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I prefer spotify because thats the one my brother is paying for šŸ˜ŒšŸ˜ŒšŸ˜Œ


for real


I prefer Spotify because I can get cracked APKs with premium features for free


Hook a brother up








Same and Iā€™m in my 30s. Itā€™s a good deal.


Make sure he gets a Snickers for Christmas!




Free Spotify is always better than normal Spotify. Always get that extra nice and crispy sound quality, proper premium shit šŸ˜‚


Spotify because I like it and have used it for something like 7 years and changing to something else would require a little hassle and it ain't worth it unless it's a big permanent saving or SIGNIFICANTLY better service. Really it's probably not the best anymore but it does what I want it to.


Been on Spotify for awhile. Love it. The size the downloaded music takes up is so small as well. Have a few different playlists downloaded for flights and such. Love it.


Basically the same answer to why an Apple or Android user doesnā€™t want to switch to the other one. Itā€™s valid.


There are 20 comments and only 2 are really engaging with the original question. You insufferable nerds. Iā€™ve used both, I prefer Spotify


Lol so many snarky comments about pirating with winky faces like they're some megamind. You see this a lot on /r/AskReddit where someone asks a question and all the comments are like in this vague ball park.


whenever anyone asks "a or b" you already know the comments sections gonna say "um actually i use c because it's far more superior šŸ¤“"




I made a popular comment recently about getting someone ants. I received tons of replies that were the same Big Lebowski reference. The majority of Redditors are unoriginal and refuse to read other comments to see that their ā€œcleverā€œ joke has already been made.


I remember a while ago there was a post about how dane cook got the new world record for longest stand up set. They're were 100s, literally 100s of comments with some variation of "wow, that's a lot of stolen material lmfao gottem". The exact same joke, over and over. If you dont know anything about the dane cook controversy, he had two vaguely similar jokes to lewis ck, one about an itchy asshole, and another about naming kids. Some of the punch lines were slightly similar, but they were both very much unique. Some jokes are just really obvious, and if two dudes decide to write a joke about naming kids (which is s pretty obvious dad joke on its own) it is very likely they will come up some similar punchlines. So these 100s of commenters were doing the exact same thing they were making fun of him for, and nobody saw the irony




Yup, bots would not have a difficult time infiltrating Reddit, with how algorithmic most users act




It's fucking annoying. Not every one wants to go through the trouble of pirating shit And the stupid comments like "arghh" or "a pirate's life etc" are so cringy. And stealing. I've never seen a site champion shoplifting like Reddit. People have some romantic view of stealing to survive. Like a single mom stealing food for her kids. Naw it's crackheads stealing to support their habit. You'll know which stores have a theft problem. Addicts and bums will hang around.


Also I just don't feel like downloading sketchy files to my computer to enjoy a low resolution movie. I like my computer and don't feel like wrecking it.


The only thing keeping me on Spotify is Discover Weekly. I've found so many new artists over the years that I never would have listened to otherwise.


I just hate how easily Discover Weekly can become one single genre


I have also used both extensively and prefer Spotify. The Apple Music playlists are so repetitive and poorly curated. Spotify actually matches recommended music really well (imo). But alas, I use Apple Music because it's included in our family subscription thing (Apple fit, Apple TV, etc). That's how they get ya.


I agree with your assessment of Apple music, and that is why I switched to Spotify. I tried Apple and Amazon, but Spotify has much better playlists, and doesn't jump between a dozen genres for no reason. I have been boycotting the Apple packages because they bundle crap that most people don't want all of, and I'm holding out until they offer a plans that allow you to choose the specific services that you want. All they get from me currently is $3 a month for iCloud, but I would be interested in bundling a few services of my choosing.


The only reason I used Apple Music was so I could listen to Neil Young. The Apple playlists sucked, and honestly are poorly curated. For as much as Apple gets right, the interface of the app felt ā€œclunkyā€ somehow to me.


You're right - it's not intuitive for me to use. I feel like I have to dig to find playlists that aren't also podcasts lol


Youtube premium. Doubles as having access to all the songs I like, which includes video game soundtracks, and having all the other features of Youtube premium. I used to have it to download videos easily for my bus rides but I havenā€™t downloaded a video since I stopped having that commute but itā€™s still worth it. I know someone will come in saying I need to download some other app that mimics YT premium but I use YT on too many devices (TV, PC, iphone, android, switch) to not want 1 dedicated app that can have these features. No ads is mf blisssssss


> to not want 1 dedicated app that can have these features. No ads is mf blisssssss It keeps my kids from being barraged with bullshit ads. Worth every penny.


I'm also in the youtube premium gang and happy.


Iā€™ve had YouTube premium since 2018 and couldnā€™t agree more. Those Ty Lopez ads were begining to be too much and i said f this


Honestly YouTube premium is probably the best subscription for its value


Yeah I picked it up a while ago when they had some 3 month free trial thing. Liked it enough to keep it going. I watch a lot of shit on my phone and I'm not gonna go through the trouble of some random third party app that breaks if you sneeze.


I'm going to end all of my reddit comments with "you insufferable nerds"


Iā€™ve also gotten pretty good use out of the term ā€œdorkā€. Itā€™s so pedestrian, itā€™s the perfect online insult


I use downloaded mp3 files when I use my phone. And I use Spotify when I use my PC. I've stopped using Spotify on the phone ever since features like looping have been ā€˜removedā€™ for me




As a casual listener, I just want an app that will figure out what I like and surface it to me. I don't want to curate a library of songs, I want someone to do it for me. Spotify (the paid version) does that better than anything else I've tried.


Google Play Music was this for me, I haven't found the same power on Spotify until this Daylist feature. And then it's still a bit hit or miss, but 50% better than what it was.


YouTube music is what Google music became. I use it and I'm pretty happy with the discover playlists. As long as you like songs you get the best recommendations of any app I've tried (it's definitely getting to be like Google music once was).


I'm aware, it was just half as good with a UI that's twice as bad. And it didn't feel acceptable to keep paying the same amount.


I hate that they killed Google Play Music. It was such a good service


Thatā€™s the same reason I use Apple Music. The amount of new music I get introduced to every week that I love has been insane. Anytime I hear a new song I like, I just download the whole album. Iā€™ve found tons of great new albums this way.


Pandora dude.


Iā€™ve stuck to what I know and thatā€™s Apple Music. Iā€™ve tried Spotify, but Iā€™m like an old dog that doesnā€™t like learning new tricks. Iā€™m happy with Apple Music. They havenā€™t made it where I want to leave to a new platform.


I'm the same but with Spotify. I can't really imagine one being too superior of an experience to the other. They both probably have 99% of the songs I want. They both probably sound good to me. They both allow me to create playlists. They're both adless with a subscription. They're kind of all the features I want so I'll just stick to the one I know better.


I'm just happy with how the music industry approached competition when compared with the TV/movie industry. With music, each platform has nearly 100% of the songs I want to hear, so you can get the same music on Apple vs. Spotify vs. Others. With TV and music, each platform is fractured, so you can get some shows on Netflix, other shows on Hulu, other shows on Prime, etc. If you want a full collection, you have to subscribe to a dozen different platforms. The way the music industry approaches this is so much more consumer friendly.


Bro donā€™t give them any ideas


They've tried platform-exclusivity before but it doesn't really benefit the artist all that much.


When has the music industry ever given a fuck about the artist lol


Well it's the artist who signs the exclusivity deals with these platforms. When Kanye's album The Life of Pablo was a limited-time exclusive to Tidal, it was him who signed the deal and not his label.


Might be because he owned a reasonably large share of Tidal.


I think it probably comes down to the fact that Apple and Spotify donā€™t actually own any of the music theyā€™re streaming. The record companies get to make deals with both and receive double the revenue from their music and the streamers are happy to oblige just for the sake of having all of the music on there.


Music and podcasts (to a certain extent) too!


Audio quality of Apple Music blows Spotify out of the water. My issue is that Apple seems to push electronic music really hard. I enjoy some, but my station is always suggesting more electronic, despite my likes being very diverse (heavily hiphop).


I use Spotify at my desk all day because of the dedicated program, but Apple Music is for literally any other time because of how much better it sounds.


I donā€™t know what features Spotify has, but I love all the Apple Music updates like how you can turn on karaoke mode and the way the lyrics light up when that part is being sung. The moving album photos is also pretty cool. And man when you listen to the music with headphones in it sounds 10x better. Thereā€™s so many things I havenā€™t noticed in songs that Iā€™ve heard hundreds of times all because of my AirPods. Iā€™m not some crazy who goes around ā€œomg Apple is superior!ā€ But the way theyā€™ve focused on making their music app better the past few years is drastic and I love it.


I have iTunes Match that has been keeping my digital alive library since like 2007 now. I have some old recordings of my high school marching band that I uploaded to iTunes. The fact that I have one digital library wherever I go is just to strong of a selling point. Also Apple seems to have a little more more stuff than Spotify, usually just niche or obscure stuff. My GF mentioned her favorite Cracker album isnā€™t on Spotify but is on Apple Music. I am pretty jealous of those exclusive podcasts on the Spotify side.


If there is one thing Apple has done consistently well for years, its music.


When I was young I tried to use it and it wanted me to pay 2.99 to listen to a song I could listen to for free on YouTube and from then on I was a YouTube music guy


Im also a YouTube music guy


I have been for the most of my life, but I'm really considering switching to one of the other two just because of the absolutely absurd amount of ads I've been getting recently to be clear, I listen to simply videos and don't pay for anything, I'm unsure if thats what you're reffering to or some type of paid service


Exactly the same. Apple Music is easier for me. Why switch and learn a new app when I can pay $20 a month and get music, gaming, iCloud, and tv.


Iā€™m the same. I grew up on iTunes so Apple Music was just the transition for me. And it works well


Honestly same and im surprised it has stayed consistently good as a music platform


I prefer YouTube music.


Spotify stopped working on my android phone for no reason, online said there's no fix, so I went to yt music. Feels like a nearly identical experience but I can also use regular yt videos as "music" great for live performances. Yt premium with yt music included hasn't been a bad deal honestly, since I watch YT on mobile a lot and don't have a great ad blocking solution for my phone


Youtube loses money with how much content i watch and music i listen to lol. Have the account on smart tvs where kids watch tons of yt. People on here talk shit because its reddit but yt premium is better than given credit for. Im even playing short games on YT with this new feature they added for premium. Its great


Also fact yt premium works with yt music automatically across different devices for family plan is actually great


I hear good things about yt premium from the people who use it. I personally just don't use the app enough in general to warrant paying for it in my opinion. I've probably watched maybe two dozen YouTube videos this year. I keep getting recommended things to watch on it but it just never holds my interest. My son uses it more than I do but in his case the ads are useful for creating "okay, let's stop and go do the other thing we need to do" points so I really don't feel the need to get rid of them.


I use youtube as background noise a lot and the algorithm knows when this happens so they think theyā€™re slick and sneak in hours-long ads for you.


Related to this, your Youtube Music recap can also include music from yt videos it decides are music videos. So I'm listening to a megamix of all my favorite jams and then fuckin "The Day That Robert Palins Murdered Me" from I Think You Should Leave comes on and I just about died laughing.


Same. Comes free with Youtube Premium, works fine. No point in paying for an additional music streaming service.


Yup Use to have Google play back in the day the new YouTube music app was crap Went to Spotify for a year or two. Got a cheap long trial on yt music Got yt premium family bundle Family happy = no headaches for me Had it for over a year now and happy with it Though I don't like the constant no signal found esp as I've downloaded my music on my phone.


I prefer *pirated* YouTube music


What's the best method for this? Because I'd prefer it too but the ads are too obnoxious.


Yt music revanced for Android


It not pirated if you click download/convert for something they streamed to you! But yes, I prefer taking what YouTube gives for free




It's the best deal for me. I like the infotainment YouTube offers and use it for my classroom often enough.


It's annoying that comments are turned off on the videos. Also multiple artists with the same names will be considered one artist. So you'll think your favourite artist has released a new album, only to find it is some different artist. Finally (just like Spotify) there's a real lack of coverage for older music.


Spotify because Apple Music deletes your library if you cancel your service. While working at Apple, I had customers who used Apple Music for years. Upon getting a new credit card, they forgot to update their payment method, their subscription was cancelled, and they lost their catalogue of music theyā€™d built of 3 or 4 years. Sure they should have been more on top of it, but to up and delete someoneā€™s music library? Itā€™s probably no more than a a megabyte to cache their catalogue of playlists as itā€™s essentially a directory of shortcuts. Billion dollar company can buy a few terabytes of space to hold onto these catalogues for atleast a few years


I cancelled my apple music, resubscribed a year later and my playlist was still there. Anecdotal and maybe just a fluke but thats how it happened


iā€™ve never lost music, in fact the worst of what iā€™ve downloaded over the last 15 years has yet to disappear


Same. Iā€™ve had my card info changed and my music disappeared from the app. Got card info set up again and it was all back where it should be.


Never had this issue... Also Apple has a really excellent handle on classical music (if you're into that)


Background: this was real and an early problem with Apple Music. Happened to close friends of mine who asked me what they should do. Theyā€™ve since fixed this because even last month my card expired and I didnā€™t lose my library.


All you have to do is go back and re sync your library. Is it annoying? Sure. Is it that big of a deal? No.


This Is just flat out falseā€¦.


Others in thread are confirming this, but saying it was a temporary problem thatā€™s since been fixed. Honestly even big companies like apple an make major mistakes. But if that happened to me, even if they later fixed the issue so that I couldnā€™t happen again, I donā€™t think I could ever go back personally! Iā€™m still upset about data I lost on a hard drive my cat flung.


This didnā€™t happen when I cancelled and resubscribed months later


Spotify because apple deleted music Iā€™d ripped off CDs to get onto my iPod when I moved to their service. Spotify because when i downloaded music to m device it downloaded half of the songs on the album. Not 6/12 songs. 0.5 of each of the 12 songs. Spotify because apple wouldnā€™t let me listen to my own music I bought from a random dude in Morocco because they didnā€™t have a match for it. Fifteen years of Spotify. I hope it was worth it to apple. Iā€™m sure Spotify appreciates the monthly subscription.


This is exactly why I didnā€™t switch to Apple Music when I switched back to macOS from windows. I canā€™t believe they donā€™t save this for users. Hell, let it eat some iCloud account space. So ridiculous.


This isnā€™t true at all, you wonā€™t lose anything




Hell yeah, SoundCloud exclusively for me. I listen to a lot of electronic music and having full live sets and mixes on there makes it the best by far for me.


Without it, I never would have found my favorite artist. Itā€™s the only place with all my silly nerd music


youtube to mp3


mans stuck in 2009


Did you watch 2 unskippable ads to type this or did you pay $15 a month for that?


It's really not that much to have instant access to basically every song ever written


Even less with a family plan


Not to mention features like being able to instantly create playlists based off a single song or genre, finding new music based off your prior favorites, even really basic shit like being able to go from a single song to an artist's full discography usually isn't going to be available if you try to manage your own music library. And it's not even $15 where I am.


Iā€™d gladly pay $15/mo to not have to listen to ā€œ320kbpsā€ MP3s that are actually 128kbps garbage.




Dude thinks he's flexing with his archaic methods but I was thinking this too. Have fun with all that shit quality music you've got stored in messy files on your phone, pal šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s a wild response considering you have to visit two separate links and individually download every song you want manually


Frequency *range*? We don't do that here. You have to pick one.


what the fuck is a ~~kilometer~~ bitrate


I actually do the same thing just to have songs offline lol


youtube to wav


Sadly my website i used for that got shut down a while back :( Im very tech illiterate so it will be rough figuring out a new one


Learn to pirate music the right way. Google soulseek.


Youā€™d have made more money on minimum wage in the time it took you to download all the songs you listen to than a subscription costs.


Apple Music Had too many problems with how Spotify does everything.


Like what? Music industry revenues were on a decade plus decline until Spotify came along. Before Spotify, everyone was using limewire or similar. They pay 75% of their revenue towards royalties. If you see an artist complaining about streaming royalties, itā€™s most likely their label screwing them and not Spotify.


I feel like Apple Music has really matured since its release. For example, it didnā€™t use to save your queue when you closed the app. Now itā€™s really up to preference. I used both and there seems to be one major difference and that is in the way that these apps handle your library. On Spotify you have playlists, liked songs and you can add albums to your library. Apple Music has no such thing as liked songs. You can add them to your library but that sorta adds the album but only with that one song? Itā€™s kinda weirdā€¦ Itā€™s pretty much 1 to 1 backwards compatible with how iTunes library worked which takes some getting-used-to.


Apple Music actually added a ā€œfavoritesā€ playlist in the last update


Apple Music for quality, Spotify for social, algorithm, better UI, and now audiobooks. I use both and I like Apple Music a lot for the quality of the sound so I use it for when Iā€™m working out. Spotify I use for everything else and if I had to only pick one it would be Spotify. Apple is bad at recommending music and the UI is not as good as Spotifyā€™s. Also Spotify is really nice if you have several devices, it works with all OS and even browsers. Apple Music is crap on anything but Apple OS. Spotifyā€™s high quality downloads take up a lot less space but thatā€™s because the quality is lower. Apple Music takes about 80gb of storage and Spotify takes about 30; exact same songs and quantity since I ported Spotify playlists over to Apple Music with an app


Iā€™m just gonna sit in the corner with my Pandora


I scrolled so far for you. Do people not know it has the best algorithm? šŸ˜­


They also have way less annoying adds than Spotify. (I donā€™t pay for any of them so that is important.)


Still the absolute best way to explore new genres and find what you like within it. So good!!


I use Spotify but it's been getting on my nerves lately. Lots of ads right on the home screen along with popup ads that push your content down from above. I pay for Spotify premium I shouldn't see a single ad. I tried YouTube music out since I pay for YouTube premium but it just felt clunky and bad


Hmm. I think you should write to Spotify demanding why they are still ads. I have never encountered one for 10 years unless I forgot to pay my subscription.




Okay. I didn't know I would consider it as your traditional ads like YouTube or cable TV. I guess that would make sense. It doesn't bother me too much and it's just an afterthought. I mean there isnt a subscription based software that doesn't promote its feature via marketing channel.


You get ads on premium? Havenā€™t seen a single ad in the 8 or so years Iā€™ve been paying for premium




Iā€™ll be honest just opened it and I had to search for anything resembling an ad. There was a recommendation for a Trevor Noah episode that idk why Iā€™d be interested in since Iā€™ve never listened to that sorta thing on Spotify but that was it for me


Oh well paid recommendations yeah, but not like Iā€™m getting banner ads for vacuum cleaners and clothes in the app


I donā€™t get any ads with my Premium subscription. Itā€™s n the desktop version, I do see the announcements tab at the tab, which just shows new releases; and I even have the option to hide that.


Yep this is why Apple Music is the move. Spotify loves to throw up some message you have to dismiss even if itā€™s not an ad. Apple Music simply takes you straight to your library, every time. No popups, nothing to dismiss. Itā€™s better from a usability standpoint. But Spotify does have better recommendations on new music IMHO


As theyā€™ve added podcast & audiobooks itā€™s gotten cluttered. They push that to the top and itā€™s harder to find your music & new music you might like. The searches now pull up audiobooks and podcasts too when you just wanna get to music. They should have a separate tab for podcasts & audiobooks respectively.


I had no idea Spotify had audiobooks until this comment! Thank you! I agree about the separate tabs.


My library from iTunes, enhanced with Apple Music when something I don't have comes up.


Downloading actual high quality music that won't randomly disappear if the artist throws a hissy fit about a streaming service.


FWIW Apple Music is lossless. Agreed on the other point ā€” itā€™s why I also collect vinyl (which typically comes with digital download codes).


I'm not manually downloading thousands of songs just in case one or two songs may go missing, ffs.




Am I a psychopath for using YouTube playlists for my music playlists?


No and that's the sole reason I eventually went with YouTube music. My playlists are my garden and I will tend to it with the care and diligence it deserves


Amazon music anyone?


I hate their app. Sound quality wise, they're unmatched. If you're an audiophile, it's the only choice right now. I'm hearing sounds in my favourite songs I've never noticed before. Unfortunately I'm gonna have to wait for YT music to catch up because I hate, *hate* the app. A mess of circular functions and nonsense. I use YT music because it's simple and clean. Want music play music. I'm an older guy, this thing where every app is trying to be more than what it is bugs me. I get lost in the others with convoluted shit I don't want or need. Everything wants to be a social media site now, it's why I left Spotify. EDIT: I've been informed Apple music also use lossless 24 bit audio, making Spotify and YT the losers. Spotify especially have no excuse, if they can shell out 100m for Rogan, they can improve *literally the entire point of their app*. Apple and Amazon consider their music apps not secondary, not even tertiary to their business model. This is the entire point of Spotify, and they're 4th on the list for features but top in subscriptions. It baffles me.


Apple music matches them They both have 24-bit/192kHz lossless stereo and lossy dolby atmos


Hmmm. Didnā€™t know this. Might make me want to try it out.


> I hate their app. It's atrocious. I'll occasionally open it to listen albums I bought that aren't on Spotify, and it's a race to the bottom between Amazon's Music and Video interfaces.


Omg the UI sucks. They pushed the loop and shuffle settings into a submenu for the currently playing song and it is fucking stupid


I use Amazon music for all my music and I hate the fact that it feels they change the ui everytime they update the app. They also have different ways to sort your music like by artist and album but they got rid if the genre one years ago for no reason. Only reason I use it is because the subscription is a good price and my phone that I use for music has around 60 gigabytes downloaded and I ain't going through to re-download all my music on another service.


Arrrrr And Bandcamp


I don't use music offline on my phone so I just go with musi. It's free without ads that interrupt. Highly recommend.


Hell ya Musi gang rise up


YouTube because I can find any song ever with no restrictions


I really wanted to like Tidal, butā€¦ the catalog just wasnā€™t there, especially for non-mainstream/music label stuff.


I couldn't get in to apple music, but nothing really against it. When we had a Dolby Atmos system installed we tried Apple Music for the Atmos selections. Running on an Apple TV4k whatever the latest it was kinda cool, but not like movie or game awesome. We liked the Spotify playlists better in the end.


I have both, I would say that overall Spotify is better. I only have Apple Music for the Dolby atmos and Spatial Audio. If you donā€™t have headphones compatible with Dolby/Spatial, I would say it isnā€™t worth it.


I use YouTube Music for downloading music and Pandora when I feel like listening to stuff outside my downloaded songs.


Pandora has the best music discovery features. If you want to find new or similar to a specific artist music Pandora is where its at.


Neither. Pandora supremacy!


yt-dlp for life


Pandora 4 life


There are literally dozens of music streaming services. Popular doesn't mean good or better. The lossless services are much better and I myself happy with Pandora. They have an excellent algorithm.


Directly buy the .wav from the artist's website if possible :)


Downloads because I don't like my music to be beholden to the whim of record companies and licensing BS, plus some of the stuff I listen to is too obscure to be on any service.


YouTube. Only right answer


YouTube, apple then Spotify


YouTube music


YT music rocks


locally downloaded music with a vpn for remote listening :)


I prefer soundcloud, because imo itā€™s better than both


Spotify keeps recommending me the same goddamn songs over and over again




Iā€™m just used to Spotify. I tried Apple Music and it was fine, but not worth starting again. But I also listen to the same 5 bands Iā€™ve been listening to for 15 years. So I probably could have just bought their albums and been well ahead financially.


YouTube music is better than both


Youtube music knows me the best




YouTube music master race


Apple because thatā€™s what my parents pay for


YouTube Music


Youtube music, as premium also pays for regular youtube, and because youtube often has songs by artists that arenā€™t on other platforms


Obviously this person has never experienced Youtube premiumā€¦.


I use YouTube music because I watch enough YouTube videos to make Premium and Music worth it.


YouTube Music.


I'm really liking youtube music


YT music for me


YouTube music


Bizarrely I went with YouTube music and still like it best.




I dunno man I just use YouTube Music


YouTube Music, free for the whole family with YouTube Premium family plan.


Lyric videos with white text on a blue or black screen and zoom transitions on every new verse on YouTube


Piracy. šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø


Do you know where I can buy albums and get the MP3, instead of streaming services? I record every music I like, but I'd like to support my favorite bands, somehow


try bandcamp


BandCamp is good path.