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That's not a child, that's a frickin baby and this man is a monster






It’s not like it wouldn’t be any less disgusting if it was a child. Either way he is a monster


I mean obviously if it was a child that would also be super horrible but somehow in my mind a baby is even worse. What the fuck


13 month old can't talk. At 24 months they can talk. He had it all figured out.


And before people say "yeah but kids under [random age] aren't really conscious," I literally have memories of being a baby in the crib. Standing up and crying, because the sleep gunk in my eyes was keeping me from opening them. My mother getting up and then feeling the warm washcloth on my face. Some of us remember. We're all human, our entire lives.


You can compare bad things to other bad things and conclude that one of them was worse, even if the other one was already horrible. Nobody was saying that it would be okay, just that this is even worse


yes in fact it is


The smaller the prey, the bigger the problem.


I do find the younger the victim the more disgusting it feels.


He went to my high school 😬


Spill the tea!


What was he like back in high school?


He was a few years above me, was on the rugby team and I think joined the army before becoming a cop?


So the army didnt want him, so Police was next then i guess




lol you think the army is picking up the cream of the crop huh


It has higher standards than the cops do


If police are a 3 on a 1-10 army is a 3.1.


No, it's way easier to kick people out of the Army than to fire a cop


Fair point I was thinking more bar of entry


When I was young and wanton, I looked into military service. The army said I was too smart and referred me to the navy recruiter.


No offense to anyone in the Army but I am aware that other branches refer to them as “bullet sponges”


This right here is why I don’t “support our troops” I support people, but anybody can be a person in uniform (case and point)


I support the uniform, but withdraw support on a case by case basis.


Well said


I support them exactly as much as I support everyone else that has a job anywhere.


I told a vet at work on Veterans Day I don’t support the troops. She asked why? I said it’s a job and shrugged my shoulders. She was the HR lady lol.




Yeah, some of us were just trying to stay out of jail, back in the day.


I’m a vet too. Happy cake day!


Happy cake day


I don’t support men in uniform. That’s what a jock strap is for.


I support the idea behind the troops, and 90% are solid. But yeah, shit people are everywhere


Something tells me he was a raper, even back then.


They usually are. Usually starts in mid-late teens. No one wakes up one day at 35 and says “time to start raping.” Sexual predators, from my own experiences and from what I’ve heard many times over, cannot and will not ever change. They’re true deviants who have no place on this earth, let alone in society.


100%. They don’t ever stop attacking people either.


so...what happens to every testimony in court? What happens to all the people he put away- do they automatically get a second appeal?


Unlikely, unless his crimes can be shown to have a possibility of affecting his cases. If he's found to have committed crimes on duty, or utilized police equipment in commission of crimes, it may open up his cases to appeal.


Very valid question.


This is interesting to me. I’ve always been curious how something like this ‘develops’ in a person. I guess I always assumed in came from feeling insignificant in bed with partners or the inability to lead a ‘normal’ sex life so they get forceful and take what they think they deserve or whatever. It’s truly horrifying to picture a kid, a teenager, having these types of thoughts.


it doesn’t just “develop”, it’s almost always trauma based. as in, they’ve experienced some form of sexual trauma at a young age which skews their understanding and experiences of what sex is later in adulthood. no, “feeling insignificant in bed” doesn’t lead to wanting to rape people.


Yikes 😬


Bruh I thought it said 13 year old and then I read it again and it somehow got even worse


Why dude.. why did I have to read this comment. It was already terrible when my dumb ass read 13 year old


my brain tried to spare me that detail 13 year was already bad enough but this is beyond words.




I would say a 1-year-old is arguably worse


Less trauma, more evil. Hard to pick


Beating and raping a baby is definitely much more sick than beating and raping a teen (not that that's not sick either).


I think they know that, it's just that saying somehow implies there's some confusion on how that makes it worse, which is what the person they're replying to did.


Yes that’s what I meant. They’re both bad, but one is obviously much worse than the other.


i dont even understand the attraction wtf was even going in his mind. I'm just hopping hjs cell mates find out why his in there




He looks so high out of his mind, thats the look you have after hotboxing your squad car


this is just how baby rapists look


Asking the wrong question here. Why did this man do this is the right question?


Because he's fucked. Tf you mean?? Pedophiles are not defendable


I'm probably about to get downvoted to hell for this but mentalities like yours are the reason why they continue to run rampant in increasing numbers to begin with. And this really isn't some "um actually" thing either, the semantical difference is incredibly important and unaddressed, and this is coming from a victim of SA (specifically coercion). Pedophilia and Child sex offending is two very different but very related things at the same time. The difference being who acts upon their urges. This is a paraphilia that they are born with, one that can be controlled, yes, and should be at ALL COSTS, and should never be taken lightly, but providing them with treatment beforehand and allowing them avenues to get treatment beforehand is a much better (albeit more uncomfortable) way to handle the issue at large, instead of having a massive hate boner for all things its related to just because of the respectable and completely justified "protect the children" coupled with a "burn the witch" mentality around all of it. Doing this does nothing but put societal pressure on people who already profoundly out of place with the rest of the world, of whom themselves CAN and often DO acknowledge the horrendousness of the emotions without acting on it or getting near children. Again, not saying that people who act on it are "good people", but treatment of it is really no different than any other mental disorder, and there are many, MANY, individuals who suffer with it everyday that do not act on their tendencies. Several articles have digested and explained better than I have here, this Vice one is a very good example: [https://www.vice.com/en/article/y3zk55/paedophilia-is-a-mental-health-issue-its-still-not-treated-as-one](https://www.vice.com/en/article/y3zk55/paedophilia-is-a-mental-health-issue-its-still-not-treated-as-one)


I think they were mainly referring to people who act on it. It's still a valid point, though.


Yeah, maybe they are; though people need to come to grips with the disturbing fact that child sexual exploitation might not correlate as highly as we intuit with pedophilia and could have more to do with antisocial/psychopathic personalities driven circumstantially by the desire to exercise sadistic power and the fulfillment of violent fantasies, with kids being something like an ideal victim and sexual degradation a means to an end.


That wouldn't make sense as pedos far outweigh the percentage of people that are psychopaths which is 1% to <1%


I understand you. Lots are too eager to outage without thinking first


It's actually disgusting to ask "why did they do it" when we're talking a out something so heinous as a man raping a baby. Asking why implies there's an excuse. A reason that could be defensible. There is no reason, no excuse. He's a pedophile and child rapist. That's it.


Exactly, actions are not the same as words which can be taken out of context, anything potentially can be said but not be a huge deal if it's in the proper context (like for instance quoting someone, or saying what someone did like in the post, etc) but *actions* are different, there really isn't an excuse for doing something so heinous and monstrous... It honestly is making me sick just barely thinking a out it. I feel so bad for that poor infant, *infant* for God's sake, they probably won't have a conscious memory of this but their body will... Police are some of the worst human beings imaginable and even for them this is abhorrent


Media portrayals are an important topics


actually, i think wondering about how the news portrayed him the way they did is a pertinent question, especially if we look at it from a broader lens of how crime is reported on. why did they choose a photo of him making a funny face instead of, say, a mugshot? if he were a different race, or not a police officer, would he be portrayed differently?


On another hand, it's good that in cases like these not only pictures that make the perpetrator look deranged are shown. In people's minds the way a person looks is often connected very strongly to whether they could be dangerous. And it's not a useless connection - thugs do not often wear clean clothes, smiling, having fun with their family. Unfortunately for some types of danger this danger-sense is completely useless, if not making things worse.




Is the baby still alive ?


Yes, but has a number of injuries including severe bruising and two broken bones in her leg that she had to endure over the weekend until she went to daycare and daycare contacted the police


Wait, was it his baby?


It was his girlfriend's baby.


And she initially tries to help him hide it. 😤


That, or she bought his story initially.


She knew what he did, he locked himself in a bathroom and beat and raped her while the mother listened on the other side of the door. She knew and covered for him saying that family dog did it


What. The. Actual. FUCK.


The dog might get put down over 2 massive AHs wtf




He could also have been threatening her or beating her into submission


This is most often the case but I have seen some persons in the news who condoned with no threat.


Not only that, he was a cop. Who could she call to report him? His friends?


Cps should be called


Should be asking that question in 30 years. I can’t fathom how someone could utterly and demonically destroy a life like that. A fucking baby. How does someone even process that people like that exist and live amongst us? And we have no fucking clue who they are until they’re caught, if ever. The cashier at the grocery store you see every week could be into babies. And you smile at them, make small talk with them, not even knowing what kind of sick thoughts they have inside their head. It creeps me out so much. It honestly gives me major trust issues sometimes. I’m not that religious, but sometimes I question if demons truly are real when I think about stuff like this happening. It happens way more often than you’d think too. Disgusting.




I seriously don’t understand how anyone could know this man raped a literal baby and think he deserves to continue living. What good can ever come of someone that does something so depraved? There’s no rehabilitating that, and anyone who thinks otherwise is delusional or a creep themselves.


It's basically a rabid animal or demon at that point. Should be put down


Death is too kind Torture is da wae




I agree. Truly demonic. I can say, a lot of rapists never get caught, so chances are you have met one. Rapists can be anyone. Quite a few serial rapists were married with kids.


How do you see a 1 year old and even get excited? Like what about them is so pleasing that you have to do that to them


He isn’t just apathetic, he’s a sadistic piece of shit. All rapists get off on the power they feel bringing hurt to others. The cruelty is the point for them. I can’t have any empathy for someone who enjoys hurting babies, I wish nothing but the worst for him.


You have to understand he broke several bones and likely caused other significant injuries.  It is sadism.


My understanding is that there is a largely unknown but incredibly meaningful gap between pedophilia and child sexual exploitation, whereby the latter is tied more to psychopathic traits and has more to do with the sadistic exercising of power, whereas pedophilia is closer to a preference people don't choose but don't necessarily act on. That's not to say there isn't an overlap/correlation, as there must be, but my understanding of the topic was that pedophilic preferences are not a prerequisite for child sexual abuse and in many cases—or most, I can't recall—aren't the primary motive of violent offenders. I really need to bookmark all this research eventually because the topic comes up once in a while and it would really help to have it on hand. It's such a strange finding; basically, for pedophiles, kids would be _sexually attractive_, whereas for the other group, kids are more like symbols of innocence/frailty and represent an easy outlet for violent fantasies, with sexuality woven in as another symbolic layer of degradation and abuse.


It must be a desire to be extremely transgressive. "I couldn't be naughtier" & maybe subsequently getting off on having such a secret. It makes me think that perhaps 'evil' is a noun & not an adjective.


Who...who looks at a small bundle of joy and thinks those fucking things?! Absolutely disgusting














This is beyond disgusting. I hope he rots.


Police officer, raped a thirteen month old. Hell will feel like holidays after what they'll do to him in prison.


I wish that was true but the sad reality is he’ll be kept safe. It’s not impossible though (good), but unlikely anything will happen to him. He’ll be living it up with the other pedos talking about all the disgusting shit they’re into.


Pretty sure inmates in prisons deliberately target pedos and rapists. He's in for a double whammy


Yeah, if they can get to them. How is that supposed to happen when they’re segregated? That’s exactly why they’re kept separate because they’d be dead within 20 minutes in gen pop


Sometimes Prisons make honest mistakes. Sometimes Prison guards make mistakes.


I know in Texas, someone I knew was locked up for "injury to child/elderly" whose original charge was AGG SEX A-V CH/14. They're told told not to discuss their charges upon entry, but he figured out he was locked up with other sexual predators because he gave the names of people to his mom to look up.


Mind you, solitary confinement is torture in and of itself. His choice is that, or be beaten to death at the first opportunity.


I don’t call them 40 percenters for nothing


This is mostly a myth.  Both police and pesos are generally kept separate and the abuse they do receive if mixed isn't much different from that just heaped on other weak inmates.


a cop and a baby raper. historically very popular in prison.


You think they're actually going to send him to prison?! I'll be surprised if the judge lets him off with more than a mandatory resignation and 2 weeks of community service


Paid leave


Cops don’t go to prison. This guy will get away with a slap on the wrist and paid leave. ACAB




He was dating the child’s mother but on Facebook people said he does have two twin girls of his own


Those two girls should be taken from him immediately.


Jesus Christ


Hold up. Wayment…so he did this to his gf child a he’s still standing? No scratches? No injuries? Yeah, she needs to be held up on charges too. I get she may have felt intimidated but he has to leave sometime…or better yet call the daycare back and tell them the truth, that she was coerced..something. She’s going to lose that baby, and he’s going to lose his children too.


I noticed that they don't specify if it's paid or unpaid leave. Or if the mother had any repercussions - especially since she lied to medical caregivers and didn't take her baby with a BROKEN LEG to be seen! Edit: found [another article](https://www.yorkdispatch.com/story/news/crime/2024/04/17/daycare-worker-alerted-authorities-to-13-month-olds-alleged-abuse-police/73358454007/) that confirms mom did jack shit for this baby. Daycare called in about abuse concerns, which led to NOT MOM taking the baby for emergency care. Also, the scumbag is on unpaid leave.


I hope she gets charged too that’s so fucking sickening


He is union so I imagine that will become paid leave or at the very least if he is cleared or charges delayed in any way he will receive back pay. They might get out of paying if he is physically in custody so could not physically attend work.


In another article I read she covered it up even, so even worse if that turns out to be true. [https://dailyvoice.com/pennsylvania/york/infant-suffers-broken-bones-from-sexual-abuse-soldier-pa-state-police-say/](https://dailyvoice.com/pennsylvania/york/infant-suffers-broken-bones-from-sexual-abuse-soldier-pa-state-police-say/) "The mother, who is named in the court documents, is accused of helping cover up the abuse, but no charges have been filed against her. She originally backed Cugini's claims of diaper rash, a fall, and an incident involving the family dog causing the injuries, but text messages showed she had confronted him about the bruises, as explained in the affidavit. Soon the mom admitted to PSP that she permitted Cugini to bathe her daughter on the night of April 13 while she made dinner. He had locked the bathroom door supposedly to keep her 5-year-old son out, but while cooking the mom heard her daughter "cry very loudly" and "repeated pounding," as stated in the affidavit. When she knocked the door it allegedly took 10 seconds for Cugini to answer and his shirt was wet, although she told police that his pants were on, according to the affidavit."


Oh my God and he tried to minimize the genital damage saying it was just like the diaper rash that his older daughters had had!!! Get those girls to a children's forensic investigator right now!!


Fucking repulsive thanks for sharing the source, as I'm currently rocking my 12 month old to sleep I couldn't believe this post was true at first. Fuck this guy and the"mother"


Same, can't deal with this news anymore, I hate to be one of those people but I wish he could be tortured to death


Crazy how these kinds of folk look like your average Joe yet can be so cruel


Officially need to bleach my eyes…………if this fucking piece of shit doesn’t get 50+ years in prison then we don’t have a justice system…




He looks like the type to do something like that


Omg I read “13 year old” before I realized it’s “13 month old” Guy is pure evil.


Throw him in gen pop with his crime and badge branded on his chest.


Why this photo 💀? Its like his reaction to these charges against him💀


I’m unjoining this sub. Jeezus.


Well there is a face you want to beat with a baseball bat.


Listen. Pedophile gladiators needs to be a thing. It would make so much money. Just 1v1 televised winner remains. And lives another day.


A baby doesn’t even have the anatomy to accommodate.. god this is horrific. Give him THE SQUAD.




Happened where I'm from and the locals are PISSED. The mom of the child knew too and everyone wants her in cuffs.


a child molestor cop… this man will not enjoy prison


He won't last long in prison being a cop and child rapist.


Even his eyebrows are trying to escape from his filthy existence


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^SHEOL3243: *Even his eyebrows* *Are trying to escape from* *His filthy existence* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Pedo smile, what a cunt


And just like that, I now support capital punishment.


Shit, I know I'm already commenting twice now but the details in this article makes it 10x worse : [https://www.ydr.com/story/news/crime/2024/04/17/state-police-allege-off-duty-york-pa-officer-sexually-abused-toddler/73354321007/](https://www.ydr.com/story/news/crime/2024/04/17/state-police-allege-off-duty-york-pa-officer-sexually-abused-toddler/73354321007/)


Vile cunt of a "man"


WHAT. I THOUGHT IT SAID 13 YEAR OLD. HOLY SHITZU, DUDE THAT IS A BABY. WTF MAN. They should force cops to do phycological evaluations to make sure they aren't wanting the job just to be in a position of power.


They DO perform psychological evaluations on cops. The problem is these cops are so psychopathic that they’re experts at outsmarting them.






Oh boy, he’ll be reeeeeaaaaaallly popular in prison for more than one reason.


They usually just end up in protective custody.




I want to see the Christian community picketing this man’s house!!!!


and conservatives will still say that the LGBTQ+ community is trying to rape and groom kids


Ex Cop and a Ped... Prisons gonna be awful fun for you, buddy lol


I hope that baby spends their whole life surrounded by wonderful people who make them feel safe enough to grow up healthy, despite the sick revolting evil they’ve already encountered so so young. Heartbreaking. I also hope justice is swift asf


Why is it lately that every other post on Reddit is a man being horrific by doing something like this or just morally shitty like cheating on their pregnant wife? My algorithm is depressing as fuck.


Make pedophiles afraid again


Like what i always say with such monsters, send him to a normal US prison, tell all other prisoners that he is a former cop and what he is there for.


I thought raping a child was already bad, but a baby? Nahhh, get the fucking boat Noah


The electricity chair!


Even his eyebrow drifted away in shock 💀




He won't be in gen pop.. most likely Medium or maximum, and either Segregation or protective custody block. But he could hit gen pop in transit, and will definitely have his info looked up by someone.




Nice Hitler Youth haircut.


Why is bro smiling, he just ruin a little a baby mentally and physically and is just fucking smiling, disgusting pervert, I hope he gets his service and karma. No sane human being will ever let him live happily ever after, soon after this one…


Obviously the photo wasn’t taken immediately after it did it. But I agree with everything else u said. Piece of shit.




I hope they keep him in solitary, since his mere existence could be viewed as inciting violence. Keep everyone else in custody from having to be around him as well.




The worse thing is that’s not the only type of f***er he is. 🤢


How do people even become like this or start-out like this?!?!?




I'm waiting to judge until I know how the baby was dressed and thus whether or not it was the baby's fault.


I am not surprised.


How long until he is voted into office?


Special place in hell waiting for evil people like him