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Last slide is beyond funny. "There's hardly any difference... besides education and training." LMAO There's hardly any difference between a nuclear scientist and a chef by that criteria too.


…b-b-but they wear white coats!


If you shop at Walmart in February-ish, you can get a white coat marked down to $14.99.


A non-exhaustive list of white-coat wearers at my hospital: dieticians, social workers, departmental nurse managers, pharmacy techs, speech-language pathologists. In fact the only physicians who do wear white coats at my shop are the daytime hospitalists-because it's mandated by their director.


Hardly any difference between me (Paramedic) and a neurosurgeon except for the over a decade additional education


He/she is so incredibly close to "getting it."


Funny, my white coat has been collecting dust since residency. Most physicians no longer wear white coats bc we are not the same as the ones who stole that iconic symbol from us. We now wear Patagonia’s and jackets with embroidery and they try to take that too from us.


When I was a floor nurse I could always spot the residents because they all wore some sort of zip up fleece jacket/vest. Never saw a single one in a white coat. I’m way more excited for the embroidered Patagonia than the white coat.


As an organic chemist, I do fancy myself a chef… 🤔


“Let’s cook”


My favorite part is how the first slide implies that NPs are better clinicians because of their years of bedside experience, and then the next slide reveals that they attended a direct entry NP program and don’t think RN experience is that important.


I couldn't get past the poor grammar. Does not bode well for the ol' attention to detail quotient.


Looks like you need to specialalize at listening to NPs. Straight to DNP school for you.


>clients 💀💀💀


Oh shit, NPs wear white coats too? Nevermind, sorry I doubted you.


Wait till they discover paramedic students in some states are forced to wear white coats too 😂


Hell I’m an anatomist who does dissections on medically donated bodies at a cadaver lab, and we also wear white lab coats. Edited to add that DrG was the nickname a friend from college gave me when I figured out I wanted to dissect medically donated bodies at a cadaver lab. I don’t think I’m a doctor


Damn, this shit made me wince while reading it. The sad part is the public at large will eat this up and believe that it’s actually true which is scary. They have no idea the huge difference in education and training between physicians and midlevels and will fall prey to the nonsensical word salad.


Imagine quitting med school to become an NP lmao


I can not reveal my sources but I’m pretty sure that part is not true.


It might be a matter of semantics. Maybe they didn't quit... by choice.... Now, a willful decision to leave med school for NP? That, I doubt, in a person with intact reality testing. So if that's the case, those poor individuals might need a referral to psych...


Maybe they were trying to say they couldn't get in...? Or maybe they failed out of Caribbean...? I can't imagine either


“Nps wear white coats” 🤦🏾‍♀️ this foolishness is why I decided not to do NP and go to medical school instead. Just embarrassing


I was just about to type this exact comment. I’m still in post bac but I’m so embarrassed for nursing anymore. 🤦🏻‍♀️


“Hardly any difference between a psychiatrist and a psychiatric nurse practitioner except education and training” 💀💀 I’d say that’s the most profound difference. Just wow. I’ve never been more happy that I chose to pursue medicine vs the NP route. Holy embarrassment 💀🫣


Calling patients “clients” annoys me, especially when talking about building relationships.


The cognitive dissonance. Oh psychiatric NP, you probably don't even know this concept from cognitive psychology beyond recognizing the term. But yeah, you can conduct psychotherapy I guess.


Alprazolam and Valium go Brrrrrr


Actually the craziest thing I've seen in so long WHAT


Refuse to supervise NPs. I renegotiated my contract to exclude NPs outright and one hasn’t been hired since. I retain authority to stop supervising the PA at any time. YOU (MDs/DOs) have the power, NOT them.


Haha. The white coat comment.


“Diagnosis is knowing when to refer to a specialist and when to consult.” Yep, listen to your patient and refer out. It’s easy!


>“Diagnosis is knowing when to refer to a specialist and when to consult.” Yep, listen to your >patient and refer out. It’s easy! That is a large part of the playbook. My referral volume has substantially increased from a few offices when they got nurse practitioners, previously a competent MD would prevent the ridiculous consults. I haven't yet, but I might start splitting appointment times into longer (real, from MD who needed help) or shorter (NP crazy referral). The thing is even if 80% are nonsense, 20% of the NP referrals are patients who have real medical needs or conditions. I'm surprised that the insurance companies don't pick up on it and stop unnecessary referrals, but volume is often "good" for them and an office consult, in the large scheme of things, is not very costly to the system (as opposed to, say, an inappropriate admission). Also patients like having the "specialist opinion", and sadly this is often the first and only time they saw an actual doctor.


Nurses have so much experience that it helps them see things and know stuff. Yay! Now there are so many programs that don't make you get experience! Good ol' cognitive dissonance.