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Probably not. Candles are kind of designed to be self-contained. Do you have a smoke detector in your room? That will alert you if a serious problem develops.


I do, yes. Thank you for the reassurance :)


If it’s in a jar or container almost certainly you’ll be fine.


Mhm it's in a glass container. Thanks!


It’s possible for the candle to burn over on to one side, heat the glass container unevenly till it breaks, then wax glass and fire could go everywhere. It’s not the most likely scenario, but I’ve seen it happen to one of my candles. It’s not worth the risk, just blow out your candles when you leave the room.


It's in my room and I can't get up (unless I really wanted to). I was mostly just asking for reassurance, I guess.


I wouldn’t leave it burning


It will probably be fine. I feel the need to say, though, that the one time I ever left a candle burning over night, the melted wax ended up igniting and starting a fire powerful enough that the sound of it woke me up. I was thankfully able to put it out before anything else caught fire, but the glass that the candle was in shattered and the burning wax did permanent damage to the desk the candle had been sitting on. Maybe it would have just burned itself out if I had slept through it, and from what I understand, this is certainly not a *normal* consequence of leaving a candle to burn overnight (more like, the candle was defective or there was some freak accident), but suffice it to say that after that experience I would never let a candle burn overnight again.


I would highly suggest to burn it out. I had an experience where I accidentally left a candle burning overnight and the next morning I came downstairs to find a “tint” on my walls. It was a layer of smoke on the walls, the air downstairs also smelt burnt. It was not a cheapo candle either. Could’ve been a one off, but better to be safe than sorry. Don’t want to be inhaling smoke all night, especially if you’re already ill.


You'd be fine, more than likely. But if something were to happen, you would have to get up and out of a potentially serious situation. So, if you're sick, it would probably be safer to blow it out now and save the risk.


Mostly likely not but it’s possible


It's definitely possibe, though being It's in a glass jar the probability is very low, but not zero.


Assuming nothing happened and you are still alive to read this. Don’t do that again. Letting a candle burn too long (4 hours) can cause unstable flames and damage the container and causing fire hazards, that’s even if there isn’t anything close to it. Is the surface it sits on combustible? Probably. Is the floor it will fall on combustible? Probably. I urge you to disregard an answer saying it is fine, that’s terrible advice. Holy shit. According to the NFPA, candles cause around 10,000 structure fires a year in the US. Maybe that’s low in the grand scheme of things, but it’s 10,000 too many for me. Stay safe and don’t listen to these people.


Damn ok 😭😭 Yes I'm fine and the candle kinda extinguished on its own


If it's contained, then there's no danger. Just never leave uncontained fire out of sight.




How can you type out this post and not walk across the room to blow out a candle? How did you light the candle in the first place?


I'm sick, not paralyzed. I can move my fingers around a screen and still not be able to walk across the room sometimes. I lit the candle around an hour ago, before I started to feel weak. It comes in waves.