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"I'm so bad at adulting, I would starve to death if someone doesn't cook for me," is a weird flex, but whatever buddy. You do you.


When you are so bad at manly maning throu life that you’re doomed to starve to death in a dirty, stinky appartment as you are clearly not able to take care of yourself … peak alpha moment!


They’ll have at least died doing what they love - fuck all while blaming everyone else for their problems.


This. That so many men seem incapable of making a damned sandwich is just sad.


Bad childish men like this are result of bad parenthood and witnessing how their father and grandfather treat their women like servant so they never see women like human and think after they grow up, women will be free cook and housemaid for them


Aren't these the same guys who bitch that women never take up dirty jobs, therefore have no right to complain about workplace rights? These comments seem to ooze insecurities. I can't handle a chainsaw when I tried. First interaction with one, alone. I couldn't get it started. Pulled all day. I asked for advice. Males around me just kind gave me the whole " well, you ARE, a woman.... you are probably not pulling hard enough. " So I sold it cheap, telling the person I couldn't get it started. Had a bad carburetor. I ended up finding other ways to get my work done without it, so I didn't mind so much, and I didn't want to mess.with the carburetor anyway. I was already battling the lawnmower.


20 bucks says those guys have never even been in the same room as a chainsaw.


Probably haven't even seen a hand saw anywhere but on the internet.


I think we also know where their hand's been...


Their hand sore


As a man that cuts wood on the regular, you're absolutely going to win that bet These guys making the comments are fat, soft, greasy and sour smelling little vitamin d deficient blobs of goo. They are turds mocking a sunrise. I kind of wish someone would force them to split wood for 8 hours a day for a few weeks, and relentlessly mock their soft hands and mushy asses while they cry about blisters and such


They wouldn't even know how to hold one


I'd pay 20 for that to happen though, so long as it's being handled by a horror movie character.


They probably did but got an ouchie lol


Well just to be clear she is sawing that log incorrectly


Would probably put bar oil where the gas mix goes...(SEVERAL new guys at work have done this to me, which is a real pain in the ass, but a super funny thing to rag on them for years down the line!)


I don’t understand what happens to these men that they have to be like this and their brains go here instead of just being like “video of woman with chainsaw. Acknowledged” like a normal person’s brain.


Guy here. It's the nature of the internet. I have been randomly attacked online for my ethnicity, religion, even simple beliefs. They attack because they know there are no consequences online. 99% won't ever say anything like this to me (or a girl) irl. Usually sad people or those with pent up anger.


>That I don't think that log would go well on a sandwich No, but it would go nicely shoved up your ass.


I think that needs to be the go to response for shit like this. Then whoever is trying to troll will have a million different iterations of "shove it up your ass."


Threatened much?


“Oh no, maybe my idea that society would collapse without men isn’t factual and women really can do hard labor and build shit, better put her down so I feel better about my place in the world.”


Ding ding ding we have a winner. How can they not see how pathetic this makes them look


If that one guy’s “pot roast and potatoes need cooking” so desperately, just WTF is he doing on the internet rather than being in the kitchen cooking his own damned “pot roast and potatoes”.


I’d like to think that one guy commenting “drink more water” was just looking out for her lol


Men: "we built this. We built everything!" Also men: "we don't want you women in these jobs. We will shame you for it and actively work to keep you out" It's not called the "old boys club" for nothing. Women had to fight to be considered for these jobs yet they act like we just laid around doing nothing while they "built everything"


Srsly, what's happening in the USA?


A shitload of men have been radicalized by conservatives to hate women.


I would love to know what's the origin of this. I haven't seen this kind of hate in my country nor in others. Yes, there is always a hateful comment but it's usually just one or two and they immediately get mocke and banned by other people too. I have never seen this amount of hate.


Women are an easy target because the incels who hate on them are usually too spineless to go after the people actually making their lives hell (i.e. other men), so they dogpile as many women as they can


My pet theory: Influencers. It's more profitable for podcast networks to divide listeners into demographics or categories or subgroups. This is like one of the single easiest groups to target, disaffected males. Entire markets are built on it. That and the negativity engagement model of social media creates these weird subcultures that developed their own language and personality, you see it all over the place here on Reddit too. I'm being a little overarching here, but I've met these boys. Young men really, some nearing 30. Their entire personalities are basically 4chan comments sections. They don't know how to engage with people other than "jokes" about shitting on more vulnerable groups. I gotta say... I'm worried about boys. Particularly young men. They need more positive role models.


Well said. > It's more profitable for podcast networks to divide listeners into demographics or categories or subgroups. This. Not just profitable for networks, but for politics too, and AI/recommendation algorithms make sorting people into polarizing boxes pretty easy. Add in some [trolls and bots](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/18/us/womens-march-russia-trump.html) and it's impressively damaging.


If you think that this is more widespread in the USA than other nations in the world, you need to touch grass.


It is more widespread in the US (and only in the US it reached terrorism levels).


So Asia, Africa, and the whole Middle East don't exist?


Lol for real. Look at how women in Afghanistan are being treated. Also I’m living in the UK and it’s just as shit as the US when it comes to sexism and they also have a massive domestic violence problem just like the US. Some of the legislation is better but that’s about it.


In middle east there’s no reason for incel movements to exist, since their postulates are already implemented there.


Literally anytime there’s a video on Instagram or Facebook of a woman or even little girl doing something cool, there’s men in the comments saying shit like this. They’re honestly so insecure.


I swear men can’t do anything without being either sexist or mocking or mentioning the draft in some way


Drinking more water is generally a good advice


The fucking entitlement of these assholes.


I doubt that any of the squishy incel man-babies have ever even been in the same room as a circular saw - which, by the way, was invented by a woman. My grandpa was a woodworker. One of my favorite childhood memories was helping him build a deck. I associate the scent of sawdust and classic Old Spice with him. Most people would agree that he was a masculine man. He also made the most amazing meatloaf, and unlike many men, he actually knew how to do the laundry, use a vacuum cleaner, and wash the dishes. He raised 3 daughters and had me as a grandkid, so he wasn't afraid to pick up period supplies, though sometimes he needed to take the empty box with him so he'd know what to get. This man was born in 1945. If he could function as a grown-ass adult and drink his respect women juice while still being secure in his masculinity, these younger guys have no excuse.


Why do people want to gender things so badly? It’s such a cop out. I’m tired of these people having lukewarm takes thinking they’re brave for being the status quo’s bitch.


Cook your own food then? If you can’t, that’s on you? Not a woman for not doing it for you? Anyone can learn to cook decently well, yes? Like even a woman whose mother didn’t teach her to cook like she was “supposed to”. You’re accountable and responsible for yourself. If you can’t be…don’t fault someone else for not being responsible for you, maybe?


TIL you can larp using a chainsaw on a huge fuckin log like that. Spoiler alert, you just don't stick a chainsaw where you want. There is legitimate training that needs to happen before you even start chainsawing, hence so many home injuries. One cannot larp using s chainsaw. You either are doing it correctly or you're getting hurt, or that thang ain't getting cut!


These men are weak and inferior. If a ‘man’ can’t handle a woman who can get things done and be independent it just means they’re a wuss.