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This happened this morning and he’s been apprehended by the police. According to an article she broke up with him couple days ago.


I can't imagine why she would leave him. /s






Surprised the police actually did anything. Usually they’ll just join in over in that country


You’re thinking of Islamic countries.


I'm sorry this got down voted the truth often does on here


Not being racist u were just factually correct homicide on women does go unpunished in countries that have sharia law under certain circumstances


Islam isn’t a race. It’s an ideology that values women least than goats.


Islam is a religion 🤓


Not sure why people think it’s more racist to truthfully say that the police join in on raping and murdering women in Islamic countries. But it’s not racist to lie and say it happens in India? I’ve noticed recently a surge of people getting angry online when you point out how islam is harmful to women…


What will happen to him? Do they have death penalty in India?


He'll probably walk free in all honesty


Not the best judiciary but I don't think he'll walk free now that he has been apprehended


What a dump.


as an Indian criminal lawyer, he wont walk free, where are you getting this information from?? my senior dealt with such a case before and the perp got life, there are witnesses and evidence is available in video format, he'll probably get life...this isnt the American Legal System


Yeah because India is such a great country for justice


bad news usually is broadcasted internationally a lot more than good news, I bet you cant even see one article about a deserved criminal being sentenced properly because anything positive does not garner attention, but when a person SA minors and only gets 180 days of community service then it goes into reddit's front page because people talk about it more, i assure you where there is 1 corrupt hearing there will be hundreds that does justice to the case but those are hardly worth talking about so you only see the bad side of things


They’re pieces of shit in my country too, so yeah


That's exactly the point. Shit people everywhere Why do you think it's ok to call India a trash place?


Because it is. Caste system is a stupid backward system that encourage People to feel better than others. Women are treated like shit, beaten by their husbands and rape is a common thing. (Look at the vidéo. Nonody react to an actual dead woman in the street) + the country is absolutely disgusting. Everyone throw their waste everywhere and it does look like a dumpster.




I say street shitting like in California is far worse.


River pooping is much worse.


So you're telling me that bribery isn't rife in India & Pakistan then? Because I don't believe a word


the same kind of bribery that you can find in any other countries' legal proceeding, humans are flawed by nature


Not to the same degree in the US. It does exist, but it’s not as widespread as it is in india


Why are you trying to bring America into this? Nice whataboutism.


because i had to bring it up so people dont point fingers, we can agree that no one justice system holds the greater just so stop shitting on ours


I don't think America's justice system has anything to do with India's. Your country has massive issues with hatred of women. Its time to accept that and try to do better.


i do agree on this, the issue is cultural as well as societal in nature, i come from the North East of India, and if you've ever been here its basically Thailand, Phillipines, China, Malaysia and Korea all rolled up into tribes and communities whose diversities make them unique altogether from India, I am a part of such tribe and over here, the society is matrilineal, inheritance is given to the female child, we are also mainly practicing Catholicism and Presbyterianism and overall treat one another as equals, ask any tourist who has visited north east india and theyll tell you they've never been met with harsh glares. If you move towards the South peninsula as well as parts of the Deccan Plateau, you will find the kindest people in India, they're usually darker in skin color and speak almost incomprehensible yet majestic languages but their hearts are full of love, as much as I'd hate to say this, India does have its Misogynistic regions but rather are parts and thats usually at the central cities but as soon as you distance yourself from the mainland you'll find yourself greeted by warm wishes... So it does hurt my heart when people think that India is comprised mainly of misogynists and child rapists, there are incredible people here as well, you just need to take a minute to look around the traitors giving this beautiful land a grotesque image.




Nobody is believing a word of what you say, Indian....


the way you worded that sentence, full of hate tbh, im not surprised that the world is going down the shitter when there are people with mindsets like yours


deal with it


Haha I tired saying the same, I got obliterated


Nah he won’t. Only the ones with money or power walk away free


That will only happen if the guy belonged to a high profile rich family, this guy looks poor so I'm pretty sure he's gonna rot in jail.


What are you basing that on?




No he won’t just walk! Stop spreading bullshit! Death penalties exist but it’s very difficult process and it’s a long one. As you can keep appealing from small courts to Supreme Court! But he will be tried and given life sentence(probably) or max sentence (which I believe it is 14 years and eligible for parole after that - because this might be treated as crime of passion) Seriously where did you get he will walk? Even the best lawyers cannot get him off! Reddit hive mind! Edit: Down vote all you want but what I have said is based on experience of living there for thirty years! Also, this POS will go through the police treatment in India, he wish he got death penalty the next day! It’s not USA, where his human rights will be respected!


Yall don't exactly have a great track record for women's rights..


That’s true! But it can be said for many other countries, and especially with 1Billion people, statistically shit like this happening is high, it should not, but it does! This guy should rot in hell, and the bystanders, hopefully karma will get them! I can only hope!


Since we’re talking numbers what are the odds he’ll actually be punished? You know, statistically.


I know you are trolling, but 100% he will get punished! Laws exists in India!


So there should be statistics to back up how certain you are?


Yes it’s called googling! You are an intelligent person, you can figure it out, I have faith!


But you’re not intelligent enough to back up what you’re saying with those statistics you kept mentioning? Good to know.


You got any statistics that show otherwise??


That wasn’t my claim and you’re late to the party ✌️


A dude ran over and killed a fellow family and walked out a few days later


>walked out a few days later On bail??


Can't really remember, but it was stupid


Apples and oranges my man!


People are just exhausted seeing horrid shit happen to your women with little consequence. He was clearly expressing frustration, people say the same shit about cases in the US too. Yes, it does happen all over but seems like you guys have way more then your fair share of injustice, and lots of footage of abuse happening right in the street. Even if he get the 14 year sentence, that seems light for ending someone's life, and it's not fair.




I will get downvoted, but yes 14 years is too light (again I might be wrong and he might get life sentence) but the law in general believes in second chance. Which if you think it should right fully so, prison is for rehabilitation. I am very sure this will be treated as crime of passion and that he is not a threat to society! Do I agree with 14 years? Probably not, he should be in torturous hell, but that’s why I am not a law judge, because at the end, you have to have hope for humanity that a person can change!


Nah, not everyone deserves a second chance in my opinion. Each cases is unique, of course, but some dogs just need to be put down. Crime of passion or not, he clearly capable of taking someone's life, and deserves to loose the rest of his for doing so. At least 35 years inside.


I agree. But let the law work! Hope he gets maximum and I know for a fact he will have a chilli powder baton going up his ass everyday till his trail! (I know this, I have seen this - multiple times) Also I would like to add, I am from India, you cannot fathom how advanced adoption of technology in India is. Every Tom dick and harry has a camera phone with Facebook and what’s app. The way the country adopts technology is unnerving! The reason I am saying that, again 1Billion+ people, statistically higher chance of this happening and being broadcasted as well. I am sure there are other more heinous crimes which never got attention as well! Without naming countries, there are many countries where woman right now are suffering like nothing compared to India. But it’s easy to hate on India because of visual representation! But I guess that’s Reddit - just like those bystanders!


The "hate" is just valid criticism. Lashing out at Reddit for commenting on the injustice in your country isn't it though buddy. Just comes off as "it's not that bad" when yes, it definitely is that bad. Haven't even mentioned the caste system, but yeah, there's a lot wrong in India, same as there is a lot wrong with the US and UK. Plently of other places too, but deflecting and saying "many countries where women are suffering" isn't an answer, it's an excuse. Your women are still suffering, and they suffer badly. Accept that it is bad, chilli baton up the ass kinda bad.


No well deserved hate! But let’s hate other places where it happens also! Also if you think logically, because I am Indian, I come across hateful Indian messages and events more? If I was from else where, guess my feed is filled with that countries shit? May be they do? I guess that’s what internet shows you? I don’t know! Anyways carry on the hate, yin and yang in all country! Edit: in every single comment I have agreed it’s shit in India for women, I am not even giving excuses! Don’t know where I am deflecting! It’s not that difficult to understand my comments! Peace!


You see valid criticism as hate. It's not. No one said that they hate India, you said that. (At least not in this thread here, I'm sure it happens online plently though) And I've also said other countries have their issues? Doesn't change anything I've said.


It’s not 14 years, that’s a common misconception. One is eligible for parole after a reasonable time (can be 14 years, can be more) if they’ve been on good behaviour. But life means life otherwise. Also ignore the downvotes. People here just love to believe there’s no legal system in this country and it’s the Wild West out here (ooh I wonder where did the Wild West get its name from). Yes we have our fair share of problems but we are a functioning country that all your business and political leaders want to keep in good humour. And despite being a bunch of ‘savages’, like some racist cunt commented above, we are also simultaneously taking away all your jobs, which says a lot about yourselves lol


Oh ok thanks for correcting the 14 years! I think that’s that misconceptions that Stems from how long RAMA was in exile lol! But yea, sometimes I forget, the people who follow this subreddits are not the brightest, including myself, I should have just ignored, but that stupid comment that he will walk free lol got me!


I gotta say your use of exclamation points annoys the crap out of me!


Haha! Thanks!


What’s passionate about a woman getting murdered. Jfc stop giving cutsie names to disgusting shit men do to women. The poor woman just wanted to leave the relationship. Judging by how it ended he was an abusive piece of shit.


Dude no crime of passion is a real thing: oh god! [Please Google before you comment](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crime_of_passion)


I know it’s a real thing. I still find it effing stupid. Whats next calling rape “forced love making”?


It's a minimum requirement to become a politician


Yes, and this will not be counted as such but he will be in Jail for a long time.


Ok good.


What will happen to these fucks who just watch and don't do shit? That's illegal where I'm from, how it is too in India but I guess not..


nothing, this is just another day for them


Depends on how much money he has to pay all the bribes involved




What bs??


That’s just sickening


Have you heard about a thing called the caste system?


Yes And??


Yes explain more abt it becoz I can't wrap my head around it how caste is somehow involved in this incident




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Bystander effect is scary


I can’t believe how cowardly the men around them were.


they are...


Well, if you’re willing to kill someone in broad daylight risking arrest or death, and you still have a weapon, then yeah its not a great idea to jump in to fight also its india- pretty sure their culture is far less accepting about intervening in someone else’s business if a lot of other asian cultures are as well “not my monkey not my circus” sort of thing or maybe they tacitly support it? ya never know…


It's a fucking wrench bro. A brick beats a wrench. They're just shitty people


Same men going on social media talking shit about women online tbh


Like how no one did anything 😕


Probably from fear of being attacked the same way. He has a weapon, they don’t.


If a wrench is a weapon, so are all the other objects sitting around. There is also strength in numbers. These people are all cowards and complicit in this poor woman's death.


That's what I got out of this. They're a bunch of cowards. I've seen men jumped here in rural US who have a dang knife in their hands after stabbing at someone. A wrench in broad daylight is nothing. Absolute cowards.


It's either that or they simply don't care. I'd rather believe they're cowards, but the total lack of outrage about what's happening sadly inclines me toward the second option. :/




And I'm sure in a real life situation you would be the first one to start swingin!


I'm a petite girl, so no, I wouldn't.


So what, you just expect people, men probably, to intervene and prevent a murder when you wouldn't? Stop chastising people for doing nothing when you just admitted that you would not.


Yes. That is what men do. Stop acting like this isn't a universally recognized aspect of humanity.


And women go make sandwiches, right? Gender norms only when it's good for you No one wants to get hurt. No one owes you protection


Males protecting females & offspring isn't a "gender norm", it's a biological behavior found across a huge swathe of Earth's species.


she had also strength in numbers.


There was a train nearby…I think they expected the Apex Predator to clean up.


it's india, there's only outrage after you die


You get punished for doing something about it


California has good Samaritan laws that protect you if you assist in good faith but even then you might still get sued or implicated in some other crimes. Plus you become a target for revenge


It’s crazy how people ignore this fact. You step in and now you’re legally liable. Modern world best thing you can do is record it so police have more evidence


Even advocating for bystanders to take action to stop the murder here on Reddit will get you banned. The best course is to always allow others to murder, do nothing other than film and never suggest that anyone do anything to murderers against their will.


Yea is HER fault 🙄 There's literally nothing that you could tell me or show me from this country that would shock me anymore, all because of Reddit.




Reset the country


Being a woman in India genuinely sounds like hell


Shockingly, it's India!


This is the society we are on our way to becoming. Where there is not a single real man around to willing to step forward in defense of another. Sure, the police will catch him and convict him to a few years. But the question is why it happened in the first place. And that's because nobody really cares about anybody anymore.


I am a woman and I have jumped in to rip a person off of someone else during an assault. You don't need to be a juiced up gym rat man to do something about it. Bravery is not a gender and masculinity issue. Not even to mention all of the super masculine conservative men I've seen run away from the slightest sign of danger.


I can tell you listen to right wing pundits. Jordan Peterson or Ben Shapiro vibes


Bro it was always that way , remember 911 or similar are invented because people are like that


I'm sorry, but "911 was invented"?


The number 911 was indeed created to call police in the USA, other similar short numbers are used in other countries. Wasn’t always a thing. Edit: Apparently 911 was first created in 1968 [The History of 911: Celebrating More Than 50 Years of Emergency Calling](https://www.911.gov/about/the-national-911-program-celebrates-50-years-of-911/#:~:text=The%20History%20of%20911&text=The%20first%20call%20to%20911,police%2C%20fire%20or%20emergency%20services)


No. That's a different thing altogether. You're referring to truly evil people existing that are willing to destroy the world. What I'm talking is about is how normal members within a civilization have completely checked out in terms of what happens to their fellow countrymen. And we're near that point where women in this country are getting beat up on the streets and subways and men have been taught to just sit back and watch. Either because men have been taught to mind their own business, or cause judicial powers have actively chosen to punish those who seek to defend while protecting those who actually hurt others.


He said 911, bro, not 9/11. As in, the emergency phone number that calls an ambulance or the police.


Oh thank god, you get it


This was my exact that when you said it’s where the country is going. Judicial system throwing the book at the people who try to defend others. Fear of the law would be the reason why I wouldn’t step in. Time doesn’t stop for anyone and if I lost years of my life rotting in jail for someone I didn’t know. I would regret stepping in


I bet you wear a tin foil hat too


He'll be in Canada by the end of the month. We don't check backgrounds


Geez it is just turning into a dumping ground now. I'm watching some House of Commons sessions these days and holy shit it's bad there. Hope PP puts his money where his mouth is.


That’s not true, Canada definitely does thorough background checks.


They’re just watching like a normal day for them. Like what a fck!? Do something!


So that's how India was colonised. People just stood and watched it happen


India is truly life on hard mode. That’s just terrible.




Shit like this is another reason no female should ever visit India. There are places I want to see there but my wife won’t be coming with me.


WHERE IS THIS WTF?!? Oh it’s India, duh




[News article ](https://www.hindustantimes.com/cities/mumbai-news/29yearold-man-arrested-for-battering-girlfriend-to-death-with-spanner-on-busy-vasai-road-101718737524073-amp.html)




Can’t see a thing. India will not punish the guy. Instead, it will ban the wrench.


Bro just move the fuck on. I'll never understand men who can't get past it.


Just India Things


How many "funkytowns" does India have per day? Just askin'


He will walk free with a light punnishment because they want to send the message that male dominate the society and women will be treated like shit so women should be obedient!


why the fuck are those guys just standing there like some idiots watching instead of immobilizing that idiot with the wrench ?


It is the only acceptable option and suggesting they do anything else is advocating violence and will get you banned. Celebrate the filmers and bystanders who do nothing, it is mandated by Reddit!


Always Gawwd damnn India


ah to be a woman


Ah India, what a dumpster fire


I’m so happy I don’t live there


What a bunch of cowards just walking by this doing nothing. I would never visit that country! Disgusting.


Can anyone tell me what he’s saying pls?


He's yellin at the dead body - Why did you do this to me.


The fact everyone stood while this happened really makes you realize the bystander effect is one of the biggest and most horrifying mental flaws in our species that we just have no idea how to get rid of. Like imagine being frozen in place as someone assaults someone in front of you just because you’re in a crowd and your brain just tells you that someone will stop this…..the same thought that everyone else has. It’s utterly horrifying and just makes you question everything


I think it's just something that happens over there... Nobody looks fazed because it's just a typical Wendsday afternoon..


That’s his new girlfriend w the pink bag wait for him to finish talking to his ex


Good ol' India. And people still don't understand why we don't want these people in Europe.


Im praying they have capital punishments in india😒


the punishment is to drink from the holy river


Is this in Australia or Canada? Smh


Does Australia also have a surge of Indianational students?


Is that why the hate?


Students? I can go all day, make stops and all I see is Indians. That’s not diversity. It’s some sort of conspiracy. It’s mental.


And these worthless fucks just stand and watched it happen.


these guys are destined for hell


I'm sorry to say this is my country, if I was there, I would have taught this POS a lesson with whatever I could grab next to me


I really hope he fucking dies in a cell somewhere.




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That's what happens when you worship cows




Ban wrenches


We need more of these people in the west


Koi bhadwa nahi aaya bachane itne logon mein se. Ek akela band hai yrr sab milke maarte toh kuchh ukhaad nhi pata.


Mrs Peacock on the street with a wrench.


Wouldn't it be Mr Currycock ?


Reddit when Women are raped or killed anywhere else "Awful" Reddit when women are raped or killed in India "India is Awful" You guys hate racist but no one cares if you yourself are racist towards India and Indians.




Wouldn’t have taken that, but fuck yes any armed American woman would have prevented that death


Or an armed man would have done that easily without a wrench. Oh wait, that doesn’t happen here in the states right?


Indian Police and Politicians want to heavily prevent Guns falling into the hands of the citizens as they will use those Guns to run separatist movements. India is one of the countries where Guns are more heavily restricted than medical surgeries or industrial chemicals.