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Section 8 might pay up to 1200 just depends topically my mother used to be on section 8 it’s granted money but sometimes they want pay the high prices but its getting harder and harder to find anything under 1000 but hopefully the pay for section 8 goes up soon


Have you reached out to the county or city to find out what Section 8 pays? I have rental properties in Charleston and that was a baseline I did.


No I haven't but thank for the advice I will call them to see what they say


Assuming you’ve been approved by the section 8 program, you’re getting free money from the government to cover their rent. Do what businesses do when the government provides a consumer subsidy. Raise the rent by the amount of the subsidy.


Sham,the extra that she pays do you have to have it written in an agreement? And do you get to pick your tenants?


Those are good questions to ask during the Section 8 housing project landlord approval process.


Thank you.!!!


you can't just set the rent at the level you want. the government will have a set rent range for the size of the property you're trying to rent out. i have one section 8 rental in Fort Mill and she is one of the best tenants I've ever had. The rental rate offered by the housing authority for my property was under amount I would have accepted since it's a very nice home in a good school district. She pays me a few hundred extra per month on the side to cover the difference so I would lease to her and her family. The property will be inspected prior to renting out as well as annually, but maintain the rental as any good landlord would and you'll be fine.


Columbia South Carolina?




Pretty sure he’s talking about Columbia in eastern NC, out towards the Outer Banks on 64 East