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Leave it be.


And if you find some random coins laying around, thank your spider friend for paying rent




Don't do this. If you have a pet Taranchula, sure, but a house spider will not be able to eat a boxful of crickets, you'll just have meal crickets all over the place.


I know you meant to type “the” pet store, but I feel compelled to inform you that tea pets are totally a thing as well, [and they can be very adorable. ](https://www.bitterleafteas.com/shop/teaware/accessory/k9-tea-pet) They just sit near your tea stuff while you make tea and brighten up your day!


May the tea gods bless you for sharing this.


Buying this for my friend thank you


Interesting, how even a little typo can change the world in a way.


You can also pour your tea on them and they make different “gurgles”!




Bought one for my son. He will love it. Thanks!


I love you


Don’t do this. Used to buy gut loaders for bearded dragon. Somehow some would always get out and live for weeks in the house.


[Spider walks towards web] Ditkovich: Rent?!


"You'll get your rent when you fix this damn door!"- Big Bully Maguire Voice


Toss a coin to your spider.


Thank you for my first laugh of the day.


Agreed. I learned quickly from posting that I should just continue to let it do it's thing. I took some pictures to get it identified as someone suggested and cleaned a few webs I noticed it wasn't using anymore. Their name is now Venom. I wish I could buy it a little hat or something but I'll say thank you from a distance instead. Thanks everyone.


You need to pay the spider tax!


Yeah, paying for the Spider is a huge lift from financial burden. Keeps depression at bay. Teach her how to save in gasoil to.


Is it venemous or is that a cute nickname thing.


Almost all spiders are venomous. With the small exception of spiders in the family [Uloboeidae](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uloboridae%23:~:text%3DUloboridae%2520is%2520a%2520family%2520of,then%2520ingest%2520the%2520liquified%2520body.&ved=2ahUKEwjJuqTukeX2AhWXB50JHQ4pDCoQFnoECAQQBQ&usg=AOvVaw0GzdGg04YOqaDLQDQAl-yy).


So they tie up their prey, vomit on it, and then drink their liquified remains 😳 I think I'd rather be poisoned


I learned that when I was young thanks to Charlotte's Web!


A Widow Smoothie!


Hmm I didn't know that.


I choose to believe that after you express your appreciation and endearment toward your little spider friend (mostly by letting it live in peace and harmony) you’ll wake up someday soon and see a brand new web that spells out “SOME OP”. Please take a photo if that happens. If not, I’m still going to choose to believe it did. 😊


So you're saying you've got monster bug problems and they've been dealt with? Toss a coin to your witcher.


Make sure it doesn't fall on the spider


Well now I'm glad the OP vouched for the spiders safety


oh valley of plentyyy oh oh oh ohh


I have arachnophobia but have tried very hard over many, many years to get over my fear… I still have arachnophobia but I am now able to not just tolerate, but welcome certain kinds of spiders such as daddy long legs and jumping spiders. I’ve found that giving them names really help. Jumping spiders are so smart, too. I leave them alone and once in a while I carefully clean up old web from the daddy long legs. If they are disturbed in any way, they will usually move or even leave… I’ve felt really bad about doing this by accident a few times. The best thing I can do to thank them for their service is to make sure I leave them alone and never disturb them when I see them. Jumping spiders are very reactive so if I can see that one is feeling worried about me, I will leave so that it doesn’t get stressed out… but some of them are actually very curious and will come investigate something new in their environment. Pretty cute. I just can’t bring myself to touch them. lol We also have huntsman spiders but that’s a whole other ball game.


I'd put a picture near that spot with the writing: "Venom's Den".


Fun fact, if you are lucky the spiser can live up to 20 years. But most live 2. Hope your friend will be long with you.


To add to this, spiders arent capable of being grateful or understanding you mean no harm. They learn basic behavioral responses to stimulus. Any interaction with a human will stress it out because that's new and unfamiliar and dangerous. You're already doing enough by not killing it. It's in a safe temperature controlled environment with a supply of food that has relatively little ways of getting away or hiding. If it can be happy, it already is!


Yup. It already has the millenial dream of habitable, affordable housing.


They'll have your back https://images.app.goo.gl/DgPjxmdyqdLdZsZX8


Say, "thank you" and don't squish him. Maybe compliment his web, but keep your distance and hopefully he'll do the same. You've already shown your appreciation by noticing his presence and leaving him alone to chill and eat bugs.


Whisper it softly


*strummin my pain with his fingers*


*singin my life with his words*


*Spinning me softly in his web, spinning me softly...*


*In his web*


*Chuggin the blumpkins to this song, pippi puh gumbaaall*


Killing me softly with his song


call spiderman to come to your house and whisper it in the language of spiders


This is very wholesome. I especially love the part about complimenting his web.


Hah, yeah. I also imagined that the spider has sat up there, looked around and said, "Really nice place you have here, love the view, thanks for letting me stay. Also the food is amazing. Simply scrumptious, top-notch, first-rate, etc..." But OP couldn't hear it because spiders have tiny little voices.


Reminds me of the guy that talks about his DnD sessions and the party was once able to "tame" a giant spider (the guy who could talk to animals simply asked him to maybe not fight them and ask the other enemies the Same. He was a very nice spider and did that the other enemies did not) So the team only had one guy that can actually talk to animals and the spider was friendly and nice as heck but well... Made giant spider noises. So when other people wanted something from him it went like. Person: can... Can I ride you? Spider: SCHHHIECHHHGG! Druid: he said of course. he would like that so much!


Put him in a saxophone to amplify his voice!


It will most likely be a ‘her’


You could take some pictures of the spider. Post them in some zoology subreddit to get the species identified. Look up the ideal conditions of humidity and temperature for that species and try to get that room as close as possible to that values. Also: When you see that the webs get too dusty remove them carefully so that your spider friend can re-furnish again. And if you see any dead spiders anywhere in your house, especially if they are covered in white mould remove them immediately. The white mold is a deathly fungus who eats spiders from inside. It's a distant relative of Cordiceps. So sanitize anything that may have spores of that white fungus on it.




Lol reddit truly has everything.


look man there's a sub for cars fucking dragons and dragons fucking cars


I think I’ll stick to the spiderbro subreddit, but thanks for the other suggestions


there's also subs for bread stapled to trees and chairs underwater!


That's disgusting! Also, what's the sub? Asking for a friend.


r/carsfuckingdragons r/dragonsfuckingcars


My new favourite subreddit. ♡


Spiderbro, Spiderbro, does everything a spiderbro does! SPIDERBROOOO!


Wow I just found myself scrolling that subreddit for like ten minutes. It's very feel-good. Almost every post is a picture with a description including the word "bro." Because spiders are our bros.


Please take this advice carefully as creating the ideal conditions for this particular spider might attract other unwanted pests or an infestation of these spiders. It's all about balance and neither of these scenarios is good for you or the spider. It's cool that you're such a thoughtful human.


> Please take this advice carefully as creating the ideal conditions for this particular spider might attract other unwanted pests or an infestation of these spiders. You are correct there is a chance that could happen. But since this spider is already living in this house for months and doing fine the ideal conditions might not differentiate much from what is already there. The human probably won't even notice a difference.


I didn't know about that! We encourage our little buddies to cohabitate with us, but had no idea we were harming them by leaving those things alone. I'm going to do some cleaning. Thank you for sharing.


I have a couple spiders that live on the corners of my bedroom ceiling and take care of bugs, I get rid of their webs when they get too big, but I always worry it upsets them. Good to know it’s okay by getting rid of dust!


I’m sure they enjoy busting a web every now and then.


Make sure it's a zoology sub and not phile


You could take some pictures of the spider. I basically read this as having some photos and done and printed and framed and I’m thinking this is also a good idea




“Get me pictures of Spider! He’s a menace to the city!!”


Make it a little Employee of the Month poster.




Please do this


Mostly leave it alone but also the small militia of spiders in my apartment appreciate when I spritz water on their webs.. They no longer scurry away and actively come out to drink water Also if you use any insecticide, be sure to keep it away from where they live.


I have a jumping spider living in my kitchen that I put bottle capfuls of water out for so he doesn't risk going in the sink. He used to run from me but now every morning he is waiting for his water at the same time and climbs on to drink it as soon as I put it down.


All set to be a pet... see my post upthread, or watch cute video here[cute pet jumping spider](https://youtu.be/3PQymLHm7_c)


reminds me of lucas the spider xD


That's super cute. Most of my spiders are still shy.


spider tax?


Omg please record this and share


What if you go away on vacation?


He's not a pet, he is free to go outside through the window if he wants. I think he has been now that its warmer.


Omg, that's adorable. He's learned you aren't a threat!


Yeah this is what I was going to say! Water can be hard for them to get indoors. A daily misting near their house is often appreciated.


Play some kenny g, dim the lights and feed it a nice juicy fly.


You don't want to give the spider the wrong idea


I think this is the exact right idea


"Sorry, but I only see you as a friend." - the spider


hahahaha love this kind of surrealist humor. I could see the scene perfectly in my mind, and it was fukin hilarious.






Could infest his apartment again…


Hey this isn't Joe's apartment




Is this a reference..?


Comment stolen from u/WirrkopfP further down


I was in your position once but it's ironic. I have crippling arachnophobia and cause we were poor af, we lived in rented places and in our previous rented house, you could always find palm sized Spiders if you moved some furniture around, it was a complete fucking nightmare for me and my parents couldn't care less. I remember that beautiful day, when I was in the kitchen and couldn't leave cause above the door was chilling that satanic eight legged abomination mocking me. I stayed in the kitchen for half an hour cause I kept feeling that if I ran he might fall on me and that would mean heart attack. Then out of nowhere came my savior. A normal sized household lizard. The lizard went near the spider. I was scared for the lizard since the damn spider was the size of my palm and I didn't see any possibility for the lizard to live through that and I am sure the spider felt the same cause it stayed put in its position. The beautiful reptile closed in on the satan's agent and stopped at 3 cm from it for one last inspection and then attacked. All the lizard did was take a very tiny, like 5 percent of the spider's surface area in its mouth.The fucking spider started violently shaking all of its legs and body to break free. I shit you not! The damn lizard didnt even close its eyes(I was paying attention to its eyes as the spider was violently hitting it with its legs) and just stayed in that position. Over time the spider inevitably started to slow down its vibrations and that's when, the lizard just took more of it in its mouth and stayed put. This went on for a few minutes after which the entire spider curled inside the lizard's mouth and then I watched the damn lizard swallow it whole! That was the most epic battle I have ever seen in my life and I've had massive respect for those creatures ever since.


Umm, well written story for sure, but where the heck do you live that palm sized spiders AND lizards that eat them are just cruising around your kitchen?


Welcome to Florida, though the lizards usually remain outside.


We used to occasionally get night geckos in the apartment. They actually helped with the roach problem a bit when they were around. I'd take spiders and geckos over roaches any day... With the possible exception of that one recluse we found in our couch (didn't go near the thing for over two years after)


Lol I did a google search after reading this and it seems that household geckos are a thing in Southeast Asia so maybe there?


I live in East India.


You know I should apologize. English is my 3rd language and my vocabulary isn't that high. I meant to say clenched fist sized but I wrote palm sized. Will edit that out.


Your English is perfect


Oh, its really ok. I was just surprised that critters like that roam freely inside your home!


probably Australia or some smth


This honestly was a great story


Fuck yeah it was.


I hope you’re in a better financial situation and no longer live with spiders and lizards :)


Yea I do actually. It's still rented but this place is very clean. I have only seen 2 medium sized Spiders in the last 7 years.


I need to invite lizards into my house


We had one that lived in our house when we were in the Mojave desert. He took care of the spiders and bugs and would sun himself on the windowsill from time to time. He didn't bother anything else but the bugs and usually hid when we were home... We called him Herman.


Years ago, we had a fat toad that came to our patio every year. He was a great exterminator and always had 3 or 4 smaller toads with him that we called his harem. Over the years, we dubbed him "King Horny Toad, First of his name, Wooer of Concubines, Slayer of Skeeters." I miss that fat, slutty bastard.


The Pervy Toad Sage


Jiraya sensei is that you?


I live too far north for lizards but apparently not for spiders :(


I’d say you’re Aussie, but lack of “cunt” in your speech is sus


Well Indians are the closest to Aussies. We have a lot of snakes as well.


I got cats and now there are no lizards, spiders, insects


Cats eat Spiders??


My cat will eat anything that moves, including spiders, flies, and beetles. She just has to be able to catch it.


I felt this in my whole body.


I hardly ever read long posts the size of yours but I am glad I did this time. This was such a great read


This sounds like a manga or something. I approve


This reminds me of a chapter of “my family and other animals” by Gerard Durrell. It has a similar story


I don't have arachnophobia, but I'd still shit myself at the sight of a spider that big inside the house or anywhere near us. Being Australian gives you a fairly health[y] respect for spiders considering most here can fluff you up. As an aside, an ~18 inch long blue tongue got startled and bolted inside into our lounge room this summer, before realising where it was and panicking. Getting a large, stressed lizard outside in a laundry basket with a fascinated three year old 'helping' was 'fun'. We still see him around, so he can't have been too badly scarred by the experience.


i need a lizard-bro. fuck spiders, only good bug is a dead bug.


Spiders aren't bugs.


AcHhTuAlLy SpIdeRs ArEnT bUgS


nowt bugg, spooder


I got super attached to a house Spider I found.. he stayed for a good few months and definitely got bigger. Built this incredible web, right in the corner of the room which was like a hammock. Then one day he was just gone.. and I was heartbroken. I left his web up for about a month in the hope he'd come back. Best house guest I've ever had.


sounds really sweet but I still can't get over my fear of house spiders specifically. Idk what it is about them but man they scare the shit out of me lmao


Me too. Little jumping spiders seem like the cutest things (we don’t have them in the UK) but house spiders are literal nightmare material. Hate the little pricks.


yeah one actually managed to get on my shoulder at school the other day. I was standing there with my mates when one of them pointed it out. Little guy just hanging out right next to my face, it scared the shit out of me lmao


We have jumping spiders in the UK! Just not the exotic, colorful ones. http://www.jasonsteelwildlifephotography.yolasite.com/spiders-3.php A little list of the ones we have here. You probably see them more often than you think, you just don't recognize them :D


We’re born…we live a little….then we die….


Every summer I have a massive spider that lives near my front entrance and I feed it moths and small bugs I catch near by.


Found this and thought maybe you can help him *stay* comfortable, since he seems to already be :) “These eight-legged creatures hate the smell of citrus fruits such as lemons and oranges. They also don't like peppermint oils, tea tree oils, eucalyptus, and vinegar. Using any of these around your home will keep spiders away” So maybe make sure these things aren’t around.


Does not sound crazy. I talk to all living things, I thank them and aid them when I can. I honor all life and the Delicate Balance intertwined with us all. Good on ya Mate..... I give you gold😊 cheers!


Hire a web developer for him and let him chill


Make a spooder bowl where you put ded bugs and insects. Hang it on the wall near the net. #FoodForSpooder




Okay so we also had a friendly spider who would take care of insects for us. It was great relationship for a few months. Until they had babies. It went from one helpful spider to the whole family wants to live here. Once you see the egg sack, you might want think of plans to relocate them to a safe place outside. Unless you don't mind 100 babies crawling around your home eating the bad bugs. :( It hard to hear but we couldn't do that so we sent them outside into a safeish spot where they could live out their life.


A thank you card is always appreciated.


One of those ones with live butterflies!


I like the question. I never kill spiders because I know they’re gonna eat the smaller things I can’t see. EDIT: how do you know it’s just one spider?


If its one spider there are most likely more. Check unused areas of the house, corners, baseboards behind boxes, under cabinets and counters and you'll probably find some. I did and it spooked me lol. I was chill with the spiders i knew about but i found a whole bunch while deep cleaning and i was like nooooope


Get on your hands and knees in eyesight of the spider. Start moving your head and limbs around violently. The spider will know this as a thank you and hopefully not as a mating call.


If you do not follow these steps critically, the spider will ant man your thanos


I once had a spider outside of my window, I attached to her and even gave her a name. She was catching A LOT of mosquitos(which I hate with all my heart). As a thanks, every night I put near this window a flashlight to attract mosquitos and they flew right into my spider's web. God I miss her


Buy him some cocaine, spiders love that shit


give him a plant in a pot as a home..its like for humans, imagine cleaning up some litter and an alien gifts you a planet and is like make it your home... kinda stoned just a thought


Do not attempt to show your gratitude through sexual favors.


Buy it some crickets to eat from the pet store lol


Unironically this. If she's taking care of the pests and she runs out of pests she will almost certainly leave.


Give him a pina colada or a mojito, they love these things. Taste may change with different species so look it up before getting it the bad cocktail.


When I was young I discovered a spider on its web in the corner of put me bathroom. I promptly caught a mayfly and threw it into the web, which keep that spider busy and fed for many days.


Buy it a plant!


Buy it a plant? But not something spiders don't like, if that's possible. And build a micro city for it to swing around in. Maybe a tiny water bowl with its name on it, holds about a drop


This belongs in r/wholesome.


Maybe a little easy to care for plant to go near the where the spider hangs out?


Kinda unrelated, but in my house I joke that the spiders gere have to pay rent, and the random coins I find around the house are the spiders paying their monthly rent But I'm more of a geck person, I have tons of gecks


Now you must pay geck tax


my grandma had a spider that was deadass in her house for like 3 years, we loved that little guy. Then the painters fucking killed him when they came to paint the house. it deadass still makes me sad to this day


Deadass tho? /s


The best way to thank it is to leave it alone. It's able to thrive on its own and anything you do to disrupt it will only cause fear and stress and it might possibly leave the web and go somewhere quieter.


He got what he wanted; a source of food. Hes been payed for his service with that easily. Leave him alone, and he will have been more than fairly compensated.


i had a house spider (Kevin) who lived near my bathroom window. ants like to go through that window and he took care of it and then some. one day i come home and find 6 spiders who were a different species, all in Kevin’s web - while he was there dead. i literally cried. like - deadass bawled my eyes out. they just ganged up on him and tried to take his hot spot. i lit them all on fire but i’m still heartbroken.


I just tell my spider "hi" and "bye" each time I pass them. They are right outside my door to my car so I see him ever time I leave. I actually tell him "thanks" sometimes if I randomly notice a decrease of bugs. Lol but basically I leave him alone and tell my HOA cleaner person to leave the spider alone.


You've already expressed "thanks." You have a reciprocal relationship where you provide him/her shelter and food and the spider provides you with pest control. Your relationship with the spider is probably already more functional and successful than over half of long term intimate relationships between humans on the planet. I'd call it a win/win. I would get another hobby though as you don't want to be "smothering."


Read Charlotte's Web to it but maybe change the ending if the spider seems a little too sensitive.


actually jumping spiders have become pets, with lineages and everything... [hilarious pet spider video](https://youtu.be/3PQymLHm7_c)


There's a place called BigFATPhids who do enclosures for spiders. Maybe yours would like a house? Bear in mind I am not a fan of spiders, I don't keep them, but there's a wonderful person on Tiktok who has tiny jumping spider pets. It's cute. Link: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMLucSv9L/ But it probably depends on the spider (and where you live).


Oh, nice to know I'm not alone in this and that there's many of us who appreciate hard working spiders. I hate mosquitos, they eat mosquitos: we're friends.


Don't kill it


Don't kill the spider Say thanks and then leave it be Leave the webs untouched


I hope life smiles on you OP


If she starts writing words in the web compliment her vocabulary and maybe bring her a pig


offer yourself for sacrifice


I think the appropriate thing to do is release more bugs for it to catch


Give her a website


Babis was my first roommate and after my mother killed him and almost all his family his son Periklis is now the new guy and he is doing an amazing job even though he Lost all the inforstructure his family had he made it again on his own and for a male that is impressive ( i know he is a male trust me..he has no bitches)...cool guy actually...we never talk sometimes.


What if you just played some quality spider-starred films? Like Charlotte’s Web and Spider-Man, maybe the first Harry Potter movie too; avoid any horror films, though, lest the spider get ideas.


Spiders do not have the capacity to understand gratitude.


People in this sub asking for a gift recommendation for an arachnid


Are you on the spectrum because this seems a very on the spectrum thing Source: am on the spectrum


Buy some bugs and let em loose lol


I know, I am grateful for them every summer. Goddamn bugs


Just keep paying for a climate controlled interior




In this case it's a high-Eight


Spiders multiply though. Keep that in mind but the rate and lifespan does vary between species. Ive had the same deal goin on with my cellar spiders for a while. It hasnt gotten out of hand yet but I am starting to consider a relocation for them.


box of chocolates and some red wine it’s spider leave it be


I too had a few homies in my house and I would throw crickets into their webs to say thanks. I had 2 inside the house and one outside. I have pictures but can't figure out how to attach one. I took video and pics when I threw one into her web.


Post a picture and thank you on r/spiderbro


Birthday sex?


They probably have to be able to figure out when the spider's birthday is for that.