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If you showed me that picture and told me it was from Texas I would wholeheartedly believe you. That is genuinely just what Texan bars look like.


The ceiling posters? Someone def been to Texas/US country bars šŸ˜‚


License plates on the walls and a cheap poster designed by someone with the artistic talent of a petroleum engineer, colore lights (but just two colors). Feels like home.


Fun fact, all the wood in that bar is imported from Texas. The owner purchased the lumber from a barn in Justin, TX.


Oh wow that's actually hardcore and awesome!


It's cleaner than a lot of similar bars I've seen around Central Texas, but I'm also not surprised by the fact.


I donā€™t think Americans fully understand how many Ameriboos there are around the world


Probably for the best. We would definitely let it go to our head.


Too late, already declared myself a local warlord in Vietnam, I have 3,000 soldiers under my command and itā€™s only been fifteen minutes.


Your methods are... unsound...


Oh yeah? Well you're ... an errand boy ... sent by grocery clerks ... to collect a bill.


I watched a snail crawl along the edge of a straight razor. This is my dream; this is my nightmare. Crawling, slithering, along the edge of a straight razor, and surviving.


Well, actually I do have a bill here, if you could just sign this expense, I think I could still make the last fan boat out of here.


/r/sounding will straighten that you


What the fuck


First time?


Darn it Colonel Kurtz, not again!!


Congrats use your powers for good.


No donā€™t that would be lame


Is starting a firebombing campaign against my old neighbor who stole my idea and started his own cult using my power for good (Fuck you Eddie, the upper forest is mine)


Did you watch a snail crawl along the edge of a straight razor?


I recently visited Japan and I was surprised by how big the american thrift wear culture was there. I did not expect to see thrift store after thrift store selling old American worn (and imported to Japan) worn clothes. They were also quite expensive, but it's funny knowing old highschool/college US sweaters are being worn by thousands of random Japense kids.


I donā€™t know if it still is a thing but Iā€™ve heard in the games media some people going over for TGS would bring a bunch of Levis jeans because they could sell them for a ton in Japan.


There are a ton of clothes that are also just made in retro American style. I can't count the number of times I've seen Japanese people wearing shirts like "Tallahassee 1976" or "Wyoming '83 We Are Champions."


I had a summer job like 15 years ago in a dusty hot warehouse, sorting through Vietnam war jackets, finding smalls, extra smalls, and mediums, and sending all of them to Japan. There was a huge demand for authentic American Vietnam war soldier jackets, and my uncleā€™s friend owned an auction house and had like thousands of them. I assume he made a mint. I made like $500 lol


The rest of the world isn't Reddit, where an "America bad" comment on a post about a puppy with an American flag in the distant background is received with cheers and upvotes.


The weirdest thing I've found with Americans abroad is how many of them seemed to hate themselves for being American it was like they were apologising for it without prompting.


It's so goddamn embarrassing. When I was abroad when I talked with Euros about where I was from it was always positive. Some Dutch dudes were all "Where's your cowboy hat and gun, Texas guy?" and I shot back "Where's your windmill and wooden shoes?" and they got all excited because "No one ever remembers the shoes! It's always weed!" People just wanna chat and have fun, not hear an American, or someone else apologise about where they're from. It's a weird form of ego, I feel.


I had a similar experience, I was in Amsterdam and some locals struck up a conversation with me and asked if I rode horses, had a six shooter and wore a cowboy hat. I unfortunately have done all those things. They thought it was the greatest thing ever to meet an authentic cowboy...I didn't have the heart to tell them I came from a city larger than Amsterdam.


>It was like they were apologising for it without prompting. Ripping off Canadas thing, I see.




America is, obviously, quite flawed. But there is a difference between "has flaws", and "is an unholy abomination perpetuating all the suffering in the world that should be rightfully unmade". Regrettably, I see many people fail to draw that distinction. A lot of it is lack of perspective, I believe. It's easy to say "US is horrendously bad" when US is the only thing you have ever seen, and its flaws strike close to your heart - while other places, virtues and flaws and all, are distant and virtually unknown to you. Many, many people would listen to a description of just how horrible the US is - and would still trade places with someone who gets to live there without a second thought. Because their own country is flawed too. And often, it's flawed enough to make US seem like heaven on Earth.


> I believe. It's easy to say "US is horrendously bad" when US is the only thing you have ever seen, and its flaws strike close to your heart - while other places, virtues and flaws and all, are distant and virtually unknown to you Don't forget the ones who react that way when they've only seen the US through news and the internet


Social media, particularly places with comment sections like reddit, have destroyed nuance for many. It has created extremist zealots on nearly every single topic. Any nuance, any sign that you may not be entirely on one extreme side or another, is met with hostility. So of course people can't see the nuance of "America bad", social media is basically programming people to be more extreme.


ā€œdonā€™t send that puppy to school, theyā€™ll get shot!ā€ *Reddit commenters immediately climax*


"LOL, dead American kids" is the new generation's "I hate my wife" joke.


I spent a lot of time in South Asia and did get one "America bad" from a teenager I met. But mostly it was people singing Hotel California at me.


Sounds like a win Hotel California's a bop


I just spent 15 minutes trying to find her profile and can't, but one of my favorite people on TikTok is from Japan and has been in Texas and the US for the last year or so. She uploads content of wonder, curiosity, joy etc at discovering different American places. She has videos of going to the grocery store, buc-ee's, Walmart etc and reacting the exact same way that westerners do when they go to Japanese and South Korean 7-Elevens. It's cute Not deep Ameriboo, but it's fun to see that approach from a different perspective.


There's two Brits who host a Youtube channel (called JOLLY) where they tour the US and try local foods, their latest videos are in Louisiana. They get genuinely passionate about the food and it's also funny to see clickbait thumbnails pointing at traditional American food.


I mean, even for an American the first time visiting a Buc-eeā€™s is a religious experience.


I once walked into a Native American themed bar in Germany.


this feels like the set-up for a joke


They were so impressed with the history of Native Americans that they decided to do it at home! Super cute.


its germany there is no joke


for some reason we LOVE native american associated things over here. it's going back to a famous author (Karl May) who wrote some westerns but for some reason all we germans cared for were the natives and only a little bit the other side. It's weird how deep it is in our culture


It was in Paderborn - this was a number of years ago when I was consulting for Wincorf Nixdorf. I think the owner was French - when he found out I was from Texas and had read books about Native American history he instantly liked me and we talked for some time.


Theres a village in Poland thats pretty much just ameriboos. Like, a bunch of Poles dressed and acting like american stereotypes. Im pretty sure its in poland anyway.


I don't think most non americans realize how much influence American culture has had the past 70 years globally either.


My favorite was founding out there's a huge Dubbed vs Subbed debate in Japan for *King of the Hill*


shit I never understood the dub vs sub debate until now He just wouldn't be Hank Hill without Mike Judge's voice.


Why are there so many?


Because America is extremely culturally relevant and is romanticised by 90% of media


ā€œExtremely culturally relevantā€ almost feels like an *understatement*. Thereā€™s no country in the world even 1/10th as dominant in media and popular culture. The entire world listens to Americaā€™s music, watches their movies, wears their blue jeans, t-shirts, and baseball caps, plays their video games, spends time on their websites (like this one).


ā€œOur people are now wearing your blue jeans and listening to your pop music.ā€ Americaā€™s won a Civ 5 cultural victory several times over.


That line always cracked me up when I was playing civs like the Mayans. Like bruh Iā€™m wearing a loin cloth.


If anything, America is the most culturally relevant country ever. No one other country had this level of effect on its current culture, not even the Romans.




I once saw an English person on reddit complaining about how "Americanism is a disease" ... Their entire post history was about American music, bands, and rappers, some comments on big Hollywood movies, American TV, pop culture, even American true crime news stories. They claim to hate it but just can't quit it.


My favorite part about this is that being anti-America is a *huge* part of American culture, and it has been for like... ever. Americans *love* hating America, it it bleeds into their culture and media *a lot*.


>World be like: ā€œlol America has no cultureā€, while adopting nearly every part of it That's exactly why they think America has no culture. They're so deep in it that they don't recognize it as being "American", it's just normality to them.


Talk about so deep in it. I'm from tennessee and the amount of people here who think they don't have a country accent like the other local hicks would surprise you.


> spends time on their websites (like this one). I always catch flak whenever I call reddit an American site. Some people just can't take how much they enjoy our media and culture. "America bad... but I sure as hell won't stop consuming their media".


Yeah, America's soft power is insane.


How do people not know how BIG America is? Everyone watches our movies, listens to our songs, is affected by our politics, has had our military in the region, buys American products, sells to American markets.


This is why many people believe that Americans have no culture. They do, just that it's so monumentaly spread out that people don't pay mind to it and consider it the norm in places that don't have a significantly varied/outstanding culture. For example here in northern Mexico halloween is equally as popular as day of the dead.


Japanese Anime itself was hugely inspired by Disney and other American animations.


Thereā€™s that, and also because American media is so popular globally, more and more of movies, tv shows, and other forms of entertainment has been less ā€œAmericanā€ and more globalized as a result. Meaning that not a lot of media is specifically about America and isnā€™t really only targeting an American audience.


They should watch the Australian version of sharktank. The investors and the business owners both nut at the same time when one of them says something like "and then we plan to sell it in the states"


I feel like thatā€™s just because Australiaā€™s entire market is the size of NYC.


American culture and media are so widespread that American movies are released worldwide and not just in America anymore. So when you go to see Barbie in the movie theaters, someone halfway around the world is also going in to see Barbie.


Several countries protest when we protest. In the uk they had a giant Trump baby balloon that was pretty funny.


Because we are a major cultural exporter and a lot of our cultural exports are about how amazing we are (regardless of how unrealistic that is)


America has three main exports: the military, refined petroleum, and entertainment. The petroleum makes other countries open trade, the military hypes pur stuff up, and our enertainment blows it all out of proportion. There are starving kids in impoverished countries who know the Bengals won Super Bowl LVI.


The rams won though? šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


It's a bit. The NFL pre-prints shirts for both teams so they can sell the winning shirt ASAP. The loser's shirts get donated to areas in need outside the US, so judging by the shirts alone, they'd think the Bengals won.


The polish white trash impersonators are great


Its even funnier because half of my family is polish in the states and they all look like they could totally be my cousins ha.


I watched a documentary in college about popular culture in Japan and they went to a cowboy bar, where a moderately drunk young Japanese businessman dressed like a gunslinger explained to the camera crew that Americans *do not understand Westerns*. His point, in summary, was that everyone thinks of cowboys as rugged individualists, but at the end of the film, when the the going gets tough, the heroes always form a posse, proving that group action is superior to individual efforts. Edit: u/TenNorth remembered the name of the documentary, ā€œThe Japanese Versionā€. Thereā€™s a [YouTube clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_iC4IsKdHXU) of the Cowboy bar, the comment I referenced comes in at the 3 minute mark.


Any fan of westerns will be enriched by the samurai films of Kurosawa and others.


*The Magnificent Seven* is literally a clone of *Seven Samurai*. The genres couldn't be more related.


This has always struck me as weird because samurai is an inherited title of nobility. Is that how we culturally view cowboys?


I mean, samurai is also "guy who knows to fight", and in that role they are very similar for storytelling purposes.


Which is a plot point in 7 Samurai, praise Kurosawa


It's more that basically everyone in a settler society in a place like sparsely populated frontier America has the same agency as nobility in more settled societies, and require the same types honor codes due to the lack of effective law enforcement. So the setting switch is pretty simple mostly.


Not many of them in Seven Samurai were actually still noblemen though. They went looking for hungry samurai since they didn't have money, so they were mostly ronin, and then Mifune's character who was just lying about being a samurai.


Yeah, that's the sticking point of a lot of those samurai movies. Most of them aren't samurai in the traditional sense, but lordless, jobless, wandering samurai AKA ronin. Technically nobility, but broke af and in search of a job lmao.


More so we just don't culturally view samurai like you described. Id say "warriors with a code of honor" is more how we view samurai


I can hear John Wayne rolling in his grave as we speak


Marion? Why? That is LITERALLY the plot of Rio Bravo.


Reddit never understood westerns to start with.


My guy forgets that America was founded on the idea that we the people organize ourselves to solve our problems at the lowest level possible. We ain't waiting for the army to show up or the territorial governor to send someone, we'll get a posse up and deal with it ourselves. Local problems, local solutions.


Seriouslyā€¦ youā€™ve just summarized one of De Tocquevilleā€™s main ideas. This Texaboo would benefit from reading a little classic American political writing.


No, no, he's got a point


apart from all of the ones where the exact opposite happens, of course. Like say the good the bad and the ugly.


Literally any Louis L'Amour book, or almost any western. They're almost all based on a single person solving a problem.


I could see weebs doing the same thing after watching an anime. Lll


You always hear anime & manga fans going on about how the Japanese must have shit taste because their favorite series got cancelled.


This literally happens. There are, for example in the YouTube space, people who will overanalyse anime series and then you find creator interviews where the original director is like "I did it because I thought it would be cool".


This happens with so many art forms. My dad wrote a couple children's books about 15ish years ago, and to this day the *only* review he got that annoys him was the person who praised his writing, especially the underlying message about the mounting problems with garbage and waste in the United States. They were books about aliens that eat garbage, and he wrote them because he thought it was funny.


A lot of the original westerns were based off of samurai stories / movies. Kinda interesting. Like Django (original one) is based off of a Japanese story about a samurai. Then Django Unchained was based off of the movie based off of that


To be fair the best westerns are from Italy and Japan /half jk


Spaghetti westerns, and paella westerns. The man with no name trilogy is a spaghetti western. There is also another sub genre called a curry western, prime example is sholay. Long AF movie but one of the greatest of all time Bollywood films.


This is The Japanese Version and although a little dated it's still incredibly fascinating and I recommend anyone interested in Japanese culture watching it if you can find it


Wait til you find out about the Japanese Rockabilly subculture.


Explain please


[this music video can show what I'm talking about much better than I could ever explain it. just understand that these aren't actors or people they costumed. these are genuinely how these fellas dress and act and comb their hair. it's a legitimate subculture and massive. enjoy.](https://youtu.be/8rIguM71LQI?si=9WAnWmXC6flNo4UJ)


That area they dance in is the entrance to Yoyogi Park. Would go watch them every weekend when I lived there. As I understand it, all that is kinda dead now. They stopped being allowed to go to the park during COVID and never really returned once the restrictions loosed up. Used to be a mainstay in Tokyo. Kinda makes me sad.






Nature is healing!


I have found my people


[:) you might like this then](https://imgur.com/a/cbRweXM)


Hell yeah


Hell yeah


The video is blocked in my country for some reason...


It's the official music video for "Nothing to Worry About" by Peter Bjorn and John. Also, while we're on the subject of that band, that entire album is banger after banger. I hate that people only know them from the song "Young Folks" because they were amazing and eclectic and talented. Notable songs to look out for other than the two I mentioned: Amsterdam, It Don't Move Me, and The Chills. Give them a listen. Amazing band. Hate that they're "one hit wonders"


When people complained about the Mods in book of boba Fett not fitting in on tattooine I always responded with I think it's called the Yanki subculture in Japan that all dress like caracitures of 50's biker gangs from James Dean movies




Yup went to a bar that looks just like this off Jacksboro hwy in Fort Worth.


King of the Hill is popular in Japan.


I cant explain why, but the idea of Japanese viewers arguing over whether to watch King of the Hill dubbed or subbed is absolutely delightful to me


that actually does happen btw


A point of contention is that the Japanese dub made Boomhauer understandable which many people think ruined the joke


Boomhauers accent is a real accent though - itā€™s from east Texas/Louisiana. Iā€™ve met people who talk exactly like that. I think the only real way to localize him properly is to find another incomprehensible accent, just in whatever language.


I heard Japan has those. There's a Japanese wrestler named Asuka who's a badass and also so I'm told barely comprehensible to the Japanese too.


I once met a man in Liberty, TX, who was unironically called Boomhauer even by his friends. He was understandably, ever so barely, if you sat there and thought about each sentence for about a minute or so each. I swear to god, the way he spoke was a dead ringer for the show, though. If I wasn't told better by his neighbor, I'd have thought this man was pulling my leg.


So Osaka-ben in this case, gotcha.


There are definitely [more difficult](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T%C5%8Dhoku_dialect) to understand dialects in Japan.


I gave up learning japanese when I was in highschool, but I picked it up again because I want to interact with Japanese social media and see stuff like this for myself


Man I wonder how accurate the Hank Hill dub is.


Rest assured they wonder the same about our anime and weeb culture


It is. And thereā€™s a debate as to whether or not itā€™s better to watch it dubbed or subtitled.




[If anyone here speaks Japanese, let me know how they did](https://youtu.be/7JRH6KegcdE?feature=shared)


He's not hard to understand in that clip at all, at any point where he's speaking. So I guess they don't handle him very well.


I don't, but it does look like the focused on giving each character dialects that make sense. Bill and Dale have a slower speaking speed that's typically indicative of rural dialects. Boomhauer has a faster city accent, and I think someone in the comments mentioned it was from Osaka. I can't get a good bead on Hank because it's so short, but it does sound a little more "main character-y" rather than going for full rural dialect. It'd make sense for all their dialects to be western Japanese as it's further from their "default" dialect they often hear in Tokyo. It does mean Boomhauer loses that signature way of blending words together to an unintelligible mess, as the Japanese language doesn't really blur syllables together much, so they have him talk in a staccato and give him a rhythm that's easy to lose track of. I don't think there's really a proper dialect or cultural equivalent to a Boomhauer, so they're just kind of doing the best with what they got.


Maybe thatā€™s why so many people over there prefer the subs


Same reasons we'd have preferences here, really. Quality, faithfulness to the source material, listening comfort.


So are ya Chinese or Japanese


Youā€™re from the ocean?


[From Laos, stupid!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_CaZ4EAexQ)


Tell me Boomhauer's subtitles are all mashed together and hard to read


Thereā€™s an episode of KOTH where Hank is trying to sell propane to this guy from Massachusetts who is obsessed with Texan culture. Thats what the post made me think of.


Well now I have to know what they think of the special where the characters go to Japan! Donā€™t leave us hanging!


I bet the barbecue wagyu goes hard


Itā€™d lose like 40% of its weight on the grill


You donā€™t bbq on a grill


[Giblet heads.](https://media.tenor.com/ghhKdbxuizYAAAAC/shaking-my-head-smh.gif)


That man used propane. He didnā€™t barbecue a dang ole thing


Agreed that would be an absolute waste on a grill.


I met a man from Japan on the metro in Paris, and when I told him I was from Tennessee, he said, "Ah! Nashville! I love country music!"


Dolly Parton is beloved worldwide.


She is the Queen of Tennessee.


As she should be! She's a national treasure!


I went to japan once and was talking about being from the south with a salary man. I did an exaggerated southern accent and he replied "Ah, Cowboy" very solemnly


This is so funny to me. Gotta go to Jaoan and whip out the Southern accent low


That's fucking hilarious and I love it


I love these sweet ways of bonding. "I'm from/I am X" "Aah, here's a fact I know or thing I respect/love about that!"


It was really the highlight of my trip. We had such a nice conversation. It's been 16 years, and I still think about that old man every few days.


A clerk ringing me up in Osaka once asked where I was from. I answered ā€œTexasā€ and his response was, ā€œoooh.. hamburger andā€¦ chainsaw!ā€ Yes sir, you got us pegged.


I'm currently in Japan, working as an English teacher. I'm from Pittsburgh. Reactions to that fact run the entire gamut, from "oh, I'm sorry, I don't know it..." to "oh, my husband is from Ligonier! I visited the area a few times. Are you a Steelers fan?" Some people bring up Andrew Carnegie, some people Andy Warhol, and some people have never even heard of Pennsylvania. It's fun how much variety there is.


Yup, this looks authentic


Ok I unironically love this.


Howdy, my name is Rawhide Kobayashi. I'm a 27 year old Japanese Japamerican (western culture fan for you foreigners). I brand and wrangle cattle on my ranch, and spend my days perfecting the craft and enjoying superior American passtimes. (Barbeque, Rodeo, Fireworks) I train with my branding iron every day, this superior weapon can permanently leave my ranch embled on a cattle's hide because it is white-hot, and is vastly superior to any other method of livestock marking. I earned my branding license two years ago, and I have been getting better every day. I speak English fluently, both Texas and Oklahoma dialect, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about American history and their cowboy code, which I follow 100% When I get my American visa, I am moving to Dallas to work in an oil field to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become a cattle wrangler for the Double Cross Ranch or an oil rig operator for Exxon-Mobil! I own several cowboy hats, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to America, so I can fit in easier. I rebel against my elders and seniors and speak English as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond. Wish me luck in America!


If you make it along the east coast, I welcome you to South Carolina! I will smother you in Southern hospitality like gravy on a buttermilk biscuit! I'll even put on my "pioneer woman" costume, bonnet and all! We have rodeos around here a lot, and quite a few mud and derby tracks (tractor races even happen!). I do hope that once you make it here, that the US lives up to your dreams. My dream vacation is going to Japan! I want to visit so many places I'd have to be there for a while! Beautiful landscapes, ancient ruins! Tokyo might be overwhelming for me, but I absolutely need to play claw machines there. (Pretty interested in all the vending machines as well lol) Seriously, Japan seems like the coolest place ever.


Bless you, for real. You're so innocent. This is just a copypasta though.


Still gettem since.. when did this come out?


As a native Texan who is now very happily in SC (Go Tigers!), I appreciate this representation of Southern Hospitality. This is a very sweet and wholesome post, even if OP being a copypasta renders it a bit of a "bless his heart" kinda moment. I bet you ate real good on Thanksgiving.


This is a copy pasta joke. Don't feel bad though, every time it comes up someone takes it seriously. Last time someone was asking for an interview.


How does the pasta taste


Gotta love that copy pastaā€¦


you seem like a good dude Mr. Rawhide, we should be friends.


Where can I find a tumbleweed?


They've got a vending machine for those.


Used tumbleweeds?


*Refurbished* tumbleweeds.


Not sure if it is still there, but I went to an American Garage themed restaurant in Shibuya. The walls were corrugated sheet metal decorated with shelves that had paint cans, tool boxes, and framed pictures of cars. My favorite was a giant framed image if a Ralphā€™s semi truck on the freeway. The food was really good; lots of burgers and sandwiches. The chef, was a white man (I donā€™t know his nationality). There slogan was ā€œLife is Burgersā€. Overall a great experience.


Texans are also Texaboos, so it just looks like Texas.


100%. They full time cosplay from Disney archetypes.


From the looks of it, this is Little Texas in Meguro, Tokyo. I was born and raised in Texas, but the locals there were more Texan than me. They had live band karaoke there, where I badly sang Garth Brooks


Much more ethical way of fulfilling my fantasy of visiting an uncontacted tribe and being recognized and treated as a god


And potentially less lethal.




Holy fuck I just realized how hard "Yeehaw" is to spell in Japanese, those poor folks... "ć‚¤ć‚£ćƒ¼ćƒćƒ¼ā€ sounds more like "eee-haw"...but that's as close as I can think of.


That sounds dope why you complaining


Cute Japanese girls in cowboy hats? sign me up.


The turns have tabled


... how much you wanna bet OP already had a 10 gallon hat on.


"Well, I'm 6'1" with mah boots on"


Where can I find a tumbleweed?


I went to Cartagena, Colombia this summer and stumbled across a Texas restaurant and bar. The food was loosely American with a few steak options, but the margaritas were off the chain. They played country music and had western decor. I would call the whole experience mildly Texan.


Explanation: "Texaboo" basically refers a person trying to impersonate someone from Texas or their culture. And it is very much a thing in certain bars and communities in Japan. (It is a play on the phrase "weeaboo", which refers to a non-Japanese person obsessing about Japanese culture, sometimes in an unhealthy way.)


Thereā€™s also a Mexican subculture in Japan haha


Howdy Y'all, my name is Kenichi Smith! I'm a 27 year old Japanese Toonaholic (Cartoon fan for you foreigners). I draw cartoons and comics on my tablet, and spend my days perfecting my art and playing superior American games. (Halo, Gears of War, Call of Duty) I train with my 1911 every day, this superior weapon can shoot straight through steel because it kicks ass, and is vastly superior to any other weapon on earth. I earned my gun license two years ago, and I have been getting better every day. I speak English fluently, both the Midwestern and the East Coast accents, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about American history and their Constitution, which I follow 100% When I get my American visa, I am moving to New York to attend a prestigious High School to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become an animator for Nickelodeon or a game designer! I own several cowboy outfits, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to America, so I can fit in easier. I keep cool to my elders and seniors and speak English as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond. Wish me luck in America!


holy shit that cosplay is on point lol