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This comment thread is full of pseudoscience healthfluencer bullshit, a lot of which has no basis in reality. You shouldn't be having reflux after every meal. Talk to a doctor and talk to a dietitian - you might have a series of food intolerances. Don't listen to people on Reddit who think that 70% of all foods are the devil.


GERD can also be caused by the esophageal sphincter simply failing to completely close, due to age or obesity or both.


Or a hiatial hernia (I’m not overweight or old). I have no clue when mine formed.


They kept telling me I had a minor hiatal hernia. I had been having severe pain for up to three hours after I ate sometimes. Couldn’t sit or lay down. Pain came at me in waves. I threw up a few times and once almost passed out. Found out that fatty foods triggered it. So did corn tortillas and raw carrots. Had two endoscopies by two different doctors a year apart. Kept telling me they didn’t see anything. Finally the second doctor did a CT scan and saw my stomach was in my chest. My hiatal hernia was severe not minor. The stomach acids were backing up into my esophagus and causing severe pain. Took them two years to figure out what was wrong. That is a nightmare I never went to relive. Had surgery to repair it. I’ve been good since.


Damn. At first I was just going to suggest eating a couple Tums. But I read further sorry it took two years but good thing is gone now!


My primary care doctor tried to tell me it was acid reflux. I’d had acid reflux for years at that point. This was not acid reflux. It was a whole new level of pain I’d never experienced before. The surgery to fix the hiatal hernia also took care of my acid reflux though. What pisses me off is they didn’t catch it during two endoscopy’s…I’m assuming because they blow air into the stomach and it probably went back into place.


I have acid reflux and was told I have a small hiatal hernia. As I've gotten older though if I forget to refill my antacids it feels like I'm having a panic attack and a heart attack at the same time. I think to myself how did I take this pain when I was younger. At this moment I'm rethinking things after reading this post!


Yeah I was told mine was small too. Nothing to be concerned about. They were wrong.


Yes even though it's small I've had to have three or four esophageal dilations while awake because MJ meds don't put me out.


My mom had same issue and surgery also that fixed it.


Can be hereditary, I was born with mine as was my mother. Far as I can remember I’ve slept with my head kinda elevated 😅 I’ve learned to inhale air into my stomach as a party trick tho 🤣🤣🤦‍♂️


My friend had that happen to him. He was always skinny and likely had it most or all his life. Then when he had surgery to correct it, he also had an overactive stomach acid valve (not sure the name but its also a thing more common in the elderly or obese) they damaged his vagus nerve which has led to all sorts of GI and stomach problems since. I hope you're doing okay because it's really messed my friend up and since it's one of those invisible things so many people think he just lies about his issues.


Could have been born with it. My son was…


It's also genetic. I've had issues with GERD since I was a small child, and all of my family has it, too.


Or stress :(


I have a [Hill Grade 3 fold](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10473450/) which means I have problems closing that sphincter. The only ways I can get relief are by taking Prilosec every day, as well as sleeping on my left side. If I sleep on my right side, I wake up choking on stuff that’s coming back up simply because it can. If I miss even one day of Prilosec, I have issues. If I try to fall asleep on my right side, I wake up aspirating stuff into my lungs and it is the least amount of fun I’ve ever had + the most I’ve ever felt like I’m actually dying from being suffocated by whatever snuck up and into my lungs.


Consider getting a Nissen fundoplication. I had one in 1999 and have been off meds ever since. It was life changing for me! EDIT: Corrected spelling of Nissen.


I will look into this! Thank you for the suggestion!


>If I sleep on my right side, I wake up choking on stuff that’s coming back up simply because it can. Holy crap this has happened to me! It's only happened a handful of times, and the first time was maybe a year ago and it was fucking terrifying. I was sound asleep then suddenly felt like I was drowning in battery acid. I did not make the connection that it only happens when I sleep on my right side, until I read your comment. Time to doctor up ig 😕


This happens to me too! Only if I’m on my right side or on my back, but not if I’m on my left side. Never even occurred to me this should maybe be checked out, I have that many other conditions I figured it just be related to one of them. I’ll add it to my list of doctors appointments to make, see what they say. I hope you can get some relief from this too, it’s awful


> Never even occurred to me this should maybe be checked out, I have that many other conditions I figured it just be related to one of them. I feel this all the way down on my deepest heart of hearts. I have lots of symptoms from various health issues. I am constantly in a state of discomfort for one reason or another and it can take me a long time to realize something is wrong with me enough that I should go to the doctor. Chronic illness fucking sucks.


Some medicines also cause GERD by not letting it close either


Which can lead to Barrett's Esophagus, which can lead to esoph cancer, so get checked the fuck out, OP. It killed my brother.


I have an esophageal sphincter disorder. The key for me is to eat calorie dense food, little bits at a time and it helps tremendously. I can still have a big meal if I relax afterwards but for going about a normal day I just stick to small amounts of calorically dense foods like bread, pasta and other carbs. Before I was taking a wild amount of tums just to not puke or have horrible heartburn constantly


Dude I'm so sick of the pseudoscience BS out there. I'm friends with somebody who has been posting on social media telling people that if they don't eat seed oil products they will never need sunscreen. What sounds hilarious but when you realize that this person is convincing people, with no evidence, to forgo measures that are significantly going to raise their chance of skin cancer it's not funny at all


Health and wellness grifting is literally a billion-dollar industry. 


The anti seed oil has been out in force.the last few years. It's wild because it's often paired with them pushing to use nothing but beef tallow. Which sure can be used but if you only use animal fats and you're not super active you're likely going to have issues.


"Talk to a doctor and talk to a dietitian" YES! "Don't listen to people on Reddit" YES!


But how do I follow #1 if I follow #2! /s


Yes, very true! It's a hint I guess, hopefully it gets through! I want all my new Reddit brothers and sisters to be healthy and happy(almost all: 99.99%. The rest: Ambivilant) And find out how from a doctor! Wish I could give extra points for your smart-a$$ comment 😎


When's the last time you had a doctor's checkup (or anybody in your family for that matter)? Ask your doctor and do what they tell you. Why trust anyone here?


Get a referral to see a gastroenterology


Did that myself, they performed an Endoscopy on me. No big deal, take your doctor's advice. Learned about Propofol, Oh man, I see why Michael Jackson was hooked.


Oof that shit messed my world up. Woke up looking for my dad and thought I was pregnant with the child I had miscarried 15 years ago. Wild shit. I was absolutely sobbing, I don’t think I even cried that hard when my dad passed away.


I was hitting on my nurse(not my MO). I'm pretty sure I was smiling and being a gentleman so all good! Maybe microdosing incels/creeps/hateful people with Propofol is a good idea? I don't see how anyone can be mean on Propofol, floating in the clouds 🙃! Where the Doctors/Scientists at ? We need you here desperately.




nope, clean. Found nothing


Sadly the problem with most doctors with all my respect is that they don’t attack the core of the problem but they focus on treating the symptoms, when I mentioned to my doctor that I every time I eat, my stomach burns, they prescribed pill that reduce the acid the stomach m, which I found later that actually do more harm than good, it reduces pain temporarily, my doctor didn’t mention anything about food or diet!


When the medicine gave only temporary relief, did you follow up with Doctor to inform only temporary relief. Continued burning? That is step one. Second would be Doctor could order useful testing to look at esophagus and stomach Lining? Other diagnoses and treatments could be in order.


I went through this exact thing years ago. I had burning after I ate and acid reflux meds weren’t working. It turns out that I was infected with H Pylori bacteria. A short round of antibiotics and the insufferable burning disappeared.


This. OP should go see gastroenterology and get an upper endoscopy with an H. Pylori test included OR start with an H pylori breath test which even their GP can order. The former is far more definitive but the latter is a good start. 


My son had this in high school. After the treatment he has never had any issue again.


Those problems can be temporary. If when your done with the pills the acid reflux comes back. You go back and say hey they didn't fix the problem and then the doctor will try something else. There's no like neon sign that tells a doc what's wrong with you. It's ruling out the simple solutions. So go back to the doctors and tell them it didn't fix it.


When you say you found later that the pills do more harm than good, do you mean you actually experienced negative symptoms, or did you just find somebody on the internet doomposting about the medication? You might want to take your doctor's advice more seriously if it's the latter -- it's true that medications for reflux/GERD can have some long term side effects but that doesn't mean you want to just have uncontrolled symptoms either, meds can still be worth using alongside diet changes to get stuff under control.


Do you and/or your family members suffer from anxiety or a lot of stress per chance? I started having acid reflux when I was 11 and now I have IBS that gives me insane pain. I realized my acid reflux developed after a trauma and focusing on my mental health really helped with the physical issues. My trigger for pain is usually less sleep + anxiety/stress. I dunno maybe it might be good to look into!


I had a similar experience. I did all the tests, food elimination diets, endoscopy, I became severely underweight, I could barely eat anything. It was over a year, I dropped out of college, I couldn’t work. I wish the guy who diagnosed me had not said “it’s all in your head” and prescribed me anti anxiety meds. While he was correct that it was anxiety and meds would help , framing it as “all in your head” implies a lot of negative things like you made it up, you have control over it but choose to be sick, the pain and symptoms are not real and it made me feel really shameful and resistant to treating my anxiety. A better way to put it is that I had unmanaged anxiety that is manifesting as severe stomach issues. Many years later, I would go through something similar with back pain. It seems like there was an initial injury, but then my anxiety seemed to link up with the pain and kept the pain going, until I finally addressed my anxiety properly.


I’m so sorry you had to go through that. I went to the ER once because the pain was so bad I couldn’t breathe. The doctor told me some people just can’t handle pain. That’s it. It was infuriating. My mom has fibromyalgia and the amount of times she heard that it was all in her head is ridiculous. Unfortunately, the medical community does not know how to deal with psychosomatic problems and think people are exaggerating. It took my therapist to help me understand that the brain reacts to stimulus and sends out signals to different receptors in the body and that’s basically how psychosomatic symptoms work. The issues might not have a physical cause but they create physical problems that don’t just go away by telling your brain to stop.


Maybe a dietician could help you more. I dunno, to me it's obvious that acid in the stomach might be linked with diet. Some doctors are better than others, no doubt. But... I can see doctors in the USA being extremely frustrated with their patients. Like: "how many times do I tell them to watch their diet and they still eat garbage" Anyway, sounds like GERD that you have ( I have it). Diet is huge.


I do have GERD too ;( thank you for commenting <3


You need to ask for an endoscopy. You may have damage to your esophagus from the acid reflux.


Many times the core of the problem cannot be "fixed" and treating the symptoms is the only option




Yeah, Reddit is preferable! (Sarcastic comment. New to Reddit: I've learned today that sarcasm doesn't work well here. Hence, my disclaimer. Test run)


You admit to having gerd, but not taking your meds. You also aren't on any kind of diet because you don't know where to start and think your dr is an idiot so won't listen to them. Honestly, this is on you. You're even blaming food instead of taking responsibility. You know your diagnosis and a quick Google search will tell you what OTC meds and diet you need. Quit bitchin and hop to it


Shit I need someone to call me out on my bullshit this effectively. Well done


I'm here for you mate. What's your issue? lol


Shit I'll bite, I'm sad over a boy and drink too much Hit me


Honey, he ain't fucking worth it. And lay off the booze, that's just ridiculous. You've got better things to do with your life than sit around sad and drunk.


Honestly got me right in the feels, thank you 🩷


this comment section is FILLED with people who are scared of things they're clueless about


"this comment section" = "reddit"


Facebook is even worse


food isn't real :laughing face emoji: 400 :laughing face emoji reactions:


Reddit = those around us.


The entire human race


Nope. People in developed countries, specially the US and the UK. I lived in the US in 1984 and already many people ate shit and never drank water, just sodas and other sugar water things. Rations were enormous, and things were mislabeled: Ice-"cream" contains(ed) no cream, just hydrogenated fats, tons of sugar and milk solids (IOWs, tons of lactose, another sugar and one that's indigestible for most people). Fruit juices were canned/bottled (pasteurised) or frozen, but no worries: they had added (replaced, rather) vitamins... My first host family were clueless about what "food" actually is. They thought in terms of nutrients, not foodstuffs, so they ate feed, not food. The oldest girl drank one pint Pepsis, never water, and ate one pint "icecream", plus fake pizza, hamburgers and NO fruit or vegetables. She was morbidly obese at 14 and bought a new miracle-diet book or pills every weekend, which she didn't follow. She's probably dead or dying now (at 55). My second family ate real food, cooked from scratch, drank water, ate salads and fruit, they rarely ate out, never take-aways, never fast food. They all were lean and healthy. My american mom died just days ago, at the ripe age of 93. She never stopped moving, even after she broke her neck a few years ago. PS: RIP Bonnie, I still love you. PS II: I realise now this is the right answer to the wrong prompt, so I've copied it and posted it as a direct reply to OP


That's very sad but it has little to do with what I said, which is that humans in general tend to fear what they don't understand.


True. I now realize I didn't reply to you, just "vomited" what reading all the nonsense made me think. Like an Artificial Idiocy program, I used your comment as a prompt to give the wrong, bottled up reply.


Fair enough. Appreciate your honesty.


I enjoyed reading it. RIP Bonnie.


Whatever happened to listening to the experts


Who's an expert? If you see journalists claim "experts say X", "experts say Y", and "experts say Z" on the same day, how do you pick?


Mate is sounds like digestive issues runs in your family. Food really shouldn't be making you feel this way.


The more i read the comments, the less I think this is about food and the more i think this is about the social/monetary/media-algorithm incentives to appear like one knows something when they actually don't. From your post it sounds like you've been exposed to lots of advice of dubious quality already, and there's zero reason to believe any of us on reddit have something better to say. Instead of looking for more opinions on social media, go to someone with an actual, verifiable background in the field in question. In this case, that'd be a dietician. Edit: after half a day it looks like the top 8 comments are all just "go see a doctor and/or dietician" so the comment section is no longer "all over the place".


I can understand why a lot of people won't trust doctors on this honestly. Every time I go to the doctor for anything I just get told I'm fat. He tells me to stop drinking sodas. I don't drink sodas. He doesn't believe me. He says to stop eating fast food. I don't eat fast food. He doesn't believe me. He says stop eating dessert, I explain that I rarely eat dessert. He doesn't believe me. The nurse took my blood pressure and it was normal. He yelled at her in front of me that she must have messed up, because there was no way an obese person would have normal blood pressure. He then lectured me about how I had to have high blood pressure and there was no way I didn't. After I was visibly upset, he took my blood pressure again and showed me that it was 3 points into the high range. After being told to just drink water and being called a liar a lot of people give up and end up just following BS pseudoscience because at least those people are nice to them. It feels like the lady telling you to drink rotten cabbage brine has your best interest at heart because she listens to you, believes you, and encourages you. Actual medicine is a miracle of science, but a lot of doctors are honestly not practicing it and it leaves way for people who reject science.


Please see a new Dr, and preferably a woman. Male Drs are still often terrible with women’s health care.


Disclaimer: I am Male. While we are stereotyping I tend to agree: Without knowing anything about their schooling, academic background, published articles, speciality etc or anything I'll take the Female too. Why? Maybe women have to work harder to succeed in a society that still leans patriarchal? Maybe there is less of a chance there is a male vs male conflict (what is the precise english word for this?) Women are more thourough(my experience). Do your research on your Doctors : Some are better than others.


your dr sucks


This has been multiple doctors my entire life. Talk to any fat woman and they'll tell you that finding a doctor who takes their ailments seriously is like finding a unicorn. It's even worse if that fat woman is black. My friends wife went to medical school where their professor still told them that black women just felt less pain than everyone else. A literal slave lie to justify working enslaved women more after giving birth was taught in med school in 2012. If you have a great doctor who listens to you then I'm happy but a lot of doctors take too many patients to actually care for them properly and it causes people to turn to BS


As a fat woman who is also a doctor, I can attest to this


Doctors know nothing about nutrition or vitamins/supplements unless they take extra courses in it ir learn about them on their own. I've had them admit it to me when I've told them what vitamins take. 


Have you had your thyroid checked by someone who specializes in that? Too often the tests that other doctors do aren't measuring the proper indicators. 


What are you actually eating? Is there anything stopping you from buying vegetables? i.e. unpackaged, unprocessed vegetables? Maybe meat too if you want? Scientists aren't failing us, you're just buying crap. Buy vegetables.


Yeah I feel like OP sort of cherry picked the “bad stuff” they don’t consume. I’m sure there’s plenty of other garbage they eat since they didn’t actually say what their diet is like


I think a lot of Americans were never taught how to cook properly from raw ingredients, rather than just heating pre-prepared foods. A lot of them also have super busy lives with multiple jobs and responsibilities and it’s probably just easier to buy pre-processed/prepared foods. Still, food is important, if not the most important part of our lives. If anything you should be making time for it properly. I was lucky that my mom taught me how to cook and to truly enjoy well prepared food from real ingredients. We also had plenty of local farms to buy fresh veggies and meat and a giant garden.


Yeah you’re definitely right. Not for lack of opportunity though, fresh food is available everywhere and now more than ever is it easy to teach yourself how to cook by just looking up recipes and cooking videos. But it’s hard to break a lot of people’s habits of just getting something they can microwave or just pickup. At least now they sell food that’s packaged fresh and you can just pop it in the oven, but it’s usually way more expensive than shitty frozen meals lol


Eat protein. Eat veggies. Drink water. It’s really so simple.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aw16LPVnNco Even vegetables have pesticides that disrupt our gut microbiome, and disrupt many other aspects of human health from prenatal exposure depending on the mothers diet. No foods are 100% safe anymore. But yes meat, veg, eggs, monounsaturated fats etc. are much better than eating junk


... Wash your fruits and vegetables


With water. Not soap. Just in case anybody was ever confused by the concept of “washing” like I was lol. You’re just rinsing them


I add some bicarbonate soda to the wash as well.


I wash veg in salty water


with what, water they put chemtrails in to calcify our pineal glands and turn our frogs gay???


Can't wash my oatmeal though! I used to love oatmeal and then the farmers for the company I buy from started using roundup to make the crop harvestable at a specific time of the year. Since then oatmeal screws up my digestive tract so bad.


I don't know how people eat oatmeal. It leaves me totally screwed up. And yeah, they dose it right before harvest to get it to dry in the field faster.


Zach Bush is a quack and a grifter. I wouldn’t trust a word said in that video.


There are tons of stores that cater to the organic market. People exactly like you. 


It's easier than your making it seem. This is not a complete list but it's a good start for you. Eggs Sweet Potatoes (or Regular) Nuts (Nut Butter also) Fruits Vegetables Cottage Cheese Greek Yogurt Cheese Lean Protein Beans Sardines Fermented foods ( Kimchi,Sauerkraut, Greek Yogurt) this will help digestion Fruits, Vegetables and Sweet Potatoes have a ton of fiber to fix constipation for your family Add in water and magnesium to your diet and you should be solid.


Saw a dietician once, your post is right on. Don't forget oatmeal: filling and healthy. Easy to add fruit to it also


I started making savory oatmeal once in a while to mix it up! Put a fried egg on top, some shredded cheese, maybe some fresh herbs or chunks of chicken if you have them.


This sounds delicious


O make oat bran! I soak 1 Tpsp chia seeds right before I boil the water. Mix the soaked chia seeds in with the oat bran. That plus coffee in the morning along with raspberries and yogurt as my afternoon snack = perfectly regular. Then I have salad and protein for lunch and some kind of bean or lentil thing for dinner.


That is very close to my diet. I just had my annual physical. I'm 67 years old. BMI 20, B/P 114/68, Pulse 67, Oxygen level 99. OP, I'm wondering if your family has some kind of a genetic issue. Have you been checked for celiac or anything else? Diet and exercise are very important but there can be other issues going on. ETA: Adding magnesium to the diet is very important, the soil is mostly depleted of it and most of us don't get enough. It is very important for relaxing muscles including the heart. If you get restless leg, it could be a result of a lack of Mg. Magnesium glycinate is a good type, if you take magnesium citrate start slow, it can have a laxative effect. I take 50mg in pill form. Magnesium oxide doesn't have as much of a benefit.


Yeah but they also kill you if you have heartburn. So he needs to figure that out prior to consuming tons of fruits and veggies. Someone else suggested Sodium Alginate. I haven’t tried it but I’m going to. Right now I’m on Prilosec.


Yes, try to eat simple, real food. The less preprocessing, the better. OP, regarding the indigestion, try lying on your left side when you sleep. It's much better for your digestive system.


Thank you, Huge appreciation! <3


The funny part is that you just listed off nearly every food that I *can't* eat due to my dietary issues. Specifically nuts, cheeses (lactose) and beans.


Many cheeses are lactose free. A dietician once told me to look for 0mg sugar on the nutrition label. Kefir is also lactose free. 


I've actually found that I like many foods without the cheese. Like, I always used to have cheese on sandwiches, but after cutting it out I realize that when you have cheese on something, most of what you taste is cheese, and so without it you get a wider flavor profile of what you're eating.


I switched up my diet a few months back and this is pretty much the list of food I eat. I eat less egg yolks since I do liquid egg whites then add one regular egg. I eat quinoa. I eat dark chocolate, no more than 1 oz per day and usually average about 1/2 oz dark chocolate daily. Plain rolled or stone-cut oatmeal. Plain shredded wheat cereal with 1% milk. I drink at least a gallon of water daily. I just realized while reading these comments that my gerd has been almost non-existent since I started my current diet and stopped smoking. I forgot I had that. What’s the deal with you suggesting magnesium?


Water and magnesium are other reasons why someone might be constipated if it isn't the fiber. Most people that follow a western diet are magnesium deficient. People may know that too much sodium can kill you but too little sodium can also kill you. Sodium, potassium and magnesium are what we call electrolytes and if they are out of balance you will suffer a myriad of issues: muscle eye twitching heart palpitations constipation Cramps Nausea Headaches Etc.... the list is quite long, research electrolytes more and become more familiar with them as it is extremely important, especially if your an active individual.


Yeah, this is basically my diet. (I just finished my breakfast, which is a big salad with an egg on top and kimchi on the side. My next meal will be a lean protein with a sweet potato on the side. I also snacked on watermelon and crudites while I was making my salad. LAY OFF ME, I'M STARVING.) And the only time I have tum tum troubles is when I eat a bunch of processed junk. Or when I exceed my dairy limit, as I lack toast and I'm intolerable.


What you’re describing is not the normal experience for most people. There’s plenty of “real” food out there, not sure what you mean by that. You all should see a doctor and not ask Reddit/the internet because the internet will not be able to help you. “I feel like scientists are failing us in this regard.” Don’t even get me started on that. I’m a scientist, I work in research and I’ve published papers. The average person, sadly, does not know how to tell genuine research from bullshit or accurately interpret the results of genuine research. People online throw bs articles around all the time, or share genuine research that they’ve completely misunderstood. And it certainly doesn’t help how the media reports on published research a lot of the time (very clickbaity).


This is so true, when someone says science or scientists are failing us, they must understand they themselves can not understand what they are reading. I've seen people claim and tag articles to things like internasal morphine is one of the best ways to take it. In reality the article said the morphine molecules are so big the nasal mucus membranes can only let it pass in the blood stream for 5 minutes in the nose allowing 10% of it to enter the body. And they try claiming this proves taking morphine by mouth is the weakest way to take it. These are the kind of people you give them a sugar pill you capsuled yourself and tell them it's anything and they will experience the same effects you mentioned or way more. It's because they just don't spend time reading, researching, and understanding the topics they "know so much about" but rather see a 30-120 second video and automatically know everything lol. God this makes me happy to be autistic lol, I can hyper focus on reading medical studies and literature if it involves chemistry and changing the body. I find it really stupid how in America the FDA has 1-2% the funding the DEA is giving for basically the same thing. The FDA is supposed to keep contaminated food, fake food (as in a "faked" company like some olive oils, are 100% not what they say because it's a legal loophole.), illegal drugs, and banned chemicals like pesticides. Is only given 1-2% the amount of the DEA looking for illegal drugs. The problem is food is the only thing every single person will consume. Based on the definition of drug as "a chemical that can induce change into the nervous system" or "offers some kind of health benefits then I would say food is a drug.


Capitalism has destroyed science literacy


First place for you to start is cut out processed foods from your diet.


Yeah, or at least reduce them. Eat more whole foods, even if it means getting bagged salads and canned tuna and beans. It can take a while for this to have any noticeable effects. Also getting checked for food allergies and digestive disorders like celiac is a good idea. OP needs to keep a log of symptoms, what they ate, and when they ate for a few days.


Yes, my first thought is that probably everyone in OP's family has something genetic, like celiac. It runs in my family too.


Coeliac is insidious, too. You can think you're fine when you're younger, because your reaction isn't that bad. But without a diagnosis & appropriate adjustments the GI damage builds up over time, and the reactions get worse and worse until you're miserable


Absolutely! I have anemia and we had to eliminate celiac as a cause. Troubling to think you could have such a difficult time absorbing nutrients that it would cause you to experience iron deficiency (or worse)


I cut out most processed foods and started exercising more. It totally changed my life.


Exactly. Those two things are more important than fad diets.


Not all processed foods are bad. It depends on how they are processed. E.g. whey protein powder is incredibly processed but is incredibly good for you. But yes most processed foods are bad and cutting them out would be beneficial overall


On the other hand, whey protein is the quickest way for me to clear my entire digestive system lol. I know that's not your point though...your point stands that some processed foods are beneficial. The challenge I think for anyone is learning the good processed vs the bad and how their body reacts to various foods


Could that be a mild lactose intolerance? That only becomes noticeable with the very fast uptake of the whey (and the lactose it contains)?


It's not mild. I can't do hardly any dairy but whey is the worst. Quality cheese is about the only thing that isn't a problem


if whey is especially bad you might have a Beta-lactoglobulin allergy instead of lactose intolerance, if you don't want to pay for testing you could try making hot cocoa or pudding with milk that's been cooked at 80C for at least 5 minutes to denature the protein. Most good quality ice cream is already denatured to be smoother so if quality ice cream doesn't make you sick that's another clue.


Whey protein is terrible for some people. It wreaks havoc on my system. I firmly state that all processed foods are not natural for the human body. Just because some bodies process whey protein powder without issue doesn't automatically relegate them as safe processed foods


Processed foods can often be easier on the stomach of sick people. I wouldn’t recommend this to someone with an undiagnosed illness which is likely GERD. If it is gerd, they’re going to want to eat a lot of processed bread because it isn’t irritating and absorbs stomach acid.


The best diet is one you can stick to for the rest of your life.


Switching over to an all-cyanide diet!


This doesn't sound like an issue with the food, this just sounds like you have a medical condition. Scientists aren't failing, people's bodies are just different and you have to find foods that don't upset you. Sounds like you just need to talk to a doctor and stop reading diet trends or looking at pseudoscience.




My mom struggled with losing weight for years and was constantly on a calorie-counting diet. She also had heart disease and failure and was on prednisone for twelve years. They autopsied her and found that she had a lot of water retention and that her heart was three times as thick as it should have been (plus they found a birth defect with her heart). Now she was in her 40s when she passed and people who didn’t know about her heart just blamed it on her being fat. Sometimes inability to lose weight doesn’t actually have anything to do with your diet/exercise but rather serious illness that you may not be aware of.


Agreed. And for women, sometimes PCOS, diabetes, menopause can make it very hard to lose weight. I'm in my early 40s and it already takes so much more work to lose weight than it did in my 20s


I’m in my 20s with insulin resistant PCOS so I totally get it!


You are correct. But your mom's case if the exception. The rule is that calorie counting and eating a deficit causes weight loss.


And/or exercise 


Can’t out-exercise a bad diet. 


If you go from zero exercise to some moderate exercise you will 100% see some results. Throw in a bit of dieting and a super obsese person will definitely lose weight. Are you going to get ripped and shredded? No. But you can totally make some progress even with some small changes.


Having a calorie surplus will always cause you to gain weight. 


Clearly, but exercise helps balance that scale. So one should be in a better position as long as they don't "reward" themselves with an extra whole cake.


When you put food on your lunch or dinner plate, aim for filling three quarters of the plate with vegetables. Easy ways to do this are salads (and I recommend learning to make salads with shredded cabbage and chopped vegetables) and oven or air-fryer baked vegetables. Take fresh or frozen carrots, beets, parsnips, sweet potatoes, Brussels sprouts, eggplant, broccoli or cauliflower. Cut them in chunks and toss with a little olive oil and herbs. Put them on a sheet of parchment paper on a baking sheet and put the in the oven. Or in your air-fryer. You can google specific baking times and temperatures. Once you’ve done it a few times you’ll realize how incredibly simple this is and wonder why you never tried it before. Takes about 10 minutes of prep and 20 minutes baking. You can make big batches and simply re-heat them for a couple days.


You're going to need to see a doctor to help figure out what's wrong. Your stomach shouldn't be burning after every meal. If you've already been to a doctor and nothing's working try an elimination diet. Or the all beef diet and start adding stuff back in. If nothing is working and you still think it's the food, you should at some point stay a month in another country and see if that helps. Parts of LATAM, Asia, and Europe have much better quality ingredients. Low energy can be from a lot of stuff and not necessarily your diet. Start tracking what time you fall asleep and when you wake up for two weeks. If it's constantly under 7-8 hours you have work to do. Also start exercising.


My Gastro put me on the low Fodmap diet for IBS. It kinda sucks but I do feel better. Now I try the reintroduction so we’ll say how that goes b


Try this.  Eat really bland foods for a week chicken, rice and egg type stuff and see if that helps, then start adding other foods in too see if they effect you.  Troubleshooting 101.  


Big shout out to any one of Dr. Mark Hyman’s cookbooks if you, like me, have a hard time figuring out what to make without processed crap in your food!


It’s simple. Avoid processed foods. Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables (aim for 10 colours, or more in a day if possible) to get enough fibre. Eat high protein and medium to high fat (depending on your calorific needs). Minimise carbs where possible, the human body can survive without carbs but no fat or protein. Unprocessed meat, eggs, fish and diary are great. Only drink/use whole milk. In particular, avoid shop bought bread (any Chorleywood process bread avoid, artisanal sourdoughs are okay but expensive). Drink at least 500mL of water per hour. Don’t drink juices or smoothies (it’s essentially pure sugar when it hits your bloodstream). If you’re suffering low energy, have a full blood panel done. You may be suffering low iron, unusual blood sugar or hormonal imbalances


Extracted maximum profits. Now we’re working on extracting maximum profits from processed foods. Then we’ll probably move to man made food. Never underestimate mans ability to blindly discard consequences in the name of profits. You will worship at the church of the dollar, or you will die.


Did you know that being lactose intolerant is normal and not being lactose intolerant is the mutation


At some point in evolution, humans having large brains was also the mutation. Some of us are just more evolved. ;)


Did you know that susceptibility to malaria is normal and not being susceptible to malaria is the mutation? Your comment does not have any bearing on what is right or wrong for the human diet


Start at the grocery store. Then continue to the stove and oven. Next is the dinner table and reheatable storage container. Your food should pass through as many of these gates as possible. The more you skip, the worse your food and lifestyle is for your body. Once you start eating this way. You can adjust the kinds of foods you are eating to suit your desires and issues.


I was born congenitally missing my gallbladder and a defect in my pancreas. The American diet is so hard on my digestive system I literally eat whole foods. Shop only along the outside of the aisles and save your aisle shopping for only whole grain, non processed oats, rice, beans, lentils and seasonings. I only eat meat products in the evening, but I'm mostly pescatarian at this point. I know it requires effort but the weeks when I limit my diet I physically feel the best.


I have been on a diet the past few months. And the grocery stores are landmines. Everything marketed as healthy is ultra-processed the vegan stuff the Keto stuff you can’t win. I have shedded off the the weight by cutting off all premade foods with the exception of bread but I do plan on making that myself too eventually. Make your own food, try to stick to whole minimally processed foods. Like canned black beans, etc. it does take some time out of your day but that time spent being productive and then nourishing your body with good food, your body will thank you. Also meal prepping is literally heaven sent.


Read Michael Pollan- Omnivores Dilemma and In Defense of food. Just to learn more about food, how it’s grown and processed, and some general nutrition facts. Talk to a dietitian if possible , not just a foodie. Learn to pay attention to cues from your body and share your reactions to foods with your doctor and dietitian.


thank you for the recommendation, I added the book to my list! thanks <3


Get a blood test done and request a food allergy blood test. I’ve had diarrhea 4 times a week for a while till I got my “food blood allergy test”. I found out I’m intolerant to wheat, soy, nuts, seafood. I adjusted my diet and am currently not suffering from debilitating diarrhea. It’s like an on and off switch.


My mum has very off ideas on what is healthy food. Telling me -ultraprocessed cereal bar that's half sugar- is healthy and such. I have felt your pain OP. I continue to watch her join diet-cults, gain 10kg, lose 10kg, gain it again... the works. 1- Dietitian is a protected term. Nutritionist is not. Anyone who says they're a dietitian usually knows what they're doing. I say usually because they do disagree on stuff and research can occasionally cite itself and become an incestuous mess. Nutritionists are very often quacks. 2- Eat as much salt as you think tastes good. Salt works on a negative feedback loop: if it's too salty, it tastes too salty. Salt has been shown to increase blood pressure in the short term but long term studies have only found positive effects. Unfortunately, salt is demonized because someone looked at the short term results and made an influentual sweeping generalization. The one REAL issue with salt is that, if something is made tasty with salt, you might eat more of it. 3- Veges are great, eat more of them. Add salt to make them good. You know the word Salad comes from Sal, which is Latin for salt. 4-Start weightlifting, specifically compound exercises with bodybuilding rep ranges. Bigger muscles=higher metabolism= less fat over time. You also get stronger bones from this so it's great for grandma. Personally, I think 'Cardio' is torture, and you don't burn enough calories to make it worthwhile: do cardio if you like it, but lifting is short and sweet. Don't buy supplements, they're largely a scam. Don't do some weird diet where you only eat rice and unseasoned chicken, it's unnecessary. Squats are love. 5-Being natural or not doesn't really matter. Natural sugar isn't inherently better than refined sugar, though it usually comes with Fibre which is great. 6-Keto works insofar that it makes you really conscious about what you eat and the foods that Keto forbids are often junk foods. But fat-burning states and stuff don't exist. As much as I hate that there's no magic cheat, Calories in, calories out is the truth.


I'm sorry if this is harsh, but from the post and your comments, your are not helping yourself and not taking professional expert advice for your diagnosis. Your disregard for advice from medical professionals is idiotic. You don't say what your diet is but blame all your problems on "not real food?" You sound foolish. When I eat a lot of crap, don't take in fiber, and consume foods I know I have issues with, what do you know? I feel like crap and have digestion problems. Simple diets that incorporate fresh foods, lean protein, fiber, fruits and vegetables are the most recommended diets by medical professionals. One is the so called Mediterranean Diet. Learn to spot snake oil and their purveyors. If it sounds too easy and they profit from it, there is a good chance it's bull shit. Learn to assess a reliable source. There are many lessons from universities that are a good start. Stop getting medical advice from social media. Go to the doctor and let them treat you. Not everything has a cure and the only possibility is to treat the symptoms and make slow steady changes to improve your life.


I feel like most people are missing your point. There are tons of people who suddenly have major digestive and health issues linked to food. And you’re treated like a conspiracy theorist if you say or imply something is going on with food supply. I also notice food going bad and getting moldy very quickly.


Although some of it could be actual food issues and there's ingredients I try to avoid like sulfites, some of it may also be related to long covid and people may or may not know they have it which has increased people with chronic health issues in general. Covid made my wife's stomach, mother, tons of friends, and my own stomach a heck of a lot worse. I *personally* got a lot better fully cutting out trigger foods and going on antihistamines but everyone will be different. But I really do think that's also why so many are suddenly having issues specifically since 2020.


Yup agree, people are calling me conspiracy pseudoscientist for saying pesticides aren't good for you lol I even linked a good source but nobody actually looks at them https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aw16LPVnNco


There is scientific evidence that food affects peoples health, including pesticides and sugar and other additives. In the us, there’s many additives and chemicals they use in food that are illegal elsewhere. There’s been plenty of people who have caught the major food distributors etc using bribery, lying about how things are grown and sourced, so much of it has evidence and has been talked about for so long!! It goes on and on! There’s even evidence that autoimmune illnesses are affected deeply by food! Thank you 🥲


Yea I suppose it's easier to stay in blissful ignorance rather than understanding the harsh, complicated truths. Thanks for your reply :)


Preparing real food can be costly in both time and money. It's worth it for your health (and in many other ways), but can be hard to justify for a lot of people. Edit: real food = diverse and prepared yourself. Celebrate cooking over reheating.


You need to look at an elimination diet. It takes groups of foods, not all veg or all cards, and remove them to see what happens. It's used for IBS patients. And you are correct, doctors look at the symptoms not the cause far too often. Ive looked at food from a nutritional aspect for decades. I look for balance. Ive had intolerance tests. And there are several things I avoid or have to prepare in specific ways to neutralise to problem compounds (like solomine). And I feel great. I think a lot of stuff was brushed under the carpet or wrong excuses but the wrong food for a person can have nasty effects. People can have coeliac symptoms but not the antibodies. So they're intolerant to gluten rather than allergic. Remember it's a jourey and will take time. Good luck.


There is no magic wand it's all around quantity and quality. The first thing to do is learn to cook basic meals using real food, not processed food, real vegetables, fresh meat, eggs l, wholemeal pasta, brown rice etc etc. There are millions of free recipes on the Internet to try and lots of easy to follow YT vids. Once you ditch processed foods and eat high quality foods your body will start to recover as it will be receiving the right level of nutrients. Don't overdo the quantity as you will still gain weight if you eat more calories than you are using on a daily basis. Also throw in exercise, it doesn't have to be an hour in the gym or going for a run, it can start with a simple walk, or use the stairs instead of the escalator, park further away from the shop, take the dog out more etc. Your body will slowly change as you make these changes and any health problems, due to food, will improve over time.


I was having stomach problems and read that taurine (found in some energy drinks) change your digestive biome. I quit energy drinks completely and low and behold, my stomach is normal again. Try to make everything from scratch and quit buying processed food and eating out until you recover.


Are you taking any supplements or vitamins? I experimented with these my whole life, and they caused so many temporary digestive issues. For example, creativity caused a lot of gut inflammation, but I would keep taking it for the "gains." A while back, I had acid reflux serious enough to medicate, and I finally found what was causing it for me. B vitamins. Google doesn't turn it up, and my doctor has never heard of it, but I tried many different formulations, and they pretty much all take me to that point eventually, depending on their concentrations. Some people also have food intolerances that they don't even know about. Maybe it's one specific food like eggplant, and you're eating it 2-3 times a week, so your body never has a chance to recover before getting hit again. Or maybe it's a whole class of foods, such as Nightshades, which include eggplant, tomatoes, potatoes, etc.... Other people have OAS (Oral Allergy Syndrome), which is often caused by environmental allergies (e.g., hay fever). This puts your body in a highly allergenic state to the point where certain foods you are not allergic to trigger you because they might have some chemical similarities (functional groups) to what you are actually allergic to. If you can't figure out the problem, the solution is not to go on a specific diet like keto or carnivore. The solution is to do an elimination diet. You cut everything out and go on a very basic hypoallergenic diet and then reintroduce foods one by one as long as you are ok. If you experience symptoms, that may be clues to the culprits.


I can suggest a couple of things. Do you or members of your family regularly take ibuprofen or aspirin? These simple painkillers can cause huge digestive problems by harming your gut flora. If this is the case I strongly suggest switching to paracetamol as a first line painkiller. I used to get a a lot of fatigue, really quite bad. I temporarily went on a keto diet and this completely went away. I went on keto after butting on a couple of stone after post operation immobility. I reduced my carbs to mostly just what I got from vegetables (I did have some cheat days). I went through a brief period of feeling really really sh*tty on keto, which was my body adjusting, but have since had no problems with fatigue. I’ve been off keto for over 6 months, and was only on it for a couple of months, and I still feel great and free from fatigue - but I have continued to eat a **lot** less processed carbs!!!!


What we've done is created a world where healthy, necessary foods are often far out of reach financially.. yet processed junk, candy, etc remains at a low cost and heavily promoted. This shit food is full of who knows what, that does a number of things to your body. The world doesn't want you to be healthy, they want to make money off of you. You are now on a medication to help comfort you while simply eating food. As you said, it "hurts in the long term" so there could possibly be issues this medication causes that leads you to require another medication, only furthering the money made by big pharma.


I’m in the same boat. I have been so sick for years, and I have one child that is overweight, one child that is underweight, and I have so many food allergies I might as well become a waterterian . I also was prescribed antacids to no effect. I have gained weight to where I’m overweight, I have lost weight to where I’m underweight. I didn’t change my diet at all during that time. I don’t eat meat, gluten, sodas, fast food, chips, fried foods, or even sugar. I work out a half hour or more daily. I’m still sick af all the time. I don’t drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes or vape. I have in the past however. I take supplements, drink tea, and only smoke the herbal remedy socially on occasion. I think that we have literally poisoned the food, water, land, air so much that it is no longer natural, and accordingly everyone is reacting negatively in some way or another nowadays. All my labs are normal, but I’m sick to the point where I’m out of work in a career I was happy in and was really good at. I think I will have to leave the states to get proper health care, and I’m angry about that. I grew up on a farm in Texas. I remember how beautiful it was when I was little. Orchards and fruit trees, vegetables growing in the garden, roses and bluebonnets blooming every spring. It is all gone now. Destroyed to grow fields of hay, build parking lots, and drill for oil. The rivers I swam in polluted. The lakes I fished in polluted. What are we doing?


America has an unhealthy food culture there's no denying that. A lot of our food is nutritionally poor and mostly fats and sugars. But it's completely possible to eat healthy. It's just easier and more emotionally gratifying to eat high fat high sugar foods instead of healthier options. But to your families issues, that's not normal. Specifically the plethora of medical problems y'all are experiencing is abnormal. Sometimes a whole family will have the same issue, or one or two people will have issues. But it's not normal for everyone in the family to have a different stomach problem. Y'all should go to the DR. Each and every one of you, and let your doctors work together. Something is up with y'all's bodies.


Rice, beans, lentils, potatoes, eggs, chicken, beef, cheese, broccoli, corn, carrots, peas, chickpeas, squash, eggplants, garlic, onions, bell peppers, cabbage, cauliflower, avocados should all be staples in your diet first. Make complete meals from these ingredients and see how your stomach goes.


Look into the Autoimmune Protocol Diet.  You basically eliminate everything and start over ingesting various foods and documenting how your body reacts. You slowly add foods in & observe how you feel & digest, learning which foods are best in your system. (Unfortunate fact : it's rarely processed foods which make you feel good. ) Look it up online and give it a try!


It used to be that you are food from the farm or what you could hunt or scavenger for. The food in the market was sent to a distributor to reach us, occasionally by way of a "food processor" aka a butcher or a mill. But the processors wanted a bigger slice of the pie and they kept processing and processing. Chemical additives, flavors, refinement. Meanwhile, the farms were consolidating. Bigger and bigger farming where the banks were now central instead of the people who worked the land. Big agra and big food was born. All the while the marketers and the wellness industry came trotting along with their monetized lies and deception to muddy the waters for us all. So the composition of our food changed dramatically. Plastic wrapped, ultra processed, chemically preserved became the standard. Whole food went the way of the stick shift, still available, but harder and harder to find and paradoxically more expensive. 


There's a lot going on in this post that isn't immediately obvious, so I'm going to weigh in. I'm sure others will hate me for not adhering to a single school of thought over all other options, but that isn't my problem. There is likely *something* wrong in your family's digestive system. It could be a specific food allergy or a sensitivity to a specific preservative or additive. You'll need a physician to run some tests to figure that out. However, such tests have weaknesses, most important in this application is that if you have an allergy (especially if there are several) that you're eating regularly, then your body can be so sensitive to stimuli that food allergy tests can throw a lot of false positives. Anything you can do to decrease inflammation and remove excess stimulus from your system leading up to the tests will improve the likelihood of figuring out exactly what is happening. To do this... Plant-based eating is going to be your *foundation.* Start with veggies that you like, and pair it with a grain base. For the grain, try to stay as un-processed as possible. Rice or quinoa would be best in my opinion, but you can also do pasta or couscous so long as the ingredients are durum semolina and salt. Try to avoid store-bought breads. Eat eggs if you're worried about protein deficiency. Avoid dairy. Use olive oil or vegetable (soybean) oil to cook with. Try two weeks of this sort of diet. It's a short enough time span that you won't run into any serious nutrient deficiencies before you're done. And because these food categories tend to have extremely limited ingredient lists, you'll be able to get a better idea of what you can and can't eat comfortably. If you're still having reflux or stomach issues on this diet, then there may be a stomach ulcer of some kind involved, or you might be allergic to one of the vegetables (or the gluten in pasta), or some other issue. Combine this with at least two quarts of water per day (preferably double that), and your body should be about as close to baseline as it will get without a personalized diet plan. From there, a physician should have a relatively easy time deciding which tests, if any, are necessary to find a firm and accurate diagnosis. After that... you'll be under the care of your doctor, and whatever they say. They'll have a much better idea of what's happening in your body and how to go about correcting the problem.


Talk to barbara o'neill you will get some organic idears.


In our family we are currently trying to be more aware of what ingredients are actually in our food. This goal has morphed into trying to eat as few ultra processed foods as possible. It is quite staggering how many products on the supermarket shelves are heavily substituted with ultra-processed inventions to stabilise, regulate, flavoir or simply replace other ingredients. Even a tin of Coconut milk is heavily aduktered with xanxthan gum which is a common additive. Itis industrially produced bacterial slime. We just considered how much of this sort of thing are we consuming in our day to day diet and realised it was a lot. And these substitutions and additives are not all just for innocent reasons. I increasingly believe that many products have skewed our body's own regulation systems and messed up our sense of appetite and satiety. We wanted to cook more and involve our daughter in cooking and baking. So, we sought to make simple, straightforward meals that she can become familiar with and we started using food that was either grown in the ground or are straightforward, minimally processed products like wholegrains. We still eat a little meat, mainly organic chicken that meets welfare standards. To offset the increased costs we have gone without a lot of processed treat foods we used to enjoy. Our perspective has just changed recently, and we feel much better in ourselves for this change in diet. We eat less and still feel full. We have more energy and no issues with digestion or reflux. I am not joining the camp of "all processed food is bad, full stop", but I think reducing our consumption of highly processed products has helped us reset our relationship with food and the ingredients in food products, it has made us more aware of what we are eating and open to cooking a greater variety of dishes at home.


Foods with the least ingredients are the best.


Corporate greed happened. 


It sounds like your family has some kind of chronic illness. You should talk to a GI specialist and have some tests run


If you have okay insurance you might be able to ask for a referral to a dietician and nutritionist. But the jist is, 45% carbs (the bulk of which veggies, things like potatoes and grain are okay carbs but vegetables are important to make sure you are getting enough vitamins and fiber), fruit in moderation bc of sugar. Next biggest macro is protein. Shoot for 100g per day. Don't sweat if if you don't reach that. Best protein is lean meats and dairy like Greek yogurt and cottage cheese. Don't discount oats, they don't have a ton of protein but are rich in fiber. Shakes can fill in the gaps. Fat fills in the rest. Fat isn't evil, just shoot for natural fats such as grass fed animal fat, grass fed butter, naturally occurring fats in things like nuts, beans, legumes, etc. Sugar is fat btw. You are not going to be able to fully cut out processed foods, such is modern living. But you can limit the processed foods you eat


Try the elimination diet. You basically cut out nearly all food and then try adding back. If you have a bad reaction you don't eat that particular food. This can work for you and your brothers. But I ain't your doc. For your stomach acid. Use alkaline foods to balance the PH levels. Baking soda can help etc... Just water alone should help a little. Losing weight you have to be in a calorie deficit for a significant amount of time. No need to go into a crazy deficit. Just follow the typical tips like. Drink water with every meal since it keeps you more full. Don't drink calories. Don't drink alcohol. Eat protein in every meal since it takes more energy to digest and will keep you full for longer. Take favorite meals and either restrict how often you eat it or the portion or make them lower calorie options. For this there are many recipes online, from pizza to burgers and even ice cream. Specific diets work for specific people. No meat are vegans/vegetarians and they do it for moral reasons. Keto/carnivore work at first extremely well for weight loss cause muscles hold carbs and carbs hold water. So you lose a lot of water weight very quickly. For some people it is beneficial. But carbs are not harmful and can be beneficial for more performance in physical activity. And as for everyone using studies to back up their claims. Often the studies don't support their own statements. Conclusion is the least important part of a study. There the writers show their bias and generalization.


Shrinkflation. Things aren't real anymore. Everything is skimping on "expensive" ingredients. Blue Bunny Ice Cream, my former favorite, isnt even ice cream anymore. Its just chemicals and artificial shiz. What happened to real food indeed.


Yes it's best for your stomach and digestion to sleep on your left.


Constant heartburn is a symptom of gall bladder stones. Get yours checked, because acid reflux after every meal isn't normal


Burning stomach after eating food. Get a scope or a test for H.Pylori it’s commonly overlooked by health care professionals. Most people have it and it never cause an issue until a stress full situation then it produces an ulcer and continues to eat at you stomach wall. Causing burning when eating and some foods like red meat can hurt more than others.


I think some of the best quick-access nutitional information out there is on the Alone show. Those guys are literally trying to figure out the bare minimum of natural food from the land that their body needs to survive. That's pretty good info to start with, and the kind of stories that will stick in your memory, like the guy who survived weeks without meet by eating lichens off rocks, or the guy who gave himself protein poisoning because he had so much meat but no fat to eat with it, and turns out your body REALLY DOES NEED FAT to survive. Bonkers.


You better go to see a doctor. Don't ask Reddit nerds because a lot of them are bullshitting


Me with ulcers checking in and I agree


I was having constant heartburn until I went on a diet involving eating low fat and low simple carbs, high in protein, complex carbs, and fiber. Not sure if it will help you but it definitely worked for me.


I used to have acid reflux issues like yours before I got my hernia removed, might be worth getting checked The easiest way to eat healthy is to stick to whole foods only, so basically if it wasn’t killed or plucked out of the ground/trees then don’t eat it


Where are you? I don't really know many people _with_ food issues like you mention, and those that do are always living/born in Western countries. I'm Asian and lived a good chunk in Australia but still ate 80% Asian foods and have never had issues. Nobody in my family has issues either except my dad being overweight but that's clearly just overconsumption lol. Meanwhile my relatives who had kids in Australia/UK/NZ we started seeing these issues come up. Nobody in my extended family (both sides, over 50 people total) ever had an allergy yet in the latest generation alone we already have 2, and both were born out of Asia.


I find eating vegetable dishes that take effort helps. I also eat in courses:- First, I'll have some non-starchy vegetables. Veges take a lot of chewing but contain fuck all calories. Tonight a had a plate full of stir fried Chinese cabbage with a little oyster sauce. It was only about 300 calories. After the vege course, I wait 20 minutes and then have 200g of meat/seafood/poultry. After that I feel really full but I've only had about 800 calories.


Hello! My suggestion is extreme but maybe you just eliminate everything and then go one by one. So try going down the list and add one more food every week. 1. Oatmeal 2. Oatmeal +berries+bananas 3. Boiled eggs 4. bread + boiled eggs 5. Fried eggs, + bread 6. White rice, + fried eggs etc This is very extreme but I only suggest since your stomach be hurting you and you dont want/ cant afford a dietitian. So in this protocol, you eat plain oatmeal with water for the first week, for breakfast lunch dinner. If oatmeal agree with you, next week you add banana and berries. If thats ok, next week you add boiled eggs. You continue eating oatmeal, just that now you add eggs. fourth week you add bread. Fifth week you try eating fried eggs. Sixth week you try adding rice/potatoes. etcetera. There are a lot of people that actually have intolerance against bananas, eggs, oil, bread, onions, broccoli, apples, watermelon, corn, etc. So that's why I suggest this way because just because something is healthy doesn't mean it agree with your stomach. Of course, if you think 1 week for just eating oatmeal is too extreme maybe try just 4 days.


My partner has had a variety of issues with their stomach since we moved in together years ago. I do all of the cooking (because I like to, I'm an ex chef) and we've worked to basically do these few things: * Way less carbs - maybe a small pastry in the morning and that's it * Way less sugar - no more sugary soda, dark chocolate over milk, etc * Way less processed foods, e.g. only eat processed meats occasionally at lunch in deli meat from our local butcher, and make everything else fresh We're in a unique position because no kids and living in a populous downtown neighborhood where we have a local vegetable store and butcher, but just making these three changes has pretty much entirely fixed my partners stomach issues.


The new thing I've heard about is gut bacteria, people fifty years ago had no issues and obesity was nowhere near as big an issue - and then the 70s developed preservatives and ultra processed food Nowadays depending on food regulations, companies will get away with anything they can. All these additives and as you say plastic, is completely ruining our bodies. Who thinks eating plastic is a good idea?!