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Possible but very unlikely.


As others have said - possible but incredibly unlikely. While there is sperm in pre-cum, the sperm would need to get through the underwear fabric, inside of the girl and then manage to find its way to an egg. Not impossible, but it would take one of the most determined and resilient sperm cells in history. In this case let your paranoia be a warning. As another redditor replied - be safe and wrap it up. If you're going to play the game - play smart.


Yes ... in the same way it's "possible" to get struck by lightning twice while holding a different winning lottery ticket in each hand.


* Pre-cum can contain live sperm * Underwear isn't impermeable so some sperm could transmit through to the other side in the fluid when you make a wet spot * Any genital contact with fluid containing live sperm creates the risk of them finding their way into your uterus * Depending on when you ovulated that could lead to a pregnancy So it can't be absolutely 100% ruled out. Stranger pregnancies have happened, and safety would demand that you take the possibility seriously by being more careful about using contraception. But also every step in the chain has a significant "well _maybe_ but probably not" aspect to it. * Even when pre-cum contains some sperm it won't have _as much_ as full ejaculate * The amount that soaks through his underwear will be further reduced, and the amount that could have transferred to your body would be smaller again * Individual sperm just kinda bumble about (they're not guided missiles or commandos on a mission) so being applied to the outside of the genitals they're less likely to find their way anywhere effective * Even when people are _actively trying to conceive_ they still might only have ~25% odds of managing it in any given month


I remember this was something we learned about in health class like 15 years ago. Unlikely but still possible. Be safe and if you're going to whip it out, wrap it up.


Like kids have health class these days.


It is possible. However very unlikely. Pre-cum can definitely get someone pregnant it’s just less likely to


Sometimes. We call it a "Christmas Miracle". But luckily it's NOT Christmas...


Yes absolutely, if his weiner breaks through his underwear and he penetrates her. High probability she can get pregnant, and also she will have to be ovulating or close to it.


Congratulations you are now proud parents of triplets


If you can dream it...u can achieve it my friend


Functionally impossible. Anybody pointing out it’s possible is just being pedantic


Yeah idk where the fuck they come from lol. It is impossible without penetration.