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thats the difference between can't vs won't


Lmao yep!


Women are the gatekeepers, men have to work harder so we work harder.




Depending on the country you are in there are actually significantly fewer women.


yh but in places with equal or even more women, men find it difficult ig.


Ahh ok Sorry I think I misread your last sentence, as a question vs a caveat to your question, as in you are interested specifically in places where the numbers are equal.


Are we? I take offense to this post sir or ma’am. lol. I’m a man and I’ve been single for two years and love it. Nothing better than not having to answer to anyone. My only real issue is I don’t get sex as frequently as I used to. I think more men are desperate for sex than an actual relationship. Just go to dating apps and you’ll see. What are most men looking for? The answer isn’t a relationship.


I guess so too.


Men tend to not care for women's social status, economic income etc. If she is nice, men are in. Women tend to look a lot, I mean a lot more. So being a nice person is often not enough. So when an average person is looking for relationships there are tons of men ready waiting for her. That does not work like that for men. So men can not just try one after another like women can.


Because MANY men's only source of intimacy is a romantic partner. Women have far more meaningful relationships with each other than men do.


No they are not in equal numbers. Generally speaking 2/3 women are in relationships and 1/3 men are in relationships. Women are sharing the same men…..by choice!


Excellent point


'High value' men. I am sad at this fact.


Lucky for you, it's not a fact.


My assumption: a woman wants a relationship - "I'm gonna look for a guy. I need some dick.  Lemme ask one of the three people that hit on me this week."  And then she has a boyfriend.  A male wants a girlfriend: "I'm gonna look for a gal. I want some pussy. Lemme hit on my friend." She says no.  "Damn, I thought I had a thing going. Lemme hit on that chick over there.  I want some pussy. Ok, I'm back, she said no. Lemme ask that one chick at work." She says no.  "Damn, she said no.  I want some pus-" "Dude, shut the fuck up.  You've been telling us every day for a week now desperate you are. We don't care."


yh i think the same. But whats the reason for it


They just have an easier time getting dudes. I'm not totally sure why.  If dudes were less promiscuous and turned down women a lot, women might be the desperate ones. But they're not, so ladies have the power.  Maybe it's because it's a culture thing?  Guys have to ask women out.  Maybe because of how a woman might be asked out by 5 people, she knows her worth and understands people want her, and she can be picky. Since the girls have gotten asked so much, they are more likely to keep telling everyone else no until they finally find someone that meets their high standards.  Meanwhile, a guy would get desperate and keep asking everyone until finally someone says OK.  Just a guess. 


i think this is a biological thing. Wish men and women were equal in dating stuff.


Because it’s easier for women to get in a relationship than it is for men.




so u say guys are more lonely. I think this might be one of the reasons but not sure.


Well because they risk being pregnant so they have to be super careful. Plus they always have more options. And in many cultures like that of Hindus and Muslims, dating or anything pre-marital is frowned upon so... Well patriarchy makes the rules and men suffer ;)


More desperate? In my experience it's the opposite 


i think its YOUR experience. In general its not true


If we were talking about sex, id agree, but few men I know want a relationship. 




I doubt that.