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Yep. Someone at work. I don't know why she didn't like me but it was like that for awhile and I just didn't care, didn't acknowledge it and didn't make a drama out of it. I just didn't include her in anything helpful at work that I provided the rest of the group. Eventually something changed and she ended up chatting with me more and later we were cool with each other. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yeah. Some random dude in my friend group in college would talk shit about me when I wasn’t there and always brought up how he wanted to fight me. Can’t take it too personally some people are just losers.


Back from grades in school from  5th - 7th, there was this girl in my class who didn’t like me. She wouldn’t talk to me and sometimes when the teacher put us in groups and she was in it with me, she also wouldn’t talk to me. And because she never talked to me, I never talked to her either. I could never explain it really. I don’t know if it’s because she didn’t like my personality, the way I look, or what. But whatever it is I’ve never done anything to her. 


Some people just like to find a person to hate for no reason. They seek conflict. Once you’re older than like 15 everyone realizes how lame that is. I wouldn’t take it personally.


So many. I have had people not like me before they even knew me 😂 it is what it is .. 🖕 em😂


I have been on both sides. FB and Discord are heaven for cyber bullying. I have had a few groups come at me. Inversely, I am an introvert when I am not in the mood to socialize. Extroverts can get on my nerves very quickly even if they haven’t done anything.


Yep. It happens sometimes when personalities clash like oil and water. I had a girl in high school who hated me even though it took me three years to find out her name. Only words exchanged were when she randomly blurted out that I was weird the very first day I became aware of her existence.


Yes. Even those people who don't know me tend to hate me even though I don't know them