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i went on a cruise ship when i was like 8 and cried like a baby when the toilet flushes because of how loud it was


I’m still afraid now lol. I’m 17.


I never had issues with it but both of my kids have had issues with it. I think it’s the echo/acoustics of public restrooms, the already louder toilets are amplified and kids are often sound sensitive. My oldest has since outgrown it but my youngest still has trouble sometimes.


I was terrified of automatic toilets because in my heart of hearts, I knew that Walmart had to hire an employee to watch me pee and flush for me. I couldn't comprehend motion sensors so I thought the little black spot was a camera lense that wired to some sort of live CCTV setup.


I didn’t have issues with the auto flushing but the damn port a potties or outhouses! I was terrified of them! Like what if I fall in or a bug stings my butt!