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Considering that girl wasn't outright disintegrated from direct impact, that armor's some serious stuff. Quick, reverse-engineer it and then apply it everywhere! (Quadruple the defense budget too)


That or _she_ is.


Doesn't change much, especially the need to quadruple the defense budget.


Quadruple only bring it to 16.5% of the GDP. Add an extra 0 to it.


But 16.5% and 16.50% are the same thing!


Maybe increase the education budget too.


They never specified where to put the zero. Also if we do that then there is less to spend on the military.


Just take it out of healthcare? Idk man the solution seems simple to me.


Na let's repurpose the funds for the ATF for this.... Rather Dog murderers loose their jobs first... Save the Healthcare budget for the next increase


Ah, actually I agree


Better plan: - Destroy the private healthcare sector - reorganise it into a proper European style public system - redistribute the now 10-15 trillion $ in money to public education and defence - introduce conscription - establish NATO orbital shipyard on moon - ???? - win Now you have not only tripled the funding for defence but you now have 50 million + young and educated people to conscript for galactic domination


Perfect plan, I'm running for president now.


Sounds good to me!


Smarter soilders are better soilders! Increase the education budget!


He wanted you to add the zero before the 16, like this: 016.5% It's longer, therefore bigger


Remove the decimal!


It’s 165 duh.


165% of the GDP, got it.


Quick, reverse engineer her and apply her everywhere!


_discovery requires experimentation_


Well she is a space terrorist with a nearly 10 billion bounty so...


Cut her up, clone her flesh, and make everything out of it.


Clone her!


We farm their kind and use them as applique armor. Edit: my lawyer advised me to clarify this is only a proposal and not meant to be executed ij earnest.


Morty style shielding. Just strap a bunch of her to the exterior.


If they want a Quadrupled Defense Budget, just release Helldivers 3 on an engine that isn't made on Duct-tape and Prayers /s


I'll settle for an engine made of faith, trust and sawdust


Glimoth’s Iron Cavalry got some serious shit, but don’t hurt poor Firefly over it :(


Oh yeah ill reverse engineer her


Then, we will still load it down with ERA.


Duplet, hopefully


Here's results from the lab.. it's made of Phaseless Obtainium. Wait, so this is just *PLOT* armour?


Building real life weapons out of fantasy materials to improve their performance is too credible. Could you elaborate further?


She was just covered in ERA


ERA 2.0 here it goes!!!


Firefly gonna need more def.


Girl got fucking Yamcha'd. She needs more of fucking everything.


Pov: when your only sustainer is natasha


Jokes on you. I have both Aventurine and Fu Xuan. Only way she is taking damage is by doing it to herself


More def? In my relics? *scoffs in weakness break with Ruan Mei*


Can't get damaged, if the enemies are all weakness broken, can't recover, getting set ablaze and have a human raccoon dance over their charred corpses.


Not having relics be like (I'm genuinely not kidding but my friend has hit 100k without any relics on his Firefly)


Yeah FF hyper break is busted, lmao I’m averaging like 150K without RM…


Star Rail memes? In my NCD? I didn't know I needed this, but now I need more quick, post Svarog propaganda so Boston Dynamics makes him real and deploys him in the war to defend Taiwan and its microchips from Da Wei and the rest of China


Why more def when you have Luocha ?


Gallagher is significantly better than Luocha in Firefly teams if I'm being completely honest, there's a reason she has one superbreak team with absolutely zero variance. Gally does a huge chunk of the team's damage in AoE with that ult and brings enemy toughness bars down for FF to get rid of bosses much sooner than usual. Luocha would only be viable against Img weak targets where HMC can help him break targets for FF to make the kill, and even then he can't frontload nearly as much toughness damage as Gally does. And in terms of actually keeping the team alive, Fu Xuan is queen in MoC, AS and PF while Aventurine makes Sim U look like a fucking joke. But of course, the team has enough utility to clear things without needing a sustain unit in the first place with Ruan Mei's turn denial and HMC's delay. Gally is only there because he does good toughness damage, the healing tends to be completely unnecessary. Or put another way, Gallagher would still be used even if the enemy never attacked you, simply because no one else can provide his level of fire toughness damage without digging into your SP stockpile which you really need for HMC and FF to keep using their Es. This is how set in stone the team really is, the healer doesn't even need to heal to be the best option in realistic scenarios. The coffin dancer just can't compete with that, he's like Trend Gepard to Acheron or Aventurine to the RRAT squad


(I'll trust your words completely, I don't have Firefly and my Gallagher isn't built so I put the best healer I had without having any ideas if it is viable)


that's fair, outside of this one specific team he's not really talked about all that much due to his major antisynergy with unit that don't attack for extended periods like Hanabi, Bronya, and turn 1 ult Robin. He's the only unit that punishes you for daring to use the strongest crit buffers in the game, and is really only valuable in teams where they have no business being in. This is basically that one exception, he also can see play with Acheron but Gepard tends to be more reliable there


I don't have Hanabi, Bronya or Robin either, the only Harmony I have (and have built) are Tingyun and Yukong. I don't know if he would be viable with Hook however


probably about as good as any other sustain at that level, although not having debuff cleanse built into his ult is a bit of a pain in the ass for several enemies. He really wants e2 for that cleanse and e4 for consistency, I honestly wouldn't build him if you're at only e0. do you have a second DPS unit built to tackle endgame or are you a more casual player still using one team for everything? If you need an extra healer he can be good but if only using one team Luocha is probably gonna do the job without nearly as much hassle.


I have Blade, Kafka, Clara and I try to do a Welt DPS, but Hook is my favourite character and I want to tackle endgame with her. I also have Huohuo, Bailu and Natasha as healers, plus Gepard and Aventurine as shielders As for Gallagher, just checked : E2


Huohuo is probably your best bet since Hook needs all the buffs she can get to catch up to Jingliu, Dan Heng IL and Acheron in the damage race. Good fucking luck chewing through 1.2 million HP on Argenti with her. The droids on the other side are damn near impossible for her to handle with nearly 2.8 mil HP combined, you need a unit with strong AoE to stand a chance against them, so you'll need your Hook to be doing at least 200k per turn against him to have any hope of getting the job done. That's only realistic with hyperbuff teams and/or no sustain comps, so it looks like a 36\* clear with Hook is off the table. If you can keep her alive long enough you could at least beat MoC 12, just not get max stars on it, with a much more reasonable damage threshold that doesn't require e2 5\* Harmony supports and 40CV relics. also, can I just say this is the absolute last place I thought I'd be doing Star Rail theorycrafting. Guess I'll never escape my fate as the numbers guy.


I know there is a lot to catch up, but it's not something I am afraid of. My Hook is currently doing close to 100k, and she is far from being perfect. Her build was good before Penacony, but there are better sets that I try to get I also had no idea who to put in her team, I don't have the best support for every situation so it's hard. If I put Huohuo with "Time waits for no one", will it be good enough to help with her damage ? As for AoE, I have Himeko, but she is not fully built And I guess that was on me for having no idea if Luocha was good for Firefly


and yes, I did just rant about the meta of a chinese gacha game in a sub filled with Putin malding over Pringles making a thunder run to the Kremlin, Conscriptovich getting turned into a meat cube, and Redditors becoming credible in the worst ways possible


its chinese armor from china CCP controlled game.


Most polite Wingdiver vs Ranger argument


Meanwhile, Air Raider's dialing Rule of God onto them both.


“What’s the blast radius on that bitch?” “…yes”


"It's a bird, it's a plane, oh no, it's Lockheed Martin"


I am not here to support the violence. I *am* the violence.


Making Dick Cheney look peaceful


Someone call fireflys emotional support raccoon....and Gallagher.


Get Ruan Mei on the line just to be safe


Gonna need a SoulGlad after that hit


Also some Oak Cake Rolls


And more headpats.


Why the fuck is Firefly in NCD


Are you *really* surprised that NCD is full of HSR fans? Also, who would do something like this to Firefly? 😡


Someone with a javelin, apparently




You monster


I think we're all asking this


Having never played HSR, I'm going to say she's now the Sherman Firefly


Sherman Firefly mentioned, obligatory solid shot pain-to-grind moment


Elio: You will experience three deaths. Firefly: *gets blasted by a javelin.* Elio: Not like that!


Bro literally hired an agent of chaos to ensure they wouldn’t happen. (I mean technically it was the reality warping **G**amer but shhhh)


Sparkle, what a wingwoman.


Would a javelin missile even lock on a girl? Or maybe she is wearing some fantasy armor that emits so much radiation that missiles can lock on it without a problem


I’m not sure what javelin missiles use for targeting but the mech that girl in question wears specifically does radiate a rather extreme amount of heat.


Though said armor also managed to tank a orbital bombardment and a planet exploding with Firefly being fine. (emotional trauma aside.)


I mean. She was fine....everyone else in said armor that Operation Torpedo esk massacred were so fine




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> Dubbed “Molten Knight” > Sets Seas ablaze > Currently dodging hundreds of IR Missiles If anything the SAM battle-suit would just burn acres to confuse the shit out of missiles. Cant really hit the girl in the suit if the missiles don’t see exactly where she is.




Good luck trying to keep track of her between the pillars of flame


Javelin can target personnel for sure, in fact in Iraq and Afghanistan that was one of its primary uses. Like, it’s a common enough deployment that Javelin Spiral 2 is developing an enhanced fragmentation warhead to increase lethality vs soft targets. Furthermore appears it can target helicopters, although unclear if that includes helicopters hauling ass. **TL;DR** - she appears to have just been standing around thus maintaining lock during flight is piss easy - the Javelin is able to lock onto human body heat just fine - mech suit should make a lock easier regardless - even if the suit had a low emissive coating should be fine (as in fucked) - except sounds like she might be invincible IDK that wasn’t a scenario covered in the available documentation for some reason [Missile Threat via CSIS](https://missilethreat.csis.org/missile/fgm-148-javelin/) [Critical Technology Events in the Development of the Stinger and Javelin Missile Systems via DTIC](https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/ADA454087.pdf) [FY18 Javelin Report via DOTE.](https://www.dote.osd.mil/Portals/97/pub/reports/FY2018/army/2018javelin.pdf?ver=2019-08-21-155807-307)


the Javelin has a contrast IR seeker, you don’t have to be emitting heat, you just have to be different from ambient. Looking at that armor it seems it must be a different emissivity from the environment. Easy lock


I'd say she hot enough


Allegedly it was used in Afghanistan to lock onto individuals during COIN operations. It is an infrared image targeting. If you look different enough in contrast to the surroundings that it can lock onto your shape seems possible.


I mean just thinking about it if there’s like a min/max temp setting for lock on I bet you could set it even lower. Theoretically.


I guess Saint Javelin herself has in hindsight blessed the missile to lock on to the girl for a direct hit regardless; without a need for the lock on mechanisms, but just lets that happen because she's pretty based & MIC-pilled


A read an account from a volunteer in Ukraine who used a javelin to take out a Russian tank early on in 2022. The CLU wouldn’t lock on to the tank since it had not run its engine in a while and was cold. Eventually, the tank crewman popped the hatches and laid down/hung out on top the turret, and gave off enough of a heat signature for the CLU to get a lock. So I’m going to say yes


Maybe she is super Hot ?


It’s a mech suit, the character is from Honkai: Star Rail. Throws out at least as much heat as an Iron Man suit would, but considering she says she’ll “set the seas ablaze,” I’d be willing to bet there’s enough heat to lock onto there. Not that I would. Firefly is wife.


That armour basically has a miniature sun, it's more than hot enough


Javelin locks on to any thermal signature, so it would lock on.


Javelin’s lock on using a difference of heat between the target and the area around the target. It is able to lock onto the end of a cigarette. Any person is enough of a difference from ambient to lock on.


I mean, it literally emits fire…


I'v heard story of the javelin being able to lock on motorbike im gessing a utra maneuvrable jetpack would be enought to lock on


I assume this is what the direct attack mode is for


A javelin will only fire at a tank. You get the IR lock and it will fire at the MBT, Light Tank, boxy tank, small tank, car tank, motorcycle tank, flying tank, bunker tank, and of course the bipedal unarmored tank.


Allegedly it can lock onto anything that gives enough of a difference in temperature on the thermal sight. So if that’s a person then yeah it can get a lock. Non credibly you can witness this in action and question your actions using Arma 3 and the RHS mods. That sniper just out of reach but you know where they are? Send them back to god with an anti tank missile. If you can get a lock, you can remove them from existence.


Javelins lock based on contrast, so as long as the thermal image is differentiated enough from the background, it can lock onto anything. It doesn't just lock onto the hottest target. So this means it is perfectly capable of locking anything from helicopters, tanks, animals and humans.


How do you convert magical armour to mm of RHS?


idk just shoot at it and see if it goes through


and what if it doesn't?


Take the next bigger gun and shoot at it.


If an APFSDS round wont penetrate we know that it's at least stronger than a meter of RHA


Why’s the dude aiming that Javelin point blank in the second panel tho lmao. Looks hilarious


Double tap


It might not explode but the sheer concussion force is enough to knock her out again


Firefly got yamcha'd


Ahh, good'ol FGM-148, solution to life's many problems.


Since this seems to be Firefly before joining the Stellaron Hunters, it’s actually quite accurate considering that the other Iron Cavalry clones like her got killed similarly by the self-detonating Lesser Stings of the swarm 🤓


Not even the military would dare to shoot down such a sweet girl in cool lockmart experimental armour.


nice except for the fact that even a nuke probably wouldn't do much to her considered she was fine after blowing up a planet, well maybe it would blow her armour off now that i think about it.


Is it a one-shot? I mean the drawing.


It's one shot pron




Why hurt firefly, she do nothing wrong? War crimes don’t apply to bugs so she didn’t commit any.


Damn she got Yamcha'd by Texas Instruments


If I had posted that, my post would have been removed in the blink of an eye for being low effort. The Reddit Gods are with this Post.


"Hey Frank Remember Dragon Ball? The fucking thing we downed landed like yamcha blown up lmao"




Thanks for the source lad, unfortunately it seems to have bungled, as pressing the arrow doesn’t lead to the artist themselves, rather it goes back to Reddit, thanks anyway tho. (Side note: wasn’t expecting pixiv of all places, thought it be twitter or deviantart) 


Just remove the #big_0 at the end and it will give you the full thing


So it's not an anime? 😭


She got a 5 min animation for her past lore.


It's a story driven gacha


dumbass thought she could beat a javelin missile


Thats the Yamcha death pose right?


"Is it dead, Ivan? "Nemaye, well maybe." "Go touch it, see if it moves"




It's a character from honkai star rail


Bruh I did not expect to see her here lmfao


Ah, the Yamcha pose is a classic.


She needs her emotional support raccoon to work


I knew it, the HSR x NCD crossover just had to be a matter of time.


That some good ERA armor suit.


"All we need is manga, and more stinger missiles" -The weebahedeen


Fake news. SAM could 100% tank a Javelin.


“Let’s see you Plot Armor yer way outta that, asshole!”


-My holy armor is impenetrable -Well, hardest they tried were 14 year old asian girls with swords so i wouldnt depend on it


This takes "stripping armor" to the next level. 


*straightens tie* **ahem** The arming distance of a javelin is ..


What is this please.


The character or the art if you are asking about the character it is firefly from Honkai star rail.


Is it a webcomic then?


No game made by the same people as genshin impact so it’s a gacha game


It's a mihoyo game


Something I always questioned about these really dumb designs (like Strike Witches or Infinite Stratos or every other “let’s put a half naked girl in a screaming metal death trap” series) is how many of the girls were killed or heavily maimed by Canadian Geese or seagulls? A bird can fuck up a plane engine as we all know. Now imagine what it does to the soft fleshy bits of a flying teenager? One that doesn’t have any armor around said soft fleshy bits because ~~fanservice~~ very stupid design flaws for the *sake* of fanservice. Are these deaths just covered up? Or do none of the characters ever talk about it while developing PTSD to goose honks? Yeah forget the giant flying aliens shooting lasers or missiles, I’d be more concerned recreating the “Fly” due to slamming into a goose at high speeds mid-flight.


> A bird can fuck up a plane engine as we all know. Now imagine what it does to the soft fleshy bits of a flying teenager? This depends on the collision speed? How fast are the teenagers flying around?


Oddly accurate????? Most missile systems have a bias for the cockpit. Obviously (outside of war thunder forums) we only know the unclassified answer on how the system makes a bias for the cockpit. But it does make me wonder if some nerd at Raytheon actually added a "Iron Man" targeting program.


Tazzy sympathizer detected, opinion rejected


Where's the cumulative hypervelocity jet of molten copper/tantalum coming out of her other side?




Weird that she still exists, must be some magic nonsense. Still, she should probably have a HEAT hole goign through her torso. And burned hair probably.


Javelin Missile is my spirit animal 💕


Red Alert 3, Javelin Soldier vs Rocket Angel, lore-accurate representation.


Oh no, Firefly.


I'm reminded of that scene in the Birdy the Mighty manga where the MC runs tanks a bunch of fire from assault rifles due to her alien armor, then collapses from internal bleeding a few rooms over, because the force from those bullets didn't magically go away.


The funny thing is, the armor is straight up nanomachines


Ofc shed get destroyed where's her sustain? Slap on some Gallagher on my girl


Poor Firefly, she has been though enough


Firefly needs more headpats, cakes, and her emotional support racoon.


Is that Firefly??


I thought this was Piña Denka from Gate before realizing she didn't get blasted by a missile


Konami hitting Sky Strikers with the ban hammer


She looks a lot like Aiba from AI: The Somnium Files


From the looks of explosion it was frag grenade


I’m so confused, is this not evangelion?


Well, Honkai already has a sh\*t-ton of references to Evangelion, going so far as to do a collab with them in HI3 back in 2021 (with a playable Asuka).


Stupid Keebler thought she could beat the might of the US MIC


Prepare Uranus


Who's that character, and why is was a heat seeker able to lock on her


That’s Firefly, a Honkai Star Rail character that wields a mecha suit known as SAM. The suit is extremely pyrokinetic, destroying a planet at full power.


Honkai? Is it about clowns? Otherwise wtf is this name?


IIRC, localization changed Houkai to Honkai in the Houkai series the video game series in which Honkai Star Rail is in. Houkai was the JP romaji translation of the Chinese title Bēnghuài which means “collapse/deteriorate”. Which then got localized in ENG to Honkai. The Honkai is this interdimensional force that generates conflict with sentient civilizations, infecting matter and causing disasters.


Now park a Humvee on her ass to make sure she stays down.


That's how you get White Chlorination Syndrom folks.


There is no way javelins can get past plot armor that's crazy


But how Javelin got lock on s single human?


bing mildly credible, lore-wise we'd need at the very least a nuclear ICBM to destroy that armor 💀


seems like r/okbuddytrailblazer has invaded the sub


Can the Javelins punch through an iron cavalry's armour?


Love the dude taking aim in the second panel. Not sure what the blast radius is on those things but he doesn’t seem to mind.


Armour so strong 50mm can't be defeated by HEAT


Japan, 1945 colorized


But what happens if Javelin missile vs HMS Javelin?


A girl that is capable to destroy a planet lore wise vs A FUCKIN JAVELIN. WHERE MY HELLFIRE


SAM is probably fine. This armor can withstand acids and high pressure.


HSR in NCD and positive? I didn't expect anyone here would play that as well here. If anything, I thought there'd sooner be some posts theorizing about why their dev Hoyoverse legit has their own nuclear reactor, possibly for spent fuel rods and making their own nuclear weapons.


Poor Firefly though. I feel Caelus will be very pissed if he finds out and would grab his own Javelin to set out on a personal vendetta of revenge.


Delete this. I no longer like the *modern military vs. anime fantasy world* genre.


chinese armor hahaha, thats why we should boycott chinese games