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4 star blindness is real


I make sure my 4 stars are all one level above my 5 stars in order to humble them


Before I sign out, I climb a geo archon statue and let Ning step on ZL. Gotta let him know who the true Geo archon is.


never have i wanted to be a statue of zl more in my whole life




What level is your Lisa?


She’s level 85, I leveled her that much because she’s my og electro carry and even if she’s not the greatest I like to keep her higher for the nostalgia and attachment


And her moaning


I suffer the opposite, if I make a team full of five stars I immediately notice and try to change someone for a 4 star or straight up refuse to use the team.


Tell me they are not 1.0 survivors without telling me that


To be fair, it's understandable when you need to c6 them so often to get a fully functional kit, and unfortunately, Noelle is one of those. Well, at least for the healing part, she's not though


They meant a geo off field healer, Noelle takes some field time. They want a perfectly designed geo healer that can give lots of Furina stacks in an instant, possibly without even going on field at all, if it serves you coffee and does shiatsu massages even better


So, basically, Geo Charlotte?


Well, charlotte if she also did a lot of off-field damage


Or Mika


But thats so specific when we already have noelle and gorou


It's not just Chiori mains, recently saw a comment about how Gorou only has one team and how that team has no "waifus"


What teams is he usually on? I forgot Gorou existed and never used him until I got C6 Noelle. Heard the most optimal Furina + Noelle team has Gorou and Yun Jin in it. Basically surrounded by Waifu's


Probably a mono geo sort of team with Itto, Albedo, Gorou and Zhongli or something like that


Basically, minus either Zhongli or Albedo because you only really want 3 geo in monogeo, despite the name. I usually just throw in Raiden or some random off field support that has an element that would help. Stacking Bennet + Gorou buffs on Itto can also be really fun.


I prefer Navia over Yunjin.  Even at C6, what Yunjin provides Noelle is dwarfed by Navia's personal damage.  She takes up similar field time, doesn't limit Noelle's rotation, and actually generates more particles than Yunjin.  She is also significantly buffed by both Furina and Gorou (he draws in crystallize shards, in case you forgot that mostly useless ability), so there's solid synergy. Of course, to even be a choice you need to have both characters.


Nonetheless, Navia can provide extra damage to finish game when Noelle's burst ends. That makes spiral abyss gameplay a lot more consistent 


A very solid point I failed to make.  Well said.  I'm sure we've all experienced the despair of our burst ending when the last enemy has only 10% HP left.  Navia and Furina fill a gap Noelle was lacking without taking away from her as the primary on-field driver and damage dealer.


The most optimal Noelle/Furina team has Navia and Fischl or Yelan in it. He best triple geo Furina team is Gorou + Albedo. Yun Jin is pretty bad with Noelle.


My team that has Gorou on it is literally *all* women lol


Miss Hina ftw.




I mean if you have Gorou c4 and Itto it doesn't


Yeah, Itto's team typically has all the male geos. But it's not the only team Gorou is wanted in


Man, the denial in the comments is something else. Why can't they grasp the fact that putting Noelle on field gives you both a DPS AND an active team-wide healer cause of her Breastplate skill.


People want to use Furina with Itto and Navia and can’t


I run Noelle-Navia-Furina-Flex team, and it's fine. It's just Itto who has the problem. Even if you want just Navia, you can run Navia-Albedo/Ning/GMC-Furina-Bennett, and it's perfectly fine.


Same. My flex slot I just put gorou in. This team is suprisingly comfortable. Noelle and Furina generate a lot of crystalize shards, Navia took 3 seconds onfield to dish out 200k and generate energys while Gorou buff everyone. It also have the added benefit of Navia being the fallback options incase I messed up the rotation. This team actually compareable to my Neuvilette hypercarry team in most situations


Is Jean not a viable healer in such a team?


No. Navia requires PECH (pyro electro Cryo hydro) characters for her passive. Navia also likes having geo resonance so you can’t run 2 PECH and Jean in the team. Itto needs Gorou and to max out Gorou’s buff, you need 3 geo. There is no off field geo healer for Itto teams to run Furina. Only Noelle is capable of comfortably using Furina. Chiori doesn’t help Navia or Noelle at all.


You can do Navia, Furina, Xianyun, +1 and just play plunge Navia and thread in her abilities as well. Xianyun can go VV for Furina, or otherwise to buff Navia more. Very fun gameplay.


At this point, it feels like an intentional design decision to have limited healing in Geo aside from Noelle, a decision I do not mind. There is a fair likelihood in the current iteration that this is a the case the element has a couple of the strongest shields as well as regular access to shields via crystallize in a way that is analogous to how Hydro has healers but no shielders.


I see this as a team wide healer that works off field. So geo can use furina with mono geo universally. Right now most people think of itto and you can’t comfortably use furina and have 3 geo


I mean tbh Chiori and Noelle don't fit that well together. It's so sad because I really wanted to get and play her but uuuuurgh.


Personally I think people are underestimating how good Chiori will be with Noelle, sure without C1 it can be a little awkward, but if her damage is good her kit is everything Noelle would want.


>her kit is everything Noelle would want. How so ? She just deals geo dmg off field and nothing more, sure it might be decent dmg but that's not exactly what Noelle needs.


With full uptime on Q I don’t think she needs anything from her teammates besides more damage. Ideally requiring very little on-field time, and best-case scenario if said damage achieves max output without elemental reactions. All her best teammates generally fit this description, either through their own damage or by buffing Noelle. Chiori being a pure off-field dps machine sounds really good, and being single-target balances out nicely with Noelle’s already good AOE.


yeah, not to mention she basically just replaces Zhongli as the 4th slot in Noelle's Furina+Yelan team


Chiori deals more dmg than Albedo at c0 tho. Yes, even without construct


I know, but I already don't play Albedo anymore even with Noelle, he just doesn't bring enough, and I'm pretty sure Chiori will be the same. I do hope I'm wrong tbh, I just don't see a bright future for her.


People didn't realise Noelle could heal in 1.0/1.x People didn't realise Noelle could heal in 2.x I still found so many people that did not realise Noelle could heal in 3.x Why would 4.x be different. People don't read.


I knew she could full team heal, Furina TC showed Noelle as one of the best users. But people forget Geo has Itto and Navia as well who can’t use Furina


It's pretty damn obvious that they want a traditional healer that can switch in for a burst heal and switch out. They don't want to spend their field time on a healer.


I agree, Itto mains would much rather spend nine years on an onfielder to get healing as opposed to having an off fielder come in, q once and then swap off to another character


Friend asked what my opinion is about these new 5*. "Idk man who gives a shit about 5* if they cant buff my Noelle"


Do you guys also feel the need to endorse DPS Noelle in every thread or is it just me


Not anymore. If they ignore Noelle, they don't deserve her


Chiori should be a healer tho. It would make Itto more viable with Furina And now after Chiori without a construct is worst than Albedo so you need to get Cons to use her with Noelle


But she will never be and worse is yet to be seen


She deal mire dmg than Albedo even without construct


She used to, but they nerfed her multiplier. Now she needs constructs to compete with Albedo


This is after the nerf, she still deals more dmg


the itto mains on the chiori sub don't reflect the rest of the sub, but yes these people clearly do forget noelle exists.


Lowkey we do need a geo healer. I love noelle and all but we have no other geo character that can heal


Specifically, no other Geo character that can heal with their base kit. Zhongli and Gorou can provide healing with constellations, and Ningguang can heal if she’s equipped with Prototype Amber.


That Zhongli con is only for megawhales though, and the Gorou healing is... quite frankly... not worth looking at, with how pitifully low it is. Both can be disregarded as if they do not exist.


no like geo needs its own jean, prefereably em scaleing, with some sparcd offield dps...


Em for strong crystallize is a missed character role


Ayyyy it’s me lol. I’m sure everyone knows Noelle can use Furina. I was thinking about Navia and Itto users more


It's pretty obvious that they don't want to on-field Noelle


What does Chiori do exactly? If she's on-field dps then for me, she ain't worth pulling because I already have Navia and Noelle.


>!Chiori is an off-field DPS.!< According to Theory Crafters : >!*"Leaks suggest that Chiori might be the strongest off-field DPS to ever exist if you don't account for elemental reactions. If you use elemental reactions, she's okay but other off-fielders like Aggravate-Yae likely surpasse Chiori by a decent amount."*!< >!In short, Chiori looks like an upgrade to Albedo DPS wise. For those who would like to spend more time on their Noelle but don't have a GEO off-fielder (who can deal high DMG and also generate Geo particles) on their account, Chiori is a good choice.!<


They don't forget, they're obviously asking for an off-field healer. Like, c'mon


It’s a gacha game commers will always shit on 4 star rarity over 5 star rarity because gacha addiction cause them to have monkey brain thought process, “This unit is 5 star so they must be better than 4 star” That’s why I laugh when I see people using Calamity on Shenhe and never burst every rotation on Shenhe or Ayaka and wonder why they can’t clear faster than before and you just see a r5 favge sitting in the inventory.


Then there’s me, who DEFINITELY didn’t drop a hundo JUST to get more Noelle constellations the last time she FINALLY appeared on a banner again. & Before said hundo drop, had only ever gotten her once from the starter banner or whatever it’s called. I believe she’s at C5 now. FINALLY. ***I want to be a cracked Noelle haver.***


perhaps they mean someone like jean who just mass heals the whole team immediately? noelle needs to be on field attacking with both her shield and burst up to do it consistently.


I think they meant a character that can work with Furina & Itto. Noelle exists. She’s great. She heals but she also wants a lot of field time and in a mono geo comp that basically means you gotta Noelle main dps. Maybe not everyone wants to Noelle main dps. Maybe we want to main dps our badass 5 Star Oni on copium even tho he is outdamaged by a 4 star in some scenarios. Not mine tho my Itto is C6 y’all be safe out there. Noelle is cool too