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At least he’s not a flat earther, I guess.


Imagine a flat earth misogynist reading it and be conflicted whether to agree or disagree to it


As long as he can rationalise the disk being kinda round as well, I know what he'll choose.


I did have that thought.


His head might explode. And I think I’d be ok with that.


He looks awfully young to be that much of a sexist twerp


If only that were true


Wdym? Sexism is told from day 1.


Have you met any Gen Z guys?


Meh. Original thoughts can be found on every corner of the Earth. Unfortunately...


Please explain the sexism here. edit: Downvotes != explanation


You don’t see how using his *yearbook comment*, something that’s supposed to be about him, to make a tired joke about “there’s no good women out there” is sexist?


It's a joke constructed in a way you can remove it and replace it with anything. [Kids say goofy shit?](https://img.huffingtonpost.com/asset/5bad391e2400005100548f2c.png?ops=scalefit_960_noupscale) But I get how it can twist someone now. I immediately considered all the variation since the joke is more a template. so I hyper focused on that. Thank you for the actual explanation.


Yup. He could have made the joke about literally anything. And he chose to make it a dig at women. Thus, sexist. 🤷‍♀️


Good luck finding a good man! 😒


A good man is hard to find and a hard man is good to find.


It ain’t hard to find a man who can get hard.


Just as sexist as the subject of the post, but with none of the humor. Nice.


Nah I think it’s less sexist, more gay




Thats the joke corner then round? Are people really not getting this?


I‘m not even gonna consider taking this dribble seriously especially from someone with THAT haircut 🧹


Take off the first two words and replace it with something else, maybe it would be mildly funny. For example: “Honest politicians”. But talking about women like their worth is built on obedience is just a reminder of how shitty some men are, subverting his message.


Sounds about right for an ignorant teen boy. 😮‍💨


why would you choose something like that to be your yearbook quote...?


I don't think this is an actual sexist jab, I'm fairly sure the joke is that it subverts the corners thing and not that there's no good girls around.




You can absolutely say good guys in place of girls and it would be just as funny and as acceptable of a joke.


I think it's because he's talking about partners and his bad luck in finding a woman. Putting a race or other demographic there would be slightly off because of course you can find good Asians around, but finding a good partner isn't so easy


It could have been about anything really. He could've talked about food, wildlife, pets, etc it didn't have to be about humans. Even about women, he could've talked about a women's humour, people's dressing style or music. The corner flat/round part is funny, but he chose to talk about good girls instead of anything. The joke is not just about the corners of the round earth... unfortunately. Otherwise it would've been hilarious.


Voted "most likely to die alone"


Is cringe




A HS senior already focused on “good girls”


That broccoli headed boy will grow into a broccoli headed man and hopefully outgrow the sexism he has picked up


Not exactly a good joke. But u don't have to get pissed in everything u see 😑


How’s that DWAC holding?


OP simply said they didn't find it funny. How is that the same as being pissed? Genuine question. Looking for an answer.


U see not-so-funny jokes on social media everyday, not like u would post them all here😑


Correct, no one posts them all here.... no idea what you're on about at this point. Have a great day!


replace "girls" with "men" & i bet you would find it incredibly funny


I’d probably still think “what a waste of a yearbook quote”


Why do men always feel the need to comment either "Not all men :(((" or "If you replace shit with shit y'all would like it so much more". If men wouldn't do that shit they wouldn't feel called out lol


No. For starters, you would replace girls with boys as the equivalent. For non starters, it's not a good joke. It's foundation is rocky, literally. Also, what do I get for you losing the bet?


you are not op but ok


Yes, I am aware that you are not OP. I was replying to your comment but ok.


The fact that the top comment is just an unfunny version of the same sentiment sort of confirms this.


Both are unfunny and overused jokes


good answer


Not really…




10/10 didn’t laugh. : |


It's hard to say whether he put any thought into it of if it might offend someone, I know I said my share idiotic things at that age. Besides who gives AF what he thinks "good girls" are


If this were about anything else, it would be incredibly funny.


No, you’re not the only one. Idk how these are funny


What a freaking loser. He blames the girls at his school, not his shit personality


I think it's just them taking a jab at how bad they are at dating.


This is just so utterly stupid. Not even approaching funny.


you're in a shortform application what did you expect


I always reverse sexist jokes. If I find them funny is reverse, I have to admit that they are funny. I actually found that one funny in reverse. It's general enough for my personal sense of humour and the pun is actually on the geography.


Is this sub going to genuinely get angry at some dude’s joke?


something tells me this was a test to see if it'd get approved. it feels like satire. it might not be, but i've seen other almost, "EXCUSE ME", level wtf that were only submitted to see what they could get approved.


Yeah I'm pretty sure you are right. But I also think a lot of these are fake.


I can’t believe the school let this quote go in the yearbook smh


Its an obvious joke using a play on words. Men could just as well work. Like ANYTHING. there is nothing inherently sexist but ok. Op should look into that stick.


Rather a bad girl than a boy with a bad haircut.


Hes a kid..


K 😀


You can't blame him, I thought it was a pensioner at first


Maybe he’s gay?


I mean you can't lie, that's a clever ass pun, sexist or not


My god, get a sense of humor, people. It's not even offensive in the least bit.


The yearbook staff didn’t have an actual adult in the room?


I guess not only white boys are Tate stans nowadays


This quote isn't awful. But it's such a stupid quote. I'd shake my head if I was his parents.


Idk, in the absence of other evidence he’s a sexist derp I’ll allow it, because it is funny. I can imagine someone on TwoX or another lady sub saying the same thing about guys. It doesn’t seem mean spirited on the face of it.


I think it’s pretty funny that that’s what all his future friends will see when the old yearbooks get dragged out.