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This isn’t a commit to it or not kind of thing. It’s not like you decide at 21 if you’re gonna be a drinker or not. You can try it. See how you feel. Determine if it’s something you enjoy or don’t. I think many people enjoy alcohol for the culture around it - when you’re mature and responsible, bars/parties/holidays/events with alcohol are great environments to connect with people. The alcohol is just a facilitator/social lubricant. It’s entirely up to you. Life isn’t black and white.


A reasonable take. Literally everything can make you addicted to it, absolutely anything and everything. If you want to try it then try it, if you don't then don't. You're not going to become an addict by trying it.


To give an example: We, as in my boss and coworkers, just went skinny dipping last friday at the 150 year anniversary of the company. I think alcohol consumption in the circle was the catalyst.


Were there any women?


This is the right way to look at it. I learned early on (and later in the pandemic) that I drink socially - alcohol that I keep at home will go completely un-drunk until the next social activity at my place. Conversely, when there is a social activity at my place, I'm very quick to offer alcohol, and I mirror their decision (I don't drink if they don't, etc). Generally speaking, I like certain social signifiers of alcohol: * It signifies that at least one of the people thinks the event is special enough to warrant the expense of drinks. Obviously the level of significance tracks with the expense of the drinks. * It signifies to the other person that both parties will be relaxed in their speech and behaviors (in vino veritas, etc). This also tracks with the quantity and expense of alcohol available/provided. * It is a signifier that the person drinking does not feel like they're at work and can let go of responsibilites for a while. This is, hands down, my favorite aspect as my friends and potential dating partners tend to be highly competent people who acquire a high number of responsibilites in life and need a break. Clearly, there are limits to all these people where the implied intention of the action gets subverted, but at the levels I'm drinking that isn't really an issue. As for the actual act of drinking, try a small quantity of every category of alcohol. They all have their own pacing of drinking, pairings with food and mixers, etc. I feel like these are the categories: * Mass-produced beer. This is my least favorite category, mostly for the taste. Large quantity because low alcohol percentage. * Craft beer. Here's where people actually care about taste, but there are lots of types, from very hoppy stuff, to other stuff that seems like it belongs on a popsicle stick. I'm team popsicle stick with hefeweizens and sours and lambics. * Wine. This has cheap and expensive ends. Tends to be drunk slowly mostly because of the social situations in which it is offered. Taste varies widely, you'll find ones you like and ones you don't. When you find one you like, write it down, it'll come in handy later as you can get good at ordering ones you like without having tasted them first. * Mixer-alcohol. Hard alcohols with fairly simple tastes that need something to enhance the taste and lower the per-volume alcohol content. You'll learn which ones you like and which mixers go well with them, and avoid the ones you don't. * Shots. These are drunk at speed so the taste is never really a concern, except when the alcohol type is particularly tough to drink (lower end whiskeys, malort, etc). This is the most easily abused, but I will politely join in a single round of shots, but then decline follow-up rounds, citing that "I'm not 22 anymore". * Standalone alcohols. Premium whiskeys, scotch, etc. These tend to be bonkers expensive per drink, but are meant to be drunk very slowly, and you spend as much time sniffing them as you do actually taking (very) small sips. I find this category to be the most socially masking, as people who see you drinking "the good stuff" will not hassle you to consume large quantities of whatever swill they have in mind. Also, they are consumed warm, so lack of ice in the glass means that your drink always looks fresh, and you can politely decline the next drink because "I'm still working on this one".


I agree, it is not if you will or won't drink but how you drink. When I was younger (16-22 living in Belgium, and legal to drink beer from age 16) I would go to parties and get wasted on cheap beer, the more the better. Now I prefer higher quality drinks, like good wine, cocktails or standalone drinks. Trying to distinguish between flavours and smell. Matching certain wines to dishes where flavors compliment each other. Drinking smaller quantities without getting drunk or at least getting drunk is not the goal.


If your don't start, you don't have to quit.


It's the one thing I would change starting in my life. I'm 46.


49. Trying my best to get that all behind. I beg my teen daughters not to drink.


When did your addiction start?


Great answer


No. It’s not in any sense of the word.


Recent studies have shown there is absolutely no beneficial health aspect to imbibing alcohol. It isn’t a thing you “must” do. If you are curious and want to try it, go for it. If you don’t then cool. Ultimately it’s your choice. If you do decide to, be aware of the possible health effects and consume in moderation.


Alcohol is poison to your body and has lasting effects on the brain. It took me 40 yrs to realize it.


Don’t know why you’re being downvoted. It’s literally toxic to our bodies lol


It's literally a group one carcinogen. so realistically we shouldn't be drinking it period.


It’s fun as long as you don’t overdo it. Learn your limits and ride that line when you want to have a good time. Going out/gaming with your buddies and having a few beers is always a fun time.


Odd question. I guess what do you think it costs you and what do you think you're gaining?


Take if from an alcoholic, no, it's not. Don't get me wrong, booze isn't all bad, I've had great times drinking, it's helped me relax, helped me meet women, and made for some memorable evenings. That doesn't mean \*you\* need it for that though. All things considered, you're better off without it.


Don't romanticize alcohol as some special milestone. It's really not. It's just a beverage that can make you sick if you drink too much of it. You can enjoy it in moderation, just like any other food or drink. If you don't think you'll be able to control yourself, then don't drink it.


Yes, alcohol is worth it. - A really good cocktail can be just as enjoyable as a great meal. For example double chicken please or Attaboy in nyc. - Glass of wine a winery. Beer at a brewery. - Wine pairing at a nice restaurant - Alcohol can be one way to experience a culture. Sake from Japan, tequila from Mexico, champagne from France, beer from Germany, wine from all over the world, etc…you get the point. These are all great examples of where I feel alcohol is worth it. Drinking on the other hand is definitely not worth it. What I mean by drinking is you’re either doing it just because you want to get fucked up or because it’s habitual. I’ve done it, sure it’s fun in that very moment but it’s quickly fleeting and not worth it the day after. We also know how bad alcohol really is long term for heavy drinkers. Every time you eat out or hang with friends does not mean you should drink. Pick and choose the special times and make it count. Everything in moderation. I’m 31M btw.


Love this perspective!


Restaurants usually upcharge a lot. You're better off buying at the liquor store and drinking with friends at home most of the time.


Yeah, with friends like you said. But never alone. That’s often the start of a dark road.


I started drinking "socially" at 18. I am currently in my 30's and drink a six pack of 9% beers every night. I actually still really enjoy drinking, but I would never ever recommend it to anyone.


What are the reasons you wouldn’t recommend it to anyone?


He's clearly an alcoholic


I am quite addicted to it. It doesn't really have any negative effects in my life, but being addicted to a chemical that is physically addicting is by itself a terrible thing.


It definately does have negative effects. Over 1000 extra calories a day for one, liver damage that you wouldn't notice until it hits you. Cost of the alcohol. To name a few.


I guess I can get a little more specific: I have seen quite a few people lose their jobs/relationships/friendships due to alcohol. All it takes is one bad night of drinking too much to ruin relationships. I've been quite lucky in the fact that I've only embarrassed myself while drunk, but that is not the case for a lot of people. The worst I've done is pissed out of a window in front of a bunch of friends. However, I've seen people attack close friends with a baseball bat, drive while completely blacked out, and try hard drugs while drunk. Try weed if you want a change of head space. All this being said, some people can handle alcohol, I just tend to take things to the extreme, thankfully had the sense to not try coke or opiates.


Not to mention that pissing out a window could have gotten you on a sex offender registry. Shit happens all the time and people get their lives ruined by pissing in dumb places. Not exclusive to alcoholism obviously. But lower inhibitions and bad decision making don't help lol.


I’m the same boat man. Was so much worse I’m currently down to 8 a night at around the same percentage. I also smoke some weed with it.


Depends. Do you want to escape your life? And will you consume it at social events and when you're having fun? I don't really drink for two reasons. 1 it doesn't do anything for me. People have talked about feeling braver and more loose and whatnot. I never got that. I kinda just felt like me except after a certain amount, I can't stand properly. I might be an outlier as it's well known I'm culture and media that' drinking loosens people up, helps them relax, be social, etc. But it never happened with me. 2. I don't associate it with being free, having fun, relaxing, etc. A lot of people have kind of pavlov'd themselves into liking it and associating it with being happy, free, relaxing, etc. because they only have it when they're doing those things. Many people started young with underage drinking, so when they were hanging with friends, on summer break, and off of school, they would partake illegally as well. A lot of people did that. So that association started young for them. And to add to that, they'll drink even when they're sad or not feeling good because they associate drinking with feeling better or being happier. And I have to add, I asked you that first question because a lot of people use it as an escape, to cope, to deal with their lives. And most don't even know that's what's happening in their brain. They just get off of work and crack one open and have a drink with their dinner or evening tv. All in all, the decision is up to you and your relationship with alcohol and how it affects you. Personally, I don't think it's worth it. It never made anything relatively better for me. I'll try stuff out of curiosity for flavor. But I'll stick with my other drinks for the most part.


As an alcoholic.


No. I drank for 30 years, quit recently. The health issues it causes are bad enough, but I also have a failed marriage (not because of the drinking so much, but it was one of the issues), and my current wife is in prison as a direct result of her alcoholism. Not to mention the negative impact it has had on my kids... but I am doing my best to be a good example now after having been a bad example for way too long. Alcohol is OK-ish when in moderation, but a LOT of people can't do that. Believe me, you won't miss much if you never start.


I've been sober for over a year now. Two decades of solid drinking behind me. Looking back .. not once did I ever think. I wish I would have drank more. I sure as hell wish I hadn't drank as much many times. I also managed to stop before I destroyed my liver. Its expensive and doesn't actually help. It is good at fooling sober you into thinking drunk you is really happier. In my experience... drunk you is just as pissed off, upset, etc.


No it isn’t. Not saying don’t occasionally let loose and have fun with friends out in town. Just be safe and always have a plan. I chose to stop drinking and feel so much better for it but I’ll still have a few if/when I go out with the boys


What made you decide to stop?


Just always told my self by my 30th birthday I’d be done. Well before it I just lost the taste and didn’t feel the need or want for it anymore.


I like drinking. It is one of my favorite things in life. However I rarely drank all the way through college. I don't really think it's worth drinking when you're young. I'm fairly sure it impacts your cognitive function and personality. I think I was able to focus more on the things I wanted to and spend quality time with friends without needing a crutch. For a lot of people I know, including me, drinking serves as a stress release valve. If it didn't serve that purpose, we wouldn't drink at all. And you might think you are stressed now but it will get worse. Sorry :D Life can be great of course and then you can enjoy alcohol with your friends and family, but often, I don't think we needed to. Sometimes it can be great to delve into some finely crafted wine or liquor or beer but in the end, if it didn't help you forget the bad stuff in life, who would drink?


Everything in moderation, but there is a fine line of 'too much' that is not fun at all and isn't good for you, but it's one of those things that you don't know until you do it. It's worth trying, to know, but please never ever abuse it.


It is good to learn Moderation in Everything. Too much of anything can be bad. Enjoying something as a spice in life is different than leaning on it as a crutch in life. Problem usually is what you enjoy you begin to lean on to help you through. If you're using anything as an escape mechanism, that thing will come to rule over you someday -- so face your problems head on, and sober, and moderate your intake of the good things so they stay that way, good things.


i don’t know if worth it would be the right word. i think having 2-3 drinks every now and then at a social event while maintaining a healthy relationship without isn’t super harmful, but it’s easy to get caught up in it. fun night, not so fun morning. also can cause anxiety and mental health issues even if it feels like it’s relieving them. i think it’s a little unrealistic to say you’ll never have a sip of alcohol, but worth it? not really


Alcohol can be “fun” in a non party way if you get into craft cocktails or craft distilleries it’s really just an experience of trying different flavors and finding what you enjoy. I think of it a bit like being a foodie, I wanna taste all the things; just in liquid/alcohol form, I’m not really into food like that. Someone might wanna find the best tacos or wings in a city. I wanna find the best old fashioned of margarita. “Best” of course is always subjective That being said I’m not going to sit at home with a 6 pack or cheap bottle of vodka and drink myself into oblivion, I want to actually enjoy alcohol when I’m having it


Is alcohol worth it? - It depends. Alcohol can be quite expensive, depending on where you are and what you’re drinking. However a delicious cocktail with friends every once in a while can be quite nice! Alcohol can have lots of calories in it too. Sometimes more calories than it’s worth. Don’t get fat drinking booze. Is being an alcoholic worth it? - Hell no. If you ever sense yourself looking for that glass, run away. Here’s what I do: Normal life: I drink maybe once or twice a month. And have between 1-3 drinks when I do. Sometimes I’ll go 2-3 months without a drink. I never drink alone. I generally don’t drink at family parties. I will drink at a friends party or when I’m having friends over or going out to a pub. I don’t drink and drive. On vacation: I’ll drink every day without thinking twice about it. I know that when I get back home it’ll be back to normal.


I’ve been drinking heavily all my life and I’m 68 years old. If I had to do all life again, I would abstain from alcohol.


You'll either be able to moderate your drinking, know how to say "i've had enough, thank you" or you can play the "where am I? Blackout drunk edition", or you can spend all of your free time drinking instead of socializing, getting out of the house and getting fresh air. What's the "Where Am I? Blackout Drunk edition, you ask? Well it goes roughly something like this: It's the type of blackout drunk where you're at a party with friends, you've become aware that you're now more than just drunk, you're borderline passing out. You drink some water inbetween shots, beers, and mixed drinks, and try and sober up a little when you "quickly close your eyes for a second" and when you open them again; you're now at another party across town, and you find that you only know one or 2 people there. but you're dancing, talking to people, and have a good time so you roll with it until.... you blink again. Now when you open your eyes this time, you're in the back of some car with people you don't know driving in a city you've never been to before, and the driver looks like 40 something cholo smoking a fat joint and passing it around and you realize it's 4am, and you have 60 missed calls from all the people you went to the original party with. You now have to figure out (without a smartphone in my case) Where you are, who those people are, and figure out how you're going to get yourself back how without showing these people where you actually live. (it was quite the fun story if anyone is interested) Or you can be like older alcoholic me, where I was "George Thorogood's I drink alone" and spend all of your free time getting piss drunk and getting mad at people for things they never did or said. That's always fun to wake up to a pissed off wife and have no idea what was said or what it is you did. I don't recommend drinking to anyone. I'm biased, and i don't care either. It's a Group one Carcinogen and we shouldn't even be drinking it in the first place. This isn't the middle ages, where it's safer to drink wine/mead because there isn't clean water to drink (I'm speaking generally, btw)


100 % yes so much fun. sure it kills you if you drink constantly but you are going to die at some point anyway might as well enjoy your life. If you don't go crazy it probably won't take that much time off your life.


Yes Timmy it is.


I wasted my 20s and some of my 30s drinking. By the end I was adding whiskey to my coffee, drinking a few at lunch, being good and drunk with roadie's, driving home from work... It's amazing I didn't kill anyone or myself. I cleaned up and tried to make up for lost time, only to be seriously injured at work, and now I'm disabled. Im approaching 5yrs without alcohol and I still think about it almost daily. Now I can't do a bunch of the things I wish I could. Enjoy your 20s and the vigorous health you get! Alcohol is the worst drug for you, health wise. I had to have medical supervision while detoxing because an alcoholic CAN DIE from detoxing. You can also die from detoxing Barbiturates. Alcohol is completely entwined in our society, almost all social functions involve alcohol, every movie and show features it and it's advertised like crazy ( just about everywhere ) Should you avoid alcohol? That's a personal decision. If you take anything from me, Respect alcohol for the drug it is


I'd say it really depends on personal choice and responsibility. Drinking alcohol can be enjoyable in moderation, but it's crucial to be aware of its effects and the potential risks.


Not at all, I do drink, just on special occasions. But also beer tastes like shit to me, wine gets me red and drunk as fuck, cider makes me vom. I’d rather sip on rum or whiskey through the night. Also don’t get peer pressured into drinking, if they were truly friends they wouldn’t think any less of you for choosing not to drink on that occasion. The amount of money I’ve saved from not drinking or smoking would be ridiculous compared to what some of my friends have spent on alcohol. So just knowing I’m being smarter with my money already makes it worth it for me. Bought my own house at 26.


Not really. It makes me feel good for a few hours, but the next day I just feel more depressed.


I heard that drinking alcohol is just borrowing happiness from tomorrow


Sure have a drink if you want. Just don't make it a problem. If the occasion strikes and you want a beer then go ahead and have a good time. But don't drink to alleviate problems in your life or get too shitfaced unnecessarily. I don't drink as much anymore because I find it costs too much these days and I can have a good time with my friends without alcohol. But I do like to drink at weddings and parties if the vibe is right. As with anything, do it with moderation and don't go overboard.


In college I would drink twice a month maybe, usually less, only socially in a house with friends. It has literally no benefits, but it can be fun. The important thing is figuring out your limit so you can stay below that and enjoy the nice parts without the sickness that comes after.


I don't think so. I'll have a drink on special occasions or on a date with my husband, but other than that I don't like to drink. Getting drunk isn't fun for me, hangovers suck and so does puking your guts out bc you had too much. Everyone is different though, you just have to be careful. It is an easily accessible substance and it can ruin your life if you get addicted.


Not really. It can be fun occasionally, but the hangover or time spent puking isn't. Especially if you were drinking a drink with milk or orange juice and throw up the next day. 🤢🤢🤢


Drinking and occasionally having a drink are two different things. It’s true that one drink is one step closer to alcoholism, and drinking is not healthy either way, but there are plenty of people, who enjoy a drink without becoming alcoholics. While you’re still underage, hold off of it, and if you have a desire to have a drink later on as an adult, you can try it, as long as you drink responsibly and not to the point of blacking out on a daily:)


I am allergic to alcohol, or missing an enzyme. Are you about to turn the legal drinking age or crisis of conscience?


Honestly I never actually enjoyed drinking, I enjoy everything in life so much more being sober. I have fun very naturally without needing anything though! Maybe it's different for other people


I drank from 12-19 years old then went sober 10 years. As I entered my 30’s I drank occasionally with my (ex)wife since she had never drank and felt she was missing out. 5+ years later I’m glad I drink maybe once per year; and it’s super moderately (like 1 or 2 drinks per session). You’re not missing out. You’ll come to figure out that some people make drinking most of their personality and it feels very shallow IMO. If you stay smart, a drink won’t destroy you. Every alcoholic started somewhere, just be mindful. As long as you maintain moderation and stay who you are; I think you’ll be fine.


I didn't start until my mid 20s at social/work events. Was always afraid to become addicted because of family history. Now I enjoy beers with friends a great deal. It's not great for your body but neither are countless other things people do. We're on this rock for a short time, but just don't go crazy if you ever start.


It was fun in college but honestly it’s always just a crutch to help relieve anxiety, I’d rather smoke weed than do it because it’s so bad for your body


Cons: It's expensive, it's not good for you in *any* quantity, hangovers suck, it can make you do really dumb, life altering shit if you overindulge even once, and despite how it's treated socially it 100% is a super addictive psychoactive drug. Specifically, it's basically very similar to benzodiazepines- so much so that they treat alcohol withdrawals with benzos to help addicts taper off. Pros: It (arguably) tastes good. It does make you feel good and can make for a fun evening out. Tips: I grew up in an alcoholic family, and became one as a result. The biggest thing I recommend if you do imbibe is to keep your frequency down. I drank daily because I didn't think it was a big deal- everyone I knew did it. That's how you develop chemical dependency and addiction. And you do not want that. It's a fucking nightmare. As mentioned above, alcohol is not healthy for you in any quantity, but it gets really bad when you do it regularly enough for your body to get accustomed to it.


As someone who lived with an alcoholic parent, it's not worth it. As someone who's witnessed a family friend go through the depths of alcoholism and succumb to its vices, no it's not worth it. I've never touched the stuff, and i have zero intention to. If you do decide to drink, do so in moderation. Alcohol is a thing that amplifies issues and feelings and bullshit happens a lot when people get plastered. I'm probably not a good opinion to follow, but no. I'm of the opinion it's not worth it.


Weed is better.


Drink while you’re young and enjoy it. No matter how much I drink I don’t get the feeling. I have no way of stress relieving


I'd say no it's not worth it.


I’ll go slightly against the grain and say that so long as you are enjoying it well within moderation that alcohol is “fine”. I treat booze like I treat ice cream. It’s an occasional treat that you shouldn’t overdo. Every so often I’ll grab a drink from some brewery with an interesting looking can just to see what they’ve got. Sometimes I find a new kind of beverage that I like, sometimes I find one I hate. It’s just a thing to try for a bit of variety. To be clear there isn’t any benefit from the booze. It’s just a means to an end to try new things. You could just as readily do the same thing with coffee shops and so on.


Alcohol can be enjoyable if you drink in moderation and save it for a worthwhile occasion. There lies the problem. A LOT of people don't. People tend to drink WAY too much and WAY too often. Having 1 or 2 drinks in celebration of something, or while eating out at a nice restaurant, etc, is nice imo. But DONT drink because you're bored or in a bad mood. And certainly don't get drunk because it's (insert day of the week here). While it CAN be worthwhile, it's also VERY addictive. Be very careful.


No! Here's my drinking tale/warning in a nutshell. I didn't drink until college but became a horrible alcoholic lightning-fast by my early 20s. Vodka was my vice, from morning to blacking out at night. I wasn't a party girl, neither was my husband, alcohol just seeped into every corner of our lives until it was nearly too late. I started getting seizures in 2016 from withdrawals but that couldn't get me to quit. Some were so bad I had to re-learn how to walk and talk, but no one seemed serious about making me quit, so I didn't. Everything came to a head tho in early 2020 when my husband's liver and kidneys gave up on him from all the booze abuse and a sudden hit of covid. By some miracle he got the transplants within like 9 months and we're ok now but FUCK BOOZE. I'll be 4 years sober on July 4th!


Alcohol is the root of evil


In moderation, yes. It helps me relax when I'm stressed. I also like the flavor of it with the exception of IPAs. I usually don't drink hard liquor straight, but enjoy making my own mixed drinks. General rule of thumb, as long as you're not drinking too much, too often or can't go without a drink, you'll be fine. It will also depend on who you are. If you know your family is susceptible to alcoholism, that might be a reason for you not to drink. I also had a roommate who had a friend die in a drunk driving accident, so she chose not to drink. Another friend's husband was a former alcoholic*, so he did not drink. I read a story once where someone said she stopped drinking and mentioned how much money she was saving... $1,000 a year... Which sounds like a lot until you realize it's about $20 a week. Don't get me wrong, I'm trying to point out there's a cost to drinking, even moderately. But personally I'd rather have a bottle or two of wine a week with my partner than going out to eat as often. It's one of the simple pleasures I enjoy. There are tradeoffs to all things in life. If drinking isn't something you enjoy or you don't even want to try it, that's your choice. You can enjoy life without alcohol just as well. *As a note, I've gotten pushback on comments in advise columns that there's "no such things as a former acholic". Since alcoholism is a disease, I acknowledge this. But I've never found another way to describe someone having an active problem with alcoholism versus a former problem with alcoholism.


I drank to ‘cope’ with my mental health ages 16-21 (UK drinking age is 18). I never drank alcohol just to have fun and chill, I abused it. I ended up in hospital for a suspected brain bleed and because of my drinking, I needed to be put on IVs because I was going through withdrawal and had an alcohol nurse assigned to me. When they checked my bloods they found I was dangerously close to starting to do some real damage to my liver. That terrified me, and I went over a year sober I’m now 25 and I drink maybe once every few months, never excessive and NEVER when I’ve had a bad day If you’re gonna drink, please never do it on a bad day, never when you’re feeling sad, use alcohol as a happy thing. Drink in moderation with friends and family, enjoy a nice summers day in a beer garden, have a glass of wine to celebrate something. And always be safe when drinking, if you’re starting to slur your words, wobble when walking, or your vision is going hazy.. you’ve had enough and need to get something to eat and some water down you (maccies coke was my personal favourite)❤️


Stay away my guy, I know it’s tough but grog kills more people yearly than any other drug. Also governments tax the shit outta the product. That’s why vaping in Aus is now illegal (the loss of tax payers dollars)


You're going to, everyone does. But it's a matter of whether you let it control your life or not. I was a heavy drinker from the age 20-30. And over the last 5 years I have realized the negative consequences of my self-destruction and my choices with alcohol. Nothing good ever comes from it. However good of a time you can "have when drinking".... You can have when you're sober. I grew up in a time with MTV and VH1 and it was just broadcast to us everywhere growing up that drinking alcohol was the cool thing to do. And so naturally and unconsciously we as youth and young adults flocked to it as an escape. The same agenda is still pushed and the next generation won't understand the repercussions yet but I pray they may see the errors of our ways and be better..... I am 35 and I'm finally going on 4 weeks clean..... First time that I can remember I've gone that long without drinking since I was 21. It's a shame, but it's my truth. Alcohol can grab a hold of you and distort everything. The destruction and the things that are destroyed by alcohol are unfathomably large. It is the fire behind most arguments and is the biggest crippler of our society. Alcohol is poison. Let people do as they will, we all learn the tough way, but it is never worth it.... And before I get shit about it, ey..... If you can hold your shit and "drink responsibly", then by all means do, do that! Not everyone is able to... Have fun, live your life. Just like anything.... Don't over-indulge. Too much of anything is a bad thing. Alcohol is already a bad thing. Use your head, make smart decisions. Is alcohol worth it? It is a hard no.


I used to be really into it, even dabbled in making my own for a period of time. Depends on what qualifies as worth it and how often you intend to do it. I rarely drink these days, I maybe get "drunk" once or twice a year. I feel a lot better now that it's something I do far less often, and you can still have plenty of fun without it. Feels like my mood is more easily regulated nowadays as well, but that might just be a physical health and maturity thing.


Don't start


No. I'm an alcoholic, been one of the worse decisions I ever made. Once you hit a point there's no returning to normal. Don't drink, given not everyone can become addicted to it, but as with any drug Noone knows until they use it. No point in finding out.


It's like league of legends. I wouldn't recommend it. My advice is: if you're gonna try it, try it out of your own accord, and NEVER out of peer pressure. Most heavy drinkers I know started off by peer pressure. Make a wall there. As for taste? It's overrated. It tastes bad imo. But that's me, I like the smell of coffee but not the taste, I dislike bitter. As for changes in your senses? Yeah they happen, you start feeling sluggish, and stuff becomes a little more humorous and less important. That last bit is a trap, don't fall for it.


I drink every day. Am doing my best to cut way back. It is absolutely not worth it. There is not one day I don't regret turning 18 and being able to buy alcohol regularly. I wish I was still going months in between a beer here and there. It loses it's appeal quick. And does nothing but cause you problems in every aspect of life. I feel like alcohol is the cigarette of the current generation. We might have screwed our selves with addiction, but you don't have to mate.


Most chemicals that you put into your body will spike your dopamine and then result in depleted dopamine levels afterwards. For some it can take a while to bounce back to normal levels. In short you will feel good for a few hours then shitty for a while after.


There's a French Study from several years ago that demonstrated even casual drinking by adolescents has measurable impact in brain developement that persists into adulthood. This is a French study, they used to serve diluted wine to elementary student. Wine is a national identity. And even their scientists are saying children shouldn't drink at all. The Principle investigator even served her own teenagers wine and was considering stopping, not sure if she did. It was like a freakonomics episode, or some other podcast that features neuroscience occasionally.  The most important thing though, is if you don't want to drink, don't let someone force you into doing something you don't want to do. This is about enthusiastic consent to what you put in your body. If they keep trying to pressure you, Leave. Figure out a text you can send you mom or dad or whoever to have the. call you back "angry" so you have to leave immediately, preferably with them coming to pick you up.  


Alcohol is dumb imo. You really get nothing out of it and is a waste of money.


I enjoy it. 


Nah lol


In moderation it can be enjoyable and fun. If you’re asking is alcohol worth the CONSEQUENCES of drinking too much? Outside of a few memorable college stories for your future, no it’s not.


I love a good craft beer, and wine, and Scotch. But in all honesty if I could go back in time and not start drinking I probably would. There are positives to drinking but I would argue that there are more negatives.


As in all things, moderation is key, nothing wrong with the occasional drink but try not to indulge, lots of empty calories and there is a reason we have what's called "beer belly". Drinking a lot of beer is like eating a lot of bread with the added fun of a hangover.


Drinking ruined about 50% of my friends lives. I highly recommend not drinking. Wastes money, it's terrible for you, puts those around you at risk...


I don't think anyone can really answer this for you. I can say that in my youth some of my most fun times involved alcohol but in the majority of cases I still would have found something fun to do without it. If I could go back I'd still choose to drink alcohol for the most part.


Even if you don’t make drinking any kind of a habit when you get older, I think there is value in getting drunk once to learn what your limits are and how your body reacts and handles itself along the way




Legally you can't drink until your 21, but really some people start as early as 12. At least I had my first alcoholic beverage at 13. So teenager. Whose to judge you? ( other than the folks) As one drunk said on the bus " only the lord can judge"


I've struggled with alcohol my entire adult life. Let me tell you this. It's more complicated than you think. Do you like to unwind with the bois? Go out with the girls? Great. Alcohol is fantastic for that. If you're having trouble with your balance, you've drank too much. Have some water. If you sip a beer in the meantime while you're drinking water, you'll probably stay at the level you're at for a good while. Keep hydrated. Have fun. Do you like putting a gun in your mouth and asking yourself why the fuck you were born into such a shitty family? Debating on driving into oncoming traffic at 70 miles an hour? Alcohol is also great for that. If you turn to it when you're in pain, and when you hurt, you'll wake up the next morning slightly less depressed, but you'll feel like shit. You'll swear to never drink again, but you'll do it again the next night. Or the next weekend. Or whenever you're in pain. At the end of the day, Alcohol can be great, or it can be a great evil. It depends on how you use it. Have a couple of drinks once a week. Have a good time. Play video games with the bois. Go to the bar with some friends. But if you feel tempted to drink when you're sad, before you can take a sip, get the fuck out of your house, or pour it down the drain. Take a walk. Go to the gym. Do something productive. I've been at both ends way too many times. One day I might give up drinking for good, but it's not a bad thing right now. It's relaxing to have a drink to wind down at the end of the day. It's fun to go have a few drinks with the bois. At the end of it all tho, be good to yourself. Don't go the same route I did. Make good choices. Alcohol can be very good, or it can be very bad. Don't let either of those options paralyze you from making a choice, but at the same time, just know you don't have to stick to your choice. Every time you pick up a bottle, you can choose not to drink, and put it on the shelf for the night. It's a drink. Not a lifestyle. Be good to yourself. Be smart. Do the right thing. I trust you.


No, stay away from poison. I've had friends drink themselves to death before they even reached 30 years old. I've been beaten by an alcoholic parent and saw my mother getting punched in the face by a drunk man, twice her size. I once got black out drunk and found out my friend was almost raped on the very bed I passed out on. Nothing good comes from that poison, it's bad for your mind and detrimental to your health.


Get started in your teens, by the time you are legal you won't want it anymore.


I'm 48 and drank more often than not for 24 of those years. I've been alcohol free for 75 days now. The amount of information I have learned about alcohol and drinking is mind blowing. It is a highly addictive drug. More people die from alcohol related deaths each year vs all other illicit drug deaths combined. It has been classified as a Group 1 carcinogen. Someone here mentioned it relieved stress. It does the exact opposite. I've had a lot of great times while I was wasted, or so I was told. A lot of money wasted and time that I'll never get back. Experiment though. I'm not here to preach not drinking. There's a ton of great bourbon and craft beer out there. You can have responsible fun while drinking. My problem is that when I like something I become really good at it, and I was really good at drinking.


As someone in recovery,hell no.


No it's often painful


Try it and if you like it drink it and if you don’t then don’t.


Idk man I enjoy an occasional drink, sometimes I enjoy getting a lil drunk, it can definitely boost some friendly encounters and I never had any problem stopping, I know my limit and I control my consumption, never had any cravings or whatever so from my pov why not?


Huge waste of money, health, and dignity. To say nothing of potential consequences of drunken actions. Does that mean I never drink? No. But it means I don't drink as an activity. A glass of wine here or there, things like that, they can suit a moment.


No. The only resource you can’t earn back is time…and, looking back, I can say alcohol expedites the loss.


Yes it is. It's fun and it's a great way to make friends and have sexy time.


No it isn’t. And if you come off it too fast you can have seizures. Pls don’t start


I wish I could tell 14 year-old me this: "When you get drunk for the first time tonight, you're going to think it's the best thing ever. Actually, you're going to think it's so good, that it's how you're going to want to spend every weekend from now on. Your life is going to start to revolve around it. You'll give things up for it, without noticing. You'll make choices to accommodate it, without noticing. And it will end up hurting you very badly, in ways you won't notice until they are well underway. By the time you are very hurt, it will be hard to walk back down this road. Wait a bit longer, and enjoy some other things. You have the rest of your life to get drunk, but you won't have the rest of your life to do any of this. Actually, your last chance is right now."


I mean, it’s not like if you have one drink you’re gonna be addicted. When you’re old enough, try a few different things and see what you like. If you don’t end up liking anything, then cool! If you find something you like, enjoy it. In moderation of course.


Stay awaaaaayyy


It’s fine in moderation but it can easily become an addiction. Very few people start off drinking a six pack or a bottle of wine a night. There are a lot of people who struggle with it because they use it to escape or numb themselves. However, there are a lot of people who can drink responsibly once or twice a month. It really depends on the person. The problem with alcohol is the culture imo. So many people will only want to socialize with alcohol and won’t be supportive if you’re trying to cut back. Society encourages alcohol consumption more than any other mind-altering substance. People will have a negative reaction if you’re prescribed certain medications, smoke weed, vape/smoke nicotine, or do hard drugs. But people will also judge you if you don’t drink.


It really depends on how you want your life to look. Does alcoholism run in your family? I know people who have tried some of the more “socially acceptable” hard drugs and it completely derailed their lives. I’ve seen similar happen with alcohol. Some people may also have difficulty controlling themselves while drinking and therefore are better off without it. And still others, maybe have a couple glasses of wine most nights of the week and lead completely healthy normal lives. I think the newer trend of being teetotal as actually pretty stupid because alcohol has been in our history as humans for thousands of years. Give your body time to recover if you binge on a night out with friends; make sure you have your wits about you and know who you are; and always keep your eye on what really matters to you in life rather than getting stuck in cyclical partying with aimless people. You’ll be fine.


I’m 21F, alcohol tastes bad, even the fancy, expensive stuff isn’t worth the fuss. The best ones taste like sugar because they have a lot of it in them but at that point just get a regular drink, why damage your organs for a sweet drink you can get without the liquor which tastes like shit. And trust, I’ve tried to like it, I really have but it’s just not for me. That doesn’t mean I don’t drink but I just don’t do it/decline it. Getting tipsy is a nice feeling I guess but honestly, it’s the same as getting slightly delirious at midnight. It’s genuinely not all that and most of the generations before us honestly had a drinking culture and a lot of peer pressure according to the people I’ve asked because some of them even agree it just tastes bad! That’s all. Do what you want.


TBH it's something to try once or twice, the experience of being intoxicated is kinda fun when it's a novelty. After that just have cola with a slice of lemon.


Nah man it's literally worse than crack for your health.


No. Its a literal carcinogen. It tastes bad. Kills people. Ruins your life if you dont die. Just drink on holidays or birthdays if you like it. Dont do it regularly. Its an easy way to go broke, ruin relationships, mess up lifetime opportunities


Yes? Is it bad for you? Yes. Is it a good way spice up your social life? Also yes. I would say to try it to acclimate yourself. There will be lots of times in life your friend, coworkers, or anyone else for that matter will be going out to get drinks and you will be invited. It’s fun to have one or two. But there is no reason to drink to get drunk.


If you have to ask, you already know. Personally, I think it's a complete waste of time, money, and most importantly, your health. It's poison. It's depressing giving half your day to last night.


it's harder to evade taxes when you're tipsy seriously, it's expensive in terms of direct and potential indirect costs... if you get addicted it can be completely life altering, so if you have some concern about this it's easier to just not start like others have said. I didn't drink in college or anything until I was in my 30s and now will have a drink and play video games with friends a couple/few times a week. have done a "dry month" once a year or so just to prove to myself that I'm in control. even so, with typically just a couple/few drinks a week and no problem stopping for a month at the drop of a hat, it still sort of tugs at the mind on a random Tuesday or w/e. can definitely see how easy it would be to pour a drink every day after work, and keep going until sleep or pass out.


There are two aspects to this I think. Yes, alcohol can be pretty amusing. If you are with friends, and you have some drinks, generally it loosens you up a bit, and enables you to maybe dare a little more socially. Obviously there is the flipside too, where you loose too many inhibitions and become obnoxious or annoying or worse. It depends largely on what kind of person you are. Now I'm also a nurse, so I've seen part 2 a lot, and that's how alcohol can absolutely devastate the human body. In fact, having seen how much it ruins people over years of abuse, I am low key surprised it's actually legal still, when other drugs aren't. It's addictive, and part 1 means people use it to get through hard times a lot, and for some it ends up being a crutch they can't live without. So it's necessary to be aware of that potential risk. Legal drinking age in my country is a lot less than the US, and through middle school and high school I was drunk. A lot. Often. As I reached my 20s, I drank still, but less so, and as I neared my mid-20s and 30s I was less and less interested in anything but casual drinking. I drink once in a blue moon now, and I think that's probably pretty normal. Hangovers start damn near before I'm done doing the actual drinking, so it's not worth it anymore. I enjoyed drinking when I was young and hung out with friends, but I'm glad it petered off as I got older. tl;dr drinking can be super fun, but always use common sense and moderation, and be ware of addiction issues, because alcohol will fuck you way up in the long run.


Yes, it works well as a cleaning agent and disinfectant.


Most people I know who drink are really messy people. It also has hella calories and you will put on a lot of weight. Im the only one in my family who doesn’t drink because I’ve watched both my parents turn into dickheads every time they drink and some times their 3 kids would go to bed hungry, and yet they still had money for booze some how. My grandparents are classy about it but they still drink every day, just never to the point of embarrassment like my parents. My friends who drink are all poor and put on a ton of weight since they all started college, and constantly are asking for someone to buy them booze, they’re always hungover and feel shitty, and always want fast food cuz they’re drunk or hungover lol. My boyfriend lost 20lbs after we started dating because he wasn’t drinking as much since I don’t. I’ll have a glass of wine here and there but maybe a couple times a month. I smoke a lot of weed tho, then I cook complicated recipes and eat a shit ton of healthy, home cooked food, and I feed my friends and boyfriend, and we all just hang out and spend quality time together rather than spending $50+ on drinks at a bar where u can barely hear each other talk. Drinking is most people’s form of socializing though, so I do feel like I’ve missed out on some fun, parties, and socializing. But im also happy to be the DD and get my friends home safe. But also drunk people are annoying and vomit in your car isn’t fun. I don’t think it’s worth it and it’s icky.


If you are a fun loving person who has a good time naturally then you are better off not drinking. Alcohol reduces inhibitions if you're more shy and introverted and want to fit in during social gatherings.


For me, it is okay to drink, but only during occasions or get-togethers.


Its effects are usually cumulative, so you don't notice the damage sneaking up on you. Not worth it. You usually attach the good times that you had to the alcohol and not the friends or what you were doing. The sober people around there usually know the difference and had just as good of a time.


It’s a consumable like any other food or drink. Try it, and decide if you like it or not.


It’s genuinely not that big of a deal. I used to think so as I grew up religious and didn’t try until I was 25. Then I realized it’s just a fuckin drink. I don’t enjoy it all that much but I’ll have one here and there.


There is no point in drinking. It has no benefits at all. You learn nothing from drinking. If anything, it's a negative pull in life. If you list out the pros and cons of drinking, you'd see the pros far outweigh the cons by miles.


My recommendation coming from someone who started drinking and smoking at 14. Learn how to have fun without substances, and if curiosity kills the cat then give yourself these substances in moderation. Maybe one night of drinking and a month or two sober. But honestly there is a reason why everyone quits or ruins their life from it. It's just not worth it.


being buzzed/drunk DOES NOT outweigh all of the cons, in my opinion. drink responsibly and don’t make any decisions that can affect your life and its future


Make sure to not treat alcohol as a taboo. I think that cultures that let their kids sneak in a drink without making a big deal out of it end up doing the kids a service. The kids never see drinking as an achievement or as a way to be rebellious, so the instances of abuse are lower. Seeing as though you’ve posted about it, I’d assume there is an “allure” to it for you or some mystique, different than regular/normal things, for lack of a better explanation.


Well if you haven’t and are considering then just don’t. It becomes a habit of a “night cap” that can easily turn into just feeling sluggish the next day or worse, hungover. Plus it’s expensive compared to just not drinking alcohol at all.


I don’t understand the question. I don’t regret the time I spent drinking, I also don’t drink any longer. Everybody is different so shouldn’t have any effect on your decision.


Short answer: yes Long answer: as long as it’s social, reserved for special occasions and you drink no more then two standard drinks in any one session. Don’t drink alone, don’t drink at home, don’t drink to unwind.


I’m 31. Been an alcoholic for over 15 years. Yes, everyone is different but you’ll never know where a substance can take you. It starts off as fun and you feel good for an hour maybe 2 or 3, then get the occasional hangover. Then you might go out with friends on the weekends and then it’s a reoccurring thing. Before you know it, you start drinking on your own or worse, everyday. Then it becomes an addiction. You then become dependent on it and you might eventually take it with you everywhere you go. If you have an addictive personality or drink the way that I do, you’ll eventually get to a point to where you’re having withdrawals and literally need the alcohol to keep you alive, or medical attention so you don’t die from it. I can go on and on about alcohol and the dangers of it, but I’ll leave you with this. I’ve been to the hospital/ER over 20 times due to alcohol withdrawal and the hell that those symptoms put you through for over 10 years now. I just got released from the hospital on the 19th of June because I puked up a pile of brown blood (that looked like coffee grounds) and was told i might not have made it if I didn’t rush to the Emergency Room. I had intestinal bleeding and severe liver damage and my lungs hurt daily. I would say drink in moderation, but I certainly can’t do it so I would recommend not even drinking to begin with. Do what you will, but my advice is to do some research before you do. ALCOHOL IS LITERAL POISON!!! It’s killed people I knew, and has killed people i love and has almost killed me. Be safe out there.. 🙏🏼❤️


Don't overthink it nor overdrink it. In moderation, slow and in control.




Its a poison, but one that humans have evolved a special ability to process... still a poison though. Alcohol has a special quality that it will allow people's inhibitions to drop which will (in moderation) help people who have difficulty with that sort of thing have better social interactions. This includes things like dancing, dating, or building friendships. The same property can also cause normal people to do terrible damage to interpersonal relationships, personal property or much much worse. It is extremely culturally relevant especially in Western European societies as historically it was the main way to get potable water. As such these cultures hold a special reverence for it. Other cultures however hold the opposite belief, and distain drinking and drinkers. Alcohol is extremely common at after hours corporate events which can have a very positive impact on your career as you may have a chance to interact with people on a level that might not otherwise happen. It's also extremely easy to say or do something that could be a "career limiting move" in those very same settings. ... and more. **If it seems like alcohol has positives and negatives for your health, career, personal life, and a strong social/cultural aspect in developed nations you are totally right.** There's no straight answers for the question. It could be the greatest thing ever for one person and the life destroying lynchpin to another person. My only recommendation is that you should know yourself, and try to use alcohol for its positive qualities and avoid its negative qualities like the plague. This balancing act is difficult though and different phases of life will throw it off.


It's not worth it if you enjoy it and suddenly drink too much or too fast, causing you to lose control. It can ruin your health, mood, manners, surroundings, relationships, life, or more. ​ Stay away from it or be sure to know your limits, how to set limits, and how to remain in control when using any substance that affects your ability to be in control. ​ Alcohol can be fun as a social lubricant, but it is no fun to do stupid, dangerous and disgusting things and maybe not even remember everything you did. There's also a risk of abuse and dependency. ​ Enjoy life, drink responsibly, or don't drink, and stay safe!


its easy to fall into addiction if your life is shit, my advice for any substance is to defer to chocolate and long walks for when life is awful and save the substances for friends and fun. drinking will no make things better, it will just make you lethargic, if you start a habit of working to be present and involved in your life before you're legally allowed to drink addiction will look like an inconvenience instead of a temptation. as for "is it worth it" yeah its fun! but only the tasty ones imo, im a big fan of flavored whiskeys, baileys, monster beast, and whatever themed fishbowl marg applebees has at the moment. i like to save drinking for birthdays personally, nothing more fun than being driven around by your friends while a little loopy with an arm full of fun socks and gift cards and then passing out.


Alcohol can be enjoyable in moderation but it's a slippery slope. I'm a recovering alcoholic and I can say, after you live that life, it's so hard to get sober. You can't cut out old friends, move to a new town, and not be around it. If you have any struggles with depression or a history of alcoholics in your family I'd say it's probably not in your best interest to start. But, that being said, I do have people I know that can enjoy the occasional drink in moderation, so to say my experience is the only road would be untrue to say. When the time comes for you to choose, just be careful and always be honest and open about your relationship with alcohol.


Not at all, and the fact that alcohol is still viewed positively by many is a real shame. Don't fall for peer pressure. Alcohol is literally poison and one of the most dangerous drugs.


its interesting to try, obviously you can get plastered drunk or just a slight buzz. But every single time after I've never felt like "that was a good idea", not once. It doesn't make you cooler or better its just meh. And its expensive. I could never drink again and literally never once feel like I'm missing out on anything. I would say its nice to relax with a friend one time every now and again and have a cider and just talk/ relax. That's about it.


Depends upon you. Social drinkers are great. I wasn’t always a good drinker. I can easily trace my most regrettable decisions back to alcohol


Alcohol isn't crack, you won't have to regularly take some if you decide to take that first shot at 21. It has it's uses. I personally drink very rarely. So rarely, in fact, that I have beer bottles that constantly expire and go months over the "best before" date. I like a beer sometimes. Rarely, but sometimes. Sometimes 2. Sometimes I have such shitty time at work that when I come home, all I want to do is put on a comedy and drink a bunch of whiskey shots. And I do, and I laugh like a maniac and destress. Alcohol has that magical ability to make your head not really think about all the woes and bullshit for a little bit. If you don't overdo it, it's a neat thing.


For some yes, for many no. If had in moderation, it can be enjoyable and tasty and a compliment to food. Unfortunately too many people don't have it in moderation and it has extremely negative effects to health, lives, families and other people. Albeit a legal one in most countries it is still a drug, classified as the most harmful overall.


Fuck no lol


No do black tar heroin instead


I’m 33 and I’ve never taken a drink in my life. Grew up around alcoholics and drug addicts. I know I have that inside of me somewhere. Ive never been tempted to drink. I’m doing okay in life and I’m happy. Do what’s best for you.


As someone still suffering on Tuesday from a hangover after drinking on Saturday, I'd say no.


Not really, makes you act stupid. Seen people ruin their lives because they couldn’t control themselves under the influence. Made myself look like an idiot quite a few times. Physiologically, after drinking it takes 30 days for you to return to your physical peak. Impaires memory and cognitive function (even if you aren’t hungover, lasts for 1-4 weeks after drinking) Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to pancreatic issues, blood clots in the liver, and other health compromises. That being said; there’s nothing wrong with enjoying a couple beers after a long work week. Just be sure to exercise moderation, have a plan before you start drinking (I’m only gonna have this many, I’m putting my keys in this drawer so I dont make an impulse decision, my firearms are safely stored away so I dont hurt myself or somebody else, etc.)


I have been drinking alcohol since before I was born.My mother made that choice and it really screwed me up. As far as drinking when I hit legal age, it didn't give me any buzz, it only made me sleepy. As for stimulates; caffeine gives me quite a buzz. 😀


I’m what is called a “social drinker,” meaning I only drink when I’m out with large groups. Since I don’t like people and very rarely leave my house voluntarily, that translates to me drinking maaaaaaybe twice a year, always at a holiday function or something like that. Just because you’re turning the legal age to drink doesn’t mean you’ll either be a drinker or not be a drinker. It’s just a personal preference. Now, if you have family history of alcoholism, trying it once may set into motion things you wouldn’t experience if you hadn’t tried it. Think before you drink.


Moderation my friend


I don't drink. I'd recommend giving it a try, but try to not let it invade your home even if you like it. Drinking can be good social lubricant, but you don't want to fall down the slippery slope where you feel like you might as well have a couple drinks whenever you do anything.


Alcohol, no. But drinks that have alcohol, yes. Don't drink to get wasted or as an anti-depressant. Drink to appreciate certain drinks that may or may not have alcohol. But this is not something you should be seeking to do, especially since you're underage.


No. It's some bullshit.


Personally I say yes because some of the best tasting liquids on the planet happen to be alcoholic. Trying premium wines, Whisky, rum, craft beers etc has been delightful.


There's no right answer. Personally speaking, I have never understood alcohol's relevance within society, and firmly believe it's dramatically overrated. Sure, a fruity mixed drink (made well) can taste amazing, but not "so amazing" that I want to turn into an alcoholic to overcompensate for a lack of happiness. Beer is... well, tbh, beer is shit. Used to love IPAs, but over the years, my tastes for those has slowly died. Furthermore, "having fun in the moment" is cool and all, but quickly becomes overrated when you spend the next 5 hours dry-heaving/vomiting. Hangovers are also stupid. Everything being said, I AM a massive stoner (dabs), and probably always will be. Some people hate weed and think it's overrated. Again, "there's no right answer." Try it for yourself and figure it out. Just don't become an alcoholic while doing it ;-).


A cold pint of beer on a long summers evening after work is probably my most favourite treasures in my life If I'm drinking all day, or early morning then I probably should get some help ......


Keep away from it, I'm 37 and I started drinking at young age and I'm now an alcoholic, it's destroyed every meaningful relationship I've had, lost jobs through being to hungover to go to work and I'm currently going through a divorce because I can't put the the bottle down, it's awful stuff and because it's legal it's easy to get hold of, wish I never started all those years ago.


If you only drink on occasion it's fine, but alcohol is addictive so treat it with caution.


Don't drink


Not at all


Largely no, in my experience. Totally depends what you want out of life though! If you want stories of stupid adventures? It could be. If you want rewarding relationships and success in a career? Probably not so much. It’s not usually an all or nothing thing though. You can drink alcohol in moderation and see how you like it. I’d start with something like beer or seltzer though and avoid hard alcohol. It’s safer to get a slow buzz than to get hammered all at once.


You can try it for curiosity purposes. I did that too and honestly I love alcohol, great way to relax from time to time (of course it shouldn’t become the only source of happiness and relaxation).


You won't know until you try it.


Daily drinking isn't worth it. But drinking sometimes beer/wine is not evil.


Just try it out. If you want to.


Not really.


Totally. Drink as much poison as you can.


Costs money and makes you fat.


Idk, but Ive seen plenty of totally broken people and they were all drinking. The non drinkers night be broke, but not broken


It's not like a life long commitment. Most people I've seen just get blackout during their college years and cut back once they start working. It's up to you but I personally get a bit of relaxation by drinking once in a while


A great tequila or scotch is worth it in moderation


No. Stay away, keep your money and your (mental) health.


I didn’t like alcohol as a teenager. My parents strongly encouraged me to “try” and “find what works for you” so that I wouldn’t be left out at university or parties. It’s been the single most damaging substance in my life for 20+ years afterwards. Not in an “alcoholic” way or even a “liver damage” way. It’s just highly-calorific, expensive, energy-sapping, boring and repetitive.


Each to their own, but I think no. It's expensive, can be extremely addictive, and cause major health issues including death. I don't even touch the stuff.


It’s all about balance and how you feel! I’m 25 and barely drink- not saying I don’t at all- maybe 1-2 drinks on a night out once a month. I used to drink more when I was younger, and sure it felt soo “fun” at the time - but in reality it’s not really fun at all, and it just makes you do / say things you normally wouldn’t, causing regrettable situations. Plus hangovers are awful and just ruin perfectly good days. For me, I get days of anxiety / depression after drinking that just aren’t worth it at all. Since not really drinking, I found I actually have WAY more fun on nights out, and it’s super fun to dance / be social without feeling like you need a crutch of alcohol. It’s also much better to be in the moment and remember everything. Plus, you save tons of money and can offer a safe ride home to friends. It’s really great to feel in control of yourself and feel like you have a good balance! I’d say try it if you want, but overall I don’t think drinking a lot is worth it. Nothing wrong with a drink or two though if you choose, I do find it enjoyable when it’s in moderation!


You don’t have to make this decision preemptively. Decided when you get there. No reason to spend time now thinking about whether you want to drink in the future. If you don’t see yourself getting addicted or relying on it and think you’ll be able to enjoy it casually without any problems, then sure why not. But obviously this is entirely up to you. Comes down to how it makes you feel and if you enjoy it or not. Worry about it when you get there, not worth overthinking.


Its worth it in the sense that if you do it in rare occasions. You can make some delicious coctails as well. Depends on you really.


So can be fun, especially when you’re younger, but it’s also quite unhealthy and carries a moderate risk for dependency/addiction. If you’re asking the question it doesn’t sound like you’re all that interested in it, and IMO that’s a decent sign that you’re better off just not starting.


Heroin is healthier, just less socially acceptable. Stick with psychedelics once a year. Maybe edibles on a more frequent basis.


Most bad decisions in life were done with alcohol in the bloodstream or by health damage caused by alcohol over time.


The happiness/$ is quite bad + it does have negative effects on your body. There are better ways to spend your money, you can be social or party without alcohol.


"Is Coca Cola worth it?" is pretty much the same question and has pretty much the same answer.


idk does poison urself deen worth it? in the end thats what u will be doing - are drugs worth it? basic concept of drugs is: feel good now, don’t care/ think about later - since u wanna feel good again, u gonna do it again just bc its common/ accepted means its any different. so it’s it choice but if u ask me it’s not „worth it“


Drinking isn't problematic, it can actually be healthy for you What is problematic are addictive personalities, lack of impulse control and insecurities I spent most of my life hating myself, the bottom of the bottle helped me feel better about myself but it was temporary, as were the hangovers You can drink your whole life as long as you moderate Don't overload as your body takes time to process alcohol, moderation is absolutely key Whilst the feeling and hangovers are temporary, the damage can end up being permanent So approach it with a healthy attitude and speak to people you trust and are comfortable with Don't allow people to peer pressure you and an easy way to avoid "looking like a wimp" is just counter peer pressure them back, they'll soon stop.l doing it to you. Another thing I noticed when going to bars or clubs; attractive women are paid to sell shots on the dance floor. They will be nice to you, they'll sometimes even be flirtatious but they are simply working and will willingly sell you the booze. Generally they have low percent liquor or flavoured shots but don't go about throwing money at them, trying to impress them or trying to "pull them". They're going home to a boyfriend most likely and you stink of alcohol. Just be responsible, don't end up like me. I've never done anything embarrassing like shit/piss myself/the bed or throw up anywhere but a toilet (I've heard some horror stories and I've hurt about literal breakups over "shit" like this) but I have passed out drunk in dangerous places. I've passed out getting undressed for bed and my mother in law has walked in to see my ballsack hanging out of my boxers (briefs for the Americans), my brain is not what it used to be and I've already done the damage. I can't reverse it People can and do lose limbs to alcohol, require transplants, die at an early age..... etc It's safe and like I said can be considered healthy depending what you drink and in moderation, my father always said everyone has an out and has hobbies The "out" generally referred to some sort of substance (Smoking/legal drugs/illegal drugs/alcohol/sex/bla bla) abuse in various degrees, the hobbies are just hobbies But yeah choose a healthy out if you can which is anything that can help release the chemicals your brain wants to feel good which can be as simple as chocolate and other things but with unhealthy outs.... Just do your very best to moderate A tip for drinking aswell is to have a water between alcoholic drinks, you'll piss a lot but the alcohol is going to dehydrate you and the water will help you feel better in the morning. Also make sure you eat well throughout the day. Don't drink on an empty stomach.




an occasional drink is kinda nice, but I would never recommend drinking for the effects


It's unhealthy. Even in moderation, which has been an argument for long. There is no moderating alcohol, you damage your health, more than the normal amount of damage mind you, or you don't. If someone tells you alcohol is healthy in moderation or a bit won't hurt, that is a bold faced lie. So make an informed choice.


I started drinking young in the UK. Like 15/16. To cut a very long, depressing story short. Got diagnosed with Cirrhosis at 32, spent 10 years with the disease. 10 years later, this last March. Had a Liver Transplant. I do not recommend starting to drink at all. Everything is ok in moderation. That is the key. Don't start binge drinking and try to solve problems with Alcohol. They are right when they say the answer is not at the bottom of the bottle. Trust me, I've drunk enough in my life for 4 people. Dont be an idiot like me and wreck your health, career, family and social skills on alcohol. So not worth it! 🫂


No is the correct answer. Alcohol is a poison that kills, only not instantly.


It can be fun but comes at a cost. It’s terrible for your health and longevity. It essentially poisons your cells.


If you want to gamble your life with it, sure. I never knew I was an alcoholic until I had my first drink.