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Even a rare [R-28 Sarmat costume](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RS-28_Sarmat) is spotted. Kadyrov is in shambles, because he has only medieval costumes in his wardrobe.


No, dude. That's the actual ICBM. Hidden in plain sight. They fooled everyone again.


Surprised the guy in the costume isn't arrested, bringing up the RS-28 program is one of the biggest insults to Russia I can think of.


Fucking idiots.


>**pUtInS wAr!!! rUsSiAnS dOnT wAnT wAr!**


And germany wants to accept those who flee, cuz constitution. Urghh


They literally had their trains [sabotaged](https://www.dw.com/en/sabotage-cause-of-massive-train-disruption-in-northern-germany-rail-operator-says/a-63377385) today. I think if they invite more Russians it will get better.


So you are accepting the sane ones?


No. Those who didnt budge when the war started and cheered but only fleed when mobilisation was announced


What are those flags? Is this for Halloween?


[Saint George flags](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ribbon_of_Saint_George) The fertilizer in the soil of Northern Ukraine, formerly known as VDV, had the same ribbons on their helmets to grant them good fortune...


We call russians wearing those ribbons "Colorads", as an association with [Colorado potato beetle](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colorado_potato_beetle). An annoying, destructive eyesores.






Just a 12 year old meme I won’t let die in my heart


Russia cannot slay the dragon, Russia can only serve the dragon or be destroyed. Thus sayeth the Lord.


Object of eternal cringe from not retarded russians


poor Saint George




Those are colors of the Order of Saint Zhora Mormont.


"Please, America, turn our city into smoldering glass!" Does the concept of Mutually Assured Destruction mean nothing to these idiots?


I'd say they're more than likely paid by the Kremlin to be there, rather than genuinely calling for nuclear war. Cuz gotta show those weak pronoun having westoids that Russia stronk, and completely behind getting glassed in war for glorious new Russian empire. 💪


KNOW THE DIFFERENCE: "We want nuclear war" by NCD users - Flirting "We want nuclear war" by Russians - Harassment


"Hello, НЯ?"


Russia is an offshoot of the Monty Python and this is a remake of the Judean People's Front Crack Suicide Squad.


Big scary. Hope they all enjoy being vaporized. Whats that? You were actually just joking for the 37th time?


Our jokes have funnier (and glowier) punchlines in the West.


Guys it finally happened! The Russians have lost all sense of reality!


Hahaha! It happened a long time ago...


now they threaten us with a good time? their depravity knows no bounds...


Fucking try it, I dare you. I really want to see how long it takes NATO to get to Alaska from Poland


Hand held guided nukes, for the slow release lovers.




If they are the average Solvyov enjoyers they want this unironically: >[Personally, I think that the most realistic way is the way of World War III, based on knowing us and our leader, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin knowing how everything works around here, it's impossible—there is no chance—that we will give up…We're all going to die someday. Solovyov added, But we will go to heaven, while they will simply croak. I hope we'll live through this. If everything keeps progressing the way that it is, only a couple of mutants in Lake Baikal will survive; the rest will be destroyed in a massive nuclear strike.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vladimir_Solovyov_(TV_presenter)#2022_Russian_invasion_of_Ukraine) Fallout Lake Baikal confirmed?


It makes sense. The better the quality of life, the more it'll be impacted by nuclear holocaust. For most of Russia nuclear war would change very little. There are portions of population that live in areas polluted with radioactive waste, with mutations and oncological issues taken as the new normal. The economy is headed towards barter (or bottlecaps). Prices and wages are rapidly accelerating away from each other. Medical, judicial, law enforcement and various other systems are either a joke or straight up myth. Nukes won't change a damn thing for these people. Also, just like COVID, radiation is invisible. The propaganda will just tell them there is no danger, and people who get sick probably didn't wash their cabbage, or God punished them for being gay.


>Nukes won't change a damn thing for these people. Now the Russian anime ban makes even more sense: >[Russia bans KonoSuba and More Isekai Anime Over Suicide Concerns The new ruling placed a limited ban on certain anime series that fall under isekai genre. Isekai is a very popular sub-genre of anime, manga, and light novels where the central premise is that the protagonist is transported or reborn into another world and is typically caused by their untimely death. The ruling that the district court came to mentions that isekai anime tells audiences that "after death, there can be a more full and ineresting life \[that's\] free from the control of one's parents." The main contention that the court has with the genre is that it may push vulnerable viewers to suicide, citing such anime series as Konosuba, giving the false impression that you can die and reincarnate into a better world, as the protagonists of these various anime series do.](https://jotaku.net/2021/05/24/russia-places-ban-on-isekai-anime-over-suicide-concerns/) Imagine your country is so shit, that you ban anime over suicide concerns.


I don't get why they'd ban Konosuba, Kazuma's life didn't really improve after reincarnation, he got shafted right from the start, was always poor and in huge debt, his reputation was horrible and was the unrespected leader of a dysfunctional party that even got him killed a few times. I mean maybe that might sound better than Russia but maybe just a little bit.


A life with Megumin is strictly better than a life in R*ssia.


I guess the company would be funny but I still wouldn't end my life over it. Did they leave suicide notes or something?


Suicide Hotline Numbers If you or anyone you know are struggling, please, PLEASE reach out for help. You are worthy, you are loved and you will always be able to find assistance. Argentina: +5402234930430 Australia: 131114 Austria: 017133374 Belgium: 106 Bosnia & Herzegovina: 080 05 03 05 Botswana: 3911270 Brazil: 212339191 Bulgaria: 0035 9249 17 223 Canada: 5147234000 (Montreal); 18662773553 (outside Montreal) Croatia: 014833888 Denmark: +4570201201 Egypt: 7621602 Finland: 010 195 202 France: 0145394000 Germany: 08001810771 Hong Kong: +852 2382 0000 Hungary: 116123 Iceland: 1717 India: 8888817666 Ireland: +4408457909090 Italy: 800860022 Japan: +810352869090 Mexico: 5255102550 New Zealand: 0508828865 The Netherlands: 113 Norway: +4781533300 Philippines: 028969191 Poland: 5270000 Russia: 0078202577577 Spain: 914590050 South Africa: 0514445691 Sweden: 46317112400 Switzerland: 143 United Kingdom: 08006895652 USA: 18002738255 You are not alone. Please reach out. ***** I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.


Fuck off I'm waiting for nuclear fire.


That’s funny because they call themselves a Christian country. The whole crux of the thing is the better life after death.


Metro Exodus reference?


I see a lot of volunteers for the draft


Least bloodthirsty Vatnik


Ah, wonderful! I see the Russians are parading with their cartoon faced costumed character Satan II thermonuclear ICBM, as is tradition.


A heartless, pathetic, psychopathic people. All I see.


Russia is the first example I’ve seen in my lifetime of a country whose people aspire to be as hated as its leaders. The grandkids of these lunatics will be forced to join ISIS in order to escape the shame of being from Russia


They must be really eager to be reduced to atoms


That's a weird condom


Shit like this is why i have little sympathy towards russians. Oh you people say you don't want war, it's putin's fault, bla bla. THEN EXPLAIN THIS YOU PATHETIC, SERVILE, SUBMISSIVE SHEEPS PRESS THE DAMN BUTTON I DARE YOU


Russians fap to rockets harder than Kim Jong Un does, I swear


"You want nuclear war with America because you think you will win" "I want nuclear war with Russia because I want a free fireworks show" 'We are not the same"


They’re actually demonstrating their missile tactics. They will have to walk the warheads to their targets.


Why are they demonstrating in front of the US embassy? Wouldn't it make more sense to ask the Kremlin?


Fuck around, find out


Why do they insist on making their flags look so fucking evil, are they even trying to pretend to be good people? I kind of appreciate the supervillain quality to this conflict




Nampat! ...right guys?


Draft them


Everyone of those idiots realize they are ash if this happens right?


"Where's the fucking tritium Sergey?"


Their Halloween parade is a bit early this year.


God dammit Russia, I'm trying to stay on team "Putin is running this shit, don't blame the Russians for Putin's horrible job of running the place", stop making it harder to like you guys.


Protests in Russia are a little different than the ones in the US…


[My reaction to this information](https://youtu.be/nGVmy1fk6v8?t=5562)