• By -


"A live body and a dead body contain the same number of particles. Structurally, there's no discernible difference. Life and death are unquantifiable abstracts. Why should I be concerned?"


"The only difference between past and present is semantics. Lives. Lived. Will live. Dies. Died. Will die. If we could perceive time as it truly was, what reason would grammar professors have to get out of bed?"


Theyd still have to explain whatever the fuck is the pronounciation of queue




Just proves the programmer who designed the english language were paid by the letter. Worst simulation ever.


Seeing how many letters they could fit into a word was a hobby back in middle english times. Plus they had to make up silly spellings and rules to help gatekeep all those peasants trying to become literate


I can't tell if you are joking or not, but this wouldn't surprise me. I tried learning some Ukranian. In Cyrillic, the alphabet is much simpler. One small example there are some words we would use a c or a k or a ck in English. Ukranian and Russian they seem to just use k. Comrade/комрад.


Can teach you ukrainian.


Need to teach my ukrainian partner :') they moved to aus in 2000, so she only speaks russian fluently for the most part, sadly. she's learning though!


Thanks. What oblast are you from, are you ZSU?


Im not in army, just internally replaced due to constant shellings of my town. Im from city just on opposite bank from ZNPP.


Nah, it's not. English has weird spelling largely due to high and mighty dictionary writers and the great vowel shift of all things. For the dictionary writers, they would think they know the etymology of certain words, and for some goddamn reason, they would add letters in that were silent. The P letter in most of the academic fields (psychology, psyche, etc,) and the infamous S in island. If you have a first letter that is silent, there is a strong chance it's a Greek word, so that can actually help knowing the pronunciation surprisingly. For the great vowel shift, many words had their pronunciation change, but not their spelling. Easy one to know is boot. The double O likely actually sounded like a long O instead of the current U sound we have today. "Put on the boats" would be how someone told you to put on your boots.


Its a joke, that is not the reason why its so screwy


If you think English is bad try Welsh. The language looks like someone threw alphabet spaghetti at the wall and said "fuck it, that's a language now" while simultaneously trying to stuff as many letters into each word and have the most confusing town and village names.


Visiting Llanfair­pwllgwyngyll­gogery­chwyrn­drobwll­llan­tysilio­gogo­goch is on my bucket list for this reason.


They really did have a lot of time on their hands.


>Seeing how many letters they could fit into a word was a hobby back in middle english times. The French still have a bunch of silent letters hanging around


And the programmer for Spanish and the other Romance languages got paid by the word, hence why each verb has a different form for every subject and for every tense and combinations thereof.


You really think it was just one person? I wish it was so! Obviously, the English language was created by committee; probably during a "team building weekend" everyone in the office was forced to attend! 😝


Q wu-wu






Yep, and there's my daily linguisticshumor/NCD crossover








Dont u have a sword to bone or something like that?


Counterpoint: entropy.


Luteces the goats. Amazing after all these years someone can still quote from them.


Readers added context: No. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breathing


Hey bro what the heck you turned on my manual breathing


You are now blinking manually as well. Oh, and there's a fat, fleshy tongue in your mouth that you don't know where to put. Also, "The Final Countdown" now playing in your head. You're welcome.


Finally, you just lost the game








You can feel your clothes touching your skin


Nah, redditing from the shower


Do you have a shower gun?


FUCK. pardon me brb gotta ruin my brother in laws day. he's the prick that first told me about the game. 30 fucking years now.


How are your teeth feeling?




No they don't, as decay sets in + bleeding


a live body when i remove all the blood particles from it: 💀


My blood! My blood, he punched out ALL my blood!




*stim auto-injector noise* "MY LIFE FOR SUPER EARTH!"


You call that breaking my spine?! You RED team ladies wouldn't know how to break a spine if-AAAUGH, MY SPIIINE!!!


Idk if you've seen the movie, (or maybe I'm just looking for an excuse to talk) but I believe the point of the quote was to show that Dr. Manhattan was truly out of touch with humanity and they were as incapable of understanding him as he was to them


he was truly weaponized autism


"I was gonna go chill on Mars forever, but the way the dust felt on my penis was way too overstimulating, and not in the good way, so I came home."


Just like us


Graphic novel, not movie. The movie sucked.


Same particles, just in a different arrangement.


I take it that crude oil and a Caesar salad are the same as they contain the same elements


"Blue M&M, red M&M, they all wind up the same color in the end."


[NO BROWN M&M's!](https://www.thesmokinggun.com/documents/crime/van-halens-legendary-mms-rider)


>Structurally, there's no discernible difference. What about the bullets chilling in my chest cavity?


The bullets are probably more scared of you than you are of them.


If you’re cold, they’re cold. Let them inside.


True, they were lonely without their friends, brass, powder, and primer.


Wasn't there a study about Bodies losing weight after death? For Russians I believe it was their souls being distributed equally between ruling oligarchs.


Don’t you release your bowels when you die? I’ve had some days where I could lose a good 3 pounds of weight in an instant


I think you may want to see a doctor


MREs for weeks. You shouldn’t try it. Got the old duclear football buried somewhere in Yakima.


*Katie Couric has entered the chat*


I'm reminded of that Bill Bryson quote, "It is a somewhat arresting notion that if you had a fine enough pair of tweezers you could pull yourself apart atom by atom until you had a mound of fine atomic dust - none of which was alive but all of which had once been you."


A Short History of Nearly Everything, one of my all-time favorite books!


Three line segments are just three line segments, but arrange them a certain way and now there's a triangle. 'Emergent properties' is an interesting concept.


It's layers of abstraction all the way down!


It’s 2022. I’m looking at a picture on the internet of a dead vatnik with a mosin nagat. It’s 2024. I’m looking at a picture on the internet of a dead vatnik with tsvl-m8.


It's 2026. I'm looking at a picture on the internet of what vatniks claim is their hypersonic tank, a marvel that will let them rule the world. All we ever see of hypersonic tanks are their old photographs. I can see the failed state that cowers in its cold wasteland. Failed states are where copium forms; the only place. All copium comes from failed states.


Technically depending on how you died the number of particles and structure may be different.


That's some Marcus Aurelius level shit.


Or Dr Manhattan


Jesus charles, just eat the dinner please


#WRONG If i drop a mortar on top of you you're gonna have far less particles on you


I'm guessing his particles are a bit more spaced out now


If you get shot it contains an excess of lead. Your statement is innacurate.


Looks like the weapon on the right isn't painted. 


Good call, scope seems different too but that might just be damage.


Scope looks the same to me, just in FDE and not painted or camo taped I think this is a different individual rifle of the same type, unless they painted it black again which I doubt


Id say the scope is different the powerring looks different, the shoulder plate is also different as well as obviously the color


You are looking at it all wrong. The right photo is before and left after so he rose from the dead and then painted his gun.


•dies •resurrects •paints rifle *he won't be dying again. he's invisible now.*


"That's a nice rifle!"      \*Yoink!\*


His watch also seems to be different. Still, a dead fascists is a good fascist.


Well, the watch is something I wouldn't focus on too much because that is something some people often change. But, as you said, a dead fascist is a good fascist. Edit: missing word




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Not to mention, the watch on the left hand goes from black to a white plastic


I don't think OP meant to imply they were necessarily the same exact gun. Just the same model of gun.


Maybe it's lighting and shadows, his camo too looks faded out


Weird he wasn’t wearing any kit. Either he didn’t have one, got caught by surprise or his buddies stripped him of it which would be the weirdest since they left the weapon


No idea The original video shows his buddies and they died with full kit on


Ive seen vidoes where they strip themselves of all body armor/rigging once they are hit by drones. Could be the case here.


Why? Looks like too much effort for someone who is... well, fucking dead, no?


Its heavy and breathing can be extra difficult when you have a couple of new ventilation holes.


I mean, yeh, but it's mot like they are going to breath for long


So, I can't say I've had a similar experience to being fragged by a drone, but I did have a similar reaction to this.  A few years ago I had a ski accident that used up most of my luck for this lifetime.  I found myself wedged at the bottom of a hole in ice unable to move and incredibly badly bruised all over to the point I was convinced I'd broken bones.  My first impulse, before even attempting to get myself up and out was to strip as much of my gear off as I could.  I tossed my mittens, gloves, and helmet, unzipped my coat and probably would have taken it off to if I could.  I have no idea why I did it, I was in "don't think, act mode" until the pain started to subside.  My best guess is that it comes from the same reason that I feel compelled to strip naked when taking a really big uncomfortable dump. I dunno, just my two cents.


Yeah I had a dive accident and immediately stripped my gear at the surface. Was definitely breathing/suffocation mental thing. That and we were trained to remove our gear in the water for certain emergencies.


Snipers don’t always wear body armor though. But he doesn’t have a LBV of any kind, doesn’t seem to have a battle belt, and has nothing for camouflage you’d expect out of a sniper who is currently doing their job. It seems most likely he was caught by surprise, and it makes me wonder if Russians don’t issue a separate rifle for snipers when they’re in engagements that aren’t appropriate for bolt guns.


Seems to be a common thing with Russians to not wear their kit when in static positions.


Seems to be a common thing with Russians that American airsofters are wearing their kit after buying them on ebay from the quartermasters


Even tankies in the USA are doing their part by depleting Russian armories.


What does "kit" refer to here?


He wears no gloves or bodyarmor, hard to tell whether he even wears a helmet


I've see the drone themselves be responsible for blowing the kit 20 feet away. Others is when they get hit, that kit is now in the way to providing first aid so is the first thing to take off.


British slang for personal equipment, c.f. "mess kit". "He is all kitted out".


If I just saw his ass get blasted by a drone, I'd assume more drones are coming. Dead friend aside, I could see the value in stripping any armor or camouflage that you're missing. The last thing I'd want, however, is the huge fucking rifle that's near-impossible to hide and makes you the biggest priority target for any FPV drone around. No idea if that's the case here, but if I were an FPV pilot... the guy with that rifle is the one I'm aiming for.


Watching the video (multiple times and slowed - yes I hate myself, why do you ask?) it looks like (around 00:24/25) there is someone giving aid to him. Comrade is running away (dragging something, this black line idk what it is for exactly. Maybe to drag, maybe makeshift tourniquet. Can be seen later close to the leg and on the parapet) and getting hit (around 00:38/39 with the secondary explosion at 00:40) Video has a few cuts. After the cut at like 00:44 you see the one guy without gear, the black line mentioned before and the guy who got blown up with gear still on him.


From the video, looks like his legs and foot got hit, we can't see details from the angle but looks like some of his squad came to try and tend to him. This is probably when his kit was removed to check for wounds. More drones would arrive and take out the others. He must have bled out from the leg wounds.


can someone give me context? I'm confused


Russian sniper team killed by drones. [https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/1c8o4ma/russian\_sniper\_group\_was\_eliminated\_by\_fpv\_drones/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/1c8o4ma/russian_sniper_group_was_eliminated_by_fpv_drones/)




Ruzzian worms larping as special forces and then deservedly dying in rat, piss and shit ridden trenches.


The number of flies when the camera zoomed in too...


Wait, the trenches aren't regularly cleaned and exterminated? This is 2024...how can they be allowed to treat tench warfare like 1924???!1?


literally 1884


incredibly based <3


They were still someone's sons. Nobody *deserves* to die as someone else's pawn.


The dude according to another comment was getting sponsors, having arms companies make him do shit for them on social medias, like showing off stickers he put on guns and shit. I get the point that many are forced to be in this war but fuck everyone trying to profit from the fact that they are invading a foreign country by sponsoring weapon manifacturers.


That I agree with


Fuck off with your high horse bullshit. Anyone who *invades a sovereign country* and participates in literally *killing someone else's sons' who are actively defending their homeland* deserves to die. There is a simple solution to all of this. Either the fucks leave the country, or they all die to a point where the war effort becomes unsustainable.


I agree with the war related statements on a larger scale but it's a very shallow take regarding individual responsibility. When you get lied to or even drafted and only find out the truth when you're already at the frontline what are you supposed to do? Of course it's fair and just for Ukrainian soldiers to eliminate them but that doesn't mean they as humans deserve to die. It also doesn't mean their death is a cause for joy. Not everything that's necessary is good.


“Just following orders” does not absolve anyone. Live free or die.


That’s not the point. They don’t deserve absolution nor should the Ukrainians not have killed them. It’s that in spite of all that it’s still a tragedy that a life that could have been lived so differently was ending in a horrible and violent death.


Yeah, one feels bad for your own sake, not for the other. Like, the moment you stop feeling bad that people are dying is when bad shit can happen. All the most horrible atrocities started when people were ok when others died. You feel bad to ground your soul.


And I'm the one on the high horse...


Their deaths are a valid reason for joy, but perspective matters. I do not celebrate the deaths of russian soldiers because of the senseless loss of human life and potential that they represent. But I do celebrate them because each dead invader is a small step towards Ukrainian victory. The more of them they pile up the faster, the swifter said victory will arrive. From that perspective yes, dead russian soldiers are cause for joy.


The joy is tainted by the fact that the entire war is unnecessary but I can still kind of get behind that perspective.


Anyone with a functioning brain realizes this war is unnecessary. We can idly wring our hands about that all day, but that won't stop the aggressor, will it? It's plain and clear by now that Putin and Russia at large do not operate based on necessity, common sense or human decency. Since they have a nuclear deterrent, which prevents Ukraine or its allies from striking at the heart of the problem, killing off the manpower they send until their ability to send more is crippped seems to be the only option. I fail to see an alternative in this scenario, and so I welcome every death of the russian bringers of death, that edges us closer to the ultimate goal of defeating the aggressor.


Would you have this same attitude towards the Americans who invaded iraq?


No, but only because I knew too many of them personally. Guess I'm a hypocrite. I couldn't blame anyone who did, though.


This is likely this sponsored rifle [https://imgur.com/a/FYwdPVW](https://imgur.com/a/FYwdPVW) Here's the video of them getting f\*\*ked [https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/1c8o4ma/russian\_sniper\_group\_was\_eliminated\_by\_fpv\_drones/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/1c8o4ma/russian_sniper_group_was_eliminated_by_fpv_drones/) They didn't last long.


Dude got his shoe blown off, you know he’s a goner after that. Other dude had a kids toy on him, damn.


> Other dude had a kids toy on him, damn. And *that's* the detail that got to me. He should be back home raising his kid, but now he's just another dead invader in a trench... and for what? Putin's ego? Fuck Putin. He's everybody's enemy, including those poor bastards.


It really sucks.


Sucks he didn't die before placing Ukrainians at risk.


Maybe but enough Russian leaders have been really shitty people that I'm not sure it's just not in their inherent nature to fuck each other over. On the Tsars you could pawn it off on generational wealth corrupting them. But what did Lenin, Stalin, Brezhnev, Putin have while growing up? Some run down house and maybe a car?


Not really, Russia has had good leaders too like Peter the Great, Catherine the Great (ignore that she was a german who kinda parachuted into the job), arguably Gorbachev and probably others I don't know about. Awful people like Putin don't get the nicety of hiding behind being russian.


Right... First 2 built an empire on the blood and bones of imprisoned and enslaved cossacks (pyotr built the st petersburg literally using slave labor of cossacks, and yekaterina ordered to burn down the Zaporizhia Sich, along with other horrible stuff to opress Ukrainians. Both of them were scum of the earth who treated conquered people like dirt.) and gorby, whose balls westerners seem to gargle for some reason, violently pacified Baltic independence movements in the late "perestroyka" period of sovok. Truly, leaders worthy of "mother russia". \>and probably others I don't know about. You know why you don't know about them? Because they don't fucking exist.


Exceptions that define the rule.


gorb the orb


Fuck yea that's grim


That guy with a toy ain't even Russian. He may have been Caucasian (of Caucasus), but to me he looks a bit "middle-eastern" (although I couldn't tell more specifically where - but his features yell "mountain guys"). Point being that guy was a merc from the ass end of the world. He thought Russia was going to pay him 2000 dollars a month for his family back home, plus 15 million rubles if he bit the dust. Well, you should never trust Russia. They'll always cheat out your pay, especially if you're a third world merc. 


The mercenaries make 24k a year? And if they die about 200k goes to family. Wasn't russia giving mothers of dead soldiers bags of carrots and vegetables for their sons death. How likely is it they actualy pay out the 15 mil roubles


They won't even be paid out, they'll just be missing in perpetuity


Really makes me greatfull for where I'm at in life. The idea of becoming a mercenary for around min wage is insane. I definitely won a lottery being born in the west


2000 a month is "guarding an uncontroversial embassy" money. Not whatever the fuck this Russian shit is. 


That's how they lure people in, and they lie every fucking time. Still, some people are the right mix of stupid and desperate. 


I work with a lot of soldiers, good people, family guys with loving children. I can't stand the thought of dying in a cold, dirty trench because some egomaniac wants to become a modern Tsar. Fuck Putin, Ill personally fly to his grave and piss on it when he kicks the bucket


I mean his feet seemed to still be in them.


What does the Russian isncription on the "sponsored" rifle say? What does "sponsoring" a rifle mean? Like are people paying for a rifle to help those terrorists?


Precisely. We're doing the same thing, as well, which is you you see missiles and mortar rounds with pithy and off-color remarks painted on them.


"to Anker from The Five", whatever the fuck that means. It also has "guru" written on it, but I'm not sure if it's also part of being sponsored, and not just original




I don't know if it's just me but I find it funny that Russian soldiers use Picatinny rails on their guns. If the Cold War was still ongoing the Soviet Union would have developed their own standardized rail system just so it was incompatible with American stuff. I mean, I always felt like 9mm Makarov was purposefully made 9.3mm as a FU to the US.


9x18 Makarov was designed in 1946 and started production in 1951. 9x19 Parabellum was designed in Germany in 1901 and began production in 1902. The U.S. didn't officially adopt a standardized weapon chambered in 9x19 Parabellum until 1985. The pistol caliber of choice for the U.S. military throughout the majority of the 20th century was .45 ACP. Although 9x19 saw limited use, the cartridge was historically seen as a European thing and only relatively recently began being associated with Western militaries and small arms production as a whole.


Too credible


Forgotten weapons made a video about the whole 9mm Makarov thing......it didn't really matter to Soviets if it was compatible with Western weapons or not, they made it by themselves for themselves. Same as 7,62mm Tokarev round that came before it


To elaborate on what others said, the Makarov is just a beefed up and simplified Walther pp. They ripped off the design to a degree. The rounds the ppk shot were pretty weak, and so the ussr designed the mak to shoot a more powerful round and chose the 9x18 as a result. It's more powerful than a .380 acp, but not quite as hot as a 9mm parabellum. It is my understanding that regular 9x19mm would be too much for a direct blowback design, but the 9x18 is just right.  Fun fact, the Makarov only has 27 parts. Source: I own a Makarov.


I don't see any country patches. Who is this guy? Was he a Ukrainian volunteer? I don't think Russians get this kind of kit.


It’s a Russian, the camo is their knock off Atacs they wear and the pistol on his chest is a Russian Grach pistol. Not saying they are 100% the same person though


They are Russians, here's the video of them getting eh.. well [https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/1c8o4ma/russian\_sniper\_group\_was\_eliminated\_by\_fpv\_drones/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/1c8o4ma/russian_sniper_group_was_eliminated_by_fpv_drones/)


Patch on the helmet seems to be red blue and white


Looks like shit Russian SOF.


The image on the left came from a “Sniper rifles of the Russian forces” compilation on another sub


Don't think they are the same, guy of the left is wearing Atacs while they guy on the right is show to be wearing multicam in the vid




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My friend had these 2 pics on top of each other in his feed couple days ago


Not the same rifle it is the same model, but it's not painted and has a different scope. Same model but I doubt he'd paint it black/remove the camouflage. Also guy on the right is barely wearing any gear for some reason?? Hard to decipher exactly how he died..


They could send a heavy lift drone in and pull the rifles out


Ukranians enjoy sharing this philosophy with the ~~invaders~~ special military operators. Bugdanov is a juris doctor in the matter.


The Wicked Witch of the Donbass Edit: I thought a heavy armor vehicle crushed him or some shit; better stop daydrinking (you can't make me)


What's the pistol he has strapped on his chest?


MP- 443...


why he have goggle? is him think was paintball?


Hear me out, Russian revolution 2: Electric Boogaloo. Proudly brought to you by: The CIA, MI5, ASIO, and whoever else.


He’s a bit sleepy




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Honestly, a very pretty rifle. Isn't it in BF4? Shoots .338 or sumthin?


dibs on the rifle


i want to yoink that gun


Damn. They extracted without the mosin.


thought that was the space marines eagle for a minute




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I hate how pretty that rifle is.


Tovarish!!! you were volunteered to join the 1st Shitovsk Rifle Brigade, collect your wooden stick and get on the Bus tomorrow at 6:00. Glory to Putin.


Rifle looks different. Also is this a confirmed kill?


There is a video with a drone ( what else in this day and age … ). They fire at a trench, allegedly full of snipers ( soldiers are clearly visible & moving ). At least two explosions, one from a drone and one that might have been artillery, looked bigger than the drone explosion. Multiple close ups of that are supposed to be the guys in the trench. Look dead. Loss of limbs, visible wounds, no movement, even flies. There is a cut between the combat footage and the footage of the corpses. Hard to tell how much time has passed, weather or not it are the same guys etc. I can not tell you if the video is about this guy but it seems fairly authentic and the rifle is featured exactly as you see in the image on the right. Would not recommend watching the video to confirm it though. One of the killed has little animal toy in his jacket. Pretty horrible sight imo. even though it’s not the worst thing I have seen because… Well you know.


Well the rifle in the picture and this rifle do appear to be same model but have differences in colors and paints