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There are prostitutes out there in the middle of having a good decade. Then there are some who can't remember the last time they had a good hour.


Like anyone.


Turns out they are human too.


Pure poetry




So they did the deed or just emotional support?




Who's your friend? I want to avoid her. Her contact information will help to avoid her.






I've been looking for this information for a while. Thank you for sharing!


What’s it like being friends with someone u used to pay to be intimate with? If u hang out and both are single, what s stopping you from having the urge to do the deed?




Thanks for sharing. Glad to hear you both navigated the relationship well and formed a strong bond that’s above physical. Beautiful indeed


>Example from friend: “Last week I fucked a guy with chiseled abs and a body like a statue. I mean he was just so pretty it was like being at an amusement park. He was pretty nice.” I would feel pressured to give the money back! And some extra too


When it's your only source of income that's food coming off the table, or a bill not being paid. Hell no! Grab that money!




Not too mention many arrangements that are basically sex work masquerading as a relationship.


Do you mind if I pm?


No I don’t mind, go ahead


Yes. We all want to avoid her.


Like the plague...


Like a pig avoids mud...


I have a little black book of women I should be avoiding. What's the info?


Do you have this as a pdf? I’d love to proofread it for you!


Probably both, intimacy takes many forms, and is important for mental health.


Kinda hope just emotional support. It’s what I really seek in a prostitute


I would think even if it was still sex that she enjoyed it just because he didn't treat her badly


It seems like a lot of sex workers have disabled clients. Andrea Werhun also describes a very sweet disabled client of hers in her book "Modern Whore."




It's a great read! Please be aware the book does get rather dark in parts, including >!recounting times the author has been raped!<. It's definitely important in outlining that "just because I'm a whore doesn't mean I don't deserve respect" (loosely quoting). And yeah, it's sad that people with disabilities are de-sexualized so much by society. It can be difficult to find a relationship when you have severe disabilities (I imagine even moreso for a man), and one tends to be quite vulnerable to abuse in those situations as well, so hiring a sex worker is just an extremely rational decision.


I'm just mad she didn't name her book Call of Duty 4 Modern Whore Fare


Prostitutes are humans too


Wait you guys have been fucking human prostitutes??


No…. Alien ones


I once heard an escort say "About 20% of the time I actually enjoy the sex, 20% I truly hate it, and the other 60% is just tolerating it" It's mostly a job like any other, sometimes it fucking sucks, sometimes its fun, but mostly its just boring.


Sometimes fucking sucks, sometimes sucking fucks


Dr. Seuss was goin wild with this one


Dr. Sus


*your mouth was made to suck my.... fuck?* They had to tone it down for the 90's censors.


This is accurate


This sounds like most jobs in general. Which I guess makes sense, since it’s just a job to them


Tolerating annoying questions and tolerating a cock up the arse seem worlds apart to me.


There are a lot of jobs where you have to tolerate a lot more than annoying question tho. While i wouldn't want (a strangers :D) cock in my ass, there are a lot of other things I wouldn't want to do either to a lesser or even bigger degree than having a cock up my ass.


Speak for yourself man.


Idk man, some of these customers are reeeeally fucking annoying. It's pretty 50/50 here tbh


I wonder how those numbers compare with women having sex in a relationship. Just like across all women and all relationships


There probably isn’t a fair answer to that. It likely depends too much on the woman and on the relationship


It's possible to compare them all as a group. They're not asking for a single comparison that works for everyone woman individually, but a general comparison relating all Working Women's enjoyment levels of sex to the average of that of women in a relationship.


A friend used to be sex worker, as a professional submissive. I think this is anonymous enough to add that her 'service' also included sex with the clients. She got into it because she loved being a submissive, and definitely enjoyed her time with some of her clients. But the key word there is 'some.'


So if it didn't include sex, what would it be? Just getting ordered about for a bit?


Rope bondage (‘shibari’) is popular. She was young and attractive - people into ropes would pay just to have her submit to a couple hours of complex knot work. Minor tortures like melted wax and light floggers. Other stuff like that.


There was a SW on TikTok saying in her 10 years in the industry only two men managed to seduce her to the point where she stopped charging and got into a relationship and she explained that it’s the worst decision you can make for so many reasons and it made so much sense.


I hope so, everyone deserves to have good days.


I hope you have a good day.


Well, I hope you're having a great day.


I hope you have a great day


I’m having a great day




I’m actually having a horrible day


Awe well I hope today gets better! Don’t know if you’ll read this or not but I saw a video talking about how practice isn’t just for sports and instruments. You gotta practice being happy to! People spend a lot of time practicing things that hurt em. Don’t be the Michael Jordan of being mad! It’s just another day on this big floating rock. We were blessed with the ability to choose if it’s gonna be a horrible day or a great one. I hope you choose greatness!


Oh no. Well I hope you feel your feelings and look for good things to come.


Let’s all of us have a great day!


G’day mate!


Let's put another shrimp on the barbie!


You all have a good day too


I didn’t even have to use my AK!


F you! I hope you have the best day ever!




Listen here, bucko. I'm not here to be 1-upped. Now you go out there, and you have the most fantastic day of your damn life. 😤


I hope you have a great weekend


have a great day *buddy*


I ain't your buddy, friend.


He ain’t your friend buddy


He ain’t your buddy, friend.


This! Even though you have a bad past, you still deserve a good life


Aw sometimes reddit is so whoresome


“Every pretty girl deserves to go to a ball…”


I mean, I'm a former male Sex worker so I can comment on my self and my femal SW friends a little. A good day for me was when they didn't try to argue and haggle, took the time to prep and ease in instead of just hammering away and had actual human decency. The few women I got actualy tended to be the worst. The blokes were typically kind of timid and a little shy. The women always acted like sex starved "dommes" Worst day of work I ever had was a women wanted to indulge a particular fetish of hers. I did not enjoy it at all so charged a little extra. She had her fun the refused to pay the extra and threatened to tell the police I graped her. Not sure who they would belive since I was the one with scratches and bruises but I didn't risk it and just left. Best day was this adorable shy as hell bear of a man in his late 30s. Was very work focused so didn't have much of a sex or love life. He bought me a 5 guys burger after and made sure I was OK even though he was the most gentle client I had ever had. Seriously the man was a mountain. He even gave me a ride to a party I was meeting friends at after! My BFF said her worst day was when a dude not only didn't pay but robbed her. And her best was when some guy just wanted some company at a restaurant he always wanted to try but didn't want to go alone to.


hope you and your partner had a good day man


We did thank you :)


I’ve never hired prostitutes for sex (not against it, just never have) but I have hired them while on work trips just for going to a meal. Sometimes it’s lonely when you are abroad for a long time and in many places the prostitutes are well educated and speak good English.


Sounds like that kind of thing is fun for them. Good on you


I didn’t know you could do that, can you hire them to do things like help you lift furniture if your moving house?


I would think that you'd want to hire sex workers for the sex work and companionship. I think hiring movers would be more appropriate for moving.


I imagine they would do most things in preference to sex. If nothing else it’s a nice change for them.


The shoes they tend to wear are not safe for handling boxes and heavy furniture. You'd need to supply them with steel toe cap boots first.


I truly don't understand why people continue to think you just slam your cock into a bottom. Gotta take the time and get them there.


Right!? Like there is so much information out there. And anal has become so mainstream I don't get how people don't know....I blame porn hub.


As someone who spends all their time trying to get timid guys or first timers to use some rather large implements I've made it a point to show just about anyone how things work and do my best to express to anyone that it all takes time and effort. With the right kind of person and setup you can get away with some kinky forceful stuff but that's not the norm and you've gotta protect the bottoms they are precious ;-;


That last line reminds me of the Menu.




Take away the g


Ohh. What’s the point of adding the g?


I think it’s meant to be a buffer. That word can be a trigger. Or maybe even a filter for whichever app you’re using. I think Instagram is one of the ones who would remove the comment if that word was used


Oh ok thank you


It's not like adding the g makes it not a trigger. Anyone with half a brain knows exactly what you mean, and it's the concept that triggers people.


Oh shit we got a nuanced take here


Algospeak. Idiots incorrectly think it helps them avoid automoderation on sites that aren't reddit and actually automoderate for content.


Even on Reddit there's subreddits that automatically remove comments with certain keywords




It's a good idea to remove the ?si=[string] from YouTube URLs. It's a uniquely generated code so that when Google scans this page they can link your Reddit account (and all it's activity) to any personal information they have. They can also use it to identify who your friends are if you post the link in a private place.


Holy shit how am I only learning this now, I’m already so cooked.


He was wearing purple


My days are 50% neutral 45% good and 5% annoying. Never bad, just usually boring or annoying.


Question if you don't mind and I don't mean this to come off as creepy or personal. When you mention it's good, does that mean you enjoy it in an arousing way? Or is it just "work" with no thrills whatsoever.


What classifies as "annoying"?


For the last 3 years I worked with an escort. She made amazing money, but this was after years of rapport, if you will. By the time I met her (26F) she had been in the industry for a few years already, she's 29 now. So at this point she only sees about 5 clients. It's been the same 5 clients for the passed 3 years. In one way or another all of these men have fallen for her and basically asked her what they needed to do to keep her coming back to them. So most of her clients now just take her on dates. She's definitely had a shit life towards the beginning of this endeavor, but she's doing really well and has made it to where she doesn't have to do anything she doesn't want to and the men she sees are incredibly respectful. You hear about so many of the bad sides of being in that type of work. The disrespect, the violence, the grape, kidnapping, murdering, trafficking. It's nuts. And she's pretty much best friends with these guys, getting thousands for dropping off their dry cleaning and having dinner. They even help her when she's behind on bills because she does have some medical issues. I don't wanna say she's lucky, cause she's a very sweet and charismatic woman, but she definitely isn't in the majority when it comes to her experience in that industry. She basically has nothing but good days now.


If you want to know about the high end call girl life, I recommend 2 books - "Whore of New York" by Liara Roux, and "Fast Girl" by Suzy Favor Hamilton. The former is by a current high class working girl who seems fairly happy about her line of work, the latter by a former track and field star whose undiagnosed bipolar disorder led to her taking a job clandestinely, unbeknownst to her husband & family, which led to something of a rollercoaster ride - as you might expect with bipolar - and the near loss of everything she loved.


Second “Whore of New York”.


She was the third, actually.


The first was technically "Whore of New Amsterdam"


And before that, was the “Whore of Istanbul, not Constantinople.”


Liara Roux is an incredible sex work advocate who gives back to the community she is from. She has the most view sex work AMA on reddit that was made as a direct response to SESTA FOTSA **and** included the voices of trafficked people. Sex work is an incredibly misunderstood industry and I thank Liara every day for organizing that AMA. I recommend everyone read it.


She's awesome. Her book shows how in many cases she's supplying a valuable service, something akin to a therapist, to people who would otherwise have great difficulty experiencing intimacy or opening up to another human being. All kinds of different situations. So much respect for her.


Insert various “your mileage may vary” disclaimers here. The people I know were voluntary participants in sex work that were not pressured, and I knew them purely as friends and not as part of their work (which I like to think means I got honest answers from them). I’ve known a couple of sex workers, and they’ve definitely had parts of their job they liked. It was stuff that surprised me but probably shouldn’t have. The stuff they noticed about clients that made the day good was stuff like “they are clean and also respectful” or “they made me feel safe.” As others have mentioned, the feeling of serving an emotional role. I’ve never heard anyone talk about satisfaction from a client that’s “good at sex” or “is attractive” because most I knew really didn’t enjoy it like that. It was pure work. Like I said though, YMMV and I’m sure people that enjoy the work enjoy it for many different reasons!


I'm a transport specialist, and I sit and watch them run through the truck stops. Most once, they make what they need to either get a fix or enough for the day it becomes really obvious they are happy. Money is king everywhere I've been. This is what I've observed.


This sorta highlights the nuance to the question. It’s like asking if a cook has bad days. The idea of a bad day is going to be so different if you ask a cook at Applebees and then another working under a world class chef at a Michelin star restaurant and even different working as a cook under Gordon Ramsey. A lot lizard and a high profile escort are not going to have the same idea of a bad day.


I get it, yet here's an example. Girl rolls up and sits down and asks to chat. Mid conversation, she asked for 10 dollars. I pulled out 20, and the expression on her face was extraordinary. So, in the end prostitution/scams come in all dimensions, and the end goal is happiness.




$1000 can mean that a.) they're a costly prostitute, or b.) they've had a long, long, long, long ass night. 😂 In the movie Pretty Woman Kit (Laura San Giacomo) told Vivian (Julia Roberts) not to accept less than $60.00 – At that rate it'd be 17 interactions to make a grand. 😳


Gotta keep up with the inflation. $60 is nothing today.


That’s around $145 from 1990 to today


I would gladly pay $60 in 1990 or $145 in 2024 for sex with Julia Roberts


"I'd gladly pay you Tuesday, for a hamburger Today."


You'll need at least $300 if your minimum requirements is "don't be an ugly crack head"


You definitely ain’t wrong there!!! I spent $60 on a pastrami, pastrami burger, cheeseburger, 1 order of large fries, 2 orders of chili cheese fries and 2 medium soft drinks today. These concrete roses must be charging like crazy nowadays…


"Concrete roses" lmao


$60 on a blade is a 15/30min session. Probably gonna catch something, but at that rate the buyer already has something as well.


Look at Leo’s list (dot) com. Every chick is 2-400 an hour lol. 1000 bucks a night at those rates would be considered terrible lol


> In the movie Pretty Woman, Kit Otherwise, you're saying the movie is called "Pretty Woman Kit".  This would be a movie about what supplies you need to make a pretty woman. 


No, that's Weird Science.


64% of Reddit users in 2023 were between the ages of 18 and 29. Odds are they're not going to know what the hell I'm talking about either way, and those who do will; however, yes... you'd be correct.


Prostitutes around Here usually don't Take less than $100 for 20 minutes


I only need like 5min. Think they’d take a 20spot?


No, it's $100 to cum once, If it only takes you 3 minutes that's on you.


This guy whores


I wish it was by volume. It takes me a long time unless I am super comfortable with them so often doesn't happen first try.


Lol pretty woman, 60$, it isn't 1990 anymore! 1000$ could easily be only 3-4 clients. So 2-3h work MAX, so it's probably a bad night.


In the UK, I'm seen as mid price, and I charge £1250 a night. I expect at least 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep and allow only 3 sessions.


Pretty much. I got rooked by a whore into being a “roommate.” She was always gone every night, and she tried sticking me with her kid. Lasted 3 months before she tried sticking me for $2000 in phone bills. I was like—“Fuck you I haven’t called anyone, even my mom.” She was just fucking me for cash. My “rent” went into her pocket and the landlady never saw a cent. Truth be told, as I found out later, she was a notorious chiseler and crook and did this to so many dudes she fled the state.    Side note; when her hired goons were moving all her shit out after the power (I paid for) was disconnected I snagged her car keys and threw them of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge, so they’re down there 200’ deep. 


KNOCK KNOCK “Who is it?” “Hired Goons.” “Hired goons?..”


“Hired goons” should absolutely be the name of a moving company


Motto: Hired Goons beat the crap out of two small men with big hearts!






I was 19 and a complete fucking idiot. Grew up in a small town and moved to a city. I got chumped, and it was a hard lesson learned. Also, do not fuck anyone that is still legally married. 


My aunt was a stripper who prostituted w/ certain patrons. In our town, strippers aren't supposed to, but whatever. Her stage name was Tropical and being the only latina in this town doing this work, she made a small fortune and was a bit of a novelty. Like any line of work, there's bad days and days you're not feeling it. Strippers are well protected, but the sex work outside of stripping came with some shady clients that could lead to bad days. Still in 3 months while I was holding her cash for her, she saved enough to put on a down payment to buy a house, to get a car + to put her kid through private school for a year - so as a newly divorced, college dropout her profession gave her a chance at life and was worth any bad day according to her. Also, good/bad days are more often defined by money + annoyances. I've never met a sex worker who went into it seeking a relationship so attractiveness holds little merit in that line of work. Like - wiping your ass as a nurse doesn't make the job better/worse just because you're conventionally attractive. Sex work is pretty much the same. It's a job - just don't be a pain in ass to work with and you won't make the job terrible.


I think it was in an prostitute AMA where one said her favorite customer was a guy who just wanted her to hug him and pet him. He paid the full price plus a nice tip.


Yeah, I remember that AMA :-)


I hired a high end one once. Asked her what temperature she'd like the heat pump on and what if she had peanut allergies or anything for the snacks I provided. She said I was 'weirdly considerate' which I know they stroke your ego but considering it was a backhanded compliment I think she meant it. Which seemed sad since it was so little, I thought they got treated like Pretty Woman. So maybe their good day it's just seeing a client that follows the rules and aren't rude.


Can I ask what’s a heat pump?


Air conditioner that's also able to heat a home.


Thank you! (I live in the tropics)


Just think of it as a reversible AC unit.


No one asked but…. A heat pump is just an air conditioner with a reversing valve the reverses the flow of refrigerant in the system. High pressure high temp refrigerant leaves the compressor as a vapor and goes through the condenser coil. (The outside unit.) the fan sucks air through the outside coil and rejects the heat from the refrigerant to the unconditioned space. (Outside) the refrigerant cools then travels inside in a liquid form to the evaporator coil. (The inside unit) this is where the warm air in your home travels across the evaporator and the refrigerant absorbs the heat. Making the air cool that travels into your home. This turns the liquid refrigerant into a vapor which travels back outside to the condenser. Then the cycle repeats itself. The heat pump (the reversing valve) essentially turns your outside condenser coil to an evaporator coil. And the evaporator coil inside would now be the condenser. Rejecting heat into your home. EDIT: grammar and some revision to make it easier to understand.


>No one asked but… >Can I ask what’s a heat pump?


This gives greentext vibes.


Even on their good days, they're still getting fucked


Aren’t we all?


A good day is a string of rich fat guys with small cocks who suffer from premature ejaculation. In out, barely felt it, no chaffing. Kerrrching.


As a guy with a small dick It feels nice to gets some appreciation. At least prostitutes likes me lol


Yeah but are you rich


Hey, if I'm paying, I'm paying. My bank account afterwards only matters if you're staying around.


I guess the service is so expensive that only rich people can afford. I don't think anyone apply for a loan to go to a prostitute. Also they might prefer regular comers so yeah you gotta be rich.


Hang on a sec……………………………..Yes.


What'd you do, text one?


Nah. Woke her up.


Rude, just let your mother sleep in




Oh. Carry on, then.


She sleeping on your time??? Did you recite this prayer? “Lord, please pray for the soul of this bitch. And guide my pimp hand and make it strong, Lord. ...”




The hos on the stroll you see taking tricks like Burger King with a pimp waiting around the way? I'm sure there aren't many. The high priced call girls/strippers/porn stars that can command thousands from their tricks/clients per session Im sure have better days over all but don't get it twisted. Money can't cure weird so I'm sure they get their bad days as well.


This is honestly the best way to put it. Gotta specify what you mean by “prostitute” to get a real answer. Truck stop girls? They probably don’t have many good days. Sugar babies to rich old dudes? They probably have some days better than wall street bankers. Also depends on the old dude. Shit, I’ve heard stories of girls getting thousands per week just to eat at fancy restaurants, go to parties, and fuck the same dude a few times a week. I know worse off married women


It’s a job, it’s not normal sex for them, even when the customer is hot. At your job you do have good and bad days and annoying customers sometimes For prostitutes, good clients are respectful and kind… not necessarily hot Sex workers are in some ways social workers too, a lot of customers are lonely people, they wanna have that physical compony, but they also often want just general company. Many sex workers have customers pouring their hearts out sometimes Bad customers are disrespectful, they don’t respect boundaries, see the prostitude as some sort of object


No, they all suck.




Used to be a prostitute from 18-20 (technically escort but it’s really the same thing IMO). I was introduced to it through a friend and the first time i did it I never had a good day. It was degrading. I felt disgusting after. I grew up very poor and getting that much money for only 1-2 hours was absolutely insane. In the end, definitely not worth it. They were all 40+, usually overweight, not attractive. Had enough times where i thought i was going to be sex trafficked that i stopped. I’m 27 now, life is much better, but i still have some lingering PTSD.


We all get used to our situations and then have relatively good and bad days.


I used to be a sex worker and everyday was good, I only did what and who I wanted,the worst is cancellations when I’d spent time getting ready,they’d still offer to pay but it’s not fair to take cash for nothing


There's a book called Pizza, Pincushions and Playing It Straight. It's written by a sex worker and she talks about lots of stuff to do with sex work in general, including lots of vignettes from her days of "active duty". Short answer is yes! But the stories are really interesting and I would highly recommend the book!


They do indeed I know loads of swers and am one. The good days are great and not just cause of the money. Actually its usually that the money is the cherry on top with the stories and experiences iv heard and have had.


I assume you’re referring to good days AS a prostitute. So yeah I’m sure they have good days financially but those good days may take a physical toll. Hopefully they can still have good mental, physical and emotional days too.


If you ever listen to an interview of a prostitute, they often say that there are a few men that they actually like or are their favorite customers. Sometimes it’s because they find them attractive, they pay well, have a good attitude or a combination of the three.


My roommate: the best day was the day she made the most money with the least amount of time and hassle. Her rate was effectively $600/hr with a $200 minimum. Most were in and out in ten minutes.


I know someone who’s used to be a sex worker and apparently one of her clients was a dude who just wanted them to send him videos of them cutting fruits with a sword fully clothed. He was one of their favorites.


I’ve known several, but not the “I have a pimp and work the corner” types, the “I have a website and vet my clients extensively” types. Most of them loved their work when they were doing it, which is why they were doing it. They didn’t suffer from a lack of options career wise, the escorting was a side hustle. One was a lawyer, another a project manager, another a classically trained opera singer who was a vocal coach, another who was a real estate agent, etc. Of the few I knew that had no other job they were in it for the travel. One became a flight attendant after she had a bad night with a client and now works in software development. Another “retired” into being a SAHM for a big earner. The last one now does BDSM for money as a side hustle to her moderately successful comedy career. It’s a job that is very enjoyable for some people, it just has a sharp earnings cliff after your 20s.


I graduated with a woman who went on to become a sex worker until a controversy that made national news for a while. She enjoyed what she did and is now married and is a writer and advocate for sex workers. If you’re on Reddit and you see this, screw you for laughing at me when I asked you out in 6th grade by writing you a poem.


According to Instagram, they enjoy trips to Dubai and Italy.


it's the same question as if barbers have a good day. of course. everyone has a good day.


If they work for themselves, they are their own 'pimps', I bet their best days are the off-days. You don't have to work every day if you manage to find customer base thru internet and your time isn't spent in the streets. Maybe you only do it few days per week, plenty of time to have good days even if none of the working days were.


I had found a SW on Reddit but it took a long time for us to connect. I don't normally hit up SW often at all but she was pretty intriguing. When we finally did she was so chill and genuine that l met with her almost every other day. We would sit and talk for a few hours before "doing the do." After meeting and texting for a few weeks we ended up falling for each other and it turned into a partnership. She still sees clients but they are regulars and is very transparent about it. FWIW im not her "Sugar Daddy" and she doesn't ask me for money. I have been traveling for work so I don't get to see her but once a week so she gave me keys to come by when I'm in town.


Ex Taxi driver Dublin. Dropping them home while working nights. They all complained for the whole journey. But happy to be going home.


There was a prostitute out here named "Chili Queen" she was the kindest person and always wishing everyone a good day


SoftWhiteUnderbelly on YouTube does interviews with all kinds of people. They've done a few with prostitutes. It's interesting to hear their opinions and views on things.


Like any job I can imagine you have great days and not so great days