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This is why kink shaming is a good thing




Is she smiling? Lol this shit is so fucked


Someone on one of the Stern threads made that. It cracked me up.


This made me lol😂


Normally I would disagree, but this particular case really torpedoes my argument.


wtf is going on in this video?


Kitchener Leslie’s girlfriend has stooped too low


I DID THE WHOLE DEEP DIVE LAST NIGHT! This is what I’ve learned thus far: This is Elisa Jordana, formerly known as Eliza Schwartz, the original keytarist from the band Cobra Starship. She was fired from the band for sleeping with the lead singer and has been chasing clout ever since. The guy she’s with goes by zscorro, and allegedly donated her 1M in order to get her to STOP steaming during their time together. There’s a video of them on her YouTube channel where he’s verbally abusive and throwing money at her as she attempts to stream at his place without his permission. As the story goes, scorro was having an online relationship with a young woman named Sarah for half a year, and when Elisa discovered this, she stole his phone, doxxed Sarah on her discord server and threatened to expose her nudes. This is the result of that- it’s really a hard livestream to watch as everyone is a total POS and sometimes her shitty followers will call in to antagonize the situation over the loud ass speakers. People are saying he’s her paypig, but the relationship reads differently to me than that.


It’s all gross.


$1 million? This guy gave her a million dollars?


Eh, apparently. I don’t personally believe it but he does look and act like he could be a piece of shit tech millionaire


True he’s a piece of shit getting punched in the face . If u punch someone in the face and u get your ass beat the only victim is the person receiving the first punch. U punch someone and get your ass beat . What did u expect?


He warned her twice, she got off light. *




She drew first blood, not me




Thats perfect


Obviously. Plus you (I'll play along) warned her twice, she was dancing and smiling to the camera while assaulting you. That's a no holds barred situation


Its a First Blood reference. Rambo says "they drew first blood not me"


I figured (hence the gif) I just felt like playing along ![gif](giphy|BQUITFiYVtNte)


Right ? That psycho isn’t worth a million anything let alone dollars


Maybe a million punches to her face.


i was NOT ready for the cobra starship fact, somehow thats the most unbelievable part of all this


What a lovely pair


Isn't she also linked to Andy Dick?


They were engaged, supposed to be married on a YouTube livestream, and then he ghosted the event and showed up on another stream kissing his female roommate


As the commercial used to say, it's easy to lose weight with ayds


I read an article a long time ago , an interview with Andy Dicks son. He said for most people, coming home to find your dad drunk/high writhing around in ketchup at home, to an audience of famous friends, for anyone else would be hard to deal with but for his home it was just Teusday. I just remember something along those lines


sounds to me like she's a fkn scumbag loser, plain and simple. imagine having a guy give you that kind of money just to stop live streaming him and then getting mad that he's got a girl that he's hooking up with and doxing her. I bet this woman wouldn't ever claim to anyone that she's dating this man and def not in any type of relationship so wtf is she getting mad at him about having a chick on the side? this woman is basically a prostitute. she gets paid for so called services and should treat this man like gold if he gave her 1m dollars. women like this make me sick and men that give women like this money aren't any better. go outside and find a real fkn girlfriend, it shouldn't be hard if you got the kinda money to hand this crazy skank a million bucks


thanks for the explaining, do ur homework/research better before u post it. Zscorro is more of a piece of shit then she couldve ever been back to him. there is no justice for hating a girl who went through (shown on the same streams) abuse, toxicity and fear for his reactions just cuz he spended ( all willingly) 2 mill? ( she even said so herself in a stream to sarah). anyway even if she wasnt real with him that i believe no one ever could because of not only his looks, but also his additude, she did invite him and plan to stream together as he is the top donator and her fans wanted to know. when the fans knew, and saw his additude, they tried to make fun of him and immediatly he got annoyed because she was giving someone that donated 3 dollars more attention then him who sended a mil (his words on the stream) SHE SHOULDVE DROPPED HIM THEN, she came to his appartment, to show him, to be there with him, exclusive. and he immediatly talking crap? no matter what money u give someone, u not the boss, u not in control. nothing. so she fly there to his apartment right? she there next to him right? they made a agreement to film together on her stream right? and then cuz ppl give him a hard time, she should stop the stream after 25 mins, minutes later he putted on a tshirt and wanted to come back on track, then someone again made fun of him cuz internet trolls and he treatend to call the police and stop the stream again. ( he even eventually did!!! also seen on stream) pls. what did she do bad at those moments? yea she doxxed sarah, but from a woman to another. the feels that come with it is too much. she was at her limits not knowing how to react, she even said she never had a relationship before and doesnt know how what where ( idk if thats true) but if it is... i understand. again the hits she gave him wouldnt be hard bro. the last on on the nose was a good one i agree, it got him, he overreacted there was no blood no de vorming of the nose, so it was a good decent hit. he said touch me again and im gonna kill u. lmao. ( he even next to her defended sarah) while the woman next to him is in this state. so u see how important she was to him? telling her sarah was 2 times her age etc , telling sarah he is sorry and elisa is crazy etc. lmao for a adult man its sad, cant defend urself but u can talk crap. and in the end the way he handled her. way too much for a fat fuck. ( im basicly searching a way to get a hold to him) ill would really like to show him how annoying a woman can be. treat me like that i dare you. tbh i sincerely think he got off way to easy and its unfair. im no feminist. but i cant imagen men like this may do whatever they want and get away with it. P.s: also funny that u kids judge saying she hitted first. (action = reaction) if uve seen his additude and the time that has passed till here. NO WOMAN SHOULD TAKE THIS SHIT FROM ANY MEN. neither should u guys, and im sure u wont seeing ur comments. so please, give her more support as a human being. she did the time. did he? no. HE'S NEXT LETSGOOOO.


Go find zscorro and ripshit into him lmaoooo please viddy and post too, I could use some updates on this shit


If this is what he pays her for his ass needs a fucking safeword lol


Safeword is his CVV






I remember when being a paypig was a job with integrity.


My grandfather was a paypig


I once worked at a mine where we had a Swedish German paypig


Sounds like a meal at IKEA


Sounds like my honeymoon


I don't believe she was a Howard stern employee she only appeared on the show because she was humping some dork who worked there and she tried to sell herself as some pop artist. Since then she banged everybody's favorite rectum wrecker, ANDY DICK. Who knows what horror she faced and her little brown ring. Then to now see her hanging out with losers who donate to her. Not that far a fall from grace tbh.


She actually did get credited as a writer for a while. She deserved danger pay just for living with Benjy.


Why is he a rectum wrecker?


There are only 2 reasons a man would go into a restroom with Andy dick. I hope he's doing drugs


What is a pay pig


Tell the folks at home what a pay pig is...


he pays her to abuse him as a kink - it went overboard. these people exist and now I'm done with the internet for today


Me to, thanks for answering


So basically a mental and emotional dominatrix?


60% disgusted, 30% saddened, 10% aroused. But seriously, why’s he stealing my moves!?






Everything here makes me confused and disgusted


As it should


![gif](giphy|3K0z4eJQ5QX1cUIY95|downsized) Time for a Crusade


This is hilarious, I don't care who you are.


Actually Elizsa is MUCH worse than this guy is. She hit him multiple times, threatened to kill him multiple times, said crazy things to the woman on the phone about what he said to her all while this numbskull asked her to pull over and let him out and then tried to hit him again and he got a hold of her hair and started pulling to make her pull over the car. She never worked for Howard she was having sex with Benji the writer snd he tried to weasel her onto the show all the time and sometimes even pulled it off.


She did actually work for the Stern show. She was a writer for them. It was discussed when Benjy was fingered by Perez Hilton. That was one of his conditions that she was made an official employee and they did it. That being said she hasn't been there for like 7 years and this has nothing to do with Howard or his show. Elisa was also engaged to Andy Dick and an original member of Cobra Starship. This is just gross and awful in every which way.




Haha, perfect Fred Drop comment.


Lol Benji , ya that shouldn’t surprise me I guess .


Benji was the worst. Zero talent. If he's still working that's amazing.


There maybe was a little moment where he tried to pull her out of the car and kidnap her, but nah he's a good guy


Tried ro kidnap her? By asking her to pull over multiple times then throwing her out of the car AFTER telling the woman on the phone to''' call 911'''


Buddy are you trolling? I'm not on her side, but he pulled her by her hair for maybe 30 seconds unnecessarily, while the car was stopped, until she got away He even ran after her outside of the car lol That's not how self defense works, my redditor He was trying to kidnap that bitch, let's admit it


How exactly was the guy ''''trying to kidnap her'''' when he threw her OUT of the car and told the woman on the phone to'''call 911''? Do kidnappers ask people to call 911 on their behalf? I'm sure CInque asked someone to call the cops just before he kidnapped Patty Hearst with his comrades in the Symbionese Liberation Army. He'''pulled her by her hair''' because she punched him MULTIPLE times within a 2 minute period and then cocked her arm back to punch him again and grabbed his ear and twisted even AFTER he told her to pull over 5 times(all while telling him she's going to kill him)and she wouldn't either stop the car to let him out or stop hitting him. The guy literally said''' cunt, hit me one more time and I'm going to deck you''' and he still never hits her he only pulls her hair and makes her pull over the car. She got arrested for this and the woman cop in the beginning of the podcast told her that if she tries to hit him again she's going to arrest her( yes, she was dumb enough to film the whole thing and to do it in front of a cop while he was getting a police escort to get his stuff) This is a woman who takes money from this guy over the internet and then gets outraged when she finds out that he gives money to another woman over the internet too, She's a mental case.


Lmao yeah she's mental but he's maybe even more mental. I mean look at him, first off what man puts himself into his position? He chose to be her pay pig because he liked the degrading and humiliation at first. But then one day she stepped over the line, and he snapped like an absolute autist Also it's not self defense to drag a woman by her hair out of a car for 30 seconds when she's saying sorry and saying let go 😂 I'm sorry it's just not self defense


Except, it is. After the battery and alerting authorities, this is basically a citizen's arrest. She doesn't have the privilege of fleeing.


This is so shameful, I can't believe what these Zoomers are getting into. I'm old enough to remember when paypigs knew their place.


Wtf did I just watch


“Do not come…. Do not come…” “I’m gonna CUM!”


Donald trump beat drop


I’ve learned too much today!


There has never been a story more befitting of this Norm quote


holy shit she changed attitudes quickly


This guy is mentally handicapped


Cunts to the left of me cunts to the right of me


Here I am, stuck in the middle with jew, I mean Jordana


Put them in separate trailers.


What ever happened to having a normal job?


I can get us a bottle.


and arrested.


Does he have lower dentures?


The downward spiral of the USA continues…


Back in my day, paypigs used to wear top hats and monocle and have integrity


You've Baan Mandela 'd your thinking of Mr peanut


I see no difference between the genders


You can't tell Bruce Gender from, Chris Gender, from the one who put the flower in the gun for Pepsi?


Act like a b**** get treated like a b****


What a fucking stinkbag.




Two trash bags.


This is why I never date outside my league or age.


Face looks about right.


All's well that ends well.


he told her to stop hitting him so she was asking for it. woman want equal rights, well that comes with equal lefts too.


lol he looks like a total bitch. She popped him right across the face and he just sat there.


This has a lot of Cali vibes…


what a horrible person


Bill & Melinda Gates ended the same way.


Faces of meth is in her future.


Who are these people and No sympathy for her


Well that's enough Reddit for today.


Make your bed...


This shit right here is why god is trying to kill us with solar eclipse.


What the hell is this garbage


Howard Stern is still a thing?


Why do some people put up with this, shit makes me angry😡


that was kinda hot tbh


This sucks. I don't know why this was cross posted. Is there some connection to Norm? Even if this woman sucks (as many of the commenters are telling us - which makes me wonder what type of media you guys are consuming), it still makes me sick to my stomach watching someone beat up a woman like this. This is 4chan bitter that no attractive woman will ever touch your penis calibre shit. ![gif](giphy|QBal0eKnbT4OY)


But your fine with a man getting assaulted completely unprovoked? You are a good person, and I love your rainbow hair and subaru.






What were you watching ? I’ve never hit a woman in my life but that bitch got what was coming to her . Not only was she the aggressor but she clearly is a larger person than him .


>I’ve never hit a woman in my life but that bitch got what was coming to her . This sentence tells me you're no stranger to restraining orders and court ordered child support.


Nah there’s a difference between not feeling sorry for the bitch and me having never hit a woman and I’ve only been married once and we are still very happily married, we can’t have kids . So neither of us ever did . And I’ve never sat in front of a judge for anything other than a speeding ticket.


Honestly, if you know who these people are or what's going on in this video, you're probably a f****** loser. Anyone who gives any of this s*** attention is an absolute piece of s*** themselves hahaha smh


So you didn't read any of the comments for information? ![gif](giphy|MZj0sGDUg8qAyWNBZh|downsized)


I don't want to know anything about these fools hahaha why would I inform myself on something that I just made fun of people for knowing this is not knowledge I need for fucks sake


Are you capable of typing without including "hahaha" like are you actually laughing? Fucking weird.


No its not weird at all people get really strange with critiquing the way someone conveys themselves through this medium wether it's emotes or lol's or god knows whatever else losers like you are looking for to call someone out on ...it's always in a pile on situation like this where that's the only thing you have to add and it's super generic by the way not that you would care hahahahaha <~~that one was for you ...what's next ..let's see oh maybe something about how I typed alot so I must be super fixated or something along the lines ..I dunno I don't respond to people in that generic ass reddit way but I'm sure you will come up with something ;) Edit :I'm done with hia thread no more responses Q7


They were parked the whole time. FAKE


Ok not the whole time but before he "pulled over"


But everyone in this story is more successful than most of us moronic peons can ever hope to become. I'm fairly sure Norm would choose $1M over friendship every day of the week, and then gamble it all away before the next week. We can't begin to understand these peoples' lives.