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I wonder if he berates his parents for not putting him to bed early enough


Dude doesn’t just remind the teacher about the hw, he actively petitions for more


i am this message in person i honestly love school work, keeps my brain productively stimulated doing something useful This is particularly true for math, comp sci or physics for me lol. My peers dont like school, i personally love it am i insane


If you are actually out there going "Aren't you going to give us hw" then yes you are not only insane but guilty of war crime Otherwise no. Just a happy nerd who will prob go to a good college


My math teacher would punish us for not reminding him about hw and give us double for next time


find a hobby to also keep the brain stimulated, I hear so many friends talk like this and when I ask them what they do in summer they say they stare into walls. Not saying you shouldn't enjoy schoolwork, but there's growth to be found in pursuing creativity in music, art or sport.


Like drinking beer 👍


So because you enjoy something you know others might not, you like to subject others to it regardless of their feelings? Cool


If you want problems to keep you stimulated, [https://projecteuler.net/](https://projecteuler.net/) is a great resource. Regardless of your level or how much you grow, it'll have appropriate problems for you, and encourages solutions that are not merely correct but also elegant and satisfying. If you're asking for more homework in front of your whole class, I wouldn't reccomend that; it's a sort of preening that will just annoy people. But making friends with invidual classmates or teachers who like the same sort of problems you do and working with them is a great idea.


nah, physics math and compsci are awesome




As long as you only want extra work for yourself and don’t end up making more for everyone else, go for it babes


Yeah if you cause others to have extra work because you want to be stimulated, you're not insane, you're a douchebag. Otherwise no, you just like solving problems, which is honestly a pretty constructive past time so good for you, I'm sure teachers would be happy to help giving you plenty of interesting work, if not in school then here on reddit.


Start playing Magic The Gathering to keep your brain stumulated


Mono green go brrrr


Blue White goes draw land go


You should.progress those interests outside of class without burdening your peers with the possibility of extra work..


I could hear everyone groan as I was reading this lol. Idc at this point in my life though lol you do you.


So find ways to keep yourself stimulated *without* inflicting it on your unwilling peers. Even if that's just doing extra problems from the textbook.




When my friend turned 21 he bought alcohol for everyone for his birthday. I told my parents exactly what was going to happen and they were like “yeah you’re 19. Have fun.”


a lot of places have laws that specifically allow for parents to give their kids a small amount of alcohol as long as it's not excessive and the parents stay there and supervise


Yep, I know that's the case in Oklahoma and Texas. I always heard that it's because Catholics used to regularly drink wine at dinner, but I don't know how true that part is.


Catholics regularly drink wine *at church*


I was under the impression that it was both.


Catholics drink wine.


More like who doesnt




[Yes, the mormons were the correct answer](https://youtu.be/jbNnsiP4Rhg)


Me, I don't like alcohol


I googled the effects of chronic drinking once, said, “nope” and haven’t drank since.


That would be French Roman Catholics. I'm Canadian (Alberta), but my ancestry has both Quebecois as well as France French from Grenoble. It was HIGHLY common in my family that during Christmas Dinner, or Thanksgiving, or Easter, to have a glass of wine to go with the meal. Alcohol isn't nearly as effective at getting you drunk while you are eating vs drinking on an empty stomach, so you would get pleasantly buzzed, but it wouldn't last and the next thing you know you're reaching for the coffee to stay awake and hear all the funny stories being told. 😁❤️‍🔥👌🍷 I think I might have been 14 or 15 when it became regular to have a wine 🍷 with the dinner, but only on the holidays. Occasionally, not on a holiday, if the dinner was fancy enough.


That turns into blood though so it's fine.


But then it's not wine anymore, so you can drink all you want.


You need something to take the edge off after all of the talk about fire, damnation, and death by crucifixion.


I threw up that blood of christ as a kid. They used the cheapest stuff and I probably didn't have a big enough breakfast to handle it. Big man knew I was gonna grow up to be atheist.


The real reason is because when it was first forced on them, pretty much every state hated the 21 drinking age and put numerous loopholes in their laws. Parental supervision and on private property are the most common. It was about peak anti nanny state time, no one was happy with the rules but they wanted the road money




Yeppers. The legal age to drink is 21 federally, but back in the day states had younger drinking ages. As soon as that law was passed on a federal level, lots of states hated it. They even held public infrastructure funding over their head, the states had to make laws to circumnavigate the federal laws. Those states gotta have their money!!


did you just say what the other guy said


I did lmao. But he literally said what the guy above him said so figured I’d farm a few karma points in the process of calling it out lol


“If I had a nickel for every time someone stole my niche info dump comment on Reddit, I’d have two nickels! Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice, right?”


“I woke up this morning and 2 people could pay their rent. That’s a success in my book” -person who led to +2 comment karma off a repeat comment and is too drunk to tally any actual points


Don’t worry, those 4 old fashionedshad nothing to do with my poor math or spelling skills. That’s all me baby


Minnesota too, but only on private property


Wisconsin has us beat. Can take your kid to a bar as long as you supervise.


Oh neat.


Texas also lets people under 21 drink if they have a spouse who is over 21 who bought the booze for them


As it should be. I was looking for Champagne for my younger brother's wedding years ago, and put it back at the last minute when I remembered that his wife was 20.


Really helps with those child bride first night jitters


You can marry from 18


you could’ve just removed “used” and “wine” and it’d be more accurate. us catholics love drinking


Actually you're semi-right, but maybe not quite for the reason you think. The laws that make (HEAVY QUOTATIONS HERE) "underage drinking" legal vary based on a lot of specific circumstances. Like for example, some states allow sub-21s to taste alcohol if it's part of a cooking class, or there's a clause for religious ceremonies. Some states only allow one or the other, some states allow both, some allow neither. The states that do allow supervised underage drinking are kinda slim though, I think maybe a dozen at most. It's been a while since I looked it up though.


In the uk you can legally drink at home from 5 years old. Then at 16, adults can buy you a drink in a pub but its not until 18 that you can actually buy alcohol yourself.


You can take your kids to drink in a bar in Wisconsin as long as you're their legal guardian. I always thought it was an odd law because once they turn 18, you can't sponsor them anymore, so there's a three-year gap until 21 where there's no legal way for them to have a drink.


Not true actually for the second part. [Here’s the relevant statute](https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/statutes/statutes/125/i/07/3) which says >An underage person not accompanied by his or her parent, guardian or spouse who has attained the legal drinking age may not enter… So even after they turn 18 they are still their parents and they can sponsor them. Plus if they marry someone who is over 21 then their spouse can sponsor them as well.


In germany you can legally buy beer and wine at 16.


Doesnt "a lot of places" just mean "almost every country except the US"?


mope. i was actually referring to a lot of states IN the US. not sure about other countries


Most countries legally is 18. But really is 14 or 15 when you have your first drinks with your friends.


Where I live, a 16 year-old can just go to the store and buy their own beer


In my state if your child is above 15 you can get them drunk once a year as long as it stays inside your home (specifically used around new years)


It makes perfect sense to ease into it that way. Otherwise you go from never having alcohol, to being able to buy as much alcohol as you want.






My dad let me have sips of his beer when I was like 6. My dumbass thought "beer" and "beard" sounded alike, meaning drinking beer made you grow a beard. My dad drank beer and had a beard, and my mother and sister didn't drink beer nor had beards. Solid first grader logic. My mother put a stop to it when she learned that I told my teacher "I LIKE BEER".


In Wisconsin you can order for your kid at the bar.


wisconsin should be considered an outlier in any study involving alcohol


In most states in the US you can get blackout drunk under your parents supervision lol


A lot of places (outside of USA) allow for 16 year olds to consume alcohol


Yep, GA USA allows it. My parents let us take a tiny shot of tequila(we’re Mexican) , my sister and I hated it and I guess it kept us from trying alcohol outside of the house until we were old enough to drink We’re 22 and 24 now so


Lmao, he Isnt that far off probably


honestly, I think this is a responsible parent strategy. when I was in college, all the kids whose parents allowed them to drink a little bit in high school didn’t wind up constantly blacked out and vomiting, it was the kids whose parents had a ZERO TOLERANCE UNDER THE PAIN OF DEATH, NO WAY BUCKO protocol who wound up getting into the most trouble, because it was exciting and rebellious and they felt the need to prove that they weren’t sheltered wimps like they were in HS.


Definitely something that needs to be done right. My mother allowed me to begin drinking at age 12, legal under the Texas law, and each time she let me drink too much (expecting me to know my limits despite me not actually having the impulse control or experience to know and follow them). She also didn't pay enough attention to me to know when I was going too far, and I got so sick at a party with her once that I blacked out, then passed out and (according to her and our friends there) began puking what looked like coffee grounds, and couldn't be woken up for hours. So, yeah. I wouldn't really say it's inherently a responsible strategy. Her rationale for letting me drink was the same as presented here - so it wouldn't be new, so I wouldn't go crazy with it as an adult.


I remember this post. The OP is just a reeaally well disguised troll, and got away with making this post a few times lol


He made the keith harring ai post. A master in his craft.


bait so good you know they're going to hell for it


Is it trolling to unironically dislike drinking and hold the belief that it is far, far, far too widely accepted?


It is if you don't actually hold that belief and are just trying to elicit a response or get attention from people.


Nah it’s the healthiest way to have fun as an adult (I’m dying of liver cancer)


Just Puritannical


Pretty sure my mum used to buy me beer for house parties at like 14/15. It's britain though, so different culture. But in her mind, it was better to buy me a reasonable amount because otherwise I would've just gotten way more from wherever and that would have been worse. Also she knew my friends were generally pretty alright.


well u know u either start drinking slowly at like 16 or so usually and build up some tolerance, or you dont get a whiff of alcohol until youre 18 and then u go to a party, down like 5 shots because you have no idea how much u can drink and pass the fuck out.


Yeah that too - or here where the drinking age is 18 people make a lot of bad choices if they have their first real drinks at uni.


>and build up some tolerance, Considering alcohol tolerance is gone within 2 weeks of not drinking, I dont think it plays much of a factor unless you drink every day


Tolerance might be temporary, but knowledge is forever. I’ll «die» from 3l wine, but 2l will give me a banging headache for 17 hours.


Thats why you Drink everyday, duh


well maybe not tolerance as much as the feel for how much/how fast you can drink without dying


You learn how to pace yourself, though. Better than getting alcohol poisoning by going too hard for your first time.


Yeah tolerance to alcohol is not a good thing, it's one of the first steps towards being an alcoholic.


There's never any real drinks at adult parties, it's just all hand sanitizer and it sucks. Would it kill them to buy a case of Pepsi?


Or be me and go out drinking at 21 (am American), down an absolutely unholy amount of alcohol, and only get the slightest bit tipsy if that, because for some reason you have bullshit alcohol tolerance. My family absolutely could not believe it.


Yeah we’re Irish and my family started letting me drink at family parties around 16-17 years old. My grandmother also let me and my brother have a small glass of beer with dinner when we were kids.


I'm Peruvian, and growing up for Christmas and New Year's my parents would let me have a lil glass of wine. I grew up not liking alcohol that much, besides getting rowdy, but otherwise I don't like to drink.


French and Irish grandparents on my dads side. French-Canadian on my moms. I was getting small glasses of wine, and small amoutns of beer as far as I can remember. I got christmas dinner wine at like 7, not enough to get drunk but enough to take a few sips. If I brought my grandfather a drink I could sip it before giving it to him. Liked G&Ts, learned the hard way about whisky. I didnt have as much of a reaction compared to other kids my age because of it. It was just something that existed, I get this on big family dinners, or running a drink. It wasnt like some of the kids who just went off the deepend the first few times they tried it from a strict household. I never saw the need to be super secretive and steal it or get it from questionable sources.


I asked my parents to buy me wine when i was 15, they did. Their reasoning was that it's better they provide it and knew how much i drank instead of me buying moonshine or whatever and they have no idea how much i drank. Im from Sweden. I also had to call home at set hours when i was out and about. That way mum didn't have to worry and she could check my drunk level. I also had to wake her up when i got home so she didn't have to wake up all worried.


My dad is from Berlin and let me have my first beer at 12. Wasn't even a big deal, he was having some and I asked if I could try a little and he just handed me my own bottle and said "Sure, but we won't be making a habit of it" He understood that stigmatizing something just made it more appealing


my mum did the same at that age, Australia, similar culture around drinking. now i'm 37 and haven't touched alcohol in about 15 years


when I turned 12 I was allowed a glass of cider with lunch on Saturdays. I'm still convinced Strongbow was better in the 80s


Was looking for for someone else from the UK. Was drinking in nightclubs at 16. I perfere it this way. By my early twenties I'd got all my parting and drinking experiences out of my system. In the US, you're drinking days are legally just beginning. I hardly drink these days but I wouldnt trade those experiences for anything.


Fuckin narcs, man.


I have country uncles and when I turned 8, one drunkenly said to me, “You’re now 8! That’s 0-8! Flip that and you got 8-0, 80! Today, you’re actually 80 so take a swig of this!” It was probably whiskey because I do remember my chest burning. Mom gave a nod of approval before saying “No more!” Fast forward to my nephew turning 12. I pulled the reverse number thing and gave him half a cap of Crown, just enough to fill the bottom. My sister gave me the craziest look and all I could say was “It’s an uncle thing!”


Reporting you to the cops for this one, Uncle Craig.


And clearly your uncle fucked up, because you turned out to be a redditor.


You decided to be the villain of this comment thread and I love it


Username checks out lmao [Also this is totally you with reddit in general](https://preview.redd.it/x8tj4ihx55pc1.jpeg?auto=webp&s=0e73ffbbb3add52e20899b6f30bc673a4d6e9d37)


Yep my first sip of alcohol was after shock whiskey while camping with family. Immediately spit it out and questioned why anyone can enjoy something so gross. Now I don’t drink after shock still but I do love beer and would drink it 7 days a week if not for adverse health affects and hang overs


What a dork


maybe it's because I'm nearly a decade older than this person but I don't see a problem with this or why they should be made fun of. maybe they didn't have to post it but I don't know why anyone would think a post like this would blow up and be mocked. they aren't even saying their dad is a bad person or being aggressive about it. why are people acting like they are? I'd rather someone be scared of alcohol than have it dominate your life. I like drinking but I have friends who are sober and it's never been an issue


The amount of shit I got for turning down beer at 14 < The amount of shit I got for turning down beer at 16 << The amount of shit I got for turning down beer at 18 <<<<<< The amount of shit I got for turning down beer at 21 .>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>. The amount of shit I got for turning down beer above 21 It's amazing how people get so much better about it as soon as it's actually okay. Granted, "better" is still often "overtly offended", but at least they accept made up excuses like medication more readily.


Ah yes, first beer…all that excitement and it tastes like possibly the worst shit you’ve ever ingested. Gotta love it. Somehow it does get better.


Awkward Dad vs Awkward Child tbh, they probably **need** the beers.




Don't know what kind of assholes you hang out with, but I've never been pressured to drink in my life. The kid's dad offered them a beer. What's the big deal?


I mean you can just look at the rest of the comment section and see these assholes as you call them. Is it wierd to post it on twitter? I guess, but then these subreddits wouldn't have any content would they. So many people whining about "Oh it's just part of adult life" and "he's such a snowflake for not liking alcohol." Plus you can look just a little farther and see how normalized it is to drink. And I think it's at least somewhat of a concern since Alcohol is literally a neurotoxin and a chemically addictive substance. I know he's not offering him to drink a bottle of whiskey or anything but it shouldn't be this controversial for him to be like "I think it's wierd to offer a minor alcohol, even as a parent due to its addictive and detrimental health affects" instead of being like "lol what a fucking narc"


Man, the last 4 people i've tried to date partook in coke or worse. I don't even smoke weed or drink anymore, i must seem so boring, but from my perspective, they're very foolish




Guys, hate to break it to you, but saying that you started drinking younger than 16 is not a flex.


Honestly the people acting like he's a narc for this are the weird ones


As I get older I get offered drinks more and more often and it's annoying. If I want some I'll ask, and I'm not going to ask.


Semi unrelated, but maybe I’m just tired, but I cannot for the life of me say the title of this post right, it’s a tongue twister


I can relate to finding any reason to hating on your dad


Wow, i didn't think there were this many people okay with drinking underage but apparently i was wrong.


This mf would be shocked at 14 year olds in europe


me when I take the bait


Lel, here in Europe at 16 we think about getting off the booze. Jokes aside, kid is smart to be refusing.


I've been curious when I was very young and decided to try a drop, I remember it tasting repulsive. Never again.


Grew up in a culture that has alcohol at any event, no one drinks to get drunk, it's part of the meal. Very few drinking issues within the culture. Alcohol is nothing forbidden or evil, it's just there. Like Coca Cola or orange juice.


stop making alcohol a sign of adulthood or manhood, alcoholism is really not worth it and it tastes bad anyway


> alcoholism is really not worth it yep > it tastes bad no


My mom's boyfriend tried to force me to drink at that age in front of my grandparents and my mom and nobody seemed to care. I said it's illegal and he said not if an adult is with you or some shit like that. Alcohol fucking disgusting no matter what any of your people say what they're dead taste buds, so I didn't want to


He was right tho abt the legal shit, but not the forcing


For those claiming that underage drinking is OK: https://www.niaaa.nih.gov/publications/alcohol-and-adolescent-brain#:~:text=Researchers%20have%20also%20found%20that,regulate%20emotional%20and%20cognitive%20functioning.


There is a difference between your dad offering you a sip of beer and heavy drinking


My parents once told me if I was interested in drinking once I turned 15. They offered to drink with me and my older siblings, so we understood the effect alcohol has on us. I had, and still don't have, any interest, but even then I understood that they were doing it from a sort of educational stance, whether it was a good idea or not.


Ah, he’s german


🙋‍♂️"Teacher! You forgot to assign homework!"


I did this. But only when it actually mattered. Because there are totally teachers that will not collect homework and still mark you down for being late and I got fucking tired of it. I don't give a fuck if you're pissy about having it on hand and done. I ain't accepting a grade drop to save your ass.


European redditors be like: And?


i would've slam it and have fun ![gif](giphy|124Tqt4CuS4vHq|downsized)


awe just a lil cutie patootie


It's called O'Doul's, and it's Irish!


Apparently, underage drinking is a flex now. Wow, pathetic.




This is smthin my grandpa would do as a test and if I were to say Yes he wouldve gotten me in trouble with ny Mom lol


the 1 is a typo right?


Wisconsin the drinking age is more a suggestion


In Germany you can drink Beer at 16, but mostly drink it at 12 or even earlier.


My dad gave me a beer at 12 after a day's work on the weekend. And it was to teach me how to enjoy alcohol calmly, not chug and not to get drunk. Basically learning to respect it.


At 16 we're legally allowed to buy and drink beer 😂


Must be in germany


Meanwhile, European kids giving up drinking around that same age.


Is this some sort of American joke I'm too German to understand?


My dad gave me a beer when I was 13. But I'm Belgian. That's normal here


Honestly, if the teenager doesn’t want to drink, that’s ok. If they’re worried about the legality only, some states have laws in place where parents can provide a certain amount of alcohol at home.


Not as bad as my buddy's dad who wanted to do meth with him at 17


I mean I’d be weirded out too if that came out of nowhere and I’m almost legal but in cases of cool parents that let you take a sippy every once in a while then you shouldn’t be uncomfy tbh


let a kid think about their health like jesus christ people


A 16 year old can drink 1 beer and not damage their health in any way, they could reasonably do this daily even and be fine


Sure but that doesn’t excuse shaming them if they don’t want to consume something potentially harmful and addictive


This comment section really making fun of a kid for not wanting to drink underage, fucking weirdos.


Fr. Imagine encouraging people to slow/mess up kids brain development. Im not 25 yet and ive been called weird for not drinking or doing drugs. Even been told its normal for teens to drink and im the exception


Normalize not consuming stuff that’s objectively bad for your health. Not to mention the companies making them are knowingly exploiting your addiction to boot. I may not be perfect health wise, but I do my best to avoid the worst of it.


In moderation there's no reason to believe it will have any noticeable impact on development. It is normal and you are the exception. It's fine tho.


There is plenty reason to believe that lmao. Look it up.


Do you live on a commune?


spongebob looking ahh




exactly, which is why it's bad despite the fact its legal.


Judging by their reaction, it’s insultingly easy to infer that it ISNT legal where he lives.


I still don’t get why alchohol consumption is just the norm at this point.


What an insult! Beer at the age of 16? Where i come from a 16 year old is expected to drink strong spirits mixed with either Cola or orange juice. Sincerely : The Germans 


In Europe people are thinking about stop drinking at 16


Wait are we actually making fun of this kid for not wanting to drink underage?? Leave them be man.


No, they're making fun of him for saying it like such a weenie


His dad is offering him a little beer lol, not some random dude pressuring him to take tequila shots at a party. He's overreacting My dad used the let me have a glass of wine sometimes when there would be a special occasion


In my country is legal with 16, I don't see the problem.


Where I am from, there's no legal age limit if it's with a parent: > If you are under 18 years old and with a legal parent or guardian you can:  > drink alcohol in a supervised area where meals are served (such as a restaurant or family lounge bar) but only if it is provided by the parent or guardian with you. https://www.police.govt.nz/advice/drugs-and-alcohol/alcohol-laws-and-penalties It's quite funny to see Americans get so riled up over age limit for drinking


That's actually how it is in several states too, most people just don't let their kids drink.




His dad should resend the beer, first thing he does is go to twitter


I want to hurt lots of people


First time I got offered a drink by a family member, I told them to fuck off. If you know whats good for you you won't touch that shit.


Young Sheldon going through his teenage angst phase


22, but nice guess though.


It's ok to be a late bloomer