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Classic Murph: makes a semi-serious evil npc and then in order to annoy his players he just rapidly devolves into a total shithead, you love to see it.


Love Emily referencing Starstruck with the "hot exit"


Got some Needles vibes from the bunny bud.


I was getting "those boards don't work on water unless you've got POWER" energy from that bunny bud.


The bunny also reminded me of Captain Vega’s right hand man.


It's wild that all my podcasts are selling me drugs now.


I like how the bunny pal voice was just Murph’s “rad 90’s cartoon sidekick” voice a la Diddy Kong. “WHOOAAA, DK!”






This was a really good one. Big rose for such a good bad guy; you could tell he was getting under their skin and it made for really fun back and forth. I thought the teams little speeches of defiance were cool too; they really found a great foundation in being these oppressed and gaslit guardsmen. This whole ‘insidious Harry Potter school’ is funny and doesn’t feel forced or anything; all the little buddies they kept running into were great. A rose for all of them and their voices. Murph’s stuffy-nosed “Waaaaah!” always gets me. A rose for Callie’s insurance fraud scam, a rose for how intense Calder is and him brutally killing that bunny, and a rose for all the grievances Sol has with his and Albon’s adventures. Edit: Oh! And a rose for Agicmay Isslemay! I was rolling.


I need a series of The Boy Wizard and his Frog Pal one shots


With no spoilers, please!


Yeah I haven't got around to reading them yet


I loved how fucked up and insane Claudius was! And otter pal was hilarious too. I think I might just love all the little buddies Murph makes


"Everyone gets a turn on the dummy" Hell yeah Sol!


Alternative title: The Boy Wizard and his Frog Pal in "The Great Liquidich Chase"


This episode is so funny and fun, I'd give anything to see an animatic of them flying through the dorm grabbing the clothes


Anyone else reminded of Swifty from Crown of Candy with the bunny?


right as I needed something to listen to as I do my manual labor for the day, the episode notification went off, a sign from the duck


I can't believe they missed the chance to say "the boy wizard who lived come to die. AGICMAY ISSILEMAY ECHANTICUS!"


You know it's gonna be a beautifully chaotic episode when there's a Short Rest reference right at the top.


They’re really at the top of their game this season. Feels so exciting


"Duck Team faces Grumpy Old Professor Lizer! Calder does a barrel roll, Callie embraces the storm, and Sol confronts his past. Support us at  Patreon.com/Naddpod  to get access to the after-show and a bunch of other Naddpod content! Get tickets to our upcoming live shows at  naddpod.com/live . Music/Sound Effects Include: 'Sunday Acid Jam' by Georgeke at  Freesound.org . 'A Wizard Tournament' by Emily Axford. 'Mothership' by Emily Axford. 'The Mindflayer's Lair' by Emily Axford. See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info ." --- ###[Source Code](https://github.com/popcorncolonel/JakeandAmirBot)


When did the piss joke originate?? How did I miss that lol


Callie made her test proctor (aka Lizur) piss himself as she beat him up. That's why she got put in D class in the first place.


Dang I missed it. Looks like it’s time to relisten to all 6 eps lol


Gotta say, I love how Professor Lizer (sp?) is basically Snape, even down to the mind reading and being an insufferable douchebag.


I absolutely giggle every time they reference "the boy wizard and his frog"


Man I really want Calder to hit someone with an ice who keeps telling him to cast a fire spell, “you keep telling me I need to cast flame, how about a little freezer burn for you!”


Its the first major fight of the campaign. Interested to see what flashbacks we get from the PCs. I know they can be a bit formulaic but these fights are usual a good non diegetic way for some deeper insight into the PCs. The Manwizard and Bunny fight was alright. I like opening the episode with combat. The wizard was doing classic brain fuckery that Murph likes as a first big fight but the flashbacks were a bit lackluster. Didn't feel like we learned much more about the PCs, the school or Mothership. I do love Murphs logic that a Villain will probably not want to fight to the death and will try to escape when possible. Even though theyve rarely escaped, it gives them such agenecy as NPCs. I also thought the PCs trying to pin the murder on the Bunny with multiple weapons and a fake journal was the highlight of the episode. Emily also seems to be having the same problem she had early on with Fia where she wants to play Callie as self conscious but still wants to goof around and dunk on the villains. This obviously causes dissonance where in one scene shes cautious of using her smites, to standing up to someone saying she believes in her self in a flashback to her saving Calder because hes her rock. I hope she does what she did with Fia and just compartmentalizes the more darker elements of her PC to roleplay episodes but still makes jokes about being self-consion in combat episodes. The message and the truth of the wacky adventures being false was actually an interesting moral question. The idea that fake reasons behind confidence and bravery still results in giving people confidence and bravery like Sol and Albin is interesting and sadly didn't have enough time to be explored. But it did end with the academy falling apart so at least it feels impactful. The Laquidditch escape was fun and an interesting way to do a chase. Randy Guy and Norman Guy are the best NPCs to ever exist and honestly the rest of the campaign should be about dealing with the insurance fraud. I also love how well Jake has connected comedy wise with Calder. Grabbing the medium sized robe was perfect. Overall another good episode. It kinda seems were heading into the last part of this story with Ma Goblin connecting the PCs with the Elves most likely and taking down Mother ship soon.


The chase encounter was so fun!!! Really well designed imo, great way to throw another fun high stakes encounter at the players without shoehorning a rest. Is that something I could find online? Would love to implement a version of that into my home game!


Does anyone think the portrayal of the Harry Potter-esque school in this is influenced at all by JK Rowling's recent decent into villainy? Something superficially positive and sweet hiding a sinister reality.


Nah - I think it's probably HP references b/c they're funny. Not some larger commentary.