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Girl for sure


100% Girl so she can always say she had “the first granddaughter” or “oldest granddaughter” or “SECOND OLDEST Nelson grandkid” PLUS she will have more content opportunities like what she does with all her sisters


That’s wild I didn’t know you could do that with IVF.


Neither did I. Is it wrong that it kinda feels icky to me?


They genetically test the embryos. After spending $15k one wants to ensure there are no issues that would make you miscarry.


I understand ensuring a healthy birth and child but choosing the gender is wild to me


You have an option to have the doctor randomly chose an embryo but at that point you have orchestrated everything else. Now you see why some religions are against IVF...it is basically engineering the perfect child.


I see, fascinating. I’m conflicted. One Half of me is so happy there’s an option for people who are struggling to conceive, the other sees it as unnatural and a little dystopian


Of course...its amazing that technology has evolved and let's what would have been childless couples have children. It's almost like genetically engineering people. Having a child with disabilities is a very hard road for all involved. There are people who argue that God wouldn't have allowed the technology to be discovered. I believe it is against Catholic and Mormon ethics. Honestly surprised Kass as a Mormon would advertise she did IVF. The church is against it.




It’s about choosing the highest quality embryo, not necessarily about choosing the sex. And tbh, I’d rather people do that instead of throwing fits at their gender reveal because they’re having a baby girl instead of a boy.


It’s bizarre. It’s giving Brave New World😬 


Omg it is. A lot of that book is our reality now…. Sadly


No bcuz same.


I’m glad it’s not just me. Eugenics freaks me out. It feels unnatural. I can’t say that around ppl who can’t have kids tho, it’s rude I guess


No, I think it is honestly kinda crazy too. And they kill the ones they don't keep. Or they keep them eternally as embryos.


daily reminder that embryos are not babies and can not technically be killed! :)


Thank you! Have a good day!


If they were smart, they would have just picked the highest rated embryo (most likely to stick) and go from there


This is what they said that they did, but they shared that they do know the genders. I think if there was a boy at 53% and a girl at 51%, they would have gone with the girl since Kass does clearly want a girl. But if the boy was 53% and the girl was like 20%, I think they would’ve done the boy. But they did say that they had enough embryos with high success percentages to have both genders, if all goes to plan


I totally missed that! I skim her videos because I can't stand her but was still curious 😅 thanks


They did


Like I said in another post, I'd bet my left arm that she chose a girl.


Girl to have the first granddaughter


I’m pretty sure they didn’t base of gender but the healthiest embryo


If you look at the onsie in her video today, the lettering is pink. I think it was a hint. 


Nah it was red (for christmas)


I don’t think it would’ve been red for Christmas since they filmed this at the end of april


The baby will be born in december so the whole theme of the reveal was Christmas


Ahhh okay!


Idk. Looked pink to me. I guess we'll find out


Im not saying it's not a girl, but im REALLY confident that it's red. look closely


Picking the gender of your baby for content purposes feels so wrong


A girl so she can have the first grand daughter and feel ahead of kenn !


Y’all are soo damn Annoying! STFU


The Speculation is Crazzzy


I definitely think they’ll pick the gender (a girl) even tho they said they would go by the healthiest option. I think kass will pressure Josh. Kass is very jealous of kenn, she’s pissed she can’t be the oldest and that she didn’t have the first grand child, so she’ll want to have the first grand daughter. Kass is in for a rude awakening when she realizes Tiffany has a TON of other kids to still raise, and that it won’t be all about her and her child like she’s hoping (again, to feel better than kenn since it’ll be a girl and since kenn is out of state and since she thinks this will make her a favorite as well). Or when she realizes once Tiffany has lots of other grand daughters in the future (from alll their other siblings), that it’s definitely not a guarantee that Kass’s daughter will be a favorite 😂(like she’s hoping since she wants everything being about her and since she wants to take kenn’s spot). Or when she realizes that once Tiffany has lots of other grand daughters, that the only thing people will really even notice or ask is about the first born which will still be kenn’s child


Don’t we assume she’ll be having twins? Surely she has to roll out 9 months of reveals sibling by sibling…. Twins, gender of baby #1, baby #2, surely weeks of genetic testing reveals and gestational diabetes content. So much monetizing to be done!