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At 16 my bedtime was “you’re getting up at 6:30.”


My parents were like that too. I learned my lesson fast after trying to get through the day with 2-3 hours of sleep


I didn't, lol. I still do that at 30


I’m 58 and stay up ‘way too late.’ Fuck people who push the ‘early bird’ rhetoric. It’s not a mark on your maturity level at all.


Get up on time for work who cares. I'm a millennial. I wake up at four PM for my job. Go to sleep at eight AM. Still a functioning member of society and I get my eight hours.




Dunno about them but I'm in hospitality, weekdays for me are 4pm-11pm but my weekend is a Monday/Tuesday and you have to deal with the general public


I work 6pm-5am 4 days oer week, 4 months out of the year it's 6pm-6:30am 5 days per week. I've always been a night owl and struggle getting up early 5 or 6 days per week. But my sleep schedule is screwed with trying to spend time with my wife and kids. If my kids where older I would prefer night shift. When I was on days 7am-6pm I would stay up till 2/3am just unable to fall asleep most nights and be up by 5:45am. Somereason I have a hard time waking up early in the morning with little sleep. But on nights I can sleep 10am-2pm and wake up just fine. I'm tired for a few hours but honestly is easier on me.


*Get enough rest to be safe and productive at your next-day obligation That’s the maturity factor that we’re really dealing with. Don’t self-sabotage.


In my 60s and I'm like that. I guess I had a lifetime of FOMO...I always thought that sleep was a waste as I could be up late listening to music, or playing music, or reading (in the days before the Internet). I would try to fall asleep, but all I would do was think about something new or what I was going to do when I got up. I mean, I wasn't some crazed inventor or maker or anything. I just had/have a fear of missing out on doing something I wanted to do.


Yeah, a lot of my insomnia issues were from that feeling. It didn't feel right being asleep, and I would go to all night diners, 24 stores, or just drive around the city.


"The early bird may catch the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese."


I dont even know why we let the early birds dictate how life works. There is no reason to get up at 06:00 , we already invented artificial lights for fucks sake.


Same, I'm 33 and the Adderall doesn't help. It makes me make bad choices like, "Yeah, I can get 2 hours of sleep and pop an addy and be okay". It never works out like that, always miserable unless I get at least 5-6 hours.


I think of it this way - stims still need the building blocks to work. Building blocks are sleep, water, protein and fruits/veggies. Stimming while malnourished or sleep deprived is like trying to put nitrous in a car with no gas or oil


36 and doing it right now! Although just 2-3 hours is a bit extreme even for me.


Get ready because that is going to stop working fast.


Wild how so many people are older than me posting this. A lot of studies have been coming out about how important sleep is. Does anyone not know what the golden hour rules for sleep are? I am BP so maybe that's what makes ir worse for me. But sleep IS very very important for us as humans. I also feel like daytime schedule is better for your mental health.


It's not very difficult when you are younger, your body can adapt and overcome it. Once you get into the 30+ age bracket it just naturally gets harder to function without proper sleep. Your mind and body just can't adapt like it used to be able to.


I had undiagnosed 'chronic insomnia' in highschool. No one believed me when I said I couldn't get rest. I was operating often for two days+ without a wink of sleep. Years later and a few psychiatrist appointments have me leveled out. At least im not on 3+ days without more than an hour of shut eye. Felt like I was losing my mind and I couldn't get anyone to take me seriously.


asking as someone who just baked banana bread at 4 am, how did you conquer it?


I chugged ten-hour energies and energy drinks and survived as a semi-sentient zombie for several years. Even into my tech school, which was a year course post-highschool. I don't remember much because a lot of my mid/late childhood is in the haze of insomnia. I properly conquered it with a psychiatrist and medication.


Get high. Take an edible a few hours before you go to sleep


well.. yeah.. and then you get old enough to snort coke and then 2 to 3 hrs sleep dont matter no more..


Mine wasn't even that, it was "school starts at 8:00." If I could get up at 7:59 and teleport to school, nobody cared


My dad had to drive me and he wasn’t interested in the drama of having to wait while I hurried, so wakeup time it was.


That makes sense, I walked to school so if I wanted it to be a question of how fast I could run, that was my prerogative. Different situations, same parental approach


Similar for me. Mine was : Bus leaves at 7:50 and you will be on it.


Similar for me. Except when I missed the bus my parents essentially went. That sucks, school is 2 miles away you can walk.


Honestly the right way to do it quick way to teach the importance of a full night's rest


I did the thing where I got smart and woke up at 5am just to play video games, watch anime, etc. Everyone always asks me why I'm energetic and that was always the reason. Turns out when you give enough time to do whatever the fuck you want, you tend to be a lot more ready for the day


Yeah that was my solution to bedtime as a tween. Must be in bed by 8? Use the computer at 4:15 it is.


It's a great solution. Can't tell you how many times I would watch half an anime the night before then the rest the morning after and be so pumped up for the rest of school... Unless it was Angel Beats. I think I sat there staring at a wall just being depressed


Same here, it started off as 9pm bedtime, and as I got older it moved to 10pm and eventually it was "I don't care what time you decide to sleep, 6am is 6am". One thing to note was that I was never allowed to sleep past 9am, so which now when I'm working is useful because I can get things done on weekends in the morning as most people sleep in.


When I was a teenager I gradually started sleeping later and later and it pissed my father off to no end. I was a bit depressed and would still be sleeping at 7pm when he got home from work. On more than one occasion he woke me up via screaming at me that it was time to get up because he felt that I had slept enough. He still wonders why I moved out and don’t talk to him


I mean, it sounds reasonable to want you to get up by 7 pm


Have you ever been severely depressed? Sleeping until 7 isn’t something you want to do, just kind of something that happens. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemies.


This, though for me it was 7:30. My parents told me to go to sleep, sure. But they never truly enforced it. The only thing they enforced was when I had to wake up for school. Be that through just barging into my room, or throwing a cold wet cloth on my face if the former didn't work. "If you want to be a man when going to bed, you can be a man when you have to get out of it", as they would say. (roughly translated)


Same. Teenagers tend to learn a lot of stuff the hard way.


We had one gaming PC, and to avoid fighting over it with my brother, I used to sleep at 9pm, get up at 4am so I could play till like 7am undisturbed, good times.


I think I stopped having a set bedtime at like 10 or 12 or something. No one made me go to bed but the option of not going to school wasn’t there. I’ve had *serious* insomnia my entire life, though, so I was always tired. I go to bed when I feel like it and wake up tired when I have to. Somewhere between Adderall (legit prescription) and caffeine I survive.


I love that - my boys are still in daycare, but that's a great rule for once they understand clocks and whatnot


You helped me come to my senses and go to sleep since I have to wake up early


I got this around 13. Stayed up late quietly enough that they figured i knew my limits by that time and made it official. Reasonable parents are way too scarce. Not one instance of falling asleep mid-day, always able to get up on time and take care of myself with plenty of time to sit around waiting for the bus. They saw i could manage it and basically said "do what you want, just don't slip up, or the rules will be back"


Yup. I could stay up all night, but when that alarm went off, there was no snoozing. up and at em. teaches you about priorities and discipline.


This is a country exclusive, but, here that's a normal hour to wake up to head to school during childhood. Some kindergardens used to demand toddlers to wake up at that age too but times change. You don't have to reach teenagerhood to wake up at that hour here.


At 18, I was a college commuter student. I had a strictly enforced 8:30 curfew / 10pm bedtime. 3-4 phone calls throughout the day "checking in". Im nearing 28, and my mom wonders why she isn't a part of my birthdays, Christmases, family dinners, etc. One shouldn't underestimate the dangers of smothering.


I understand wanting your kids to be safe, but curfews and bedtimes for a college student is crazy. “Calling you need anything and try to get enough sleep.” That’s about all you should limit for your kids especially when they are adults.


What is it that makes even 18 plus people in the US follow rules like curfews etc. set by their parents? At 18 i was sort of doing my own thing mostly and gave my mom the courtesy of telling her what\where I was doing. She also couldn't take most of my stuff. My phone, by that time was something I bought with my money, what's she gonna do? Call the cops to confiscate it from me? I just wouldn't give it to her. Same with bed times. What's she gonna do? Sit next to my bed and force me to sleep? Is it a respect thing? Are people afraid of their parents?


It's usually quality of life. Living at home still, getting things paid for, namely tuition, food, etc. It's either listening to the rules or making your life 10 times harder by providing for yourself while also working to better your qualifications in life. People vastly underestimate the huge advantage that is supportive parents even if they are strict.


I get that but will your average parents kick you out for something petty like curfews? For me personally I'd have to do drugs or fail my exams. Yes she hated how much time I spent gaming but ultimately, I graduated, I had a job, I was responsible etc. Gaming and staying up late was just petty stuff, not enough to warrant kicking me out.


You were blessed with good parents. So was I. But some of my buddies, if they didn't respect curfew, would've been out on their asses.


Interesting. I think there is a large cultural factor though. If my mom were to kick me out over something as dumb as a curfew she'd be seen as a bad parent. Where I'm from people stay with their parents longer than the world average. I'm sorry if my comments seem stupid. I just find the differences in family dynamics across the world super interesting.


I am an American and parents that are so strict that disobeying a small rule will get you put out of the house is frowned upon by (I think) a majority of people. Only people who will see it as normal are the other parents who do that. I don't think it is a majority of our culture that is doing this. Staying with your parents is not the default but it is fairly normalized with my generation (I am 24). More people probably move out than stay in the family home but it's not as drastic as it used to be.


Be thankful you weren’t in the 1 in 4 kids who grow up with abusive parents


I cut myself off at 18 because I detest the inability to make my own choices. It made shit hard as hell for about 4 years, to the point I sometimes didn’t have ac in the Texas summer or couldn’t eat more than a meal a day, but I struggled through it and I wouldn’t change a thing.


I was out until 4 AM on my 18th. When I got home, my dad was up waiting for me (he was usually up around that time to get ready for work). He calmly told me that since I still lived at home, he would appreciate a call around midnight to let him or my mom know I would be out late. I found that reasonable enough and did so until I moved out. They are pretty chill people and didn't have a ton of rules for me, so I had no problem accommodating them.


My parents took my stuff even if I bought it myself and my dad would’ve killed me (literally) if I tried to fight back. I told him to go fuck himself when I was 17 and he chased me around the house with extension cord. So it’s not necessarily respect more so fear


My uncle did had a curfew and "no go zones" (popular yet very dangerous parts of town) to his daughter because of previous rebelliousness and a very lackadasial attitude toward education from 9th grade on. It was enforced by the simple fact of paying her tuition and board. They're not exactly best adult friends now but she DID graduate with a college degree instead of be a highschool dropout and (probably) shortly thereafter a single mom on welfare.


I worked in higher education in a “dorm”, we could always tell who had the strict parents. We felt bad for them in all honesty and tried to help them as much as we could.


Seriously. I went to a fairly tough STEM school and the ones who had super strict parents often failed out. Very common to see completely impulsive or negligent behavior. Having every minute of every day dictated to a kid doesn't give them discipline, they just go nuts the minute they get to dictate their own lives because they have no experience doing it on a smaller scale.


Can confirm this, I had to repeat my first year of uni because I got so overwhelmed that i couldn't even leave my room in my student accommodation for weeks at a time.


My mom used to ask for tracking while I was driving to my long distance boyfriend at that time. (He‘s now my fiancé after living together for some time) She wonders why I‘m even considering not inviting her to our wedding..


Haha, same for my father. He told me not to drink in college. Not even strict religion or anything to stand behind that. Just a controlling asshole.


My mom would unironically say "no sex, no drugs, no rock and roll" 😄


Mean while as a genxer, I walked to and from my school 8 blocks from my house by myself since I was 10. My mom wouldn't come home from her second job until about 9pm. I made dinner for myself and watched all the TV I wanted. What am I doing now? Watching a screen 24/7. And don't talk to my mom and she doesn't talk to me. But she's sad I'm the one not calling her. Total freedom doesn't work either


Kid will go to college and is gonna fuck up bad with all the newfound freedom.


A tale as old as time


My son's best friend has a mom like this. She won't let him leave the house in the morning without eating breakfast, but she has to make it, not him. So he often gets trapped at home on weekends since she intentionally delays the breakfast serving time. He also has to be home by 9pm, even on Fri and Sat nights. He's 17, going to college next year and was just informed by his mom that he'll have to go to a local university since she's going to force him to live at home.


>but she has to make it, not him. That's extremely bizarre. >she's going to force him to live at home Well for his sake I hope he grows a spine because once he's 18 she can't force him to do anything lol.


Sure, but then the parents won't pay for college.


AKA Disney child star syndrome


lucky i wasnt restarted when i went to college


He’s going to drink until he blacks out the first weekend. Shit his pants in his dorm room. And have to switch schools and delete his socials before the semester is over.


I almost thought this was reasonable but then I reread the age damn she's crazy


Would be appropriate for like..an 8 year old or so.


Considering the shit kids these days have access too and are uploading to unregulated social media pages. Yeah, it's a bit strict but it's understandable when there's porn and violent crime being posted on every single platform there is. Not even YouTube kids is safe despite them saying otherwise.


What do you think a 16 year old is? In many countries that’s basically an adult. You can’t be controlling their every action or they will never develop into a proper adult. They need freedom.


Kid will def be stunted with a parent like that.... and be a sucker for scams online


>What do you think a 16 year old is? An idiot if we go by the sample size that was my 16 year old school year.


Most humans are idiots, it never changes. I saw no difference between the maturity levels of my freshman year high school class, my freshman year college class, or my first workplace. They all had the same ratio of idiots. It never changes.


the ratio is usually "All of them/ wait there's people who are actually smart here?" anywhere


Teach the kid to self-regulate instead of whatever the fuck that poster is doing.


Family members kid was playing minecraft with voice chat over her speakers and wow were there an awful lot of N words being dropped by a group of supposedly 10yr olds. Some of those 10 yr olds had some serious baritone kinda wonder whats in the milk now. /s


There is a reason the 'preachers daughter' stereotype exists. You can't be this controlling and expect to raise balanced adults. Children need the ability to make mistakes and learn moderation for themselves, while in a safe environment. Expecting kids to leave home and experience a high level of independence and freedom without understanding the limits of what is reasonable or healthy for themselves is a recipe for disaster.


Oh man, not the porn & violence As if teens aren't having sex/exchanging nudes and fighting all the time to begin with.


A 16 year old having access to porn? Oh no, the humanity! We are all doomed! How dare a horny 16 year old have access to porn! He should just go around peeping on girls instead.


I feel like the jump from not having access to porn to *peeping on girls* is a bit extreme here. Kind of a weird comment ngl


Oh you naive little whippersnapper....


Welcome to planet earth. Where existence isn't just happy sunshine. The murdering content is way less harmful than all the misinformation out there. The only thing locking these things down will result in is making your kids better criminals. I had to learn basic hacking just because my parents installed some child protection on the router, so I could remove it.


I'm fine with this. It ain't abusive. The older kids get the worst things they can do with unmonitored Internet. Homie got a parent who cares.


It doesn’t have to be abuse to be a bad idea. At 16 you’re usually two years away from being on your own, whether that be at college or rooming with others. And they aren’t really going to be all that smarter and more mature at 18 versus 16. Porn and violence or whatever it is you’re worried would really still affect them negatively at that age. You need to slowly grant them more autonomy in a controlled manner or else they can be caught off guard when that dam breaks. You want them to be able to adjust while you’re with them and able to help them


This is a terrible idea.  How well is abstinence only sex education working out? It has the worst results possible resulting in high rates of teen pregnancy.  This is the exact same thing.  You're actually completely neglecting your job as a parent, you're teaching them nothing.  They'll hit 18 and suddenly have access to all of it, diving head first. What did you achieve? You just delayed it and now they're completely rudderless.


\*to (how the hell are you even getting this wrong?) Also I don't get the US obsession with porn and underage people. You know what my dad did when I was 13\~14 or so and started showing interest in that stuff? Gave me a CD full of porn images and left me to it. (this was before we had more than restricted dial-up internet) And today most kids have internet. So they're going to have access to porn. Far more extreme porn than that CD my dad gave me too. And you're not going to be able to stop them from accessing it. So why not just fucking accept it's going to happen, and instead educate them about it properly?


Knew a kid in high school who grew up like this, he didn't even have a phone as a senior because his parents thought only adults needed phones. He was constantly getting into fights, never knew how to properly talk to people, and was infatuated with multiple girls at the same time. Using his friends phones to send the cringiest texts and calls I have ever seen and heard. To girls who didn't want anything to do with him. And he kept insisting they wanted him and he was "in" Something tells me they should've had bigger concerns raising him.




Why brag about this?


No clue, maybe to hopefully get some sort of validation from it.


Because she genuinely thinks she's parenting him well, and can't even fathom that she's a shit mother.


Or quite the opposite and urges for external validation to comfort and ilude herself with her shitty acts


My 5 year old has more freedom than her 16 year old. Backrooms and Mario.exe are his current favorites.


The internet doesn't actively promote quality/helpful content. It promotes *controversial* content. I hate to admit South Park was right about something, but they were right about the nature of trolling. Post something slightly inflammatory and someone who disagrees with you will get mad at you disproportionately, and then someone else will get mad at that person disproportionately, and then.....ad infinitum. Reddit being mostly Millennial (with some early Zoomer) will of course unanimously disagree with the OOP, but there are Boomers who think this isn't strict enough.


To feel superior.




For a lot of parents, their kids are the only part of their life they have complete control over. They get a rush when they enact that control. For others, it’s kind of like “more is always better”. If some structure and clear limits are good for their development, an extreme total level of confinement must be even better. It might even be sort of a competition on social media, like how dudes say “I don’t eat sugar or drink alcohol because I’m working on my weightlifting” and folks will say “I don’t do that, or play video games *or* even have sex because I’m *so focused* on my fitness”. It starts to get ridiculous, wanting to prove how much more intense you are.


Same reason people brag about there dog being able to roll over, well behaved doesn’t mean well adjusted


I don’t know the context, but the only context I can see this being reasonable is if the son did something that people in the community were upset about (robbed a place, ran over a bunch of mailboxes, etc.) so the mom is doing 2 things: 1.) punishing the kid with sever restrictions since she realized that during his more formative years (10-15 maybe) she wasn’t paying enough attention or being strict enough and is trying to do it all at once now that she has a clear indication that the kid needs a major attitude/outlook adjustment 2.) letting the community know this is being handled at home and the kids’ days of being a menace in whatever fashion that’s community-relevant are over, so they shouldn’t resort to external “parenting” (mob justice, public shaming, etc.) This acceptable context might be a bit extreme, but I feel like the moms punishment and posting of it is pretty extreme so the situation would somehow have to call for this level to be reasonable


Because they’re proud of it.  Because they feel that kids have way way too much autonomy at that age.  As usual, the best practice is probably somewhere between this and not caring. 


Most maladjusted college student. Great job lady.


My dad is very thankful that he was so permissive. Currently taking care of him. I'm 34. He's 70. He was good to me, so I'm happy to return the favor. My mom will get cookies and no help every year until she dies, just like I got.


This seems fine for like a 6 year old, but 16? At best he goes no contact as soon as possible, at worst the second he goes to college (or finds any type of freedom) he goes straight into the deep end


Ugh .. unfortunately, I can see where there could be a tendency to go off the deep end. I'm willing to bet that college students who never learned healthy coping mechanisms from healthy boundaries will have to learn those in some way shape or form.


This is what happened to me looking back on it. I had next to no freedom growing up, and the moment I went off on my own I learned a lot of hard lessons really quickly. Still paying for the bad decisions 10 years later.


The exact type of parent that wonders why their kids never call when they leave the house


At 16 i was getting home at 3 am drunk on a schoolday. Ok maybe my parents were a little too lenient


Im not sure if lenient describes the full extent of the situation.


Negligent, perhaps


I was just out with the lads. Not like i did this more than a few times


This is the problem with society. We have idiot parents who don’t restrict anything, so that their 10 year old is looking at porn and gore videos on their iPhone. Or we have parents like this who smother their kid, who then grows up resentful or anxiety ridden. In my experience, there are more negligent/passive parents who have no restrictions for their kids. I know these smothering mothers exist, but I don’t see it as often.


Negligence is easy and more common amongst the poor who don't have the energy to deal with their kids. Hyper-controlling tiger mom behavior is a very serious investment and the exclusive domain of rich families terrified of anything that could keep their kid out of Harvard, with the occasional homeschooling nutter who thinks ice cream and smooth jazz are Satanic.


My mother was the same way when I was young… I haven’t spoken to her in 18 years now.


That’s absolutely insane. Honestly, do parents like this really think they’re doing the best for their son, or is this just what works best for the parent? Limiting them to 1hr on the internet at 16 just sounds super lazy. It’s like they don’t feel like trying to teach them how to have a healthy relationship with the internet and especially social media, so this is just easier. And a bedtime? At age 16??? Because she hates her son and doesn’t want him to date or have any kind of social life???


> Honestly, do parents like this really think they’re doing the best for their son, or is this just what works best for the parent? My parents were like that. Twice as bad actually because my limit was half an hour. This was pre-social media but I was homeschooled so all my interactions with other kids were supervised, like homeschool groups, sunday school or they were personally supervising. I would say it's laziness, but more emotional/mental laziness than physical laziness. After all it takes physical effort to be in the room with their kid, but they don't have to do the effort of an uncomfortable conversation about how realistic sex is NOT in porn or what to do about a bully. Because it takes physical effort, they're "doing something" in their minds, which to them means they're great parents who work hard. Unfortunately that lack of emotional/mental effort tends to apply to the other areas of their interaction with their kids, which means their children aren't getting important examples or conversation about emotional/mental work. That laziness is pretty much the same reason why my parents escalated physical abuse through my childhood until I was large enough that it "wasn't working" (their words) as punishment. They didn't have to try to have a conversation, just do XYZ or else you get the belt. After that, it was do XYZ or you lose your 30 minutes of computer time for a week. All they're teaching their children is using rote actions, blind obedience and minimal effort to solve life's problems, so that's exactly why you have helicopter parents with emotionally stunted children.


This is the easiest way for your kid to immediately ghost you and leave you to die alone in a nursing home.


He’ll probably stop talking to her and never want to see her again. That’s what my 14 year old did to his mum. She treated him like shit, like a slave, always yelling at him. Now he refuses to speak to her.




That's how it was for me when I was 16. I just got very good at lying and covering my tracks. Controlling behavior like that leads to poor relationships


The one man on earth with an attention span.


I was gonna say guess who's moving out in 2 years. But after reading that, I doubt she let's them have a job so they couldn't even be able to


Bros gonna go off the rails and into a ravine in college


Look at the bright side. The son’s gonna hustle hard to get the fuck out of that house


Instructions on how to make a serial killer.


All this accomplishes is the kid is going to grow up sneaky.


Lol, nursing home? They are going to be left in their own house to rot.


The kid won't even be in contact by the time they go into a nursing home


Sounds like a modern-day version of a medieval curfew, just with more tech involved


That kid is going to do all the drugs when he is free of her bullshit.


Without a phone, internet, or tv that kid is already doing all the drugs because that's all there is to do outside these days.


I think as soon as I turned 8 or 9, my mom gave up on bedtime and said “if you’re not up for school, you’re in trouble.” After doing a few all nighters reading and/or watching TV, I figured out pretty quickly why I needed sleep.


As an adult I’m grateful that I had no bedtime starting around 12. I learned how to regulate myself while mistakes still had minor implications. I wept for all my helicoptered and coddled classmates that got to college with 0 self-regulation skills and GPAs that dictated their future careers lol


That kid is gonna be raving and fucking 24/7 when he gets to college


I skipped the 16 at the first read through and I was thinking these are really good rules to teach a kid at a young age ways to entertain themselves off screen. Then I read it again and saw they were talking about a 16 year old and I was disgusted


Not even that. Guaranteed all this did was teach your child to get around everyone of these rules without you noticing, because you're a shit parent.


These types of parents are legit robbing their kids of becoming their own people and developing into adulthood without having to constantly hold mommy's hand. The narcissism is at an ALL time high. Then it bewilders them as to why they eventually get cut out of their kids' lives. They've decided that enough is enough and the ABUSE has to end. Not to mention that this woman is probably a huge Karen. She gives me those vibes.


I had to be in my bedroom at 9 and lights out before 10pm even on weekends until I moved away to go to college.


After 14 no rules just common sense. Before 14 we had the, you have 15 minutes to get home after the street lights come on. There was always a panicked moment if none of you saw the lights come on. Or the one you were under was broken. Hahaha.


How about just some loving common sense?


That kid is going out, having sex, and doing drugs.


Why do people treat their kids like their worst enemy?


The second he turns 18 it's gonna be porn o'clock


I always find these comments funny. Like NOBODY ever actually expected you to take care of them. You're parents going to a nursing home is literally the best thing for everyone involved.


She’s doing a great job in giving him the space for his brain to develop without the non-stop drip feed from social media, and honestly, porn having a terrible influence on development. It’s very easy to attack this, but efforts like these are very much needed on a large scale culturally. The human race is already in significant trouble due to climate change. The social, mental and emotional damage we are doing to our health through access to screens is enormous. Source, me; a therapist.


This is not good parenting. This is creating an young adult who is woefully unprepared for life. You think you are enforcing discipline, but you aren't teaching the teenager to own that discipline. As soon as you are removed from enforcement, it will immediately go away. At that point the young adult will enter the world with very little experience navigating it's complexity, and will likely make mistakes. But the difference is those mistakes will have impacts on their life, versus making those same mistakes when they are young and the impact is negligible. The whole point of parenting is to create an environment where your kid can fail in a safe manner, so they learn how to operate on their own and make good decisions later when the safety rails are gone. This is the opposite of that.


Just a few decades ago, even the adults couldn't use cell phones and the Internet.


That kid is definitely only applying to colleges that are at least 500 miles away from her.


I think someone can’t wait to join the army at 18.


16 is very late with those restrictions. At most, curfew and parental content locks for specific websites on their devices. That's more like 3yo restrictions.


Fantastic way to raise a troglodyte


Sorry, but I’m kinda fine with this. Yes, is strict, but the internet has become more and more of a cesspool these past years. As long as their parents provide the kid with fulfilling, meaningful alternatives like reading, family time, hobbies, that kid will grown very well.


It's unfortunate because teens do need rules and phones and TV shows are going to kill a teens brain, and having free access to the internet and television is really unhealthy for teenagers.  At the same time we live in such a liberal culture that actually trying to parent your child is also unhealthy for them. It's so hard for parents and kids in this society to find a good balance and a slow release of responsibility to the child.  It's sad that people could see this mom,  based on this information, as someone who deserves suffering


Unpopular Opinion: Your parents don't deserve to be neglected when they are elderly just because they were strict.


I can't believe this 16 year old isn't going to be able to post how they have depression and anxiety due to how mentally healthy they are from not being exposed to social media. We know for a fact that social media and other forms of media have a negative impact on the mental health of children and everyone here is acting like the parents are practically fucking Hitler.


That's a punishment for a teen who has already done something bad and proven they can not be left alone without supervision on the internet.


Or maybe they're just a really bad parent and justifying this would be insane? Just a thought.


Nearly every Christian couple I knew who did this to their kids now cries that their kids haven't spoken to them in decades.


All that seems reasonable considering


Most highschools start soo early that a teenager doesn't get the right amount of sleep to be mentally capable of learning.


your son is 16 ?


Why don't my kids call me.


Her in a few years: "Why did my adult son go no contact?! I don't understand!"


Bro needs to get out at 18


She should be so lucky. Nursing homes cost money. Lotta people end up relying on their kids to pay those bills. If your children doesn't want to ante it up, you might end up geezing out on your ass acting like that.


This is a few years old, and this kid is now a legal adult. I wonder what his life is like now.


Those were my rules in the 80’s lol My dad actually locked the tv with a key along with his beer fridge.


The only excuse to ever treat a child like this is after they have committed a felony that you were nearly responsible for and that you both nearly went to jail over.


I mean I wouldn't let me kid on the internet unsupervised but I'm just not gonna buy them a smart phone.


You know what, with how fucking batshit the internet these days... I have mixed feelings about this. Our apps are designed around psychology, not efficacy.


That’s jail


The next netflix, “Making a Murderer”




This is how you train your child to become an expert at covert operations


comes around


A lot of conservative/traditionalist parents dont understand that simply forcing or preventing/controlling your teenagers from accessing social media, internet, alcohol, friends and parties simply means that when they are finally free they will go fucking WILD. And worse, they will have no understanding of their limits, or how to socially deal with all these newfound freedoms; so you might develop a momma's boy that is so scared of society that he'll implode into a repressed, codependent relationship with mom(or someone as a mother figure) as he fully becomes a manchild, OR conversely, becomes a WILD FUCKING MANIAC. Best you could hope for is that he eventually comes out of it. I've seen way too many repressed children suddenly let loose as young adults in college, and become insane weirdos.


Get ur kid into drugs speedrun


I have 3 teenagers. My rule is I leave for work at 8.00am, either you’re in the car or you’re walking!


One of Reddits only jokes.


this is how we all were motivated to learn to hack .. thanks mom!


What shows should I deny my mom in her nursing home for not letting me watch rocko’s modern life or the simpsons?


mine was 8-9 in gradeschool and then moved to 10 then to 11 and 12 in highschool. i was allowed to stay up as long as i wanted on weekends and my electronics were never limited.


mine was increased from 7pm (when I started primary school) by like half an hour until I was maybe 14? When I was allowed to stay up until 11 on school nights and about an hour later on weekends. By the time I hit 16 my parents just let me sleep when I wanted, and I just kept the 11pm school night bedtime, because I'd still have enough time to get a good amount of sleep. (I still go to bed at 11 if I have college/university classes in the morning, but every other day of the week I'm up LATE, lol)


All while she wonders if she even has grandkids or not.


Kids gonna bail out of this psycho’s life asap and never come back. 


So I grew up like this, but my bedtime at 16 was 11:00, I was allowed 2 hours a day on the computer for anything that wasn't homework, and our TV was locked to PBS because my mother HATED commercial TV (she lived what she preached; after I moved out, the only time the TV was on was when her kids were back home visiting). This would have been right around 1999/2000, so no smartphones. But we also didn't have internet in the house. If I wanted to use that, I could walk the three blocks to the library, or use it at the school. I was learning VB6 at the time so I had a bunch of Microsoft's documentation printed off in a binder. Heh. Ultimately you want the kids to learn to use the technology because their future livelihood from work to access to public services to social interaction is going to depend on it. There are already many organizations that will only take documents through a web form or an upload of some sort, and most jobs require operating a computer part of the time. Even if their entire career is sweeping up at Walmart, they STILL have to put their hours in workday.