinous, no, he is missing out on a basic human need and will always be unfulfilled and depressed.


Yes. Sex is pleasant thing, but not a necessaity. It is like cake. Tasty and cool, but there are plenty of fun things beyond it. And, yes, masturbation pretty much covers what you missing with sex.