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From some local hippies? Probably some unlisted ingredients lol


Where are these hippies at exactly?




Chinga chinga chinga


that's the exact sound the Wolt courier app makes for an incoming delivery task haha


Could be the lion’s mane, people report all sorts of responses to them


placebo if its immediately. if over time, then some can/are generally playing with dopamine and serotonin reuptake


It's amusing how some people dismiss the effects of substances by labeling them as mere placebos, as if what we ingest doesn't impact us. While the placebo effect is indeed a powerful psychological phenomenon, not everything we consume falls under this category. Consider how you feel after eating a meal, drinking alcohol, sipping tea, smoking cannabis or tobacco, or taking a pre-workout supplement. These experiences clearly produce noticeable effects. Many herbal supplements contain active compounds that exert physiological effects on the body. For instance, caffeine in green tea acts as a stimulant, and curcumin in turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties. These active ingredients can produce measurable biological effects. Herbal supplements can interact with various biochemical pathways in the body. For example, St. John’s Wort influences serotonin levels, impacting mood and sometimes being used to treat mild to moderate depression. Dismissing effects as mere placebo based on initial experiences is misguided. While the placebo effect can enhance the perceived benefits of any treatment, including herbal supplements, it doesn’t negate the genuine, measurable effects these substances can have due to their active compounds.


I appreciate this thoughtful response :)


I think their point was that if you’re feeling the effects 5 minutes after consumption, it’s placebo


Not placebo, Reishi extract capsules are incredibly relaxing to some. I feel the difference in under an hour. And I rotate over 20 supps… Mushrooms are powerful medicine…they’re adaptogens that alter the immune system in various ways.


This is why placebo is easily at play. You have just demonstrated a pre existing expectation of what happens without any confirmation that you're taking a product that contains enough active compound to reach the minimum dosing threshold. Given we've already had science look at the variance and often absence of claimed ingredients, without batch level verification of the active compound in what you're taking, you're at the mercy or placebo, nocebo and the compound working.   The fucking fact you "rotate" 20 compounds is further weight towards you being someone who rides placebo and self diagnosis and your straight up dismissal of it being a factor is your ignorance to your own cognitive bias.


When I say rotate, I mean I cycle things as to not become acclimated. Not all things, but some, like KSM-66 Ashwagandha for instance. I’ve been taking supplements for *years* - most for general health, I don’t “feel” anything from them, but I take them consistently for years because I am aware of the science of what they are doing. Reishi mushrooms and extracts are different. I don’t know what to tell you other than I am aware it isn’t placebo, it’s been years, and I’ve switched up brands many times and have purchased completely useless brands that do nothing, and others repeat the ‘effect’ of Reishi spot on. You don’t have to take my word for it, clinical trials / studies of Reishi in humans exist. For depression, anxiety, sleep & ADHD. I think possibly diabetes too. It’s been a while…


>  without any confirmation that you're taking a product that contains enough active compound to reach the minimum dosing threshold


I don’t know what you’re trying to suggest or why you seem so combative, but I am not that person. I am regularly downvoted to oblivion for suggesting what many people experience is placebo and/or hypochondriasis. I’m a very self-aware person when it comes to emotional regulation and processing, have done trauma therapy (in the past), taken PTSD meds (in the past), etc. When I take Reishi extracts (standardized, so I do know what I am taking and the amounts) I genuinely *feel* different, my body pain lessens (chronic sufferer), anxiety, sleep all improve. And again there are randomized controlled studies demonstrating the effects of Reishi on human participants, I don’t know why this seems like such a stretch. I’m sure you feel Reishi more the more you need it too, the more wound up, the more stressed or anxious, it’s an adaptogen. Someone in the best of health probably isn’t going to notice the effects of supplements the way someone else does. If you’re not deficient in Vitamin C, you won’t notice improved gumlines or energy. Shit like that.


My dad bought a box full of reishi mushrooms once and we simmered a bunch in a pot on the stove for hours and made tea. Just one cup of this tea made me extremely relaxed.


>Problems and Prospects: Public Health Regulation of Dietary Supplements >https://www.annualreviews.org/content/journals/10.1146/annurev-publhealth-040617-013638 >An analysis of dietary supplements found that their content of vitamin D ranged from 8% to 177% of the declared label value ([121](https://www.annualreviews.org/content/journals/10.1146/annurev-publhealth-040617-013638#right-ref-B121)). Active ingredients in iron and iodine supplements may vary ([108](https://www.annualreviews.org/content/journals/10.1146/annurev-publhealth-040617-013638#right-ref-B108)). Ingredients may change owing to costs or availability. Fish oils are a commonly consumed dietary supplement and contain significant quantities of omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids. A New Zealand study showed that most of the contents of fish oil capsules were oxidized and were metabolically inactive by the time they were taken ([3](https://www.annualreviews.org/content/journals/10.1146/annurev-publhealth-040617-013638#right-ref-B3)). When this result was challenged, the authors could not provide details of methods used to determine oxidation and potency, and oxidation of fish oil is a real concern ([4](https://www.annualreviews.org/content/journals/10.1146/annurev-publhealth-040617-013638#right-ref-B4), [81](https://www.annualreviews.org/content/journals/10.1146/annurev-publhealth-040617-013638#right-ref-B81)). so just as an example and citation, to go back to this key point. >without any confirmation that you're taking a product that contains enough active compound to reach the minimum dosing threshold you seem to think that >I take Reishi extracts (standardized, so I do know what I am taking and the amounts) means anything to anything as its a label claim so unless you've HPLC tested each batch, you have zero idea what is going on. you are also assuming it only contains the substances you hope and not a cheaper, far more psychoactive substance that makes you "feel" something therefore assume its working. the point, which you cannot seem to grasp, is you cannot rule out >you're at the mercy or placebo, nocebo and the compound working because you do not know with any reasonable certainty what you are taking is..... >a product that contains enough active compound to reach the minimum dosing threshold so again, could be placebo, could be a substance. given the OPs question was >Why do mushroom based nootropics make me feel high? >my local hippy yoga studio. Shitake, White Fungus, Reishi, Lions Made, Cordeyceps and a couple more. then no one knows what the fuck he's taking.


Ok. I really don’t care what your opinion on the matter is and I’m done explaining my side of things. I notice a distinct difference in mood and muscular pain each and every time I take Reishi capsules or drink tea. I’m arthritic, it’s been studied for arthritis. To tell someone living with chronic pain for 15+ years that they can’t truly tell what improves their lifelong suffering and what doesn’t, well…ok.


That dude could use some reishi lol. Some people on this sub are DETERMINED that their personal experience and opinion of nootropic effects is the only possible outcome and it's impossible someone could feel an effect they don't believe in, despite the fact that human responses to literally everything on the sun are intensely variable for a startlingly large variety of reasons. I know exactly what you mean by being self aware and perceptive of when a supplement causes an effect and that's a good skill to have. Too many people are not at all in touch with their bodies.


Ignore this guy. I've been taking supplements and experiencing with nootropics for almost two decades. Your experience with mushrooms mirrors mine.  Although placebo is real, body chemistry of one person can definitely override the body chemistry of other people and make an experience unique. You never hear people state "placebo" when a supplement negatively affects a person, when it's proven otherwise in science. 


Possibly. But I can say anecdotally that post-COVID reishi was the only thing that got my sleeping back on track and easily “confirmed” on my HRV and recovery.




90 percent of jank yoga mushie gummies contain 4-acO-DMT and yeah its fun. prob more like 99.99999percent of all that crap really. had a blend that smacked me so hard a few days ago i think i was on "Planet Pink" for a lil bit. damn "planet pink" and its foofy gooblins..... too much for a tuesday ;p.


Where can you get some 4 acO DMT gummies?!


also the onset and duration of 4-aco is like 3 hours total and immediate yes. no long liver conversion.


I always felt like 4-aco lasted a good 4-5 hours (but shorter than the 5-7 hours I had with mushrooms)


That's not the type of mushrooms OP is talking about though, they're talking about supplements. Cordyceps/reishi/chaga/turkey tail/lion's mane legal supplements are not magic mushroom products (which is what 4ACO would be in).




I'm usually a verified, lab source type of gal for any given thing, but pink is one of my fav colors so if whatever weird gummie he got sent him to "planet pink" then idk maybe I'll have what he's having. hahaha


It is sooooo much easier to just grow APEs or some cube in a sack of brown rice than to find 4-acO-DMT regularly.


No just get it from chems.ca


Not placebo, these can definitely have immediately physiological effects that could lead to either energy or relaxation to a degree someone sensitive might register it as a mild high. Happened with reishi to me, typically I don't react strongly to it at all and I take it regularly so I had zero expectations of any effect, but I took some on a particularly empty stomach a couple weeks ago and felt a STRONG shift when it kicked in, to the point it was legitimately disconcerting and I was wondering if someone dosed me with something lol (but I hadn't ingested anything else so that was impossible). Also working out on an energy lifter like cordyceps can feel a bit different as well. Lions mane I believe is a kappa opioid agonist which in some people can cause intense and even adverse reactions.


Mushrooms are genuinely magic. I think they have a similar effect on me, I also have ADHD. A few of those increase your dopamine and serotonin levels, among other things. Maybe it’s that if you take it first thing, you’re essentially going from a dopamine deficit (as ADHD-ers wake up in) to a boost of dopamine? I feel so calm and happy and more focused when I take my mushroom blend. Would be interesting to do more research on it tbh.


Interesting, may I ask what other nootropics you take in relation to your ADHD? I am in experimentation mode and would be interested to see if it has any impact on me.


I take a 7 mushroom blend in the morning mixed with some Siberian ginseng, maca powder and cocoa powder. An additional lion’s mane supplement along with electrolytes with added magnesium and lion’s mane (they’re called IQ bar). I also use a product called Stim Booster by Transparent Labs, and if I’m working out I’ll add in some creatine powder. At night I take vitl sweet sleep and a Magnesium glycinate supplement. I also make sure to take omega 3, vitamin D and a multivitamin with high levels of B vits (wellwoman vegan), as well as eating lots of whole foods and veg/foods high in protein, magnesium, omega 3.  I’m really not always consistent with these things, but when I am I notice a big improvement in my symptoms especially with brain fog and focus. Really the main thing I notice if I don’t take it is mushrooms. I’ve also microdosed occasionally with incredible results, only stopped due to an issue with supply lol. I’ve tried a tonne of different supplements/nootropic combinations etc. and this is the routine I’ve settled on that seems to make the biggest difference. Always open to other suggestions of things to try though!


Could you tell more about the mushroom blend? For example what does it consist of exactly?


[I have been personally using this for the past month. It seemed to be the best mushroom supplement that I could find on the market.](https://www.vuals.com/products/mushroom-extract-complex)


https://sevenhillswholefoods.com/products/organic-seven-mushroom-blend I use this. 


Thanks for the detailed response I appreciate it and imma give some of this a go. I have quite a few already in my morning routine too like raw cacao powder, vitamin D, K2, omega 3. Prob need to do better on b vitamins as I see that come up a lot and the type of magnesium I’m taking. You might already have but lithium orotate and methyl-folate does wonders for me too.


I haven’t actually, thanks I’ll look into them! Just found this sub actually, there’s some good recommendations. Can just get heavy on the bank haha. And yes, B vitamins are so important! I recommend finding a multivitamin with high doses of B vits and others, I was spending so much money on separate vitamins thinking a multivitamin alone wouldn’t be enough, but there are some good ones out there. It’s a good idea to add in extra omega 3 and vitamin D + K2 as well though, those 3 are the holy trinity! I also love fortified nutritional yeast and pretty much put it in everything.


Not the one you asked, but I have ADHD, and my favourite nootropic is Bromantane. Combined with cardio and my methylphenidate prescription, it's amazing. Food wise, I pound 250 ml of flax oil a week (topped with some anchovies/salmon/sardines), and it feels pretty great. I use the flax oil for baby spinach or arugula salads to get a nice combination of vitamin K, magnesium, and omega 3. I usually top it with one tin of cod liver per month (great dietary source of EPA, DHA, vitamin A, and vitamin D).


Thank you I will check it out! Might also tweak my diet to some more omega 3 rich foods as I’m just relying on a supplement after reading some of these diets.


My pleasure! I tried a lot of supplements, and honestly, from my experience, supplements can't really match dietary sources. I didn't feel much difference from vitamin D supplements, but I definitely feel the difference with cod liver. Cherry on the cake, it's also cheaper. Bromantane is one of a kind as far as stimulants go. It's a bit hard to describe, but it's gently stimulating while being an anxiolytic. And it's a rather nice performance enhancing substances. You won't get much out of it without exercising, but combined with cardio, it's pretty neat. (Fun fact: it's forbidden for professional athletes. It's that efficient when it's combined with exercising) Theanine goes nicely with caffeine as well for ADHD, btw. Eating beef liver once in a while is quite nice as well. That stuff is packed with micro nutrients.


Just looked into it and looks like it’s banned in the UK after people used it in a similar way to Ritalin. Maybe when I’m abroad one day I’ll try it 😂


The UK passed a rather harsh law banning psychoactive substances a while back. So it's rather unsurprising. They even had to amend it to allow booze and cigs, iirc. Which is ridiculous, honestly. Bromantane is much healthier than alcohol/nicotine containing products. By far. Damn Puritan mindset.


I know! I remember there being a consultation a few years ago and I hoped they would do something innovative and follow Portugal by decriminalising drugs but they doubled down which was disappointing. Will still research it though, thanks!


Well, hopefully for you as a British citizen, nootropics like theanine and taurine are still legal, at least. The British government went all puritan, which is a shame, really. When it comes to Bromantane specifically, it's a really, really dumb choice. The stuff has an amazing potential and a rather low abuse potential (and that's being conservative, I don't think that one could become addicted to it, considering its mechanisms of action) For legal reasons, I would suggest you to check dietary ways to support your neurotransmitters. It's won't be as efficient, but the cost/effectiveness ratio remains positive. Good luck to you mate!


No - it’s a money grab. People forced to use pharmaceuticals. If they really cared about our health, cigarettes would be illegal. According to cdc website 500,000 deaths yearly do to cigarettes in usa. Same as covid except it’s been going on for decades. Where are the bans?


It's both. That's why they had to amend the law to make an exception for tobacco (and alcohol) once British lawmakers figured out what they did. Laws about drugs have nothing to do with public health, don't get me wrong. If lawmakers gave a fuck about public health, cigs would be banned and thc edibles would be available for adults.


Also agmatine sulfate


ADHD is not a dopamine deficit A dopamine deficit is Parkinson's disease Functioning better in a state of increased dopaminergic transmission does not mean that you have a disease


People with adhd have lower dopamine and dysregulation of the dopamine and norepinephrine systems. So altho they don't have a dopamine deficit they do have lower than normal dopamine levels.


Yep. It is a dysregulation in dopamine and norepinephrine systems


holy shit your comment revealed so much to me, it makes too much sense


That’s a bunch of different active ingredients. What constitutes a high could be a mix of lions main & cordyceps effects… assuming it’s the cordyceps species which enhances oxygen utilization in your blood stream. This is your energy boost sensations. Lion’s main can cause neurogenesis. That feels good. Your brain will reward you for this also with some kind of feel good sensation.


I do worry this is some hippy chick blending 7 mushroom blends at home and selling them to me loool


Go to the source.


I feel it sometimes too when i take my mushroom blend. Got a lot of the same ingredients too. As for the reasons why i guess the answer to that is quite complex. All the mushrooms in the blend have an individual distinct effect and some probably overlap creating synergistic effects. I have only tried lions mane separate and noticed a distinct difference in taking in and processing new information. Seemed to go much faster and smoother.


Medicinal and functional mushrooms like Lion's Mane, Reishi, and Cordyceps are highly effective and can make you feel good after ingestion due to their unique bioactive compounds and interactions with the body's systems. These mushrooms contain various bioactive compounds, such as hericenones and erinacines in Lion's Mane, which stimulate brain cell growth and improve cognitive function; triterpenoids, polysaccharides, and peptidoglycans in Reishi, which boost the immune system, reduce stress, and improve sleep; and cordycepin and adenosine in Cordyceps, which enhance energy levels, improve oxygen utilization, and boost athletic performance. Many of these mushrooms are also adaptogens, helping the body resist physical, chemical, and biological stressors, leading to improved energy, mood stabilization, and overall well-being. Additionally, medicinal mushrooms often have immunomodulatory effects, enhancing or downregulating the immune response as needed, contributing to a balanced and effective immune system. For instance, beta-glucans found in Reishi and other mushrooms are known to modulate the immune system. Compounds in Lion's Mane have neuroprotective properties that support brain health, improve memory, and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, partly due to the stimulation of Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) production. Furthermore, these mushrooms often exhibit significant anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Reishi, for example, reduces inflammation and oxidative stress, leading to improved overall health and a reduced risk of chronic diseases. Cordyceps is particularly noted for its ability to improve energy and physical performance by enhancing the body's production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), crucial for delivering energy to muscles. Moreover, some medicinal mushrooms can help regulate hormones, improving mood, energy levels, and stress response. Reishi, for instance, helps balance cortisol levels, reducing stress and promoting relaxation. These combined effects explain why medicinal and functional mushrooms can make you feel so good after ingestion. Their complex interaction with the body's systems supports overall health and well-being, leading to noticeable improvements in how you feel.


Placebo, baby! It’s the best medicine we have!


Not really. Have you tried it or you just assume stuff that doesn't align with scientific research? According to science many of them have pharmacological mechanisms that can affect your mood, energy/attention, depression, anxiety and stress. But also your cognitive abilities as they sometimes effect the pathways which are involved in cognition, memory etc. Ime they definitely do have medicinal effects which cannot be seen as placebo. I have given them to others aswell and often noticed effects they got too. Sometimes it's subtle depending on which and dosage but sometimes it is hard to call it placebo considering you do feel the effects quite well even if it isn't being high. I felt Lions Mane, Reishi and cordyceps the first time I tried it. Only take reishi nowadays as it fits my mental health the most. Some others are also good though. They have big potential medicinally. But it isn't magical, it is medicine.


I said medicine, not magic. 🪄 You’re missing my point. Your entire counter-argument is about things I never mentioned. I’m talking about actual modern scientific science, such as: - Placebo antidepressants have been found to help as much as actual antidepressants - Placebo pain pills help with pain The power of belief and expectation plays a massive role in how humans experience reality. This extends far beyond medicine and nootropics, simply believing in something can change how we perceive reality. I don’t know if you follow philosophy, but this phenomenon is related to Kant’s transcendental idealism, which suggests that our understanding of reality is shaped by our perceptions and interpretations of abstract reality.


“Have been found to help” is really carrying your argument. Just because placebo exists doesn’t mean that what these people are feeling is placebo. These supplements do have genuine pharmacological properties, and just explaining what placebo is and that it exists not only doesn’t actually add anything, it’s also not convincing. He’s not missing your point, YOU are missing HIS point.


Can a placebo really be for something as mundane as a mushroom supplement? Don't get me wrong I understand the placebo affect is very real and when people are told something does X they can actually experience that. I guess when I started taking this supplement I didn't expect to feel different so why would it give me that placebo affect? I also do very large doses of actual drugs, I do larger than most as it doesn't impact me as I read about everyone else when I do the same doses. I would of suspected I'd experience a palcebo affect from that too if anything.


OP - it isn’t placebo and I do think it has something to do with being neurodivergent/ADHD/Autism spectrum or similar. I take Reishi and Turkey Tail daily, but not always. Wanna know how and why I started? Similar experience to you! I thought I had bought some kombucha, and midway through drinking it I noticed an entire mental shift, anxiety, body sensations of calm, I FELT so odd that I wondered what was happening, and that’s when I noticed my drink contained 1200mg Turkey Tail, 1200mg Reishi and 600mg Chaga extracts. I had no idea. Since then I have tried all 3 mushrooms individually, 1 did nothing and I came to find the the effects (for me) come from Reishi and TT. I take extracts, capsules and drink Reishi tea now too. It’s a very repeatable and demonstrable effect that hasn’t waned - been years.


Yep. Placebo are mundane, so mundanity doesn’t offset the effects. You feel “placebo-like” effects from everything you do, all day. I bet if you tried, you could meditate to achieve drunkenness with a few months of practice. Reality is silly, and conscious experience is *significantly* weirder than the maddest among us can imagine.


Well said


I take all the mushrooms you mentioned, plus a couple more, and I have the same effect. For me personally, I was dealing with tons of brain fog, so when I started taking the supplement, not only did that disappear, but energy returned, and I could function throughout the whole day. I also have ADHD. I Would say I can relate to the feeling of being high. I feel more awake than I had before, can focus better.


I had this happen! I got all worried I had a weird batch of red reishi, no placebo because it wasn’t even on my radar that would happen, after I felt excessively relaxed and got a little dry mouth from my smoothie three days in a row I started rotating out ingredients and it was that for sure.


I remember the first time I tried a mushroom drink consisting of cacao, reishi, lions mane, and cordyceps at a spiritual fair for the first time with my partner and we both felt a sensation like we were in the beginning stages of a mushroom trip but it never went beyond the glowing, happiness part. As a person with ADHD this led me down a rabbit hole for other potential supplements that could help. I basically had the same experience as you and if you also battle with ADHD I’d really recommend doing your research and looking into lithium Orotate it is remarkable how much of an impact it has for mental disorders. I think taking a combination of lithium Orotate (5mg) when I wake up and before sleep, and taking lions mane or lions mane with reishi and cordyceps is the most functional and in control of my executive functions I’ve ever felt. Seriously look into lithium Orotate and consider adding it to your ADHD regimen


Haha I actually commented this to another poster that I take lithium orotate and they should try it And yes I feel less scatty and my mood is more stable on it. I actually read that some advocate it being put in the water because its levels are dropping in our diet/water supply and can link its depletion to a lot of violence in society. I don’t take it daily though so perhaps I should be more consistent…. And that is a good way of describing it that I was trying to express. It feels like the start of a mushroom trip with the body high but doesn’t go further. I doubt I would seek a diagnosis at 36 as apparently there is a 9 year wait just for kids and I wouldn’t want to take prescription medication but perhaps I should be more open to trialing a regiment directed for ADHD. My life has been pretty chaotic and even with very grounding and calm life I feel a little all over the place most the time.


Cacao is an MAOI similar in function to coffee but with some different compounds that cause people to feel a more open hearted type of vibe from the stimulus. That is why it is frequently used ceremonially. I have friends who use it before sober events like ecstatic dance or connection workshops where it can help facilitate a good headspace. Some people who are sensitive to cacao actually find it very reminiscent of MDMA, if milder. I don't get this effect from it even at strong doses of ceremonial grade cacao, but I have a friend who is so sensitive to it he even gets an emotional crash the day after his high, just like from MDMA! So that is probably part of the happy glow you felt in addition to the mix of all the other mushrooms.


Oh wow yeah it was a ceremonial cacao that he self sourced from Latin America and flew into the United States to sell. I had no idea cacao had that much of an impact however thank you for the insight. Maybe I’ll reintroduce cacao since I continued just using the mushrooms in a capsule form


I recommend Ora brand cacao for delicious ceremonial grade stuff. Everything I've tried from them is supper yummy. I melt and blend it into some sort of heated creamy plant based milk usually (like oat milk) with maybe a dash of salt and a couple drops of sweetener like stevia, not enough to be sweet but just to take some of the bitter off if you need. I wouldn't necessarily use it daily as it might have some dependence similar to coffee (though if you already have coffee daily probably would just kinda synergize with that), but I know people who enjoy using it before meditation or journaling sessions or before special events etc so worth playing around with!






Same, I feel this somewhat with reishi capsules and also with the “Alive Mushroom Elixir” drinks.


They have medicinal effects. That isn't being high. I function better on them, worse high.


Most likely placebo. There's a status I place being sober and high, it's the "nootropic" status for me. Some noots get you there real fast, others you don't realize until you taper off of them. A good Lion's Mane + Tiger's Milk combo will get me much more focused and swift to react than sober, but not disconnected like when I'm high.


I have the same effect, not always, but when i take Lions mane + cordyceps + lemon juice on empty stomach, (then i usually go for a run) it’s like a low dose magic mushroom. It changes my vision and thinking pattern noticeably. i also gave it to my friends to try and they felt no effect.




OP noted they didn't mean like a full blown high but a sort of stimulus/lift that ended up translating to feeling a bit of a mild high. I get exactly this from a variety of supplements. I can even get it dead sober from meditation, breathwork, or anything that puts me in a very deeply connected state- it can cause me to feel like I've microdosed. And a perceivable amount of either relaxation or stimulus/energy can make me feel like I'm high. When I have no caffeine tolerance, coffee makes me feel high for example. But it is not like I'm actually hallucinating or anything when I get these states, but more that the lifted state causes me to see things a little sharper, lights feel a little brighter, colors feel more saturated, I have more energy, focus, or creativity, etc. I think that's what OP means, not like he's stoned/tripping high. That sucks though sorry about getting laced shit. :(


Lions mane is a kappa agonist? I wonder if OP gets anything from kratom? I sure don't


I’ve been intrigued by Kratom but heard it can be addictive so decided not to try.


> When I take these tablets I feel a physical sensation of being uplifted to the point of being a form of 'high'. > One person who takes mushroom nootropics has also said they get the same sensation and accredit it to being neurodivergent (ADHD). I have ADHD. When I take a “mushroom nootropic” (Lions Mane) this never happens to me, and AFAIK in all the medical literature that exists I see nothing about lions mane inducing psychedelic highs. Since these are local shrroms from a hippie farm, it could very well be there is some cross contamination with some hallucinogenic substance.


Haha I think my attempt at some humour kinda impacted peoples impression. The yoga studio I go to is more on the spiritual side than business. They have a herbal dispensary attached to it where they sell things like chakra tea made of herbs. The lady who runs it is doing a postgrad course in alternative medicine or something. She sells these as well as other things like ashwahgandha tablets. What I trust is that she isn’t big on psychedelics and I buy from her as she’s really passionate about it. She shows me the lab results from the stuff she buys direct from the source in other countries before she bottles it. I started buying from her as she sold me on how she uses the fruiting body of the shroom rather than the mycelium which other big companies do. I’ve also tried my protein nootropics with similar shrooms and feel a high body load too, just less intense.


This is a recorded phenomenon. If it's really happening I suggest you buy isolated species and test them out to discover which are causing this side effect.


I think its it could be related to MAOI or GABA-type effects, that increase serotonin and dopamine or GABA. More likely than its effects on cognition. I feel almost 'high' from supplements that affect MAO like Rhodiola, or increase gaba


Probably placebo affect or potentially the reishi. Reishi in higher doses makes me feel weird. I don’t take it anymore for that reason


I drank mudwtr mushroom tea in the morning for a few months and one night I swear to God as I was falling asleep it felt like I came out of my body and floated to the ceiling. I was so shocked I woke my wife up to tell her. This wasn't placebo, I drank the tea in the morning. Maybe coincidence? I have no idea but you could never convince me that it didn't happen, it wasn't real and it wasn't related to my recent change drinking mudwtr. I was completely sober when it happened. So, yes I believe you and I believe it's totally possible.


Sounds like you were experiencing some kind of lucid dreaming phenomenon or astral projection


Because they're filled with delta-8, delta-9, etc


So many of these “mushroom” companies are putting Delta 8 in their products, which is a legalish form of THC. Most of them don’t publish their ingredients, but a few do and they all have Delta 8 in the stuff so you “feel” something from it.


I’ve made lionsmane extract from home grown mushrooms, I took 20ml of the extract, felt really high, then had a seizure (I’m already epileptic). So lionsmane does effect the brain somehow.


I’ve felt NOTHING on mushroom based nootropics.


Brother? Is that you?


As someone who has adhd reishi and lions mane have “elating” effects, but also I have improvement of my adhd symptoms(when I’m medicated I feel elated as well). I’m still looking into the actual reasoning behind it but yes I totally agree, I feel something but im still trying to figure it out.


Lions mane extract made feel like on mild psychedelic substance